LENNOX 22V26 Smart Room Sensor and Wireless Installation Guide
- June 9, 2024
- Lennox
Table of Contents
- LENNOX 22V26 Smart Room Sensor and Wireless Installation
- Installation and Setup Guide
- Shipping and Packing List
- Introduction
- Smart Devices Overview
- Installation Considerations
- Downloading Lennox Smart Applications
- Lennox Smart Devices Details
- Applying Power to the Smart Devices
- Adding Smart Devices to Thermostat Smart Devices Network
- Smart Devices Installation
- Smart Devices Management
- Cycling Power for Troubleshooting
- Smart Devices Thermostat Alert Codes
- FCC Compliance Statement
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
LENNOX 22V26 Smart Room Sensor and Wireless Installation
Lennox® Smart Devices
Installation and Setup Guide
Electrostatic discharge can affect electronic components. Take precautions
during unit installation and service to protect the unit’s electronic
controls. Precautions will help to avoid control exposure to electrostatic
discharge by putting the unit, the control and the technician at the same
electrostatic potential. Neutralize electrostatic charge by touching hand and
all tools on an unpainted unit surface before performing any service
Take care not to drop the sensor or extender during unpacking. Dropping either
could result in damage to internal components which could render either
DO NOT paint any Lennox smart devices. Doing so could compromise
This guide can be used by both the technician to cre-ate the smart devices network and add, replace and remove Lennox Smart Room Sensors and Wireless Extenders. The homeowner can also use this guide to add, re-place or remove Lennox Smart Room Sensors and Wireless Extenders.
Shipping and Packing List
Please note that these products are sold separately. Lennox® Smart Room Sensor
Package 1 of 1 contains:
Parts | Quantity |
Lennox Wireless Extender | 1 |
Warranty | 1 |
Installer Quick Start Guide | 1 |
Homeowner Quick Start Guide | 1 |
Information concerning thermostat smart devices user screens are listed in
the Lennox S40 User Guide.
The Lennox® S40 Smart Thermostat’s smart devices network will support up to nine (9) smart devices simultaneously. The maximum supported smart de-vices per smart devices network is:
- Six (6) Lennox® Smart Room Sensors
- Two (2) Lennox® Wireless Extenders
- One (1) Lennox® Smart Air Quality Monitor
NOTE: The Lennox Smart Air Quality Monitor Installation and Setup Guide
is included with that product.
If the homeowner has multiple S40 thermostats in the home, then each
thermostat can support up to nine (9) smart devices simultaneously in the
configuration as listed above for each individual thermostat.
- Lennox® S40 Smart Thermostat hosts the smart devices network.
- Lennox® Smart Room Sensor is used for tem-perature averaging with up to a maximum of six (6) Smart Room Sensors supported per a single smart devices network.
- Lennox® Wireless Extender is used to extend the smart devices network with up to a maximum of two (2) wireless extenders supported per a sin-gle smart devices network.
Software Applications
- Lennox® Smart Technician App is used by the technician to create the smart devices network and to manage all Lennox smart devices. This applica-tion is available for both IOS 11.0 or higher (App Store) and Android 9.0 or higher (Google Play).
- Lennox® Smart Thermostat App is used by the homeowner to add or remove smart devices only after the technician has created the smart devices network using the Lennox Smart Technician App. In addition the homeowner can manage the temperature averaging feature as well. This application is available for both IOS 11.0 or higher (App Store) and Android 9.0 or higher (Google Play).
Smart Devices Overview
Lennox Smart Room Sensor
This device collects room temperature, humidity and occupancy status and passes this information to the S40 Smart Thermostat.
When replacing batteries it is highly recommended to always use lithium batteries. When using lithium batteries the estimated battery life is two years.
Maximum unobstructed view of smart device signal under ideal conditions is 70 feet (21.3 meters). Maximum range could be affected by the number of walls or floor and other obstacles which the signal has to penetrate.
Maximum unobstructed distance for the occupancy sensing capability is 20 feet (6.1 meters) and maximum width pattern of 110º at a mounting height of five (5) feet (1.5 meters) from the floor.
The thermostat uses an algorithm to calculate average room temperature based on room occupancy / temperature sensor input along with the thermostat’s built-in sensors.
Where N is the number of smart room sensors in-stalled.
The Smart Room Sensor sends data to thermo-stat in 2 to 20 minute intervals to preserve battery life. The update rate is faster if rapid temperature changes are detected. Otherwise, the average sampling rate is every two minutes and a transmis-sion rate is every 30 minutes.
NOTE: It could take 2-10 minutes to report initial temperature data after adding the smart device to the smart devices network. The farther the smart device is from the S40 Thermostat, the longer it may take. -
Dimension: 4″ x 5.5″ x 3″ (102 x 140 x 76 mm)
Weight: 4.24 ounces (120 grams) without batteries installed.
Temperature Range:
- » Display on thermostat: 40 to 100°F (5 to 37°C)
- » Sensitivity: +- 1°F (+- 0.5°C)
- » Operating range: 32 to 130°F (0 to 55°C)
Humidity Range:
- » Display on thermostat: 20% to 90% RH
- » Operating range: 5% – 95% RH (non-condensing)
- » Sensitivity of +- 5%
The Lennox Smart Room Sensor is not a zoning product and will not solve
problems related to poor duct work and incorrect equipment sizing.
Lennox Wireless Extender
- Extends the effective smart devices network range.
- Powered by 120VAC outlet.
- Dimension: 4″ x 5.5″ x 2.5″ (102 x 140 x 64 mm)
- Weight: 4.24 ounces (120 grams)
Installation Considerations
Smart Room Sensor
If at all possible it is recommended that all Smart Room Sensors are
installed on a wall. This ensures the device will not be lost or accidentally
Consider placement when addressing the occupancy sensor detection pattern (see
page 19).
If used with the provided stand, it is recommended that the Smart Room Sensors
is placed on a book-shelf or desk out of reach of children or pets.
Do not install the Smart Room Sensors where it can be affected by:
- Drafts or dead spots behind doors and in corners
- Exterior entrances or interior doors
- Heat generating equipment such as kitchen appliances
- Hot or cold air from ducts
- Radiant heat from sun or appliances
- Direct sunlight
- Concealed pipes and chimneys
- Non-conditioned areas such as an outside wall behind the sensor
Another consideration is smart device signal strength interference by physical objects and materials. The type and thickness of the material can affect how much interference is induced. One or more of the fol-lowing can interfere with the smart device signal:
- Large metal objects and appliances like filing cabinets, metal doors, and refrigerators.
- Floor and ceiling plenum spaces featuring joists, plumbing, duct work, and other materials.
- Plaster, concrete, and specialty glass such as bulletproof or shatterproof glass.
- Water, brick, and marble materials.
- Wood, glass, and synthetic materials like plastic.
The Smart Room Sensors will indicate if adequate signal strength is present
(see “Table 1. Sensor – Three Color Descriptions” on page 8). In case of a
weak signal, the Lennox Wireless Extender can be used to improve the smart
room sensor’s signal strength and thus limit the impact of interference by
these sources.
Wireless Extender
Considerations are the same as for the Smart Room Sensor plus a wall outlet in a optimal location for best performance.
Downloading Lennox Smart Applications
Scan the QR codes listed as follows to download the specific application you desire.
Lennox Smart Technician App Lennox Smart Thermostat App
Lennox Smart Devices Details
Smart Room Sensor
This section provides details on the Smart Room Sensor buttons, battery
compartment, stand and light indicator locations.
Table 1. Sensor – Three Color Descriptions
Function | Color | Description |
| ****
| A flashing red light in one minute intervals indicates the battery is low (20%). When the red light is off it indicates battery life is good.
Signal Strength
| ****
| • A flashing blue light [once every one (1) minute] indicates the signal strength is low or connection to the thermostat is lost.
• When the blue light is off it indicates signal strength is good and connected to the smart device network.
| ****
| • When batteries are inserted into a new or unpaired device the unit will automatically go into pairing mode (flashing green light). The unit will stay in pairing mode
for three (3) minutes. To restart pairing mode, press the pairing button for two (2) seconds.
• When a device has been paired to the thermostat and new batteries are installed, the unit will flash a green light three times after powering up.
Function| Color| Description| ****
View area for LED
If more than two conditions are active simultaneously, for example low battery
and weak signal, the light will alternate back and forth between blue and red
in one (1) second intervals.
See “Smart Devices Thermostat Alert Codes” on page 20 for a complete list of alerts applicable to the Smart Room Sensor and Wireless Extender that are generated by the Lennox S40 Smart Thermostat.
Two lithium batteries are pre-installed. Removing the battery insulation tape
will allow Lennox Smart Room Sensor to be powered up.
When replacing the batteries, use ONLY lithium batteries. Using any other
type of battery is not recommended and will reduce operational duration
Wireless Extender
NOTE: The light on the device is only on when there is an issue with
signal strength or dur-ing pairing mode.
See “Smart Devices Thermostat Alert Codes” on page 20 for a complete list of
alerts applicable to the device that are generated by the S40 thermostat.
Table 2. Wireless Extender Light – Two Color Descriptions
| Color Light| ****
Signal Strength
| ****
| • A solid blue light indicates the signal strength is low or connection to the thermostat is lost.
• When the blue light is off it indicates signal strength is good and connected to the smart devices network.
| ****
| • When a paired Wireless Extender is powered up, it will flash green three (3) times.
• When an unpaired Wireless Extender is powered up, it will flash green for three (3) minutes, which indicates the units are in pairing mode.
The device is powered by an 120VAC outlet.
Applying Power to the Smart Devices
Smart Room Sensor
- Press and pull tab to remove smart room sensor front cover (see “Figure 1. Sensor Light Indica-tor, Buttons, Sensor Vents, Battery Compart-ment Locations” on page 8 for details).
- Remove the insulation tape located between the battery and the sensor’s positive (+) terminal (see “Figure 3. Insulation Tape Removal” on page 10).
Once insulation tape is removed the unit will automat-ically go into pairing mode (flashing green light). The unit will stay in pairing mode for three (3) minutes. To restart pairing mode, press the pairing button for two (2) seconds.
Wireless Extender
Plug the extender into a 120VAC power source. A flashing green light on the
device will indicate it is in pairing mode.
Adding Smart Devices to Thermostat Smart Devices Network
Only the S40 Smart Technician App can be used to create the smart devices network. Both S40 Smart Technician and Smart Thermostat Apps can be used to add/remove sensors.
When adding or removing the smart devices the S40 Smart Technician or Smart Thermostat Apps (mobile device) will need to be within 10 feet (3 meters) of the thermostat.
If the smart device just added does not appear under the (Equipment List or My Home) screens, then allow a few minutes to past before checking again.
Do not switch back-and-forth between your mobile device’s screens during the adding or removing procedure.
If one of the following conditions occur when adding a battery powered smart device:
- Smart device does not appear under Equip-ment List or My Home Screens.
- Smart device appears on both screens but configuration details are missing in the de-vice’s details screen.
It is possible that the battery operated smart device may have gone into sleep mode. If this occurred then updated information could take between 2 to 10 minutes to refresh the device’s screen information.
If adding a smart device which will be out of direct range of the thermostat and will connect via a Lennox Wireless Extender, then the Lennox Smart Technician or Thermostat Apps do not require the user’s mobile device to be near the thermostat for the adding or removing procedure.
Always give each smart device a unique name.
After removing a functional smart device, make sure to perform a factory reset.
In case the adding procedure fails, then always perform a factory reset on the smart device before trying to add it again.
Only one smart device can be paired at a time.
Using the Lennox Smart Technician App
The Lennox S40 Smart Thermostat must have al-ready been commissioned before
the smart devices network can be created and adding any smart de-vices.
The first device must be added by the technician in order to create the smart
devices network. Figure 4. Creating Smart
Devices Network and Adding Smart Devices Using the Lennox Smart Technician App
Open the Lennox Smart Technician App on your mobile device and select your language.
From the S40 thermostat home screen, go to Menu > Settings > Advanced Settings > View Support Service Control Center and select Connect to Lennox Smart Technician App.
Once the connection between the Lennox Smart Technician App and the S40 is established, then from the Technician
App Dealer Service Center screen select Equipment Settings > Add Devices. -
Follow the on screen prompts to create the smart device network and add a smart device.
DO NOT interrupt the adding of the device. If interrupted the device will
need to be factory-reset.
Using the Lennox Smart Thermostat App Figure 5.
Adding Smart Device Using the Lennox Smart Thermostat App
NOTE: The Lennox Smart Thermostat App must be connected to the thermostat to perform the following procedure.
The first device must be added by the technician in order to create the
smart devices network. Afterwards the homeowner can add or remove devices
using the Lennox Smart Thermostat App.
- Open the Lennox Smart Thermostat App and from the home screen select Menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
- Under System select Settings.
- Under Devices select Add Devices.
- Follow the screen prompts for adding a sensor or extender to an existing sensor network.
NOTE: When naming smart devices no blank spaces or special characters are allowed.
Smart Devices Installation
Smart Room Sensor
Locate the desired location for the Smart Room Sensor.
If the Smart Room Sensor is out of range of your S40 thermostat (approximately 70 feet (21.3 meters) a blue light on the device will indicate so with the blue light flashing every five (5) minutes) and a message will be displayed for the device on the My Home menu option.
Move device closer to the S40 thermostat or add an Lennox Wireless Extender between the sensor and thermostat.
For wall placement, install room sensor at a minium height of 5 feet (1.52 meters) on an interior wall. See “Wall Mounting” on page 15 for illustration example.
Use the provided wall template when mounting sensor to the wall.
For sensor desktop/table placement use the provided stand.
For effective temperature sensing, mount the sensor in a location enabling it to sense the general room environment. The sensor must NOT be:
» Blocked from normal air circulation by ob-structions (e.g., behind curtains or cubicle walls).
» Exposed to artificial heat sources (e.g., lights, computers, copiers, or coffee makers) or to sunlight (at any time of the day).
» Exposed to direct sunlight.
» Exposed to drafts from windows, doorways, diffusers, or returns.
» Exposed to air flow through the conduit (e.g., from leaks in plenum ducts) or other holes into the wall cavity.
» Mounted on an exterior wall.
» Mounted on or near a large thermal mass (e.g., a concrete block wall).
NOTE : The above factors primarily affect temperature sensing, but some also affect accurate humidity and occupancy sensing as well.
If the device is out of range of your S40 ther-mostat a blue light will turn on. -
For effective occupancy detection, determine a location that will maximize the area of detection in a room.
» The smart room sensor occupancy detec-tion function has a 100 degree horizontal span and a 32 degree vertical span. Improper placement may limit the area of occupancy detection for the sensor.
» Large rooms may require more than one sen-sor to ensure occupancy detection. Please see “Figure 9. Occupancy Sensor Detection Pattern Examples” on page 19 for ex-amples of optimal mounting locations for the smart room sensor.
Confirm that the desired smart room sensor location has good signal strength.
Select wall location for sensor installation.
Use the provided wall template along with a field-provided leveler tool for proper horizontal alignment on the wall before marking the mounting holes.
NOTE: The distance between the mounting points is 3/4″ (19mm). -
Use the provided screws and wall anchors (for drywall applications) if needed.
NOTE: Screw depth adjustments may be required in order to accommodate a snug fit for the sensor when attaching to the wall.
If the stand is used, then the smart room sensor should be placed out of reach
of children or pets. Possible locations can include a book shelf or a desk.
Wall mounting the sensor is preferred to avoid poten- tial loss of or damage
to the smart room sensor.
Wireless Extender Installation
- Place the wireless extender mid-point if possible between the thermostat and the furthest smart room sensor.
- If the wireless extender is out of range of the thermostat, a solid blue light on the device will indicate so.
Smart Devices Management
Figure 6. Replace or Remove Smart Devices using the Lennox Smart Technician App
Remove or Replace Smart Devices
It is important that at least one smart device needs to be paired to the
smart devices network. Removing all devices will deactivate the smart devices
network. Creating a new network will have to be accomplished by your
To replace the installed device from the Lennox S40 Smart Thermostat, use the
following procedure:
- Pair the Lennox Smart Technician App to the thermostat.
- Go to Dealer Service Center > Equipment Settings > Devices.
- Select the smart room sensor or wireless extender to remove or replace and follow the screen prompts.
To reuse the device that was just replaced, perform a factory reset (see
“Performing Smart Device Factory Reset” on page 17).
- Confirm your Lennox Smart Thermostat App account has been setup and thermostat added to it.
- Go to Menu > System > Settings > Devices.
- Select the smart room sensor or wireless extender to remove or replace and follow the screen prompts.
NOTE: Instructions are provided in detail on the screens to provide instructions on how to proceed.
To reuse the device that was just replaced, perform a factory reset (see “Performing Smart Device Factory Reset” on page 17).
Performing Smart Device Factory Reset
Use the following procedure to perform a factory re-set if the device being removed is operable.
- Press and hold the Pairing button for ten (10) seconds.
- If successful a flashing green light will appear on either device. This indicates the devices can be paired again to a smart device network.
Cycling Power for Troubleshooting
Use the following procedures to cycle power:
- Smart Room Sensor: To cycle power on the sensor, remove the sensor batteries and then reinstall them.
- Wireless Extender: To cycle power on the wireless extender, unplug the device from the wall outlet and then reinstall.
Occupancy Detection Feature for Temperature Averaging
Enabling Room Averaging using Occupancy Detection
The following two features can be set using either the thermostat or Lennox
Smart Thermostat App using the system setting screen.
From the home screen, go to Menu > System > Set-tings > Current Temperature
Occupancy Sensor Setting
The occupancy detection feature is built into every sensor. The settings are
as follows:
- OFF – When the occupancy feature is turned OFF, the thermostat will always include the sensor in temperature averaging.
- ON – When the occupancy feature is turned ON, the thermostat will only include the sensor in temperature averaging if the room is occupied.
Occupancy Sensor Detection Pattern
Smart Devices Thermostat Alert Codes
To access a more detailed description of the alert code, press the down arrow to expand the description.
- Service Urgent – Your system is in a No Heat/ No Cool or not operating condition. Dealer service call is needed to get the system running.
- Service Soon – System is not reaching set point or is partially operating. A Dealer will need to service it with 24-48 hours.
- Maintenance alerts are intervals in the thermostat as reminders to change filters, replace UV lamps, tune up systems.
- Information Only Dealer – System is operating normally. Collected thermostat data is accessible to Dealer as system history.
Table 3. Thermostat Smart Devices Alert Codes
Alert ID| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
Clear Condition
| ****
Service Soon
| ****
Custom Sensor Name: Internal Data Fault
| ****
Cycle power to the Smart Room Sensor (see “Cycling Power for Troubleshooting” on page 17 for procedure).
| After power cycle, wait for ten
(10) minutes for self-clearing to take place, if condition is resolved for temperature and relative humidity.
For occupancy sensor self-
clearing will take forty-five
(45) minutes.
Alert ID| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
Clear Condition
| ****
Service Soon
| ****
Sensor: {Custom Sensor Name}: Internal Fault
| Unable to access internal data.
Cycle power to the Smart Room Sensor (see “Cycling Power for Troubleshooting” on page 17 for procedure)
| After power cycle, wait for ten
(10) minutes for self-clearing to take place, if condition is not resolved then replace Smart Sensor.
| ****
| Sensor: {Custom Sensor Name}:
Low Battery – Change Batteries Soon
| ****
Battery percent equal to or less than 3%.
| To clear, replace old AA lithium batteries with new AA lithium batteries.
| ****
| Sensor: {Custom Sensor Name}: 1% Battery – Change Batteries| ****
Battery percent equal to or less than 1%.
| To clear, replace old AA lithium batteries with new AA lithium batteries.
Alert ID| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
Clear Condition
| ****
Service soon
| ****
XX: Lost communication with wireless Device
| Smart device is connected to the network but has failed to send information within:
• Ninety (90) minutes for battery powered devices.
• Three (3) minutes for line powered units.
Cycle power to the Smart Room Sensor (see “Cycling Power for Troubleshooting” on page 17 for procedure
If cycling power does not resolve issue then:
• Remove device from the smart device network.
• Perform a factory reset of the device. See “Cycling Power for Troubleshooting” on page 17 for procedure.
• Attempt to add device back to smart device network.
| ****
If recycling power or factory reset does not resolve issue then replace device.
Automatically clears when communications are restored.
Alert ID| ****
| ****
| ****
| ****
Clear Condition
| ****
Service soon
| ****
XX: {Custom Sensor Name} : Wireless Device Missing
| Smart device is no longer connected to the wireless network.
Verify the device has power (battery or line power) and connections are secure.
Cycle power to the device.
If cycling device power, does not resolve issue, then remove the smart device from the smart
device network (see “Performing Smart Device Factory Reset” on page 17 ).
Then perform a factory reset of the device (see “Performing
Smart Device Factory Reset” on page 17 ). Re-install Bluetooth devices.
Then add the smart device back to the smart device network.
| ****
If smart device continues to drop connection then replace device
Automatically clears when the Wireless Bluetooth device connects to the network.
| ****
Service soon
| ****
XX: Unknown Wireless Device Found.
| Device has been discovered; however, it has not been connected to the wireless network.
Add the wireless bluetooth device to the wireless network or remove the device from location.
| ****
Automatically clears when the smart device connects to the network.
FCC Compliance Statement
PART 15.19 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following four conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference, and
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC Interference Statement — PART 15.105 (B).
This equipment has been tested and found
to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. -
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiv-er is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
RF Exposure Information
This device meets the FCC and ISED requirements for RF exposure in public or
uncontrolled environ-ments.
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
- this device may not cause interference, and
- this device must accept any interference, includ-ing interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Lennox Smart Devices Troubleshooting
Condition | Resolution |
Device is not functioning.
| • Check for damage
• Check that power is available (good batteries for the Smart Room Sensor and verify there is power at the wall outlet being used for the Wireless Extender.
Device fail to respond to a command.
| • Cycle power to the device.
• Smart Room Sensor – To cycle power, remove the batteries and reinsert.
• Wireless Extender – Unplug from the wall outlet and plug back in.
• If cycling power does not resolve issue then:
» Remove device from the smart devices network.
» Perform a factory reset of any of the smart devices by pressing and hold the pairing button for ten (10) seconds.
» Attempt to add device back to smart devices network.
Smart device not found during discovery process.| Smart device may be out of
range, no power or the product is defective.
New smart device found during discovery process, but not available in
installer provided list.| Cleared by technician. The Lennox Smart
Technician App provides “add this unknown device in installer list” and
sends it to thermostat.
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