FREE THE TONE FLIGHT TIME FT-2Y Digital Delay Owner’s Manual

June 3, 2024



FLIGHT TIME FT-2Y Digital Delay

Thank you for choosing a Free The Tone product.
In order to take full advantage of the features and performance it provides, please read this owner’s manual thoroughly, and keep it in a safe place for future reference.

Handling Precautions

  • Never connect or disconnect plugs to/from the input/output terminals on the unit when the external device that drives speakers is powered. Doing so can cause noises and damage the speakers.
  • Avoid applying excessive force to the footswitches, tact switches, and phone jacks on the unit.
  • If the unit malfunctions or behaves erratically, cease operation at once and contact your local dealer or Free The Tone directly.

Controls and Indicators

Front Panel


Rear Panel

Side Panel


Basic Operations and How to Use Each Function

Storing Changes in a Preset

  1. Press the SAVE switch after changing the parameter settings.
  2. The BPM/msec display flashes [toXX] (XX: preset number indicated).
  3. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to change the number shown in the BPM/msec display to the preset number in which you wish to store the data.
  4. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

To cancel the save operation, press the SAVE switch again.
When a preset parameter is being changed, the dot in the last digit of the preset number illuminates. This dot goes out when the data is stored in the preset.
Since preset nos. 91–99 are reserved as the factory preset area, it is impossible to store user presets in this area.

Recalling a Preset
The FLIGHT TIME provides various ways to recall a preset.
Recalling a Preset with INC/+ or DEC/– switch

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to flash the display.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to select the preset number from which you wish to recall the data and press the ENTER switch.

Recalling a Preset with TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch

  1. Press and hold down the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch for two seconds to flash the preset number display.
  2. Press the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch to increment the preset number and press the ON/OFF- STOP switch to decrement. Select the desired preset number. display.
  3. Press and hold down the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch for two seconds to confirm the preset number.

Recalling Preset 1 * Only when the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch is used for the Tap function.

  1. Press and hold down the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch for 3.5 seconds to flash the preset number currently displayed.
  2. At the moment when the flashing stops, the preset is switched to Preset 1.

Toggling between Presets 1 and 2 * Only when the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch is used for the Tap function.

  1. Recall Preset 1 or 2.
  2. Press and hold down the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch for 3.5 seconds to flash the preset number currently displayed.
  3. At the moment when the flashing stops, Preset 1 (2) is switched to Preset 2 (1).

Adjusting Delay Tempo (2) – Tap Function
With TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the preset number flash.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to show the preset number in which you wish to store the data and press the ENTER switch.
  3. Press the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch two times to adjust the parameter.
  4. Press the SAVE switch.
  5. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

When the user presses the TAP-PLAY/hold (PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch two times, the Tap function calculates the BPM by the time interval between the 1st and 2nd presses.
The tap-entered tempo is recognized as a quarter note and the BPM is calculated from its duration.
The same applies when the TAP tempo is input from a MIDI control change number or an external foot switch.
The range of TAP tempo input is 30-600 BPM, but if a Tap-entered tempo is set higher than 300 BPM, the display shows “…”.

Adjusting Delay Tempo (3) – MIDI clock
Tempos can be synchronized by receiving a MIDI clock from an external MIDI device.
Valid only in Tap-Preferred mode. In Preset-Preferred mode (factory setting), the tempo information will not be changed even if the BPM value or the delay time stored in the recalled preset is recalled and the MIDI clock is being received. By simultaneously holding down both the ON/OFF-STOP switch and TAP- PLAY/hold(PS1/PS2) switch for 3 seconds, Tap-Preferred mode (the display shows TAP) and Preset-Preferred mode (the display shows Prst ) are toggled. When HOLD or REC&REPEAT is  used, the tempo information will not be changed even if the MIDI clock is being received in Tap-Preferred mode.

Setting Delay Length as Note Duration (Subdivision)

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the preset number flash.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to show the preset number in which you wish to store the data and press the ENTER switch.
  3. Press the SUBDIVISION/OFFSET switch to turn on the SUBDIVISION LED.
  4. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to adjust the parameter and press the ENTER switch.
  5. Press the SAVE switch.
  6. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

By handling a quarter note as the reference tempo, delay time can be set by the duration of a note. The default value is quarter note (crochet). You can select from: Whole note [Semibreve] (1), Half note [Minim] (2), Dotted Quarter note (4.), Triplet in four (43), Quarter note [Crochet] (4), Dotted Eighth note (8.), Triplet in two (23), Eighth note [Quaver] (8), Triplet in one (13), and Sixteenth note [Demiquaver] (16). If the Dotted Quarter or Dotted Eighth note is selected, then the dot LED (DOTTED) in the first digit illuminates. N.B.) When the time display unit is “msec,” the delay time is automatically calculated and displayed accordingly. The display will not change when the time display unit is “BPM.”

Adjusting Delay Volume

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the preset number flash.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to show the preset number in which you wish to store the data and press the ENTER switch.
  3. Press the DELAY/FEEDBACK/OUT switch to turn on the DELAY LED.
  4. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to adjust the parameter and press the ENTER switch.
  5. Press the SAVE switch.
  6. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

Adjusting Feedback Amount

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the preset number flash.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to show the preset number in which you wish to store the data and press the ENTER switch.
  3. Press the DELAY/FEEDBACK/OUT switch to turn on the FEEDBACK LED.
  4. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to adjust the parameter and press the ENTER switch.
  5. Press the SAVE switch.
  6. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

This amount can be set in the range of 0–9.9. “1.1” denotes 110%. Since a feedback setting higher than 100% is possible, you can create a feedback effect that increases the delay sound volume at each repeat. If a feedback value over 91% is set, then a 50Hz high-pass filter is automatically applied.
Please pay attention to the volume since an excessive feedback setting can damage your speakers.

Adjusting Output Volume

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the preset number flash.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to show the preset number in which you wish to store the data and press the ENTER switch.
  3. Press the DELAY/FEEDBACK/OUT to turn on the OUT LED.
  4. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to adjust the parameter and press the ENTER switch.
  5. Press the SAVE switch.
  6. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

When the display shows “70,” the FLIGHT TIME is set to the unity level at which the signal is output as the same level as the received level.
When set to show “99,” a +3dB boost can be obtained.

Adjusting Delay Timber

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the preset number flash.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to show the preset number in which you wish to store the data and press the ENTER switch.
  3. Press the FILTER/MODULATION switch to turn on the LPF or HPF LED.
  4. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to adjust the parameter and press the ENTER switch.
  5. Press the SAVE switch.
  6. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

LPF (low-pass filter): When the LPF LED is turned on, the display shows the LPF frequency. The unit for the displayed value is kHz.
Example: If “16” is shown, then a 16kHz low-pass filter is activated (frequencies higher than 16kHz will be cut). A low-pass filter can attain a warm delay sound like that obtained with a tape echo machine.
HPF (high-pass filter): When the HPF LED is turned on, the display shows the HPF frequency. The unit for the displayed value is 10Hz.
Example: If “20” is shown, then a 200Hz high-pass filter is activated (frequencies lower than 200Hz will be cut). By applying this filter to the lower frequencies, you can have settings that will not loose the edge of phrases.

BPM Analyzer Function
The tempo of the actual performance picked up by the microphone on the FLIGHT TIME is analyzed in realtime within the ±20% of the tempo (BPM) information being set and the BPM is automatically adjusted in about five- to ten-second intervals to change the delay time.
*If the BPM of the tap-entered tempo information differs more than ±20% from that of the actual performance, then there is no automatic adjustment of delay time.
*The realtime BPM analyzer may not be able to recognize the BPM for performances with irregular meters, performances by orchestra or piano, etc.
*The analysis range of the BPM analyzer is 30-300 BPM.

Rec & Repeat Function
This function records and repeats the incoming signal. Connect a footswitch to the HOLD(REC) terminal on the rear panel and use it as a REC footswitch.

  1. Connect an external switch (momentary/unlatch type) to the HOLD(REC) terminal. (This switch is referred to as the REC switch.)
  2. Press the REC & REPEAT switch to turn on its LED.
  3. Press and hold down the REC switch for about three seconds.
  4. The TIME display flashes [REC].
  5. Press the REC switch to start recording.
  6. Press the TAP-PLAY switch to stop recording. A repeat playback of the just recorded sound starts instantly.
  7. By pressing the TAP-PLAY switch during the repeat playback, the playback starts from the beginning of the recording.
  8. To stop recording or playback, press the ON/OFF-STOP switch.
  9. To exit from Rec & Repeat mode and return to usual mode, press and hold down the REC switch fro about three seconds.

The preset delay effect will be applied to both the recorded repeat sound and the sound played along with the repeated sound. You can record the input for 20 seconds. (Only one phrase can be recorded; recording cannot be layered.) This setting can be stored in each preset. When the Rec & Repeat function is enabled, the Hold function is disabled.

Rec & Repeat Flowchart
Connect an unlatch (momentary) type footswitch to the HOLD(REC) terminal on the rear panel.


Useful Features

Setting to Retain Delay Sound (Trail function)
You can select whether to retain the delay sound (ON) or not (OFF) when you turn off the delay effect.

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the preset number flash.
  2. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to show the preset number in which you wish to store the data and press the ENTER switch.
  3. Press the TRAIL switch to turn on or off the TRAIL LED.
  4. Press the SAVE switch.
  5. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the save operation and store the data in the preset.

Tap-Preferred Mode
In Tap-preferred mode, the preset is recalled by applying the tempo information lastly entered via the footswitch. Even if presets are switched after entering a tempo by tapping, the tempo information remains the same.

  1. Press and hold down both the ON/OFF-STOP and TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switches for three seconds.
  2. Release the switches when the TIME display shows [TAP].

In Preset-Preferred mode (factory default), the BPM value and delay time stored in the recalled preset are recalled.
The above-mentioned operation toggles between Tap-preferred mode and Preset- preferred mode.

Swapping Switch Functions
You can swap the functions of the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch and a switch connected
to the HOLD(REC) terminal.

  1. Connect an external switch (momentary/unlatch type) to the HOLD(REC) terminal. (This switch is referred to as the REC switch.)
  2. Press and hold down both the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) and REC switches for three seconds.
  3. Release the switches when the TIME display shows [HOLD].

The above-mentioned operation swaps the functions. When the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch is set to act as the REC switch, the TIME display shows [HOLD].
When the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) switch is set to the TAP-PLAY/hold(PS SEL > PS1/PS2) function (factory default), the TIME display shows [TAP].

MIDI Setups

Setting up MIDI Receiving Channel
Upon receiving a program change number included in a MIDI signal from an external MIDI device, the FLIGHT TIME switches presets instantly.

  1. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to make the PRESET/CHANNEL display flash.
  2. Press and hold down the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch until the CHANNEL LED illuminates.
  3. Press the INC/+ or DEC/– switch to select the desired receiving MIDI channel.
  4. Press the ENTER switch to confirm the MIDI receiving channel.
  5. Press the PRESET/CHANNEL(hold) switch to turn on the PRESET LED and return the PRESET/CHANNEL display to show the preset number.

Receiving channels can be set to Omni mode (factory default) in which channels 1–16 and all channels will receive the data. When in Omni mode, the display shows [AL].

Transmitting Data to/from an External Device

The FLIGHT TIME can save or recall preset contents to/from a personal computer. For connection and setup procedures, please confirm with the product or support page of the Free The Tone website.

Updating Firmware

The FLIGHT TIME can update its firmware. For the latest firmware or connection and setup procedures, please confirm with the product or support page of the Free The Tone website.


Follow the steps below to clear all of the presets and reset your FLIGHT TIME to the default status at the shipment from the factory.

  1. Apply the power to the FLIGHT TIME while holding down the SAVE and ENTER switches.
  2. The BPM/msec display shows the firmware version number.
  3. Release the SAVE and ENTER switches.
  4. When the BPM/msec display shows [INT], then the initializing is completed.

Factory Presets

The FLIGHT TIME has nine factory presets assigned preset numbers from 91 to 99. It is impossible to overwrite this region. Note that parameters in preset nos. 91–99 are duplicated in preset nos. 1–9.
These preset nos. 1–9 can be edited and overwritten.

Preset Contents

PRESET 91 (1): Modulation delay 1| Spacious modulation delay with modulation effects.
PRESET 92 (2): Modulation delay 2| Warm modulation delay by utilizing high- pass and low-pass filters.
PRESET 93 (3): Modulation delay 3| Beautiful delay with weak modulation and low-pass filter settings.
PRESET 94 (4): Dotted eighth note delay| Delay with 346ms (BPM = 129.9) delay time and the SUBDIVISION set to Dotted Eighth note.
PRESET 95 (5): Short delay 1| Short delay used in Rockabilly, etc.
PRESET 96 (6): Short delay 2| Delay imitating an echo effect with very short delay time.
PRESET 97 (7): Helicopter sound (for Hold function)| By triggering the Hold function, the pitch of the sound being held will change a lot and slowly.
PRESET 98 (8): Machine gun sound (for Hold function)| By triggering the Hold function, the 89ms duration sound will be repeated.
PRESET 99 (9): Siren sound (for Hold function)| By triggering the Hold function, the pitch of the sound being held will change a lot and quickly.

To try and use the presets for the Hold function (preset nos. 97–99), connect an external switch (momentary/unlatch type) to the HOLD terminal on the rear panel.

Preset Parameters

PRESET| 91| 92| 93| 94| 95| 96| 97| 98| 99
BPM| 163.| 163.| 128.| 130.| 165.| 300| –| –| –
TIME| 369| 369| 470| 346| 91| 50| 76| 89| 91
DELAY LEVEL| 33| 33| 46| 50| 50| 45| 55| 60| 60
FEEDBACK| 40| 50| 20| 32| 37| 40| 0| 0| 0
OUT LEVEL| 70| 70| 70| 70| 70| 70| 70| 70| 70
LPF| OFF| 12| 14| 14| 12| 12| 22| 22| 22
HPF| OFF| 6| OFF| 10| 5| 5| 5| 5| 5
RATE| 17| 19| 4| 24| 3| OFF| 4 (.4 dot)| OFF| 75
DEPTH| 20| 20| 7| 10| 3| OFF| 99| OFF| 99
SUBDIVISION| 4| 4| 4| 8 (.8 dot)| 16| 16| 4| 4| 4
OFFSET| 0| 0| 0| 0.5| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0

MIDI Specifications and Parameters

Controls MIDI CC numbers Value Range
Delay Level 81 0-99
Feedback (0-99) 82 0-99
Feedback (1.1-9.9) 83 11-99
Output Level 84 10-99
LPF 21 off = 0. 22td1z = 22. 20kHz = 20. 18kHz = 18. 16kHz = 16. 14kHz = 14.

13kHz = 13. 12kHz = 12. 11kHz = 11. 10kHz = 10. 9kElz = 9. 8kHz = 8.
7kHz = 7. 6kHz = 8. 5kHz = 5. 4kElz = 4. 3kHz = 3. 2kHz = 2. lkHz = 1
HPF| | off = O. 204-Iz = 2. 40Hz = 4. 501-lz = 5. 61:1-1z = 6. 81:1-1z = 8.
10CHz = 10. 121:1-1z = 12. 14C4-Iz = 14. 1604-Iz = 16. 180Hz = 18.
200Hz = 20. 250Hz = 25. 300Hz = 30. 4001-lz = 40. 500Hz = 50.
60CI-Iz = 60. 7004-1z = 70. 800Hz = 80. 9004-1z = 90. lkElz = 99
Rate-Up| 31| off = O. 1-99
Rate-Down| 34| off = 0. 1-99
Depth| 33| off = O. 1-99
Subdivision| 41| Whole note = 1. Half note = 2. Dotted Quarter note = 3. Triplet in four = 4.
Quarter note = 5. Dotted Eighth note = 6. Triplet in two = 7. Eighth note = 8.
Triplet in one = 9. Sixteenth note = 10
Offset (+)| 42| 0-99
Offset (-)| 43| 0-99
Trail| 51| off = O. on = 127
Rec 8 Repeat Mode| 52| off = O. on = 127
I3PM Analyzer| 53| off = O. on = 127
Delay Phase| 54| off = 0. on = 127
Effect On/Off| 81| off = 0. on = 127
Tap| 62| on = 127
Hold| 63| off = O. on = 127
Play| 71| 127
Rec| 72| 127
Stop| 73| 127

Product Specifications


  • Number of presets: User presets = 90, Factory presets = 9, Total = 99
  • Input impedance: min. 500kΩ
  • Output load impedance: min. 1kΩ
  • Maximum input level: INST +2dBu / LINE +13dBu
  • Terminals: 3 x standard 1/4” phone jacks (INPUT, OUTPUT, HOLD), 1 x 9-12V DC input jack (AC adapter jack), 2 x DIN 5-pin connectors (MIDI IN, OUT/THRU)
  • Power supply: 9-12V DC center negative polarity
  • Current consumption: approx. 400mA
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 146 x 120.5 x 57mm (including protuberances such as jacks, etc.)
  • Weight (excluding AC adapter): approx. 560g (excluding accessories)
  • Accessories: Warranty Card, Quick Start Guide, Safety Precautions, rubber feet x 4

Specifications and appearance subject to change without notice.

Precautions are identified by the two types of symbols below:

This symbol indicates that a risk of serious personal injury or material damage may result if precautions are ignored.

This symbol indicates that a risk of death or serious personal injury may result if precautions are ignored.

Be sure to read these precautions and the user’s manual before using this product.

Do not use or store the unit in environments where it will be exposed to:
Extreme temperatures (direct rays of the sun, heat sources such as radiators or stoves.)
High humidity or moisture.
Excessive dust or sand.
Excessive vibration or shock.
Whenever leaving the unit unattended for long periods, be sure to unplug the AC adapter from the power source to avoid creating a fire hazard.
Take care not to drop the unit, and do not subject it to excessive pressure or weight.
Do not press the switches on the unit with a bare foot, or unexpected injury may result.
Do not use solvents (such as benzine, paint thinner) on the unit, since these may dull the finish or damage the surface.

Never try to disassemble, or modify the unit.
Stop using the unit if you notice smoke or a strange odor coming from it and unplug the AC adapter from the outlet.
Never try to repair the unit or replace parts unless so instructed by the user’s manual. For other repair or parts replacement contact your local dealer or Free The Tone.
Never unplug the AC adapter while your hands are wet.
Do not apply too much pressure or tension or place a heavy object on the power cord. Doing so may damage the power cord and create a danger of fire or electrical shock.
Turn off the unit and unplug the AC adapter from the outlet and contact your local dealer or Free The Tone for repair in the case of any of the following:
The power cord is damaged.
Foreign objects (coins, pins, etc.) or liquid enter the unit.
The unit gets wet from rain or other liquid.
The unit is out of order.
Be careful of heat radiation from the unit.
Never cover the AC adapter with cloth or other objects. Built-up heat can deform the case or cause a fire hazard.

Contact the following for support and/or repair service.
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