AIRAM 7126612 Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector User Manual
- June 9, 2024
Table of Contents
AIRAM 7126612 Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector
- Usage of Airam carbon monoxide alarm
1. Technical information of carbon monoxide alarm
2. Brief instruction of carbon monoxide alarm , accessories list
3. Battery installation and battery indicator
4. Test and silent reset
5. Alarm condition, temporary silent function
6. Sensor fault self-check inform ation and management
- B. Installation of carbon monoxide alarms
- Choose the place to install
- Ways of installation
- Key points of installation
- C. Daily maintenance and notes
1. Other chem ical gases’influence to the alarms
2. Correct daily m aintenance of alarm
3. Comm on problem s and m ain points
4. Dam age of tearing open, m odifying or maintaining alarm without authorization
Make sure that you read this user manual thoroughly before using the product.
This carbon m onoxide alarm is designed to detect carbon monoxide and can NOT
be used to detect smoke or any other gas. As the covering area of CO alarms in
each room of your hom e to protect the whole family effectively. After 1 0
years’lifetim e, stop using the product for your safety and scrap it according
to local laws and regulations.
A. Usage of carbon monoxide alarms
1. Electrical ratings of carbon monoxide alarms
Display scope of concentration: 10-550 PPM ±10%
- When the concentration exceeds 550 PPM, display shows
- When CO concentration is less than 10 PPM, it displays O PPM.
- “End” indicates end of unit life, and the product needs to be replaced.
Tem perature display: -15 °C -+50 °C ±1 ° C
The tem perature will display 20 seconds when CO concentration is less than 25
Hiilim onoksidipi- toisuus | llman halytysta ennen | Halytyksen kanssa ennen |
27 ± 3 PPM | 120 min | |
55 ± 5 PPM | 60min. | 90min. |
110 ± 10 PPM | l 0 min . | 40min. |
330 ± 30 PPM | 3min. |
Quit alarm condition: When CO concentration is below 40PPM, alarm will terminate automatically. Power indicator: Flashes about every 45 seconds. Fault warning: When a fault occurs, fault warning will be given within 3 minutes. Suitable place: Domestic premises.Product service life: 1 0 years, starting from the first start of the alarm . After 1 O years replace with a new alarm .
Brief instruction of carbon monoxide alarms:
The basic function of the alarm is to detect CO. Following a list of parts:
- CO Alarm
- LCD display
- Buzzer
- Power indicator
- Fault indicator
- Alarm indicator
- Test button
- Sensor inlet
- Battery com partm ent
- Mounting hole
- Mounting plate
- Screw hole
- Buckle
arvikkeen nimi | Miiiirii |
Hakavaroitin | 1 |
Asennuslevy | 1 |
Ruuvi | 2 |
I Muoviankkuri | 2 |
Kayttajan opas 1
Battery installation and battery indicator
CO alarm uses 3 1.5V AA high energy alkaline batteries. Put the battery’s
positive and negative poles into the battery warehouse according to battery
install chart. When batteries are installed and the detector is powered up,
power-up prompt will be given. It indicates that the power supply is norm ally
connected, and the indicator lights and buzzer are working normally.
The LCD display shows “EN”.
Information of battery indicator
When the detector is in norm al operation, the Power indicator flashes every
45 seconds. If low concentration of CO is detected but alarm has not been
triggered, the interval will be less than 45 seconds.
The LCD display shows battery level all the time.
When the voltage is less than 3.6V, low battery warning will be given at least once every minute. The LCD display shows condition D) Inadequate.
When LCD display screen shows condition D, please replace the new LR6 alkaline batteries. After the alarm m akes the first low voltage prompt, it still can work for more than 7 days.
Test and silent reset
Check the alarm once a month. Press the TEST button, and the Power, Fault and
Alarm indicator will flash once at the same time.
If the detector is working properly, then one cycle of alarm will be m ade. If
there is malfunction, then fault warning will be made
Silent reset
When the detector is in alarm condition and the CO concentration is less than
200 PPM, press and hold the TEST button and it will enter alarm silence
condition. Alarm silence condition is the sam e as the alarm condition except
the buzzer doesn’t beep temporarily. The Alarm indicator still flashes. The
alarm silence condition lasts less than 10 minutes. Press the TEST button in
the alarm silence condition, and it will recover the alarm condition
Alarm condition, temporary silence
- Function and LCD concentration display Alarm condition information and temporary silence
- The Alarm indicator flashes 5 times with beeps. That makes one cycle of alarms. The alarm warning will be m ade 3 tim es every 1 0 seconds. When the detector is in an alarm condition, press and hold the TEST button, then it will enter the alarm silence condition. The alarm silence condition is the same as alarm condition except the buzzer doesn’t beep temporarily.
- The Alarm indicator still flashes. Alarm silence condition lasts less than 1 0 m inutes. When CO concentration is greater than 30PPM for a duration of m ore than 60 minutes, or when CO concentration is greater than 40PPM for a duration of more than 40 minutes, low CO concentration warning will be m ade. When CO concentration is below 40PPM, alarm will terminate automatically.
- The less concentration the longer the time span and the m ore concentration the shorter the tim e span, which will m ake people sense the harmful extent of CO more easily.
- CO alarm has the LCD displaying concentration function, which will display between 10- 550 PPM and the error is ±10%. It can be used for reference in ordinary occasion, but can’t be used as professional m easuring instrum ents. When the concentration exceeds 550 PPM, it shows “Hco’; which means very dangerous and all the people shall leave the site.
Sensor fault self-check information and management
When the sensor has fault, the LCD screen displays Err.
Sensor fault
If there is fault in the sensor or circuit, fault warm ning will be given
within 3 m inutes. Fault warning will be m ade at least once every m inute
until the fault is elim inated. When fault warning is given, there m ay be
open circuit or short circuit in the sensor. Or there may be electronic dam
age. Volatile gas like ethyl alcohol m ay affect the sensor and cause tem
porary fault. In this case, please replace the product with a new one. Then
power off the dam aged unit and put it in clean air for 24 hours, and it will
return to normal.
- If the unit can’t recover after being placed in clean air for 24 hours, that means permanent damage. Please don’t use the product any m ore. Don’t repair it yourself or send to the service point that is not authorized by the m anufacturer.
- If the alarm that m akes fault inform ation can’t be recovered in the pure air after 24 hours, it is the perm anent damage. Please do not use it again. Don’t repair it yourself or send it to the service point that is not authorized by the producer to repair.
CO alarm installation
Choose the place to install alarms
Install the alarm s in the bedroom or the places where people often do activities or where you think may easily produce carbon monoxide or carbon m onoxide m ay divulge. Make sure every place where people sleep can hear the alarm. The alarm s are suggested to install in every floor in the multi- floored building. -
How to install alarms
When installing alarm s, choose the place where it is convenient to test and operate as well as replace batteries. If fixing the alarm s on the wall, the height shall be higher than 1.5M and 0.3M lower than ceiling. Besides, it shall keep 1.5M away from the corner, wall side and large furniture.
In order to gain an ideal protective environm ent and avoid the damage of alarm or the unnecessary m isinformation or the possibility when the harmful carbon monoxide produces, it does not alarm , please keep away from the following places:
- In the closed room (such as in the kitchen cabinet or behind the curtain).
- In the obstructive place (such as behind the furniture).
- On the floor or in the water channel.
- Beside the door and window.
- Behind the fan, air vent of air condtioner or fan inlet.
- Behind the vent or air-vent.
- Do not install in areas where the tem perature can easily decrease to -10 ° C or exceed 45° C unless you especially need to install like this.
- In the place where there are a lot of lam pblack and dust which will block up the sensor.
- In the place where there is too m oist.
- Near the kitchen wares.
Steps of alarm installation
a) Take out the m ounting plate and line it with the wall in the position that you have chosen for installation. Mark the holes with a pencil dot. With the aid of your wall
punch and hamm er, m ake two holes (6mm diam eter, 40mm depth) on the m arked spots. -
b) Insert the two plastic anchors into the holes. Secure the m ounting plate to the wall upwards by screwing.
c) After m aking sure the m ounting plate is secured to the wall, power on the detector and test the alarm . If the test result is norm al, then slide the alarm down over the mounting plate until it snaps into place.
Main points of installation
The detector cannot snap into place until the batteries are installed correctly. Please don’t force to install in avoidance of damage. If you install the alarm in the garage, please do not install the alarm near the exhaust port of m otor vehicles. Because when your car starts, high concentration of CO will be discharged and the tem porary CO that will not kill lives may cause the alarm .
C. Regular maintenance of CO alarm
Other chemical gases’ influence to the alarms
Alarm can not only respond to carbon m onoxide, but also respond to the following chem ical gases or damage the sensor. When the alarm is polluted and dam aged by high concentration chem ical gases, the sensor m ay be hurt which will cause tem porary error or perm anent dam age. If the alarm alarm s, you can sm ell the thick chem ical gas,
it m ay be the error. Because CO is a colorless and odorless gas and chem ical gases have thick sm ells. If chem ical gas alarm alarm s, put the alarm in the fresh air for 30 m inutes. If it still does not withdraw from alarm condition or the LCD shows the concentration is still rising or changes very slowly, it m eans the alarm has been polluted by chem ical gases.
At this tim e, it shall be put in the fresh air with the power off for a longer time to let it recover. If after being put in the fresh air for a week, it does not recover (LCD shows 0PPM), the sensor may be dam aged, so please do not use the alarm any longer. -
Correct daily maintenance of alarm
The alarm m ust be kept clean and m aintain once a m onth.- Clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
- Rub the surface with wet soft cloth which water has been wringed from . Note that the wet cloth shall not drip. Check if there is battery leakage or rusting.
- If there is leakage or slight rusting, wipe it with clean cloth and replace batteries.
- If there is heavy dust, stop using it. After cleaning, an inspection test shall be done by “TEST” button. Only after it passes the test can you reinstall and use it.
General problems and main points
- Do not spray chem ical aerosol like air freshener, fixature, perfum e, insecticide and spray paint near the alarm .
- Do not brush paint and pigm ent. If you need to paint the wall and floor, please put the alarm into the plastic bag first. After the sm ell has been fully volatilized, install the alarm again.
- Do not block up or cover the alarm ‘s venthole with Paste adhesive or other things.
- If your alarm drops in the floor, pick it up to check whether the battery has been dropped or loosen. After m aking sure the battery is intact, press again the “TEST /MENU” button to test whether the function is norm al. Back reinstall the alarm.
Damage of tearing open, modifying or maintaining alarm without authorization
The gas data of alarm has been calibrated before it leaves the factory. If the shell is taken apart without authorization and any component param eter or control software of the alarm is changed, the alarm data m ay be deviated or m issing, which m ay cause the alarm to alarmm istakenly or becom e invalid. You can’t repair and change any com ponent or program during the alarm ‘s stated life time.
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