intel 80486 Opti Motherboard User Guide
- June 9, 2024
- Intel
Table of Contents
- intel 80486 Opti Motherboard
- About This Guide
- Static Electricity Precautions
- Introduction
- Key Features
- Unpacking the Mainboard
- Mainboard Components
- Cache overview
- Hardware Configuration
- Jumper Settings
- Jumper and Socket Locations
- JP27-JP30,JP32,JP33 – CPU Selectors
- Memory Configuration
- Cache Chip Sockets and Jumper Locations
- Mainboard Installation
- Components
- Power Supply Requirements
- Installing the Mainboard
- Installing the Mainboard
- Connector Locations
- Connectors
- JPI-External Battery
- System Assemble Overview
- BIOS Setup
- Award BIOS Setup
- Main Menu Options
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
intel 80486 Opti Motherboard
- Please SHORT JPl pins 2-3 before using your system mainboard. The manufacturer’s default setting is on pin 3-4.
- ln GREEN CPU inactive mode system will stop the DOS timer. To update DOS timer, please use Microsoft POWER. EXE to put: DEVICE=POWER. EXE STD in your config. sys
- Please check your lintel CPU type detected by BIOS in start-up screen: Iflntel CPU detected DX4 -S, 80486DX2-S, 80486DX-S, or 80486SX-S jumper must be set as DX-SL CPU; if Intel CPU 80-t86DX, 80486DX2 or 80486SXjumper must be set DXIDX2 CPU.
The information presented in this publication has been carefully checked for reliability, however, no responsibility is assumed inaccuracies. Specifications are subject to change without notice.for
- IBM, PC, PCIAT and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
- AMI is a registered trademark of American Megatrends Inc.
- AWARD is a registered trademark of Award Software, Inc.
- Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Quick Reference Table
The table helps you quickly find information on specific jumpers and connectors.
About This Guide
This guide contains instructions for configuring and installing the 80486 mainboard.
- Chapter I, Introduction, acquaints you with the special features of the 80486 deep green mainboard.
- Chapter 2, Hardware Configuration, gives information on configuring memory and setting the mainboard’sjumpers. Brief sections on installing memor is also included.
- Chapter 3, Mainboard Installation, is an overview of how to install the mainboard in a system.
- Chapter 4, BIOS Setup, describes how to run the BIOS setup program once the mainboard is installed.
Static Electricity Precautions
Static clcctricll} can easily damage your 80486 ma inboard. Obscn mg a fc,, basic precautions can help you safeguard against damage that could result in e:xpcnsi\’C repairs. Follow the measures bellow to protect your equipment from static discharge:
- Keep the mainboard and other system componems in their anti-static packaging until you are ready to instaJJ them.
- Touch a grounded surface before you remove any system component from its protective anti-static packaging. A grounded surface within easy reach is the expansion slot covers al the rear of the system case, or any other unpainted ponion of the system chassis.
- During configuration and installation, touch a grounded surface frequently to discharge any static electric charge that may build up in your body. Another option is to wear a grounding wrist strap.
- When handling a mainboard or an adapter card, avoid touching its components. Handle the mainboard and adapter cards either by the edges or by the mountmg bracket that attaches to the slot opening in the case.
The 80486 Deep Green marnboard is a 12-bit l11gh performance s,·stem board.
This mainboard is not 0111:, compatible with
IBM AT s,stem but also pro,·ides power-sa\’111g features that allows lhe.user
to program the timer.
The 80486 Deep Green ma inboard is configured \\ 1th man) of 486-base
- lntelP2H
- Intel P2 4D
- Intel 80486DX4 (P24C)
- Intel 80486DX2/DX/SX-SL
- Intel 80486DX2 /OX/ SX
- Cyrix CX486DX2 I DX/S
The 80486 Deep Green mainboard features the capability of on-board power- management that allows the user to assign system clock rates, hard disk power saving and display power saving when enter doze mode, suspend mode or inactive mode.
Key Features
The advanced features of the 804+86 Deep Green Mainboard include:
Support microprocessor running at 25/33/40/50/66/75/100 MHz
- Intel P24T
- Intel P24D
- Intel 80486DX4 (P24C)
- Intel 80486DX2/DX/SX-SL
- Intel 80486 DX2/DX/SX e
- Cyrix CX486DX2/DX/S
- UMC U5
- LI write back or write-through cache
- L2 write-back policy for high-performance
- Flexible cache RAM size 64/128/256/5 12/1024 KB in two banks or one bank with 16 bytes line size.
- DRAM auto-detection/banking.
- Four banks of DRAM with memory size up to 64 MB using combinations of 256K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M, 32MB and 64MB SIMM modules.
- Providing green PCpower management. Level 2 cache power saving.
- Four power management modes for SMM (system management mode) CPU: On. Standby, Inactive, Off Standby mode: Either put CPU in stop grant state or caling CPU and system clock
- Fully support Microsoft APM ( advance power management ).
- Providing flash ROM support
- Seven 16-bit 1/O slots ( including three 32-bit VESA master Local Bus slots ).
- On-board CR2032 3.0 Volt lithium battery.
- 237 pin 2ZIF socket
- 3.3 volt for Low Voltage CPU.
Unpacking the Mainboard
The 80486 Mainboard comes packed in a sturdy cardboard shipping carton. The carton contains:
- The 80486 Mainboard
- This User’s Guide
Note : Do not remove the mainboard from its original packing until you
are ready to install it.
The 80486 mainboard is easily damaged by static electricıty. Observe the
following precautions while unpacking and installing the main board.
- Touch an unpainted area of the system chassis before handling the mainboard or any component. Doing so discharges the static charge your body may have built.
- Remove the mainboard from its anti-static wrapping and place it on a grounded surface, component side up
- Inspect the mainboard for damage. Shipping may have loosened integrated circuits from their sockets. If any intergrated circuit appears loose. press carefully to seat it firmly in its socket.
Do not apply power if the mainboard appears damaged. If there is damage to the board, or items are missing, contact your dealer immediately.
Mainboard Components
This section gives a brief description of key components on the mainboard. Refer to Figure 1-1 for component locations.
Figure 1-1. Key Components of the 80486 Mainboard
System microprocessor
The system microprocessor is a high-performance 32-bit 80486SX. 80486DX. 80486DX-2. 80486DX-. Cyrix 486DX2. 486DX, 486S, AMD AMDXLT. AM486DX2, AM486DX and UMC U5 microprocessor. The 80486 microprocessor available in seven different clock speeds: 25MHz. 33MHz 40MHz. 50HMz. 66MHz 75MHz. or 100MHz. -
Integrated System Controller (ISC)
The chip contains AT bus control logic. data bus conversion logic, CPU reset logic. clock generating for CPU, key board and timer, DMA/refresh logic. peripheral interface logic. page mode DRAM controller, and direct-mapped cache controller with write-back operation. -
Chips Integrated Peripherals Controller (PC)
The Chips integrated peripherals controller provides all of the standard peripherals required for system board implementation except the keyboard interface controller. The Chips offers 7 DMA channels. 13 interupt request channels. 2 timer/counter channels, and a real-time clock. -
Cache Memory
The on-board cache memory consists of eight SRAM (Static Random Access Memory ) chips that contain the cached code and data.
The cache tag subsystem consists of one SRAM chip that registers the address of the cache data. -
Main Memory
Four 30pin and two 72pin SIMM sockets are provided for 256k, IMB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB and 64MB SIMM modules. Memory can be configured from IMB to 64 MB. -
System BIOS
The AWARD BIOS is included in this ROM chip. The BIOS lets you control the speed of system, shadow RAM and cache functions by setting up BIOS system -
Expansion slots
Seven standard 16-bit ISA bus expansion slots includingthree 32-bit MASTER Local Bus slots are provided on the mainboard.
Cache overview
- A special feature of the &80480 mainboards is a built-in direct mapped cache controller with write-back operation and support for 64KB to 1024K5 Cache memory With 16 bytes cache line size.
- The cache capabilities of the 80486 mainboards significantly improve the performance of your software applications.
- Cache works by copying your most recently accessed data and placing it in an area of high speed memory called SRAM.
- Cache SRAM is positioned between the main memory DRAM and then from SRAM to the CPU. 1The CPU then accesses data in and out of the SRAM at a very high speed, allowing your applications to un much faster.
- The cache capabilities of the 80486 mainboards significantly improve the performance of your software applications.
- Cache works by copying your most recently accessed data and placing it in an area of high speed memory called SRAM.
- Cache SRAM is positioned between main memory DRAM and then from SRAM to the CPU. The CPU then accesses data in and out of the SRAM at a very high spced, allowing your applications to run much faster.
- Since most program executions are sequential and repetitive. the likelihood is great that the CPU will find data already stored in cache. If the data is already in cache, a cache hit results. If the CPU must go to main memory DRAM or your floppy disk to access the data, then a cache miss occurs.
- The 80486 mainboard’s built-in cache controller offers several teatures that enhance system performance during cache hit and cache miss cycles. A Page DRAM memory enhances performance during read miss cycles.
Hardware Configuration
Before you install the 80486 mainboard into the system chassis, you may find it convenient to first configure the mainboard’s hardware. This chapter describes how to set the mainboard jumpers for cache memory and display type, and how to install a math coprocessor and memory modules.
Power Precautions
- Before you begin configuration, make sure you are working with an unplugged mainboard. Many components are powered by low-voltage current, but there still may be a dangerous electric current coming from the leads and power supply. You should take the following precautions:
- Turn off the mainboard, and unplug the power cord before you begin.
- Unplug all cables that connect the mainboard to any external devices.
Jumper Settings
- You configure hardware options by setting jumper switches on the mainboard. Jumper switches are rows of small pins on the mainboard that you can set by using a Jumper cap.
Set a jumper switch as follows:
Short a jumper switch by placing the plastic jumper cap over two pins of the jumper.
Open a jumper switch by removing the jumper cap
Note : When you open ajumper, attach the plastic jumper -
Cap to one of the pins so you won’t lose it.
For setting Multi-pin jJumpers, the symbols below are used:
- 1-2 means to Short with a jumper cap in pin 1 and pin 2
- 2-3 means to Short with a jumper cap in pin 2 and pin 3
For setting 2-pin jumpers, the following symbols are used:
- The jumperis Shorted when the jumper cap is placed over the two pins of the jumper.
- The jumper is Open when the jumper cap is removed from the jumper.
- The jumper is Off when the jumper cap is removed from the Jumper.
Jumper and Socket Locations
JP27-JP30,JP32,JP33 – CPU Selectors
Jumpers JP27-JP30,JP32, JP33 configure the mainboard to accept different
JP6-JP8- Clock Generator setting
JP31-80486DX4 CPU Clock Multiplier Selector
JP5,JP10-JP14-Cache Jumper
Cache Memory size is configured with jumpers JP5, JP10~JP14
JP24-JP26-CPU Power Selector
JP23-Suspend Switch Connector
In order to force system enter suspend mode, you can attach a push button to this connector.
JP16-VESA clock
- JP16 to be set opened -when CPU Clock= 33 MHz.
- JP16 to be set closed when CPU Clock 33 MHz
JP17-VESA Wait State
The JP17 is VESA wait state setting. OwS to be opened: IWS to be closed.
JP3- Flash ROM VPP Supply Selector
The JP3 is Flash ROM Program Voltage selector. Pin I and 2 are shorted in 5 volt, Pin 2 and 3 are shorted in 12 volt.
Memory Configuration
The DRAM sub-sy stem contain 4 banks. Four 30-pin SIMM Socket U8-Ull using as
bank 2: two 72-pin SIMM Socket Ul7 using as bank I and 3; U18 using as bank 0
and 2. So you can not install 30-pin SIMM if using 2 banks type DRAM on to U18
and you can install 30-pin SIMM if using type DRAM on to U18.
Cache Configuration
The 80486 mainboard has a built-in cache controller. It requires external SRAM
chips as tag and cache memory. The caching Scheme is direct mapping with
Write-back operation. The mainboard allows 1024KB cache configurations. Memory
size is selected by the hardware jumpers. The BIOS automatically detects cache
The speed of the SRAM chips needed depends on the clock speed of the
- 50MHz and above CPU requires 20ns (tag) and 20ns (data) SRAM chips.
- 40MHz CPU requires 20ns (tag) and 20ns (data) SRAM chips
- 33MHz CPU requires 20ns (tag) and 20ns (data) SRAM chips.
- 25MHz CPU requires 20ns (tag) and 20ns (data) SRAM chips
Cache Size and Memory Location
The table below describes the chip capacity and socket location reqired for
each cache size configuration. You can use 8K x8-bit, 32K x 8-bit, 64K x
8-bit, or 128K x8-bit SRAM chips in banks 0 and 1, and in the TAG RAM sockets.
Note that you cannot combine different chip capacities in banks 0 and
Cache Chip Sockets and Jumper Locations
The diagram below describes the location of the cache chip sockets and cache jumpers
Installing Cache Chips
Install Cache chips on the mainboard as follows:
Caution : Static electricity can damage a cache chip.
- Review the section on static electricity precautions at the beginning of this manual, and make sure that power to the mainboard is off.
- Align the chip so that the notched corner of the chip matches the notched corner of the socket. Align the pins with the socket holes.
- Carefully press the chip into the socket.
Mainboard Installation
Once you have configured the 80486 Deep Green mainboard’s hardware, you are ready to install the mainboard into the system chassis. This chapter describes what you need to assemble an advanced computer system based on the 80486 mainboard.
What You Need
The following components and tools are the minimum required to build a working computer system.
The following components are recommended:
- Case with standard chassis and hardware. The 80486 fits most AT compatible cases.
- Standard AT power Supply
- 8 ohm speaker
- Floppy disk drive(s) (360KB, 1.2MB, 1.44MB or 2.88MB)
- Hard disk drive (optional)
- Hard disk and floppy disk drive controller card
- Flat ribbon cables to connect the disk drive controller and the disk drive(s)
- Serial /parallel interface card
- AT-compatible keyboard
- Video card and Display (monochrome, CGA, EAG, or VGA)
Installing the 80486 mainboard requires the following tools
- 1/4-inch Nutdriver
- 3/16-inch Nutdriver
You can also use a Phillips screwdriver with a 6-inch shaft and a flat blade screwdrive instead of the nutdrivers
Power Supply Requirements
You need a clean, steady power source to get the best performance from your
system. or reliable performance, make sure your power supply provides a
voltage range of 5.25 volts maximum to 4.75 volts minimum. Ii your area has
noisy power transmission, use a line noise filter between the power source and
your computer.
You must make sure the power supply can supply the total power required by all
the devices in your system. Check the power requirements of the floppy disk
drives, hard disk drives. and any additional boards that you will use. In a
system that includes a hard disk drive installed adapter cards. use a power
supply of at least 180 watts.
Installing the Mainboard
Before you begin, check the location of the mounting holes inthe case and on
the mainboard.
Caution : Static electricity can damage the mainboard.
Install the 80486 mainboards as follows:
- Review the section on static electricity precautions at the beginning of this manual.
- Place the case on an anti-static mat and remove the cover. Remove the nylon standoffs and screws for mounting the mainboard.
- Put the front of the case to your right and the rear to your left. The mainboard occupies the section of the case nearest you, the power supply goes on the far side.
- Align the mounting holes on the case to the mounting holes on the mainboard. Make sure you can access the keyboard connector (J1 once the board is installed.)
- From the bottom of the mainboard, insert standoffs onto the proper holes on the board, and attach the mounting Screws to the bottom of the çase,
Installing the Mainboard
Before you begin, check the location of the mounting holes in the case and on
the mainboard.
Caution : Static electricity can damage the mainboard.
Install the 80486 mainboard as follows:
Review the section on static electricity precautions at the beginning of this manual.
Place the case on an anti-static mat and remove the cover. Remove the nylon standoffs and screws for mounting the mainboard.
Put the front of the case to your right and the rear to your left. The mainboard occupies the section of the case nearest you; the power supply goes on the far side.
Align the mounting holes on the case to the mounting holes on the mainboard. Make sure you can access the keyboard connector (Jl once the board is installed.)
From the bottom of the mainboard, insert standoffs onto the proper holes on the board, and attach the mounting Screws to the bottom of the case.
Note : Some cases do not use standoffs and mounting screws in this case you canfasten the mainboard into the case with regular screws. -
Place the mainboard into the case and fasten the board securely with regular screws.
Connecting the Mainboard
Once you have fastened the mainb0ard into the system case the next step is to connect the internal cables. The internal cables are wire leads with plastic female connectors that attach to the connectors. The mainboard connectors have varying numbers of pins and are the points of contact between the mainboard and other parts of the computer.
Note : Before making connections on the board, make sure that power to the system is turned off.
Connector Locations
J1-Keyboard Connector
A standard five-pin female DIN keyboard connector is located at the rear if the board (J1). Plug the jack on the keyboard cable into this connector.
J9- Power Supply Connectors
The power supply connector has two six-pin male header connectors. Plug the
dual connectors from the power directly onto the board connectors
JP18-Speaker Connector
Attach the system speaker to connector JP18.
JPI-External Battery
The 80486 mainboard has a nonchargeable lithium battery on-board; however, you
can also attach an external battery to connector JP1. Using an external
battery helps you conserve the on-board battery.
Note 1 : The factory default setting has a jumper cap on pins 3 and 4for
an installed internal battery. When you install an external battery, remove
this jumper cap.
Note 2 : To clear the CMOS configuration, place a jumper cap on pins 3-4
and then place the cap back on pins 2-3 Jor normal operation.
JP15- Keylock & Power LED Connector
JP15 is a keylock connector that enables and disables the keyboard and the Power-LED on the case.
JP19- Turbo LED Connector
JP19 is usually connected to a Turbo Led on front of the system case. If the system board select is in Turbo mode, the indication lights during high-speed operation.
JP20-Reset Switch Connector
Attach the Reset switch cable to this connector. The Resetswitch restarts the system
JP22- Turbo Switch Connector
JP22 connects to the Turbo switch, which is used to select the mainboard’s clock speed.
In addition to switching clock speed using hardware control via the turbo
switch, you can also switch the clock speed using software control via
keyboard commands.
The keyboard commands are as follows: dra
- CTRL,ALT,+}: Press these three keys simultaneously to select Turbo Mode.
- CTRL,ALT[-1 : Press these three keys simultaneously to select Low-Speed Mode.
Note that hardware control and software control are alternately activated. Before you can activate software control from hardware control, and vice versa, the system must be in High-Speed Mode.
System Assemble Overview
After you have installed and connected the mainboard, assemble components in the following order:
Power Supply : Place the power supply so that it fits the raised tongues on the chassis floor. Insert and fasten the two screws on the back panel of the chassis. Connect the power supply to the power supply connectors, J9
Disk Drives : Slide the disk drives into the chassis. Connect a wide 34-wire ribbon cable to each disk drive; this cable will attach to an adapter card. The power supply has four cables, each with four wires. Connect these cables to the disk drives.
Adapter Cards : Insert each adapter card – Disk Controller cards, Video card, Serial/Parallel Interface card, etc. configuration instructions that comes with the card.
Connect the disk drives to the Floppy Disk and Hard Disk Controller cards. -
Keyboard: Connect the keyboard to its connector, J1.
Display: Connect the display cable to the Video Card, and the display’s power cord into a power outlet.
Case: Slide on the case cover and fasten its screws.
Connect the power cord to the power supply and plug it into wall outlet. Put your boot disk into drive A: and turn on the power. You will then need to run the BIOS setup program.
BIOS Setup
- After you have configured the mainboard, and have as- sembled the components, you can turn on the completed system. At this point, run the software setup to ensure that the system information is correct.
- The software setup of the system board is achieved through Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) programming. You use the BIOS setup program to tell the operating system what type of devices (such as disk drives) are connected to your system board
- The system setup is also called CMOS setup. Normally, you need to run system setup if either the hardware is not identical with information contained in the CMOS RAM. or ifthe CMOS RAM has lost power.
Award BIOS Setup
Award’s BIOS ROM has a built-in Setup program that allows users to modify the basic system configuration. This type os information is stored in battery- backed RAM so that it retains the Setup information when the power is turned of.
Main Menu as follows:
Turn on or reboot the system. After a series of diagnostic checks, the following message appears: “Hit DEL if you want to run SETUP”
Press the DEL key to enter the AWARD BIOS setup program and the following screen appears:
Choose an option and press Enter. Modify the system parameters to reflect the options installed in the system.
Press ESC at anytime to return to the Main Menu.
In the Main Menu, choose “SAVE& EXIT SETUP” to save your changes and reboot the system. Choosing “EXITT WITHOUT SAVE” ignores your changes and exits the program.
Main Menu Options
The Main Menu options of the AWARD BIOS are as below
Run the Standard CMOS Setup as follows.
Choose “STANDARD CMOS SETUP” from the Main Menu and a screen with a list of items appears
Use the arrow keys to move between items and to select values. Modify the selected fields using the PgUp/PgDn keys. Some fields let you enter numberic values directly
Date (mm/date/year) Type the current date
Time (hour:min:sec) Type the current time Hard disk C &D Choose from the standard hard disk types I to 46. See Appendis A. Type 47 is user definable. If a hard disk is not installed choose “Not installed.”
Floppy drive A & B
- 360KB 5 1/4″
- 1.2MB 5 1/4″
- 720KB 3 1/2″
- 1.44MB 3 1/2″
- 2.88MB 3 1/2″or
Not installed
- Video
- Monochrome,
- Color 40×25,
- Color 80×25, or Not installed
Halt The category determines whether the computer will stop ifan error is detected during power up.
- After you have finished with the Standard CMOS Setup program, press the
key. The following appears: “Write to CMOS and Exit (Y/N)?” - Typing “N° and
returns you to the Main Menu. Typing Y and saves the system parameters and the system reboots.
BIOS Feature Setup
Choose “BIOS FEATURES SETUP” from Main menu and a screen with a list of item appear
Use the arrow keys to move between items and to select values.Modify the fields using the PgUp/PgDn keys.
An explanation of
F1:”Help” gives options available for each item.
F2: Change color
F5: Get the old values. These values are the values with which the user started the current session. If the CMOS was good, then the old values are either the CMOS values or the BIOS Setup defaultvalues.
F6: Load all options in the Advanced CMOS Setup/Chipset
Features Setup with the BIOS Setup default values -
F7: Load all options in the Advanced CMOS Setup/ Chipset
Features Setup with the Power-On default valus.
A short description of the screen items follow:
Typematic Rate Setting
- Choose enable or disable. Enable this option to adjust the keystroke repeat rate. AdJust tne rate via lypematic Rate
Typematic Rate
- Chose the rate a character keeps repeating.
Internal Cache
- Choose enabled or disabled. this option enables the CPU internal cache
External Cache
- Choose Enabled or Disabled to enable mainborad secondary cache memory
Boot Up Floppy Seek
- Choose Enabled or Disabled. “Disabled” provides a fast boot and reduce the possibility of damage to the heads.
Boot Sequence
The default setting first attempts to boot from drive A: and then if unsuccessful, from hard disk C: , your can reverse this sequence with “C: A:”, but then driver a: cannot boot direct. -
Boot Up Numlock Status
Choose ON or OFF, On put numeric keypad in Numlock mode at boot-up. Off put numeric keypads in arrow key mode at boot-up -
Gate A20 Option
Choose Normal or Fast. Normal keyboard controller pin. Fast imitated instead of chipset. -
Virus Warning
During and after the system boots up,any attempt to Write to the boot sector or partition table of hard disk drive will nat System and the following error message will appear, 1n oic mean time, you can run anti-virus program to locate tc problem
The Advanced Chipset Setup option is used to change the values of the chipset
registers. These registers control most of the system options in the computer.
Note : Change these settings only if you are familiar with the Chipset.
Run the Advanced Chipset Setup as follows.
Choose”CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP” from the Main
Menu and a screen with a list of items appears.
Use the arrow keys to move between items and select values. Modify selected fields using the PgUp/PgDn keys.
An explanation of the
- F1:”Help” gives options available for each item.
- F2: Change color
- F5: Get the old values. These values are the values with which the user started the current session. If the CMOS was good, then the old values are either the CMOS values or the BIOS Setup defaultvalues.
- F6: Load all options in the Advanced CMOS Setup/Chipset Features Setup with the BIOS Setup default values.
- F7: Load all options in the Advanced CMOS Setup/ Chipset Features Setup with the Power-On default values.
- After you have finished with the Chipset Features Setup, press the ESC key. The following appears: “Save & Exit Setup (Y/N)?”
- Typing “N” and Enter returns you to the Main Menu. Typing”Y” and Enter saves the system parameters and the System reb0ots.
BIOS defaults indicates the most appropriate value of the system parameter which the system would be in minimum performance.
Chipset defaults indicates the values required by the system for the maximum performance.
When you select this function, the following message will appear at the center of the screen to assist you in creating a password.
Type the passowrd, up to eight characters, and press Enter. The password typed now will clear any previously entered password from CMOS memory. You will be asked to confirm the password. Type the password again and press Enter. You may also press Esc to abort the election and not enter a password
- To disable password, just press Enter when you are prompted to enter password. A message will confirm the password being disabled. Once the password is disabled, the system will boot and you can enter Setup freely PASSWORD DISABLED.
- If you select System at Security Option of BIOS Features Setup Menu, you will be prompted for the password every time the system is rebooted or any time you try to enter Setup. If you select Setup at Security Option of BIOSs Features Setup Menu, you will be prompted only when you try to enter Setup.
- IDE HDDAUTO DETECTION Automatically configure hard disk parameters. es POWER-ON BOOT
- After you have made all the changes to CMOS values and the system can not boot with the CMOS values selected in Setup. restart the system by turning it OFF then ON or pressing the RESET button on the system case. You may also restart by Simultaneously press Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys. Upon restart the system, immediately press Insert to load BIOS default CMOS value for boot up.
The Power Management Setup option is used to change the values of the Power Control. These registers control most of the CPU clock display and Hard disk in the computer. Run the Power Management Setup as follows.
- Choose”POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP” from the Main Menu anda screen with a list of items appears.
Setup Default
Use the arrow keys to move between items and select values. Modify selected
fields using the PgUp/PgDn keys
An explanation of the Function keys follows:
- F1:”Help” gives options available for each item. n
- F2: Change color
- F5: Get the old values. These values are the values with which the user started the current session. If the CMOs was good, then the old values are either the CMOS values or the BIOS Setup defaultvalues.
- F6: Load all options in the Advanced CMOS Setup/ Power Manager Setup with the BIOS Setup default values.
- F7: Load all options in the Advanced CMOS Setup/Power Manager Features Setup with the Power-On default values.
- After you have finished with the Power Manager Setup, press the ESC key to exit.
Every item in power manager describes as follows:
Power Management:
The “Power Management”setting controls the HDD power down, system Doze,
standby, suspend timer display ON/OFF and CPU clock feature. There are five
User Define allows you to customize all timer setting, define HDD and system
power management settings. Optimize is the recommended setting for general
time. Max Saving is useful for testing and demonstratin8 system performance.
Min Saving is minimized the pOwer saving Disable will turn off all BIOS and
the power saving functions on operating system.
Video off Method:
Select a method to protect screen. “Blank screen” only make your screen blank but display card still work properly.”VI SYNC + Blank” not only makes your screen blank, but cuts off display cards SYNC signal.
HDD Standby Time:
Cause IDE HDD “spin down” when it is not accessed with a specified period. The disk returns to full speed the next time it is accessed. You can select range from “I Min” to “15 Min” and include “Disabled”.
Doze mode timer select:
To set a period of time to enter doze mode from full on mode. In this mode CPU
clock and display on/off can be control from control item. You can set range
from 0.5 min to 512 min.
Note : “None green CPU” only can enter this mode.
Standby Mode timer select:
To set a period of time to enter standby mode from doze mode. In this mode CPU clock and display on/off can be controlled from control item. You can set range from 2 min to 512 min
Standby Mode timer select:
To set a period of time to enter standby mode from doze mode. In this mode CPU
clock and display on/off can be controlled from control item. You can set
range from 2 min to 512 min.
Control Item:
To set every mode’s CPU clock and display turned on/off.
CPU CLK can change performance of every mode. you can set range from 1/2 to
GA can be turned on/off in every mode.. If you set VGAoff in this mode,
display will be turned off
Suspend switch Select:
To set suspend switch Enabled or Disabled. Push this Switch you can enter Inactive mode directly.
Monitor Even In Full On Mode:
- To set which condition will make system wake up and work in full on mode.
- VESA slave Activity Enabled/ Disabled setting will tell
- BIOS to monitor for VESA bus-slave card activity.
- LPT port Activity Enabled/ Disabled setting will tell BIOS to monitor printer port activity.
- COM port Activity Enabled/ Disabled setting will tell
- BIOS to monitor R$232 interface activity.(e.g. mouse)
- ISA Master activity Enabled/Disabled setting will tell
- BIOS to monitor ISA master activity.
- DE activity Enabled/ Disabled setting will tell BIOS to monitor Hard Disk activity.
- Floppy activity Enabled/Disabled setting will tell BIOS to monitor Floppy Driver activity.
- VGA activity Enabled/ Disabled setting will tell BIOS to monitor VGA display card activity
- Keyboard activity Enabled/ Disabled will tell BIOS to monitor keyboard activity.
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