AudioControl 161EPICEID lnDash Bass Processor-SPL Meter User Manual

June 9, 2024

InDash Bass Processor/SPL Meter

Owner’s Enjoyment Manual

Congratulations on your purchase of the world’s finest in-dash bass restoration processor with an SPL (sound pressure level) display. Whether this is your first product from the rainforest dwellers of AudioControl or you are already a firm believer, you will definitely enjoy The Epicenter InDash. Remember, it comes from AudioControl, the experts at bass enhancement and building SPL displays and measurement tools.
Now before you start salivating too much just thinking about what The Epicenter InDash can add to your system, take a few minutes to sit back, have a latte, decaffeinated if necessary, and read through this manual. It contains lots of useful facts and information (and besides, we spent a lot of time writing it)!!

Features Of The Epicenter InDash

Here are some of the cool features that are enclosed in this magical box:

  • AudioControl unique bass restoration circuit
  • SPL display up to 160 dB
  • Battery Voltage indicator
  • Speaker level inputs
  • Para-BASS Controls
  • Balanced differential inputs

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22410 70th Avenue West • Seattle, WA 98043 USA
Phone 425-775-8461 • Fax


AudioControl Bass Restoration: The Epicenter InDash contains the most popular bass maximization circuitry in the world made famous by The Epicenter. This circuit accurately recreates and injects low frequency information back into the signal path. What that means in everyday terms is that The Epicenter InDash will give more bass impact to your best compact discs, MP3 tracks or even your old tapes (if you happen to have any lying around).
SPL display: AudioControl designs and manufactures a complete line of professional real time analyzers/SPL meters and microphone calibrators that are used by professional sound contractors, studio engineers and are the standard measurement tools for sound-off organizations like IASCA and USACi. It is that background that lets us equip The Epicenter InDash with a 160 dB capable microphone and SPL display.
Battery Voltage Indicator: The Epicenter InDash gives you the option of measuring the SPL output of your system and it also allows monitoring of the battery voltage of your system. Wonder why your SPL is a little lower this week versus last? Many times you should check your cars electrical system to make sure it is still putting out like it used to.
Speaker Level Inputs: If you are like most people and like the look and features of your factory installed source unit but feel it’s lacking power (and bass), we have good news. The Epicenter InDash has a unique high impedance speaker level input that will interface with most factory installed source units (even Bose) and let you add amplifiers and speakers to your hearts content. However, unlike some of the cheesy LOC’s (line output converters) available, The Epicenter InDash offers a very high fidelity sound quality input.
Para-BASS tm Equalization: The Epicenter InDash will increase your bass, and control it. The Epicenter InDash uses our Para- BASS equalization circuit to help shape the enhanced bass to match with your speaker system.
Bulletproof Warranty: The most important feature of all. Every AudioControl product is selflessly designed and manufactured by the occupants of our rainforest factory. We take every effort to ensure that you will have many years of enjoyment out of your The Epicenter InDash. To ensure the performance of your new toy, we highly recommend that you allow your authorized AudioControl dealer to perform the installation.

Not only do they have all the right knowledge and tools, but also in the event The Epicenter InDash should fail, we will back it with a limited five years parts and labor warranty. Should you choose to install it your-self we will still give you one-year parts and labor warranty. To validate your warranty, you need to visit to register The Epicenter InDash.
We also recommend that you save your invoice or sales slip as proof of installation and ownership. Not only is it necessary for warranty purposes, but should your Epicenter InDash tum up “missing” some day while you are out watching the salmon run, you will find insurance companies are very unforgiving without proof of purchase.

We interrupt your reading of this manual to provide the impatient people with “Quick Install” information and guidelines:
The AudioControl Epicenter InDash was designed to produce bass like you have never heard before. With that said it is important to take the following precautions during its use.

  1. If you have an equalizer in your system, turn down any bass tone controls and initially use The Epicenter InDash to pump up your bass. Otherwise, the results could be, shall we say… interesting.
  2. You will want to reduce any bass tone control, loudness control, or other secondary bass controls prior to turning on The Epicenter InDash. Once your system is up and running, you may then opt to use them again, although we doubt it!
  3. Good bass response requires an appropriate choice of speakers and amplification. Since the bass frequencies always require more power and cone area than higher frequencies …BE PREPARED. Small speakers (smaller than 6×9 or 8″) and lack of power will be detrimental to your system (and themselves).

Now back to your previously interrupted Owners Enjoyment Manual

Quick Install Information

The Epicenter InDash needs to be installed in the signal path between a source unit and an external amplifier(s). Although it can be installed after an equalizer, it must be installed BEFORE A CROSSOVER.
Once this is done, you need to hook up + 12 volt power, -12 volt ground, remote tum-on, and connect the illumination wire. If you need to know more, then read on. Heck, if you don’t think you need to know more, you should still read on, because you can never know too much.

Figure 1: Basic System Using The Epicenter InDash

  1. Subwoofer
  2. Midrange
  3. Tweeter

| Shipped| Options|


Para-BASS Frequency Center| 40Hz| 27Hz-63Hz|


Para-BASS Bandwidth| Wide| Range from 30Hz-250Hz|


Input Grounding| Balanced| Unbalanced|


Ground Isolation| Isolated| 200ohm or Ground|


Choice of beverage | Micro-brew| Latte|


Note: Moving jumpers or adjusting the Para-BASS controls can change these configurations.

A GUIDED TOUR OF The Epicenter InDash
The Front Panel

(1) Bass Restoration Control a.k.a. “The Knob”: This knob controls how much of the restored bass is added to your audio signal. Being that it is a knob, this means you can SLOWLY increase or decrease the amount of processed bass. (Read as: LISTEN FIRST, CRANK SECOND!)
(2) Restoration: By pushing in this switch you engage the bass restoration circuit.
(3) Para-BASS Controls: These two knobs control the Para-BASS equalization functions of The Epicenter InDash. The “Frequency” knob allows you to select the center frequency that you want The Epicenter InDash bass maximization circuit to affect. The “Width” knob adjusts how wide of a range around the center frequency The Epicenter InDash will affect.
(4) dB/Volts: Although this sounds like a new heavy metal group, this switch allows you to select whether the display on your Epicenter InDash is showing SPL levels in dB (decibels) or electrical levels in volts. Rock on!
(5) Peak Hold: If you ever got high score on Space Invaders but nobody was there to watch, you know what this switch is for. When engaged, the display on your Epicenter InDash will show the highest SPL or voltage reading that it measured (as long as your Epicenter InDash is turned on).
(6) SPL/Voltage Display: This super bright display will show either the sound pressure levels or battery voltage depending on where the dB/Volts switch is set.
(7) Bass Restoration Indicator: If this light is flashing, your car should be bump’n!
(8) High SPL Warning Indicator: Since you will probably brush over our warning about SPL and potential hearing damage, this indicator light comes on at 120 dB to give you a gentle warning about how loud your system is.
(9) 160 dB Microphone: Behind this tiny little hole is the microphone element that measures your systems SPL. Should you wish to have very low readings make sure you cover this opening.

Figure 2: The Epicenter InDash Front Panel

Figure 4: Top view of Epicenter InDash

The Top View

(1) Power Connections: This nifty connector is a godsend to anyone who has tried to wire up their gear with their head crammed under the dash. You can wire up the power, ground, remote tum-on, and illumination from the convenience of the driver’s seat and then casually plug it in the back of your Epicenter InDash.
(2) Outputs: These RCA connectors should be connected to the next component after The Epicenter InDash, such as a crossover, equalizer, or amplifier. Just remember, for maximum performance The Epicenter InDash must go before any crossovers!
(3) Inputs: The Epicenter InDash has two sets of quick inputs, MAIN and SPEAKER LEVEL. These inputs should get their signals from the main source unit/head unit and should attach to either RCA jacks or speaker leads that are coming out of your source unit.


(4) Input Grounding: For most systems you can leave this jumper set in the BALANCED position. In some systems, the source unit may look for a ground through the RCA connection to the amplifier and create a ground loop, which in tum can cause a whine in your system (we are not talking about Pinot Noir). In that event, you should go ahead and change the jumpers to the UNBALANCED position.
(5) Illumination Selection: These jumpers let you switch the backlight illumination from blue to red. The Epicenter InDash is shipped in the cool blue mode.
(6) Ground Isolation Selector: Occasionally alternator whine may appear in a system because the source unit and amplifier are using different grounding schemes. To help in this situation, we have provided alternative grounding connections. Make sure your system is turned OFF before you move these jumpers.

The Story Behind

The Epicenter Bass Restoration Technology

Now that you have purchased The Epicenter InDash you may ask yourself, “Why would I need to restore bass?” The truth is that during the recording process, low frequency information can be “mixed” down or filtered out during the recording process. It’s not that recording engineers are out to get you; in fact they are looking out for your best interest and are concerned that many speakers systems can not handle “truly” low bass information.
The circuit inside The Epicenter InDash is designed to reproduce the low frequency information by looking at the upper frequency ranges and detecting musical harmonics. These harmonics then allow The Epicenter circuitry to drop a few octaves and reproduce the “missing” bass notes.
The bottom line is that The Epicenter technology gives you deep, body shuddering, heart stopping bass. Can you handle it?

Figure 5: How The Epicenter Circuitry Works


Before you go out and design yourself a 140 dB plus SPL monster, you might want to consider the following:

Nuclear Explosion                          200 dB +
Airplane Engine take ofht l00 feet  140 dB
Jack Hammer                                  130 dB
Normal conversation speech           60 dB
If you have dreams of rocking around your neighborhood, blowing away Mr. Rogers and all your friends with decibel levels of 160 or higher, you might think twice. In fact, in many areas if your place of employment is louder than 85 dB, your boss is obligated to provide you with ear protection. Therefore, should you choose to expose yourself to SPL greater than 100 dB by cranking up your system, you should utilize some sort of ear protection.
Now we don’t want to rain on your parade or discourage you from “letting it loose” , but do be careful with your ears because like your brain cells, once your hearing is gone, it don’t come back. Of course always avoid inhaling, especially through your ears. Since many of you get caught listening to your music, we have equipped your Epicenter In Dash with a warning LED that comes on when it measures sound pressure levels greater than 120 dB. Above 120 dB you must use hearing protection to avoid damage!

INSTALLING The Epicenter InDash

Up to this point everything you have read has served to educate you on the operations of The Epicenter InDash. We are sure that you are chomping at the bit to install The Epicenter InDash so we recommend you read the following sections very carefully.

A. Placement & Mounting Of The Epicenter InDash

Placement: By definition, The Epicenter InDash in-dash processor was designed to be installed on or near the dashboard of most cars. Regardless of where you “physically” install The Epicenter InDash, it needs to be placed in the signal path as close to your source unit as possible; definitely BEFORE any crossover circuit.
Mounting: The Epicenter InDash is flexible enough to mount almost anywhere, although somewhere on the dash or in a center console is the most logical. You will want to be able to access it while you are sitting in the driver’s seat of your vehicle. The Epicenter InDash is designed to be mounted almost anywhere in a vehicle, although it is recommended to avoid hot spots like the firewall, engine compartment, or tail pipe. The mounting location must also be safe from water seepage or areas with bad seals (rubber gaskets, not sleek furry mammals who eat salmon). If there are old (or new) water stains, stay away.

We have provided brackets to assist you in mounting The Epicenter InDash chassis under your dashboard or wherever you may choose. The screw holes on The Epicenter InDash chassis also allow for easy installation underneath a radio or with a dash kit. It is of utmost importance to mount The Epicenter InDash securely to avoid any undue stress or breakage from over acceleration or braking.

B. The Epicenter InDash Power Wiring

ENLIGHTENING INFO • Disconnect the negative terminal of your car ‘s battery before working on any electrical connections. Failure to do so could lead to a dramatic spark in your life.
Remote Turn-On: Connect a 22 to 18 gauge wire from the head-unit’s remote turn-on to the “Remote” connector on The Epicenter InDash.
Positive (+12V) Connection: Insert an 18 gauge or larger wire into the connector labeled ” Power” on the nifty connector of your Epicenter InDash. Connect it to a good, fused (1 amp), constant source of 12 volts (we suggest the battery).
Ground Connection: Use the same gauge wire as you did for the positive connector and run it from the “Ground” connector on The Epicenter InDash to the negative terminal of the battery, a ground buss, or a verified ground location. The factory head unit ground is NOT recommended.
Illumination: The connector labeled ” Illumination” on The Epicenter InDash controls the backlighting of your unit. lf you run a wire from this connector to a switched 12-volt source, such as the “Remote” turn on wire on your source unit, you light up the backlighting on The Epicenter InDash . A better idea is to connect the illumination wire to a factory dash light dimmer and you now have the ability to dim the backlighting of The Epicenter InDash with your dash lights.

C. Epicenter InDash Audio Wiring

Planning: As you may already have guessed, there are numerous ways to configure The Epicenter InDash in your audio system. Spend a little quality time planning out your system and even sketching it out on paper if you can. The following diagrams are just a few of the system options:

Figure 7: The Epicenter InDash with EQX

  1. Subwoofer
  2. Midrange
  3. Tweeter

Figure 8: The Epicenter InDash with THREE.2

  1. Subwoofer
  2. Midrange
  3. Tweeter

Figure 9: The Epicenter InDash with factory installed source unit

  1. Subwoofer
  2. Midrange
  3. Tweeter
  4. Speaker Level Input

Figure 10: The Epicenter InDash with EQS and 4-channel source unit

  1. Rear
  2. Front
Adjusting the Para-BASS Controls

The bass response in a system is affected by four factors (1) the acoustics of the vehicle, (2) the location of the speakers, and (3) the music on the tape, CD, or source unit, and (4) amplifiers, speakers and speaker enclosures. Because of the variations in the recording process, we developed The Epicenter InDash to help restore any low frequencies lost during the recording process. However, the acoustics of various environments are different. With this in mind our coffee-laden engineers developed the unique Para-BASS ™ system.
The “Frequency” control allows you to select a center frequency (the frequency most affected) between 27 and 63 Hz. The “Width” control then allows you to control the shape of the filter centered on the “Frequency”. You will want to use a real time analyzer or a good set of ears to set this control.


No Power: If the Power LED on your Epicenter InDash will not turn on, check to make sure that the power wire and remote tum on wires are connected or a fuse has not blown.
No Bass Restoration: When your system is playing and yet you don’t hear any difference in the sound, trying tum the knob clockwise. If you still don’t hear any affect, then check to make sure that you have The Epicenter InDash in the right part of the signal chain. It must be installed BEFORE any crossovers in the system.
Note: If you are using a source unit with a built in crossover or processor, you must run a full range output to The Epicenter InDash’s inputs.
Sounds Distorted: Should your system sound distorted or your speakers are moving way too much, you should decrease the amount of bass restoration by turning the dash control knob counter clockwise.
No Display: The display on The Epicenter In Dash should always be showing either the systems SPL or the battery voltage. If the display is showing nothing, see the above section on “No Power”.

IF YOU LIKE The Epicenter InDash, YOU’LL LOVE…

using one of AudioControl’s high performance frequency equalizers. Whether your systems is designed around two, four, or six channels, AudioControl’s award winning components can help tame even the most wicked acoustical environment in your car. The EQS even gives controls for the front, rear, and subwoofers.
If you are looking to interface with your factory installed audio system, you will be please to know that AudioControl offers a complete line of “great sounding” active integration processors. Whether your system requires equalization, signal summing, or the restoration of bass signals we have just the solution and our cool new LCQ-1 even offers an input for remote level control.
Should your after market amplifier require more signal voltage so it will really pound, don’t feel alone. Many customers have the added our Over-drive Plus or Matrix Plus line drivers and felt like they had new amplifiers in their systems.
AudioControl also designs and manufactures a complete line of home theater and distributed audio products. If you want your house to sound just as good as your car, visit our website to see the latest offerings.

And now a word from the legal department…


People are scared of warranties. Lots of fine print, lots of noncooperation, months of waiting around. Well, don’t be scared of this warranty. It’s designed to make you rave about us to your friends. It’s a warranty that looks out for you and helps you resist the temptation to have your friend “who’s good with electronics” try to repair your AudioControl Epicenter InDash. So go ahead and read this warranty, then enjoy your new component for a few days before sending in the warranty card and comments.
“Conditional” doesn’t mean anything ominous. The Federal Trade Commission tells all manufacturers to use the term to indicate that certain conditions have to be met before they’ll honor the warranty. If you honor these conditions, we will warrant all materials and workmanship on your Epicenter InDash for five years from the date you bought it, if installed by an authorized AudioControl dealer, and will fix or replace it, at our option, during that lime.
Here are the conditions that make this warranty conditional:

  1. We need to know that you bought your product from an authorized AudioControl dealer. So go to or right away, and register your Epicenter In Dash.

  2. You must keep your sales receipt for proof of purchase, showing when and from whom the unit was bought. We’re not the only ones who require this, so it’s a good habit to get into with any major purchase.

  3. Your Epicenter InDash must have originally been purchased from an authorized AudioControl dealer. You do not have to be the original owner, but you do need a copy of the original sales slip.

  4. You cannot let anybody who isn’t (A) the AudioControl factory; (B) somebody authorized in writing by AudioControl to service your Epicenter InDash. If anyone other than (A) or (B) messes with your Epicenter InDash, that voids your warranty.

  5. The warranty is also void if the serial number is altered or removed, or if The Epicenter InDash has been used improperly. Now these sound like big loopholes, but here is all we mean by it.
    Unwarranted abuse is (A) physical damage (don’t use The Epicenter InDash for a jack stand); (B) improper connections (120 volts into the power jack can fry the poor thing); (C) sadistic things. This is the best mobile product we know how to build, but if you mount it to the front bumper of your car, something will go wrong.

  6. If an authorized United States AudioControl dealer installs your Epicenter InDash, the warranty is five years, otherwise the warranty is one year.
    Assuming you conform to I through 6, and it really isn’t all that hard to do, we get the option of fixing your old unit or replacing it with a new one.
    Validate your warranty: Visit to register your Epicenter InDash

Legalese Section

This is the only warranty given by AudioControl. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, which vary from slate to state.
Promises of how well your Epicenter In Dash will work are not implied by this warranty. Other than what we’ve covered in this warranty, we have no obligation, express or implied. Also, we will not be obligated for direct or indirect consequential damage to your system caused by hooking up the AudioControl Epicenter InDash.
Failure to send in a properly completed warranty card, negates any service claims.


All specifications are measured at 14.4 VDC (standard automotive voltage). As technology advances, AudioControl reserves the right to continuously change our specifications, like our weather, although we are working on it.
Maximum input level. ………………………………………………… 15 Vrms
Maximum output level ……………………………………………. l3.5 Vpeak
Frequency response…………………………………. 10Hz-100kHz;+/-1dB
Total harmonic distortion ……………………………………………… 0.003%
Signal to Noise ratio……………………………………………………. – 130dB
Balanced input noise rejection …………………………………………. 60dB
Microphone acoustical level …………………………….. 70 dB to 160 dB
High SPL Warning ………………………………………………………. 120 dB
Input Impedance……………………………………………………… 10 Kohms
Output Impedance …………………………………………………… 160 Ohms
Power supply …………………………………………. High headroom PWM
Power draw ………………………………………………………………… 300mA
Recommended fuse rating……………………………………………… 1 Amp
Size……………………………………………………… 6.75″ W x 5″ D x 1″ H
Weight ………………………………………………………………………. 2 lbs

© 2012, AudioControl, Inc. All rights reserved            P/N 913-114-0

22410 70th Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98043
Phone 425-775-8461 • Fax 425-778-3166

© 2012, AudioControl, Inc. All rights reserved.
AudioControl, Making Good Sound Better, Performance Match, The Epicenter, EQL, EQX, and Epicenter InDash are all trademarks of AudioControl, Inc.
This literature was conceived, designed, and written on a bleak, windy, and dreary rain-drenched day at our home in the Pacific Northwest Rainforest. The wheat beer was cold and so was the weather.

AC 04/08 P/N 911-002-0



Time was, American-made meant the highest-tech, finest-engineered, ever- wearing, never burst, break or burn-out you could buy.
We all know’ what corner of the world holds that title now.
Well, we·re trying to win it back. By making every AudioControl product the best we know how.
Good enough to sign our names to.
If this product ever goes wrong, we want to hear about it. Because our reputation, AudioControl’s reputation and a little bit of America·s reputation rests on how well we can get it together to .produce fine electronics right here in the Northwest Rain Forest.
We have thoroughly tested this unit as if we were going to buy it.
Enjoy your new AudioControl American-made product.

Response Accuracy Test
Noise & Distortion Test
Final Assembly
Listening Test

22410 70th Avenue West
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
425-775-8461 • Fax

Printed on Green Seal® certified paper containing 30% recycled post-consumer waste.


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