heatmiser Slimline-B V3 Programmable Room Thermostat Owner’s Manual

September 28, 2024

Slimline-B V3 Programmable Room Thermostat



  • Model: Slimline-B V3
  • Programmable room thermostat
  • Battery-powered
  • LCD Display
  • Temperature control and scheduling features
  • Compatible with boiler heating systems

Product Usage Instructions:

Installation Procedure:

Mount the thermostat at eye level for optimal performance. Read
the instructions provided in the manual thoroughly before

Installing the Batteries:

Follow the instructions in the manual to install the batteries
correctly. Ensure proper polarity alignment.

Replacing the Batteries:

When the batteries need replacement, refer to the manual for
guidance on how to safely replace them with new ones.

Setting the Clock:

Set the clock on the thermostat according to your local time for
accurate scheduling of heating periods.

Temperature Display:

The LCD display will show the current temperature readings.
Familiarize yourself with the display to monitor room temperature

Comfort Levels:

Adjust the thermostat to your desired comfort levels by setting
the temperature that suits your preferences.

Locking the Thermostat:

If your model supports it, utilize the locking feature to
prevent unauthorized changes to the thermostat settings.

Temperature Control:

Control the heating system by setting the desired temperature on
the thermostat. The system will maintain this temperature

Temperature Hold:

You can activate a temperature hold function to keep the current
temperature constant for a specific period.


Q: How do I adjust individual room temperatures?

A: Install thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on individual
radiators to control temperatures in different rooms.

Q: Can I temporarily adjust the heating program?

A: Some models may support features like Override, Advance, or
Boost for temporary adjustments. Refer to your specific model’s
instructions for details.

Q: Why is it important to ensure proper airflow around the


A: Programmable room thermostats require free airflow to
accurately sense room temperature. Blocking airflow may affect its


Model: Slimline-B V3

Model: Slimline-B V3


Battery Series

Table of Contents

Product Image Table of Contents What is a Programmable Room Thermostat? Installation Procedure Installing the Batteries Replacing the Batteries LCD Display Setting the Clock Temperature Display Comfort levels Locking the Thermostat Temperature Control Temperature Hold

2 3
6-7 8-10 11 12-13 14 15 16-17 18 19 20

Holiday Programming Frost Protection Power ON / OFF Optional Features Re- calibrating the Thermostat Factory Reset Wiring Diagrams

21 22 23 24-27 28 29 30-31

Model: Slimline-B V3


What is a Programmable Room Thermostat?

A programmable room thermostat is both a programmer and a room thermostat.
A programmer allows you to set “On” and “Off” periods to suit your own lifestyle. A room thermostat works by sensing the air temperature, switching on the heating when the air temperature falls below the thermostat setting, and switching it off once this set temperature has been reached.
So a programmable room thermostat lets you choose what times you want the heating to be on, and what temperature it should reach while it is on. It will allow you to select different temperatures in your home at different times of the day (and days of the week) to meet your particular needs and preferences.
Setting a room thermostat to a higher temperature will not make the room heat up any faster. How quickly the room heats up depends on the design of the heating system.
Similarly reducing the temperature setting does not affect how quickly the room cools down. Setting a programmable room thermostat to a lower temperature will result in the room being controlled at a lower temperature, and saves energy.
The way to set and use your programmable room thermostat is to find the lowest temperature settings that you are comfortable with at the different times you have chosen, and then leave it alone to do its job.


Battery Series

The best way to do this is to set the room thermostat to a low temperature ­ say 18°C , and then turn it up by 1°C each day until you are comfortable with the temperature. You won’t have to adjust the thermostat further. Any adjustment above this setting will waste energy and cost you more money.
If your heating system is a boiler with radiators, there will usually be only one programmable room thermostat to control the whole house. But you can have different temperatures in individual rooms by installing thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on individual radiators.
If you don’t have TRVs, you should choose a temperature that is reasonable for the whole house. If you do have TRVs, you can choose a slightly higher setting to make sure that even the coldest room is comfortable, then prevent any overheating in other rooms by adjusting the TRVs. The time on the programmer must be correct. Some types have to be adjusted in Spring and Autumn at the changes between Greenwich Mean Time and British Summer Time.
You may be able to temporarily adjust the heating program, for example, “Override”, “Advance” or “Boost”. These features are explained in the instructions if they apply to your specific model.
Programmable room thermostats need a free flow of air to sense the temperature, so they must not be covered by curtains or blocked by furniture. Nearby electric fires, televisions, wall or table lamps may also prevent the thermostat from working properly.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Installation Procedure
Do Mount the thermostat at eye level. Read the instructions fully so you get the best from our product.
Don’t Do not install near to a direct heat source as this will affect functionality. Do not push hard on the LCD screen as this may cause irreparable damage.
This battery thermostat is designed to be surface mounted. Step 1 Carefully separate the front half of the thermostat from the back plate by placing a small flat head terminal driver into the slots on the bottom face of the thermostat. Step 2 Mark 2 hole positions on the wall using the back plate as a positioning template. Drill the marked positions and insert a wall plug into each hole. Terminate the thermostat as shown in the diagrams on pages 30-31 of this booklet. Step 3 Screw the thermostat back plate securely on the wall and fit the terminal cover. Step 4 Clip the front of the thermostat back onto the thermostat back plate.


Battery Series





Model: Slimline-B V3


Installing the Batteries
2x AAA batteries have been supplied with this thermostat.
To access the battery holder, push and release the compartment door located on the bottom face of the thermostat.


Battery Series

Insert the batteries in the empty battery holder, ensuring that each battery is orientated for the correct polarity + / – .

Model: Slimline-B V3


Push the battery holder back inside the thermostat until it is secured in its closed position.


Battery Series

Replacing the Batteries
Batteries have a fixed lifespan and will need to be replaced occasionally to ensure the thermostat operates correctly.
The thermostat will inform you when the batteries need to be replaced by displaying the battery icon on screen.
Note: You must replace the batteries within 1 minute of removal in order to retain the current clock and comfort level settings.

Battery Icon (Flashes)

Model: Slimline-B V3



2 3



13 12








Battery Series

LCD Display
1. Room Temp – Indicates the current temperature sensor mode. 2. Day Indicator – Displays the current day. 3. Frost Icon – Displayed when the thermostat is in frost protection mode. 4. Flame Icon – Displayed when the thermostat is calling for heat, the flame icon
will flash when the optimum start function is in operation. 5. Temperature Hold – When a Temp Hold is active, HOLD FOR and the remaining
time period is displayed. 6. Set – Indicates when changes are being made to programs or temperature
set points. 7. Holiday Indicator – Displayed when the thermostat is in holiday mode. 8. Current Temp – Indicates the current sensor temperature. 9. Program Cycle Indicator – Displayed during programming only to show which
period is being altered. 10. Battery Level – Indicates when the batteries require replacement. 11. Keypad Lock Indicator – Displayed when the keypad is locked. 12. Units of Temperature – Degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. 13. Clock – Digital clock display in 24h format.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Setting the Clock
To set the clock, follow these steps. · With the thermostat turned ON, press the Clock key twice …………………………… · Use the Up/Down keys to set the hours ……………………………………………………. · Press H to confirm settings ………………………………………………………………………………….. · Use the Up/Down keys to set the minutes ……………………………………………….. · Press H to confirm settings ………………………………………………………………………………….. · Use the Up/Down keys to set the day of the week ………………………………….. · Pree A to confirm settings and return to main display ……………………………………
Day Hours


Battery Series

Temperature Display

The temperature display information is driven by two different inputs; the sensor measurement and the target temperature you have set.

Room Temperature

Set Temperature

This is the current room temperature.

This is the temperature you are trying to achieve in your home.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Comfort Levels Explained
The thermostat provides Weekday/Weekend, 7 Day or 24 hour programming options. You should consult the “Optional Features” section to select the required mode.
The thermostat is supplied with comfort levels already programmed, but these can be changed easily. The default times and temperatures are; 08.00 – 21°C (Wake) 09.30 – 16°C (Leave) 16.30 – 22°C (Return) 23.00 – 17°C (Sleep)
If you only want to use 2 levels, you should program the unused levels to –.–
Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 comfort levels are the same for all weekdays but can be different for the weekends. For 7 Day programming, each day can have 4 different comfort levels.
· To program comfort levels, press the Clock key once …………………………………………..

For Weekday/Weekend programming, Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
are displayed on screen.

For 7 Day programming, only Mon is displayed
in the day indicator field.


Battery Series

· Use the Up/Down keys to enter the required WAKE time ……………………….. · Press H to confirm settings …………………………………………………………………………………… · Use the Up/Down keys to enter the required WAKE temperature …………. · Press H to confirm settings …………………………………………………………………………………… · You will now see “LEAVE” displayed on screen. · Repeat the programming steps for each period until complete. · For unused periods enter –.– and the thermostat will ignore the setting. · Press A to confirm settings and return to main display……………………………………..
· In 7 Day programming mode you can repeat for each day independently. · In Weekday/Weekend programming mode you will see Sat Sun displayed on
screen and can repeat for the weekend.
· Note:To change the programming mode please refer to pages 24-27. In 24 hour mode, all days are displayed when programming.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Locking the Thermostat
The thermostat has a keypad lock facility. To activate the lock follow these steps. · Press and hold the A and Down keys together for 10 seconds …………….. · You will see the lock symbol appear on screen ………………………………………… · To unlock, repeat the steps above until the lock symbol disappears.
Note: The keypad lock indicator is only displayed when the lock is active.

Keypad Lock Indicator


Battery Series

Temperature Control
The Up/Down keys allow you to adjust the set temperature ……………………………… When you press either key, you will see the word SET and the desired temperature will be displayed on screen. Use the Up/Down keys to adjust the SET value …………………………………………………….. Press A to confirm settings and return to main display ……………………………………………….. Note: This override will be maintained until the next programmed comfort level.

Set Temperature Set Icon

Model: Slimline-B V3


Temperature Hold
The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program and set a different temperature for a desired period.
· Press H to commence temperature hold ………………………………………………………… · Use the Up/Down keys to enter the required Hold time ……………………… · Press H to confirm settings ……………………………………………………………………………….. · Use the Up/Down keys to enter the required Hold temperature ……….. · Press A to confirm settings and return to main display ………………………………… You will see the Hold For indication is displayed on screen. The time will countdown the set duration and then revert to the normal program.
Hold ON Indicator
Hold Time Remaining

To cancel a temperature hold, follow the same steps but reduce the hold time to 00:00 hours.


Battery Series

Holiday Mode
The holiday function allows you to quickly enter a holiday setting. During a holiday, the thermostat will maintain the frost set temperature. At the end of your holiday, the thermostat will revert back to the programmed setting ensuring that your home is warm on your arrival.
· Press H three times (until you see the suitcase on screen) …………………………..
· Use the Up/Down keys to enter the number of days holiday ………………
· Press A to confirm settings and return to main display ……………………………….. The display will show a suitcase indicating the thermostat is in holiday mode.
Note: A holiday period does not start until 00:00 the next day. For example, if you set a holiday period on Friday for 2 days, Saturday will be counted as the first day and the thermostat will revert back to the programmed schedule at 00:00 on Monday.

Holiday Days Holiday

ON Indicator

To cancel, follow the same steps but reduce the holiday duration to 00 days.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Frost Mode
Pressing the button once will place the thermostat in frost protect mode. In this mode, the thermostat will display the frost icon and will only turn the heating on should the room temperature drop below the set frost temperature. Should the heating be turned on whilst in frost mode, the flame icon will be displayed. To cancel the frost protect mode, press the button once again.
Frost Protection Mode Enabled


Battery Series

Power On/Off

The heating is indicated ON when the flame icon is displayed.

When the flame icon is absent, there is no requirement for heating to achieve the set temperature but the thermostat remains active.

To turn the thermostat OFF completely, press and hold the Power button ……………. The display and heating output will be turned OFF completely.*

To turn the thermostat back ON, press the Power button once again ……………………..

Thermostat completely OFF

Thermostat powered ON

*See Feature 3 on page 24

Model: Slimline-B V3


Optional Features Explained
Feature 01 – Temperature Format: This function allows you to select between °C and °F.
Feature 02 ­ Switching Differential: This function allows you to increase the switching differential of the thermostat. The default is 1°C which means that with a set temperature of 20°C, the thermostat will switch the heating on at 19°C and off at 20°C. With a 2°C differential, the heating will switch on at 18°C and off at 20°C.
Feature 03 ­ Frost Protect: You can set whether the thermostat will maintain the frost temperature when the thermostat display is turned off. As a default, this is enabled.
Feature 04 ­ Output Delay: To prevent rapid switching, and output delay can be entered. This can be set from 00 – 15 minutes. The default is 00 which means there is no delay.
Feature 05 ­ Temperature Up/Down Limit: This function allows you to limit the use of the up and down keys. This limit is also applicable when the thermostat is locked and so allows you to give others limited control over the heating system.
Feature 06 ­ Air Sensor Selection: On this thermostat, you can select which sensor should be used – built in sensor or remote air sensor.


Battery Series

Feature 07 ­ Optimum Start: Optimum start will delay the start up of the heating system to the latest possible moment to avoid unnecessary heating and ensure the building is warm at the programmed time. The thermostat uses the rate of change information to calculate how long the heating needs to raise the building temperature 1°C (with a rate of change of 20, the thermostat has calculated the heating needs 20 minutes to raise the building temperature 1°C) and starts the heating accordingly.
Feature 08 ­ Rate of Change: For information only.
Feature 09 ­ Program Mode: The following program modes are available; 5/2 Day Programming ­ 4 levels for the weekdays and 4 different levels for the weekend. 7 Day Programming ­ 4 levels for each day. 24 Hours ­ 4 levels over a 24-hour period.
Feature 10 ­ Thermostat Mode: Here you can set in which mode you would like the thermostat to operate. The options are, manual (non-programmable), programmable, or programmable with hot water time clock.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Adjusting the Optional Settings
To adjust the optional settings, follow these steps. · Press and hold the Power button to turn the thermostat OFF ………………………… · Press and hold the Clock key until the display appears as below ……………………
Feature Number Setting Value

· Use the Clock key to cycle through the features ……………………………………………….. · Use the Up/Down keys to change the setting …………………………………………… · Press A to confirm settings ……………………………………………………………………………………. · Press the Power button once again to turn the thermostat back ON ……………..


Battery Series

Optional Settings – Feature Table

FEATURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DESCRIPTION Temperature Format Switching Differential Frost Mode Output Delay Up/Down Limit Not Used Optimum Start Rate of Change Program Mode


Thermostat Mode

SETTING 00 = °C, 01 = °F (°C = Default) 01° – 03°C (01°C = Default) 00 = Disabled, 01 = Enabled (01 = Default) 00 – 15 Minutes (00 = Default) 00° – 10°C (00°C = Default) Not Used 00-03 Hours (00 = default) Minute to raise 1°C 00 = 5/2 Day, 01 = 7 Day (00 = default) 02 = 24 Hours 00 = Manual, 01 = Programmable,

Model: Slimline-B V3


Re-calibrating the Thermostat
If you need to re-calibrate the thermostat, follow these steps. · Press and hold the Power button to turn the thermostat OFF ……………………… · Press and hold BOTH the Power and Down keys together until the temperature appears on the screen …………………………………………………………….. · Use the Up/Down keys to configure the new temperature ……………………. · Press A to confirm settings ………………………………………………………………………………… · Press the Power button once to turn the thermostat back ON ……………………..

Calibration Temperature Setting Set Icon


Battery Series

Factory Reset

The thermostat has a reset function to restore all settings to their factory defaults.
To perform a factory reset, follow these steps. · Press and hold the Power button to turn the thermostat OFF …………………….. · Press and hold the Power and Up keys together until the LCD powers up. All of the icons will be displayed on screen ………………………………………………… · When the icons have disappeared from the screen, the thermostat has been successfully reset. · Press the Power button once to turn the thermostat back ON …………………….

All icons displayed simultaneously.

Factory reset is complete.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Wiring Diagram – Slimline-B Switched Live & Valve Systems

+ –


Permanent Live from boiler or Fused Spur

Switched Live to boiler or valve

This product must only be installed by a qualified electrician and comply with local installation regulations.
Note: When connecting to a valve, the valve auxillary switch is used to enable the boiler.


Battery Series

Wiring Diagram – Slimline-B Voltfree & Combi Boiler Systems

+ –


Boiler Connections

Please check boiler wiring diagram for final connections

This product must only be installed by a qualified electrician and comply with local installation regulations. Note: LS & LR may be labelled differently but they are normally the boiler’s room thermostat connections.

Model: Slimline-B V3


Want More Information?
Call our support team on: +44 (0)1254 669090 Or view technical specifications directly on our website: www.heatmiser.com



Heatmiser UK Ltd Units 1-5 Hurstwood Court, Mercer Way Shadsworth Business Park, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 2QU, United Kingdom.

Twitter: @heatmiseruk

Facebook: facebook.com/thermostats

Rev. 1.1

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