inner Range 996901 Integrity Professional Edition Instruction Manual

September 7, 2024
inner range

996901 Integrity Professional Edition



  • Product: Integriti Mobile Access Guide

  • Compatibility: Inner Range Mobile Access readers

  • License Requirement: Mobile Access Credential license per
    mobile credential

  • System Requirement: Integriti system linked to Inner Range
    Mobile Access portal

Product Usage Instructions:


A Mobile Access Credential license is required for each mobile
credential used. Licenses are automatically used upon generation of
a new credential of a mobile.

Initial Setup:

Mobile Access Cloud Portal Configuration:

To set up a system on the Mobile Access platform:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Login with an existing account, SkyCommand account, or register
    for a new account.

  3. Click on Systems and then Add New System.

  4. Provide a system name and click Create.

  5. Select the system, go to the Integration page, and click Link
    Access Control System.

  6. Note the linking code provided for the next step.

Integriti System Configuration:

To configure Integriti system for Mobile Access:

  1. Navigate to Integrations > Mobile Credential Pools.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Add a Generation Card Template using SIFER Site Code

  4. Select Tag Type as SIFER Mobile Access.

  5. Paste the Linking Code in the Connection Code field and Save
    the Pool.

Configuring Readers/Keypads for IR Mobile Access:

To configure Mobile Access readers:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Do I need a license for each mobile credential used?

A: Yes, a Mobile Access Credential license is required for each
mobile credential used.

Q: Can I connect one System/Site to multiple Mobile Credential

Pools at a time?

A: No, each System/Site in IR Mobile Access can only be
connected to one Mobile Credential Pool at a time.


Mobile Access Guide



OVERVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 PREREQUISITES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 INITIAL SETUP ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Mobile Access Cloud Portal Configuration …………………………………………………………………………. 3 Integriti System Configuration ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Configuring Readers/Keypads for IR Mobile Access ………………………………………………………………. 7 Mobile Access Reader Configuration ………………………………………………………………………………… 7 Configuring an IR Mobile Access Reader/Keypad ………………………………………………………………. 7 Mobile Credential Management…………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Configuring a User’s Mobile Credentials ……………………………………………………………………………. 9 Using a Mobile Credential ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Setup and use of the IR Mobile Access App …………………………………………………………………….. 11 Understanding Encryption Keys ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 Global Encryption Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 Migrating Legacy IR Mobile Sites Prior V24.0.0 ………………………………………………………………… 12 Commands…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Mobile Credential Commands………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 PORT CONFIGURATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Integriti IR Mobile Access Port Requirements …………………………………………………………………… 14 TROUBLESHOOTING …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 No Readers Displayed in Reader Config App …………………………………………………………………… 14 Did Not Receive Email with Invitation Code ……………………………………………………………………… 14 Cannot connect to configured readers using the Configuration app ……………………………………… 14 The Phone is not unlocking the door when presenting to the reader…………………………………….. 14
The Integriti system now includes support for Inner Range Mobile Access readers, allowing users to enrol and use SIFER credentials on their mobile devices, via the Inner Range Mobile Access app. This is done by linking the Integriti system to the Inner Range Mobile Access portal, then allocating mobile credentials to users using the Integriti interface.

Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



· Integriti/Infiniti Software V24.0.0 Above · Integriti/Infiniti Edition: Professional, Business or Corporate Software Edition license to be
present on the product key running the integration. · Mobile Access Credential License/s 994635
o A Mobile Access Credential license is required for each mobile credential used. o Licenses are automatically used upon generation of a new credential of a mobile
credential. Revoking a credential will `free’ the corresponding license. This allows for the reuse of mobile credential licenses, without concern of the licenses being consumed forever upon first use. · For the use of an IR Mobile Credential, each door requires either one of the below: o 994723 – IR Mobile Access Reader o 994726 – IR Mobile Access Keypad · Mobile Access Cloud Account o A Mobile Access Cloud account is a cloud service for Security Integrators to create and manage their respective sites and manage internal staff permissions. *If you have an existing SkyCommand account, you don’t need to Register, you can login using the same credentials as your existing SkyCommand account.
Mobile Access Cloud Portal Configuration
First, a system must be created on the Mobile Access platform. To set this up, first navigate to and either login with an existing account, SkyCommand account or register for a new account.

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After logging into the Mobile Access Portal, navigate to Systems and click Add New System.

Provide a system name and click Create.
Once this system has been created, ensure it is selected, navigate to the Integration page, and click the Link Access Control System button. Take note of the linking code that is provided, as this will be needed for the next step.

Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



Integriti System Configuration Each System/Site in IR Mobile Access can be only connected to one Mobile Credential Pool at a time. It is not possible to connect to one System/Site to multiple Pools at a time and using a new `Connection Code’ will override the previous link. If Integriti Product Key is changed or migrating servers requiring a database import, it is required to relink the IR Mobile Access integration.
Connection Configuration, Navigate to Integrations > Mobile Credential Pools.

Click `Add New’.

Add a Generation Card Template. The template must use SIFER Site Code format and can use any site code.
Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024

MOBILE ACCESS GUIDE – Integriti Ensure to Select Tag Type SIFER Mobile Access


Paste the Linking Code in the Connection Code field.
Connection Code ­ Obtain the Connection Code from the Integrations Tab on IR Mobile Access cloud and press the Link Access Control System button to generate a code and enter it here. To Link to IR Mobile Access enter this value and perform a Refresh Device. This value is left blank once Linked.
Site ID ­ Site Id is the unique number used for the IR Mobile Access System. This value will be populated when the System is linked.
Customer System Name ­ Customer System Name is the name for the System in the IR Mobile Access Server. This value will be populated when the System is linked.

Save the Pool.

Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



Configuring Readers/Keypads for IR Mobile Access
Mobile Access Reader Configuration
For use by installers, this app is used to apply the Mobile Access system’s site key to the Inner Range Mobile Access readers on the site. Additionally, this app can also be used to perform a firmware update of the readers over Bluetooth.


Configuring an IR Mobile Access Reader/Keypad First, ensure that an IR Mobile Access reader has been correctly configured on the Integriti Software and linked to a door. Refer to Integriti manual. Ensure the Reader Config app has been downloaded and installed, using the Link provided above. Login with the same details used to login into the Mobile Access Portal. A list of nearby readers will be shown that can then be selected for actual configuration. If no readers are shown but there are physical Mobile Access readers nearby, confirm that Location and Bluetooth are enabled on the mobile device and able to be used by the Reader Config app, as these are required to look for the readers.
Find the reader to be configured, which should be marked as “Unconfigured”. Select this Reader, a prompt will appear, explaining that the reader has not yet been configured with an encryption key and if one should be applied. Tap Yes, and a list of available sites will be shown.
Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



If no Sites are populated go the Download Cloud Icon as shown.

Then select the correct site from the list cloud list that was setup previously on the Mobile Access Portal above.
Now Select the newly added site.

Once the site encryption has been selected, a prompt to name the door will be shown. Take the time to name the door appropriately to ensure the end users interaction with the correct door is easily identifiable.
Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



Mobile Credential Management
Configuring a User’s Mobile Credentials
A user’s mobile credential can be issued, viewed and revoked in the within a user’s profile under the field Cards ([Intruder > Users]). Clicking Acquire Card will prompt a credential window where a Mobile Credential can be generated for the user.

By clicking Generate Credential and Send Invite a new window prompt will appear where a email can be added or edited (Screenshot below). A code will be sent to the email address and populated in the same window, once the operator has clicked “Generate and Send”.
The user will be sent an email with their respective Credential code 9
Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



See Mobile Credential Management below for user credential setup
Revoke Credential button will mark the selected credential as Revoked; however, the credential will remain in the user’s Mobile Credentials table. When the credential is Revoked it will prevent the user from accessing doors using the Mobile Access Credential. However, the credential will still be listed in the user’s list of credentials on the user page, allowing for the history of the credential to be retained. Revoking a Mobile Access Credential from a user will also free up a license so another user can be allocated a Mobile Access Credential.

The credential can be removed from the user completely by clicking Remove Card. Note that this action will also revoke the selected credential. This deletes the credential from the system. This both unlinks the credential from the user and then deletes the credential from the system. Please note, deleting credentials will not remove previous access history or event logs relating to the credential or user currently stored by the Integriti Software. Deleting a Mobile Access Credential from a user will also free up a license so another user can be allocated a Mobile Access Credential.

Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



Using a Mobile Credential
Setup and use of the IR Mobile Access App
This section covers the process to load a Credential onto a User’s Mobile Access App. Make sure the user being issued the Mobile Credential has the Mobile Access App installed using the links below.
Intended for end users, this app allows users to enter an invitation code sent to them from Mobile Access, then storing a credential on the app. This then allows the users to gain entry through a door with a compatible mobile access reader / keypad (refer to Prerequisites).


Open the Mobile Access App on your mobile device and Select “Credentials”
Enter the Invitation code issued to the user (Refer to the “Inner Range Mobile Access Credential Invitation” email) or Scan the QR Code to auto populate the invitation code within the Mobile Access app. Then Select Submit.
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Once a Credential has been successfully registered, the Credential will be available for use.

You can now select Quick Access whilst standing close to a IR Mobile Access Reader and then select Unlock. Alternatively, a user can select Unlock on an available IR Mobile Access Reader within the All Reader List.
Understanding Encryption Keys
Global Encryption Key Credential Pools that have already been linked previously will not re generate an Encryption Key when re-linking, instead retaining the Encryption Key from its previous successful link. This ensures that any existing credentials can still be used even after a device has been re-linked. Credential Pools will use a Global Encryption Key that only needs to be generated once. Migrating Legacy IR Mobile Sites Prior V24.0.0
If you have an existing Credential Pool created and linked prior to V24.0.0, you do not need to do anything for it keep functioning, even if it contains active credentials. However, if you would like to unify existing Pools to use the same Encryption Key and/or ensure that Pools created after the update use the same key as an existing Pool, you can use the following commands to assist in successfully migrating the existing Pools to set and utilise the Global Encryption Key.
Note: Do not invoke the commands from the device editor. To invoke these commands, right click on the device and then click on the command of your choice to be invoked as outlined in the images below.
Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



· Update Global Key (keeps legacy device’s encryption key)

· Set Device to Use Global Key (uses System’s new encryption key)
Mobile Credential Commands · Send unsent Invitations This will send emails to all users that have not received the Invite Code in an email from IR Mobile Access. This only works on Credentials that were generated more than 5 minutes ago giving it time to send the emails and less than 3 days as the code would have expired by then. Expired codes can be regenerated from the Mobile Credential card acquire page. · Set Device to Use Global Key This will set the device to use the Global Key when an encryption key is needed during any process within the integration. (NOTE: The device will still contain the previous encryption key it was holding but it will now use the Global Key instead) · Update Global Key This will replace the Global Key for the Plugin with the device’s encryption key updating it in Integriti.
Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024



Integriti IR Mobile Access Port Requirements
Ports are used for communication between the Integriti IR Mobile Access integration and the IR Mobile Access server. These ports should be configured in the Integriti Integration Server and any Integriti Client Machine’s firewalls to allow the integration to be used.
o 40844 ­ Connection to Skytunnel
No Readers Displayed in Reader Config App
Confirm both Location and Bluetooth services are active, and the Reader Config App has permission to use the services. Once this has been configured, tap the refresh button in the app to see readers populate.
Did Not Receive Email with Invitation Code
Confirm that the email has not been automatically moved to the junk or spam folders of your email client. Confirm correct email address by using Mobile Credential management and re-issue credential.
The invitation can be resent by navigating to [Configuration > Access Control

Mobile Access > Mobile Credentials], clicking the desired credential’s configure button, then clicking Resend Invitation. An alternate email can be provided, allowing the remedying of situations where an incorrect email was originally provided.
Cannot connect to configured readers using the Configuration app
If the Mobile Access Configuration app fails to connect to an existing configured reader (ie. time out) then the encryption between the Mobile Access Configuration App and Mobile Access reader has changed. This can be caused from relinking a controller from either a defaulted controller or a replacement controller without restoring a DB backup. Restore the Controller Back up.
The Phone is not unlocking the door when presenting to the reader
The Mobile Access App is designed to ensure the correct user is interacting with the door. Therefore, the app is required to be open, with the user unlocking the door by a deliberate action of selecting the Unlock button within the app on the corresponding door. Background use is not permitted. The phone must be unlocked and the app open (running in the foreground) for correct use.
Access logs not populating in Review
Double Check the System linked matches the System configured on the SIFER Reader. Make sure SIFER Reader is configured in Integriti. Try flashing a different firmware version to the SIFER Reader.
The credential has been revoked message when entering the invite code on the app

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Make sure the Card on the user is listed as revoked and saved then you can reacquire the card and regenerate the credential for the user.
Legacy Devices not being updated to use Global Key after invoking command Set Device to Use Global Key’ There have been cases where calling this command has not set the device to use the Global Key if called while the device’s editor is open at the same time. To avoid and/or resolve this issue, invoke the command from right clicking the MA Mobile Credential Pool and clickingSet Device To Use Global Key’ from there instead of invoking it from the Editor.
Linking code ” is invalid or has expired
Regenerate a new Connection code on IR Mobile Access’s website under the Integrations tab and relink to this Integration.
Not Linked
Make sure to set the Connection Code has been generated in IR Mobile Access, been saved in the Mobile Credential Pool and the Pool has performed a Refresh Device. Ensure the Port configuration has been done

Copyright © Inner Range PTY LTD August 2024

August 2024 The specifications and descriptions of products and services contained in this document were correct at the time of publishing. Inner Range reserves the right to change specifications or withdraw products without notice. Copyright ©2024 Inner Range Pty. Ltd., Australia


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