BIC V-1220 430-Watt Down-Firing Powered Subwoofer Instruction Manual

June 3, 2024

BIC V-1220 430-Watt Down-Firing Powered Subwoofer



  • DESIGN: Down-Firing, long-throw 10″ subwoofer, tuned “Venturi” vent.
  • FREQUENCY RESPONSE : 26-180 Hz variable (adjustable crossover)
  • DRIVERS: 10″ Woofer
  • RECOMMENDED POWER : Built-in Amplifier Power – 160 Watts
  • IMPEDANCE: 8 Ohms
  • DIMENSIONS: 16 1/2″ H, 15″ W, 13″ D
  • WEIGHT: 34 lbs./Each.
  • SHIP WEIGHT: 38 lbs.


Congratulations on your purchase of a B. I. C America V815/V1020/V1220 powered subwoofer. It will give your stereo system unparalleled low frequency output.

Bass frequencies are critical to realistic sound reproduction. After you’ve hooked up your V815/V1020/V1220 subwoofer, you’ll discover just how much “punch” and depth you’ve been missing. No matter what kind of music or videos you listen to…whether you listen to it loud or soft, you’ll experience sound that’s richer and fuller. Bass guitar and string bass will have more impact. You’ll be able to FEEL as well as hear percussion – just the way you would at a live performance. If you have an audio/video system, movies will come alive with thunderous sound effects that were never possible without the V815/V1020/V1220.

The V815/V1020/V1220 is a self-powered subwoofer that frees your receiver or power amplifier from the power demands of reproducing very low frequencies. To do this, the V815/V1020/V1220 incorporates its own built-in crossover system that automatically “assigns” higher frequencies to your main speakers and lower frequencies to its own power amplifier, contained within the subwoofer enclosure.

The V815/V1020/V1220 has been meticulously designed and tested to insure high performance, durability and longevity.

This manual is designed to take you step by-step through the hook-up and operating process. This procedure is not difficult, but it is slightly different than hooking up a line level component such as a cassette deck or CD player. Reading this manual carefully will insure that you get maximum performance from your V815/V1020/V1220.


Remove the V815/V1020/V1220 from its packing carefully and inspect it for any shipping damage. If you discover damage, contact your B. I. C dealer immediately.

If possible, save the carton and internal packing. It’s the best possible protection for your V815/V1020/V1220 if you need to move it or return it for service.

Keep your sales receipt in a secure place. It helps establish the duration of your warranty and is good for insurance purposes (just in case anything happens to your stereo system)


Before actual hookup, you should familiarize yourself with the connections on the back of the V815/V1020/V1220, as shown in Drawing 1 below.

  1. FROM RECEIVER. Connects to your receiver’s speaker terminals. These binding post, color-coded connectors are used to hook the V815/V1020/V1220 to your receiver if it does not have sub- woofer out or LFE output connections. This is explained in section 9.
  2. OUT TO SPEAKERS. If you are using the V815/V1020/V1220 from receiver inputs, you will hook your main speakers to these binding post, color-coded connections. They are NOT used if you are using the LFE (SUB) IN line level connection.
  3. REMOVABLE FUSE HOLDER. By pushing in and turning counter-clockwise, you can remove and replace the fuse. Check the rating on the fuse for proper size of your unit.
  4. POWER INDICATOR. When the amplifier is ON, this indicator will be green. When the amplifier is in the STANDBY mode, as mentioned in item 5, this indicator will be red.
  5. POWER/AUTO ON SWITCH. This toggle switch turns the V815, V1020, or V1220 on and off. When the switch is in the ON position, the amplifier will stay on as long as the switch remains in that position. When this switch is in the AUTO position, the amplifier will stay turned on as long as a signal is being fed to the subwoofer amplifier. 15 to 20 minutes after you stop playing music or a video, the amplifier goes into STANDBY mode – see (4). When you again begin to play music or a video, the amplifier will automatically turn on.
  6. PHASE SWITCH. This switch is used to set the subwoofer’s phase to either normal “0º” or reverse “180°” (out of) phase. Once you determine the placement of the V815/V1020/V1220, you will need to try both positions of this switch for the best bass output for your listening position. The physical location of your subwoofer and main speakers determines the phase setting that will sound best at your main listening position. If this requires using the “180°” mode, don’t worry, there is nothing “abnormal” about it.
  7. VOLUME CONTROL. Rotating this knob clockwise increases the output level of the subwoofer. To start out, make sure that the VOLUME is turned all the way down (fully counterclockwise). Later, after some initial listening tests, you can adjust the volume to your own tastes. However, care should be taken not to overdrive the subwoofer to the point of audible distortion.
  8. CROSSOVER FREQUENCY CONTROL. This control determines what lower part of the frequency spectrum will be reproduced by the V815, V1020, or V1220 and what higher parts will be handled by your main speaker. It is a “crossover” control. Rotating the knob sets the point where all lower frequencies will be handled by thesubwooferand all higher frequencies will be routed to your main stereo speakers. As a starting point, set the control around 80 Hz. if you are using left and right tower speakers, 100 Hz. with bookshelf speakers, and 120 Hz. with small mini-speakers. Note: If you use the SUB IN connector, the RECEIVER TYPE toggle switch must be in the Pro Logic mode for the crossover frequency control to operate.
  9. SUB IN. This connection is used ONLY if you have a Dolby Pro Logic or Dolby Digital receiver/integrated amplifier which has a subwoofer output.
  10. RECEIVER TYPE TOGGLE SWITCH. If you use the SUB IN connector (item 9), you must set this switch to the type of receiver you have.

Note: When this switch is set to DIGITAL RECEIVER 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY control (9) does not affect the signal.

  1. POWER INPUT. This connector is the AC power in. Your subwoofer is supplied with a removable power cord that mates to this plug.


Where to position your V815/V1020/V1220

The V815/V1020/V1220 operates at low bass frequencies which are essentially omni-directional. That means you can place the V815/V1020/V1220 almost anywhere in a room without compromising the effectiveness of your main stereo speakers. Four factors need to be considered:

  • distance from your main speakers;
  • distance from a wall outlet;
  • distance from your receiver; and
  • proximity to walls and corners.
  1. Distance from your main speakers. The best placement for your subwoofer is on the same wall as the main speakers, especially if you are matching up with small bookshelf speakers. With tower speakers, side wall or rear placement is also acceptable.
  2. Wall outlet. Since the V815, V1020, and V1220 require AC power, it must be placed within ten feet of a wall outlet. We don’t recommend extending that range with an extension cord.
  3. Connections to your receiver, integrated amplifier or preamplifier. If your receiver or integrated amplifier does not have a subwoofer output or LFE output (see next page), hookup between the amp and V815/V1020/V1220 will be made with speaker wire. You can basically place the V815/V1020/V1220 anywhere in a normal-sized room.
  4.  Proximity to walls and corners. Physical placement of the subwoofer will have a definite impact on the frequency response and the perceived amount of V815/V1020/V1220 bass output. Because low frequencies have long wavelengths, they are influenced by proximity to a boundary such as a wall or floor.

See Drawing 2 on the facing page. When you place the V815/V1020/V1220 well away from a wall, it will produce bass at a certain level. Move the subwoofer close to the wall, it will produce more output (about 3dB more). Putting the subwoofer in a corner will increase output another 3dB (6dB more than when placed away from walls and corners).

All this technical jargon may sound confusing, but it basically means that you have a number of options, each of which produces a different amount of bass. For example, if you like a lot of heavy bass, consider putting the V815/V1020/V1220 into a corner. If you like smoother, less-obvious bass, move the subwoofer out into the room. The main thing to remember is that there is no “right” or “wrong” place to put the V815/V1020/V1220(assuming it’s less than ten feet from a wall receptacle). It all depends on how much bass you want.

Another reason to experiment – because low bass waves are very large (up to forty feet or more across!), they tend to cancel and reinforce each other, causing places in the room where there is lots of bass and others where there isn’t very much at all. If you walk around your listening room while playing music, you’ll probably discover these sorts of areas where bass is either exaggerated or reduced. Needless to say, if your main listening area ends up in a “dead” space, you will need to move the V815/V1020/V1220 so that bass is more normal. Incidentally, moving the V815, V1020, or V1220 around won’t affect the stereo imaging of your main stereo system, so feel free to try various subwoofer positions.

Connecting the V815/V1020/V1220 to a wall plug

The V815/V1020/V1220 draws a moderately high amount of current. We do not recommend plugging it into a “convenience” outlet (switched or unswitched) that is often found on the back of receivers and other stereo components. Instead, connect the V815, V1020, or V1220 ONLY to its own AC outlet. See items 8 and 9 in the Safety Instructions at the beginning of this manual.


Two basic connection options

  1. Amplifier/speaker hookup If you own a receiver or integrated amplifier that does NOT have a subwoofer output or LFE output, use Method A – Amplifier Wiring Hookup as shown in Drawing 3 (page 7). To determine whether your receiver has a subwoofer output, look on the back for an RCA-type connector labelled subwoofer out or LFE out. If your receiver or integrated amplifier doesn’t have a subwoofer or LFE output, use Method A – Amplifier Wiring Hookup Steps for Most Receivers (Drawing 3).
  2. Line level hookup If you own a receiver or integrated amplifier with a subwoofer or LFE output, you would use Method B – Line Level Hookup as shown in Drawing 4.

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Speaker wire tips

If you are using Method A as shown in Drawing 3, here are some suggestions that will insure proper operation:

Speaker wire type

The choice of speaker wire is dependent on the type of amplifier, the distance you intend to run the wire, and your budget. In general, you should not use extremely thin wire. If in doubt as to what brand or type of wire to use, consult your audio dealer.

Length of speaker wires

When hooking up your main/satellite speakers, make the hookup wires the SAME LENGTH for BOTH speakers, even if one speaker is much closer to your amplifier than the other. You may need to loosely coil up part of one channel’s wire behind the amplifier if one speaker is quite close and the other far away from the amp or receiver. But it’s worth it. Keeping both wires the same length will help maintain proper signal balance and imaging. Likewise, when making connections between your receiver and the V815/V1020/V1220’s FROM RECEIVER terminals, make sure that the wire lengths are the same.

Preparing speaker wire

  1. Separate the two conductors that make up each wire for a distance of about one inch. Then strip off 1 /2˝ of insulation from both ends of each conductor using a wire stripper, diagonal pliers or knife.
  2. Twist each set of thin wires into a tightly bunched spiral. If your wire is exceptionally thick (12- gauge zipcord or special speaker interconnect cable), divde the strands into three equal bundles and twist each into a spiral.

Establishing polarity

It is very important that left and right connections be made with the same plus/minus polarity.

  • Most speaker wire is polarity coded. This means thateach conductor is labeled either “+” positive or “–” negative. The (+) positive conductor may be a different color or texture than the (–) negative conductor. For example, it may be copper-colored (instead of silver-colored), have a white stripe printed on it, have a series of fine ridges stamped in it or simply be labeled with little “+” marks.
  • V815/V1020/V1220 FROM RECEIVER terminals and OUT TO SPEAKERS terminals are color-coded: Red for positive (+) and black for negative (–).
  • Anyconnection that uses speaker wire requires care in maintaining polarity. When connecting speakers or a subwoofer to speaker terminals, or during V815/V1020/V1220 Method A Hookup, make sure to connect “+” wires to “+” terminals, and “–” wires to “–” terminals. For example, if your speaker wire has one copper-colored conductor and one silver-colored conductor, connect both ends of the copper-colored wire (+) to red (+) terminals. Likewise, connect the wire you’ve identified as negative (in this case, the silver-colored wire), to black (–) terminals.
  • Method A: Amplifier wiring hookup steps for receivers or surround sound receivers with NO sub output jack
  • Refer to Drawing 3 on page 7
  1. IMPORTANT: Make sure that ALL stereo system components including the V815/V1020/V1220 are turned OFF before proceeding.
  2. Following the prior instructions on this page, strip and twist TWO lengths of speaker wire that will reach between your receiver’s left and right speakers terminals and the V815/V1020/V1220. Make these two lengths of wire only as long as is necessary to run between the two components.
  3. Connect one speaker wire to the RIGHT “+” and “–” speaker terminals of your receiver or integrated amplifier. Then connect the other end of this speaker wire to the RIGHT “+” and “–” FROM RECEIVER terminals on the back of the V815/V1020/V1220. Use the tips on determining speaker wire polarity to make sure that “+” is connected to “+” and “–” is connected to “–”.
  4. Connect the other speaker wire to the LEFT “+” and “–” speaker terminals of your receiver or integrated amplifier. Then connect the other end of this speaker wire to the LEFT “+” and “–” FROM RECEIVER terminals on the back of the V815/V1020/V1220. As in step 3, double check “+” and “–” polarity.
  5. Connect your main/satellite speakers to the V815/V1020/V1220 OUT TO SPEAKERS terminals.
  6. You are now ready to put your V815/V1020/V1220 subwoofer into use. Skip to “E – INITIAL LISTENING TEST.”

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Method B: Line-level hookup steps for receivers with subwoofer connections

See Drawing 4 below

Note: This connection method is only for receivers that have a subwoofer or LFE output. If your receiver does not have a subwoofer or LFE connection as shown in Drawing 4, use Method A – Amplifier Wiring Hookup Steps for Most Receivers on page 6. You will need one line level RCA to RCA connector cable long enough to reach from your receiver to your V815/V1020/V1220 location. This should be available from your B. I. C America dealer or from radio supply stores.

  • IMPORTANT: Make sure that ALL stereo system components including the V815/V1020/V1220 are turned OFF before proceeding.
  • Locate the subwoofer or LFE output connector on the rear of your receiver and connect one end of the RCA line level cord to it.
  • Route the line cord to the subwoofer location (trying to minimize areas where it may be stepped on) and connect the other end directly to the SUB IN.
  • Connect your main (and surround speakers if applicable) to the receiver according to the receiver’s owner’s manual.
  • Set the RECEIVER TYPE toggle switch to the type of receiver you have. Note: If you are using a Dolby Digital type receiver, the subwoofer crossover control does not work. You must set the crossover frequency in your receiver (check your receiver’s owner’s manual).
  • You are now ready to put your V815/V1020/V1220 subwoofer into use. Skip to the next section, titled E – Initial Listening Test.

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It’s now time to introduce the V815, V1020, and V1220 amplifier’s potent and plentiful bass into your listening environment.

  1. Double-check all connections.
  2. Make sure that the volume controls on both the V815/V1020/V1220 and your receiver/integrated amp/preamp are turned all the way down (fully counterclockwise). Set the PHASE switch to normal. Set the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY knob to 80 Hz. Set the SUB IN switch to the type of receiver you have.
  3. Turn on your stereo system. THEN turn on the V815/V1020/V1220. Confirm that the V815/V1020/V1220’sgreen POWER indicator is glowing. If it isn’t, check the power connections between the V815/V1020/V1220 and the wall socket.
  4. Play a musical selection that you are familiar with. Pick a song that has regular low bass beats. Advance the receiver/integrated amp/preamp’s volume control up to a normal listening level. If you don’t hear sound through your main speakers, turn off the system and check connections. Also consult the troubleshooting tips on page 10.
  5. If sound is indeed coming out of your main speakers, turn the V815/V1020/V1220’s VOLUME control clockwise until you hear noticeable additional bass. If you don’t hear bass by the time you have advanced the subwoofer’s VOLUME control halfway, turn off the system and check connections. Also consult the troubleshooting tips on page 10.
  6. Adjust the V815/V1020/V1220’s VOLUME control until you are satisfied with the amount of bass. You may want to try several different albums, tapes or compact discs while determining how high to adjust the V815/V1020/V1220’s VOLUME. The amount of bass varies from album to album and between different types of music.
  7. Now that you have adjusted the quantity of bass via the volume, it’s time to work on the quality of the bass with the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY control, PHASE switch – and experimentation with V815/V1020/V1220 room position.
  • While playing music, move the subwoofer around, in and out of corners, closer and farther from the wall, etc. as much as the power cord and other connections will allow.
  • Change the PHASE switch back and forth from 0º to 180º while someone sits in the main listening position. Leave the switch in the position where you like the bass most.
  • Change the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY control (for Dolby Pro-Logic receivers) to higher and lower settings. If the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY control is set too high, you’ll start to hear low midrange (voices and instruments) through it. This will negatively affect the stereo imaging of your main speakers. Back the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY setting off until you hear only bass from the V815/V1020/V1220. If the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY control is set too low, you simply won’t get much output from the subwoofer. Move it back closer to 80Hz.
  • After you are satisfied with the output of your V815/V1020/V1220, you can make all your volume settings through your main stereo system’s volume control. The only time you might want to re-adjust the V815/V1020/V1220’sx VOLUME is when you encounter a musical selection that has abnormally low – or high – bass.

You can leave the V815/V1020/V1220 turned on and in AUTO mode when not in use. It does not draw much power in this state and will be ready to add low bass the moment you begin to play music. Remember, you don’t have to do anything except leave the POWER switch in the AUTO position. The V815/V1020/V1220 will automatically go into STANDBY mode after 10 to 20 minutes, when no music is playing.

If you’re not using your stereo system for a long period of time (such as when you’re on vacation), turn the POWER switch to the OFF position.

Caring for Your V815/V1020/V1220

The V815/V1020/V1220 enclosure is finished in a very high-quality polymer laminate covering that is both attractive and excellent protection for the wood cabinet. To remove fingerprints, splatters of diet soda, peanut butter or other real world substances that mysteriously seem to appear on stereo components, use a damp, soft cloth on the laminate. You may also use a high- quality furniture polish to maintain the original luster.


Before returning your V815, V1020, or V1220 for service, you can save time (and often embarrassment) by checking for a few problems that are most often encountered.

Power light is not lit. No sound.

  1. Is your V815/V1020/V1220 plugged in to a live AC wall socket?
  2. Is the power cord firmly plugged into the sub amp power input connector? (11) on page 3.
  3. Is the power switch on?
  4. Has the V815/V1020/V1220 overheated and shut off temporarily?
  5. Is the fuse OK?

No sound from either set of speakers.

  1. Are your other components turned on?
  2. Is the receiver or preamp set to the appropriate input and is that sound source playing?
  3. Do you have an unconnected tape monitor selected?
  4. Is the V815/V1020/V1220 correctly connected to your receiver, preamplifier or integrated amplifier and turned on?

Sound comes from main speakers but not subwoofer

  1. Is the V815/V1020/V1220 turned on (power light in the green mode) and VOLUME control turned up?
  2. Check the speaker connections for small strands of wire touching both terminals.
  3. Some digital receivers only send a sub out signal when in the movie or digital mode. In the 2 channel (stereo music) mode, no sub out signal is sent to the sub. You may need to set your main speakers to “small” mode in your receiver setup to get the receiver’s subwoofer output to turn on. Check your receiver’s owner’s manual for subwoofer operation.
  4. For digital receivers – make sure the subwoofer is “ON” and the subwoofer level is set to “0dB” or greater.

Sound comes from the subwoofer but not your main speakers

  1. If you have used either version of Hookup Method A, check the connections between the OUT TO SPEAKERS on the back of the V815/V1020/V1220 and your main or satellite speakers.
  2. If you have used Hookup Method B (Line Level)…
  • confirm that the power amplifier is turned on.
  • check the RCA patch cord
  • check the speaker wire connections between the power amplifier and main or satellite speakers.

Bass is muffled or weak

  1. Check speaker wire polarity of all connections.
  2. Reposition your subwoofer. At some points in the room, its output may be cancelled by the geometry of the room. Moving the V815/V1020/V1220 can eliminate this problem.

Please refer to Item 10 in the Safety Instructions for conditions that ALWAYS require service by qualified personnel. If you have tried all the above and still cannot get the V815/V1020/V1220 to operate properly, consult your dealer or call Tech Support at 1-877-558-4242(4BIC).


We suggest that you read the LIMITED WARRANTY completely to fully understand your warranty/service coverage. Be sure to save the sales receipt in a safe place. It will be necessary for warranty service.

If your V815/V1020/V1220 should require service, we suggest that you contact the dealer from whom you purchased it. If the dealer is unable to take care of your needs, you may contact us at the phone number shown at the bottom of this page. We will then direct you to the nearest in our national network of Authorized Warranty Service Centers, or give you detailed instructions on how to pack and return the product to us for prompt action.

V815/V1020/V1220 Powered Subwoofer Limited Warranty

If the B. I. C Speaker system proves to be defective in materials or workmanship within seven years (two years for the electronic amplifier) from the date of the original customer’s purchase, we will, at our option, repair or replace the defective product. If for any reason, we are unable to repair or replace a defective product within a reasonable time, we will refund your purchase price.



Exclusion of Certain Damages

I. C America’s liability for aOny defective product is limited to repair or replacement of the product at our option. B. I. C America shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind or character because of product defects. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply

This Warranty Does Not Cover:

Damage caused by abuse, accident, misuse, negligence, or improper operation. Products that have been altered or modified. Any product whose serial number has been altered, defaced, or removed. Normal wear and maintenance. Damages caused by shipping. (All claims for shipping damage must be made with the carrier.)

Warranty Serv$ice

Warranty service must be performed by an authorized service center, usually a B. I. C America dealer or its authorized agent. You may obtain a list of authorized service centers by calling the number below. All warranty repairs must be accompanied by the original bill of sale. No other document is acceptable or is required. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Due to our continual efforts to improve product quality as new technology and techniques become available, B. I. C America reserves the right to revise its Speaker Systems specifications without notice.


Can you use a mixer’s line out?****

No, you can’t.

Can I use powered bookshelf speakers with this sub?****

Yes, the subwoofer will fill in all the deep bass and mid bass that your bookshelf speakers are capable of or built to perform.

Do you have Bluetooth?****

No, it uses a powered wall plug and a subwoofer wire that are plugged into a receiver.

Can I turn the submarine over?****

No, it is a down-firing submarine that is built to operate that manner. A different approach is probably going to hurt it and sound wrong.

Should Subs be louder than bass?****

Subbass should peak at -12 dB if you want to have enough headroom for the rest of the song. If mixing with headroom isn’t working for you, try keeping the subbass 2 to 5 dB below the kickdrum.

What wattage subwoofer is best?****

Depending on the parameters you entered. Depending on their size and capacity, subwoofers can have as little as 150 watts of power or as much as 1000 watts. For smaller living rooms, something between 100 and 300 watts is ideal. For larger subwoofers, it is suggested that you choose a subwoofer with between 400 and 600 watts of power.

What makes a subwoofer hit harder?****

You can make minor adjustments to your subwoofer to boost its effect. Replace the subwoofer’s voice coil, the tiny cone in front of it, or get a new enclosure.

What size subs sound the best?****

Because they are inexpensive and provide passable sound quality, 10-inch and 12-inch models are the ideal subwoofers for the majority of people. If you prefer to listen to music louder, 15″ subwoofers are the finest choice because they will provide you the best overall performance.

Is it better to have 1 or 2 subs?****

While employing one subwoofer will increase power, using two will result in a more controlled and fuller bass response. You can utilize one subwoofer or two subwoofers, depending on how you like to use your sound system.

Why does heavy bass sound so good?****

Your brain needs more time to interpret higher-pitched sounds than lower, bassier music. Researchers contend that this explains why lower tone background rhythms are widely employed in music from various ethnic origins all around the world.

How do I make my sub-bass more powerful?****

While employing one subwoofer will increase power, using two will result in a more controlled and fuller bass response. You can utilize one subwoofer or two subwoofers, depending on how you like to use your sound system.

How many watts is a good bass?****

Your brain needs more time to interpret higher-pitched sounds than lower, bassier music. Researchers contend that this explains why lower tone background rhythms are widely employed in music from various ethnic origins all around the world.

What size subwoofer is best for bass?****

The bass produced by an 8″ subwoofer is precise and clean. Generally speaking, an 8 subwoofer will provide you superb, affordable, clear bass. Some 8-inch subwoofers sound pretty good, and some people might even compare them to budget 10″ or 12″ models.

How many Hz is a good subwoofer?****

A subwoofer’s typical frequency range for consumer products is between 20 and 200 Hz, between 100 and 80 Hz for professional live sound, and between 80 and 100 Hz for THX-certified systems.

How many RMS is good for a subwoofer?****

On a factory radio, the bass won’t require more than 50 to 200 watts RMS of power. A receiver with 200 to 300 watts of RMS power might be required. Using speakers that have been amplified with between 250- and 500-watts RMS as a starting point is suitable.

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