PRIDE SC25 Carbon Folding Scooter Owner’s Manual

September 27, 2024

PRIDE SC25 Carbon Folding Scooter


Please read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate your electric scooter for the first time. If there is any information in this manual, which you do not understand, or if you require additional assistance for assembly or operation, please contact your authorized local dealer.
To use your product safely depends on whether you strictly follow the WARNINGs, attention and operating instructions in this manual. The company shall not be responsible for any injury or damage caused by non-compliance with the WARNINGs,attention and operating instructions. The symbols below, in this manual, are used to identify WARNINGs and important information.
All of them are very important to your safety. It is strongly recommended that you read and understand all of them completely.
This product integrates advanced technology with modern style. It is ideal for quick disassembly and assembly and is very convenient for you to store or place in the boot of your vehicle while traveling. We are certain that the design features, excellent performance and trouble-free operation of this product, will ensure your daily life will be more convenient.
This electric scooter is suitable for driving indoor and on flat pathways near buildings,but not on grass, gravel roads, large slopes, motorway and not in rain or snow.

Warning! Failure to heed the warnings in the manual may result in personal injury.

Attention! Failure to heed the attentions in the manual may result in damageto the wheelchair.

Intended Use
The intended use of this Pride Mobility Products device is to provide mobility assistance to persons with mobility impairment who have the capacity to operate amotorized mobility scooter in an indoor/outdoor environment.
Our mobility products and their components are available for sale either as retail (“over-the-counter”) or with a prescription. When prescribed, the following statement is applicable.

CAUTION! Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or othered by the law of the State (US only) or region in which this personnel practices to use or order the use of the device.

NOTE: This owner’s manual is compiled from the latest specifications and product information available at the time of publication. We reserve the right to make changes as they become necessary. Any changes to our products may cause slight variations between the illustrations and explanations in this manual and the product you have purchased. The latest/current version of this manual is available on our website.

  • This product is compliant with WEEE, RoHS, and REACH directives and requirements.
  • This product meets IPX4 classification (IEC 60529).
  • The Travel Scooter and its components are not made with natural rubber latex.
    Consult with the manufacturer regarding any after-market accessories.



  • To ensure your safety, please read and understand this manual. You must have a high level of alertness, when driving any scooter, toensure safety.

  • Please observe the WARNINGs below to avoid any damage or injury resulting from improper use of your scooter. The scooter user is responsible for taking proper safety measures. We will not be liable for personal injury and/or product damage resulting from improper use ofthe scooter. Obey all local pedestrian traffic rules. It may be difficult for others to see you when you are seated on your scooter. Wait until your path is clear of traffic, and then proceed with extreme caution. Use of safety devices such as reflectors, reflective clothing, lights and safety symbols is very important for your safety while driving.

  • Please consult your healthcare professionals routinely to ensure there are not health or physical conditions that may limit or impair you rability to safely operate your scooter. Consult your physician if you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medication or if you have anyphysical limitations. Some medications and physical limitations mayimpair your ability to safely operate your scooter.

  • Do not operate your scooter while you are under the influence of alcohol, as this can impair your ability to safely operate your scooter. Every scooter is different. Take the time to learn how to operate it properly, before you start driving.

  • Anti-tippers reduce your risk of tipping over backwards, which can cause you serious injury.

  • NEVER try a new manoeuvre on your own.

  • Do not use the scooter other than for its original purpose. Avoid any use, such as weight training, sports and athletics, hauling, moving or towing anything, that may lead to safety hazards and undue stress on the scooter.

  • Never sit on the scooter while it is in a moving vehicle.

  • your scooter!
    Your scooter is designed for one passenger only. Do not carry pass engers on

  • We strongly recommend that you do not smoke cigarettes while seated on your scooter. You must adhere to the following safety guidelines, if you decide to so: Keep ashtrays a safe distance from the seat cushions. Always make sure cigarettes are completely extinguished before disposal.

  • Sit down as far back on the seat of the scooter as possible, when getting on/off it. Otherwise, it may result in a fall from the scooter and personal injury.

  • Do not use the armrests for any weight bearing purposes. Such use may cause the scooter to tip, which may result in a fall from the scooter and personal injury.

  • Do not focus your weight on the footrest. Such use may cause the scooter to tip, which may result in a fall from the scooter and personal injury.

  • Do not use the scooter in the “freewheel” mode, without an accompanying person helping you, this could cause personal injury.

  • When sitting in the scooter, please do not move by yourself, which may cause personal injury. Ask your accompanying person for help if necessary.

  • Never place the scooter in “freewheel” mode on any slope, it will cause rolling away and personal injury.

  • The addition of accessories to your scooter may change certain specifications such as overall weight, size, and/or center of gravity of your scooter. Please note some of the changes may damage any objects around you.

  • Do not modify your seat specification. Do not place any padding or pillows on it. This could cause an unstable seating position, resulting in a fall from the scooter.

  • Be careful when using oxygen near electrical circuits or flammable materials.
    Please contact your oxygen supplier about the safety use.

  • Do not change the controller settings. Please contact your service provider to carry out inspections every 6 to 12 months. If you find any functions have changed, please contact your service provider.

  • Do not change the controller settings. Please contact your service provider to carry out inspections every 6 to 12 months. If you find any functions have changed, please contact your service provider.

  • EMI-RFIThis product has been tested and has passed, at an immunity level of 20V/m. Please refer to user’s manual for more information.

  • An uncompleted folding procedure will damage or injure your scooter and could also injure a person.

  • Do not hold or lean on the handlebars when you get up!

  • The scooter may come to a sudden stop at any time during operation. Do not operate the scooter if it is behaving abnormally or irregularly.

  • To prevent the scooter from losing control and moving on its own, do not place the scooter in “freewheel” mode on any ramp.

  • If you expect to sit in a fixed position for a long time, please turn off the power, to prevent the scooter from moving accidentally.

  • Avoid any accessories that may interfere with the drive lever operation,otherwise it may cause the scooter to move unexpectedly, accidentally.

  • Keep yourself, your clothing, and all other objects away from the tyres while driving. Do not allow any objects to drag behind the scooterwhen driving.
    Loose-fitting clothing or other objects can get caught in the tyres, wheels and/or the running gear.

  • Do not connect any other devices to the electronic system of this scooter, or start any other devices with the scooter’s battery.

  • Keep the terminals of the charger connector clean and dry, away from damp sources, to prevent damage of the electrical system and/or personal injury.

  • The correct storage temperature of the scooter is 15 deg ~ 40 deg. It will damage the function of the scooter with long-term storage in low or high temperature environments.

  • Always check the electrical components for corrosion, wear or damage, all wiring and terminals for breakage, and replace if necessary.

  • Always secure the scooter and its battery when it is being transported. The battery should be removed from the scooter,packed and placed separately.
    Do not transport the scooter and/or batteries with any flammable items.

  • When the battery is out of order, please do not detach and repair it by yourself.
    Please ask the technical service personnel, authorized by the company to repair or replace the battery.

  • Do not operate the scooter during charging.
    Please select a battery type and capacity according to the specifications provided in the user manual.

  • Please use the replaced battery provided by the authorized supplier to ensure correct compliance and function.

  • Always protect the batteries from freezing; for those living in cold climates,make sure you store the scooter properly. Never charge afrozen battery.
    Charging a frozen battery may result in damage to the battery.

  • Do not operate the scooter with depleted batteries; you could be stranded.
    Reduce your speed, do not make any sharp turns and maintain a stable center of gravity while turning/cornering. To prevent tipping,avoidshifting your weight in the opposite direction of the turn. WARNING! While driving up inclines or dropped curbs, drive your scooter straighton with the wheels perpendicular to the incline and/or curb; bothfront wheels should contact the incline/curb at the same time.Toreduce the possibility of falling, do not drive at an angle; do not get one wheel or side of the scooter on the incline/curb first.Always exercise extreme ATTENTION when negotiating an incline.

  • Do not drive the scooter on potentially dangerous roads or slopes, including but not limited to roads covered with snow, ice, grass or leaves.

  • Use minimum speed when driving down any ramp. If the descending speed is faster than expected, please release the operating lever to stop the scooter, and then gently press the lever to control the descending speed.

  • The recommended maximum climbing angle. (See table of parameters)was tested in a controlled environment. Your scooter’s ability to climb is influenced by your weight, your scooter’s speed, and the angle at which you approach the slope.

  • You can only back up on flat roads. When backing up, please operates smoothly at low speed. Please stop frequently to make sure there are no obstacles on the road. To prevent overturning, do back up slopes.

  • In order to avoid overload and possible overturning of the scooter, please do not carry any articles exceeding 15lbs (6.8kg).

  • When sitting on your scooter, avoid any movement that changes the position of your body’s center gravity. This may cause the scooter to tip.

  • A small drop (greater than 1 inch) at the bottom of a ramp can block the main front wheel, causing the scooter to tip or stop suddenly.

  • Do not reach over the seat or lean over. This can damage the back restand cause you to fall.

  • Do not use the armrests for any weight bearing purposes. Such use may cause the scooter to tip, which may result in a fall from the scooter and personal injury.

  • Do not focus your weight on one side of the foot area. Such use may cause the scooter to tip, which may result in a fall from the scooter and personal injury.

  • Even if your scooter can cross over very high obstacles, we recommend that do not attempt to cross heights greater than 25mm. This operation can cause the scooter to be unstable. Riding a scooter over an obstacle can cause the scooter to roll over, causing serious physical injury. Ask for help if you have any concerns about safely crossing an obstacle. Please pay attention to your skills and personal limitations. You may need to remove or cover thresholds and install ramps at exits and entrances to help you.

  • Do not attempt to climb over obstacles on slopes.
    Do not rely on one wheel to cross over any obstacles.

  • Do not drive on uneven terrain and/or soft surfaces.
    Do not drive near tall grass that can entangle the running gear.

  • Avoid driving on loosely packed gravel and/or sandy surfaces.

  • Do not use your scooter on or near railroad tracks or crossings.

  • Do not ride your scooter closely along the edges of streams, lakes, or the ocean. Never use your scooter te cross waterways.

  • Do not expose your scooter to open flames.

  • Keep your scooter in a dry and clean condition. Never take your scooter into a shower, tub, pool, or sauna. Rain, snow, salt, mist/sprayconditions,and icy/slippery surfaces can damage the scooter’s components or cause the scooter’s frame to prematurely rust.

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to overheat or cold; it may affect the upholstery and non-upholstered components on the scooter, as well as damage to battery and battery components.

  • Do not tow your scooter. Towing may exceed the maximum speed threshold,resulting in damage to critical components of the scooter.

  • Be extra careful when moving a free scooter up and downstairs. The scooter must be folded and several people with physical strength may need to be involved.

  • Do not use scooters over stairs or escalators.

  • Never sit on the scooter while it is in a moving vehicle.

  • To make a safe transfer: Always turn off the power before you transfer to or from your scooter, If you fail to do so you may touch the throttle control lever and cause your scooter to move when you do not expectit to. Make sure the “freewheel’ lever is engaged; this keeps the scooter from moving when you transfer. You can drive the scooter into an elevator, for upstairs and downstairs.
    When in the elevator, do turnoff the scooter power and sit stably to ensure it does not move.

  • Do not place the scooter in the front seat of a vehicle during transportation. It may move and disturb the driver.

  • Always lock the scooters, so that it cannot roll or move.

  • Try not to fold your scooter on large slopes!

  • Be sure to keep a safe distance from your when unfolding and folding your scooter, to avoid injury!

  • When the scooter is not in use, it is advised to remove the battery.

  • Please contact your service provider if any spare parts on the seating system are loose. Replace worn or damaged upholstery immediately.
    WARNING of the fabric.
    Please note that washing upholstery items may reduce the flame retardancy

  • Do not hang any items on the handlebar.

  • Remove the charger when the battery is fully charged.

  • Radio wave sources, such as radio stations, TV stations, amateur radio(HAM) transmitters, two-way radios, and cellular phones, can affect motorized scooter controls. Following the warnings listed below should reduce the chance of unintended brake release or scooter movement, which could result in serious injury.

    1. Do not turn ON hand-held personal communication devices, such as citizens band (CB) radios and cellular phones, while the scooter is turned ON.

    2. Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV stations, and try to avoid coming close to them.

    3. If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn the scooter OFF, as soon as it is safe.

    4. Be aware that adding accessories or components, or modifying the scooter, may make it more susceptible to interference from radio wave sources (Note:
      There is no easy way to evaluate their effect on the overall immunity of the scooter).

    5. Report all incidents of unintended movement or brake release to your approved service provider, and note whether there is a radio wave source nearby.



Measurement items/ Performance Parameter Measured values
Overall dimensions(L WH) 1025mm X445 mmx (670-880) mm
Stowage length 480mm
Stowage width 445mm
Stowage height 670-880mm
Total mass 18kg
Maximum Speed 6km/ h
Braking Distance on Horizontal Road ‘5900mm
Minimum Turning Radius 1350mm
Maximum Load Capacity 136kg
Driving Range 16km
Hill-holding Ability 6
Maximum Climbing 9
DegreeStatic Stability 9
Dynamic Stability 6
Motor Specification 24V150W
Battery Specification 24V12Ah
Maximum Output Current of Controller 30A
Maximum Output Current of Charger 2A
Front wheel specifications Inflatable tire 7 Inch
Rear wheel specifications Inflatable tire 8 Inch


  1. Dimension tolerance 50mm,Angle tolerance $3°, weight tolerance+2kg;
  2. The weight capacity is tested with a dummy or personnel of same weight.
  3. Maximum Potential Range is tested on flat road with average speed. It will vary according to road conditions, usage habits and so on.



Changing the units of measure:
The LCD console has multiple options to display speed and temperature. Speed can be displayed in MPH or K/MH and the Temperature can be displayed in °C or °F. To change the unit of measure displayed on the screen, simultaneously press and hold the horn and headlight switch button for 10 seconds until the unit of measure changes. Once you see the setting you want, release both buttons.

LCD Screen Display

  • a. Power display (0-100%)
  • b. Headlight status
  • c. Gear (1-4)
    • Gear-1: Max. forward speed: 1.24mph, Max. reverse speed:0.62mph;
    • Gear-2: Max. forward speed: 1.86mph, Max. reverse speed:1.24mph;
    • Gear-3: Max. forward speed: 3.1mph, Max. reverse speed: 1.55mph;
    • Gear-4: Max. forward speed: 3.72mph, Max. reverse speed:1.55mph.
  • d. Horn
  • e. The real-time speed
  • f. Battery temperature when the battery temperature ≥ 140°F,the icon will turn yellow, which do not suggest to use; when the battery temperature ≥158°F, which is required strict prohibition of use.

If the scooter is at rest, then usually it shows more power available than it actually has.
The battery status display may vary due to loading during driving.
If the scooter is speeding up or climbing up a hill with a heavier load, the battery indicator may show a lower status, indicating that it is not the actual battery status. The battery must be charged immediately if only the orange or red LED light of the battery indicator is lit after driving. Otherwise, the battery will be damaged.

Pull the lever forwards and backwards with your left and right hands.


When unfolding scooter, 1 press down the red switch to unlock the folding mechanism, 2 With one hand on the seat, the other hand on the handlebars, open it using some strength until you feel it lock in place, unfolding is complete. Adjust the tiller height according to your own needs

When fold scooter, fold the backrest down first, 1 pull the folding handle up, 2 With one hand on the seat back, the other hand on the handles bars, fold it using some strength unit you feel it lock in place, folding is complete.

The diagram of the anti-pinch position

Note: As shown in the picture, when folding the scooter, please do not put your hand into the handlebars, seat or framework, to prevent injury.

Do not drive your scooter unless it is fully unfolded and locked in place. In case of emergency, please release the button so that the scooter will stop folding/unfolding immediately. The folding function stops when charging.
When folding, please do not put your hand into the scooter to avoid personal injury.


  1. Do not sit on the scooter when folding operation is in progress.
  2. During the folding process, foreign objects are not allowed to enter the scooter body to avoid causing fault and damage.
  3. During the folding process, head, hands, feet, body and children should not approach the body of the scooter in order to avoid an personal injury.
  4. Please take off the seat bag before folding, in order to avoid any deformation and damage.
  5. Do not sit on the scooter when folding operation in progress.
  6. During the folding process, make sure no foreign objects are in the scooter body, to avoid causing damage or any injury.

Folding Dimension

1 fold the backrest down, 2 Pull the foldle up, 3 With one hand on the seat back Moving the scooter after folding: After folding the scooter, hold the handlebars with both hands as shown in the picture to move the scooter (you can also steer the scooter slightly to help manoeuvre it when folded).

When the safety device detects that the scooter is in the folded position and is upright, it will turn off the power automatically. To use the vehicle, put the vehicle on the ground horizontally and with the four wheels on the ground.

For the first use, please take off the battery and remove the insulator.


In order to push the scooter, you must place the scooter in”freewheel” mode, which disengages the drive motor. The lever (1) is located at the bottom right-hand side of the scooter under the seat.

When the lever is pulled up in the freewheel mode, the scooter must be on a flat surface. Do not sit on the scooter.

Mode(A) (Motor is disengaged.)
Turn off the power, then pull the disengage lever up to push the scooter forwards.

Mode (B): (Motor is engaged).
Push the disengage lever down to put it back to the drive mode. Always switch the scooter off to push it. Do not push the scooter too fast. If a pre-set speed is exceeded while you are pushing the scooter, the drive motor will switch on an automatic braking system, which slows the scooter’s push speed. After any adjustments, repair or service and before use, make sure all hardware is tightened securely – otherwise injury or damage may result.


Ensure your scooter is indrive mode (not in “freewheel” mode)| Check the “freewheel” mode lever is in the pushed-down position
Is the battery charged?| Check the control panel to verify the charging status of the battery
Is the brake working?| Check by driving slowly and stopping again
Are the tires and wheelsun damaged?| visual check of tires and wheels


Be sure to read “Safe Use and Attention”Before starting to drive, adjust the seat and tiller to a comfortableposition.


  • BE AWARE that becoming a capable and safe scooter operator will take time and practice.
  • Anti-tippers substantially reduce your risk of tipping over backwards, which can cause severe injury. Please observe the following tips for a safe journey:

Please note the following tips for safe traveling:

  1. Your speed should match your driving environment.
  2. Always reduce your speed when you are driving through:
    • Unclear areas
    • Narrow gaps
    • Tight curves
    • Inclines
    • Ramps
    • A. Take a test drive at pedestrian-free or enclosed area.
    • B. Put your hands on the handlebars when driving the scooter.
    • C. When driving a scooter, be sure to keep your feet within reach of the foot area.



  • Corrosive chemicals contained in battery.
  • Explosive conditions exist!
  • Do not use batteries with different amp-hour (Ah) capacities.
  • Keep tools and other metal objects away from battery terminals. Contact with tools can cause electrical shock.
  • Flammable material contained in battery. Do not expose to heat sources such as open flame or sparks. Do not transport batteries with flammable or combustible items.
  • Disposal and recycling – Contact your approved service provider.

New batteries MUST be fully charged (approximately 12 hours) prior to initial use of the equipment.
Always charge new batteries before initial use or the battery life will be reduced.
Usually, you should recharge your batteries as frequently as possible to assure the longest possible life and to minimize required charging time. Please charge your batteries them regularly when you do not anticipate using the equipment.


  • Do not overcharge, over discharge or short circuit the battery.

  • Do not put the battery into the water, fire, drop or impact it.

  • Do not detach, refit the battery, or apply any other refitted replacement.

  • Please use the specific charger for the lithium battery, do not use chargers for lead-acid batteries or any other chargers.

  • Switch the scooter off

  • Ensure the lever for “freewheel”” mode is pushed down to the “drive” position.

  • For on board charging – Press the button, open the rear cover, and insert the battery charger into the battery charging socket on the battery box.

  • Remove the battery
    Pull the handle first, press the lock/unlock button, diagonal upward to pull the battery.

  • Install the battery
    Insert the battery diagonal downward into the battery holder.
    Press the button with your finger, insert the battery buckle downwards into the card slot,and then loose the finger.
    Note: After the buckle is inserted into place, the button should be in a pop-up state and locked. At this time, the battery cannot be lifted, which indicate the battery is installed in place.

Please ensure that the battery lock pin is pressed to lock the battery into place when the battery pack is installed into the battery holder.

It is recommended that you charge the batteries for a minimum of 6to 8 hours.

Do not share the outlet with any other appliance.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to an earthed supply main. Never use an extension cord to plug in your battery charger.

When your scooter is not used for a long time. it must be charged regularly (1 per month). If the lithium battery is not used for three days, the protection board will go to a sleep state. Power can be restarted by pressing the battery power on button, located on the battery box near the battery power display!


Here are some general guidelines to tollow in order to keep your mobility scooter working in top condition

  1. Avoid knocking or bumping the Tiller Console as much as possible.

  2. Avoid prolonged exposure to any extreme conditions, including cold, heat, and moisture.

  3. lf exposed to moisture, dry thoroughly and test device to make sure electronic controls are functioning normally. Do not hose off scooter or bring it into direct contact with standing or towing water.

  4. The scooter is intended to operate ideally between temperatures of 18F and 122 F.
    If exposed to temperatures outside of this range, let scooter rest indoors for several nours o return to acceo able emperature..

  5. Clean the Tiller Console regularly to avoid dirt and grime from getting into the controls.

  6. Periodically check all electrical connectors to make sure that they are tight and secured properly. Clean battery terminal connections as well to prevent corrosion.

  7. Remove the Key Switch from the Tiller Console at the end of daily usage to prevent unnecessary.
    NOTE: The Scooter has a power-saving tunction. The power will shut off automatically after twenty (120) minutes of rest. Simply remove and reinsert the Key Switch to resume operation.

  8.  The Body Panels have been sprayed with a clear sealant coating. You can apply al light coat of car wax periodically to help it retain its high-glossappearance.

  9. All wheel bearings are pre-lubricated and sealed. No additional lubrication is required.

  10. The following table can be helptul in laying when to check each component:

Check| Every


| Weekly| Monthly| Six Months
Drive Devices|  | X|  |
Brakes| X|  |  |
Connections|  | X|  |
Battery Charge Level| X|  |  |
wheel Wear|  |  | X|
Motors|  |  |  | X
Console Devices|  | X|  |
Cleanliness| X|  |  |


  • RED: power on
  • Red /Green: Charging
  • GREEN: Fully Charged

After charging:

  1. Unplug the battery charger from the power outlet.
  2. Unplug the battery charger from the scooter.

Battery Charging


It is possible to resolve some simple errors/faults yourself!

Some simple checks:

  1.  Check whether the position of power switch is correct or not?
  2. Is the battery fully charged? (Refer to “battery and charging”)
  3. Is the battery and battery socket properly installed and locked in?
  4. Is the disengage drive lever in the “drive” position?

When the scooter attempts to climb over a high obstacle (such as a curb) or a steep slope, the overload protection can trip turn off the power supply, when the motor is overloaded.

The scooter slows down in an obvious fashion, and then stops. Control system turns off.

How to troubleshoot this problem:

  1. Turn off the scooter and let it cool down for a few minutes.
  2. Turn on the scooter, reverse from the obstacle and then avoid the obstacle.




  1. Like other motorized vehicle, your mobility scooter also requires routine maintenance. Some checks can be performed by yourself, for others you can ask for assistance from your service agent, Preventive maintenance is very important, If you follow the maintenance and checks in this section, your scooter will give you years of trouble-free operation. If you have any doubt your scooter’s care or operation, please contact your service agent or our after-sale service personnel.

  2. Humidity
    Like most electrical and mechanical equipment, your scooter is susceptible to external conditions. In any case, the scooter should be avoided damp environment, Direct or prolonged exposure to water or dampness could cause the scooter to malfunction electronically and mechanically. Water can cause electrical components and the scooter’s frame to corrode.

  3. Temperature

  * Some parts of your scooter are susceptible to temperature.
  * At extremely low temperature, the battery may be frozen. Special temperatures may cause a lot of factors to freeze, like the charger type, usage, battery components (such as sealed lead-acid batteries or gel batteries).
3. General Guidelines
  * Avoid beating the controller, especially the joystick.
  * Avoid prolonged exposure of your scooter to extreme conditions, such as hot, cold or moisture environment.  

Keep the controller and the tiller console clean.

  * Check all electric connections, including the cable and connectors of the charger, and ensure that they are all tight and secure.
  * If only red LEDs on the Battery Gauge lights, the batteries are nearly running out of charge. You should recharge the batteries as soon as possible. We recommend charging the battery for 8-10 hours.
  * Check the rear wheel inflatable situation, if the tire deforms seriously with loading, it should be inflated.
  * The frame surface has been sprayed with a clear sealant coating. You can apply a light coat of car wax to make the surface keep a high gloss.
  * Check all cable connections. Make sure they are fastened and not corroded. The batteries must be placed at its position.
  * All wheel bearings are lubricated and sealed. Do not need to lubricate them.  

Check if there is loose phenomenon for wheel hub, drive device, and scooter itself, if loose, please screw tightly in time.

  * The battery can be charged after taking off from the scooter. Please pay attention to the plastic cover in time.
4. Maintenance after use
  *  turn off the power(please disconnect all the connectors it not use for long time.
  * Inhibit children and unconscious persons to use the scooter.
  * Store the scooter in normal temperature to prevent reformation so that it keeos its perormances for lone period.
  * Clean the scooter with a clear and soft cloth and dry it. Never use any chemicals to clean it. to prevent deformation and discoloration).
  * Remove seat cushion and wash it if it is dirty, and then dry it for use.
5. Daily Checks  

In order to keep the scooter in good condition, you should check before each use.
and to maintain the weeklv. moniniv. semi-annual invest dalion. see ladle 3 orne inspection item.

Table 2


  1. Transportation You can load and transport according to the shipping marks and raphics on cartons. ror details, see the attachment
  2. Storage Your wheelchair should be stored in a dean indoor environment with relative humidity 80% ,good ventilation and free from corrosive gas. Remove the battery from the wheelchair prior to storage. Otherwise, the frame may rust and the electronics may be damaged.


The packing list is attached in the package. Please check if any parts are missing or damaced.

No. Name Qty Remarks
  Scooter 1pc Model: GOGOcarbon
2 Charger 1pc Model: AC100-240V50/60HZ24 V2A
3 Manual 1pc
4 Seat cushion 1pc
5 Battery 1pc
6 NFC key card 2pc


Within yearom he purchase date, for the following parts, we will supply free Motor/Drive System Bearing and shat sleeve

Please note the warranty service is provided by your dealer, and finally finished by our after-sales department and dealer together.

Out of warranty
ABS plastic cover shell and rubber pad Tyre
Interior decoration&cushion
Damage by abuse, wrong operation, accidents and negligence
Damage by wrong maintenance and storage
Business use or other abnormal use


Presspower switch it on, lace your eys card the right bottom

If the NFC key card is lost, please consult your dealer to purchase the new card.
How to match the new NFC key card with your scooter?

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Take the new NFC card and place it in the right bottom sensor area.
  2. Press and hold the both left buttons for 10 seconds until the following interface appears.

The new NFC key card has been matched with your scooter successfully now.

Manufacture by:
Zhejiang Innuovo Rehabilitation Devices Co.,Ltd
No.196 Industry Road, Hengdian MovieZone,Dongyang,Zhejiang, China.

401 York Avenue
Duryea, PA 18642

5096 South Service Road
Beamsville, Ontario L3J 1V4

20-24 Apollo Drive
Hallam, Victoria 3803

New Zealand
3-5/208 Swanson Road
Henderson, Auckland 0610

(Authorised UK Representative)
32 Wedgwood Road
Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4UL

Hövelrieger Str. 28
33161 Hövelhof

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