ORADAR MS200k Single Line High Precision LiDAR Sensor User Manual

September 13, 2024

ORADAR MS200k Single Line High Precision LiDAR Sensor

This document is the copyright of Shenzhen Oradar Technology Co., Ltd., all rights reserved. Without the written permission of the company, any organization or individual shouldn’t take notes or copy part or all of the contents of this document and should not disseminate it in any form. we may not inform you if this document is subject to update. Once this product is used, it is deemed that the user has read this statement carefully, understood, recognized, and accepted the whole content of this statement. The user undertakes to take full responsibility for the use of the product and the possible consequences, and agrees to this clause and any relevant policies, guidelines and guidelines formulated by Shenzhen Oradar Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Oradar Technology Co.,Ltd. will not be responsible for the damage, injury and any legal liability caused by the direct or indirect use of the product. Users should follow all safety guidelines including, but not limited to, those mentioned herein. Shenzhen Oradar Technology Co., Ltd. will not be responsible for any losses caused by the users’ fail to use the products according to the safety guidelines and the User Manual. Unless state clearly, products and related documents, includes the content with the products which produced by Shenzhen Oradar Technology Co.,LTD. are based on “original” and “existing”, without any express or implied guarantee or clause, including but not limited to the suitability of a specific purpose, product uninterrupted validity, non- infringement guarantee, etc.

Safety Guidelines

  1. Do not disassemble or modity the product without authorization so as to prevent product damage or radiation exposure.
  2. Do not fall or hit the product, otherwise, the internal components of the product may be damaged, resulting in abnormal work.
  3. Please carefully check the power supply demand of the product, and the excess power supply may cause permanent damage to the product.
  4. Do not scrape the optical cover, and keep the optical cover clean, otherwise, the product performance may be affected.
  5. The product is classified as class 1 laser product (IEC / EN 60825-1:2014), which is safe under all normal use conditions, but do not look directly at the laser transmitter through the amplification equipment.
  6. The product is not waterproof, do not let the product contact with any liquid or use any liquid with cleaning function to clean it.
  7. It is strictly prohibited to use or store products in flammable, explosive or corrosive environments to void product damage.

Product Overview

Product Profile
MS200k is a low-cost, single-line high-precision LiDAR sensor launched by Shenzhen Oradar Technology Co., LTD. The LiDAR adopts precise optical scanning system, combined with high frequency laser pulse generation technology and exquisite structural design, and can achieve fast and accurate distance measurement in the range of 360°/12.0m (@90% reflectivity diffuse reflector surface).

This product can be widely used in, including home sweeping robot, service robot navigation and obstacle avoidance, robot ROS teaching, research, regional security, scanning and 3D reconstruction and many other areas.

Working Principle
The measurement principle is the direct time of flight method (Direct Time of Flight, dToF). The distance measurement formula is: d =ct/2

Where d denotes the distance, c denotes the speed of light, and t denotes the time of flight. When the ranging module works, the laser transmitter sends out a laser pulse, which is projected onto the surface of the object and reflected. The SPAD chip receives the reflected light and accurately calculates the distance from the target object to the LiDAR by measuring the flight time of the laser beam in the air. Through the built-in brushless motor, the distance is measured at different angles by rotating the ranging module, thus scanning to obtain the point cloud outline of the surrounding environment.

Product Features

  • Long range measurement: Integrated with a variety of telemetry optimization algorithms, 90% reflectivity range of up to 12.0m, effectively improve the efficiency of map building.
  • High accuracy: Compared with the triangulation principle-based LiDAR, MS200k adopts dToF ranging principle to measure distance without accuracy & precision degradation with increasing distance.
  • Ultra-small size: 54.34735.0mm (LWH), which can be built into the robot body to optimize the space utilization inside the robot.
  • Resistant to dust and dirt Based on the unique time correlated single-photon counting ranging technology, it effectively enhances the dust and dirtresistance of the optical cover, and is not afraid of slight dust accumulation.


Table 2-1 MS200k Specifications

LiDAR is a type of precision optoelectronic sensor, and its performance test results are related to factors such as temperature, humidity, vibration, ambient light, and the method of installation. There is a certain extent of performance degradation in harsh environments. Please pay attention to protection during use and operate according to the guidance provided by technical support personnel.

Electrical Interface

Interface Definition
The MS200k uses a standard 4-pin 1.5mm pitch female chassis interface, which is equipped with system power and data communication functions:

Table 3-1 Interface wire sequence

Serial Port Configuration
The MS200Kcommunicates with the outside in both directions through the UART serial port. The serial port configuration parameters are set as shown in the following table:

Table 3-2 Serial port configuration parameters

When the user leaves pin 2 (RX) floating or sets it to a fixed logic level (0/3.3V), it does not affect the normal operation of the LiDAR. However, the LiDAR will not have bidirectional communication capabilities, and the user will not be able to send down setting/query commands.

Mechnical Interface

Mechanical Dimension

Please do not obstruct the optical window during installation, and consider the pitch angle range of the laser emission for the design to avoid any obstructions, as they may affect the ranging performance. You may contact your technical support personnel to obtain the 3D model of the space range required for the emission of the LiDAR.

Polar Coordinate System

The angular information output within the MS200k product protocol is defined by the polar coordinate system within the LiDAR. As shown in the mechanical structure diagram, the top of the LiDAR optical housing is marked in the zero- degree angle direction and the angle rotation direction is clockwise.

The overall orientation diagram is shown above. According to the definition of the polar coordinate system, the zero-degree angle is the marking direction of the top of the outer cover, and the LiDAR external interface socket is located at 90° Due to production assembly tolerances, there is a tolerance of 2° in the azimuth of the laser’s zero- degree exit.

Working Mode

Oradar MS200k system is set up with 2 working modes: ranging mode and standby mode.

  • Ranging mode: The LiDAR is successfully initialized and enters into normal ranging operation.
  • Standby mode : The LiDAR is successfully initialized, but no laser beam is emitted, and the system enters a low-power state. In other words, the system stops ranging and the serial port stops data  transmission.

System Workflow
After the LiDAR is powered on and initialized, it defaults to the ranging mode. At the same time, the LiDAR can be controlled to switch between standby mode and ranging mode by sending control commands to it.

Data Format
The Oradar MS200k data protocol is divided into three categories: point cloud data protocol, LiDAR information protocol, and set/get command protocol. All data protocols are transmitted in little endian hexadecimal format, and the data types are all unsigned integers. For specific details of the data protocols, please refer to the following description.

Point Cloud Data Format
When the LiDAR is in ranging mode, it does not need to interact with the host computer and continuously outputs the measured point cloud data, which includes distance, angle, target reflectivity, rotation speed information, and timestamp. The format of the point cloud data protocol is as follows:

Table 5-11 Oradar MS200k data format

The point cloud information contains the distance and intensity information from the first point of the starting angle measurement to the nth point of the ending angle measurement in sequence. Currently, N is fixed to 12. Each point information is represented by 3 bytes and the nth point data format is shown as follows:

Table 5-2 Point cloud data format

The intensity indicates the intensity of the laser pulse echo, and the larger the value. the higher the confidence of the range measurement, and the smaller the value, the lower the confidence. The intensity values from 0 to 15 are reserved and indicate invalid ranging values, with the ranging value set to 0mm in these cases. The angle value of each point in the point cloud information can be obtained by linear interpolation of the starting and ending angles. The calculation method is:

LiDAR Information Format
LiDAR automatically reports relevant information through the serial port, as follows:

The SN Code Data Format
After MS200k is powered on or transitions from standby mode to ranging mode, it automatically reports its Serial Number (SN) once, The data format is as follows:

Table 5-2 MS200k SN code data format

Note : The SN information character array does not end with a null character 10′.

Set Get Command Format
By sending Set/Get commands to the LiDAR through the serial port, you can set and query the operational status of the LiDAR. The Set/Query commands are part of theLiDAR’s interactive command protocol, which is initiated by the host computer actively sending commands to the LiDAR. Upon receiving the commands, the LiDAR responds. The format for the interactive commands of the Oradar MS200k is as follows:

Table 5-3 Interactive Command Format Description

Set Working Mode Command
The command code for setting the working mode is ‘OxA2’, with the operation code type corresponding to ‘Set’. The host computer sends a command to the LiDAR, where the command parameter ‘0x80’ indicates setting the LiDAR to standby mode, and ‘0x81’ indicates setting it to ranging mode. An example of a command is: ‘A5 F5 A2 C1 01 80 B2 31 F2, which signifies setting the LiDAR to standby mode. Upon receiving the command, the LiDAR sends a corresponding response to the host computer. The command parameter ‘OxE1’ indicates that the working mode has been set successfully, while ‘OxE2’ indicates that the received command parameter is illegal and the switch has failed. An example of a response command is: ‘A5 F5 A2 C2 01 E1 DO 31 F2’, which confirms that the LiDAR’s working mode has been set  successfully.

Get Working Mode Command
The command code for the ‘Get Working Mode Command’ is ‘OxA2″, with the operation code type corresponding to ‘Get’. The host computer sends a command to the LiDAR with no command parameters, as in the example: ‘A5 F5 A2 C3 00 31 31 F2’. Upon receiving the command, the LiDAR responds to the host computer with a corresponding response command. The command parameter ‘0x80’ indicates that the LiDAR is in standby mode, while ‘0x81’ indicates that it is in ranging mode. An example of a response command is: ‘A5 F5 A2 C4 01 80 B7 31 F2’, which signifies that the LiDAR is currently in standby mode.

Set Rotation Speed Command
The command code for the ‘Set Rotation Speed Command’ is ‘OxAl’, with the operation code type corresponding to ‘Set’. The host computer sends a command to the LiDAR with a command length of 2 bytes. The first byte (ByteO) of the command parameters is the target rotation speed value in Hz, and the second byte (Bytel) is a reserved value set to 0. An example of a command is: ‘A5 F5 AI C1 02 0A 00 38 31 F2’, which indicates setting the LiDAR’s rotation speed to 10Hz. After receiving the command, the LiDAR sends a corresponding response command to the host computer. The command parameter ‘OxEl’ signifies that the rotation speed setting was successful, while ‘OxE2’ indicates that the parameter is invalid. An example of a response command is: A5 F5 A2 C4 01 80 B7 31 F2, indicating that the setting was successtul.

Get Rotation Speed Command
The command code for the ‘Get Rotation Speed Command’ is ‘OxA1″, with the operation code type corresponding to Get. The host computer sends a command to the LiDAR with no command parameters, as in the example: ‘A5 F5 A1 C3 00 32 31 F2’. After receiving the command, the LiDAR sends a corresponding response command to the host computer. The first byte (Byte0) of the command parameters is the current set rotation speed value in Hz, and the second byte (Bytel) is a reserved value set to 0. An example of a response command is: A5 F5 A1 C4 02 0A 00 3D 31 F2, indicating that the LiDARs current set rotation speed is 10Hz.

Quick Start Guide

If you are a first-time user of the MS200k and wish to quickly evaluate the performance of the product, or wish to do secondary development based on the product, you can use the adapter board, Oradar Viewer software, SDK and ROS package provided by Oradar to quickly get started evaluating the performance of the MS200k and early development.

Device Connection
It is recommended to use the Oradar adapter board with a USB Type-C cable to connect the device to the PC.

Connection steps:

  • a. Connect the LiDAR to the adapter board using the 4pin power/signal cable;
  • b. Use a USB TypeC cable to plug into the Data port of the adapter board and connect to a personal computer;
  • c. Open Oradar Viewer on your personal PC to view LiDAR real-time point cloud data. Oradar adapter board provides USB to UART function, integrated UART@500000/230400/115200, USB data and USB power interface. Some development platforms or personal computers with weak drive current can use the power interface of the adapter board to access DC 5V auxiliary power supply.

The adapter board is not included as a standard accessory with the product. If needed, please purchase a matching kit. Before use, please install the corresponding adapter board driver provided by the technical support engineer.

Convenient Oradar Viewer
Oradar Viewer is a software that can display, record and analyze point clouds in real time. It is convenient for users to evaluate the performance, and with the development kit to observe the point cloud data scanned in the environment on the PC. Oradar Viewer currently supports Windows 10 (64 bit) operating system. Unzip the file and open the program with the file name MS200Viewer in the extracted file to use it. Connect the device as Figure 6-1.

Software Development Kit: Oradar SDK
In addition to the above mentioned Oradar Viewer for viewing real-time point cloud data, users can also apply the LiDAR acquired point cloud data to various custom scenarios through the software development kit. The Oradar SDK supports development in Windows/Linux environments and is available as a ROS/ROS2 package.  Please contact your technical support engineer for Oradar SDK and related usage.

Special scenario usage descriptions.
MS200k is designed based on a home usage environment, which means the space is not too large and relatively mild. If there are the following scenarios, there may be potential risks. Please assess according to the actual situation or consult with Oradar personnel:

  1. Narrow installation space: To avoid the laser from irradiating the ground when installed at a low position, the LiDAR has a Pitch angle of 0.5°~2°. If the installation space is narrow, it may cause the laser to irradiate external structures, forming noise points, which can affect actual use and judgment. It is recommended to design the external structure according to the 3D drawings with light path range.
  2. Spacious spaces with high reflectivity materials: Due to chip design limitations, the maximum effective distance supported by the LiDAR is about 30 meters. When there are too many glass and high-reflectivity targets beyond this distance, it will interfere with the LiDAR’s distance measurement judgment, forming point clouds across periods at close range.
  3. Excessive ambient light: When the ambient light exceeds 40,000 lux, it will interfere with the accuracy of the LiDAR’s distance measurement to varying degrees and produce noise points. If excessive light shines directly on the optical cover, it can even interfere with the encoder, disrupting angle data.
  4. Other high-power laser sources: Due to the inherent characteristics of SPAD chips, when the operating site contains other high-power laser sources with wavelengthsclose to that of the MS200k, and the laser directly irradiates the SPAD chip of the MS200k, it can cause damage to the chip. If there is a need to use the MS200k in conjunction with other high-power laser equipment, it should be ensured that the use scenarios do not involve direct line of-sight exposure between the MS200k and the other lasers, or that a certain height difference is maintained between them. Please consider these factors when deploying the MS200k in various environments and seek advice from Oradar personnel if necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of the device.

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MS200k, MS200k Single Line High Precision LiDAR Sensor, Single Line High Precision LiDAR Sensor, High Precision LiDAR Sensor, Precision LiDAR Sensor, LiDAR Sensor, Sensor

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