heatmiser UH8-RF V2 Wiring Centre Instruction Manual
- June 9, 2024
- heatmiser
Table of Contents
- heatmiser UH8-RF V2 Wiring Centre
- Description
- Installation
- Connections
- System indicators
- Wiring Diagram UH8-RF Direct Pump Connection
- Front Panel Connection
- Wiring Diagram UH8-RF with UFH & Radiator Valves
- System Setup
- Slimline-RF V3 Pairing
- Slimline-RF V1\V2 Setup & Pairing
- NeoAir Pairing
- System Configuration
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heatmiser UH8-RF V2 Wiring Centre
The UH8-RF V2 is an 8 Zone central wiring center for use with Heatmiser RF thermostats. The UH8-RF V2 can be used to control any actuator or valve, which requires a 230v AC signal to open. For mid-position valves and those requiring a closing signal, a changeover relay is required. The UH8-RF V2 also offers the ability to operate a boiler or other heat source through a volt-free output with changeover contacts, giving you both a heat-on signal and a heat- off signal.
Additional outputs designed for use with hot water or underfloor heating systems, are also included as standard. These are the pump and valve outputs that would normally operate a manifold pump or a manifold valve. Any output which is not needed can be ignored. When wiring directly to the heat source is not possible, a radio link is provided to remotely enable a separate receiver, the RF-Switch. Test switches are included for the installation engineer and further options include creepage protection and pump delay.
Using the toggle switches, each channel used on this system can be configured
for either a radiator zone or an underfloor heating zone. When the thermostat
sends a signal for heating, the UH8-RF V2 will provide a 230v AC output on the
paired zone and also bring on the boiler/other heat source output. At the same
time, the UH8-RF V2 can send a radio signal to the RF-Switch. If the zone is
configured as an underfloor heating zone, the UH8-RF V2 will also start the
pump and valve outputs. If an enable signal is received from a hot water time
clock on the system, only the H/W output will become active. This is a timed
output, which is normally fed to a cylinder thermostat, then to a valve, but
could also be used for towel rails. In either case, the valve auxiliary switch
would operate the boiler/another heat source.
Other functions
During hot weather the heating is not normally needed as often, this means
that valves and pumps that are not being used can seize and refuse to operate.
To prevent this, it is good practice to operate the valve or pump once a day,
the creepage function does this for you. Once enabled the UH8-RF V2 will
operate each valve or pump for 1 minute, if the outputs have not been operated
by a thermostat, within the preceding 24 hours. This function does not operate
the boiler output.
Pump Delay
Some valves or actuators can take more than a minute to open, if the boiler
and pump operate before the valve is open it can force a boiler to go to
lockout and stop operating. This function delays the operation of the pump and
boiler to give the actuators and valves time to open.
The UH8-RF V2 can be mounted directly to a wall using four screws or alternatively, the unit can be DIN rail mounted. When DIN Rail mounting, you first need to insert the two clips provided on the back of the UH8-RF V2, as shown in the image;
- On the back of the UH8-RF V2, position the clip in the middle and slide down.
- Points A and B locate in the corresponding holes and lock into place.
- Locate the UH8-RF V2 onto the DIN rail from the top.
- Pull the clip down and push the bottom of the UH8-RF V2 onto the DIN rail.
- Releasing the clip will lock the UH8-RF V2 in place on the DIN rail.
To remove the UH8-RF V2, pull both clips down and remove from the DIN rail
UH8-RF V2 Wiring
The UH8-RF V2 should be fitted as close as possible to the equipment it is
controlling, but never within a metal enclosure, if this cannot be avoided an
extension antenna (EA1) must be fitted and placed outside the metal enclosure.
Power supply into the UH8-RF V2 which should be fused at 5 amps these connections are marked;
- L = live or phase 230v AC 50/60Hz
- N = Neutral
- E = Earth
Heat/Cool Enable
This is the main call for heat for the system, there are 3 connections;
- C = common
- NO = normally open
- NC = normally closed
Electrically this is a two-way switch, whatever supply is placed on the C connection, is fed to the NC connection when there is no call for heat. This is then switched to the NO connection when there is a call for heat. Most systems will use the common (C ) and normally open (NO) connections.
Hot Water
This output is used to control a hot water cylinder thermostat
- C = common
- NO = normally open
- NC = normally closed
Electrically this is a two-way switch, whatever supply is placed on the common connection, is fed to the NC connection when there is no call for hot water. This is then switched to the NO connection when there is a call for hot water.
Normally the NO connection would be wired to the hot water cylinder thermostat, then from there to the hot water valve, the valve auxiliary switch will then start the boiler/another heat source. Most systems will use common and normally open connections.
Zones 1…8
Zones outputs are clearly marked
- L = live out to actuator or valve
- N = neutral to actuator or valve
There are two connections live (L) and neutral (N), both terminals marked L are the same and both terminals marked N are the same. Each zone output is numbered, and Zone 1 will respond to radio signals from the thermostat paired to Zone 1. Zone 2 output will respond to thermostat numbered 2 etc.
Manifold Pump/Valve
Used for an underfloor heating manifold pump and or valve.
Connections are clearly marked
- L = Live
- E = Earth
- N = Neutral
When an under-floor heating zone sends a call for heat to the UH8-RF V2, the live & neutral output will supply 230v to the manifold pump/valve. It is recommended that this is fed through a high-limit switch, placed on the heating manifold to protect against mechanical failure of the manifold’s temperature control.
Dew Point Sensor (Cooling Mode Only)
Dew Point sensing help to reduce the risk of condensation whilst cooling is
in demand. When activated, the sensor sends a signal back to the UH8-RF V2,
and will shut down cooling to the manifold. During this time, the dew point
indicator light will show.
Connections (24 Volt DC)
- + = Positive
- – = Negative
- SL = Input
Engineers test switches
These are a block of 12 dip switches, used to test each zone, boiler, pump, and HW output. To enable any output, put the switch in the ON position. When the installation is complete all switches MUST be in the OFF position. Record the names of the rooms connected to each zone with the zone number and record the channel number you have selected, you will need this information when installing the thermostats.
5amp, 20mm anti-surge fuse, this fuse supplies power to all 230v outputs from
the board, it protects the zone, pump and valve outputs.
Zones 1 to 8 Buttons and indicators
Each Zone has an indicator light and button associated with it. Light
- Light on when the zone output is on.
- Light flashes when the zone is in pairing mode.
Button functions:
- Single press to manually tur n output On/Off.
- Hold down for 5 seconds to start pairing mode, (Indicator steady flash.)
- Hold down for 15 seconds to delete pairing, (indicator rapid flash).
System indicators
When lights are on:
Wiring Diagram UH8-RF Direct Pump Connection
Wiring Key
Front Panel Connection
Supply/230v AC 50Hz
- Power consumption 7W
- Max load on boiler output 3A 230v AC resistive.
- Max load on H/W output 3A 230v AC resistive.
- Max load for zone outputs 3A 230v AC resistive.
- Max Total load 5 Amps
Optional Accessories
- RF–Switch (Remote Boiler enable)
- Boost (Repeater)
- neoPlug (Repeater)
- Extension Antenna (included) (EA(EA11)
Wiring Diagram UH8-RF with UFH & Radiator Valves
Wiring Key
Supply/230v AC 50Hz
- Power consumption 7W
- Max load on boiler output 3A 230v AC resistive.
- Max load on H/W output 3A 230v AC resistive.
- Max load for zone outputs 3A 230v AC resistive.
- Max Total load 5 Amps
Optional Accessories
- RF–Switch (Remote Boiler enable)
- Boost (Repeater)
- neoPlug (Repeater)
- Extension Antenna (included) (EA1)
System Setup
Zone Type Toggle Switches
There is a 3-position toggle switch above each zone. This switch allows 3
different switched outputs when the thermostat demands heat.
Position 1 – Zone output only.
When a thermostat is in demand, the UH8-RF will activate the Zone output to
actuators only, and PUMP and HEAT outputs will remain off.
Position 2 – Zone output with heat demand.
When a thermostat is in demand the UH8-RF will activate the zone output to the
actuators and heat demand to the boiler.
Position 3 – Zone output with heat demand and manifold pump.
When a thermostat is in demand, the UH8-RF will activate the zone output to
the actuators, the heat demand to the boiler and the manifold pump.
Pairing the UH8-RF V2 to the RF-Switch
- On the RF-Switch, press and hold the CH1 pairing button for 5 seconds. The CH1 status LED will start to flash.
- Press and release the pairing button on the UH8-RF When the RF-Switch detects the pairing signal from the UH8-RF, the CH1 LED will stop flashing.
DIP Switches
There is a 4-way dip switch responsible for 3 functions;
- Demand RF Test
- Enable Creepage
- Heat Enable Delay 1 minute.
- Heat Enable Delay 2 minutes.
In normal use these DIP switches can be ignored and should be left in the off position.
Heat Enable Delay, Dip Switches 1 & 2
- Switch 2 ON, Switch 1 OFF = Will delay the heat output for 1 minute.
- Switch 2 OFF, Switch 1 ON = Will delay the heat output for 2 minutes.
- Switch 2 ON, Switch 1 ON = Will delay the heat output for 3 minutes.
Creepage Protection, Dip Switch 3
To enable creepage protection, put switch 3 to the ON position
Slimline-RF V3 Pairing
Step 1, On the UH8-RF V2:
- Press and hold the pairing button on the desired channel until the output indicator LED flashes. Pairing mode is now active on the UH8-RF V2.
Once the UH8-RF V2 detects the pairing signal from the Slimline-RF V3 the output light will turn off.
Step 2, On the Slimline-RF V3:
- Turn Off the thermostat by, holding down the Power button for 3 seconds…………………………………………………………
- Now hold down the H button for 3 seconds unit you see P1 in the top right-hand corner of the display*…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Tap the H button once while P1 is shown to start a 99-second countdown**……………………………………………………..
- During the countdown, the thermostat will transmit a signal and flash the RF icon at the top left-hand corner of the display…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
If pairing is successful, the countdown will jump straight to 00 followed by a blank screen.
- Press the Power button on the thermostat once to turn the unit back On……………………………………………………………..
If in mode 02, the hot water timer will automatically be paired to the HW channel. If pairing is unsuccessful, eliminate a possible signal issue by repositioning the thermostat closer to the receiver and repeating the pairing process again.
Slimline-RF V1\V2 Setup & Pairing
Step 1 Setup. With the thermostat turned OFF:
Press & hold the Clock button until you see two sets of numbers appear *……………………………………………………….
The small number 01 in the top right corner of the LCD is the feature number. -
Press Clock repeatedly until you see feature 06 (Receiver Type) ………………………………………………………………………….
The options within feature 06 are 00 = UH8-RF or 01 = UH8-RF v2/RF-Switch receiver.
Use the Up/Down keys to set features 06 to 01 (UH8-RF V2/RF-Switch) ………………………………………………………
Press Clock again until you see feature 07 (Receiver Address) ……………………………………………………………………………..
You can now select a zone number from 01-08. To save confusion, set this address to the same zone number you will be pairing to on the UH8-RF V2. If you have a second UH8-RF V2, you would choose numbers 9 to 16 and so on for each additional wiring center. -
Use the Up/Down keys to set features 07 to 01 ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(You must set a unique zone number address for each thermostat installed). -
Press A to confirm settings and the display will go blank …………………………………………………………………………………….
If in mode 02, the secondary timer will automatically be paired to the Hot Water channel.
Step 2 Pairing
- On the UH8-RF V2, press and hold the desired zone pairing button for 5 seconds or until the zone light flashes steadily.
- With the thermostat turned OFF, press & hold the A button for 5 seconds…………………………………………………………
- The thermostat will send a signal for 1 minute and will flash the RF signal icon**…………………………………………….
If pairing is successful, the flashing light on the UH8-RF V2 will go out almost immediately.
If pairing is unsuccessful, check features 06 to 07 have been configured correctly. To eliminate a possible signal issue, reposition the thermostat closer to the receiver and repeat the pairing process again. Note: the maximum number of Slimline-RF thermostats on this system is 32.
NeoAir Pairing
Applies to NeoAir V2/NeoAir V2M & V3
- Use the Left/Right keys to scroll to the power icon ………………………………………………………………………..
- Press and hold the Tick key for 3 seconds……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- SETUP will be highlighted*, now press the tick key once…………………………………………………………………………………….
The display will show 01 in the top right-hand corner.
- Press the Down arrow key once. The display will now show P1………………………………………………………………………….
- Press Tick again to start the 99-second countdown**………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- The thermostat will send a signal for 99 seconds and will flash the RF signal icon…………………………………….
- On the UH8-RF V2, press and hold the desired zone pairing button for 5 seconds or until the zone light flashes steadily.
Once the neoAir has successfully paired to the UH8-RF V2, the zone light will stop flashing.
- When pairing is complete, cancel the countdown on the thermostat by pressing the tick key once ……………..
- Now tap the down key to highlight the power icon ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Press tick to return to the main screen………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
System Configuration
Want More Information?
Call our support team at +44 (0)1254 669090 Or view technical specifications
directly on our website: www.heatmiser.com.
Heatmiser UK Ltd
Units 1-5 Hurstwood Court, Mercer Way Shadsworth Business Park, Blackburn,
Lancashire, BB1 2QU, United Kingdom.
Products Commonly used with the UH8-RF V2 wiring center
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