BIC AMERICA SWA120 12 Powered Subwoofer Owner’s Manual

June 2, 2024
BIC America

BIC AMERICA SWA120 12 Powered Subwoofer



  • Design: Front-firing 12″ powered subwoofer with Tri-Tuned flared front ports and port plug.

  • Power: Built-in-State-of-the-Art Amplifier, 1000 watts Dynamic Peak Output, 200 watts RMS Continuous

    Adjustable crossover (by-passable when adjusting crossover through a digital receiver), adjustable volume control, phase switch, auto On/Off with LED indicator and automatic signal sensing, gold­plated high-level inputs, Dolby Pro Logic & Dolby Digital/DTS LFE Sub Inputs.

  • Frequency Response: 19-?0Hz ( +/-3db) with crossover set at 40Hz,19-100Hz with crossover set to 90Hz.

  • Driver: Heavy Duty Long Throw 12″ poly­injected woofer with high power magnet and long excursion surround.

  • Cabinet: Internally braced vibration-free MDF wood-grain cabinet

  • Designed & Engineered in the U.S.A. for both Home Theater & Music Applications

  • Dimensions: 16 5/i6″ H x 157/s” W x 151/4″ D

  • Shipping Weight: 36.8 lbs. (16.7 kg.)




  • The lightning flash with the arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intend­ed to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
  • The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instruc­tions in the literature accompanying the product.



  1. Read Instructions – Read all the safety and operation instructions before operating the SWA120.

  2. Retain Instructions – Keep the safety and operating instructions for future reference.

  3. Heed Warnings – Follow all warnings on the subwoofer and in these operating instructions.

  4. Follow Instructions – Follow all operating and other instructions.

  5. Water and Moisture – Do not use the subwoofer near water – for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.

  6. Heat -Locate the subwoofer away from heat sources such as radiators, or other devices that produce heat.

  7. Power Sources- Connect the unit only to a power supply of the type described in these operation instructions or as marked on the subwoofer and amp.

  8. Power Cord Protection – Route power supply cords so that they are not likely to be walked upon or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit the subwoofer.

  9. Object and Liquid Entry -Do not drop objects or spill liquids into the inside of the subwoofer.

  10. Damage Requiring Service – The subwoofer should be serviced only by qualified service personnel when:

    • Sub’s amp power-supply cord or the plug has been damaged; or
    • Objects have fallen, liquid has spilled into the subwoofer; or
    • The subwoofer has been exposed to rain; or
    • The subwoofer does not appear to operate or exhibit a marked change in performance; or
    • The subwoofer has been dropped, or its chassis damaged.
  11. Servicing – Do not attempt to service the subwoofer beyond those means described in this operating manual. For information regarding another service, please call B·I·C Service at 877-558-4242.

  12. To prevent electric shock, do not use the subwoofer’s polarized plug with an extension cord, receptacle or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted to prevent blade exposure.
    Pour preevenir Jes chocs eleetriques ne pas utiliser cette fiche polarisee avec un prolongateur, un prise de courant ou une autre sortie de courant, sauf si Jes lames peuvent etre inserees a fond sans laisser aucune pariie a decouvert.

  13. Grounding or Polarization – Do not disable the grounding or polarization of the subwoofer.

  14. Internal/External Voltage Selectors – Internal or external line voltage selector switches, if any, should only be reset and re-equipped with a proper plug for alternate voltage by a qualified service technician.
    This apparatus does not exceed the Class A/Class B (whichever is applicable) limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
    ATTENTION- Le present appareil numerique n’emet pas de bruits radio­eleetriques depassant las limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de class A/de class B (se/on le cas) prescrites dans le reglement sur le brouil/age radioeleetrique ediete par/es ministere des communications du canada.

  15. Altitude during operation 2000m, Maximum declared ambient 40° C.

To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this component to rain or moisture.

Congratulations on your purchase of a SWA120-powered subwoofer. It will give your stereo system unparalleled low-frequency output!
Bass frequencies are critical to realistic sound reproduction. After you’ve hooked up your SWA120, you will discover just how much punch and depth you’ve been missing. No matter what kind of music or videos you listen to … whether you listen to them loud or soft, you will experience sound that is richer and fuller. Bass guitar and string bass will have more impact. You will be able to FEEL as well as hear percussion – just the way you would at a live performance. If you have an audio/video system, movies will come alive with thunderous sound effects that were never possible without the SWA120.

This manual will take you step-by-step through the setup and operating process of your SWA120. Reading this manual carefully will ensure you get maximum performance from your SWA120.


Remove the SWA120 carefully from its carton to prevent any scuffing or scratching. Take a moment to inspect for any shipping damage. If you discover shipping damage, please contact your dealer and the shipping company immediately.
Please make sure to keep your sales receipt, it will establish the duration of your warranty.


Placement is extremely important because it dramatically affects the bass quality. An optimally placed subwoofer is much more pow­erful and nice sounding than a poorly placed one. Three factors need to be considered:

  1. Distance from your main speakers – The best placement for your subwoofer is on the same wall as the main speakers. How­ever, if you are not able to place your subwoofer on the same wall as your main speakers, avoid placing the subwoofer halfway be­tween the front and back walls. This is where you get a strong null from your room’s standing waves. No matter how powerful the subwoofer is, there will not be as much bass around the centre of the room.
  2. Distance from a wall outlet – Since the subwoofer requires AC power, it must be placed within 10 feet of a wall outlet. We don’t recommend extending that range with an extension cord.
  3. Positioning and Proximity to walls and corners – Physical placement of the subwoofer will have a definite impact on the frequency response and the perceived amount of subwoofer bass output. Because low frequencies have long wavelengths, they are influenced by proximity to a boundary such as a wall or floor.

See Drawing A below
When you place the subwoofer well away from a wall, it will produce bass at a certain level. Move the subwoofer close to the wall, it will produce more output (about 3dB more). Putting the subwoofer in a corner will increase output by another 3dB (6dB more than when placed away from walls and corners). The main thing to remember is you can place your subwoofer in many areas of your room depending on how much bass you want. If you like a lot of heavy bass, put the subwoofer into a corner. If you like smoother, less obvious bass, move the subwoofer out into the room.

Since low bass waves are very large (up to sixty feet or more across!), they tend to cancel and reinforce each other, causing places in the room where there is lots of bass and other places where there isn’t very much bass at all. To locate the best place in your room to put your subwoofer, you can use a technique called the “subwoofer crawl”. First place the subwoofer where you will be sitting (ex. couch or chair) in your listening area. Turn on music with steady/constant bass and walk around the room at/near knee level until you find the place where the bass sounds most accurate and balanced. This is where the subwoofer should be placed.

DRAWING A – Subwoofer placement



  1. POWER INDICATOR When the subwoofer is ON, this LED light will be green. When the subwoofer is in the STANDBY mode, it will be red.

  2. POWER/ AUTO ON SWITCH – This toggle switch turns the subwoofer on and off. When the switch is in the OFF position, the subwoofer will not play. When the switch is in the ON position, the subwoofer will stay on at all times. When the switch is in the AUTO position, the subwoofer will automatically come on when bass frequencies are fed to it. Then around 15-20 minutes after you stop playing music, the subwoofer will automatically go into STANDBY mode until more bass frequencies are fed to it. STANDBY mode uses very little electricity.

  3. PHASE SWITCH -This switch is used to set the subwoofer’s phase to either normal “0°” or reverse “180°” (out of) phase. The physical location of your subwoofer and main speakers determines the phase setting that will sound best at your main listening position. Once you determine the placement of the subwoofer, you will need to try both positions of this switch to determine which setting sounds better in your room. If this requires using the “180°” mode, don’t worry, there is nothing “abnormal” about it.

  4. VOLUME CONTROL – Rotating this knob clockwise increases the output level of the subwoofer. To start, make sure that the VOLUME is turned down (fully counterclockwise). Then, slowly adjust the volume to blend with the other speakers in your system. Care should be taken not to overdrive the subwoofer to the point of audible distortion.

  5. CROSSOVER FREQUENCY CONTROL – If you are connecting your subwoofer to a Dolby Digital type receiver that has a low-level SUBWOOFER or LFE output that requires a subwoofer cable for connection, you will adjust and set your subwoofer crossover through your receiver, not by using this control. Please check your receiver owner’s manual for instructions.
    If your receiver is not digital (for example: stereo-only integrated amp or older Dolby Pro Logic receiver) and/or you are using the HIGH LEVEL INPUT speaker connections, you will use this control to set your crossover in your subwoofer. This control determines what lower part of the frequency spectrum will be reproduced by the subwoofer and what higher parts will be handled by your main speakers. It is a “crossover” control. Rotating the knob sets the point where all lower frequencies will be handled by the subwoofer and all higher frequencies will be routed to your main stereo speakers. In the case of smaller speakers and most sound bars, adjusting the crossover to the 90Hz setting on the control will yield the best results. For larger speakers, adjusting the crossover to the 40Hz setting on the control will yield the best results.

  6. SUB RCA INPUT – This jack is used with a cable to connect your subwoofer to your receiver. This is the preferred connection.

  7. CROSSOVER FROM RECEIVER OR SUB SWITCH – If you are using a Dolby Digital receiver that has a low-level SUBWOOFER or LFE output that requires a subwoofer cable for connection, set this switch to “RECEIVER (DIGITAL)” so you can adjust your subwoofer crossover through your receiver. If your receiver is not digital (for example: stereo-only integrated amp or older Dolby Pro Logic receiver), set this switch to “SUB” so you can adjust your crossover through your subwoofer.

  8. POWER INPUT – This connector is the AC power “in” for the power cord that is supplied with your SWA120.

  9. REMOVABLE FUSE HOLDER- By pushing in and turning counterclockwise, you can remove and replace the fuse. Use only the correctly rated 5 x 20 mm, 2.5 amp 250-volt replacement fuses.

Connecting to Receivers with a SUBWOOFER or LFE Output lack

All Dolby Digital, DTS, THX, and Bass Management equipped receivers have a low-level SUBWOOFER or LFE output jack. If you have this, you will use the connection as shown below in Drawing C.

For this connection, you will need a mono interconnect cable with a male RCA jack on both ends. This can be purchased at the majority of electronics and audio stores. Make sure the length of your cable is long enough to reach from your receiver to your subwoofer location. The cable should lie flat with a little bit of slack to give some placement flexibility.

If you prefer a wireless connection rather than using a subwoofer cable, you can connect your SWA120 wirelessly to your digital receiver with a BIC WTR-SYS kit. You can also add an unlimited amount of wireless SWA120 subs to your system by adding BIC W-Receivers. Please contact BIC sales at 877-558-4242, ext. #1 for more information.


  1. IMPORTANT: Make sure that ALL stereo system components including the subwoofer are turned OFF before proceeding.
  2. Locate the SUBWOOFER or LFE output connector on the rear of your receiver and connect one end of the RCA cable to it.
  3. Route the RCA cable to the subwoofer location (trying to minimize areas where it may be stepped on). Connect the other end of the cable directly to the SUB IN.
  4. Connect your main speakers (and surround speakers if applicable) to the receiver according to the receiver’s owner manual.
  5. Connect the included power cord to the POWER INPUT (#1) on the back of your SWA120. Then connect its plug to an AC outlet ONLY. Since your SWA120 draws a moderately high amount of current, we do not recommend plugging it into a “convenience” outlet (switched or unswitched) found on the back of receivers and other stereo components.
  6. Set the CROSSOVER FROM RECEIVER OR SUB SWITCH (#2) to the “RECEIVER (DIGITAL)” position (on left). This will enable you to set the crossover from your receiver and disable the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY CONTROL (#3) on the back of your SWA120 (also see #5). Refer to your receiver’s owner manual for instructions on how to set your crossover. You also need to make sure the SUBWOOFER ON setting is set in your receiver. Otherwise, the receiver will send no signals to the subwoofer and there will be no sound.
  7. Set the PHASE SWITCH (#4) to 0°. You will later need to follow instructions on, #3 for room settings.
  8. You are now ready to turn your POWER SWITCH (#5) on and enjoy the deep bass you have been waiting for. You can learn more about the “auto” feature on this switch on #2.
  9. See Page for “Initial Listening Test”.

Connecting with a Subwoofer or LFE output jack.


It’s now time to test the SWA120 subwoofer in your listening environment.

  1. Before turning your stereo system and subwoofer on, double-check all connections.

  2. Turn the volume controls on both the subwoofer and your audio receiver down (fully counterclockwise) and check that the PHASE SWITCH is set to 0° and CROSSOVER FROM RECEIVER OR SUB SWITCH is set to the proper setting.

  3. Turn your stereo system and then subwoofer to the ON position by using the POWER AUTO-ON SWITCH. (See details #2 regarding AUTO position after performing the “Initial Listening Test”).

  4. Confirm that the subwoofer’s green POWER INDICATOR LED is glowing. If it isn’t, check the power connections between the subwoofer and the wall outlet.

  5. Play a musical selection that you are familiar with. Pick a song that has regular low-bass beats. Advance the audio receiver’s volume control up to a normal listening level. If you don’t hear sound through your main speakers, turn off the system and check the connections. Also, consult the troubleshooting tips.

  6. If the sound is coming out of your main speakers, slowly turn the sub amp’s VOLUME CONTROL clockwise until you hear noticeable additional bass. If you don’t hear bass by the time you have advanced the subwoofer’s VOLUME CONTROL halfway, turn off the system and check connections. Also, consult the troubleshooting tips.

  7. Adjust the subamp’s VOLUME CONTROL until you are satisfied with the amount of bass (care should be taken not to overdrive the subwoofer to the point of audible distortion). You may want to try several different movies, tapes, compact discs or DVDs while determining how high to adjust the volume. The amount of bass will vary from disc to disc and between different types of music.

  8. Now that you have adjusted the quantity of bass through the volume, it’s time to work on the quality of the bass by experimenting with subwoofer placement in your room and adjusting the crossover and PHASE SWITCH.

    • Subwoofer Placement (Also See “Placement”) – Subwoofer placement is extremely important because it dramatically affects the bass quality. An optimally placed subwoofer is much more powerful and nice sounding than a poorly placed one. While playing music, move the subwoofer around, in and out of corners, closer and farther from the wall, etc. – as much as the power cord or other connections will allow to determine the best placement. You may also want to try the “subwoofer crawl” technique found in the last paragraph of “Placement’.

    • Crossover – If you have hooked your subwoofer to a Dolby Digital, DTS, THX, or Bass Management receiver, you will need to refer to your receiver’s user manual for instructions on how to adjust and set your subwoofer crossover from the receiver.
      If your receiver is not digital (for example: older Dolby Pro Logic or stereo- only integrated amp), you will use the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY CONTROL on the back of your subwoofer’s amp to set your crossover from your subwoofer. Change the CROSSOVER FREQUENCY CONTROL to higher and lower settings. If the crossover frequency is set too high, you’ll start to hear low midrange (voices and instruments) through it. This will negatively affect the stereo imaging of your main speakers. If this occurs, lower the crossover frequency setting until you hear only bass from the subwoofer. If the crossover frequency is set too low, you simply won’t get much output from the subwoofer. In the case of smaller speakers and most sound bars, adjusting the crossover to the 90Hz setting on the control will yield the best results. For larger speakers, adjusting the crossover to the 40Hz setting on the control will yield the best results.

    • PHASE SWITCH – Have someone change the PHASE SWITCH back and forth from 0° to 180° while you sit in the main listening position. Leave the switch in the position where the bass sounds most accurate and balanced.

  9. After you are satisfied with the output of your subwoofer, you can make all your volume settings through your receiver’s volume control. The only time you might want to re-adjust the subwoofer amp’s VOLUME CONTROL is when you encounter a musical selection that has abnormally low – or high – bass.


If you are having a problem with your subwoofer, please read through this “Trouble Shooting Guide”. Many times problems are caused by other items in the system or the subwoofer’s interaction with those items. These problems can easily be resolved with this guide.


The SWA120 enclosure is finished in a very high-quality polymer laminate and gloss lacquer covering that is both attractive and excellent protection for the wood cabinet. To remove dirt or fingerprints use a damp, soft cloth. You may also use high-quality furniture polish on the wood laminate to maintain the original lustre.

Converting SWA120 to 220-240 Volt Operation
The SWA120 can be converted to 220-240 volt opera­tion. For instructions, email [email protected] or contact tech support at 877-558-4242, ext. 2.

We suggest that you read the LIMITED WARRANTY completely to fully understand your warranty/service coverage. Be sure to save the sales receipt in a safe place. It will be necessary for warranty service.
If you believe your SWA 12 0 requires service, please first check the “Troubleshooting Guide” on pages 10 and 11 of this manual. Many times problems are caused by other items in the system or the subwoofer’s interac­tion with those items. If you require service, please con­tact us at 877-558-4242, ext. 2. Our techs will then assist in determining what part requires service and we will, at our option, repair or replace the defective part.

SWA120 Powered Subwoofer Limited Warranty

Exclusion of Certain Damages
B· I ·C America’s liability for any defective product is limited to repair or replacement of the product at our option. B·I·C America shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind or character be­cause of product defects. Some states do not allow lim­itations on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply.

This Warranty Does Not Cover:

  • Damage caused by abuse, accident, misuse, negligence, or improper operation.
  • Products that have been altered or modified.
  • Any product whose serial number has been altered, defaced, or removed.
  • Normal wear and maintenance.
  • Damages caused by shipping. (All claims for shipping damage must be made with the carrier.)
  • Sustained cosmetic damages.

Warranty Service
Warranty service must be performed by a B· I ·C author­ized service centre. All warranty repairs must be accompanied by the original bill of sale and a B·I·C warranty claim form. No other documents are acceptable or required. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

Due to our continual efforts to improve product quality as new technology and techniques become available, B·I·C America re­serves the right to revise its Speaker Systems specifications without notice.

B· I ·C America

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