SHARP Coronado Hospital Digital In Room User Guide

September 6, 2024

Sharp Coronado Hospital
A Guide to Your Stay


At Sharp Coronado Hospital, we bring together clinical excellence, advanced technology and integrative healing. As a Designated Gold Certified Planetree Person-Centered Care Hospital, we strive to provide an experience that extends well beyond caring for a patient’s ailments; we aim to heal the whole person . It’s all part of the extraordinary level of care called The Sharp Experience .
If there is anything we can do to enhance your stay, please speak with a member of your care team or request the charge nurse at 619-522-3735 . You may also contact our hospital’s leadership representative at 619-805-5910 .

Resources and Services

Your Room
Patient rooms are designed to provide a healing, nurturing environment . A nurse will give you a general orientation, including how to use the bed controls and bedside remote . They also will provide information and tools to empower you and your family to participate in your care .
Communication boards highlight your daily care plan and list the names of your caregivers . A nurse call button is located on your bedside remote . When you press the button, the nurses’ station is alerted that you need help, and a light will flash above your door. A staff member will respond to your call as soon as possible. For your safety, caregivers will help you get in and out of bed and move throughout your room .
Patient Tablets and Bedside App
Bedside is a mobile app available on in-room digital tablets . It provides patients with access to their own medical information and tools to help manage their care while in the hospital .
The benefits of Bedside include:

  • Access to real-time information — Patients and their families can view vital signs, lab results, medications, clinical notes and more in real time, which can help them stay informed about their care .
  • Education — Bedside offers educational materials related to patients’ conditions, treatments and medications, which can help them better understand their care and promote informed decision-making .
  • Medication information — Patients and their families can access detailed information about medications, including dosages, upcoming medication times, and side effects, which can help prevent errors and improve patients’ ability to follow their treatment plans .
  • Treatment team information — Patients can view a role description and biography of each member of their care team to get to know them better .
  • Non-urgent requests — Patients and their families can use the app for non-urgent comfort requests, such as blankets, ice packs, emotional and spiritual support, and integrative healing services .
  • Planning to leave the hospital — When patients are ready to leave the hospital, they will receive instructions and follow-up care information in Bedside to ensure a smooth departure .

Sharp Coronado Hospital takes a patient- and family-centered approach to care . Each patient may direct their own visitation and choose who visits them in the hospital . Instead of having one set of rules for everyone, the care team works to create a visitation plan that meets individuals’ needs and wishes . This approach helps create a healing environment, which promotes patient well- being and the staff’s ability to provide the best possible care .
Valet Parking
Free valet parking is available for patients and visitors at the hospital’s main entrance 7 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Street parking is also available.
Please tell your caregiver if you are interested in receiving a copy of the local newspaper .
We ask that you not bring any valuables, such as cash and jewelry, to the hospital . If you bring valuables, a safe is available in the business office. You will be given a receipt for all items placed in the safe. You must show the receipt when you retrieve your items . The hospital does not accept responsibility for personal items unless they are put in the safe. For help, please speak with your nurse.
Phones are provided in each patient room. For all calls within San Diego County, press 9, then 1 and the 10-digit number. For long-distance calls, press 0 to speak with the operator.
For help connecting with a hospital department, dial 0 from your in-room phone or call 619-522-3600 from an external line to speak with the operator .

We provide free Wi-Fi throughout the hospital so you and your loved ones can easily connect with others . Sign in to the “Sharp_Guest” network . No password is required .
To make your stay as comfortable as possible, our TVs feature an interactive system . You can watch health videos and newly released movies; read about your medications and hospital services; play games and music; and access the internet — all for free . Use your bedside remote to operate the system .
You may receive occasional messages on your TV with instructions to watch a health video or complete a health quiz . These messages give you valuable information and help us know whether you are ready to leave the hospital . If you have any questions, please speak with your nurse .

Mindful Café
The Mindful Café is open to hospital staff, visitors and community members . Our menu offers a variety of meal choices and healthy treats with satisfying flavors and balanced nutrition. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and fresh herbs and spices enhance flavors while using less salt. The Mindful Café is open 6:30 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, and 7 am to 2 pm, Saturdays and Sundays.
Grab and Go
Fresh sandwiches, salads and fruit can be purchased through our refrigerated self-serve Pantry Kiosk, located on the first floor near the Mindful Café.
Food and Nutrition
Our Nutrition Department provides delicious, nourishing and well-balanced meals to support your care and recovery . You are welcome to select anything on the menu that aligns with your doctor’s instructions . Please mark your menu so that it is ready for pickup. Family members and Care Partners are welcome to help you with meal selection . Our nutrition assistants will visit daily and make every effort to accommodate your food preferences while following your doctor’s dietary orders . If you would like help making menu selections, a nutrition assistant can be reached at 619-522-3634 .
Breakfast is served from 7:30 to 8:30 am; lunch from noon to 1 pm; and dinner from 5 to 6 pm. If the meal hours are not convenient for you, our nutrition assistants will gladly reschedule your meal . Your meal may be delayed if you are scheduled for a special test or treatment .
We will make every effort to provide information in a way you can understand . Please let our admitting staff, your nurse and other care providers know if you need language interpretation, communication assistance or sign language interpretation support .
Sewall Healthy Living Center
Located on the third floor, the Sewall Healthy Living Center is a safe, spa- like destination dedicated to healing and wellness . Patients and community members can receive physical, occupational, speech and massage therapy, as well as other wellness services. The fitness center is open to the community 6 am to 7 pm, Monday to Friday, and 8 am to 4:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday. If you have any questions, please call our front desk at 619-522-3798 between 8 am and 4:30 pm.
Integrative Therapy Services
We are pleased to offer a range of integrative therapy services . Speak with your nurse or use the Bedside app on the in-room digital tablet to request these services:

  • Aromatherapy — Essential oils are used to relieve stress, anxiety, pain and other discomforts .
  • Healing Touch — A practice used to balance, harmonize and relax the body with gentle touch either on or above the body .
  • Pet therapy — Visits from certified therapy pets can help reduce stress and enhance self-esteem.
  • Music therapy — Musical instruments are used to foster healing by creating positive feelings and releasing physical stress .
  • Acupuncture — Licensed acupuncturists target specific points on the body to relieve pain, reduce stress and promote healing . A doctor’s order is required . Service fees apply .
  • Massage therapy — Licensed massage therapists can help reduce pain, discomfort, muscle spasms and stress through muscle work . Service fees apply .

Pastoral Care and Spiritual Services
Located on the first floor, our interfaith chapel welcomes visitors of all faiths for chapel worship services, prayer and quiet reflection. We respect the rich diversity of spiritual and religious beliefs of patients and their families. The chaplain and members of the community clergy are available upon request; please ask your nurse for help . Your personal spiritual advisor is always welcome to visit you while you are here .
Outdoor Gardens
The Sharp Coronado Hospital Labyrinth (a circular meditative path) and its surrounding gardens provide a serene outdoor space for patients and their families, as well as community members .
Patient Relations
If there is anything we can do to enhance your experience, please speak with a member of your care team or request the charge nurse at 619-522-3735 . You may also contact the hospital’s leadership representative at 619-805-5910, or the Patient Relations representative at 619-522-3756 .
Your Health Record
Our staff can set aside time each day to share your Open Medical Record with you . They will review your illness or injury, medications you are prescribed, and any recommendations for improving your condition . This may be done verbally, by looking at the Bedside app on the in-room tablet, or by getting a printed copy of your medical record . We believe access to these records will give you a better understanding of your plan of care, allow you to ask questions of your caregivers, and help with planning for you to leave the hospital . If you are interested, please ask your nurse how you can view this information .
Your Care Team
Your care team is made up of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, staff members and volunteers — all dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care . All team members will introduce themselves when they enter your room and let you know their role in your care . They will also clearly explain the care you will receive and what to expect . Care team members always wear a photo ID badge .
Nutritional Counseling Services
A personalized meal plan developed by a registered dietitian can help you continue to eat healthy after you leave the hospital . Nutritional counseling services are designed to help people with diabetes, high cholesterol and other medical conditions. For more information, ask a nurse to contact the dietitian.
Discharge Planners and Social Workers
These professionals are here to help you adjust to the hospital experience and make a comfortable transition from the hospital to your home or extended care facility. For more information, call 619-522-3787.
Care Partner Program
We understand that family members and friends bring a special aspect to healing that nobody else can . Chosen by you, a Care Partner becomes an active member of the care team . A Care Partner’s role is to provide the encouragement, love and help you need to improve healing and speed recovery . It is up to you and your Care Partner to determine how they will participate in your care . If you have questions about this program, please speak with your nurse .
Partnering With Your Care Team
We believe the best care comes from a partnership with our patients, their loved ones and our dedicated caregivers . We encourage you to share ways that can help you heal .

  • Personal preferences — When you arrive, a nurse will ask about your preferences for sleeping, eating, visitation and more . Your care team will work to meet these needs whenever possible .
  • Communication boards — In-room whiteboards help all caregivers understand your preferences and care plan . We encourage you and your loved ones to make notes on the board when needed .
  • Daily visits — Members of your care team will visit daily to discuss your care with you and make sure your needs are being met .
  • Shift changes — You will participate in nursing shift changes to make sure all caregivers understand your needs and plan of care .

Financial Counseling Services
Financial counselors will meet with you to answer questions you or your loved ones may have about your insurance plan or other financial concerns related to your care.

Your Safety and Well-Being

Hand Hygiene
It’s OK to ask your caregivers to clean their hands at any time.
You and your loved ones can help reduce the risk of infection by following these guidelines:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and always wash before and after eating meals and taking medications, and after using the restroom .
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue, throw away the tissue, and clean your hands; or cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands .
  • Tell guests to clean their hands before and after visiting you, and before eating .
  • Ask loved ones who have symptoms such as fever, coughing or sneezing to not visit you .

Preventing Falls
While in the hospital, your ability to get in and out of bed safely can be affected by changes in your health . You could fall and get hurt. Your strength, balance and coordination may be affected by:

  • Your medical condition
  • Changes in medications and treatments
  • Procedures or medical equipment that limit your movement

Most falls happen when patients try to stand or walk without help . You may believe this can’t happen to you, but it can .
To keep you safe, your caregivers will:

  • Assess your risk factors that can contribute to your falling
  • Ask you to do a simple mobility test
  • Create a safety plan with you
  • Visit often to take care of your needs
  • Keep your room free of slip and trip hazards
  • Help you with any movement that requires balance, including standing or using the bathroom

For your safety, you may be asked to avoid getting out of a bed or chair by yourself. If so, call your nurse for assistance with moving safely . Nurses may turn on a bed or chair alarm to alert them if you try to get up without help . If you have any questions or concerns, speak with your nurse .

Medication Safety
You and your loved ones should always be well informed about your medications and their purpose . The pharmacy staff is part of your care team and will work closely with your doctors and nurses to prescribe medications that best treat your condition and keep you safe from harmful drug interactions or side effects .
If your doctor has asked you to bring your medications to the hospital, or if you are on investigational drugs or medications that are not widely available, they will be secured in the hospital pharmacy . Please tell your nurse about any medications you brought with you, and they will note them in your medical record . Before leaving the hospital, your nurse will make sure your medications are returned to you .
It is important for our patients to know that errors can occur with prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements at any stage — from prescription and administration of a drug to monitoring the patient’s response . To help make sure you receive the safest and most effective care, follow these tips on medication safety:

  • Be informed — Ask questions about every new medicine before you take it .
  • Know what your medicine is for — Ask your doctor or nurse to write down the purpose of the medicine .
  • Read the label — Follow the directions on how to take your medications. Pay careful attention to warnings about taking a medication with certain foods or beverages, especially grapefruit or grapefruit juice . Grapefruit can affect how well some medications work .

You can speak with a pharmacist about your medications, what they are treating, possible side effects, and how to take your medications safely after leaving the hospital . Ask your nurse if you would like to talk with a pharmacist .
Supporting Patient Safety
We encourage patients and their loved ones to actively express any concerns about safety issues . If you experience a noticeable change in your condition and your health care team is not present, or if you feel that they are not responding to your concerns, talk to your nurse or ask to speak with the charge nurse . If you still have concerns, please call Patient Relations at 619-522-3756 .
Tobacco Use and Vaping
For the health and safety of our patients, guests and staff, Sharp Coronado is a tobacco- and vape-free environment . Smoking and using electronic cigarettes are prohibited in the hospital and on the surrounding campus . The City of Coronado prohibits smoking on all public property, including alleyways, streets and sidewalks . Hospitalized patients who smoke or vape are offered resources on quitting .

Preparing to Leave the Hospital

From the day you arrive, our care team is preparing for the time when you are ready to leave the hospital. We’ll work together to make sure you feel confident and informed.
When it’s time to leave, your care team will:

  • Review your condition — We’ll discuss your medical situation and any symptoms to watch for .
  • Plan your aftercare — We’ll talk about the level of help you might need .
  • Discuss your medications — We’ll go over your medications, including dosages and potential side effects .
  • Make plans for any necessary equipment — We’ll help coordinate delivery of any medical equipment needed for your recovery .
  • Schedule follow-up appointments — We’ll inform you of any follow-up appointments you may need .
  • Provide contact information — We’ll provide contact details for your care team in case you have any questions or concerns .
  • Help you gather your belongings — We’ll help you collect your personal items, including any medications or valuables stored in the hospital’s safe .

Don’t hesitate to ask. If you have any questions, please ask your doctor or nurse before you leave .
Any medications you brought to the hospital are stored in the hospital pharmacy until you leave . You will receive a receipt and information on how to collect these medications when you are ready .
If your doctor gives you a prescription, it can be filled at our Sharp Coronado Community Pharmacy on the first floor of the medical building next to the hospital. The pharmacy offers free delivery of prescription medications to the Coronado and Imperial Beach areas . Our pharmacy team can also deliver medications to your bedside before you leave the hospital .
The Sharp Coronado Community Pharmacy is open 9 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday. For questions about services, call 619-522-3996 .

Continuing Your Health Journey

Sewall Healthy Living Center
Located on the third floor of the main hospital, the Sewall Healthy Living Center is a place designed for fitness, relaxation and renewal. For more information or to make an appointment, call 619-522-3798 between 8 am and 4:30 pm, daily.
Fitness Center
Membership includes use of cardiovascular and weight equipment, access to the locker room, and a gym orientation. We offer group fitness classes, such as gentle fitness, tai chi and yoga. We also offer personal training with a certified exercise specialist.
Monday to Friday, 6 am to 7 pm
Saturday and Sunday, 8 am to 4:30 pm
Other Services
Massage — Ease pain and stress with Swedish, therapeutic deep tissue and sports massage, combined with aromatherapy .
Acupuncture — There are more than 40 health conditions that may benefit from acupuncture, including arthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and nausea.
Outpatient rehabilitation — We offer these services to help you heal to the highest degree of functioning possible . Almost all insurance plans are accepted .

  • Physical therapy, specializing in orthopedic, sports, neurologic, geriatric and vestibular conditions
  • Certified hand therapy
  • Speech language pathology therapy

For more information or to schedule an evaluation, call 619-522-3729.
Common Medical Terms
These words and acronyms are often used in a hospital . If you don’t understand a word or procedure being discussed, please ask your doctor or nurse to explain .
Acute illness — A sudden illness or injury that was not expected .
Advance health care directive (advance directive) — A written document that allows you to state your health care wishes so your caregivers know what kind of care you want in the event you are unable to speak for yourself .
It contains your medical treatment instructions, including who will make health care decisions for you if you are unable, your wishes for organ donation, and your designated primary care doctor . If you are age 18 or older and able to make medical decisions, you can complete an advance directive . Visit sharp .com/advancedirective to download an advance directive form .
Critical Care/Intensive Care Unit (ICU) — A place that provides care for patients with the most severe and life-threatening illnesses and injuries that require constant, close monitoring and support to ensure normal bodily functions .
DNR Short for “do not resuscitate .”
Fall risk — Patient has a potential to fall and be harmed and should not be moved without help .
Home health care — Home health agencies provide services, including clinical nursing treatment, physical therapy and medical social work, at your home . A doctor’s order is necessary to begin these services .
Intubation — The placement of a special tube through the mouth to help with breathing .
Isolation — Isolation precautions are a set of procedures used in hospitals to stop infections from spreading among patients . If you are placed in isolation, medical staff and visitors will wear protective equipment, such as gowns and masks, and they’ll make sure to clean their hands thoroughly before and after they visit your room .
NPO — Shorthand for “nothing by mouth,” from the Latin phrase nil per os . There is to be nothing consumed by mouth except medication given by medical staff .
Sepsis — A potentially fatal whole-body inflammation caused by severe infection.
Skilled Nursing Unit — Sometimes called the Transitional Care Unit (TCU), this unit is designed for patients who no longer require acute care in a hospital but need additional short-term care before leaving the hospital . Rehabilitation and specialized nursing care are emphasized .

A Hospital Unlike Any Other

At Sharp Coronado, we place patients and their loved ones at the center of everything we do — treating all with kindness and compassion. Our philosophy of care aligns with Planetree, an international nonprofit organization committed to advancing person-centered care . We believe in patient empowerment and education, and we feature integrative therapies, stimulation of the senses, and restful surroundings to promote healing . Your experience at Sharp Coronado is measured by asking three questions. Have we helped you:

  • Live your life with dignity and in optimal health?
  • Heal to the highest degree of functioning possible?
  • Grow in all the ways that have meaning for you?

Community Involvement
Since 1978, Coronado Hospital Foundation has been dedicated to enhancing the current and future health care needs of Coronado residents, visitors and the surrounding community. As a not-for-profit organization, Coronado Hospital Foundation relies on donations to invest in advanced medical technology, facilities and programs for those we serve .
For more information about how you can support Sharp Coronado, call 619-522-3703 or visit /coronado-foundation .
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers play a key role in creating a warm, healing environment for our patients . To learn about volunteer opportunities, call 619-522-3675 .
Guardian Angel Program
The Guardian Angel Program makes it possible to honor your caregivers while also supporting Sharp HealthCare . Every recognized Guardian Angel will receive a letter and a custom-crafted lapel pin to wear proudly . Your charitable, tax-deductible donation supports programs and enhances services at Sharp .
To honor your Sharp caregiver, contact Sharp Coronado Hospital Foundation at 619-522-3703 or visit .

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