dyson 401321-01 Airstrait Straightener User Manual

June 10, 2024

dyson 401321-01 Airstrait Straightener User Manual
dyson 401321-01 Airstrait Straightener

Getting started

Op en the machine’s ar ms by sliding the lock but ton down.

LCD Screen
Displa y s air flow and temp erature set tings.


Using your straightener

 Your straightener is designed to be used with towel-dried hair, not dripping wet hair. Once towel-dried, detangle your hair with a brush or comb. Your straightener should never be used without the fan motor on.

Straightening from wet
B efore s tar ting to s traighten your hair, dr y your root s with the ar ms of your s traightener close d. You can use your s traightener with the ar ms locke d or jus t hold them close d. For the optimum ex p erience, use ma ximum air flow and a higher temp erature, and direc t the air flow towards your root s.

Unlock the ar ms and use the M ode selec t but ton to set your s traightener to Wet mode. Your s traightener will give you a choice of temp eratures that you can change according to your hair t y p e and s t y ling pref erence. Use lower temp eratures for f iner hair, and higher temp eratures for thicker hair. H old your s traightener so that the air flow is direc te d downwards and s tar t to pas s sec tions of hair through the ar ms. Rep e at until e ach sec tion is dr y. Change the air flow and temp erature set tings as re quired.

Refresh from dry
Use Dr y mode only to ref resh your s t y le. Unlock the ar ms and use the M ode selec t but ton to set your s traightener to Dr y mode. In Dr y mode, your s traightener has a choice of temp eratures and an additional B oos t when ne e ded.

Cool mode
Use Cool mode to set your s t y le. Hold your s traightener with the ar ms shut and direc t the air flow down the hair sec tion to smooth and set.

Adjusting the temperature
Pres s the Temp erature control but ton to change the set ting for your hair t y p e and styling pref erence.

S elec t B oos t when s t y ling dr y hair for a shot of ex tra he at

Adjusting the airflow
Pres s the A ir flow but ton to toggle b et we en high and low air flow

Idle mode
Be ween passes, your s traightener will ac tivate I dle mode. A ir flow will re duce, then incre ase as soon as you close the arms.

Auto pause
To sa ve energy, your s traightener will Auto pause when lef t for thre e seconds with the ar ms op en. I t will ac tivate again when you pick it up.

To sa ve energy, your s traightener will go into s tandby if lef t unat tende d with the ar ms op en for more than thre e minutes. Pres s the Power but ton to re – ac tivate.

Idle mode may cause lights to dim
High power appliances, such as your D yson A irs trait ™s traightener, may cause lights in your home to flicker or dim. They draw more elec tricit y, which temporarily takes power away from other appliances on the same circuit. If light dimming occurs when using your s traightener, tr y plugging in to a dif ferent outlet and circuit. A professional can help to identif y suitable outlets.


Your D y son A irs trait ™ s traightener has a set tings menu to help you cus tomize your machine to your usage. Pres s and hold the M ode selec t but ton to acces s the menu on the LC D scre en.

Idle mode
You can enable or disable I dle mode on your machine. Pres s and hold the M ode selec t but ton on your s traightener until the menu app e ar s. Pres s the Cool mode but ton to toggle b et we en on and off.

Auto pause
You can prevent your s traightener from Auto pausing. Pres s and hold the M ode selec t but ton on your s traightener until the menu app e ar s. Use the M ode selec t but ton to scroll through the menu options. Pres s the Cool mode but ton to selec t and pres s again to toggle b et we en on and off.

Pres s and hold the M ode selec t but ton on your s traightener until the menu app e ar s. Pres s the Cool mode but ton to toggle b et we en ° C and ° F.

Pres s and hold the M ode selec t but ton on your s traightener until the menu app e ar s. Pres s the M ode selec t but ton to scroll through the language options. Pres s the Cool mode but ton to selec t the language you want and then pres s again to conf ir m. A tick will app e ar on the scre en to conf ir m your selec tion.

Factory reset
Pres s and hold the M ode selec t but ton on your s traightener until the menu app e ar s. Pres s the Cool mode but ton to s tar t a fac tor y reset.

Use the M ode selec t but ton to scroll through to the E xit scre en and pres s the Cool mode but ton to selec t.

Cleaning your machine

Your s traightener has b e en precisely engine ere d. To maintain out s tanding styling p er for mance, it ne e ds to b e kept f re e f rom hair produc t residue and debris. A lit tle regular maintenance will optimize p er formance

Cleaning the filter

Remove the filter
Unplug your s traightener and let it cool down b efore cle aning your f ilter. H old the body of your s traightener with one hand and the p er forate d f ilter unit with the other. Pull down on the f ilter unit to rele ase it f rom the machine and onto the cable. G ently pull the f ilter op en and slide it of f the cable.

Wash the filter
Leave the f ilter unit to soak in war m, soapy water for at le as t 3 0 minutes. We recommend using a clarif y ing shampoo or dish soap. Using your f inger tips, r ub gently to thoroughly cle an both the inside and out side sur faces of the f ilter. S hake of f exces s water and le a ve for 24 hours in a well-ventilate d place until completely dry

Replace the filter
Pull the f ilter op en and slide it onto the cable. Slide the f ilter unit towards the machine body, align and click into place. Your s traightener will aler t you if the f ilter isn’t in place cor rec tly.

Cleaning the tension bars

Over time, hair produc t residue ma y build up on the tension bars. These bars sit at the top of the inside of e ach arm and it ’s impor tant to ke ep them cle an and f re e f rom debris. Use a sof t-bris tle d toothbr ush and a small amount of war m water to br usha way any debris. Dry with a clean, lint-free cloth

Cleaning the dif fusers

The dif f users are at tache d to the sides of the s traightener ’s ar ms. We recommend these are kept cle an, f re e f rom debris and hair produc t residue. This will ke ep them f unc tioning ef f ec tively. Ensure machine is s witche d of f then slide the dif f users of f the ends of the ar ms. Use a damp, lint-f re e cloth to remove any debris and hair produc t residue. You can also use a sof t-bris tle d toothbr ush to remove any s tubbor n residue. Ref it the dif f users to the ar ms once cle an and f ully dr y. We recommend that you don’t use your s traightener without the dif f users at tached.

Deep cleaning the filter

If the filter becomes blocked, you can de ep cle an it.

Remove filter unit
Unplug your s traightener and let it cool down b efore cle aning your f ilter. H old the body of your s traightener with one hand and the p er forate d f ilter unit with the other. Pull down on the f ilter unit to rele ase it f rom the machine and onto the cable. G ently pull the f ilter op en and slide it of f the cable.

Wipe filter mesh
Wipe the f ilter mesh with a dry, lint-f re e cloth to remove any debris.

Soak filter unit
Leave the f ilter unit to soak in war m, soapy water for at le as t 3 0 minutes. We recommend using a clarif y ing shampoo or dish soap

Remove inner filter
Remove f rom the f ilter cage.

Rub gently, rinse, then dry
Using your f inger tips, r ub gently to thoroughly cle an e ach par t. R inse both par t s of the f ilter unit to remove any debris.

Allow both par t s of the filter unit to air- dry completely or gently wip e with a lint-free cloth.

Replace inner filter
Check that all debris has b e en remove d b efore replacing the inner f ilter in the f ilter cage.

Replace filter unit
Pull the f ilter op en and slide it onto the cable. S lide the f ilter unit towards the machine body, align and click into place. Your s traightener will aler t you if the f ilter isn’t in place cor rec tly


Clean filter
You can continue to use your s traightener but we recommend you cle an the f ilter for optimum p er for mance. S can the Q R code on the scre en to help f ix this aler t or follow the Cle aning your f ilter ins tr uc tions above.

Filter blocked
Your s traightener won’t op erate until the f ilter is cle ane d. S can the Q R code on the scre en to help f ix this aler t or follow the Cle aning your f ilter ins tr uc tions above

No filter
The f ilter isn’t f it te d cor rec tly or is mis sing. Your s traightener won’t op erate until fitted.

Contact Dyson
There is a fault with your s traightener. Ple ase contac t Dyson.

Volt alert
Your machine has either b e en plugge d into a power source with the incor rec t voltage or the voltage is fluc tuating. Plug into a s table, compatible power supply

Too hot
Your s traightener has b ecome too hot and will ne e d to cool down. Tur n of f your s traightener, unplug and le a ve to cool down.

Your s traightener has an er ror. Pres s the Power but ton to tur n of f your s traightener and then turn it on again. I f this doesn’t cle ar the aler t, turn of f your s traightener and unplug f rom the power source. Plug in and tur n on again.


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