TEETER FitSpine XT-1 Inversion Table Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024

TEETER FitSpine XT-1 Inversion Table


To reduce the risk of injury:

  • Read and understand all the instructions, review all other accompanying documents, and inspect the equipment before using the inversion table.

  • It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the proper use of this equipment and the inherent risks of inversion

  • if these instructions are not followed, such as falling on your head or neck, pinching, entrapment, equipment failure, or aggravating a pre-existing medical condition.

  • It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all users of the product are fully informed about the proper use of the equipment and all safety precautions.

  • DO NOT use until approved by a licensed physician.

  • Inversion is contraindicated in any medical or health condition that may be made more severe by an elevation of blood pressure, intracranial pressure or mechanical stress of the inverted position, or that may impact your ability to operate the equipment. This may include injury or illness, but also the side effects of any drug or supplement (prescribed or over-the-counter).

  • Specific conditions may include, but not be limited to:
    Any condition, neurological or otherwise, which results in unexplained tingling, weakness or neuropathy, seizure, sleep disorder, lightheadedness, dizziness, disorientation, or fatigue, or impacts strength, mobility, alertness, or cognitive ability;

  • Any brain condition, such as trauma, history of intracranial bleed, history or risk of TIA or stroke, or severe headaches;

  • Any condition of the heart or circulatory system, such as high blood pressure, hypertension, increased risk of stroke, or use of anticoagulants (including high doses of aspirin);

  • Any bone, skeletal or spinal cord condition or injury, such as significant spinal curvature, acutely swollen joints, osteoporosis, fractures, dislocations, medullary pins or surgically implanted orthopedic supports;

  • Any eye, ear, nasal or balance condition, such as trauma, history of retinal detachment, glaucoma, optic hypertension, chronic sinusitis, middle or inner ear disease, motion sickness, or vertigo;

  • Any digestive or internal condition, such as severe acid reflux, hiatal or other hernia, gallbladder or kidney disease;

  • Any condition for which exercise is specifically directed, limited or prohibited by a physician, such as pregnancy, obesity, or recent surgery


There are four (4) User Settings on your Teeter® that must be properly adjusted for your unique needs and body type. Take time to find your ideal settings. Every time prior to using the inversion table, make sure the User Settings are adjusted to your personal settings

The Roller Hinges control the responsiveness or rate of rotation of the inversion table. There are three holes; the hole selection depends both on your body weight and the rotational responsiveness you desire (diagram right). For users just learning to use the inversion table, use the ‘Beginner / Partial Inversion’ settingTEETER FitSpine XT-1 Inversion Table

Changing the Roller Hinge Setting

  • Pull out the Height-Selector Locking Pin and slide the Main Shaft in all the way to the very last hole (the storage setting near the Rear Ankle Cups). Release and engage the Pin
  • Stand in front of the Table Bed and rotate it opposite from use  to rest against the Crossbar of the A-Frame.
  • Grasp each Roller Hinge under the Pivot Pins, using your thumbs to open the Self-Locking Hooks over the Pivot Pins
  • Lift both sides of the Table Bed out of the A-Frame and rest the head of the Table Bed on the floor.
  • Open each Cam Lock completely. Disengage the Roller Hinge from the Bracket Pin and slide it to the desired setting
  • Engage the Bracket Pin in the same Roller Hinge hole setting on each side. Secure the Cam Lock.
  • Re-attach the Table Bed into the A-Frame Hinge Plates Ensure the Self-Locking Hooks snap closed over each Roller Hinge
  • Pivot Pin. Rotate the Table Bed to the use position and adjust the Main Shaft for use  TEETER FitSpine XT-1 Inversion Table 2


  • Stand on the left side of the A-Frame. Pull out the Height-Selector Locking Pin with your right hand while sliding the Main Shaft out with your left For ease of adjustment, lower the Main Shaft below horizontal to lengthen and raise the Main Shaft above horizontal to shorten.
  • Start by sliding the Main Shaft until the last setting you can read is one inch greater than your height (e.g. if you’re 5 ft 10 in/178 cm, the last numbers visible will be 5 ft 11 in/180 cm). This helps to ensure that the rotation of the table is not too fast. You will test to see if this setting is right for you later. Your ideal height setting will depend on your weight distribution and could vary several inches on either side of your actual height.
  •  Release the spring-loaded Height-Selector Locking Pin to fully engage a hole setting. Use caution to prevent pinching fingers. Ensure the Pin passes completely through the Main Shaft

Attach the Angle Tether to the U-Bar under the Table Bed to limit the degree of rotation. Slide the buckle to lengthen or shorten the tether to pre- set your desired maximum inversion angle, or unclip the tether altogether when you are ready to rotate into full inversion

The Ankle Comfort Dial rotates into a High (1) or Low (2) setting  with a one inch height variance. Set the Ankle Comfort Dial so the Front & Rear Ankle Cups secure around the smallest part of your ankles (with minimal distance between the Ankle Lock System and the top of your foot). This will reduce body slide on the Table Bed while inverted, which can cause a shift in weight distribution and interfere with the ease of which you can control your rotation.TEETER FitSpine XT-1 Inversion Table 5


Make sure the inversion table rotates smoothly to the fully inverted position and back, and that all fasteners are secure. Ensure that there is adequate clearance to rotate in front, above and behind you.


  • * With your back to the Table Bed, and using the handles to steady yourself, carefully step inside the A-Frame to stand next to one side of the Main Shaft (the A-Frame Crossbar will be behind your legs)
    • Lift the foot closest to the Main Shaft over the Ankle Lock System and place it on the floor on the other side, to straddle the Main Shaft.
    • If the Ankle Lock System is closed, pull up on the T-Pin Lock and lift up on the Front Ankle Cups.
    • Release the spring-loaded T-Pin so that it engages a hole setting in the open position. Use caution to prevent pinching fingers. 3.
    • To balance yourself, rest only your lower body against the lower portion of the Table Bed as you slide one ankle at a time from the side between the Front & Rear Ankle Cups, placing your feet on the Ankle Comfort Dial.
    • Do not insert your foot into the Ankle Lock System as you would slide your foot into a shoe
    • Your feet should always be either on the floor or on the Ankle Comfort Dial; never use any other part of the inversion table as a step.
    • Press your ankles back firmly against the Rear Ankle Cups, then slightly rotate the tops of the Cups so they are angled toward the back of your leg/Achilles tendon 
    • This will allow the Cups to rotate somewhat as you invert so the cushioned part comfortably supports your ankles.
    • Pull the T-Pin Lock to close the spring-loaded Front Ankle Cups  .
  • Release the T-Pin and adjust the Front Ankle Bar until the T-Pin fully engages into a hole

  • The Front & Rear Ankle Cups should fit snug, with a close fit against the smallest part of your ankles.

  • If there is too much distance between the Cups and the top of your feet, refer to Ankle Comfort Dial: Find Your Setting.

  • Verify that no part of your footwear or garments touch or interfere with the T-Pin Lock in any way during inversion


Employ the method of “HEAR, FEEL, SEE, TEST” every time you secure your ankles in the inversion table:

  • HEAR the T-Pin Lock click into place;
  • FEEL the T-Pin Lock to make sure it is fully engaged and locked in a hole setting, and FEEL that the Front & Rear Ankle Cups are snug and close-fitting around the smallest part of your ankles;
  • SEE that there is NO space between the T-Pin Lock and its base, and SEE that there is NO space between your ankles and the Ankle Cups.
  • TEST the Ankle Lock System enclosure to ensure that it is snug, close-fitting and secure by wiggling and attempting to pull your feet through the Ankle Cups. Ensure that you CANNOT disengage from the Ankle Cups each time before attempting to invert.

When adjusted properly, you will control the rotation of the inversion table by simply shifting your body weight by moving your arms or bending your knees. Your ideal balance settings are determined by your body type and weight distribution – this is why your Main Shaft setting may differ from your actual height. It’s important to take time, test your settings, and ensure a relaxing, enjoyable experience! Failure to properly adjust your height setting may result in too rapid inversion or difficulty returning upright. Set the Angle Tether and for your first few inversion sessions, ask a spotter to assist you until you are able to find your correct balance setting and are comfortable with the operation of the inversion table.

  • Lean back and rest your head on the Table Bed with your arms at your sides.
  • If balanced correctly, the inversion table should begin to rotate slightly, with the Main Shaft lifting a few inches off the bumper of the Crossbar
  • The Main Shaft may be TOO SHORT if the inversion table rotates so that the
  • Main Shaft lifts more than a few inches off the Crossbar, to horizontal (0°) or beyond. Carefully dismount, lengthen the height setting by one hole, secure your ankles again and re-test.
  • The Main Shaft may be TOO LONG if the inversion table does not rotate at all, and the Main Shaft remains seated firmly on the Crossbar.
  • Carefully dismount, shorten the height setting by one hole, secure your ankles again and re-test.
  • Your Main Shaft setting should remain the same as long as you continue to use the same Roller Hinge setting and your weight does not fluctuate substantially.
  • If you change your Roller Hinge setting, you should test your balance and control again.


To ensure the inversion table does not rotate too far, too quickly, be sure that you have attached the Angle Tether and completed the balance testing.

  • With your head resting against the Table Bed, raise one arm at a time to begin rotation
  • For maximum control and comfort, every movement should be slow and deliberate (the faster you move, the faster the inversion table will rotate).
  • Practice controlling the speed and angle of rotation by slowly moving your arms back and forth.
  • Once you’ve reached the maximum angle allowed by the Angle Tether, rest both arms over your head. Relax and breathe deeply to help your muscles relax 


  • To begin rotating back to starting position, slowly bring your arms to your sides.
  • Since your body may have lengthened or shifted on the Table Bed while inverted, arm movements may not be enough to return you completely upright.
  • Simply bend your knees slightly while shifting your body weight toward the foot-end of the Table Bed  DO NOT lift your head, rely solely on the handles or try to sit up
  • Stop and rest for a few minutes just past horizontal (0°) to help prevent dizziness and allow your back to re-compress without discomfort before returning completely upright

Full inversion is defined as hanging completely upside down (90°) with your back free from the Table Bed. Many Teeter® users enjoy this option because of the added freedom of movement for stretches and exercises. However, DO NOT attempt this step until you are completely comfortable controlling the rotation of the inversion table and are able to fully relax at an angle of 60°. To fully invert:

  • Disconnect the Angle Tether.
  •  Adjust the Roller Hinges to Setting A to enable the inversion table to “lock” firmly in full inversion.
  • If you are 220 lbs (100 kg) or more, set the Roller Hinges to Setting B (see User Settings, pg 2).
  • Slowly raise both hands over your head to begin rotation. You may need to assist the last few degrees of rotation by pushing on the floor or A-Frame until the Table Bed stops against the Crossbar
  • Relax and allow your body to pull away from the Table Bed so you are hanging freely. If you tense up or press your back against the Table Bed, you will likely come “unlocked.”
  • In your correct balance setting, your weight will keep the Table Bed “locked” in this position until you are ready to return upright. If unable to maintain an adequate “lock” while fully inverted, contact Teeter® Customer Service for options.

To Release from the Inverted “Locked” Position:

  • With one hand, reach behind your head and grasp the Table Bed With the other hand, grasp the base of the A-Frame in front.
  • Pull both hands together  This will rotate the Table Bed out of the “locked” position. Keep elbows in to avoid pinching between the A-Frame and Table Bed
  • Follow the instructions for Returning Upright on the previous page


  • Wrap your index and middle fingers around either side of the T-Pin and pull straight out so that the pin disengages.
  • Push down with the balls of your feet while lifting your heels so that you push open the Front Ankle Cups with the top of your ankles/feet . Release the T-Pin to lock the Front Ankle Cups in the open position.
  • Keep your lower body supported against the Table Bed as you step onto the floor. Carefully stand up and ensure you have your balance before stepping over the Main Shaft and finishing your dismount


  • Disconnect the Angle Tether.
  • Pull out the Height-Selector Locking Pin and slide the Main Shaft in all the way to the last hole (the storage setting near the Rear Ankle Cups). Release and engage the Pin.
  • Stand in front of the Table Bed and rotate it opposite from use until it rests against the Crossbar of the A-Frame
  • Pull up on the Spreader Arms to fold the A-Frame leaving the A-Frame legs open to a width of 16-20” for stability. Use caution to prevent pinching fingers.


Wipe with a damp cloth to clean. Prior to every use, check for wear and tear. Replace damaged or worn parts immediately. Keep out of service until repaired. Contact Teeter for service recommendations.


  • Control Your Rotation: The angle and speed of rotation will greatly impact your inversion experience. To limit the angle of rotation, pre-set the Angle Tether (pg 2). To control speed or responsiveness of rotation, optimize the Rotation Adjustment and Main Shaft settings for your body type (pg 2). Take time to test and adjust your settings (pg 4) with the help of a spotter until you are able to fully control the rotation of the Teeter by simply shifting the weight of your arms.
  • Determine the Angle: Start at a modest angle (20°-30°) for the first few weeks or until you become comfortable with the sensation and operation of the equipment. Once you are able to fully relax, advance to greater angles of inversion to increase decompression benefits. Work up to 60° (parallel with the A-frame rear legs) or beyond for best results, but be sure to advance slowly and listen to your body – relaxation is key. Many users never do more than 60°, and that’s just fine! That said, some advanced users enjoy the added freedom of movement for stretches and exercises at full inversion (90°).
  • Determine the Duration: Begin with short 1-2 minute sessions to allow your body to adapt to inversion. Over time, as you feel comfortable, gradually work up to a duration that allows your muscles to fully relax and release so your back can decompress. This should typically take about 3-5 minutes.
  • Make It a Habit: Most users will find better results with shorter, more frequent sessions than longer sessions done infrequently. Ideally, work it into your routine so that you are able to invert with your Teeter several times a day.TEETER FitSpine XT-1 Inversion Table 23


  • Relax & Release: Close your eyes, take deep breaths and elongate your body. Focus on un-tensing your muscles to allow your spine and joints to decompress. The better you are able to relax, the more benefits you will feel.
  • Add Stretching & Movement: Intermittent Traction (alternating inversion with rest periods) or oscillation (rhythmic rocking) can help you get used to the feeling of inversion and encourage muscle relaxation. Add movement and stretching to help maximize the benefits for your joints and ligaments: gently stretch and twist while partially or fully inverted, or use the A-Frame, Traction or Grip-and-Stretch Handles to add decompression.
  • Give It Time: Like starting any new exercise program, it can take some time to see the results. Some people feel the benefits immediately and some take longer. Be patient, stick with it and invert often.


  • Increase Ankle Comfort: Wear socks with lace-up shoes – the material will provide added cushion and support for the ankles. Adjust the Ankle Comfort Dial for minimal space between the foot and platform. Slightly rotate the top of the Rear Cups toward your ankles so they will rotate to support your heels as you invert. Secure the Ankle Lock System for a snug, close fit.
  • Reduce Muscle Soreness: As with any exercise program, you may experience mild soreness when you first get started. While you’re relaxed, your body is making huge changes as your skeleton and muscles adapt. Don’t do too much, too soon – begin with a modest angle and shorter duration to reduce the likelihood of soreness.
  • Listen to Your Body: Respond to any signs of discomfort by making changes: reduce the angle and/or duration, try different times of day, take deep breaths, and add gentle movement and stretching. When you feel like you’ve had enough, return upright! Inversion is all about relaxation and enjoyment.
  • Return Upright Slowly: Be sure to rest at just past horizontal (0°) for 15-30 seconds or more to allow your body to readjust and your back to gradually re-compress before dismounting the equipment.
  • Understand the Equipment: Visit the Getting Started Video Portal at teeter.com/videos for more inverted stretching and exercise tips. Read and always follow the Owner’s Manual. Always check that your personalized User Settings are correct before inverting, and always lock in your ankles.
  • Reach Your Goals: Download the free Teeter Move™ app by visiting bit.ly/teeter-move to access exclusive guided inversion coaching by a Corrective Exercise Specialist.


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