NEFF T29TS79N0 Built In Gas Hob Instruction Manual

June 8, 2024

NEFF T29TS79N0 Built In Gas Hob



1| Component|
A| Pan support| –
B| Control knob| –
C| Economy burner| 1.10 kW
D| Standard-output burner| 1.90 kW
E| High-output burner| 2.80 kW
H| Dual-wok multi-crown burner| 5.80 / 6.10 kW
1 The images shown in these instructions are for guid- ance only.


Observe the following safety instructions.

General information

  • Read this instruction manual carefully.
  • Keep the instruction manual and the product information safe for future reference or for the next owner.
  • Do not connect the appliance if it has been damaged in transit.

Intended use
The appliance can only be used safely if it is correctly installed according to the safety instructions.
The installer is responsible for ensuring that the appliance works perfectly at its installation location.
Only use this appliance:

  • For cooking purposes.
  • under supervision. Never leave the appliance unattended when cooking for short periods.
  • In a private household and in a domestic environment.
  • Up to an altitude of max. 2000 m above sea level.
  • Do not use the appliance:
  • On boats or in vehicles.
  • as a room heater.
  • with an external timer or a remote control.
  • Outdoors.
    Call the after-sales service if you want to convert your appliance to a different type of gas

Restriction on user group
This appliance may be used by children aged 8 or over and by people who have reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or inadequate experience and/or knowledge, provided that they are supervised or have  been instructed on how to use the appliance safely and have understood the resulting dangers.
Do not let children play with the appliance.
Children must not perform cleaning or user maintenance unless they are at least 15 years old and are being supervised. Keep children under the age of 8 years away from the appliance and power cable

Safe use
WARNING ‒ Risk of explosion!
Escaping gas may cause an explosion. WHAT

  • Immediately shut off the gas supply or close the gas cylinder valve.

  • Immediately extinguish all naked flames and cigarettes.

  • Do not operate any light switches or appliance switches.

  • Do not pull any plugs out of any sockets.

  • Do not use any telephones or mobile phones within the building.

  • Open windows and ventilate the room.

  • Call the after sales service or the gas supplier.

  • Escaping gas may cause an explosion. Smallamounts of gas can collect over a longerperiod of time and ignite.

  • Close the safety valve for the gas supplywhen the appliance is out of use for pro-longed periods.
    Escaping gas may cause an explosion. If theliquefied gas bottle is not upright, liquefiedpropane/butane can enter the appliance. In-tense darting flames may therefore escapefrom the burners. Components may becomedamaged and start to leak over time so thatgas escapes uncontrollably.

  • Always use liquefied gas bottles in an up-right position.

WARNING ‒ Risk of poisoning!

  • Using the gas cooking appliance leads to abuild-up of heat, moisture and combustionproducts in the room where the appliance isinstalled.
  • Ensure that the kitchen is sufficiently ventil-ated, in particular when operating the gascooking appliance.
  • If the appliance is used intensively and forprolonged periods, ensure that there is ad-ditional ventilation so that the combustionproducts are safely fed to the outside, e.g.if using existing ventilation equipment, set ahigher performance level and, at the sametime, ensure that the air is replaced withfresh air in the room where the appliance isinstalled.
  • Consult specialist personnel when installingadditional ventilation equipment

WARNING ‒ Risk of fire!

  • Leaving fat or oil cooking on an unattendedhob can be dangerous and may lead to fires.

  • Never leave hot oil or fat unattended.

  • Never attempt to extinguish a fire using wa-ter; instead, switch off the appliance andthen cover with a lid or a fire blanket.
    The appliance becomes very hot.

  • Never place flammable objects on thecooktop or in its immediate vicinity.

  • Never store any objects on the cooktop.
    The appliance will become hot.

  • Do not keep combustible objects or aero-sol cans in drawers directly underneath thehob.

  • Never store or use combustible materials(e.g. spray cans or cleaning agents) underthe appliance or in its immediate vicinity Hob covers can cause accidents, for exampledue to overheating, catching fire or materialsshattering.

  • Do not use hob covers.
    When gas burners are in operation withoutany cookware placed on them, they can buildup a lot of heat. The extractor hood above itmay become damaged or catch fire.

  • Only operate the gas burners with cook-ware on them.
    The appliance becomes very hot, fabrics andother objects may ignite.

  • Keep fabrics (e.g. garments or curtains)away from the flames.

  • Never reach over the flames.

  • Do not place combustible objects (e.g. teatowels or newspapers) on, next to or be-hind the appliance.
    Escaping gas may ignite.

  • If the burner does not ignite after10 seconds, turn the control knob to the”Off” position and open the door or windowin the room. Do not attempt to re-ignite theburner for at least one minute.

  • In the event of the burner flames being ac-cidentally extinguished, turn off the burnercontrol. Do not attempt to re-ignite theburner for at least one minute.

  • Food may catch fire.

  • The cooking process must be monitored. Ashort process must be monitored continu-ously.

WARNING ‒ Risk of burns!
The accessible parts can become hot duringoperation.

  • Small children should be kept away fromthe appliance.
    Hob protective grilles may cause accidents.

  • Never use hob protective grilles.
    Empty cookware becomes extremely hotwhen set on gas burners that are operating.

  • Never heat up empty cookware.
    The appliance becomes hot during operation.

  • Allow the appliance to cool down beforecleaning.

5WARNING ‒ Risk of electric shock!
Incorrect repairs are dangerous.

  • Repairs to the appliance should only becarried out by trained specialist staff.

  • Only use genuine spare parts when repair-ing the appliance.

  • If the power cord of this appliance is dam-aged, it must be replaced by the manufac-turer, the manufacturer’s Customer Serviceor a similarly qualified person in order toprevent any risk.

  • If the appliance or the power cord is dam-aged, this is dangerous.

  • Never operate a damaged appliance.

  • Never pull on the power cord to unplug theappliance. Always unplug the appliance atthe mains.

  • If the appliance or the power cord is dam-aged, immediately unplug the power cordor switch off the fuse in the fuse box andturn off the gas supply.

  • Call customer services. → Page 11
    An ingress of moisture can cause an electricshock.

  • Do not use steam- or high-pressure clean-ers to clean the appliance.
    The insulation on cables of electrical appli-ances may melt if it touches hot parts of theappliance.

  • Never bring electrical appliance cables intocontact with hot parts of the appliance.

WARNING ‒ Risk of injury!
Faults or damage to the appliance and re-pairs that have not been carried out correctlyare dangerous.

  • Never switch on the appliance if there is afault with it.

  • If the appliance is faulty, unplug the mainsplug or switch off the fuse in the fuse box.Shut off the gas supply and call the aftersales service.

  • Always have repairs carried out to the ap-pliance and damaged gas lines replacedby trained, specialist personnel Cracks or fractures in the glass surface aredangerous.

  • All of the burners and each electrical heat-ing element switch off immediately and dis-connect the appliance from the power sup-ply.

  • Shut off the gas supply.

  • Do not touch the surface of the appliance

  • Do not use the appliance.

  • Call the customer service.
    Cookware that is not the right size, or that isdamaged or incorrectly positioned may causeserious injuries.

  • See the notes on cookware.
    When switching on the burner, sparks aregenerated in the ignition plugs.

  • Never touch the ignition plugs while theburner is being lit.
    If a control knob is too stiff to turn or it isloose, it must no longer be used.

  • Contact our after-sales service immediatelyto have the control knob repaired or re-placed.
    An appliance with a cracked or broken sur-face can cause cuts.

  • Do not use the appliance if it has a crackedor broken surface.

WARNING ‒ Risk of suffocation!
Children may put packaging material overtheir heads or wrap themselves up in it andsuffocate.

  • Keep packaging material away from chil-dren.

  • Do not let children play with packaging ma-terial.
    Children may breathe in or swallow smallparts, causing them to suffocate.

  • Keep small parts away from children.

  • Do not let children play with small parts.

Preventing material damage

Heat can cause damage to adjacent appliances or kit-chen units. If the appliance is in operation for an exten-ded period, heat and moisture will be generated.

  • Open a window or switch on an extractor hood lead-ing to the outside

  • A build-up of heat may damage the appliance.

  • Do not use two burners or heat sources to heat onesingle item of cookware.

  • Do not use griddle plates, clay pots, etc. for a longtime at full power A build-up of heat may damage the controls.

  • Do not use a large item of cookware on burners that are close to the control knobs.
    If a control knob is in the wrong position, this could lead to malfunctions.

  • Always turn the control knob to the “Off” position when the appliance is not being used.
    Handling the cookware roughly may damage the surface of the appliance.

  • Handle the cookware on the hob carefully.

  • Do not place any heavy objects on the hob.
    Moving the cookware may scratch the glass.

  • Lift the cookware when moving it.

  • Damage may occur if hard or pointed objects fall on the hob.

  • Do not let hard or pointed objects fall onto the hob.

  • Do not bump into any of the edges of the hob.
    Salt, sugar or sand that may fall from the vegetables will scratch the glass.

  • Do not use the hob as a work surface or storage space.
    Melted sugar or food with a high sugar content may damage the glass.

  • Remove boiled-over food immediately with a glass scraper.

Environmental protection and saving energy

Saving energy
If you follow these instructions, your appliance will use less energy.
Choose a burner roughly the same size as your pan.
Centre the cookware on the hob.
Tip: Cookware manufacturers often give the upper diameter of the saucepan. It is often larger than the base diameter.

  • Unsuitable cookware or incompletely covered cooking zones consume a lot of energy.
    Cover saucepans with suitable lids.

  • Cooking without a lid consumes considerably more energy.
    Lift lids as infrequently as possible.

  • When you lift the lid, a lot of energy escapes.
    Use a glass lid.

  • You can see into the pan through a glass lid without having to lift it.
    Use cookware that is suitable for the quantity of food.

  • Large items of cookware containing little food need more energy to heat up.
    Cook with only a little water.

  • The more water that is contained in the cookware, the more energy is required to heat it up.
    Turn down to a lower power level early on.

  • If you use an ongoing power level that is too high, you will waste energy.
    Product Information according (EU) 66/2014 can be found on the attached appliance pass and online on the product page for your appliance.

Disposing of packaging
The packaging materials are environmentally compatible and can be recycled.

  • Sort the individual components by type and dispose of them separately.

Familiarising yourself with your appliance

Control knob
You can use the control panel to configure all functions of your appliance and to obtain information about the operating status.
You can use the control knobs to set the flame height to different power levels.

Display Meaning
  Burner assigned to the control knob.
0 Burner off.
9 Highest power setting and electric ignition of the burner.
1 Lowest power setting.

Dual-wok multi-crown burner
With the dual-wok multi-crown burner, you can regulate the inner and outer flames independently of each other

Power level Meaning
9 Inner and outer flame on full power.
4 Outer flame on minimum, inner flame on full power.
3 Inner flame on full power.
1 Inner flame on minimum power.

You can find an overview of the parts of the burner here

1 Burner cover
2 Burner cup
3 Burner cup base
4 Thermocouple for the flame monitoring
5 Ignition plug

Pan supports
Insert the pan supports correctly

Place the cookware correctly on the pan supports. Never place the cookware directly on the burner. Always carefully remove the pan supports. When moving a pan support, the pan supports next to it may also move.
Tip: You can remove the metal residue that remains when some items of cookware are moved on the pan support by cleaning it properly.
→ “Cleaning the pan supports”, Page 10


You can buy accessories from the after-sales service, from specialist retailers or online. Only use original accessories, as these have been specifically designed for your appliance.
Accessories vary from one appliance to another. When purchasing accessories, always quote the exact product number (E no.) of your appliance. → Page 12

You can find out which accessories are available for your appliance in our catalogue, in the online shop or from our after-sales service.
T29TS79N0-Built-In-Gas-Hob-FIG 6

Basic operation

Igniting a gas burner
The hob has automatic ignition of the burners.

WARNING ‒ Risk of fire!
Escaping gas may ignite.

  • If the burner does not ignite after 10 seconds, turn
    the control knob to the “Off” position and open the
    door or window in the room. Do not attempt to re-ignite
    the burner for at least one minute.
    ▶ In the event of the burner flames being accidentally
    extinguished, turn off the burner control. Do not attempt
    to re-ignite the burner for at least one minute.

If you turn the control knob directly between position
and 1, malfunctions may occur.

  • For this reason, never turn directly from position to position 1 or vice versa.
  1. Press the control knob for the selected burner and turn it anti-clockwise to the highest level.
    Keep the control knob pressed in.
    a For all of the burners, sparks are generated and the flame ignites.

  2. Wait a few seconds and release the control knob. → “Safety system”, Page 8

  3. Turn the control knob to the required position.

  4. If the burner does not ignite, turn the control knob to the off position and repeat the steps described above. This time, hold the control knob down for longer (up to 10 seconds).

Take the following information into account to ensure that the appliance works correctly:

  • The burner parts → Page 7 and the pan supports → Page 7 must be inserted correctly.
  • Do not swap the burner caps around.
  • It is important to keep the appliance clean. Clean the ignition plugs regularly with a small, non-metallic brush. Take care to prevent the ignition plugs from suffering any heavy knocks.
  • The burner holes and grooves must be clean to ensure a correct flame. → “Cleaning the burners”, Page 10

Safety system
The safety system (thermocouple) interrupts the flow of gas if the burners accidentally go out. To ignite the burner, you must activate the system that enables the gas flow.

  1. Ignite the burner without releasing the control knob.
    a The flame ignites.

  2. Press and hold the control knob for a further four seconds.

Igniting a gas burner manually
In the event of a power cut, you can light the burners manually.

  1. Press the control knob for the selected burner and turn it anti-clockwise to the highest level.
  2. Hold a lighter or a flame (lighter, match, etc.) against the burner.

Switching off a burner

  • Turn the control knob clockwise to ⁠.

Normal behaviour during operation
This behaviour is normal for the appliance:

  • Slight hissing noise from the ignited burner.
  • Release of odours when using the appliance for the first time. These odours disappear after a short time.
  • An orange flame is normal. This is due to dust in the environment, spilled liquids, etc.
  • Popping noise a few seconds after the burner is switched off. This is caused by switching on the safety system. → “Safety system”, Page 8


This information has been provided to help you saveenergy and avoid damaging your cookware.

Suitable cookware
Only use cookware with a suitable diameter. The cook-ware must not protrude over the edge of the cooktop.
Never use small cookware on large burners. Theflames must not touch the sides of the cookware

Burner| Minimum dia- meter of the cookware base| Maximum dia- meter of the cookware base
Multi-crown burner| 22 cm| 30 cm
High-output burner| 20 cm| 26 cm
Standard-output burner| 14 cm| 22 cm
Economy burner| 12 cm| 16 cm

Only use cookware with a rounded base on the multi-crown burner.

  • The hob must have a multi-crown burner and addi-tional wok grid
  • The additional wok grid must be correctly inserted. → “Accessories”, Page 7

Using cookware
The selection and positioning of the cookware affectsthe safety and energy efficiency of your appliance. → “Saving energy”, Page 6WARNING ‒ Risk of fire!
Flammable objects may ignite.

  • Maintain a distance of at least 50 mm between thecookware and flammable objects

Do not use deformed cookware. Only use cook- ware with a thick, flat base.| Deformed cookware is not stable on the hob and may tip over.
Place the cookware right in the centre of the burner.| The cookware may tip over if it is not placed in the centre of the burner.
Place the cookware cor- rectly on the pan sup- ports.| The cookware may  tip over if you place it directly on the burner.

8   Recommended settings for cooking

Yo the| u can use the control knobs on the appliance to set flame height incrementally to different power levels| Power level| Preparing meals

The ing typ coo


| m 1 to 9.

cooking times and power levels may vary depend- on the type of food, its weight and quality, on the

e of gas used, and on the material from which the kware is made.


| 9| ▪   Bringing water to the boil

▪   Baking in a bain-marie: Sponge, blanc- mange, bread pudding.

▪   Frying at a high temperature: Asian dishes.

¡| Cooking tips

–      When cooking soups, creams, lentils or chick- peas, add all of the ingredients to the cookware at the same time.

–      For pan-fried dishes, heat the oil up first. As soon as you have started frying, keep the temperature constant and adjust the power level as required. When preparing several portions, wait until the relevant temperature has been reached again. Turn the food regularly.

| 7-9| ▪   Starting the cooking process: Pasta, soups, creams, paella, pulses, rice pud- ding.

▪   Deep-fat frying in oil: Tempura veget- ables, croquettes, chips, potato om- elettes, escalope, frozen food, baked items.

▪   Frying with a little oil: French omelette, steak, well-done sirloin steak, stro- gonoff.

▪   Frying, searing: Vegetables, meat.

¡| To reduce the cooking time:

–       Use a pressure cooker to cook  creams  and pulses. If you are using a pressure cooker, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

–       The water must be boiling before you add pasta, rice or potatoes. Then adjust the power level in order to continue boiling.

–       Always use a lid when cooking rice and pota- toes.

4-6| ▪   Continuing the cooking process: Pasta, soups, creams, paella, pulses, rice pud- ding.

▪   Deep frying with a little oil: Ham- burgers, sausages, grilled salmon, ris- soles.

▪   Stew, pot roast: Ragout, goulash, rata- touille.

▪   Cooking at a medium temperature: Cheese sauce, béchamel, carbonara, Neapolitana sauce, blancmange, crepes.

▪   Defrosting: Frozen food.

Power level Preparing meals
1-3 ▪   Finishing cooking: Paella rice, pulses, rice pudding.

▪   Steaming: Fish, vegetables.

▪   Heating and keeping warm: Ready-to- eat meals.

Power level Preparing meals
1 Melting: Butter, chocolate, butter, gelatine, honey, caramel.

Cleaning and servicing

To keep your appliance working efficiently for a longtime, it is important to clean and maintain it carefully

Cleaning product
You can obtain suitable cleaning products from after-sales service or the online shop.
Unsuitable cleaning products may damage the sur-faces of the appliance.

  • Do not use harsh or abrasive detergents.
  • Do not use steel wool.
  • Do not use a knife or sharp objects to remove dried-on food remnants from the hob.
  • Do not use a knife or sharp objects to clean theconnection between the glass and the burner pan-els, the metal frames or the glass/aluminium platesfor cleaning.
  • Do not use steam-cleaning appliances.

Cleaning the appliance

When the control knob is removed while cleaning theappliance, humidity may get in and damage the interiorof the appliance.

  • When cleaning the appliance, do not remove thecontrols.
  1. Allow the appliance to cool down.
  2. Clean using a sponge and soapy water.
  3. Dry with a soft cloth.

Tip: Remove spilled liquids immediately. This preventsfood remains from sticking, and the time and effort re-quired for subsequent cleaning is reduced

Cleaning the burners
After each use, clean the surface of the burner parts.This prevents food remains from burning on.

The burner parts can be damaged if you clean them ina dishwasher.

  • Do not clean the burner parts in a dishwasher.

Note: Read the information on the cleaning agents. → “Cleaning product”, Page 10

  1. Allow the appliance to cool down.
  2. Clean using a non-metallic brush and soapy water.
  3. Completely dry the appliance. If there are waterdroplets or damp areas at the start of cooking, thismay damage the enamel.
  4. Insert the burner parts. Ensure that the burner capsare correctly positioned on the flame spreader. → “Burner”, Page 7

Cleaning the pan supports
Note: Read the information on the cleaning agents. → “Cleaning product”, Page 10

  1. Allow the appliance to cool down.

  2. Carefully remove the pan supports.

  3. Clean using a non-metallic brush and soapy water.
    Carefully clean the area around the rubber pads. Ifthe rubber pads come loose, the pan support mayscratch the hob.

  4. Alternatively, you can clean the pan supports in thedishwasher.
    Use the cleaning agents recommended by the dish-washer manufacturer. In the case of heavy soiling,we recommend precleaning the pan supports.

  5. Completely dry the appliance. If there are waterdroplets or damp areas at the start of cooking, thismay damage the enamel.

  6. Insert the pan supports correctly. → “Pan supports”, Page 7


You can rectify minor faults on your appliance yourself.Read the troubleshooting information before contactingafter-sales service. This will avoid unnecessary costs.WARNING ‒ Risk of injury!
Improper repairs are dangerous.

  • Repairs to the appliance should only be carried outby trained specialist staff.
  • If the appliance is defective, call Customer Service

WARNING ‒ Risk of electric shock!
Incorrect repairs are dangerous.

  • Repairs to the appliance should only be carried outby trained specialist staff.
  • only use genuine spare parts when repairing theappliance.
  • If the power cord of this appliance is damaged, itmust be replaced by the manufacturer, the manufac-turer’s Customer Service or a similarly qualified per-son in order to prevent any risk


Customer Service

Function-relevant genuine spare parts according to thecorresponding Ecodesign Order can be obtained fromCustomer Service for a period of at least 10 years fromthe date on which your appliance was placed on themarket within the European Economic Area.
Note: Under the terms of the manufacturer’s warrantythe use of Customer Service is free of charge

Detailed information on the warranty period and termsof warranty in your country is available from our after-sales service, your retailer or on our website.
If you contact Customer Service, you will require theproduct number (E-Nr.) and the production number(FD) of your appliance.
The contact details for Customer Service can be found in the enclosed Customer Service directory or on our website.

Product number (E-Nr.) and production number (FD)
You can find the product number (E-Nr.) and the production number (FD) on the appliance’s rating plate.
The rating plate can be found:

  • on the appliance certificate
  • on the lower section of the hob.

Make a note of your appliance’s details and the Customer Service telephone number to find them again quickly.


Disposing of old appliance
Valuable raw materials can be reused by recycling.

  1. Unplug the appliance from the mains.
  2. Cut through the power cord.
  3. Dispose of the appliance in an environmentally friendly manner.

Information about current disposal methods are available from your specialist dealer or local authority.
This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive
2012/19/EU concerning used electrical and electronic appliances
(waste electrical and electronic equipment – WEEE).
The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU.

Valid within Great Britain:
Imported to Great Britain by
BSH Home Appliances Ltd.
Grand Union House
Old Wolverton Road
Wolverton, Milton Keynes
MK12 5PT
United Kingdom



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