Shinko HR-700 Hybrid Recorder User Guide

June 9, 2024


Shinko HR-700 Hybrid Recorder



General Description

This instruction manual describes the communication command of the HR-700 Recorder. Please refer to the instruction manual for the transmission of the measurement data, setup of communication and wiring. Modbus RTU protocol as well as Original protocol can be used from version 4.00.

Contents| Wiring and communication procedure| Request measurement value| Setting of the recorder| Control of the recorder
HR-700 Hybrid Recorder instruction manual| O| O| |
HR-700 Hybrid Recorder Communication Command manual| | |




O: Please refer to the corresponding manual.

Difference between RS-485 and RS-232C

There is no difference between RS-232C and RS-485 with respect to the communication command in this recorder. However, wiring and signal levels may differ.

There is no difference between RS-232C and RS-485 with respect to the communication command in this recorder. However, wiring and signal levels may differ.

Basic item about the Original protocol command

The communication command consists of a command distinction code, a parameter, delimiter (comma), and terminator. The format of the command is as follows.
(Example) SR02 VOLT, 200mV, 0, 20000 (terminator)

Command distinction code:
This code is defined by two capital letters. (e.g. SR)
If the command needs a channel number, the channel number is described after the distinction code.

Each parameter is divided by a comma.
All the setting values are shown with an integer. (The plus sign can be omitted.)
The space character in the input parameter is ignored. However, the space character in the unit code, the comment printout code and the tag printout code are not ignored. Parameters can be omitted unless the parameters are varied. However, the comma (,) cannot be omitted. Commas which come before the terminator can be omitted.


The date parameter, the time parameter and the channel number parameter have fixed length. Different length of these parameters may cause errors.

  1. Date YY/MM/DD (8 characters)
  2. Time HH:MM:SS (8 characters)
  3. Channel Number: CHXX (2 characters)
Basic item about the Modbus RTU protocol

Modbus protocol is a communication protocol which was developed for PLC by Modicon Inc. (AEG Schneider Automation International SAS), and is listed in the protocol specification (PI-MBUS-300 Rev.J).
Regarding the Modbus protocol specification, refer to the protocol specification (PI-MBUS-300 Rev.J).
In this manual, we describe the function codes and data contents of Modbus protocol which can be used for the recorder.


Setup command

Setup command list
Table 2.1.1 Setup command list

Command Setting item Number of parameters Contents of parameter
SR Setting the range MAX 7 Channel, Mode, Range (Reference Channel) Span

lower limit value
Span upper limit value Scaling lower limit value Scaling upper limit value
SA| Setting the Alarm| 7| Channel Alarm level
Alarm ON/OFF
Alarm type, Alarm set point Relay ON/OFF, Relay No.
SN| Setting the Unit| 2| Channel, Unit
SC| Setting the Chart Speed| 1| 1st Chart speed
SD| Setting the Date/Time| 2| Date, time
SF| Setting the Digital Print| 2| Channel Digital print ON/OFF
ST| Setting the Tag| 2| Channel, Tag characters
SG| Setting the Comment| 2| Comment number Comment characters
SZ| Setting the Zone recording| 3| Channel Left end position Right end position
SP| Setting the Partial Compression/Expansion recording| 4| Channel, Partial ON/OFF Compression Expansion
SE| Setting the Chart Speed| 1| 2nd chart speed
SY| Copying the Setting data| 2| Channel to copy from Channel to copy to
SS| Setting the recording cycle| 1| Recording Cycle (Multipoint type only)

Sets the input range and record span for each channel as follows.

< Format>
SR(CH), (Mode), (Pr1), (Pr2), (Pr3), (Pr4), (Pr5), (Pr6), (Pr7), (CR)(LF)
CH: Specify a channel number to set.
Mode: Mode setting
PrN: The number of PrN varies depending on the contents of the Mode.

  1.  Record skip setting
    The record of the specified channel (CH) stops.
    [For the pen type recorder, No. 1 pen (red) is fixed on the left side (approx. 15%) and No. 2 pen (green) on the right side (approx. 85%), respectively.] CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
    Mode: SKIP
    Example) SR05,SKIP(CR)(LF)
    The 5th channel doesn’t record.

  2. Input range setting of the Voltage, Current, Thermocouple and RTD
    CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
    Mode: VOLT, TC or RTD
    The input of the 2nd channel is Thermocouple K, 0.0-300.0

  3. Difference/Sum/Mean operation setting.
    CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
    Mode: DELT,SIGM or MEAN
    Pr1: Reference Channel

    • Choose a smaller channel than CH.
    • The reference channel must be VOLT, TC, RTD or SCL mode.
      Shinko-HR-700-Hybrid-Recorder-03Pr2: Left end (Zero Input Value)
      Refer to Table 2.1.2.
      Pr3: Right end (Span Input Value)
      Example) SR05,02,DELT,0,3000(CR)(LF)
      The output of the 5th channel shows a difference between the input of the 5th channel and the 2nd channel (CH5-CH2). In this case, the input range of the 5th channel is the same as that of the 2nd channel.
  4. Scaling setting
    CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
    Mode: SCL
    Pr1: VOLT, TC, RTD
    Pr4: Right End (Span Input Value)
    Pr5: Scaling Left End
    Pr6: Scaling Right End
    Pr7: Decimal point position (0 to 4)
    Example) SR04,SCL,RTD,PT,0,3000,0,30000,2(CR)(LF)
    Pr5 through Pr7 can be omitted. When omitting parameters, three parameters must be omitted simultaneously.

  5. Square Root setting
    CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
    Mode: SQRT
    Pr1: Range (Only VOLT Input)
    Shinko-HR-700-Hybrid-Recorder-06Pr4: Scaling Left End
    Pr5: Scaling Right End
    Pr6: Decimal point position (0 to 4)
    Example) SR03,SQRT,mA,400,2000,0,10000,2(CR)(LF)
    Pr5 through Pr7 can be omitted. When omitting parameters, three parameters must be omitted simultaneously.

  6. Decade setting
    CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
    Mode: DECAD
    Pr1: Range (Only VOLT Input)
    Shinko-HR-700-Hybrid-Recorder-07Pr4: Scaling Left End
    Pr5: Scaling Right End
    Example) SR01,DECAD,10mV,0,1000,10E+01,10E+06(CR)(LF)

Table 2.1.2 Setting range

Input Range| Range or
Scaling Mode| Zero Input
Value (Left End)| Span Input
Value (Right End)| Decima
Point (Fixed)| Note
VOLT| 10mV| -1000| 1000| 2| 10mV
20mV| 0| 2000| 2| 0 to 20mV
50mV| 0| 5000| 2| 0 to 50mV
200mV| -2000| 2000| 1| 200mV
1V| -1000| 1000| 3| 1V
5V| 0| 5000| 3| 0 to 5V
10V| -10000| 10000| 2| 10V
mA| 400| 2000| 2| 4 to 20mA
TC| B| 0| 18200| 1| 0 to 1820
320| 33080| 1| 32 to 3308
R| 0| 17600| 1| 0 to 1760
320| 32000| 1| 32 to 3200
S| 0| 17600| 1| 0 to 1760
320| 32000| 1| 32 to 3200
K| -2000| 13700| 1| -200 to 1370
-3280| 24980| 1| -328 to 2498
E| -2000| 8000| 1| -200 to 800
-3280| 14720| 1| -328 to 1472
J| -2000| 11000| 1| -200 to 1100
-3280| 20120| 1| -328 to 2012
T| -2000| 4000| 1| -200 to 400
-3280| 7520| 1| -328 to 752
C| 0| 23200| 1| 0 to 2320
320| 42080| 1| 32 to 4208
Au-Fe| 10| 3000| 1| 1 to 300K
N| 0| 13000| 1| 0 to 1300
320| 23720| 1| 32 to 2372
PR40-20| 0| 18800| 1| 0 to 1880
320| 34160| 1| 32 to 3416
PL-| 0| 13900| 1| 0 to 1390
320| 25340| 1| 32 to 2534
U| -2000| 4000| 1| -200 to 400
-3280| 7520| 1| -328 to 752
L| -2000| 9000| 1| -200 to 900
-3280| 16520| 1| -328 to 1652
RTD| Pt100| -2000| 6500| 1| -200 to 650
-3280| 12020| 1| -328 to 1202
JPt100| -2000| 6300| 1| -200 to 630
-3280| 11660| 1| -328 to 1166

Example) When decimal point position is “1”, the input value “1000” is recognized as “100.0”.

Setting of the Alarm
Sets Alarm for each channel as follows.

< Format>


Item Contents Setting Range Note
CH Channel number 01 to 06 (multi)

01 to 02 (pen)

LEVEL| Alarm level| 1 to 4|
ON/OFF| Alarm ON/OFF| ON or OFF| Can be omitted.
TYPE| Alarm Type| H:Upper-limit


| Can be omitted.
VALUE| Set Value| | Can be omitted.
RLY ON/OFF| Relay ON/OFF| ON or OFF| Can be omitted.
RLY No.| Relay No.| I01 to I06 (multi)

I01 to I03 (pen)

| Can be omitted.

The underlined part can be omitted.

Setting of the Unit
Sets the Unit for each channel as follows.

< Format>
CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
UNIT: The Unit can be set with cods as shown in Table 2.1.13 (Within 6 characters).
When you use the code beyond 7FHEX, 8-bit data length must be used. Please refer to Section 7.2.7 of the instruction manual (HR-700) for the data length setting.

Setting of the 1st chart speed
Sets the 1st chart speed as follows.

< Format>
A chart speed is chosen from the following table.

CHART SPEED (Dot printing type)

0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25
30 40 50 60 75 80 90 100 120 150
160 180 200 240 300 360 375 450 600 720
750 900 1200 1500

CHART SPEED (Pen type)

5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75
80 90 100 120 150 160 180 200 240 300
360 375 450 600 720 750 900 1200 1500 1800
2400 3000 3600 4500 4800 5400 6000 7200 9000 10800

Setting of the date/time
Sets date/time of the internal clock of the recorder as follows.

< Format>

(YY) Year 00 to 99
(MM) Month 01 to 12
(DD) Day 01 to 31

(HH) Hour 00 to 23
(MM) Minute 00 to 59
(SS) Second 00 to 59

Copying the Setting Data of the channel
The setup data of any channel can be copied to another channel.

< Format>
CHS: Channel to copy from, 01 to 05 (Only 01 for the Pen type)
CHD: Channel to copy to (CHS < CHD)
The number of the channel to be copied must be bigger than the channel to copy from.

Setting of the Printing cycle (Dot printing type only)
Sets Printing cycle of the recorder as follows.

< Format>
PRINTING CYCLE: 10, 20, 30 and 60 (sec.)

Setting of the Zone Recording
Sets Zone Recording of each channel as follows.

< Format>
CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
The underlined parts can be omitted.

Setting of the Partial Compression/Expansion
Sets Partial Compression/Expansion recording of each channel as follows.

< Format>
CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
ON/OFF: Partial Compression/Expansion function ON or OFF
CH is VOLT, TC, RTD, DELT, SIGM or MEAN mode: In the span data
CH is SCALE, SQRT, DECAD mode: In the scale data
The underlined part can be omitted.

Setting of the Digital Print ON/OFF
Sets Digital Print ON/OFF of each channel as follows.

< Format>
CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)

Setting of the Tag Character
Sets Tag Character of each channel.

< Format>
CH: Setting Channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
TAG: The Tag Character can be set with character codes shown in Table 2.1.13.
(Dot printing type is within 7 characters. Pen type is within 5 characters.)
When you use the character code beyond 7FHEX, 8-bit data length of communication function must be used.
Please refer to Section 7.2.7 of the instruction manual (HR-700) for the data length setting.

Setting of the Comment Character
Sets Comment Character to be printed by the Digital Input.

< Format>
Cn: Comment Number(1 to 3)
COMMENT: A Comment Character is set up with the character code shown in Table 2.1.13.
(Dot printing type is within 16 characters. Pen type is within 12 characters.) When you use the character code beyond 7FHEX, the data length of communication function must be used as 8 bits.
Please refer to Section 7.2.7 of the instruction manual (HR-700) for the data length setting.

Character Code Table
Table 2.1.13 Character Code Table


Example) The character code “43HEX” represents as the character “C”.

Control command

Control command list

Table 2.2.1 Control command list

Command Control item Number of parameters Explanation of operation
PS0 Recording Start The same as the recording by the RUN key.
PS1 Recording Stop
MP0 Manual Print start The same as the manual print by key operation
MP1 Manual Print stop
LS0 List Print start The same as the List Print by key operation
LS1 List Print stop
SU0 Engineering List Print start The same as the Engineering List Print

by key operation.
SU1| Engineering List Print stop| –
UD0| Auto Display selection| –| When the manual display is selected, channel number can be set. However, the channel number can be omitted. (e.g.)Displaying the measurement value

of the 5th channel: UD 1 , 05 (CR)(LF)

UD1| Manual Display selection| 1
UD2| Date Display selection| –
UD3| Time Display selection| –
UD4| Display OFF selection| –
PR0| Communication comment print out (Sync printout)| 2| Prints out characters received by the communication function.

The parameter consists of printout colors and printout characters.

PR1| Communication comment print

out (Async printout)

| 2
BO0| Byte output order (High byte earlier)| 2| This command is valid only in the binary mode.

(Please refer to Chapter 8 of the instruction manual for details.)

BO1| Byte output order

(Low byte earlier)

| 2
TS0| Measurement value output| –| The recorder sets output information in the memory, and returns the corresponding data after “ESC T” command is received.

(Please refer to Chapter 8 of the instruction manual for details.)

TS1| Setting value output.

(Refer to Chapter 3)

| –
TS2| Decimal point position and the unit character output.

(Refer to Chapter 3)

| –
FM0| The ASCII mode output of the measurement data| 2| This command outputs the measurement value. The parameter consists of the output start channel and output end channel.

(Please refer to Chapter 8 of the instruction manual for details.)

FM1| The Binary mode output of the measurement data| 2
LF| The output of the setting value, the unit character and the decimal point position| 2| This command outputs the setting value. The parameter consists of the output start channel and output end channel. (Please refer to Chapter 8 of the instruction manual for details.)

Recording Start/Stop
This command starts or stops recording.

< Format>
PS0(CR)(LF): The recorder starts recording.
PS1(CR)(LF): The recorder stops recording.

Manual Print Start/Stop
This command starts or stops the Manual print.

< Format>
MP0(CR)(LF): The manual print starts.
MP1(CR)(LF): The manual print stops.

List Print Start/Stop
This command starts or stops the List print.

< Format>
LS0(CR)(LF): The list print starts.
LS1(CR)(LF): The list print stops.

Engineering list Print Start/Stop
This command starts or stops the Engineering list print.

< Format>
SU0(CR)(LF): The Engineering list print starts.
SU1(CR)(LF): The Engineering list print stops.

Selection of the display contents
This command selects the display mode of the recorder.
The Auto Display, the Manual Display, the Date Display, the Time Display and Display OFF can be chosen.
When receiving this command, the display of the recorder changes automatically.

< Format>

  • UD0(CR)(LF) : Auto Display
  • UD1, (CH)(CR)(LF) : Manual Display
  • UD2(CR)(LF) : Date Display
  • UD3(CR)(LF) : Time Display
  • UD4(CR)(LF) : Display OFF

CH: The manual display channel 01 to 06 (01 and 02 for the pen type)
The underlined part can be omitted.

Communication comment print out
This command prints the character strings, which have been received by the communication function. Please refer to Table 2.1.13 for the character code. When you use the character code beyond 7FHEX, 8-bit data length of communication function must be used.
Please refer to Section 7.2.7 of the instruction manual (HR-700) for the data length setting.

< Format>

  • PR0, (COLOR), (TEXT)(CR)(LF): Sync printout
  • PR1, (COLOR), (TEXT)(CR)(LF): Async printout
  • COLOR: Chooses a printout color. (The Pen type has only PRP.)
  • PRP: Purple, RED: Red, BLK: Black, GRN: Green, BRN: Brown, BLU: Blue
  • TEXT: Maximum character number for the Dot printing type is 47.
  • Maximum character number for the Pen type is 21.


Setting Value Reading

When the recorder receives “(TS1)+ (ESC T) + (LF)”, the recorder continuously sends the setting value according to Table 3.1 below.
The output format of each command when reading is the same as that of when setting.

Table 3.1 Order of the setting value transmission
Send the setting value in this order

Order Command Description
1 PS Recording start/ Recording stop
2 SR Input range, recording span
3 SN Unit
4 SA Alarm
5 SC 1st chart speed
6 SS Analog printing period

(only for Dot printing type)

7| SZ| Zone recording
8| SP| Partial compression/expansion recording
9| SF| Digital printing
10| ST| Tag character
11| SG| Comment character
12| SE| 2nd chart speed
13| UD| Display indication mode
14| EN| End

Data Reception Example


  • Send the command to the recorder which starts data transmission.
  • Designates setting value data to send when the recorder receives ESC T command once.
  • The designated data remains unchanged until the recorder receives TS0 and TS2 commands.
  • Send this command to the recorder when transmitting data to another recorder.


Half-Duplex Transmission

Half-duplex transmission is used for the recorder side. The recorder cannot receive data while it is sending data.
When sending the command, the host computer should send the next command after it received data from the recorder.

Multiple access
Do not open another recorder when one recorder is open on the same line.

Continuation of Opening the Link
Do not allow an extended interval after sending the open command. A syntax error may occur when not sending data. Be sure to send the close command “ESC C” when you do not use communication function. If a syntax error occurs, send the status output command ” ESC S” to reset the error.
(The close command cannot reset syntax errors.)

Outputting the Status

When the open-link recorder has a data error on its link, the recorder saves the error in the internal status area as a communication error. The “ESC S” command reads this status. Issuing this command clears the on-going error. Refer to Section 8.5 in the instruction manual (HR-700).
Be sure to reset the error when setting data to the recorder. If the error is not reset, you may not be able to assess which command caused errors.


Modbus RTU protocol
Item Specification
Interface RS-485/RS-232C
Protocol Modbus RTU
Communication speed 1200 /2400 /4800 /9600 /19200/ 38400 [bps]
Parity None/Even/Odd
Data length 8bit(※)
Stop bit 1bit / 2bit
Slave address 1~247(0 invalid)

Please use 8bit data length when using the Modbus RTU protocol.
Communication can’t be performed successfully if you use 7bit.

Adding new items and Map version

Depending on the version up of the recorder, there is that the contents of the Modbus map is hanged.
If the Modbus map is modified, Modbus map version (address 30025) will also be updated.

Newly added setting items are available in the corresponding version or later. (Table below)

Body version Map version Contents Note
before Ver4.00 Modbus RTU is not available.
Ver4.00 01 The first release of the Modbus RTU function.

In the old version, you can’t use features added in the new version.
In that case, there is a possibility that it does not work properly when reading / writing to the address of the newly added function.


Communication protocol

This equipment is compatible with Modbus RTU protocol.
Data format of the protocol is as below. It is composed of slave address, function code, data, and CRC section.

Modbus RTU Data format

Slave address
(1byte)| Function code
(1byte)| Data
(variable)| CRC

Function codes

Function code that can be used in this equipment is as follows.

Code Function Maximum data length Modbus original function (reference)
03H Setting data read 123 words Data read from holding register
04H Input data read 123 words Data read from input register
06H One-time setting data write 1 words Data write to holding register
10H Continuous setting data writes 123 words Data write to holding register
Error response

In accordance with the communication protocol for the pertinent function code, if an error occurs during command transmission, an error response is returned in the fixed format described in this section.

  • Example of slave response (function code = 06H, command error = 10H)
    Configuration| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| -
    Function code + 80H| 1| 86H
    Error code| 1| 10H
    Error check (Only for Modbus RTU)| 2| CRC
    Total number of bytes| 5| -

  • Error codes and their occurrence conditions.
    Error code| Description| Occurrence condition(s)
    01H| Invalid function code| An unsupported function code is specified.
    02H| Invalid register address| The relative address range exceeds “9999.”
    03H| Invalid number of registers|

    • The length of the accessed data is “0” or the sum of the relative address and data length exceeds the limit.
    • It is assumed that two or more function codes, each executable for one area, are involved.
    • Data longer than 2 words is specified for a one-time write command.
    • The data length exceeds 123 words.
      04H| Device error| The received data is shorter than the predefined data length.
      10H| Command error| An attempt at a write over an area exceeding the writable range.
Reading of input register area

The input register area is a read-only area.
The current measured value and the current time are mapped. Specify the start
address (relative) and data count (assuming that one word is two bytes) of the data to be read.

Reading of input register area
Function code :04H

  • Example of master transmission (with a start address of 0032H and a data count of 2 words)
    Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| -
    Function code| 1| 04H
    Data| Relative start address (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Relative start address (low-order)| 1| 32H
    Read data count (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Read data count (low-order)| 1| 02H
    Error check| 2| CRC (16 bits)
    Total number of bytes| 8|
  • Example of slave response (with a start address of 0032H and a data count of 2 words)
    Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| -
    Function code| 1| 04H
    Data| Number of data bytes| 1| 04H
    Data 1 (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Data 1 (low-order)| 1| 09H
    Data 2 (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Data 2 (low-order)| 1| 0AH
    Error check| 2| CRC (16 bits)
    Total number of bytes| 9|

Input Register Area Map
【Input Register Area Map】 Function code: 04H


| Relative address (HEX)|








30001| 0| Model type(1/8)| 1| ASCII| Multipoint type     :”MULTI”
30002| 1| Model type(2/8)| 2| | Pen type             :”PEN”
30003| 2| Model type(3/8)| 3| | After the blank
30004| 3| Model type(4/8)| 4| |
30005| 4| Model type(5/8)| 5| |
30006| 5| Model type(6/8)| 6| |
30007| 6| Model type(7/8)| 7| |
30008| 7| Model type(8/8)| 8| |
30009| 8| Software version(1/16)| 1| ASCII| Version information on a system.
30010| 9| Software version(2/16)| 2| |
30011| A| Software version(3/16)| 3| |
30012| B| Software version(4/16)| 4| |
30013| C| Software version(5/16)| 5| |
30014| D| Software version(6/16)| 6| |
30015| E| Software version(7/16)| 7| |
30016| F| Software version(8/16)| 8| |
30017| 10| Software version(9/16)| 9| |
30018| 11| Software version(10/16)| 10| |
30019| 12| Software version(11/16)| 11| |
30020| 13| Software version(12/16)| 12| |
30021| 14| Software version(13/16)| 13| |
30022| 15| Software version(14/16)| 14| |
30023| 16| Software version(15/16)| 15| |
30024| 17| Software version(16/16)| 16| |
30025| 18| Modbus map version| 1| Binary|
30026| 19| Reserve| | |
30027| 1A| Reserve
30028| 1B| Reserve
30029| 1C| Reserve
30030| 1D| Reserve
30031| 1E| Reserve
30032| 1F| Reserve
30033| 20| Reserve
30034| 21| Reserve
30035| 22| Reserve
30036| 23| Reserve| | |
30037| 24| Reserve
30038| 25| Reserve
30039| 26| Reserve| | |
30040| 27| Reserve
30041| 28| Reserve
30042| 29| Reserve
30043| 2A| Reserve
30044| 2B| Reserve
30045| 2C| Reserve
30046| 2D| Reserve
30047| 2E| Reserve
30048| 2F| Reserve
30049| 30| Reserve


| Relative address










30050| 31| Reserve| | |
30051| 32| Year| | 0~99|

Every second update

30052| 33| Month| | 1~12
30053| 34| Day| | 1~31
30054| 35| Hour| | 0~24
30055| 36| Minute| | 0~59
30056| 37| Second| | 0~59





Recording status

| |


| 0:Recording not in progress 1:Recording in progress





Chart sensor status

| |


| 0:With chart

1:Without chart





Manual print status

| |


| 0:Print stops

1:During printing





List print status

| |


| 0:Print stops

1:During printing




| Engineering list print status| |


| 0:Print stops

1:During printing

30062| 3D| Reserve| | |
30100| 63| Reserve| | |
30101| 64| Channel status| CH01| 00bit:

Alarm 1 1= ON 0= OFF


Alarm 2 1= ON 0= OFF


Alarm 3 1= ON 0= OFF


Alarm 4 1= ON 0= OFF

30102| 65| CH02|
30103| 66| CH03|
30104| 67| CH04|
30105| 68| CH05|
30106| 69| CH06|
30107| 6A| Measurement data(BIN)| CH01| -32000~32000| Data of more than±32000, the minus side will be 8181H, the plus side will be 7E7EH.
30108| 6B| CH02
30109| 6C| CH03
30110| 6D| CH04
30111| 6E| CH05
30112| 6F| CH06
30113| 70| Decimal point position| CH01| 0~4|
30114| 71| CH02
30115| 72| CH03
30116| 73| CH04
30117| 74| CH05
30118| 75| CH06
30119| 76| Measurement data(Float)| CH01| Float (high-order 2 byte) Float (low-order 2 byte)|
30120| 77
30121| 78| CH02
30122| 79
30123| 7A| CH03
30124| 7B
30125| 7C| CH04
30126| 7D
30127| 7E| CH05
30128| 7F
30129| 80| CH06
30130| 81


| Relative address










30131| 82| Unit (1/4)|


| | Current unit
30132| 83| Unit (2/4)
30133| 84| Unit (3/4)
30134| 85| Unit (4/4)
30135| 86| Unit (1/4)|


| | Current unit
30136| 87| Unit (2/4)
30137| 88| Unit (3/4)
30138| 89| Unit (4/4)
30139| 8A| Unit (1/4)|


| | Current unit
30140| 8B| Unit (2/4)
30141| 8C| Unit (3/4)
30142| 8D| Unit (4/4)
30143| 8E| Unit (1/4)|


| | Current unit
30144| 8F| Unit (2/4)
30145| 90| Unit (3/4)
30146| 91| Unit (4/4)
30147| 92| Unit (1/4)|


| | Current unit
30148| 93| Unit (2/4)
30149| 94| Unit (3/4)
30150| 95| Unit (4/4)
30151| 96| Unit (1/4)|


| | Current unit
30152| 97| Unit (2/4)
30153| 98| Unit (3/4)
30154| 99| Unit (4/4)
30155| 9A| Reserve| | |


| ・・・


| | | | Unused or later.
| | |

Reading and writing of the holding register area

The holding register area is a read-write area. Parameter settings and the start and stop command of the recording state are mapped. For read, specify the start address (relative) and data count (assuming that one word is two bytes) of the data to be read. For write, specify the start address and the data to be written.

Reading of the holding register area
It is used when calling the parameters that are currently set.
Also, it cannot be read in the case of the operation command system. It becomes writing only.

Function code (Reading): 03H

  • Example of transmitting master (starting address=00C8H, data length=2words)
    Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| -
    Function code| 1| 03H


| Relative start address (high-order)| 1| 00H
Relative start address (low-order)| 1| C8H
Read data count (high-order)| 1| 00H
Read data count (low-order)| 1| 02H
Error check| 2| CRC (16 bits)
Total number of bytes| 8|

  • Example of slave’s responding (starting address=0032H, data length =2words)
    Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| -
    Function code| 1| 03H


| Number of data bytes| 1| 04H
Data 1 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Data 1 (low-order)| 1| 05H
Data 2 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Data 2 (low-order)| 1| 00H
Error check| 2| CRC (16 bits)
Total number of bytes| 9|

Writing of the holding register area (Single)
It is used when carrying out a set of command operations or parameters.
In the case of operation command, it will take effect immediately when you send.
In the case of parameter settings, it is reflected by sending a separate “settings save” command (address 40104 (relative address 0067H)).

Function code(Writing): 06H

  • Example of transmitting master(starting address=00C8H, data =5)
    Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| -
    Function code| 1| 06H


| Relative start address (high-order)| 1| 00H
Relative start address (low-order)| 1| C8H
Write data (high-order)| 1| 00H
Write data (low-order)| 1| 05H
Error check| 2| CRC (16 bits)
Total number of bytes| 8|

  • Example of slave’s responding (starting address=00C8H, data =5)
    Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| -
    Function code| 1| 06H
    Data| Relative start address (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Relative start address (low-order)| 1| C8H
    Write data (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Write data (low-order)| 1| 05H
    Error check| 2| CRC (16 bits)
    Total number of bytes| 8|

Writing of the holding register area (Continuation)
Time setting command and the like, and then used when the data needs to send in succession. In the case of operation command, it will take effect immediately when you send.
In the case of parameter settings, it is reflected by sending a separate “settings save” command (address 40104 (relative address 0067H)).
Corresponding to that memory map is part. Please refer to Section 6.5.4 for the area which is corresponding.

Function code(Writing): 10H

  • Master transmission example (Start address =006EH, Number of data =7words
    Data =AA01H,000FH,0001H,0002H,0017H,001EH,0000H)( Clock set command January 2, 2015 23:30:00 )Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| –
    Function code| 1| 10H


| Relative start address (high-order)| 1| 00H
Relative start address (low-order)| 1| 6EH
Number       of      write      register (high-order)| 1| 00H
Number of write register (low-order)| 1| 07H
Cut the number of bytes| 1| 0EH
Write data 1 (high-order)| 1| AAH
Write data 1 (low-order)| 1| 01H
Write data 2 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Write data 2 (low-order)| 1| 0FH
Write data 3 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Write data 3 (low-order)| 1| 01H
Write data 4 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Write data 4 (low-order)| 1| 02H
Write data 5 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Write data 5 (low-order)| 1| 17H
Write data 6 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Write data 6 (low-order)| 1| 1EH
Write data 7 (high-order)| 1| 00H
Write data 7 (low-order)| 1| 00H
Error check| 2| CRC(16bit)
Total number of bytes| 23| –

  • Slave response example (Response of Start address =006EH, Number of data =7words)
    Component| Data length| Data
    Slave address| 1| –
    Function code| 1| 10H
    Data| Relative start address (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Relative start address (low-order)| 1| 6EH
    Number       of      write      register (high-order)| 1| 00H
    Number of write register (low-order)| 1| 07H
    Error check| 2| CRC(16bit)
    Total number of bytes| 8| –

Holding register area map
【Holding register area map】 Function Code:03H(Reading),06H(Writing),10H(Continuous writing)


| Relative address (HEX)|








40001| 0| Reserve| | | Unused
…| | | | |
40100| 63| Reserve| | |
Operation command
40101| 64| Recording start / stop| | AA01:Start


| Invalid except left.

The disabled in selecting DI.

40102| 65| Reserve| | |
40103| 66| Reserve| | |
40104| 67| Save the settings| | AA01:Save| Invalid except left.
40105| 68| Manual print| | AA01:Start AA00:Stop|
40106| 69| LIST print| |
40107| 6A| ELIST print| |
40108| 6B| Comments 1 print| | AA01:Sync AA02:Async|
40109| 6C| Comments 2 print| |
40110| 6D| Comments 3 print| |
40111| 6E| Clock set| | AA01:Run| AA01 ignored except

7 words continuous writing only valid

Clock sets in the received values. When isn’t time has come ignored (month = 0, etc.).

40112| 6F| Year(00~99)’ 2 digits|
40113| 70| Month(01~12)|
40114| 71| Day(01~31)|
40115| 72| Time(00~23)|
40116| 73| Minute(00~59)|
40117| 74| Second(00~59)|
40118| 75| Reserve| | |
40119| 76| Reserve| | |
40120| 77| Reserve| | |
40121| 78| Communication      printing set| | AA01:Sync AA02:Async| AA01 and AA02 ignored except Multipoint type 3 26 words Pen type 3 13 words

Continuous writing only valid

40122| 79| Printing color| | 0~5| Pen type recorder is invalid.
40123| 7A| Printing character (01/24)| | ASCII| Multipoint type 0 47 character Pen type 0 21 character
40124| 7B| Printing character (02/)|
40125| 7C| Printing character (03/)|
40126| 7D| Printing character (04/)|
40127| 7E| Printing character (05/)|
40128| 7F| Printing character (06/)|
40129| 80| Printing character (07/)|
40130| 81| Printing character (08/)|
40131| 82| Printing character (09/)|
40132| 83| Printing character (10/)|
40133| 84| Printing character (11/)|
40134| 85| Printing character (12/)|
40135| 86| Printing character (13/)|
40136| 87| Printing character (14/)|
40137| 88| Printing character (15/)|
40138| 89| Printing character (16/)|
40139| 8A| Printing character (17/)|

【Holding register area map】 Function Code:03H(Reading),06H(Writing),10H(Continuous writing)


| Relative address (HEX)|








40140| 8B| Printing character (18/)| | |
40141| 8C| Printing character (19/)|
40142| 8D| Printing character (20/)|
40143| 8E| Printing character (21/)|
40144| 8F| Printing character (22/)|
40145| 90| Printing character (23/)|
40146| 91| Printing character(24/24)|
40147| 92| Reserve| | |
…| | | | |
40200| C7| Reserve| | |
Setup mode parameters channel
40201| C8| Mode| CH1| 0~6 , 8 ( 7: Error )| ( 1)Mode
40202| C9| Input type| 0~34| ( 2)Range code
40203| CA| Reference channel| 0~4| CH1 configurable value:

None(Setting disable) CH2 configurable value:0

CH3 configurable value:0~1 CH4 configurable value:0~2 CH5 configurable value:0~3

CH6 configurable value:0~4

40204| CB| Measurement range (L)| depends on the range| ( 2) Measurement range
40205| CC| Measurement range (H)| depends on the range| ( 2) Measurement range
40206| CD| Scaling range (L)| -32000~32000| ( 3) Depends on the Scaling
40207| CE| Scaling range (H)| -32000~32000| ( 3) Depends on the Scaling
40208| CF| Decimal point position| 0~4| Only when a Scaling is “ON”, this setting is enable.
40209| D0| Unit (1/3)| ASCII| Units at the time of

the scaling “ON” (Note.1)

40210| D1| Unit (2/3)
40211| D2| Unit (3/3)
40212| D3| Reserve| |
40213| D4| Tag (1/4)| ASCII| Multipoint type 7 character Pen type 5 character
40214| D5| Tag (2/4)
40215| D6| Tag (3/4)
40216| D7| Tag (4/4)
40217| D8| Digital print ON/OFF| 0~1| 0:OFF


40218| D9| Partial compression / expansion ON/OFF| 0~1| 0:OFF


40219| DA| Zone L| 0~99|
40220| DB| Zone H| 1~100|
40221| DC| Partial         compression boundary point position.| 1~99|
40222| DD| Partial compression boundary                point measurements.| depends on the range| Scaling “ON”:Depends on the scaling Other : measurement range.

(※3) Scaling dependent

(Note 1) The setting of the unit is enabled, the range setting is only case of “SCALE”,”SQRT”,”DECAD”, “DELT”,”SIGM”,”MEAN”.
(However, “DELT” “SIGM” “MEAN” is valid only when the range setting of the reference channel is “SCALE”.) Otherwise the range setting, the unit is automatically determined according to the range.

【Holding register area map】 Function Code:03H(Reading),06H(Writing),10H(Continuous writing)


| Relative address (HEX)|








40223| DE| Alarm 1 action ON/OFF| CH1| 0~1| 0:OFF


40224| DF| Alarm 1 type| | 0~1| 0:H|
| | | | | 1:L|
40225| E0| Alarm 1 Set value| | -32000~32000| ( 3) Depends on the Scaling|
40226| E1| Alarm 1 RLY output ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF


40227| E2| Alarm 1 DO No.| | 0~5| Multipoint type 0 5 RLY1 RLY6 |
| | | | | Pen type 0 2 RLY1 RLY3 |
40228| E3| Alarm 2 action ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF|
| | | | | 1:ON|
40229| E4| Alarm 2 type| | 0~1| 0:H|
| | | | | 1:L|
40230| E5| Alarm 2 Set value| | -32000~32000| ( 3) Depends on the Scaling|
40231| E6| Alarm 2 RLY output ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF


40232| E7| Alarm 2 DO No.| | 0~5| Multipoint type 0 5 RLY1 RLY6 |
| | | | | Pen type 0 2 RLY1 RLY3 |
40233| E8| Alarm 3 action ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF|
| | | | | 1:ON|
40234| E9| Alarm 3 type| | 0~1| 0:H|
| | | | | 1:L|
40235| EA| Alarm 3 Set value| | -32000~32000| ( 3) Depends on the Scaling|
40236| EB| Alarm 3 RLY output ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF


40237| EC| Alarm 3 DO No.| | 0~5| Multipoint type 0 5 RLY1 RLY6 |
| | | | | Pen type 0 2 RLY1 RLY3 |
40238| ED| Alarm 4 action ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF|
| | | | | 1:ON|
40239| EE| Alarm 4 type| | 0~1| 0:H|
| | | | | 1:L|
40240| EF| Alarm 4 Set value| | -32000~32000| ( 3) Depends on the Scaling|
40241| F0| Alarm 4 RLY output ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF


40242| F1| Alarm 4 DO No.| | 0~5| Multipoint type 0 5 RLY1 RLY6 |
| | | | | Pen type 0 2 RLY1 RLY3 |
40243| F2| Reserve| | | |
・・・| | | | | |
40250| F9| Reserve| | | |
40251| FA| Scaling range (L)| | | 2 words continuous writing only|
(float)| | is valid. ( 4)float Format|
40252| FB| |
40253| FC| Scaling range (H)| | | 2 words continuous writing only|
(float)| | is valid. ( 4)float Format|
40254| FD| |
40255| FE| Alarm1 set value (float)| | | 2 words continuous writing only|
40256| FF| Alarm1 set value (float)| | | is valid. ( 4)float Format|
40257| 100| Alarm2 set value (float)| | | 2 words continuous writing only|
40258| 101| Alarm2 set value (float)| | | is valid. ( 4)float Format|
40259| 102| Alarm3 set value (float)| | | 2 words continuous writing only|
40260| 103| Alarm3 set value (float)| | | is valid. ( 4)float Format|
40261| 104| Alarm4 set value (float)| | | 2 words continuous writing only|
40262| 105| Alarm4 set value (float)| | | is valid. ( 4)float Format|

【Holding register area map】 Function Code:03H(Reading),06H(Writing),10H(Continuous writing)

Address| Relative address


| Name| Array| Content| Remarks
40263| 106| Reserve| CH01| |
…| | | |
40300| 12B| Reserve| |
40301| 12C| Mode| CH02| Input channel|
…| | | |
40400| 18F| Reserve| |
40401| 190| Mode| CH03| Input channel|
…| | | |
40500| 1F3| Reserve| |
40501| 1F4| Mode| CH04| Input channel|
…| | | |
40600| 257| Reserve| |
40601| 258| Mode| CH05| Input channel|
…| | | |
40700| 2BB| Reserve| |
40701| 2BC| Mode| CH06| Input channel|
…| | | |
40800| 31F| Reserve| |
Setup mode parameters Other
40801| 320| Recording paper feed speed (1st)| | Multipoint:0~33| ( 5) Recording     paper     feed speed
40802| 321| Recording paper feed speed (2nd)| | Pen type:0~40|
40803| 322| Recording period| | 0~3| (Multipoint Type only)

0:10sec 1:20sec 2:30sec


40804| 323| Reserve| | |
40805| 324| Comment (1/8)| Cmt1| ASCII| Multipoint type 0 8 Words Pen type 0 6 Words
40806| 325| Comment (2/8)
40807| 326| Comment (3/8)
40808| 327| Comment (4/8)
40809| 328| Comment (5/8)
40810| 329| Comment (6/8)
40811| 32A| Comment (7/8)
40812| 32B| Comment (8/8)
40813| 32C| Reserve| | |
40814| 32D| Reserve| | |
40815| 32E| Comment (1/8)| Cmt2| ASCII| Multipoint type 0 8 Words Pen type 0 6 Words
40816| 32F| Comment (2/8)
40817| 330| Comment (3/8)
40818| 331| Comment (4/8)
40819| 332| Comment (5/8)
40820| 333| Comment (6/8)
40821| 334| Comment (7/8)
40822| 335| Comment (8/8)
40823| 336| Reserve| | |
40824| 337| Reserve| | |

【Holding register area map】 Function Code:03H(Reading),06H(Writing),10H(Continuous writing)


| Relative address










40825| 338| Comment (1/8)| Cmt3| ASCII| Multipoint type 0 8 Words Pen type 0 6 Words
40826| 339| Comment (2/8)
40827| 33A| Comment (3/8)
40828| 33B| Comment (4/8)
40829| 33C| Comment (5/8)
40830| 33D| Comment (6/8)
40831| 33E| Comment (7/8)
40832| 33F| Comment (8/8)
…| | | | |
40900| 383| Reserve| | |
Engineering parameters
40901| 384| Burnout| CH1| 0~1| 0:OFF 1:ON
40902| 385| Offset| ±32000|
40903| 386| Offset DP| 0~4|
40904| 387| RJC setting| 0~2| 0:INT



40905| 388| RJC EXT fixed value| -32000~32000| Uv
40906| 389| RJC CH destination| Multipoint type


Pen type:0~1

40907| 38A| Printing color| 0~5| (Multipoint type only) ( 6)Printing color
40908| 38B| Digital filter| 0~10000| (Pen type only)

Decimal point:4-digit fixed

40909| 38C| Reserve| |
40910| 38D| Reserve| |
40911| 38E| Burnout| CH2| | Same as CH1
…| | | |
40920| 397| Reserve| |
40921| 398| Burnout| CH3| | Same as CH1
…| | | |
40930| 3A1| Reserve| |
40931| 3A2| Burnout| CH4| | Same as CH1
…| | | |
40940| 3AB| Reserve| |
40941| 3AC| Burnout| CH5| | Same as CH1
…| | | |
40950| 3B5| Reserve| |
40951| 3B6| Burnout| CH6| | Same as CH1
…| | | |
40960| 3BF| Reserve| |
40961| 3C0| Hysteresis setting| | 0~1| 0:OFF


40962| 3C1| Alarm printing function| | 0~2| 0:OFF

1:Alarm printing 1

2:Alarm printing 2

40963| 3C2| RUN trigger setting| | 0~1| 0:INT


40964| 3C3| CH     /     TAG     printing switching| | 0~1| 0:CH


【Holding register area map】 Function Code:03H(Reading),06H(Writing),10H(Continuous writing)


| Relative address










40965| 3C4| Logging print ON/OFF| | 0~1| 0:OFF


40966| 3C5| Logging print interval| | 0~11| ( 7) Logging print interval
40967| 3C6| Logging print reference time| | 0~23| Unit:Hour
40968| 3C7| Logging    print    criteria minute| | 0~59| Unit:Minute
40969| 3C8| Logging                  print


| | 0~1| 0:Sync


40970| 3C9| Record start/end print presence or absence| | 0~2| 0:OFF



40971| 3CA| Host address| | 1~32|
40972| 3CB| Communication speed


| | 0~5| 0:1200 bps 1:2400 bps 2:4800 bps 3:9600 bps 4:19200 bps

5:38400 bps

40973| 3CC| Data length


| | 0~1| 0:7bit


40974| 3CD| Parity


| | 0~2| 0:Even

1:Odd 2:OFF

40975| 3CE| Stop bit


| | 0~1| 0:1bit


40976| 3CF| Communication protocol| | 0~1| 0:Original

1:Modbus RTU

40977| 3D0| Logging     print     scale presence or absence| | 0~1| (Multipoint type only)



40978| 3D1| Printing gap setting| | 0~1| (Pen type only)



40979| 3D2| DI1 function| | 0~12| ( 8)DI function

Can’t select the same function in


40980| 3D3| DI2 function| | 0~12| ( 8)DI function
40981| 3D4| DI3 function| | 0~12| ( 8)DI function
40982| 3D5| Reserve| | | Unused later
…| | | | |
49999| 270E| Reserve| | |

Holding register area setting range detail
Setting range of register on the map written in the ※are listed below.

  1. Mode
    Value| Content| Remarks
    0| Scaling OFF|
    1| Scaling ON|
    2| Square root calculation (SQRT)| It can be set only when the range code is 0 to 7 (voltage current range).
    3| exponent display (DECAD)| It can be set only when the range code is 0 to 7 (voltage current range).
    4| Difference calculation (DELT)| Change of input width after calculation, please change by entering a value in the “measurement range”.
    5| Sum calculation (SIGM)| Change of input width after calculation, please change by entering a value in the “measurement range”.
    6| Average calculation (MEAN)| Change of input width after calculation, please change by entering a value in the “measurement range”.
    7| Disable| If you select this, it will result in an error.
    8| Skip|
  2. Range code, Measurement range.
    Code| Input type| Measurement range ※
    0| DC voltage| ±10mV| (-10.00 to 10.00)
    1| 0-20mv| (0.00 to 20.00)
    2| 0-50mV| (0.00 to 50.00)
    3| ±200.0mV| (-200.0 to 200.0)
    4| ±1V| (-1.000 to 1.000)
    5| 0-5V| (-0.000 to 5.000)
    6| ±10V| (-10.00 to 10.00)
    7| DC current| 4-20mA| (4.00 to 20.00)
    8| TC

(Unit: ℃) (Au-Fe is K)

| B| (0.0 to 1820.0)
9| R1| (0.0 to 1760.0)
10| R2| (0.0 to 1200.0)
11| S| (0.0 to 1760.0)
12| K1| (-200.0 to 1370.0)
13| K2| (-200.0 to 600.0)
14| K3| (-200.0 to 300.0)
15| E1| (-200.0 to 800.0)
16| E2| (-200.0 to 300.0)
17| E3| (-200.0 to 150.0)
18| J1| (-200.0 to 1100.0)
19| J2| (-200.0 to 400.0)
20| J3| (-200.0 to 200.0)
21| T1| (-200.0 to 400.0)
22| T2| (-200.0 to 400.0)
23| C| (0.0 to 2320.0)
24| Au-Fe| (1.0 to 300.0)
25| N| (0.0 to 1300.0)
26| PR40-20| (0.0 to 1880.0)
27| PL2| (0.0 to 1390.0)
28| U| (-200.0 to 400.0)
29| L| (-200.0 to 900.0)
30| RTD

(Unit: ℃)

| Pt100-1| (-200.0 to 650.0)
31| Pt100-2| (-200.0 to 200.0)
32| JPt100-1| (-200.0 to 630.0)
33| JPt100-2| (-200.0 to 200.0)

  1. Depends on the Scaling
    Scaling range, the alarm set value, partial compression boundary point measurement is depends on the holding register address 40201 “mode” and 40208 “decimal point position”.
    The set value is reflected in the form that is dependent on the “decimal point position” if the mode is scaling ON ( “SCALE” and “SQRT” ). In the case of OFF will reflect decimal point position of
    the range.
    Example 1: “Scaling range (L)” set to 123.45 at Scaling “ON”.
    Holding register address “40208 (decimal point position)” : Set the value to

  2. Holding register address “40206(scaling range (L))” : Set the value to 12345.
    Example 2: “Alarm 1 Set value” set to 12.3 at Scaling “OFF” (In the case of range code 4 selection).
    (Range code 4 ±1V(Measurement range:-1.000~1.000))
    Holding register address “40224(Alarm 1 Set value)” : Set the value to 12300.

  3. float(Floating point)
    Floating-point notation in IEEE-compliant.

  4. Chart speed
    There is a difference in the contents of the numbers in Multipoint type and Pen type.
    [Multipoint type] Value| Speed (mm/h)| Value| Speed (mm/h)| Value| Speed (mm/h)| Value| Speed (mm/h)
    0| 0| 10| 30| 20| 160| 30| 750
    1| 1| 11| 40| 21| 180| 31| 900
    2| 2| 12| 50| 22| 200| 32| 1,200
    3| 3| 13| 60| 23| 240| 33| 1,500
    4| 4| 14| 75| 24| 300|
    5| 5| 15| 80| 25| 360
    6| 10| 16| 90| 26| 375
    7| 15| 17| 100| 27| 450
    8| 20| 18| 120| 28| 600
    9| 25| 19| 150| 29| 720

[Pen type]

Value| Speed (mm/h)| Value| Speed (mm/h)| Value| Speed (mm/h)| Value| Speed (mm/h)| Value| Speed (mm/h)
0| 5| 10| 80| 20| 360| 30| 2,400| 40| 12,000
1| 10| 11| 90| 21| 375| 31| 3,000|
2| 15| 12| 100| 22| 450| 32| 3,600
3| 20| 13| 120| 23| 600| 33| 4,500
4| 25| 14| 150| 24| 720| 34| 4,800
5| 30| 15| 160| 25| 750| 35| 5,400
6| 40| 16| 180| 26| 900| 36| 6,000
7| 50| 17| 200| 27| 1200| 37| 7,200
8| 60| 18| 240| 28| 1500| 38| 9,000
9| 75| 19| 300| 29| 1800| 39| 10,800

Printing color

Value Content Remarks
0 Purple
1 Red
2 Green
3 Blue
4 Brown
5 Black

Logging print interval

Value Content Remarks
0 10min
1 15min
2 20min
3 30min
4 1H
5 2H
6 3H
7 4H
8 6H
9 8H
10 12H
11 24H

DI function

Value Content Remarks
0 OFF(No function)
1 RCD(Recording Start/Stop) ON:RUN OFF:STOP
2 SPEED(Chart speed change) ON:Spd-1 OFF:Spd-2
3 CMNT1(Comment print (Sync)) ON Rising:Start
4 CMNT2(Comment print (Sync))
5 CMNT3(Comment print (Sync))
6 MAN-P(Manual print (Sync))
7 TIM-P(Time print(Sync))
8 A.CMT1(Comment print (Async))
9 A.CMT2(Comment print (Async))
10 A.CMT3(Comment print (Async))
11 AMAN.P(Manual print (Async))
12 ATIM.P(Time print (Async))


Office: 2-5-1, Senbahigashi, Minoo, Osaka, Japan

Tel: +81-72-727-6100

Fax: +81-72-727-7006

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