LDT 040113 Data Switch Instruction Manual

June 9, 2024

LDT 040113 Data Switch

Operating Instruction

Data switch  finished module in a case suitable for the s88 feedback bus

The data switch DSW-88-N enables to the ramification of the s88-feedback line.

  • for s88-standard connections and s88-N
    • (with 6-poles s88-pinbars as well as RJ-45 sockets and suitable for 5 and 12V bus voltage).
  • suitable for digital control:
    • Control Unit, Central Station 1, Intellibox, TWIN-CENTER, HSI-88(-USB), EasyControl, ECoS, DiCoStation.

This product is not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years of age! The kit contains small parts, which should be kept away from children under 3 years of age! Improper use will imply danger or injuring due to sharp edges and tips! Please store this instruction carefully. LDT-040113-Data-Switch-

Introduction / Safety Information

You have purchased the data switch DSW-88-N for your model railway. The DSW-88-N is a high-quality product that is supplied within the assortment of Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT). We are wishing you a good time using this product. The data switch DSW-88-N from the Digital-Professional-Series can operate on your digital control without any problems. The DSW-88-N is suitable for application on any digital control unit which supports the s88 feedback bus The finished modules in a case come with 24 month’s warranty.

  • Please read the following instructions carefully. The warranty will expire due to damages caused by disregarding the operating instructions. LDT will also not be liable for any consequential damage caused by improper use or installation.
  • Also, note that electronic semiconductors are very sensitive to electrostatic discharges and can be destroyed by them. Therefore, discharge yourself before touching the modules on a grounded metal surface (e.g. heater, water pipe, or protective earth connection) or work on a grounded electrostatic protection mat or with a wrist strap for electrostatic protection.
  • We designed our devices for indoor use only.

General description

The s88-feedback bus is built up as a continuous line with all feedback modules behind each other. They are building one line. This feature has its disadvantages on some model railway layouts. If the digital command station is positioned at the center of a model railway layout the feedback line can only be directed to the right or left-hand side and has then to be re-directed from the left or right end via the layout middle into the opposite layout part. The data switch DSW-88-N gives you the opportunity to ramify the s88 feedback bus at any position on the track.

Connecting the DSW-88-N to the digital model railway:

  • Attention: Before starting the installation switch-off the drive voltage by pushing the stop button or disconnect the main supply from all transformers.

The data switch DSW-88-N contains three 6-pole pin-bars for the s88-standard connection and as well three RJ-45 sockets for a bus connection according to . At the DSW-88-N are pin-bars and sockets marked with OUT and IN. OUT indicates the connection in the direction of the command station or interface. IN indicates the connection to the next following feedback module within the s88-bus line. Command stations and interfaces are always equipped with an s88-input for an s88-standard connection. The s88-standard connection is an interference-protected twisted s88-bus cable with original s88-bus plugs available. The plugs of the s88-bus cable are correctly attached to the 6-pole pin-bar of the data switch DSW-88-N if the white single wire corresponds with the white marking on the pc-board next to the pin-bar. The direction of the cable has to be shown directly away from the data switch. If you use feedback modules with a ribbon cable the plug has to be inserted that way that the cable will point away from the data switch. Additionally, attend to the position of the plugs on the 6-pole pin bars. No offset will be acceptable.

For the s88-bus connection, we offer a screened blue patch cable with RJ-45 plugs.
Attention: Command stations with PC-network connection (e.g. Central Station 1 and ECoS) contain as well an RJ-45 socket. It is not acceptable to connect the DSW-88-N to the RJ-45 network sockets.

Sample connections

The above sample connection solves the before-mentioned problem of a command station placed in the middle of a layout. In this example, the data switch is connected directly to the Intellibox to build two feedback lines. The left line at the left layout side consists of one Märklin s88 feedback module and one s88 compatible RM-88-N from LDT. At the right line, there are two LDT feedback modules with an integrated occupancy detector (RM-GB-8-N) connected. Next to the RJ-45 socket BU2 and the pin bar ST2 for the left s88-bus line is a rotary code switch located. Access to the rotary code switch is possible by removing the cover of the data-switch DSW-88 N. The number of feedback modules connected to the left line must be set with a small screwdriver. In the above sample there are 2 modules connected to the left line and the code switch has to be set to 2. After the command station has read out the feedback information the data switch DSW-88-N will know that after the read-out of the second feedback module, it has to switch over to the right line. The rotary code switch allows up to 15 modules for the left line. Numbers 1 to 9 are shown on the switch with printed letters. Followed by A to F. The letter A means the number 10 and F the number 15. The exact allocation is printed on the board next to the code switch. The command station or the PC software will assign an individual address to each of the feedback modules with 16 inputs beginning from the command station. The module with the number 1 is always connected directly to the command station or the Interface, followed by modules 2, 3, and so on. In case you use our feedback modules with integrated occupancy function RM-GB-8-N with 8 inputs, two feedback modules will be detected by the command station respectively by the model railway software as one feedback module because the digital command station and as well the PC- Software will occupy 16 inputs for each feedback module.
Example 1 shows the module numbering in detail.LDT-040113-Data-Switch-

The numbering of the modules will be done behind the data switch from left to right. The Märklin module s88 on the left line has been assigned as module number 1, followed by the RM-88-N as number 2. The two RM-GB-8-N modules connected to the right line will both have module number 3 in this system, as both together have 16 Inputs. The second sample connection shows a feedback system with 7 feedback modules. The data switch DSW-88-N is used behind the second module to split the s88-feedback bus. The left line connected to the DSW-88-N has the assigned modules numbers 3 and 4 and on the right line modules number 5, 6, and 7 are connected. As there are 2 modules connected to the left line the rotary code switch has been set to 2. Further sample connections can be found on our internet site (www.ldt- infocenter.com) in the area “Sample Connections”.LDT-040113-Data-Switch-fig-6

Made in Europe by

Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT)
Ulmenstraße 43
15370 Fredersdorf
Phone: +49 (0) 33439 / 867-0
Internet: www.ldt-infocenter.com

Subject to technical changes and errors.  09/2022 by LDT
Arnold, Digitrax, Lenz, Märklin, Motorola, Roco, and Zimo are registered trademarks.


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