D R AXUM Digital Audio Mixing System User Manual

June 9, 2024

AXUM Digital Audio Mixing System
User Manual

User Manual

AXUM Digital Audio Mixing System

Dear Customer,

Thank you for choosing the AXUM audio mixing system.
Specialists in the field of Radio/TV Broadcast and audio production designed the AXUM.
It is a system that is capable of working in a multitude of applications that need a 24-hour “On-Air”/Production system.
To be able to improve our products we always value suggestions once you have become familiar with your system. We will certainly learn from your comments and very much appreciate you dropping us a mail at [email protected]
We are confident that you will be using the AXUM for many years to come, and wish you lots of success in your business.
And… please take some time to read this manual first to avoid unnecessary questions to yourself and to us.
With kind regards,

Package Contents

The AXUM package comes normally with the following parts inside:

  • AXUM Getting started document
  • AXUM System in the configuration you have ordered.
  • One or more 19” IO-Racks with the I/O, DSP and power supply cards.
  • Optional Control Surface(s) with external power supply.
  • Optional patch panels.
  • Optional RJ45 Shielded cables.
  • AXUM user manual

WARNING: A network switch is not included but required to interconnection multiple system parts and a laptop/PC for configuration. You may use any Ethernet switch for this purpose!


This manual will give you an overview of the functionality of the AXUM digital audio system and all its features. It is advisable to read this manual at least once before  touching any control, or even thinking about hooking up the system. We know that this is actually the first thing you want to do, but please do not and discipline yourself to read the manual first.
The manual gives all sorts of valuable information before getting started and it saves you from getting all sorts of questions. After installing this manual can be used as a reference.
In the first chapter, we will give you an overview of the AXUM and its features.
In this way, you have an impression on how to implement the system in your application.
The next chapters will deal with interconnecting the various parts of the system and its external interfacing with your equipment
When installing and wiring the AXUM, you can finalize its interfacing with the instructions in the following chapters.

System overview

The Axum is a digital modular audio system that can solve your digital mixing/routing requirements in your broadcast studio or in your complete broadcast facility. The  modular system can be used in all your mixing/routing applications like on-air broadcast, self-op, production and voice tracking.
4.1 System parts
To make a functional mixing console you require at least a 19” rack with a DSP card (32 stereo channels), the desired I/O cards and a control surface that can control all the  mixing power. The connection between the 19” rack(s) and control surface(s) rely on a network protocol that is been called Mamba Net. Mamba Net works on Ethernet layer  2, there for no IP-addresses have to be setup for the ‘real-time’ functionality.
WARNING: Do not connect multiple AXUM engines/racks in the same Ethernet network (Layer 2)To connect surface(s) and 19” rack(s) you can built on this known Ethernet standard with common switches till advanced managed switches with all the security solutions as there are STP (spanning tree protocol), Trucking etc.
For (remote) configuration the well known we browser is used to access the consoles webserver. Of course this happens on a IP-based level of communication, which makes  it possible to configure system over the internet.
The defaults IP-addresses for configuration pages are: for the configuration in main menu for the controller surface configuration. (for the first surface set x to 4, for a second surface set x to 5, etc.).
To prevent other people to access the Axum configuration pages you need to logon.
The default logon is:
Username: service
Password: service
This account may change, which is explained in chapter 6.2.6 (Change web accounts).
Network specialists can find some more information in chapter 18 (Appendix A).

4.2 Communication

All control communication takes place with Mamba Net and gives the surface flexibility and power to the AXUM digital audio system. To understand the AXUM digital  audio system it would help to know some principles of Mamba Net.
Mamba Net definitions:
– Objects
A fader, switch will have to trigger an action in the AXUM digital audio system. In Mamba Net, we call these faders and switches ‘objects’.
– Nodes
In the hardware the faders and switches are grouped on modular blocks (think of a single PCB), such blocks are represented as ‘nodes’ in Mamba Net.
– Engine
In the Axum digital system the engine is in fact your mixing console. The functions available in the ‘engine’ can connect to one or more objects found in your network.
In practice, this means you can connect any surface element like switches and faders to any function of your mixing console(s). From now on, you can design your own functionality at the control surface.
Information for manufacturers and developers is located at http://www.mambanet.org/ , it is possible to make your own communication with the mixing system; we have a  Mamba Net library available for Windows (DLL) and Linux (lib).
For professional developers it is possible to buy a Manufacture ID from D&R so you are able to make your own equipment compatible with the Mamba Net protocol.  Secondly, local radio stations can use manufacturer ID 0xFFFF for some custom implementations.
(All manufacturer IDs are unique except the 0xFFFF, which is free for ‘in- house’ implementation)

4.3 Features and highlights

Because the AXUM digital audio system is highly flexible, you can make many solutions for your mixing and routing. To have an overview on the power of the Axum digital  audio system we made a list of the most important features and highlights:

  • I/O Matrix of 1280×1280 with optional I/O Cards:
    – MIC inputs and GPIO’s
    – Line inputs and GPIO’s
    – Digital in/outputs and GPIO’s
    – Line outputs and GPIO’s
    – CRM/Phones outputs and GPIO’s
    – Cobra Net in/outputs
    – Firewire in/outputs
    – Hybrid in/outputs

  • 32 stereo modules per DSP card.
    – Gain
    – Low cut
    – 6 band full parametric EQ
    – Voice processing
    – one free FX DSP for future use.

  • 32 busses, default configured if:
    console 1 and 2 with each a:
    – Stereo Program buss
    – Stereo Sub buss
    – 4x Stereo Aux buss
    – Stereo Dump buss
    – Stereo PFL buss

  • Up to 4 DSP cards
    – up to 128 stereo modules
    – up to 16 monitor busses.
    (for example it is possible to make 4 studios with one I/O rack, or even 2 studios of 16 stereo modules and 2 stereo monitor busses with a single DSP card in your I/O rack…)

  • Advanced preset system.

  • Object oriented control protocol, Mamba Net

  • Configuration of the AXUM nodes using one web server

  • Multiple redundancy solutions

  • Remote configuration via HTTP and TCP/IP

  • Remote control via Mamba Net over UDP/IP and TCP/IP

  • Standardized cabling with RJ45 (shielded for audio connections)

  • Advanced security system based

  • User database for identification

4.4 Principle of operation

4.4.1 AXUM system
The AXUM system will be build up around the matrix/router that gives a lot of routing flexibility. Up to 4 DSP cards can be inserted to create mixing power as requested.  For example, you can create with one AXUM system (equipped with one DSP card):
– A single mixing console with 32 stereo modules and 16 stereo busses
– Multiple mixing consoles (maximal 4), 3 consoles are used in our example:
1 consoles with 16 stereo modules and 6 stereo busses
1 consoles with 12 stereo modules and 6 stereo busses
1 console 4 stereo modules and 4 stereo busses
This makes clear we do not talk over a ‘mixing console’, the AXUM is an audio- platform!
Depending on the configuration, you can make your own studio console(s)/surface functionality. Al this power is controlled and configured by the AXUM engine. This engine configuration is described in detail later on.
4.4.2 Mixing console
As mentioned before the configuration is done within the Axum engine, now we will give a short overview/introduction on the structure of the mixing console(s) platform solution of the engine.
For the configuration of the busses, monitor busses and modules you can setup to which console it should belong (1-4). Finally the engine will extract a ‘assignment’ picture  from this information which shows clearly the console blocks. Sources
Each module can receive audio from the matrix using so called ‘sources’. A source is given a name, left/right physical input and some additional settings (think of phantom,  pad, relight settings). For example if we make source ‘MIC1’ with phantom on we can route this to module 1 and/or module 13. So the MIC 1 is used at console 1 but also  at console 2 (or 3). Destinations
Audio is sent to physical outputs by so called ‘destinations’. A destinations given a name, left/right physical outputs and some additional settings (default audio-source, N-1  etc.). For examples we make destinations ‘Line out 1’ and ‘Dig out 1’ which both get the audio from ‘Prog A’. Console/Surface functionality
After the consoles are set-up/configured and the inputs and outputs are set-up with the correct settings of sources/destinations you can start using the console functionality.  Which functionality is available depends on the configuration of the system.
It is important to make the required ‘real-time’ functionality available via the surface and rack configuration menu’s. Actually here you define the ‘knob functions’. Console startup/Presets
At the console start up it will load the last backup or the programmed defaults, this depends on a setting in global configuration.
The programmed defaults are:
– The information set within the we browser pages
– For the modules ‘module preset 1A’ is selected by default.
Further in live use of the console(s) you can make use of presets:
– Processing presets
– Module presets
– Console presets
processing preset:
A processing preset contains module-settings (think of EQ, Dynamics etc. etc.).
When a source is selected by the control surface encoder, the assigned default processing preset is loaded.
Module preset:
The module preset 1A t/m 4B defines a combination of: Source, Processing preset and Routing preset.
In this case if module preset 1B is recalled:
– The configured ‘preset 1B source’ is set on the module
– The corresponding processing preset is set on the module. Processing preset field that not override the module will set according to the module configuration settings (if ‘Use at source select’ is active).
– The routing as given by ‘module preset 1B’ is restored.
Console preset:
The console preset consists of two main parameters:
– It loads Module preset 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A or 4B.
– It loads a buss/monitor buss preset.
Here also you can define if a separate buss is used within the preset (the configuration setting ‘Use’ – Yes/No).
In general you can say:
– The console will startup in the defaults like given in the webpage.
– When a source is selected (can also be in the startup-defaults) the corresponding processing preset is loaded.
– When a module preset is loaded, the complete module settings can be preset.
– With the console preset you are able to change: module-settings , buss master eon monitor buss settings.

Control Surfaces

The engine will recognize the control surfaces of the AXUM digital audio system as ‘nodes with objects’. Each object can connect to an engine (mixing console) function.
Below you see an example of a control surface and a short description of the node/object structure.

This control surface holds 4 user interfaces nodes:
– 3x four fader panel node
– 1x monitor buss panel node
The ‘four fader panel node’ holds 84 objects:
– 4x Display upper line
– 4x Display lower line
– 4x Encoder
– 4x Encoder-push
– 32x LEDs
– 32x switches with LEDs (16 small, 16 large)
– 4x fader
The ‘monitor buss panel node’ holds 61 objects:
– 1 chip card
– 54 switches with LED’s
– 1 encoder
– 1 encoder push
– 4 potentiometers

AXUM Engine

The engine of the Axum drives all audio processing/routing and from the surfaces and remote locations, it can be controlled using Mamba Net. Therefore it is required that  you setup the engine/system with your settings before it will work according your requirements. Of course, we deliver the system in a default configuration that will cover 90% of the functionality you wish.
Setting up the engine (your mixing console) is done using your web browser.
Simply enter the IP address of the 19” rack in your browser and log-on to the configuration pages.
By default the IP Address is:
(at the first startup you can use a network or cross wire with a static IP given to your network interface, e.g.
On the Axum website, you find all necessary options to configure your system as full functioning mixing console(s), it’s the most to start with the Console 1-4 configuration.  In this menu you may easy step from top to bottom.

6.1 Console 1-4 configuration

This pages shows all configuration possibilities to setup your console 1-4. Your system is preconfigured but you may step through the menus for personal adjustments.

6.1.1 IP/Clock configuration IP
Here you can setup the network settings to be compatible with the required settings in your situation and you can set the time zone to where you are.
It’s possible to change the IP, subnet, gateway and DNS server address by clicking on the address.
For more information on IP addressing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address
WARNING: These setting become active after reboot. Engine Mamba Net servers
To enable and/or disable a specific server for Ethernet, UDP and/or TCP you can select here de y/n field. Also the used UDP and TCP port can be changed to a non default value.
WARNING: These setting become active after reboot. Clock
To change the time zone, click on the used time zone (in our example ‘Europe/Amsterdam’). You can select the desired time zone in the list box.
The AXUM uses the NTP protocol for accurate clock synchronization. In the section ‘current’ you find the IP address of the used ‘clock master’ and its ‘stratum’. For more  information on NTP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Time_Protocol
When IP and DNS settings are setup correct, the AXUM will automatically synchronize to a pool of time servers. The AXUM is also able to use a GPS receiver via USB for  time synchronization. next, the AXUM may function as a NTP server for the surfaces. There for, on the webserver of the control surfaces you can configure the ‘optional nap  server’ and fill in the IP address of the nap server (e.g.
Set date/time may be used on system without any synchronization to set the correct time.
In the popup window it is possible to give to correct time and if you click on the ‘day’ it will become direct changed/activated.
Remember that all other changes (NTP and IP settings) will become effective after reboot.
6.1.2 Global configuration
Some overall system settings can be filled in on this webpage.

  • Sample rate
    You can select a sample rate of 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz eon 48kHz. According to this setting, the filters are setup so you have to make sure to select the sample rate you work  with. Also when using an external clock.

  • Extern(al) clock
    If you want to use the external clock (Frame clock in) you can turn it on here.

  • Headroom
    The internal headroom is fixed at 20 dB, to adjust the headroom on a local input/output you can give an offset level to the sources/destinations or at the rack configuration.

  • Fader top level|
    You can make the fader work with or without 10 dB fader reserve. In the last situation the faders will be 0 dB (unity gain) when the fader is fully up (maximum position).

  • Auto momentary
    Most switch functions can work in a auto-momentary mode. When set to yes a knob will function latching when pressed shortly. But with a long press (>750 MS) the  knob reacts like a momentary switch (function active while pressed).

  • Startup state
    Here you can select to use a known startup state which is the ‘programmed defaults’ or use a ‘backup of the last situations
    Programmed defaults are the defaults as setup in the web-configuration. An backup of the console is saved once a minute, which means you will return to (almost) the last situation.

  • Console information
    Here you can share some details to have an easier identification in a multi- studio environment.

6.1.3 Mix buss configuration
You have to setup the busses to create the names, console assignment and functionality of the Busses. Here we see the setup for a single console buss setup:

  • Label
    The name given to this buss.

  • 2 Mono busses
    It is possible to make 2 mono busses from one stereo buss. All buss-sends, to this buss, on the module’s will now include stereo to mono summing.

  • Master pre/post
    You can choose the buss to be pre or post ON, level (comparable with pre/post fader) and balance (could be your pan-pot).

  • Master level/state
    This setting is used as programmed startup level, so the buss masters are in a known state.

  • Interlock
    If you make a buss interlock, only 1 module can be assigned at the same time.

  • Exclusive
    When routing to an Dump/Rec exclusive buss is made, the routing to all other busses on that module will be disabled. This is useful for a so called ‘dump bus
    The selections COMM technician and COMM producer are used if you want to make a communication buss. Such buss makes it possible to let presenters talk with hybrid or to talk with an technician/producer.

  • Buss reset
    This setting can be used to create a CUE/PFL buss with auto-reset (CUE Reset).
    If you have multiple studios and CUE/PFL busses you may assign reset to multiple busses.

  • Console
    You can select to which console a buss belongs.

  • 6.1.4 Monitor buss configuration
    Per DSP card, you have 4 stereo monitor busses that can be used. They need a name, console assignment and configuration so they can work properly:

  • Label
    Here you give a name to this monitor buss

  • Interlock
    Yes means only one source is active at the same time, on this monitor buss.

  • Default selection
    If the last selected source is turned off it will always go to the default selection.
    This selection is also your startup default.

  • Automatic switching.
    You can tell the Engine that a monitor buss switches automatically when the ‘source buss’ is activated.
    Also known as ‘PFL to CRM’. If you have two separate studios’ you can have multiple automatically switched busses (e.g. PFL 1 and PFL 2).
    When to mix buss is an exclusive buss, the monitor buss will also switch ‘exclusive’; normally automatic switching will be summing with the set up ‘Dim level’.

  • Dim level
    When you have set the monitor buss to switch automatically, the source signal is dimmed by the filled in level and the buss that is switched on to the Monitor buss is at unity gain (0 dB).

  • Console
    You can select to which console a monitor buss belongs.

6.1.5 Source configuration

The 19” rack unit can accept various I/O cards. These inserted I/O cards can accept audio in various formats.
This is because the audio connected to the I/O cards can have different channel relations (mono, stereo). To create a user readable label you have to configure sources.
Such a source is the entity you can select to be the input of your module in the mixing console. See below for a simple source list example:

  • Nr
    Here you can reposition the destination to make the list in a convenient order.

  • Label
    Name of the source you are creating.

  • Input 1/2
    Here you select the physical slot and input of the card you want to assign to this source.|
    For mono sources you selected the same input for left and right.

  • Phantom

  • The phantom power for this source is turned on/off at startup. (this field is only available when the source-phantom function is also assigned to an object; e.g. via rack  configuration)

  • Pad
    The PAD for this source is turned on/off at startup. (this field is only available when the source-pad function is also assigned to an object; e.g. via rack configuration)

  • Gain
    The source gain for this source is at startup set to this level. (this field is only available when the source-gain function is also assigned to an object; e.g. via rack configuration)

  • Processing preset
    If this source is selected on a module, by the ‘source select’ function (not via module or console preset),this processing preset is ‘set’ on the module.

  • Trigger star t
    Here you can configure how the source start/stop change is triggered:
    – Dedicated, the module fader and on are not triggering start/stop only the dedicated start/stop controllers.
    – Module fader on, the fader on will trigger the start as well.
    – Module on, the on switch will trigger the start as well.
    – Module fader on & on, the fader must be open and on active then the start is triggered.
    Dedicated start/stop objects will work in parallel with these ‘trigger start/stop’ modes

  • Trigger stop
    Here you can configure how the source start/stop change is triggered:
    – Dedicated, the module fader and on are not triggering start/stop only the dedicated start/stop controllers.
    – Module fader off, the fader off will trigger the stop as well.
    – Module off, the on switch will trigger the stop as well.
    – Module fader off & off, the fader must be closed or on inactive then the stop is triggered.
    Dedicated start/stop objects will work in parallel with these ‘trigger start/stop’ modes

  • Red-light.
    When this source becomes active on a module, the corresponding Red-light buss becomes active.

  • Monitor destination mute
    When this source becomes active on a module, the corresponding monitor buss will be muted.

  • Related destination
    When you give a source a related destination it is possible to use TB functions on the module and communication features from the GPIOs. For example you will make  the relation announcer microphone to announcer headphone.

  • Delete
    When you click on this column the source will be deleted (and also all references are deleted).

  • Create a new source
    By clicking on this link a popup will appear where you have to setup the physical inputs and label for the new source.

6.1.6 Extern source configuration
Each DSP card can handle four stereo monitor busses (with 4 DSP cards a max of 16 stereo monitor busses is possible). For each DSP card you can configure 8 external  stereo sources, beyond the 16 stereo mixing busses which are fixed available in the monitor section.

  • Safe
    Extern source can be configured to be ‘interlock safe’.
    Normally only one buss or external input can be active on the monitor buss if configured to be ‘interlock’. But sometimes it is important your signal will not disappear if  another CRM-source is selected, in that case you can set the external source to be ‘safe’.

  • Source
    Here you can select which signal routes to this ‘external inputs
    You can choose:
    – Input sources (Mic, line, dig etc. etc.)
    – Mix busses
    – Monitor busses
    – Insert outs (of modules)
    – N-1 signals (for a single module)

6.1.7 Destination configuration

The 19” rack unit can accept various I/O cards. With these cards, you can send audio from the Axum digital audio system to the audio format you require. Because the audio  connected to the I/O cards can have different channel relations (mono, stereo) a combination has to be made. A user readable label has to be created to configure  destinations. Such destination is the entity you can select to be the output of a mixing buss of the mixing console. See an example destination list:

  •   Nr
    Here you can reposition the destination to make the list in a convenient order.

  • Label
    Name of the destination you are setting up.

  • Output 1/2
    Here you select the physical slot and output of the card you want to assign to this destination.
    For a mono output you have to select only one of the left or right outputs to a physical slot/Ch.

  • Level
    The destination level for this source is at startup set to this level; for example to adjust headroom for a single output. (this field is only available when the destination-level function is also assigned to an object; e.g. via rack configuration)

  • Default signal from
    This destination/output will send audio from the default selected source (except if a N-1 is active, then automatically the N-1 signal is selected).
    You can choose:
    – Input sources (Mic, line, dig etc. etc.)
    – Mix busses
    – Monitor busses
    – Insert outs (of modules)

  • Default signal routing
    Here you can choose which signal feeds the physical outputs:
    Stereo (if no mix minus source is assigned):
    Output left and right received their corresponding signal Left:
    Output left and right both receive the left signal.
    Output left and right both receive the right signal.
    Mono (only if a mix minus source is assigned):
    The mix minus signal is always a mono signal.

  • N-1 from/mix minus source
    When the selected source is assigned to a module, this destination automatically creates an N-1 using the selected source. There is no limitation on the amount of N-1s, every module is able to make its own N-1.

  • Delete
    When you click on this column the destination will be deleted (and also all references are deleted).

  • Create a new destination
    By clicking on this link a popup will appear where you have to setup the physical outputs and label for the new destination. When you select the same output for both  channels, the system will use it on the left output and set the right to none.

6.1.8 Talkback configuration

This page makes it possible to select the sources for the 16 talkback busses available in the AXUM.
A talkback buss may be summed/switched to any destination of the AXUM system, this will not require any DSP resources.

  • Source
    Here you can select which signal routes to a talkback buss.
    You can choose:
    – Input sources (Mic, line, dig etc. etc.)
    – Mix busses
    – Monitor busses
    – Insert outs (of modules)
    – N-1 signals (for a single module)

6.1.9 Processing presets

It is possible to set the module processing when a source is selected (via ‘source select’ or a module preset) , the information for this functionality is stored in the processing presets.

  • Nr
    Here you can reposition the preset to make the list in a convenient order.

  • Label
    Name of the preset.

  • Settings.
    Shows a new page where you can configure the preset.

  • Delete
    When you click on this column the preset will be deleted (and also all references are deleted).

  • Copy to new preset
    This function can be used to get the current settings copied in a new preset.
    A popup will appear where you have to setup the label for the new preset.

  • Create new preset
    By clicking on this link a popup will appear where you have to setup the label for the new preset. Settings
All processing parameters can be configured in the processing preset settings webpage

  • Override module
    If set to no, the module setting will not be affected by this preset.
    If set to yes, this preset will change the settings of the module for the corresponding processing section (Digital gain, Low cut etc. etc.)

  • State
    if the override is turned to yes, you can set the processing section to ‘on’ or ‘off’. for example:
    – Microphones will often have the state EQ on
    – CD players will often have the state EQ off

  • Value
    if the override is turned to yes, this value is set for the corresponding processing section.

For EQ and dynamics, a popup window is shown. Here you can set multiple values.

EQ Range
Maximal adjustment you may generate with this band.
EQ Level
Level of the band that this preset will set.
The value must be within the EQ Range
EQ Frequency
Frequency of the band that this preset will set.
The frequency range is 20-20000 Hz.
EQ Bandwidth
Bandwidth of the band that this preset will set.
The bandwidth range is 0.1 – 10
EQ type
Type of the band that this preset will set.
You can choose:
– Off
– High pass filter (6 dB/Oct)
– Low shelf
– Peaking (is the normal EQ curve)
– High shelf
– Low pass filter
– Band pass filter
– notch filter
Downward expander threshold
Threshold of the downward expander (to reduce ambient sound) that this preset will set.
The threshold range is -50 dB till 0 db.
AGC ratio
The ratio for this automatic gain control is given in 1:1 to 1:25
AGC threshold
Threshold of the AGC, above the threshold the AGC tries to hold the signal 0 db. the threshold range is -30 till 0 db.
(Be aware with a low threshold, you may generate a lot of gain) A pop up screen in the right up corner will show the EQ settings as well as the dynamics settings

6.1.10 Module assignment

Modules can be assigned to one of the 4 consoles, after this and a correct assignment of the busses (in buss configuration) to the consoles you may click ‘generate’ to make a correct assignment configuration.
Afterwards you can override the generate assignments by clicking the ‘y’/’n’ fields. For example you can create a buss that is available to all consoles.

6.1.11 Module configuration
The module configuration makes it possible to give modules a default setting (after powering on) and you can also configure module presets 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, 4A/4B.

  • Console
    Shows to which console the module is assigned.

  • Preset 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, 4A/4B
    Shows the source and processing preset selected for corresponding module preset. If the ‘#’ symbol appears there is an active routing preset.
    (click on the link to go to the configuration page for the module)

  • Processing
    Here you can see if there is any processing done. (click on the link to go to the configuration page for the module)

  • Routing
    (click on the link to go to the configuration page for the module) Module configuration page
On this page you can setup the default module configuration, used at startup if programmed default is selected in global configuration. If you have made your settings and  you would like to copy them to all modules in this console (for example if you want to use the same EQ center frequencies) you can simply hit ‘To all console x modules’ after  you made and checked the settings on the current module. Module preset 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, 4A/4B

Here you select the source, processing preset and routing preset that is used when module preset 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, 4A/4B is selected. After a click on ‘routing’ a popup  appears with the routing possibilities (this depends on the console assignment).

  • Source
    If you click here a popup appears with a list of all available sources. Select the source you want to use in this module preset.

  • Processing
    If you click here a popup appears with a list of all available processing presets. Select the source you want to use in this module preset.

  • Routing Preset

Override module
If set to no, the module setting will not be affected by this preset. If set to yes, this preset will change the settings of the module for the corresponding buss.
If the override is turned to yes, this will set the send level to the buss for this module when current preset is selected.
If the override is turned to yes, this will set the buss state to ‘on’ or ‘off’ for this module when this module preset is select.
If the override is turned to yes, this will set the buss pre or post for this module when this module preset is select.
If the override is turned to yes, this will set the buss balance for this module when this module preset is select.
To all console 1-4 module
With this link you can copy the current settings to the same routing preset (1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, 4A/4B) at all modules of the console where this module is assigned to.

• Ignore module state
When presets are recalled, it checks the module state to prevent recalling ‘onia’ signals. The preset will wait till the module is switched off air.
If the ignore module state function is switched to yes, the presets will not check the module state and forces the recall to be done always! Processing
These are the programmed processing defaults for the modules. Depending on the startup settings these processing defaults will be used at startup (programmed defaults in global configuration).
The field ‘Use at source select’ determines if the default module processing in the source configuration is used when a source is assigned via the module source select  functionality and no processing preset is assigned in the ‘source configuration’.
The following state/value processing sections are available:

  • Digital Gain level
    You can enter a default gain level for each module and determine if the default state must be on or off.

  • Low cut frequency
    You can enter a default frequency of the low cut filter and determine if the default state must be on or off.

  • Insert
    You may select a source to be your insert return for this module and determine if the default state must be on or off.

  • Phase
    Set the phase default settings (Left only, right only or both channels are phase reversed). It is also possible to determine if the default state must be on or off.

  • Mono
    Give the mono settings default values (left, right or mono-sum of left and right). It is also possible to determine if the default state must be on or off.

  • EQ
    By clicking on EQ you can set the default equalizer settings it will appear in a popup window. The state may be used to set the EQ default on or off.

  • Dynamics
    This setting is used as default, the popup shows the parameters to setup. The state may be used to set the dynamics to be default on or off

  • Module
    Here you may set the default module level at startup, the state will be the default module on/off state.

The ‘Ignore module state’ function makes it possible to load a processing preset even if the module is active (fader open and module on). This may be necessary if you use presets on a ‘virtual console’. Routing

The field ‘Use at source select’ determines if the default module routing is used when a source is assigned via the module source select functionality .
The following routing sections are available:

  • Buss level
    You may predefine the send level of a module to the busses (e.g. Aux send).

  • Buss status
    You have to setup the startup status for the busses. With this setting you set the buss routing (e.g. Program on/off or CUE on/off).

  • Buss Pre/Post
    It’s possible to have pre/post selection per module, the startup setting can be configured here.

  • Balance
    You can select the balance of the buss sent. Set module to programmed startup state
When you click this button the module will directly load the setup module defaults.
6.1.12 Mix/monitor buss presets
It is possible to make mix/monitor buss presets to make sure the correct buss master states and levels are set for different programs. Also you can make sure the required monitor buss selection is made.

  • Nr
    Here you can reposition the preset to make the list in a convenient order.

  • Label
    Name of the preset.

  • Settings.
    Shows a new page where you can configure the preset.

  • Delete
    When you click on this column the preset will be deleted (and also all references are deleted).

  • Create new buss preset
    By clicking on this link a popup will appear where you have to setup the label for the new preset. Settings

On this page you can set the required levels and state for all busses and monitor busses which are used in the mix/monitor buss preset. Mix buss settings

  • Console
    Displays the console where this mix buss is assigned to.

  • Use
    When set to ‘yes’ the settings for this mix buss overrides the current mix settings if the preset is loaded.

  • Master level
    Here you can give the preset master level of the corresponding mix buss.

  • Master state
    Here you can give the preset master state of the corresponding mix buss. Monitor buss settings

  • Console
    Displays the console where this monitor buss is assigned to.

  • Use
    When set to ‘yes’ the settings for this monitor buss overrides the current monitor settings if the preset is loaded.

  • State
    This must be set to ‘on’ to force this monitor-buss routing to be active. When it is set to ‘off’ the monitor-buss routing will be forced to go ‘off’.

6.1.13 Console presets

To recall a complete console you use the console presets, what exactly is recalled is depending on the underlying configuration of:
– Source configuration
– Processing presets
– Module configuration
– Mix/monitor buss presets

When a console preset is recalled it will set all modules to the module preset ‘A’-‘H’ as configured. Secondly it will load the Mix/monitor preset as given in the console preset.

  • Nr
    Here you can reposition the preset to make the list in a convenient order.

  • Label
    Name of the preset.

  • Console
    Select to which console or consoles this preset is active.

  • Module preset
    Here you can select to use module preset 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B, 4A/4B.

  • Mix/monitor buss preset
    Here you can select one of the mix/monitor buss presets to use in this console preset.

  • Recall time
    A console preset can be recalled on-air safe, so active channels are not recalled. Default you have to press the preset button for 1 second before an ‘safe’ recall is done. After pressing 3 seconds the active channels are recalled as well (forced).
    You can setup the delay time for the safe and forced console presets, when you give 0 seconds the recall will be done ‘direct’ when the button is pressed.

  • Delete
    When you click on this column the preset will be deleted (and also all references are deleted).

  • Create new console preset
    By clicking on this link a popup will appear where you have to setup the label for the new preset.

6.1.14 Surface configuration
You can see an overview of the boards in the surface(s) on this page. These are grouped together, like their physical layout. A node shows gray-out if it is not active at this moment.

  • MambaNet Address
    Show information on the internal used MambaNet addresses

  • Node name
    Logical name of the node

  • Default
    Number of objects that have a default value set.

  • Config
    Number of objects that are configured to an engine function.

  • Import/Export
    Once you have configured the defaults and used engine functions you can export and import these settings. With export the current configuration is stored in the  database, where you have to give a logical name (e.g. Module 5-8). With import you can restore a configuration to the same or a different node (of the same type). When  you import Module 5-8 with an offset of -4 the configuration will be as

  • User level
    Here you can define to which console the module belongs in terms of user level. The user level depends on the user logged on to the AXUM system. If ‘None’ is  selected this node will always have full access.

  • Configure
    When you follow the link configure, you are able to setup the functionality for the different objects on the node. The sensor and actuator data types determine which  function is able to connect to the object.
    For a complete list of the functions, you can go to chapter 20 Appendix C – Engine functions.

  • Default
    The gray value is the startup default, this may be changed by assigning a custom value.
    When you submit an empty box the object returns to the startup default value.

  • Function
    Here you may select which engine function is connected to the object

  • Label
    Here you may change the label, which is a shortcut for the selected function, if none is given the default function label will be used (the label will appear in the remote  configuration software).

  • User level
    Per user level you can overwrite the default level per function. If y is selected the function will be available in the selected user level. If n is selected the function won´t be  available. if the y/n value is shown light gray, the function default user level is used.
    In the column headers you may toggle the user level for all objects in the node.

6.1.15 Rack configuration
You can see an overview of the cards in the rack on this page. You can find information like the slot number, MambaNet address, card name, number of inputs and outputs.
The link Configure will go to a page for connecting objects of the card to Axum engine’s functions.
You can consider this as the remote control configuration. For example you can connect:

  • Start/stop functionality to remote outputs

  • Source gain functionality to MIC gain

  • Speaker level to CRM output level

  • etc. etc.

  • Slot
    Slot number where the I/O card is located.

  • MambaNet Address
    Show information on the internal used MambaNet addresses

  • Node name
    Logical name of the node

  • Inputs
    Number of mono input channels

  • Outputs
    Number of mono output channels

  • Default
    Number of objects that have a default value set.

  • Config
    Number of objects that are configured to an engine function.

  • Import/Export
    Once you have configured the defaults and used engine functions you can export and import these settings. With export the current configuration is stored in the  database, where you have to give a logical name (e.g. Module 5-8). With import you can restore a configuration to the same or a different node (of the same type). When  you import Module 5-8 with an offset of -4 the configuration will be as you expect Module 1-4.

  • User level
    Here you can define which console user level the I/O card will use (e.g. for its GPIs).

  • Configure
    The page shown below gives an indication how the CRM output level objects connect to the Speaker level engine functions. By following the links, you can reconfigure  the functions that connect to the objects. The sensor and actuator data types determine which function assigns to the object. For a complete list of the functions, you can look up chapter 20 Appendix C – Engine functions..

  • Label
    Here you may change the label, which is a shortcut for the selected function, if none is given the default function label will be used (the label will appear in the remote  configuration software).

  • User level
    Per user level you can overwrite the default level per function. If y is selected the function will be available in the selected user level. If n is selected the function won´t be  available. if the y/n value is shown light gray, the function default user level is used. In the column headers you may toggle the user level for all objects in the node.

6.1.16 Source pools
You can see an overview of the source pools on this page. A source pool may be assigned to a user to give them a comfortable source list for selection from the control surface.

  • Type
    Type of the source.

  • Label
    Name of the source.

  • Source pool
    Per console there are 2 source pools A/B If y is selected the source will be available in the selected source pool. If n is selected the source won´t be available.

6.1.17 Preset pools
You can see an overview of the preset pools on this page. A preset pool may be assigned to a user to give them a comfortable source list for selection from the control  surface.

  • Label
    Name of the preset.

  • Preset pool
    Per console there are 2 preset pools A/B
    If y is selected the preset will be available in the selected preset pool. If n is selected the preset won´t be available.

6.1.18 Users
You can see an overview of the users on this page. You can see the user level/preset per user and per console.

  • Login
    Here you can login as a user to the selected console.

  • Write
    Here you can write the selected user to a plugged in chipcard.

  • Active account
    The account that is currently active in this console (this may be different from the chipcard if overruled by software).

  • Chipcard account
    The name of the user of a plugged in chipcard, will appear here.

  • Add
    With this button you can add the user from a chipcard to the AXUM system.

  • Nr
    Here you can reposition the user to make the list in a convenient order.

  • Active
    You may disable an account using this switch.

  • Username
    Here you can enter the name of the user.

  • Password
    Here you can enter the password of the user.

  • Logout to idle
    Removal of the chipcard can be used to stay in the last user or to jump to the idle situation.

  • User level
    Here you can select the user level of the user (see also 6.1.14 Surface configuration and 6.1.15 Rack configuration)

  • Console preset
    It is possible to select a console preset which will be loaded if the user logs in.

  • Pool
    Per console you can select which preset and which source pool the user may use. Per pool you can choose between A, B or all. (see also 6.1.16 Source pools and 6.1.17  Preset pools)

  • Delete

  • When you click on this column the user will be deleted.

Create new user
By clicking on this link a popup will appear where you have to setup the username and password for the new user.

6.2 System configuration
If you browse to the url (where should be your local AXUM IP address) you have a system menu with give some management/service possibilities.

  • MambaNet node overview
    Will show all nodes that are found in the local Ethernet network.

  • Generate sources
    WARNING: this function deletes all sources and their configuration.
    After all sources are deleted, it will generate new sources regarding the ‘rack layout’ found.

  • Generate destinations
    WARNING: this function deletes all destinations and their configuration.
    After all sources are deleted, it will generate new sources regarding the ‘rack layout’ found.

  • Templates
    Shows a list of all known node types. The learner did read these templates from the nodes.

  • Predefined node configurations
    Shows a list of configurations stored by the export function in surface/rack configuration.

  • Engine functions
    Shows a list of all engine functions available.

  • Package versions
    Shows the packages, version and build/install date.

  • Download backup
    Downloads a file which is a complete image of the internal flash disk (under development).

  • Change web accounts
    Here you can change the password for the webserver console configuration and system configuration.

  • SSH
    Here the SSH server (port 22) may be disabled or enabled for remote service.

6.2.1 MambaNet node overview
This pages shows all nodes found in the local Ethernet network. Also nodes that are not online can be seen as ‘grayed out’ nodes.

  • Address
    This is the MambaNet address used in this setup. This address is used for all communication and configuration.

  • UniqueID
    This shows the ‘ManufacturerID:ProductID:UniqueID’ in hexadecimal format. When a node is offline you will see the ‘UniqueID’ is a link. This can be used to transfer  the configuration of the offline node to another online node of the same type.

  • Node name
    Here you can change a node name to a logical correct name, this makes identification in the system easier.

  • Engine
    If you use multiple engines into a single Ethernet you can give here which engine is used by the node. Address ‘00000000’ means the node communicates with all engines  in parallel; which is most easy for systems with only one engine.

  • Parent
    Easy node can store its parent node so we can determine the physical-location of nodes.

  • User level
    Here you can define which console user level the node will use.

  • Default, Config and Objects
    This column shows the numbers of objects and how many have a default value or configuration

  • Delete/Refresh
    Grayed out nodes may be deleted by pressing the delete image.
    WARNING: When a node is deleted the configuration is also removed!
    Only nodes do not have a delete image, but a refresh image. This can be used to force a refresh of the node name and parent.

6.2.2 Templates
The learner continuously checks for unknown nodes. When a unknown node is found it will read the object information and store it in the database. A template is unique by:
ManufactureID, ProductID and Major Firmware Revision.

Figure 33: Node templates

  • Count
    Shows the number of objects that are located in this template.

  • Delete
    When because of a failure a template is wrong you may delete it so the learner will read the information again.

6.2.3 Predefined node configurations
The configurations that are exported are listed here. When you mistakenly did export a configuration you may delete it from here.

  • Config
    Config gives the number of configured objects that are stored.

  • Default

  • Default gives the number of configured defaults that are stored.

6.2.4 Engine functions
This is a list of all available engine functions.

  • Pos
    Here it is possible to reposition the functions for easier/faster access in the surface/rack configuration menu’s

  • Type
    Shows the group the functions belongs to and determines which number range is used.
    – Module: 1-128
    – Busses: 1-16
    – Monitor busses: 1-16
    – Global: 0
    – Source: 1-1280
    – Destination: 1-1280

  • Function
    Is the description of the engine function

  • Rcv
    The receive column shows which datatype is required at the object-sensor to be able to control this functions.

  • Xmt
    The transmit column shows which datatype is required at the object-actuator to be able to receive data from the engine.

  • Label
    This label will be used if default function label for remote software applications. It can be changed here globally. In the surface/rack configuration you may give labels  per configured object-function.

  • User levels
    For each user level you can select the default state, if ‘y’ this function can be used for this user level, if ‘n’ this functions can not be used for this user level. The function  default setting can be overruled in the node configuration.

6.2.5 Package versions
This page shows the installed packages with their version number, build and install date.

6.2.6 Change web accounts
The webserver requires authentication. On this page you change the username and password.

Surface(s) website

To set the time displayed in the meter of the console.
Simply enter the IP address of the console in your browser and log-on to the configuration pages.
By default the IP Address is:
(at first time startup you can use a network or cross wire with a static IP given to your network interface, e.g.
On the console website, you find the ip/clock configuration:

7.1 IP/Clock configuration IP
Here you can setup the network settings to be compatible with the required settings in your situation and you can set the time zone to where you are.
It’s possible to change the IP, subnet, gateway and DNS server address by clicking on the address.
For more information on IP addressing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address Pre-configured engine connections
An surface may connect to a rack via different protocols, here you may select the destination IP and port to connect to.
In the field ‘MambaNet over’ you select the protocol to use, where Ethernet may be used in a LAN (with only one rack) and UDP or TCP may be used in LAN and WAN;  even with multiple consoles hooked up in the LAN (They should have ‘MambaNet over Ethernet’ enabled). Clock
To change the time zone, click on the used time zone (in our example ‘Europe/Amsterdam’). You can select the desired time zone in the list box.
The AXUM uses the NTP protocol for accurate clock synchronization. In the section ‘current’ you find the IP address of the used ‘clock master’ and its ‘stratum’. For more  information on NTP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address
When IP and DNS settings are setup correct, the AXUM will automatically synchronize to a pool of time servers. The AXUM is also able to use a GPS receiver via USB for  time synchronization. next, the AXUM may function as a NTP server for the surfaces. There for, on the webserver of the control surfaces you can configure the ‘optional ntp  server’ and fill in the IP address of the ntp server (e.g.
Set date/time may be used on system without any synchronization to set the correct time.
In the popup window it is possible to give to correct time and if you click on the ‘day’ it will become direct changed/activated.
Remember that all other changes (NTP and IP settings) will become effective after reboot.

Block diagrams – Must be created

With all configuration options, it is possible to make many different systems using a single I/O rack.
We will show some example block diagrams on possible setups within an Axum system.
32 stereo module, 16 stereo buss and 4 stereo monitor buss console:
These diagrams will follow in future manuals, sorry

I/O Rack description

The AXUM digital audio system has a 19” rack (for 21 slots) that requires at least one power supply (3 slots) and one engine card (2 slots). You then have space for a  maximum of 16 in and output cards. Because the AXUM is a modular system it is up to you how many in and output cards are necessary to do the job.
For the connections, we use standard RJ45; an example for other connectors is ADAT that uses the well-known ADAT optical connector. Connection between de RJ45s in  the rack and your patch units is by standard STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) cable.

9.1 Power supply

At the far left in the I/O RACK is the position where the power supply Card is inserted; an optional second power supply card can be inserted alongside this first one. With  two power supplies, you have created automatic power supply redundancy.
The LED will blink green to show the power supply is up and running. At failure of the local power, this LED activity will be blinking red or not blinking at all.
The NEUTRIK™ PowerCON™ will feed 100-240V power to the supply.
With the power switch you can turn off the local power supply.
Before you insert a second power supply please turn on the power of this second unit first to make sure you will influence the internal power-lines.

9.2 Engine

The engine is the controller card of the AXUM Digital audio system. This card has a fixed location at the far right side. For proper functioning of the system, you absolutely  have to insert this card to your digital audio systems network.
The RJ45 is a default 100Mbit Ethernet port and over this network connection, the following information is send:

  • MambaNet: control protocol
  • HTTP: Configuration of your engine via web server
  •  FTP: Firmware/configuration update and backup via a file server.

Currently, the serial RS232, VGA, Keyboard, mouse and USB connection can be used for service purposes only.
Via the BNC connectors you synchronize this entire rack to an external frame clock as well as to remote equipment with the clock of this 19”rack.
With the 75R switch, you can turn on/off a 75-Ohm termination on the receiving frame clock connector.
The ACT(ive) LED will blink to show proper functioning of the Engine card.
On the next page, you find the pin information for all the connectors:

Pin Pin name Function Comment
1 Centre Frame Clock in 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, +/- 100ppm, +5V TTL,

switchable 750hm terminator.
GND| GND| Ground Frame Clock in

9.3 GPIO
In rack configuration you can connect objects of MambaNet nodes to AXUM engine functions. Here you can also configure the GPIO objects of your I/O cards  (MambaNet nodes). By following the links, you can reconfigure the functions that connect to the objects. The sensor and actuator data types determine which function  assigns to the object.
For a complete list of the functions, you can look up chapter 20 Appendix C – Engine functions.

  • Function
    Here you may select which engine function is connected to the object. To use the GPI functions you must select the hardware jumper setting TLL mode on the board  (see chapter 11.3.1 GPIO TTL/Relay selection). The default jumper setting is GPO-Relay for all cards except for the MIC input card. The default jumper setting for the  MIC input card is GPIO-TTL for GPIO 1, 3, 5 and 7 and GPO-Relay for GPIO 2, 4, 6 and 8.

9.3.2 GPI Active-state

  • Default
    The gray value ‘1’ is the startup default, this may be changed by assigning a custom value (0 or 1). A value of ‘1’ makes sure that if the GPI is +5V the function is made  active. The value ‘0’ makes sure that if the GPI is 0V the function is made active.
    When you submit an empty box the object returns to the startup default value.

9.3.3 GPO

  • Default
    The gray value is the startup default, this may be changed by assigning a custom value(0 or 1). A value of ‘1’ makes sure the GPO is active at startup. A value of ‘0’ makes sure the GPO is inactive at startup.
    The GPO output state is also depending on the GPO active-state setting.
    When you submit an empty box the object returns to the startup default value.

  • Function
    Here you may select which engine function is connected to the object. To use the GPO functions you should maybe change the hardware jumper setting on the board  (see chapter 11.3.1 GPIO TTL/Relay selection) to enable the given engine function The default jumper setting is GPO-Relay for all cards except for the MIC input card.  The default jumper setting for the MIC input card is GPIO-TTL for GPIO 1, 3, 5 and 7 and GPO-Relay for GPIO 2, 4, 6 and 8.

9.3.4 GPO Time

  • Default
    The gray value is the startup default, this may be changed by assigning a custom value.
    The value must be between 0 – 250, where 0 is a continuous signal and 1 – 250 is the pulse width in milliseconds.
    When you submit an empty box the object returns to the startup default value.

9.3.5 GPO Active-state

  • Default
    The gray value ‘1’ is the startup default, this may be changed by assigning a custom value (0 or 1). A value of ‘1’ makes sure that if the GPO is active the output is +5V in TTL mode or A/B connected for relay mode. The value ‘0’ makes sure that if the GPO is active the output is 0V in TTL mode or A/B disconnected in relay mode.
    When you submit an empty box the object returns to the startup default value.

Available I/O rack cards

Depending on your audio-connections, you can select the I/O cards.
The next paragraphs will give you a detailed overview on the currently available cards.

10.1 MIC input card

There are four balanced MIC inputs available on each card.
Each RJ45 connector represents a MIC input and two GPIO’s which can be connected to the 19” patch panels with a shielded twisted pair (STP) cable.
On each MIC input you can individual activate the +48V phantom power and PAD (-20dB).
For each GPIO you can choose, by way of a hardware jumper on the board, between TTL
Input/output or Photo-MOS relay output see chapter 11.3.1 GPIO TTL/Relay selection. For software configuration see chapter 9.3 GPIO.

Pin Con. Pair Pin name Function Comment
1 1A 1 +Audio 1 MIC input in-phase Imp. 2k0

max. level +20dBu
2| 1B| -Audio 1| MIC input out-phase
3| 2A| 2| +Audio 2| not used|
6| 2B| -Audio 2| not used
| | If jumper TTL-GPIO| If jumper GPO| see chapter 11.3.1
5| 3A| 3| GP101a| GP-Out (TTL)| Photo MOS relay
(max 50V, 200mA)
4| 3B| GP101 b| nGP-In (TTL)
7| 4A| 4| GPIO2a| GP-Out (TTL)| Photo MOS relay
(max 50V, 200mA)| see chapter 11.3.1
8| 4B| GPIO2b| nGP-In (TTL)
S| GND| S| Shield| GND| Audio ground and reference for GP-In

10.2 Line input card
There are four balanced stereo line inputs available on each card.
Each RJ45 connector represents a stereo line input and two GPIO’s which can be connected to the 19” patch panels with a shielded twisted pair (STP) cable.
For each GPIO you can choose, by way of a hardware jumper on de board, between TTL Input/output or Photo-MOS relay output see chapter 11.3.1 GPIO TTL/Relay selection. For software configuration see chapter 9.3 GPIO.

Pin Con. Pair Pin name Function Comment
1 1A 1  +Audio 1 Left line input in-phase Imp. 20k0

max. level +26dBu
2| 1B| -Audio 1| Left line input out-phase
3| 2A| 2| +Audio 2| Right line input in-phase| Imp. 20k0
max. level +26dBu
6| 2B| -Audio 2| Right line input out-phase
| | If jumper TTL-GPIO| If jumper GPO| see chapter 11.3.1
5| 3A| 3| GP101 a| GP-Out (TTL)| Photo MOS relay
(max 50V, 200mA)
4| 3B| GP101b| nGP-In (TTL)
7| 4A| 4| GPIO2a| GP-Out (TTL)| Photo MOS relay
(max 50V, 200mA)| see chapter 11.3.1
8| 4B| GPIO2b| nGP-In (TTL)
S| GND| S| Shield| GND
Audio ground and| reference for GP-1n

10.3 Digital in/output card (optional SRC)
There are four balanced digital inputs and outputs available on each card.
Each RJ45 connector represents a stereo line input and two GPIO’s which can be connected to the 19” patch panels with a shielded twisted pair (STP) cable.
There is also a card available with built in sample rate converters (SRC).
For each GPIO you can choose, by way of a hardware jumper on de board, between TTL Input/output or Photo-MOS relay output see chapter 11.3.1 GPIO TTL/Relay selection. For software configuration see chapter 9.3 GPIO.

Pin Con. Pair Pin name Function Comment
1 1A 1 +Audio 1 Digital input in-phase Imp. 1100/750 optional SRC:

2| 1B| -Audio 1| Digital input out-phase
3| 2A| 2| +Audio 2| Digital output in-phase| Imp. 1100/750 32, 44.1, 48kHz
6| 2B| -Audio 2| Digital output out-phase
| | If jumper TTL-GPIO| If jumper GPO| see chapter 11.3.1
5| 3A| 3| GPIO1a| GP-Out (TTL)| Photo MOS relay
(max 50V, 200mA)
4| 3B| GP101b| nGP-In (TTL)
7| 4A| 4| GPIO2a| GP-Out (TTL)| Photo MOS relay
(max 50V, 200mA)| see chapter 11.3.1
8| 4B| GPIO2b| nGP-In (TTL)
S| GND| S| Shield| GND| Audio ground and reference for GP-In

With jumper on the I/O card it is possible to select the impedance for S/P-DIF (75Ω) or AES-3 (110 Ω) This figures shows the jumper location on the I/O card

10.7 Dante in/output card

This Dante In/output card converts the Dante network signals into digital audio so it can be processed in the AXITE system’s 19” inch rack.
The Dante In/out card can be ordered with various channel counts, please contact your sales contact for the available options.
The AES67/USB card of the AXUM system can communicate with all equipment which is AES67 compliant.
When speaking about Dante there are two flavors :
– Native Dante equipment (This is older equipment which does
– ONLY support native Dante and is NOT AES67 compliant)
Dante + AES67 support equipment.
Do we offer a AES67 card with Dante support?
Well, it depends on the equipment you want to connect.
If it is equipment which supports only native Dante it won’t work!
If the equipment is Dante WITH AES67 support, then it will work!
Please read the info on these links:
https://ravenna-network.com/wp- content/uploads/2020/02/RAVENNA___AES67_V1.0.pdf

10.8 AES67 in/output card (not available anymore)

The AES67/ USB card is a 16 channel in-out Audio over IP card including an additional USB interface.
that also can handle 16 I/O signals.

To be able to communicate all 16 channels with a PC you need a software driver such as the LAWO RELAY Matrix shown above. The AES67/USB card of the AXUM system can communicate with all equipment which is AES67 compliant.
When speaking about Dante there are two flavors : – Native Dante equipment (This is older equipment which does ONLY support native Dante and is NOT AES67 compliant) – Dante + AES67 support equipment.
Do we offer a AES67 card with Dante support? Well, it depends on the equipment you want to connect. If it is equipment which supports only native Dante it won’t work! If  the equipment is Dante WITH AES67 support, then it will work! Please read the info on these links: https://www.audinate.com/learning/faqs/aes67-interoperability

ADAT in/output card (Not available anymore)

This ADAT In/output card converts the ADAT optical signals into digital audio which can be received by the 19” inch rack.
The ADAT card has to run synchronous with the connected devices, allowed sample rate frequencies are 32kHz, 44.1kHz or 48kHz.

10.9 Hybrid in/output card

Pin connection Hybrid card.

Pin RJ14| Pin RJ11| Pin name| Pair| Function| Comment
1| | R2 +| 2| To Handset R +|
2| 1| R1 –| 1| From Wall R-|
3| 2| T1 +| From Wall T+|
4| | T2 –| 2| To Handset T –|

Table 10-8 Hybrid Rj14 (Telephone) connection
This Hybrid In/output card converts the analog telephone signals into digital audio so it can be processed by the 19” inch rack.
The Hybrid card allows external callers to be connected to the AXUM. A connection can be established via the start/stop function in the engine.
If a local phone is connected, it is possible to originate a call to a remote side. If no local phone is present, someone at a remote site must call you.

10.10 Firewire in/output card (not available anymore)
This Firewire In/output card converts the Firewire digital signals into digital audio which can be processed by the 19” inch rack.
The Firewire card has to run synchronous with the connected devices, allowed sample rate frequencies are 32kHz, 44.1kHz or 48kHz.
WDM and ASIO Drivers are available.
Via WDM driver the device is seen as a single multi-channel WDM device (16 mono channels).
Normally this means your card may act like a 7.1 surround card, unless your software is capable of using the 8 stereo channels separate.
Via ASIO driver all 16 mono channels are available.

10.11 DSP card

The DSP card adds mixing capabilities to your 19” rack. In combination with the Axum engine, this card gives you 32 stereo processing channels to create a mixing desk.
The system may be loaded with four DSP cards, which generates a mixing console with 128 stereo channels.
The ACT(ive) LED blinks when this card functions properly.

Patch panels

All distribution of audio within the AXUM digital audio system is with shielded twisted pair cable.
The Breakout 19” panels, you need to connect equipment use standard audio connectors.

11.1 19” Patch panels / Breakout panels
The AXUM 19” Break out patch panels convert the RJ45 Shielded connection to the industry standard connectors such as XLR and Jack. There are various patch panels available for the AXUM for example:

11.2 Wiring
11.2.1 GPIO/Remote
The remote jack connects to all kinds of remote in-/outputs. Such as remote start/stop, external red lights or cough.
The function of the remote jack depends on the I/O card and function setup for this GPIO. The software determines its function and where it is connected to.

If the GPIO jumper setting on the Axum-Rack-Board is set for GPO the remote becomes only a Remote-Output by a build in Solid State Relay. The relay is situated between  Tip and Ring of the remote jack.
Normally the GPIO jumper setting on the Axum-Rack-boards are set for GPO.

11.2.2 MIC
The MIC input connects microphones to the AXUM. The AXUM Mic Rack Module supports 48 volts DC phantom power if it is switched on in the software.

Female XLR Pin Function Comment
2 _ +Audio Audio in phase
Audio Audio out phase
1 Shield Ground

11.2.3 Phones
The Phones jacks connect headphones to the AXUM console. The PHONES-A and PHONES-B female jack outputs all carry a stereo headphones signal. The phones connection connects to the CRM-DA module.

Jack Name Function
Tip Audio left
Ring Audio right
Sleeve Shield

Table 11-2: Phones patch panel jack wiring

11.2.4 Stereo line input and output
The line I/O jack patch panel houses female jack connecters, the line I/O XLR patch panel houses XLR type connectors (male or female).

Female XLR Male XLR Name Function Pinning
2 +Audio Audio in phase
3 -Audio Audio out phase
1 Shield Ground

11.3 Standard RJ45 wiring

| Pin 1| Pin 2| Pin 3| Pin 4| Pin 5| Pin 6| Pin 7| Pin 8| Shield
RJ45 name| 1A| 1B| 2A| 3B| 3A| 2B| 4A| 413| S
Ball| Left (Hot)| Left (Cold)| Right (Hot)| GPIOI| GPIO I| Right (Cold)| GPIO2| GPIO2| Shield
Phones| Left 1| Right 1| Left 2| Right 2

Table 11-4: Standard RJ45 wiring
11.3.1 GPIO TTL/Relay selection
Each RJ45 connection on I/O cards handles audio signals and GPIOs.
The GPIO pins can be configured to work as:

  • TTL in and out this is selected by GPIO1 jumpers in the place 12 and GPIO2 jumpers in place 45. These jumpers are located on the I/O cards, close to the RJ45  connectors.
Pin Con. Pair Pin name Function Comment
1 1A 1 +Audio 1 Left audio input or output in-phase Imp. 2k Ohm

max. level +20dBu
2| 1B| -Audio 1| Left audio input or output out-phase
3| 2A| 2| +Audio 2| Right audio input or output in-phase| Imp. 2k Ohm
max. level +20dBu
6| 2B| -Audio 2| Right audio input or output out-phase
5| 3A| 3| GPIO1a| GP-Out| +5V TTL out, 560R
4| 3B| GP101b| GP-In| +5V TTL in, 10kR int. pull-up
7| 4A| 4| GPIO2a| GP-Out| +5V TTL out, 560R
8| 4B| GPIO2b| GP-In.| +5V TTL in, 10kR int. pull-up
S| GND| S| Shield| GND| Audio ground and reference for GP-In

  • Relay out (no input available).
    this is selected by GPIO1 jumpers in the place 23 and GPIO2 jumpers in place
  1. These jumpers are
Pin Con. Pair Pin name Function Comment
1 1A 1 +Audio 1 Left audio input or output in-phase specifications

depends on I/O card
2| 1 B| -Audio 1| Left audio input or output out-phase
3| 2A| 2| +Audio 2| Right audio input or output in-phase| specifications depends on I/O card
6| 2B| -Audio 2| Right audio input or output out-phase
5| 3A| 3| GP101a| Relay, connecting a&b| Photo MOS relay Bidirectional Max. 50V, 200mA
4| 3B| GP101b
7| 4A| 4| GPIO2a| Relay, connecting a&b| Photo MOS relay Bidirectional Max. 50V, 200mA
8| 4B| GPIO2b
S| GND| S| Shield| GND
Audio ground and| A
reference for GP-In

The figure shows how the jumper selection on the I/O card looks:

Specifications AXUM digital audio system

12.1 Input/output cards

Mic inputs| : Electronically balanced
: Input impedance 2k Ohm
: Input sensitivity -70dBu up to +20dBu (PAD)
: CMRR MIC inputs: 85dB @ 1kHz, maximum gain
: Phantom is switchable +48 Volts
: Optional is transformer balancing
Line inputs| : Electronically balanced
: Input impedance 10k Ohm
: input sensitivity +6dBu, maximum input +26dBu (+/- 20dB gain range).
: CMRR Line inputs: 30dB @ 1 kHz, maximum gain
: Transformer balancing is optional on the patch panels
Line Outputs| : Electronically balanced
: Output impedance 56R Ohm.
: Nominal output level +6dBu, maximum output +26dBu
: Optional is transformer balancing
Digital Inputs| : AES/EBU (AES3) or S/P-DIF
: 16/20/24 bit, 32kHz to 96kHz (optional built in sample rate converter)
: Input Impedance: 110R Ohm/75R Ohm
Digital outputs| : AES/EBU (AES3) or S/P-DIF.
: 16/20/24 bit, 32kHz to 48kHz
: Output level: 2 to 5 volt
: Output Impedance: 110R Ohm/75R Ohm
GPIOs| : All GPO’s are by opto isolated relays able to handle a maximum of 50V at 200mA
: All GPI’s have a 5V TTL 100kOhm circuitry
: GPIO-MIC has a  5V/600Ohm LED driver circuit

12.2 DSP processing

General processing:| floating point
32 stereo channel per DSP card.
Insert and N-1 per stereo channel.
4 monitor busses per DSP card.
16 mixing busses
6 Bands EQ:| 18 dB, 20 – 20000 Hz
0.1Q – 10Q LPF
Low shelf, Peaking, High self, HPF, BPF, Notch
Dynamics:| Downward expander with variable threshold -50 to 0 dB.
AGC/Compressor with threshold of -50 to 0 dB and ratio of 1:1 till 1:25


Drop through
Weight| : 492 x 410 x 60/90mm
: 486 x 430mm
: 10kg
Drop through
Weight| : 684 x 410 x 60/90mm
: 678 x 430mm
: 15kg

AXUM dimensions for drop through mounting

Declaration Of Conformity

Manufacturers Name: D&R Electronica B.V.
Manufacturers Address: Rijnkade 15B

1382 GS Weesp
| Declares that the product
AXUM digital audio system

conforms to the following product specifications:

EMC:| NEN-EN 55103-1
NEN-EN 55103-2
NEN-EN 55013-1| 1995

Supplementary Information:
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (1989) as amended by the CE Marking Directive 93/68/EEC (1993).
D&R Electronica Weesp B.V.
Rijnkade 15 B
The Netherlands
President of Engineering

Product Safety

This product is been manufactured with the highest standards and is double- checked in our quality control department for reliability in the “HIGH VOLTAGE” section.


  • Never remove any panels, or open this equipment.
  • No user serviceable parts inside.
  • Equipment power supply must be grounded at all times.
  • Only use this product as described, in user manual or brochure.
  • Do not operate this equipment in high humidity or expose it to water or other liquids.
  • Check the AC power supply cable to assure secure contact.
  • Have your equipment checked yearly by a qualified dealer service center.
  • Hazardous electrical shock can be avoided by carefully following the above rules.

Voltage and current cause an electrical shock. In practice the higher the voltage the higher the current will be and the higher the shock. However, there is another thing to  consider and that is resistance. When the resistance in Ohms is high between two poles, the current will be low and visa versa. All three of these; voltage, current and  resistance are important in determining the effect of an electrical shock.
The severity of a shock is caused by the amount of current flowing through a person.
A person can feel a shock because the muscles in a body respond to electric current. Current can also be fatal when it causes the chest muscles to contract and stop breathing.
At what potential is current dangerous? Well the first feeling of current is a tingle at 0.001 Amp of current.
The current between 0.1 Amp and 0.2 Amp is fatal.
Imagine that your home fuses of 16 Amp can handle 200 times more current than is necessary to kill. How does resistance affect the shock a person feels? A typical resistance  between your two hands “dry” condition could be well over 100,000 Ohm. But if your body is transpiring extensively your body resistance is lowered by more than  50%. This is a situation in which current can easily flow.
Always earth all your equipment by the grounding pin in your main plug. Proper wiring and isolation input/output transformers should only cure hum loops.
Always replace fuses with the same type and rating after the equipment has been turned off and unplugged.
If the fuse blows again you have an equipment failure. Do not use it again and return it to your dealer for repair.
And last but not least be careful not to touch a person being shocked as you, yourself could also be shocked.
Once removed from the shock, have someone send for medical help immediately!
Always keep the above-mentioned information in mind when using electrically powered equipment.


Due to a policy of continuous product improvement, D&R Electronica Weesp B.V. reserves the right to change specifications, appearance and performance without prior  notice.
Since the use of this information and the conditions by which the products are used are beyond the control of D&R Electronica Weesp B.V., it is the obligation of the owner  and/or the equipment operator to determine the correct and safe selection, settings and conditions of use of the equipment and products.
To the extent that the law permits, any liability which may be incurred as a result of the use or future use of a product manufactured or sold by D&R Electronica Weesp B.V.  is limited to the cost of repairing or replacing the failing product or component at the discretion of D&R Electronica Weesp B.V. Either within or outside of warranty periods.
This does not extend to any loss or damage caused because of misuse or failure of the equipment or products.
D&R Electronica Weesp B.V. shall not in any event be liable for economic lost of profits including without limitation any incidental or consequential damage, expenses or  other damages arising out of the use or inability to use the product and/or software even if D&R Electronica Weesp B.V. has been advised of the possibility of such a damage or for any claim by another party.
You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend D&R Electronica Weesp B.V., its parent, and their licensors, suppliers, officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates,  subsidiaries (collectively “Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all liability incurred by or made against the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising  from or related to your use.

Appendix A – Network design for AXUM

The platform AXUM design is according to the OSI-Model and makes use of protocols on different levels. It is important to understand the philosophy on the different  levels in networking and the way the AXUM implemented this.
With this knowledge, you can make an advanced network setup within your studio(s) give you possibilities for:
– Remote configuration
– Remote service
– Connecting multiple AXUM racks to internet.
– Secure working within office-networks.

18.1 Network levels
Most of the people are aware of IP addresses. IP stands for ‘Internet Protocol’ and is in the OSI-Model called a ‘level 3’ protocol. In smaller office-networks, you normally  only have to care about this ‘level 3’ (so IP).
The LAN connections (Local Area Network) normally use the Ethernet technology. Where the Ethernet is called a ‘level 2’ protocol.
For your understanding ‘level 1’ is the physical cable like CAT5e (often called RJ45-cable or Ethernet-cable).
An example how these ‘levels’ are used in an office network is your connection to the Internet:
– Your LAN connections are Ethernet
– Your WAN connection is DSL or GPRS/HDSPA
The fact is that the ‘level 3’ IP can be send on LAN and WAN, but the ‘level 2’ Ethernet is only available in the local area.

18.2 AXUM Network implementation
The AXUM system communication, where you have to think of fader, knob data etc. is based on the protocol MambaNet. MambaNet may run over other protocols and this  can be L2 and L3 protocols.
Two examples of a valid AXUM solution:

18.2.1 MambaNet example 1
– MambaNet over layer 2 (Ethernet)
Is used for the Axum internal communication, where you have to think of fader, knob data etc. etc.
– Configuration over layer 3 (IP)
Is used for the Axum configuration and service access.
This makes sense because then the AXUM internal communication is independent of any IP address assignment and will always work independent on the IP- configuration.  Second, the configuration is based on IP so with a good network design you can access configuration and service functionality over Internet.
Because layer 2 is a package switched solution this gives the restriction you can only use one AXUM rack in the Ethernet network. The next example can be used in a multi- rack network setup.

18.2.2 MambaNet example 2

  • MambaNet over layer 3(UDP or TCP)
    Is used for the Axum internal communication, where you have to think of fader, knob data etc. etc.

  • Configuration over layer 3 (IP)
    Is used for the Axum configuration and service access.

The MambaNet over UDP (and TCP) is connection oriented. With the destination IP address you determine to which rack this surface hooks up.

18.3 Network design (MambaNet over Layer 2)
An AXUM system require to have an own LAN (layer 2) to work without risk of interference with office networks and or other AXUM systems. The most basic way of  describing this is: “Each Axum system requires its own Ethernet switch”.
As you can understand this means there is no connection (so communication possible) between the separate LANs. This creates the problem you cannot access the console(s)  from a single internet connection or from your office network. To overcome this problem you have to design the network with a separation on ‘level 2’ (Ethernet)  but a connection over ‘level 3’ (IP) must be possible.
Most simple example on such separation is:
Here you see two LAN networks, both connected to internet. With correct IP- addressing Office 1 and 2 can reach each other using the IP protocol. However, there will be  no interference between Office 1 and 2 on Ethernet. In fact, you have to create the same network level-structure in your studio for correct function.
In the next chapters we show you some solutions how to implement this structure. Because these structures are well known in network-technologies there are also several  different solutions where you can pick the most interesting/efficient for you.

18.3.1 Practical solution 1: Physical separated switches and IP router
If you give the AXUMs and OFFICE networks their own physical Ethernet switch, you ofcourse have good ‘level 2’ (Ethernet) separation. If you additional hook up an IP  router to the Ethernet switches it is possible to make IP routes between the different networks, without ‘level 2’ interference.

18.3.2 Practical solution 2: single managed level 3 switch/router
When you select an level 3 managed switch with the following features:
– Port VLAN
– Inter VLAN routing (IP)
(VLAN stands for Virtual Local Area Network)
It will be possible to hook up all your network equipment to the same switch and configure the switch so it functions equal to ‘Practical solution 1’. Therefore you have to  make 3 VLANs and make correct Inter VLAN IP routes.

Appendix B – Surface service

If you browse to the url (where should be your local console IP address) you have a service menu with give some management possibilities.

  • Package versions
    Shows the packages, version and build/install date.

  • Download backup
    Downloads a file which is a complete image of the internal flash disk.

  • Change password
    Here you can change the password for the webserver

  • Upload logo
    Here you can upload your own logo which will appear on the meter screen.

19.1 Package versions
This page shows the installed packages with their version number, build and install date.

19.2 Change password
The webserver requires authentication. On this page you change the username and password.

19.3 Upload logo
On this page you can upload you own logo which will appear on the meter screen.

  • Logo upload
    Choose the logo you want to use and upload it to the website. The logo must be a .png image. It will be resized to 256×150 pixels.
    After a reboot the logo will be visible on the meter screen from the AXUM console.

Appendix C – Engine functions

The engine houses all mixing console functions and is able to connect various objects to its function as has been described in the previous chapters. Below we give a list of all  available functions within the engine.
20.1 Modules
If four DSP cards are inserted, it is possible to have 128 modules (32 stereo modules per DSP card). For each module, you are able to connect objects to the following functions:

Function name| comments| Example object to connect to| Version
Label| Label of the module| Display
Source| Steps through the source list at the current module| Encoder, Display| 2.0
Module preset A| Select the pre configured module preset 1A, 2A, 3A or
4A.(Which of the 4 depends on the last console preset used).| Switch| 2.
Module preset B| Select the pre configured module preset 1B, 2B, 3B or
4B.(Which of the 4 depends on the last console preset used).| Switch| 1 . 1
Module preset AB| Toggle the pre configured module preset 1A/1B, 2A/2B, 3A/3B or 4A/4B. (Which of the 4 depends on the last console preset used).| Switch| 1 . 1
Module preset IA| Select the pre configured Module preset 1 A| Switch| 2.
Module preset 1B| Select the pre configured Module preset 1B| Switch| 2.
Module preset 2A| Select the pre configured Module preset 2A| Switch| 2.
Module preset 2B| Select the pm configured Module preset 2B| Switch| 2.
Module preset 3A| Select the pre configured Module preset 3A| Switch| 2.
Module preset 3B| Select the pre configured Module preset 3B| Switch| 2.
Module preset 4A| Select the pre configured Module preset 4A| Switch| 2.
Module preset 4B| Select the pre configured Module preset 4B| Switch| 2.
Source phantom| Toggles phantom power on the source routed to this module| Switch| 2.0
Source pad| Toggles PAD on the source routed to this module| Switch| 2.0
Source gain level| changes (analog) gain on the source routed to this module| Encoder| 2.0
Source gain level reset| changes (analog) gain on the source routed to this module| Switch| 2.0
Insert on/off| Switches the insert retum on/off| Switch| 2.0
Phase| Change phase of all channels in the module| Switch| 2.0
Phase on/off| Switches the phase on/off| Switch| 2.
Gain level| Controls the gain in steps of 0.1 dB| Encoder, Display| 2.0
Gain level reset| Sets the gain to 0 dB| Encoder switch| 2.0
Low cut frequency| Low cut frequency control.| Encoder, Display| 2.0
Low cut on/off| Select the low cut on/off| Switch| 2.0
EQ Band I Level| Controls the EQ level in steps of 0.1 dB| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 1 Frequency| Controls the EQ frequency| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 1 Bandwidth| Controls the EQ bandwidth| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 1 Level reset| Sets the EQ level to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 1 Frequency reset| Sets the EQ frequency to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 1 Bandwidth reset| Sets the EQ bandwidth to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 1 Type| Steps through the EQ band types available| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 2 Level| Controls the EQ level in steps of 0.1 dB| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 2 Frequency| Controls the EQ frequency| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 2 Bandwidth| Controls the EQ bandwidth| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 2 Level reset| Sets the EQ level to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 2 Frequency reset| Sets the EQ frequency to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 2 Bandwidth reset| Sets the EQ bandwidth to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 2 Type| Steps through the EQ band types available| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 3 Level| Controls the EQ level in steps of 0.1 dB| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 3 Frequency| Controls the EQ frequency| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 3 Bandwidth| Controls the EQ bandwidth| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 3 Level reset| Sets the EQ level to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 3 Frequency reset| Sets the EQ frequency to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 3 Bandwidth reset| Sets the EQ bandwidth to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 3 Type| Steps through the EQ band types available| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 4 Level| Controls the EQ level in steps of 0.1 dB| Encoder| 2.0
Function name| comments| Example object to connect to| Version
EQ Band 4 Frequency| Controls the EQ frequency| Encoder
EQ Band 4 Bandwidth| Controls the EQ bandwidth| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 4 Level reset| Sets the EQ level to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 4 Frequency reset| Sets the EQ frequency to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 4 Bandwidth reset| Sets the EQ bandwidth to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 4 Type| Steps through the EQ band types available| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 5 Level| Controls the EQ level in steps of 0.1 dB| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 5 Frequency| Controls the EQ frequency| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 5 Bandwidth| Controls the EQ bandwidth| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 5 Level reset| Sets the EQ level to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 5 Frequency reset| Sets the EQ frequency to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 5 Bandwidth reset| Sets the EQ bandwidth to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 5 Type| Steps through the EQ band types available| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 6 Level| Controls the EQ level in steps of 0.1 dB| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 6 Frequency| Controls the EQ frequency| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 6 Bandwidth| Controls the EQ bandwidth| Encoder| 2.0
EQ Band 6 Level reset| Sets the EQ level to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 6 Frequency reset| Sets the EQ frequency to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 6 Bandwidth reset| Sets the EQ bandwidth to the band default| Encoder Switch| 2.0
EQ Band 6 Type| Steps through the EQ band types available| Encoder| 2.0
EQ On/Off| Select the EQ on/off (all bands!)| Switch| 2.0
Downward expander threshold| Selects the threshold for the downwards expander in the range from -50 to 0 dB| Encoder, Display| 2.
AGC threshold| Selects the threshold for the AGC (automatic gain control) in the range from -30-0 dB| Encoder, Display| 2.
AGC ratio| Steps through the ratio of AGC (1:1 – 1:25)| Encoder, Display| 2.
Dynamics On/Off| Select the dynamics on/off (dynamics is AGC+Expander)| Switch| 2.0
Mono| Makes the module output mono| Switch| 2.0
Mono On/Off| Select the Mono on/off| Switch| 2.0
Pan| Steps the panning from left to right| Encoder, Display| 2.0
Pan reset| Sets the panning to the center| Encoder switch| 2.0
Module level| This function handles the fader functionality| Fader| 2.0
Module on| This function handles like a on-switch (press = on)| Switch| 2.0
Module off| This function handles like a off-switch (press = off)| Switch| 2.0
Module on/off| This function handles like a on/off-switch (press = toggle between on and off)| Switch| 2.0
Fader and on active| This function shows a ‘1’ if the fader and on are active. When received a ‘1’ the fader and on are activated| Switch, GPIO| 2.
Fader and on inactive| This function shows a 1 ‘ if the fader and on are inactive. When received a ‘1’ the fader and on are made inactive.| Switch, GPIO| 2.
Fader and on active/inactive| This function shows a ‘1’ if the fader and on are active. When received a •1′ the ‘fader and on’-state toggles between active and inactive| Switch, GPIO| 2.
Fader on| This function handles like a fader-on-switch (press = fader at 0 dB)| Switch| 2.
Fader off| This function handles like a fader-off-switch (press = fader is closed)| Switch| 2.
Fader on/off| This function handles like a fader on/off-switch (press = toggle between fader 0 dB and off)| Switch| 2.
Buss 1/2 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 1/2 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 1/2 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.
Buss 1/2 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.
Buss 1/2 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 1/2 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 1/2 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 1/2 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 3/4 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 3/4 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 3/4 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.
Buss 3/4 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.
Buss 3/4 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 3/4 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 3/4 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Function name| comments| Example object to connect to| Version
Buss 3/4 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 5/6 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 5/6 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 5/6 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 5/6 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 5/6 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 5/6 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 5/6 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 5/6 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 7/8 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 7/8 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 7/8 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 7/8 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 7/8 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 7/8 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 7/8 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 7/8 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 9/10 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 9/10 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 9/10 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 9/10 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 9/10 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 9/10 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 9/10 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 9/10 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 11/12 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 11/12 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 11/12 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 11/12 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 11/12 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 11/12 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 11/12 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 11/12 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 13/14 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 13/14 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 13/14 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 13/14 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 13/14 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 13/14 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 13/14 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 13/14 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 15/16 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 15/16 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 15/16 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 15/16 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 15/16 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 15/16 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 15/16 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 15/16 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 17/18 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 17/18 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 17/18 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 17/18 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 17/18 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 17/18 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 17/18 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 17/18 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 19/20 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 19/20 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 19/20 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Function name| comments| Example object to connect to| Version
Buss 19/20 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 19/20 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 19/20 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 19/20 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 19/20 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 21/22 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 21/22 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 21/22 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 21/22 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 21/22 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 21/22 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 21/22 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 21/22 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 23/24 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 23/24 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 23/24 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 23/24 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 23/24 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 23/24 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 23/24 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 23/24 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 25/26 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 25/26 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 25/26 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 25/26 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 25/26 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 25/26 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 25/26 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 25/26 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 27/28 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 27/28 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 27/28 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 27/28 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 27/28 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 27/28 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 27/28 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 27/28 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 29/30 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 29/30 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 29/30 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 29/30 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 29/30 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 29/30 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 29/30 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 29/30 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Buss 31/32 level| Controls the sent level to the buss for this module| Encoder, Fader| 2.0
Buss 31/32 level reset| Select ‘Off ‘or ‘On = 0 dB’ depending on current state| Encoder Switch| 2.0
Buss 31/32 on| Select the buss on| Switch| 2.2
Buss 31/32 off| Select the buss off| Switch| 2.2
Buss 31/32 on/off| Select the buss on/off| Switch| 2.0
Buss 31/32 pre| Select if this module sent pre or post fader signal to the buss| Switch| 2.0
Buss 31/32 balance| The balance of the module signal sent to the buss| Encoder| 2.0
Buss 31/32 balance reset| This resets the balance to the center position| Switch| 2.0
Source start| Start (GPO) for current source| Switch| 2.0
Source stop| Stop (GPO) for current source| Switch| 2.0
Source start/stop| Toggle between start/stop for current source| Switch| 2.0
Cough on/off| Toggle between Cough On and Cough off.| GPI, Switch| 2.0
Function name| comments| Example object to connect to| Version
Source alert| Do/signal a alert from the selected source| GPI, Switch| 2.0
Control| Control 1-4 data value (1-4 depends on console number for this module)

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder| 2.1
Control label| Set label of the current selected control 1-4 mode (1-4 depends on console number for this module)

(Source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Display| 2.1
Control reset| Sets the data to the control 1-4 default value or toggle functions (1-4 depends on console number for this module).

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder switch| 2.1
Control 1| Control 1 data value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 1 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder| 2.0
Control 1 label| Set label of the current selected control 1 mode (Source, gain, aux level etc. etc)| Display| 2.0
Control 1 reset| Sets the data to the control 1 default value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 1 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder switch| 2.0
Control 2| Control 2 data value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 2 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder| 2.0
Control 2 label| Set label of the current selected control 2 mode (Source, gain, aux level etc. etc)| Display| 2.0
Control 2 reset| Sets the data to the control 2 default value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 2 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder switch| 2.0
Control 3| Control 3 data value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 3 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder| 2.0
Control 3 label| Set label of the current selected control 3 mode (Source, gain, aux level etc. etc)| Display| 2.0
Control 3 reset| Sets the data to the control 3 default value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 3 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder switch| 2.0
Control 4| Control 4 data value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 4 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder| 2.0
Control 4 label| Set label of the current selected control 4 mode (Source, gain, aux level etc. etc)| Display| 2.0
Control 4 reset| Sets the data to the control 4 default value

The data interpretation depends on the mode of this control 4 (source, gain, aux level etc. etc)

| Encoder switch| 2.0
Peak| Shows when this module has a peak in the audio level| LED| 2.0
Signal| Shows when audio is received at the module| LED| 2.0
Processing preset| With this function you can scroll through all processing presets.| Encoder, Display| 2.1
Routing preset 1A| Loads module routing preset 1A| Switch| 2.2
Routing preset 1B| Loads module routing preset 1B| Switch| 2.2
Routing preset 2A| Loads module routing preset 2A| Switch| 2.2
Routing preset 2B| Loads module routing preset 2B| Switch| 2.2
Routing preset 3A| Loads module routing preset 3A| Switch| 2.2
Routing preset 3B| Loads module routing preset 3B| Switch| 2.2
Routing preset 4A| Loads module routing preset 4A| Switch| 2.2
Routing preset 4B| Loads module routing preset 4B| Switch| 2.2
Talkback 1 to related destination| Switches talkback 1 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 2 to related destination| Switches talkback 2 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 3 to related destination| Switches talkback 3 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 4 to related destination| Switches talkback 4 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 5 to related destination| Switches talkback 5 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 6 to related destination| Switches talkback 6 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 7 to related destination| Switches talkback 7 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 8 to related destination| Switches talkback 8 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Function name| comments| Example object to connect to| Version
Talkback 9 to related


| Switches talkback 9 to all output where the current source

its related destination is used.

| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 10 to related destination| Switches talkback 10 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 11 to related destination| Switches talkback 11 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 12 to related destination| Switches talkback 12 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 13 to related destination| Switches talkback 13 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 14 to related destination| Switches talkback 14 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 15 to related destination| Switches talkback 15 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Talkback 16 to related destination| Switches talkback 16 to all output where the current source its related destination is used.| Switch| 2.1
Select 1| When module select for console 1 is activated the current module will be selected for a super module or the EQ window| Switch| 2.3
Select 2| When module select for console 2 is activated the current module will be selected for a super module or the EQ


| Switch| 2.3
Select 3| When module select for console 3 is activated the current module will be selected for a super module or the EQ


| Switch| 2.3
Select 4| When module select for console 4 is activated the current module will be selected for a super module or the EQ


| Switch| 2.3
Console| Tells on which console the current module is configured| Selected module indicator| 2.3
Audio level left| Left audio level of the module input| Level meter| 2.3
Audio level right| Right audio level of the module input| Level meter| 2.3
Audio phase| Phase between left and right of the module input| Phase meter| 2.3

20.2 Busses
The Axum has 16 stereo busses. For each buss, you are able to connect objects with the following functions:

Function name comments Object to connect to Version
Buss master level Controls the buss master level Encoder, Fader 2.0
Buss master level reset Select ‘On and 0 dB’ Encoder switch 2.0
Buss master on/off Select buss on/off Switch 2.0
Buss master pre Switches the total buss pre or post Switch 2.0
Buss Label Label of the buss Display 2.0
Buss Audio level left Left audio level of the buss Level meter 2.0
Buss Audio level right Right audio level of the buss Level meter 2.0
Buss Audio phase Phase between buss left/right Phase meter 2.3
Select 1 When buss select for console 1 is activated the current buss will be


| meter-selector| 2.3
Select 2| When buss select for console 2 is

activated the current buss will be selected

| meter-selector| 2.3
Select 3| When buss select for console 3 is

activated the current buss will be selected

| meter-selector| 2.3
Select 4| When buss select for console 4 is

activated the current buss will be selected

| meter-selector| 2.3
Reset| Resets all routing to this buss| PFL-reset button| 2.5
Talkback 1| Switches all destinations to talkback 1 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 2| Switches all destinations to talkback 2 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 3| Switches all destinations to talkback 3 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 4| Switches all destinations to talkback 4 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 5| Switches all destinations to talkback 5 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 6| Switches all destinations to talkback 6 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 7| Switches all destinations to talkback 7 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 8| Switches all destinations to talkback 8 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 9| Switches all destinations to talkback 9 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 10| Switches all destinations to talkback 10 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 11| Switches all destinations to talkback 11 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 12| Switches all destinations to talkback 12 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 13| Switches all destinations to talkback 13 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 14| Switches all destinations to talkback 14 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 15| Switches all destinations to talkback 15 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5
Talkback 16| Switches all destinations to talkback 16 if this buss is the ‘signal from’ buss| Switch| 2.5

20.3 Monitor busses
With 4 DSP cards, the Axum will have 16 stereo monitor busses (4 per DSP card). For each monitor buss, you are able to connect objects to do the following functions.

Function name Comments Object to connect to Version
Buss 1/2 on Select buss 1/2 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 1/2 off Deselect buss 1/2 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 1/2 on/off Toggle buss 1/2 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 3/4 on Select buss 3/4 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 3/4 off Deselect buss 3/4 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 3/4 on/off Toggle buss 3/4 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 5/6 on Select buss 5/6 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 5/6 off Deselect buss 5/6 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 5/6 on/off Toggle buss 5/6 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 7/8 on Select buss 7/8 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 7/8 off Deselect buss 7/8 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 7/8 on/off Toggle buss 7/8 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 9/10 on Select buss 9/10 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 9/10 off Deselect buss 9/10 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 9/10 on/off Toggle buss 9/10 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 11/12 on Select buss 11/12 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 11/12 off Deselect buss 11/12 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 11/12 on/off Toggle buss 11/12 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 13/14 on Select buss 13/14 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 13/14 off Deselect buss 13/14 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 13/14 on/off Toggle buss 13/14 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 15/16 on Select buss 15/16 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 15/16 off Deselect buss 15/16 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 15/16 on/off Toggle buss 15/16 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 17/18 on Select buss 17/18 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 17/18 off Deselect buss 17/18 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 17/18 on/off Toggle buss 17/18 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 19/20 on Select buss 19/20 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 19/20 off Deselect buss 19/20 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 19/20 on/off Toggle buss 19/20 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 21/22 on Select buss 21/22 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 21/22 off Deselect buss 21/22 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 21/22 on/off Toggle buss 21/22 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 23/24 on Select buss 23/24 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 23/24 off Deselect buss 23/24 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 23/24 on/off Toggle buss 23/24 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 25/26 on Select buss 25/26 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 25/26 off Deselect buss 25/26 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 25/26 on/off Toggle buss 25/26 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 27/28 on Select buss 27/28 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 27/28 off Deselect buss 27/28 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 27/28 on/off Toggle buss 27/28 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 29/30 on Select buss 29/30 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 29/30 off Deselect buss 29/30 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 29/30 on/off Toggle buss 29/30 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Buss 31/32 on Select buss 31/32 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 31/32 off Deselect buss 31/32 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Buss 31/32 on/off Toggle buss 31/32 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 1 on Select Ext 1 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 1 off Deselect Ext 1 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 1 on/off Toggle Ext 1 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 2 on Select Ext 2 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 2 off Deselect Ext 2 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 2 on/off Toggle Ext 2 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 3 on Select Ext 3 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 3 off Deselect Ext 3 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 3 on/off Toggle Ext 3 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 4 on Select Ext 4 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 4 off Deselect Ext 4 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 4 on/off Toggle Ext 4 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 5 on Select Ext 5 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 5 off Deselect Ext 5 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 5 on/off Toggle Ext 5 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 6 on Select Ext 6 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Function name Comments Object to connect to Version
--- --- --- ---
Ext 6 off Deselect Ext 6 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 6 on/off Toggle Ext 6 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 7 on Select Ext 7 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 7 off Deselect Ext 7 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 7 on/off Toggle Ext 7 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Ext 8 on Select Ext 8 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 8 off Deselect Ext 8 for the monitor buss Switch 2.2
Ext 8 on/off Toggle Ext 8 for the monitor buss Switch 2.0
Mute Mutes the output GPO, CRM mute 2.0
Dim Dims the output CRM level 2.0
Phones level Controls the level in steps of 0.1 dB CRM phones level 2.0
Mono Mono the output CRM Mono 2.0
Phase Phase reverse the right output CRM Phase 2.0
Speaker level Controls the level in steps of 0.1 dB CRM speaker level 2.0
Talkback 1 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 1 Switch 2.0
Talkback 2 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 2 Switch 2.0
Talkback 3 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 3 Switch 2.0
Talkback 4 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 4 Switch 2.0
Talkback 5 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 5 Switch 2.0
Talkback 6 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 6 Switch 2.0
Talkback 7 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 7 Switch 2.0
Talkback 8 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 8 Switch 2.0
Talkback 9 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 9 Switch 2.0
Talkback 10 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 10 Switch 2.0
Talkback 11 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 11 Switch 2.0
Talkback 12 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 12 Switch 2.0
Talkback 13 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 13 Switch 2.0
Talkback 14 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 14 Switch 2.0
Talkback 15 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 15 Switch 2.0
Talkback 16 Talkback to monitor from Talkback 16 Switch 2.0
Audio level left Left audio level of a monitor buss Level meter 2.0
Audio level right Right audio level of a monitor buss Level meter 2.0
Audio phase Phase between left and right of a monitor buss Phase meter 2.3
Label Name of the monitor buss Display 2.0
Select 1 When monitor buss select for console 1 is activated the current

monitor buss will be


| meter-selector| 2.3
Select 2| When monitor buss select for console 2 is activated the current monitor buss will be


| meter-selector| 2.3
Select 3| When monitor buss select for console 3 is

activated the current monitor buss will be selected

| meter-selector| 2.3
Select 4| When monitor buss select for console 4 is activated the current monitor buss will be  selected| meter-selector| 2.3

20.1 Console
Console functions are extracted from the the global functions in version engine 2.5.

Function Name Comments Object to connect to Version
Control mode active Is active when the control mode is shown EQ Window 2.3
Control mode source Select mode source for the controllers Switch 2.0
Control mode processing preset Select mode processing preset for the
controllers Switch 2.1
Control mode source gain Select mode source gain for the controllers Switch

Control mode source phantom| Select mode phantom for the controllers| Switch| 2.1
Control mode source pad| Select mode pad for the controllers| Switch| 2.1
Control mode gain| Select mode gain for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode phase| Select mode phase for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode low cut| Select mode low cut for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode Insert on/off| Select mode insert for the controllers| Switch| 2.2
Control mode EQ band 1 level| Select mode EQ band 1 level for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 1 frequency| Select mode EQ band 1 freq for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 1 bandwidth| Select mode EQ band 1 bw for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 1 type| Select mode EQ band 1 type for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 2 level| Select mode EQ band 2 level for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 2 frequency| Select mode EQ band 2 freq for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 2 bandwidth| Select mode EQ band 2 bw for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 2 type| Select mode EQ band 2 type for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 3 level| Select mode EQ band 3 level for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 3 frequency| Select mode EQ band 3 freq for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 3 bandwidth| Select mode EQ band 3 bw for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 3 type| Select mode EQ band 3 type for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 4 level| Select mode EQ band 4 level for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 4 frequency| Select mode EQ band 4 freq for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 4 bandwidth| Select mode EQ band 4 bw for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 4 type| Select mode EQ band 4 type for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 5 level| Select mode EQ band 5 level for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 5 frequency| Select mode EQ band 5 freq for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 5 bandwidth| Select mode EQ band 5 bw for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 5 type| Select mode EQ band 5 type for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 6 level| Select mode EQ band 6 level for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 6 frequency| Select mode EQ band 6 freq for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 6 bandwidth| Select mode EQ band 6 bw for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode EQ band 6 type| Select mode EQ band 6 type for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode module EQ on/off| Select mode EQ on/off for the controllers| Switch| 2.1
Control mode module downward expander threshold| Select mode downward expander threshold| Switch| 2.1
Control mode AGC threshold| Select mode AGC threshold| Switch| 2.1
Control mode AGC ratio| Select mode AGC ratio for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode Dynamics on/off| Select mode Dynamics on/off for the controllers| Switch| 2.2
Control mode mono| Select mode mono for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode pan| Select mode pan for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode module level| Select mode module level for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss ½| Select mode buss 1/2 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 1/2 balance| Select mode buss 1/2 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 3/4| Select mode buss 3/4 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 3/4 balance| Select mode buss 3/4 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 5/6| Select mode buss 5/6 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 5/6 balance| Select mode buss 5/6 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 7/8| Select mode buss 7/8 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 7/8 balance| Select mode buss 7/8 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 9/10| Select mode buss 9/10 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 9/10 balance| Select mode buss 9/10 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 11/12| Select mode buss 11/12 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 11/12 balance| Select mode buss 11/12 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 13/14| Select mode buss 13/14 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 13/14 balance| Select mode buss 13/14 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 15/16| Select mode buss 15/16 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 15/16 balance| Select mode buss 15/16 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Function Name| Comments| Object to connect to| Version
Control mode buss 17/18| Select mode buss 17/18 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 17/18 balance| Select mode buss 17/18 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 19/20| Select mode buss 19/20 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 19/20 balance| Select mode buss 19/20 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 21/22| Select mode buss 21/22 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 21/22 balance| Select mode buss 21/22 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 23/24| Select mode buss 23/24 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 23/24 balance| Select mode buss 23/24 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 25/26| Select mode buss 25/26 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 25/26 balance| Select mode buss 25/26 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 27/28| Select mode buss 27/28 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 27/28 balance| Select mode buss 27/28 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 29/30| Select mode buss 29/30 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 29/30 balance| Select mode buss 29/30 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 31/32| Select mode buss 31/32 for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Control mode buss 31/32 balance| Select mode buss 31/32 bal. for the controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 1/2| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 3/4| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 5/6| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 7/8| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 9/10| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 11/12| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 13/14| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 15/16| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 17/18| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 19/20| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 21/22| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 23/24| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 25/26| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 27/28| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 29/30| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control mode buss 31/32| Select mode for the master controllers| Switch| 2.0
Master control| Data value of master controllers| Encoder| 2.0
Master control reset| Sets master controllers to the default value| Encoder switch| 2.0
Reset console to programmed defaults| After pressing one second, console is reset to the programmed defaults| Switch| 2.1
Master & control mode buss 1/2| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 1/2| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 3/4| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 3/4| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 5/6| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 5/6| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 7/8| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 7/8| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 9/10| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 9/10| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 11/12| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 11/12| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 13/14| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 13/14| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 15/16| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 15/16| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 17/18| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 17/18| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 19/20| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 19/20| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 21/22| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 21/22| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 23/24| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 23/24| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 25/26| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 25/26| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 27/28| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 27/28| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 29/30| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 29/30| Switch| 2.0
Master & control mode buss 31/32| Master control mode & module control mode are switched to buss 31/32| Switch| 2.0
Console preset label| Returns the name of the last used preset on the console| Display| 2.0
Module select| Function to select a module on the console| Module select encoder| 2.3
Selected module active| Is active for 10 seconds when a module parameter is changed| Show module parameters| 2.5

20.1 Destinations
Some objects have functionality that relates to the destination selected on a send module. For example if you have a GPI that should trigger a TB or MUTE send module function.
This group with destination functions makes it possible to have destination related send module functionality:

Name Comments Example object to connect to Version
Label Shows the name of the current destination Display 2.0
Source Selects the source for this destination Encoder/Display 2.0
Monitor speaker level If the source is a monitor buss and the speaker level
is changed this destination will follow I/O card level 2.0
Monitor phones level If the source is a monitor buss and the phones level is
changed this destination will follow I/O card level 2.0
Level This adjust the level of this destination Encoder 2.0
Mute Mutes this destination Switch, I/O card mutes 2.0
Mute & Monitor mute Mutes this destination if the source is a monitor buss

and the monitor buss mute is activated or its local mute is set.

| I/O card mutes| 2.0
Dim| Dims this destination| Switch, I/O card dim| 2.0
Dim & Monitor dim| Dims this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss dim is activated or its local dim

is set.

| I/O card dim| 2.0
Mono| Make this destination mono| Switch, I/O card mono| 2.0
Mono & Monitor mono| Make this destination mono if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss mono is activated or its

local mono is set.

| I/O card mono| 2.0
Phase| Changes phase for this destination| Switch, I/O card phase| 2.0
Phase & Monitor phase| Changes phase for this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss phase is activated

or its local phase is set.

| I/O card phase| 2.0
Talkback 1| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 1| 2.0
Talkback 1 & Monitor talkback 1| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is

activated or its local talkback is set.

| I/O card talkback 1| 2.0
Talkback 2| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 2| 2.0
Talkback 2 & Monitor talkback 2| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is

activated or its local talkback is set.

| I/O card talkback 2| 2.0
Talkback 3| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 3| 2.0
Name| Comments| Example object to connect to| Version
Talkback 3 & Monitor talkback 3| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a

monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.

| I/O card talkback 3| 2.0
Talkback 4| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 4| 2.0
Talkback 4 & Monitor talkback 4| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 4| 2.0
Talkback 5| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 5| 2.0
Talkback 5 & Monitor talkback 5| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 5| 2.0
Talkback 6| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 6| 2.0
Talkback 6 & Monitor talkback 6| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 6| 2.0
Talkback 7| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 7| 2.0
Talkback 7 & Monitor talkback 7| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 7| 2.0
Talkback 8| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 8| 2.0
Talkback 8 & Monitor talkback 8| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 8| 2.0
Talkback 9| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 9| 2.0
Talkback 9 & Monitor talkback 9| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 9| 2.0
Talkback 10| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 10| 2.0
Talkback 10 & Monitor talkback 10| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 10| 2.0
Talkback 11| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 11| 2.0
Talkback 11 & Monitor talkback 11| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 11| 2.0
Talkback 12| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 12| 2.0
Talkback 12 & Monitor talkback 12| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is

activated or its local talkback is set.

| I/O card talkback 12| 2.0
Talkback 13| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 13| 2.0
Talkback 13 & Monitor talkback 13| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 13| 2.0
Talkback 14| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 14| 2.0
Talkback 14 & Monitor talkback 14| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.| I/O card talkback 14| 2.0
Talkback 15| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 15| 2.0
Talkback 15 & Monitor talkback 15| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a

monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.

| I/O card talkback 15| 2.0
Talkback 16| Do talkback to this destination| Switch, I/O card talkback 16| 2.0
Talkback 16 & Monitor talkback 16| Do talkback to this destination if the source is a

monitor buss and the monitor buss talkback is activated or its local talkback is set.

| I/O card talkback 16| 2.0
Routing| Makes it possible to select which channels are going to this destination. The options are Left, Right, Stereo| Encoder, Display| 2.1
Select 1| When destination select for console 1 is activated the destination will be selected| future use| 2.3
Select 2| When destination select for console 2 is activated the destination will be selected| future use| 2.3
Select 3| When destination select for console 3 is activated the destination will be selected| future use| 2.3
Select 4| When destination select for console 4 is activated the destination will be selected| future use| 2.3

AXUM from D&R – Phone: +31 294 418014 – E-Mail: [email protected]


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