XOOTZ TY6300 Pedal Go Kart Instruction Manual

June 9, 2024

XOOTZ TY6300 Pedal Go Kart






  1. Stand the Kart Frame (A) up right- This will make inserting the Steering Shaft easier.

  2. Insert the Steering Shaft (B) and slot the loop into connecting part. As shown below.XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-3

  3. Lay the Kart Frame (A) back on the ground as this will help with the next steps.

  4. Slot the Liner Tube (0) over the Steering Shaft (8) and push into the connecting plastic bushing.XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-4

  5. Place the Steering Wheel (D) onto the steering column and line up with the connecting holes. Proceed to place Nut (1) over the right-hand cover, hold the nut in place and insert the Bolt (2). Proceed to tighten until the wheel is firm and does not wobble.XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-8 XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-5

  6. Slot the Brake Lever (E) into place and line it up with corresponding holes. Place Bolt (3) through the top hole and connect Nut (4). Tighten enough to make sure the nut (4) does not come loose but so that the lever can stil be moved easily to stop the Go Kart

  7. XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-5

  8. Tip the Kart Frame (A) on its left-hand side. Connect the first Wheel (F) to the rear drive link-as shown below. Place the Washer (5) on top of the Wheel (F) followed by the Nut (6) and tighten into place. XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-11
    NOTE- When fitting the right rear wheel, ensure that it has slotted in to place correctly so that the pedals turn the wheel.

  9. When fitting the Front Wheel (F), place the Washer (5) on to the frame folowed by the Wheel (F) and another Washer (5). Then proceed to tighten with the Nut (6). Place Wheel Hub (6) on to the wheel after tightening nut (6), this will be confrmed by a dicking sound and should sit flush.

  10. To fit the left-hand side wheels, repeat steps 7 and 8 for both rear and front applications. Please note there is no driving link with the rear of the left-hand side.

  11. Connect Front Fairing (H) with the 4 Screws (7) using the Retainer (8) as seen below. Tighten Allscrews securely.XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-12

  12. Place the Seat () on top of chosen position. Place the 4Washers (9) on top of each hole. Slot each Bolt (10) through the hole ensuring that the seat is correctly postioned. If positioning is correct, add the corespondina nut (4) to eadh Bolt (10) and tighten.XOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-Go-Kart-FIG-13


  • Adult supervision and assembly are required.
  • Only use on smooth, flat surfaces.
  • Use well away from traffic and other hazards.
  • Do not use in the dark.
  • Protective equipment should be worn such as helmets, wrist guards and knee and elbow pads.
  • For ages 5+ Maximum weight: 50kg.
  • The Go Kart should be used with caution since skillis required to avoid falls or collisions causing injury to the user or third parties.

How to control your Go Kart
An adult should periodically check that all hardware is securely fastened. To learn the basics, place your Go Kart on a flat surface where it will not move. Once seated comfortably, move the gear lever to forward and get used to pedalling around to gain momentum and use the hand brake to come to a stop. Within a little while you will be confident with teering, increasing and decreasing speed. This Go Kart will freewheel so it is recommended to avoid any steep hills. When learning, it is recommended to use an area where you are free from any obstades that could cause injury from collisions or falling.


Before every use:

  • Check wheel fixings and bearings by shaking each wheel-the wheels shold be tight and freely moving.
  • Make sure the hardware on each wheel, pedal and steering wheel is tightened properly.
  • Inspect brake pad for effectiveness and wear.
  • Worn or damaged wheels will not perform properly. Do not replace any components of the Go
  • Kart with aftermarket parts as this may compromise its safety or performance.

Scan the below code to access our how to assemble videosXOOTZ-TY6300-Pedal-

Iphone:Open camera app and point at QR code then open link at topof screen Android: Use OR code reader or Google lens to scan code

Please retain this information for future reference.
Wilton Bradley Ltd., Heathfield, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6TL, UK
Wilton Bradley Europe B.V., Barbara Strozilaan 201, 1083HN, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Design rights © 2020 WBL. Xootz” is a registered trade mark of WBL.
Made in China.

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