NUM AXES CANICOM 250S Dressage Canicom User Guide

June 10, 2024
NUM axes

NUM AXES CANICOM 250S Dressage Canicom

NUM AXES CANICOM 250S Dressage Canicom

User’s guide


Any person with individual device for cardiac assistance (pacemaker, defibrillator) must take precautions when they use CANICOM 250S.
This device emits some static magnetic fields (a magnet is located in the remote control).
Frequency = 869.525 Mhz, at = 25 mW.
The device complies with the European Standards.

Thank you for choosing a NUM’AXES product. Before using your CANICOM 250S, please read the instructions in this guide carefully and keep it for future reference.

Important safety and product information
  • This device can be used by children aged 8+ and also disabled people, sensory and mentally handicapped people or people without knowledge or experience provided they stay under strict supervision or they have received sufficient instructions on how to use the device safely, and potential risks have been evaluated. Children shall not play with the device. Cleaning and maintenance by user shall not be done by children without surveillance.
  • Before using the collar, we strongly advise you to have your dog checked by your vet to ensure he is fit to wear a collar.
  • Do not use the collar with dogs that are not in good physical shape (i.e. cardiac problems, epilepsy) or have behavioral problems (aggressive dog …).
  • Check your dog’s neck regularly as repeated rubbing of the contact points against the animal’s skin may cause irritation. If this happens, remove the collar until all signs of skin irritation have disappeared. Do not leave the collar more than 8 hours per day on your dog.
  • You can start using the collar with 6-month-old puppies that have already received some basic training: “stay”, “sit” or at least “no”.
  • Always start with the lowest level of stimulation and define the level from which your dog reacts by increasing gradually.
  • Do not hesitate to contact a professional trainer for any further advice.

Contents of the product CANICOM 250S

Inside the packaging you will find:

  • 1 CANICOM receiver collar fitted with short contact points
  • 1 CANICOM 250S remote control fitted with 1 lithium 3 Volts CR2430 battery
  • 1 lithium 3 Volts CR2 battery for the collar
  • 1 neon test lamp
  • 1 pair of long contact points
  • 1 carry strap
  • This user’s guide


Contents of the product CANICOM 250S

Description of the product


Description of the product

LCD SCREEN Diagram 3

Description of the product

First use from new

Fitting the battery in the receiver collar
  • Unscrew the 4 screws of the top of CANICOM using a screwdriver.
  • Insert the battery (3V Lithium CR2) p aying attention to follow polarity indicated on the battery housing (ref. Diagram 4).
  • A beep sound (low pitch) is emitted, indicating the correct installation of the battery. If you do not hear any beep after having inserted the battery, remove it immediately from its housing. Check the polarity before trying again
  • Before putting the lid back in place, check that the rubber seal is in its groove.
  • Screw up the 4 screws with care (do not overtighten them).

Diagram 4

First use from new

Activate/deactivate the remote control

Remote control is supplied with battery fitted.

  • Activate: press for 1 second the On/Off red button located on the side of the remote control (ref. Diagram.1). Indications appear on the LCD screen.
  • Deactivate: press for 1 second the On/Off red button of the remote control (ref. Diagram.1). The LCD screen is off.

To increase the battery life of the remote control, we recommend you to deactivate the unit if you are not using your CANICOM 250S for a long period.

Activate/deactivate the receiver collar

A magnet located in the remote control is used to either switch on/off the receiver collar.

  • Activate: approach the red area where the magnet is located inside the remote control until coming in contact on red indicator located on the receiver collar, hold for 1 second (ref. Diagram 5), the indicator light will flash in green indicating that CANICOM is on.

Diagram 5

Activate/deactivate the receiver collar

  • Deactivate: approach the red area where the magnet is located inside the remote control until coming in contact on red indicator located on the receiver collar, hold for 1 second (ref. Diagram 5), the indicator light will flash from green to red and then off: the collar is off.

To increase the battery life of the receiver collar, we recommend you deactivate the unit if you are no longer using your CANICOM 250S for a long period.

Coding of the remote control and receiver collar Each remote control has its individual radio operator code. The coding of the remote control with the receiver collar enables the two units to work together.
IMPORTANT: before beginning the coding, make sure no other person is using his CANICOM 250S or other products from the NUM’AXES range close by: your receiver collar could accidentally record the code of his remote control. If that occurs, re-code the remote control with the receiver collar.


  1. Activate the remote control: press for 1 second the On/Off red button located on the side of the remote control.
  2. Receiver collar in position « deactivated » (indicator off): approach the red indicator located on the remote control until coming in contact on red indicator located on the receiver collar, hold for 6 seconds. The indicator lights in fixed green, then flashes in red.
  3. Move the remote control away from the receiver collar.
  4. Press the button of the remote control. A beep sound is emitted, the collar is then synchronized with your remote control.
Reprogram a receiver collar

Collar can be re-coded indefinitely, either with the same remote control, or with a new CANICOM remote control. Ref. § coding procedure.

How to use the remote control

The CANICOM 250S remote control is designed to operate with 1 receiver collar.

button: beeper
If you press the « Beeper » button the receiver collar will emit sound signals. There is no time limit for this function: the beeper will continue to sound for as long as the button is pressed.

It’s up to you to use the beeper depending on the way you want to train your dog. With the beeper button you can:

  • send a sound to your dog when it is disobedient,
  • draw its attention,…

It’s very important to always use the beeper button in the same way in order not to disturb your dog.

F button: Flash stimulation
Press the «F» button to send a warning to your dog using stimulations transmitted by the two contact points located on the receiver collar for a defined length of time of less than one second.

C button: Continuous stimulation
Press the «C» button to send a warning to your dog using stimulations transmitted by the two contact points located on the receiver collar, this will last for as long as the button is pressed but limited to 8 seconds maximum.

« + » and « – » : stimulation level control buttons
Use the “+”/”-“ buttons for rapid adjustment of the stimulation level of the receiver collar.
9 levels are available.
Level 1: very weak stimulation. Level 9: strong stimulation.

Always start with the lowest level of stimulation.

Checking/replacing battery of remote control

Performance (radio range) of the remote control may deteriorate as battery becomes weak. Be prepared to replace the battery.

To check the condition of the battery, turn on the remote control and look at the battery level indicator on the LCD screen. The symbols which appear indicate the following:

Battery fully charged.
Weak battery: prepare to replace the battery.
Dead battery: your CANICOM 250S functions in safety mode and the system locks up. The battery must be replaced.

Replace the old battery with a new one as follows:

  • On the back of the remote control, unscrew the screw and remove the battery cover.
  • Remove the old battery.
  • Insert the new battery (3-V lithium CR 2430) making sure the polarity “+” noted on the battery is visible (ref. Diagram 6).
  • Put the battery cover back in place.
  • Retighten the screw.
  • Check the remote control operates correctly

Diagram 6

Checking/replacing battery of remote control

Checking/Replacing battery of receiver collar

To check the condition of the receiver collar battery, observe the On/Off indicator located on the front of the receiver collar:

  • Battery fully charged: flashes slowly green.
  • Weak battery: flashes quickly red. Replace it with a new battery (See § Fitting the battery in the receiver collar). Check the receiver collar operates correctly.

Changing the contact points

Two different series of contact points are supplied. The length of the contact points must be sufficient to have proper contact with the dog’s skin, enabling the device to operate correctly.
If you have a long-haired dog and the short contact points fitted to the collar in the factory are inadequate, remove and replace them with the long ones supplied with the kit. Carefully tighten them manually (do not use a key).

How to check that your CANICOM 250S is functioning properly

You can check that your CANICOM 250S is operating correctly at any time.

  • Before doing so, make sure that the receiver collar is turned « off ».
  • Place the neon test lamp in contact with each of the contact points (by unscrewing them then by screwing them up in order to grip wires of the lamp under the contact points).
  • Turn « on » the remote control and receiver collar.
  • Press the « F » or « C » button and modify the level of intensity of the stimulations: the test lamp will come on with more or less intensity.

Getting the best results

The training instructions you send to your dog are sent from the remote control to the receiver collar by radio waves. These radio waves are sensitive and the range reaches approximately 250 meters (depending on geography and environment).

The performances of your CANICOM 250S will be optimal if you respect the following recommendations:

  • To obtain a good radio range, do not cover the part located above the LCD screen when you hold the remote control in your hand.
  • The position of the receiver collar around the neck of the dog should be in the following way: the “On/Off” indicator is visible and is not in contact with the breast of the dog.
  • Check the batteries (remote control and receiver collar) before using the unit and replace them as soon as the level of load is weak.
  • The performances of the batteries decrease slightly under temperatures lower than 0°C. If possible keep the remote control warm (e.g. in the pocket) before using it.

Fitting the collar

The strap must be adjusted so that the contact points are in contact with the skin of the dog.

  • If the strap is too loose, the collar is likely to move and repeated friction can irritate the skin of your dog. Furthermore, it will not function correctly.
  • If the collar is too tight, the dog will have breathing difficulties.

The strap is properly adjusted when you can insert two fingers between the strap and your dog’s neck.

Do not leave the collar positioned at the same place for long periods (i.e. over 3 hours) because this can cause irritations. If your dog must carry the collar for long periods, change regularly the position around the neck of your dog.

Starting out with the training collar

  • Your dog will need to get used to the collar; for a few days let the dog wear the collar but do not use it.
  • Positive and effective training takes time. Do not rush:
  • Choose a familiar area, a place your dog is used to.
  • Define the level of stimulation from which your dog reacts by starting with the level of the lowest intensity and increasing gradually.
  • Choose the right moment to press the button: at the exact time your dog does something wrong.
  • Give your dog plenty of encouragement: it will learn faster and its desire to respond will only increase.

The difference between « continuous » and « flash » stimulation

The difference between « continuous » and « flash » stimulation

« continuous » stimulation

Should be typically used for training at a location that is familiar to the dog (at the beginning). Because the stimulation is continuous, use the lowest intensity and take advantage of the length of the stimulation rather than of the intensity, so your dog has time to understand.

« flash » stimulation

Use this function to correct your dog. The low stimulation will attract its attention, it will feel something unpleasant at the precise moment it is behaving badly.

Cautions for use

  • The CANICOM collar is totally waterproof. Your dog can swim in water.
  • The remote control is showerproof only : it is only designed to remain a short time in the rain. Put it in a dry place as soon as possible. If the remote control falls into the water, it could be damaged in an irreversible way.
  • The dog should not wear a medal, metallic collar, or any other kind of collar together with the training collar CANICOM 250S.
  • Avoid placing the remote control close to objects sensitive to magnetic fields, which could be irreversibly damaged.
  • Do not place or keep the unit in places exposed to high temperatures.
  • NUM’AXES advises to use the same type and same brand of batteries as those supplied in you new purchased product. Other brands of batteries may not operate, or may not be completely compatible with your product. You can purchase the suitable batteries from NUM’AXES or from your distributor.
  • Remove the battery from the receiver collar and the remote control if you are not using the appliance for 3 months or more.
  • It is necessary to replace the batteries every two years, even if the unit has not been used for long periods.
  • Never leave a discharged batteries in the unit (remote control and collar): leakage could damage your CANICOM 250S.


  • Avoid cleaning the unit with volatile liquids such as solvents or cleaning fluids. Use a soft cloth and neutral detergent.
  • In order to maintain water tightness, we recommend the replacement of the seal located in the receiver collar every year.


Should your CANICOM 250S stop working or develop a fault, first read this user’s guide over, then check the batteries and replace them if necessary and retry. Also check that you are using the product correctly.

If you encounter any problem, re-code the collar with the remote control (ref. coding procedure).

Re-initialise the system by removing the battery from its housing, then with a metallic tool (e.g. screwdriver, scissors) touch each of the 2 battery contacts for 2 seconds approximately (ref. Diagram 7). Insert the battery again: One beep is emitted, indicating the battery is in correct position. Restart your CANICOM using the remote control.

Diagram 7


If the problem persists, contact your distributor or check out on
You can also contact NUM’AXES at + or by Email [email protected].
Depending on the extent of the malfunction, you may have to return your product for service and repair.

For all repairs, please supply the following:

  • the complete product
  • the proof of purchase (invoice or sales receipt)

If you omit one of these items, the After Sales Service will have to invoice you for any repair costs incurred.

Technical specifications

Remote control Receiver collar
Power 1 3-V lithium battery CR2430
Battery life Continuous use:

000 triggers 7 months Continuous use: approximately 2 months
Range| approximately 250 m|
Hermetic seal| Showerproof| Waterproof
Indicator of wear of the batteries| Indicator on LCD screen| Indicator light
Levels of stimulations| 9|
Use temperature| between – 20°C and +40°C| between – 20°C and +40°C
Dimensions : H x L x D.| 98 mm x 45 mm x 18 mm| 38 mm x 68 mm x 43 mm
Weight (with the battery)| 50 g|  75 g (without strap) Collar adjustable to neck sizes from 20 to 50 cm


NUM’AXES guarantees the products against all production defects for two years after purchase.

All postage and packing charges will be the purchaser’s sole responsibility

Guarantee conditions

  1. The guarantee will be valid only if the proof of purchase (invoice or sales receipt), without cancellation, is submitted to the distributor or to NUM’AXES. The guarantee is limited to the original purchaser.

  2. This guarantee does not cover the following:
    – Changing the batteries
    – Changing the strap
    – Direct or indirect risks incurred when sending the article back to the distributor or NUM’AXES
    – Damage to the article caused by:
    – negligence or incorrect use (ex: bites, breakage, cracking)
    – use contrary to the instructions or not envisioned therein
    – repairs performed by unauthorized persons
    – Loss or theft

  3. If the product is found to be defective, NUM’AXES will either decide to repair or to replace it.

  4. No claim may be advanced against NUM’AXES, particularly in relation to incorrect use or breakdown.

  5.  NUM’AXES reserves the right to modify the characteristics of its products with a view to making technical improvements or to comply with new regulations.

  6. The information contained in this guide may be subject to amendment without prior notice.

  7. Photos and drawings are not contractual.

Register your product

Your product can be registered on our website at

Spare parts

You can purchase spare parts (batteries, straps, collar…) from your supplier at any time.

Collection and recycling of your device at the end of its life

The pictogram  which appears on your product means that this one can not be thrown with household refuse.
You have to bring the device to a collection location suitable for treatment, development, recycling, of electronic wastes or bring it back to your distributor.
Adopting this process, you do something for the environment, you contribute to the preservation of natural resources and to the protection of human health.


[email protected]



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