STMicroelectronics UM2882 C Power Delivery Dual Port Adapter Kit User Manual
- June 4, 2024
- STMicroelectronics
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STMicroelectronics UM2882 C Power Delivery Dual Port Adapter Kit User Manual
The STSW-2STPD01 software package contains the application source code and libraries designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the STEVAL-2STPD01 USB Type-C™ Power Delivery dual port adapter kit.
The application firmware runs on the mainstream ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 32-bit STM32G071RBT6 microcontroller embedded in the NUCLEO-G071RB included in the STEVAL-2STPD01 kit. Thanks to the featured STM32CubeG0 USB PD 3.0 middleware stack, the kit is compliant with the USB Type-C 2.1 and Power Delivery 3.1 specifications.
The software package includes the firmware drivers of the STPD01 DC DC converter and the TCPP02-M18 protection which manage two USB Type-C ports and are driven by the microcontroller through a set of dedicated APIs.
The STSW-2STPD01 embeds two software IPs (Power Sharing and Power Monitor modules) which allow the STM32G071RBT6 microcontroller to optimize the input power budget through the two ports. By using the STM32CubeMonUCPD GUI, the Power Sharing module allows setting the input power rating (as input voltage and current delivered by the power supply), enabling, for each port, the negotiable PDOs for the fixed rating. It permits the microcontroller to manage the two STPD01 DC-DC converters, associated with each USB Type-C port, and dynamically handle the available output according to the power negotiated in the explicit contract.
At the maximum input power rating (24 V, 6 A), the application firmware enables the adapter kit to deliver four fixed PDOs for each port: 5 V at 3 A, 9 V at 3 A, 15 V at 3 A, 20 V at 3 A.
The STSW-2STPD01 software package features:
- USB PD middleware stack based on STM32CubeG0 STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32G0 series running on the ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 32-bit STM32G071RBT6 microcontroller
- Software IP including the Power Monitor module
- Software IP including the Power Sharing module
UM2552:” Managing USB power delivery systems with STM32 microcontrollers”
Visit the wiki page for relevant guides and resources regarding USB Power
The STSW-2STPD01 architecture is organized in different levels, as shown in the following figure.
- Hardware abstraction
- STM32CubeG0 HAL – hardware abstraction layer containing the device libraries specific for the STM32G0 microcontroller
- Board Support Package – layer software and APIs to handle the STEVAL-2STPD01 and all the firmware drivers of the main integrated devices (STPD01 and TCPP02-M18)
- Middleware
- USB PD Library – divided in:
- Core – provided as source code and compiled library and containing the ST USB PD middleware stack main blocks:
- DPM Core – containing the main state machines and APIs to link the application layer
- Policy Engine – to implement the local policy for a specific USB PD port
- Protocol Layer – to enable messages to be exchanged between a Source port and a Sink port
- Device – containing an adaptation layer for the STM32CubeG0 MCU:
- Physical Layer – to handle transmission and reception of bits on the wire and data transmission
- USB-C Port Control – to handle the Type-C detection state machines
- FreeRTOS – containing several APIs to work with tasks, queues, semaphores, etc. as well as scheduler functions
- Application
- Device Policy Manager – to manage USB PD resources within the device across one or more ports based on the device local policy
- Power Monitor – to monitor, at higher level, the bus status acquiring the voltage-current pair and reaching events (notifications and faults)
- Power Sharing – specific IP to manage and distribute the power between the two ports, starting from the input power budget and considering the operative status of each port
UM2552:” Managing USB power delivery systems with STM32 microcontrollers” 4
Project folder structure
The following figure shows the project main file organization and the related folder structure.
Figure 2. Project folders and file organization
- BSP and modules
- HAL drivers
- USB PD stack library
- FreeRTOS source code
- Utilities collection
The application user code is divided in:
- application files, containing main and system files (highlighted with dotted blue lines in the figure below)
- USB PD user files (highlighted with dotted purple lines in the figure below) dedicated to user settings and library configuration.
Main and system files
Table 1. Main and system files
File name | Description |
Main.c / .h | Firmware application entry point that allows managing the |
hardware/firmware configuration and the boot sequence
FreeRTOSConfig.h| FreeRTOS configuration header file
_stm32g0xxit.c / .h| Interrupt routine service files
_systemstm32g0xx.c| System package file (1)
_stm32g0xx_halconf.h| HAL configuration header file
For further details refer to STM32Cube.
USB PD user files
These user application files configure the USB PD library provided with the STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32G0 and implement the required callbacks/handlers.
Table 2. USB PD user files
File name | Description |
usbpd.c / .h | USB PD user file containing library configuration, GUI |
initialization and version
_usbpd_devicesconf.h| USB PD user file containing the device defines
_usbpd_dpmconf.h| USB PD DPM configuration file enabling the Type-C port,
VID, PID, etc.
_usbpd_dpmuser.c / .h| DPM user implementation files containing all
notification callbacks from and required by USB PD stack library core
_usbpd_guimemmap.h| GUI flash memory configuration
File name| Description
_usbpd_pdodefs.h| PDO definitions
_usbpd_pwrif.c / .h| Power interface files containing all APIs to turn
VBUS on/off, to set a new profile and check the bus status
_usbpd_power_monitorapp.c / .h| Power monitor module entry-point to
implement callbacks and application strategy to manage power, faults or
critical conditions
_usbpd_power_sharingapp.c / .h| Power sharing module entry-point to
implement callbacks and configuration
_tracer_embconf.h| Embedded tracer configuration file
The USBPD DPM User includes:
- functions called from the USB PD stack, used to configure and notify USB Type-C and Power Delivery events (see Table 3);
- miscellaneous callbacks and functions, containing service functions and generic callbacks available as USBPD DPM APIs;
- wrapper to PE messaging functions, which a set of functions allowing the user application to send specific USB PD control or data messages to the port partner (i.e. USBPD_DPM_RequestGotoMin to go to the minimum to pair port).
Table 3. Relevant USBPD_DPM_User functions
Function name | Description |
USBPD_DPM_UserInit | DPM user initialization |
USBPD_DPM_UserExecute | DPM user task to manage alerts |
USBPD_DPM_UserCableDetection | Cable notification handler, managing |
attach/detach, cable type discovery
USBPD_DPM_UserTimerCounter| DPM timing management
USBPD_DPM_WaitForTime| Implementation of the delay used in the USB PD core; it
uses the
osDelay provided by the CMSIS
USBPD_DPM_SetupNewPower| Interface for power requests coming from USB PD core
USBPD_DPM_HardReset| Hard reset state machine callback implementation, used to
manage the BUS and related messaging during the HR procedure
USBPD_DPM_Notification| Callback to handle the notification provided by the PE
(i.e. when an explicit contract is reached)
USBPD_DPM_GetDataInfo| To retrieve DPM data/configuration
USBPD_DPM_SetDataInfo| To set DPM data/configuration
USBPD_DPM_EvaluateRequest| Ensure local policy evaluating requests from the
Sink partner that can be rejected or accepted
USBPD_DPM_EnterErrorRecovery| DPM callback to allow PE to enter ERROR_RECOVERY
USBPD_DPM_RequestHardReset| Request the PE to send a hard reset
USBPD_DPM_RequestGotoMin| Request the PE to send a GO_TO_MIN message
USBPD_DPM_RequestMessageRequest| Request the PE to send a request message
USBPD_DPM_RequestGetSinkCapability| Request the PE to send a
DPM_TurnOffPower| To turn the power off
DPM_TurnOnPower| To turn the power on
USBPD Power Monitor
The power monitor application defines the callbacks necessary in the Power Monitor module. All static functions are stored in a custom array file and passed to the module during the initialization.
Task. The other functions are used for Monitor Task which checks the system status, receives events (with minimum latency) and notifies fault and critical conditions at user level. In this module, no direct action on the power is performed.
Table 4. Power Monitor component files
Task | Callback | Description |
Control Task
| PM_ReadData_Handler| Reads VBUS and IBUS data
PM_NotifyData_Handler| Notifies the data to the module (called after reading)
Monitor Task
| ****
| Checks the status callback and the whole system, implements the overcurrent/ PGood control strategy and returns ERR or OK. This callback is designed to perform periodic actions
| Fault condition callback, called in case of ERR and to solve and manage
faults. If this function returns ERR, the critical condition is notified. The
port is moved into safe mode (no VBUS) and the USB PD connection is reset
PM_CriticalCondition_Handler| Critical condition callback to put the port in
safe mode and require a power cycle to start again
Vendor information file (VIF)
The vendor information file (VIF) used to test the solution has been also
included in the application folder.
The file contains all the board setup information to correctly run the test
activity with USB-IF compliance test tools.
VIF has been included in the software package to ease testing the solution for
further customization.
The Drivers folder includes:
- the board support package (BSP) which includes the STPD01 and TCPP02-M18 component source codes, as well as the NUCLEO-G071RB and STEVAL-2STPD01 BSP files;
- the Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) containing the STM32G071RB microcontroller start-up file;
- the STM32G0xx Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) that includes the driver to configure and manage the peripheral devices such as I/O ports, interrupts, timers and communication.
Each module of the BSP manages a specific feature of the system, creating a software abstraction of the available hardware.
Component files
This sub-folder contains the component drivers of STPD01 and TCPP02-M18 devices
Table 5. STPD01 component files
File name | Description |
stpd01.c / .h | [STPD01 |
abstraction layer
_stpd01reg.c / .h| STPD01
register communication layer
Table 6. TCPP02-M18 component files
File name | Description |
tcpp0203.c / .h | [TCPP02-M18 |
abstraction layer
_tcpp0203reg.c / .h| TCPP02-M18
register communication layer
Note: The component files described in Table 6 also contains the layers for the TCPP03-M20 device which is not embedded in the STEVAL-2STPD01 kit.
STM32G0xx_NUCLEO fil
The stm32g0xx_nucleo.c file contains a set of other minor firmware functions not directly connected to the proposed application example.
STEVAL-2STPD01 files
The table below lists the main configuration files constituting the abstraction layer of the expansion board hardware
Table 7. STEVAL-2STPD01 expansion board component files
File name | Description |
steval-2stpd01.c / .h | Main entry file and common definition, used to |
initialize the BSP layer
_steval-2stpd01bus.c / .h| BUS hardware resources
_steval-2stpd01conf.h| Pin-out configuration and peripheral identification
for the main file (USBC peripheral, GPIO used)
_steval-2stpd01errno.h| Definition of the error types
_steval-2stpd01stpd01.c / .h| API functions to initialize and manage both
_steval-2stpd01_stpd01conf.h| Pin-out configuration and peripheral
identification for the main file: the
communication peripheral and the GPIO pins used
_steval-2stpd01tcpp02.c / .h| API functions to initialize and manage both
_steval-2stpd01_tcpp02conf.h| Pin-out configuration and peripheral
identification for the main file: the
communication peripheral and the GPIO pins used
_steval-2stpd01_usbpdpwr.c / .h| Used for power management and split in
four sections: VBUS, VCONN, Monitor and Protection
The Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) driver library
contained in this directory is the hardware abstraction layer for
microcontrollers based on Arm® Cortex® processors. It enables device support
and software interfaces for the processor and its peripherals.
For this software package, CMSIS provides the RTOS services as wrapper of
For further details on the CMSIS software packs available in STM32CubeMX,
refer to UM1718: STM32CubeMX for STM32 configuration and initialization C code
STM32G071RBT6 hardware abstraction layer (HAL) drivers
The HAL drivers sub-folder contains ready-to-use APIs that simplify the user
application implementation for a set of STM32 peripherals.
The STM32G071RBT6 HAL driver layer provides a simple, generic multi instance
set of APIs (application programming interfaces) to interact with the upper
layer (application, libraries and stacks).
For further details on STM32G0 HAL drivers, refer to UM2319: Description of
STM32G0 HAL and low-layer drivers
USB-PD library
USB-PD library is the Middleware stack hosted in the STM32CubeG0 MCU expansion
package. It consists of libraries, drivers, sources, APIs and application
examples running on many STM32 32-bit microcontrollers.
For further details on STM32G0 microcontroller USB PD, refer to UM2552:”
Managing USB power delivery systems with STM32 microcontrollers”
FreeRTOS is a widely known real-time operating system (RTOS) for
microcontrollers and small microprocessors.
It offers many APIs to work with tasks, queues, semaphores, etc. as well as
scheduler functions.
The application is set on several tasks defined in different layers that
perform specific functions: at USB PD stack level, the most relevant tasks are
Type-C cable detection and Policy Engine states machine management.
A further task has been created to manage alerts at DPM level.
Other tasks are defined in the Power Monitor module to implement system
monitoring mechanism.
The Utilities folder contains the Embedded Tracer, the GUI interface, the Power Monitor and the Power Sharing modules.
Embedded tracer
This module implements the embedded tracer based on the USB PD stack library.
Table 8. Embedded tracer files
File name | Description |
_traceremb.c / .h | Logical implementation |
_tracer_embhw.c / .h | Hardware support |
UM2552:” Managing USB power delivery systems with STM32 microcontrollers”
Visit the wiki page for relevant guides and resources regarding USB Power
GUI interface
This module includes the APIs related to the GUI used for the STM32CubeMonUCPD and allows logging and tracking the board data output on the GUI, but also to configure the input power supply data in the application setting parameters.
Power monitor
Table 9. Power monitor files
File name | Description |
_usbpd_powermonitor.c / .h | Power monitor module |
This FreeRTOS-based module is contained in the usbpd_power_monitor file pair.
It monitors power and is connected to other layers through callbacks.
Users can customize the actions performed using usbpd_power_monitor_app file
There are two main tasks running:
PM_Control_Task: a high priority task that reads data operation (PM_ReadData_Handler callback ) and, consequently, notifies the data collected (PM_NotifyData_Handler callback).
The data collected are the BUS voltage and current; they are stored into the dedicated fields of the PM_Handle (ready to be shared with the other part of the system). -
PM_Monitor_Task: an event-driven action task with a timeout to periodically perform check and maintenance actions, to get USB PD status notifications (i.e., attach/detach events, explicit contract) or faults (i.e., overcurrent, overvoltage).
When running periodically, it recalls the PM_CheckStatus_Handler external function to perform a system check: in case of error, a fault event is generated.
Power sharing
The power sharing module is included as compiled library and contains a specific algorithm able to acquire the power supply input settings, calculate the power rate available for each port and dynamically adapt the PDOs to expose, when a power negotiation starts or a generic USB PD event occurs.
Table 10. Power sharing files
File name | Description |
_usbpd_powersharing .h | Power sharing module header |
The compiled libraries included in the software package represents two of the ST IPs featuring the STEVAL-2STPD01 solution:
USBPD Core Library (available in the STM32CubeG0 package): hosting all the functions related to the USB-PD Middleware stack USB-PD Policy engine and Protocol layer.
Path→ $ROOT\Firmware\Middlewares\ST\STM32_USBPD_Library\Core\lib- USBPDCORE_PD3_FULL_CM0PLUS_wc32.a → STM32CubeIDE and EWARM (wc32)
- USBPDCORE_PD3_FULL_CM0PLUS_Keil.lib → µVision
Power Sharing Library:
Path→$ROOT\Firmware\Utilities\PowerSharing\lib:- USBPD_PowerSharing.a → STM32CubeIDE and EWARM (wc32)
- USBPD_PowerSharing_Keil.lib → µVision
To customize and debug the application, the package supports three integrated
development environments (IDEs): STMicroelectronics STM32CubeIDE, IAR EWARM
and Keil µVision / MDK-ARM.
The project files are located in the application folder as shown below.
STM32CubeIDE is an advanced C/C++ development platform with peripheral
configuration, code generation, code compilation, and debug features for STM32
microcontrollers and microprocessors.
It is based on the Eclipse®/CDT framework and GCC toolchain for the
development and GDB for the debugging.
To open the project, select the STM32CubeIDE folder and open the .project
The path is: $ROOT\Firmware\Projects\STEVAL 2STPD01\STM32CubeIDE
To open the STM32CubeIDE project, you can:
- open the environment and select the STM32CubeIDE project folder in the [File]>[Open Projects from File System] menu;
- or open the project by double clicking it in the folder: when the project is successfully imported, a notification pops up.
At the end of the import, close the [Information Center] tab and expand the workspace tab to view the complete folder structure. In both cases, the IDE is ready.
Note: The project has been tested with STM32CubeIDE v1.6.1.
IAR Embedded Workbench is compliant with Arm embedded application binary
interface (EABI) and Arm Cortex microcontroller software interface standard
The path is: $ROOT\Firmware\Projects\STEVAL-2STPD01\EWARM
To start the evaluation, double-click the Project.eww file and open it.
Note: The project was tested with EWARM v8.50.x. If there are several EWARM versions in your PC, open the correct IDE version and select the Project.eww file from the [menu]>[open workspace].
μVision/MDK-ARM – Keil
The µVision IDE and debugger is developed by Keil and supports the user in the
development and debugging.
The path is: $ROOT\Firmware\Projects\STEVAL-2STPD01\MDK- RM
To start working with this development environment, double-click the Project.uvprojx file and open it.
Note: The project has been tested with µVision v5.34.0.0 and MDK-ARM 5.34.
Licensing information
STSW-2STPD01 is delivered under the Mix Ultimate Liberty+OSS+3rd-party V1
The software components provided within this package come with different
license agreements as listed in the following table.
Table 11. Software component license agreements
Software component | Owner | License |
Cortex®-M CMSIS | Arm® | [BSD |
FreeRTOS™ Kernel| Copyright(C) 2017, Inc. or its affiliates| MIT
open source license
STM32G0 HAL/LL APIs| STMicroelectronics International N.V.| BSD
STM32 USB-PD Library| STMicroelectronics International N.V.| Ultimate Liberty
software license agreement (SLA0044)
STSW-2STPD01| STMicroelectronics International N.V.| Software package license
agreement (SLA0048)
STSW-2STPD01 BSP APIs| STMicroelectronics International N.V.| Ultimate Liberty
software license agreement (SLA0044)
STSW-2STPD01 Power Sharing Library| STMicroelectronics International N.V.|
Ultimate Liberty software license agreement (SLA0044)
Revision history
Table 12. Document revision history
Date | Revision | Changes |
22-Nov-2021 | 1 | Initial release. |
STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement.
Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products.
No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein.
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© 2021 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved
- . Spend less. Smile more.
- The 3-Clause BSD License – Open Source Initiative
- Category:USB Power Delivery - stm32mcu
- FreeRTOS open source licensing, FreeRTOS license description, FreeRTOS license terms and OpenRTOS commercial licensing options.
- NUCLEO-G071RB - STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32G071RB MCU, supports Arduino and ST morpho connectivity - STMicroelectronics
- STEVAL-2STPD01 - USB Type-C Power Delivery dual port adapter based on the STPD01 programmable buck converter - STMicroelectronics
- STM32CubeG0 - STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32G0 series (HAL, Low-Layer APIs and CMSIS, USB PD, File system, RTOS - and examples running on ST boards) - STMicroelectronics
- STM32CubeMonUCPD - Monitoring and configuration software tool for STM32 USB-C and Power Delivery 3.0 applications - STMicroelectronics
- STM32G0 Series - Cost-effective Arm Cortex-M0+ Microcontrollers (MCUs) - STMicroelectronics
- STM32G071RB - Mainstream Arm Cortex-M0+ MCU with 128 Kbytes of Flash memory, 36 Kbytes RAM, 64 MHz CPU, 4x USART, timers, ADC, DAC, comm. I/F, 1.7-3.6V - STMicroelectronics
- STPD01 - Programmable Buck Converter for USB Power Delivery - STMicroelectronics
- STSW-2STPD01 - Software package for STEVAL-2STPD01 USB Type-C Power Delivery dual port adapter kit - STMicroelectronics
- TCPP02-M18 - USB Type-C Port Protection for Source application - STMicroelectronics
- TCPP03-M20 - USB Type-C Port Protection for Dual Role Power application - STMicroelectronics
- STM32CubeG0 - STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32G0 series (HAL, Low-Layer APIs and CMSIS, USB PD, File system, RTOS - and examples running on ST boards) - STMicroelectronics
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