OMNIFILTER R200 Inline Water Filter Instruction Manual

June 9, 2024

OMNIFILTER R200 Inline Water Filter

System Tested and Certified by NSF International against ANSI/NSF Standard 42 for the reduction of Chlorine, Taste and Odor.

For further operating, installation, or maintenance assistance:
Call Omni filter Customer Service at 800-937-6664

  • Micron* Reduction (Nominal} ……………… ……………….. 15 Microns
  • Flow Rate:……………………….. . .. 0. 50 GPM (1.9 LPM}
  • Min./Max. Operating Pressure ……………. ………….. 25 psi/125 psi
  • Min./Max. Operating Temperature ………………………. 35°F/100°F (2°C/38°C}
  • Capacity ……………………………………………………… 3,900 Gallons
  • Water Supply ……………………….. Use only on the cold water line

This system and installation shall comply with applicable state and local regulations.
*Based on manufacture’s internal testing.


  • Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.
  • Install this filter on the cold water line only. Do not use on water lines exceeding 100° F (38°C}. Water pressure minimum is 25 psi (172 kPa} and the maximum is 125 psi (862 kPa}.
  • Protect the unit from direct sunlight and freezing temperatures.
  • Do not use pipe dope or similar compounds. They can ruin plas­tic. Use Teflon'”‘ tape to seal pipe thread joints.
  • Keep the unit clean with soap and water. Do not use spray clean­ers or insecticides near the unit.
  • Intended for indoor, non-commercial use only.
  • For extended periods of non-use turn the water off and remove the filter cartridge. Place the cartridge in a plastic bag, seal, and refrigerate.
  • Tubing and hose dimensions are based on outside diameters (OD}. For water line sizes other than those listed, consult a plumber or a hardware store.
  • Before using the water, flush the new filter for 30 minutes.
  • Run drinking or cooking water per instructions prior to collecting the water for use.
  • This filter is not a water purifier and is not intended for use with contaminated water.
  • Comply with all state and local laws regarding the installation of water treatment devices.
  • An activated carbon cartridge may contain a small amount of carbon fines (very fine black powder}.
  • A new cartridge, after installation, should be flushed with sufficient water to remove the fines before using the water.
  • The filter cartridge has a limited service life. Changes in taste, color and flow of the water being filtered are signals that replace­ment of the cartridge is or may soon be necessary. Cartridge should be changed every 12 months or after 3,900 gallons of water used, whichever occurs first.
  • If making sweat connections, avoid exposure of the filter housing to the torch.
  • The contaminants or other substances removed or reduced by the water filter device are not necessarily in your water.


The system and installation must comply with all state and local laws and regulations.

  1. Turn off the cold water supply.

  2. Locate an easily accessible section of tubing between the shut off valve and the refrigerator.

  3. Cut tubing using a tube cutter – smooth out the sharp edges of the cut tubing with a file or steel wool. Do not cut tubing on an angle. Tubing cut on an angle may leak during service.
    NOTICE: Install the unit with the directional arrow in line with the water flow. See Figure 1.

  4. Insert supply side tubing (1/4″ copper or plastic tube} into the end of filter on the supply side. Push firmly until the tubing bot­toms out.

  5. Turn the water supply on. Hold the filter over a bucket and flush until water runs clear. TURN THE WATER OFF.

  6. Repeat step 4 on the refrigerator side of the filter. Make sure the tubing is firmly pushed to the bottom of the fitting.

  7. Turn the water supply back on and check for any leaks.

  8. Run cooking or drinking water for 10 seconds prior to collecting water for use.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: For conditions of use, health claims and replacement parts see the Performance Data Sheet. The operational, maintenance and replacement requirements must be followed for this unit to perform as sold.

  1. Turn off the cold water supply to the filter.
  2. Remove the tubing from the ends of the unit. See Figure 2.
  3. Install the new filter. Refer to steps 4 through 7 under “Installation”.
    NOTICE: Be sure unit is installed in the direction as shown in Figure 1.

111E.L DuPont DeNemours and Company, Corporation➔

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