SAMSUNG CB24 6AZ 5 Heat Pump User Guide

September 3, 2024

CB24 6AZ 5 Heat Pump

Product Information


  • Manufacturer: Samsung
  • Model: Heat Pump
  • Minimum Circulating Water Content: 30 litres for 5 and 8kW
    models, 50 litres for 12, 14, and 16kW models

Buffers and Volumisers

The system requires a minimum circulating water content, which
can be achieved by using a buffer vessel or volumiser:

  • Buffer Vessel: Adds extra volume to the system
    and introduces flow separation between primary and secondary
    circuits. Recommended sizes are 25 litres for 8kW or below models
    and 50 litres for 12kW or higher models.

  • Volumiser: Adds volume to the circuit for
    direct systems without separation. Available in a 25-litre size
    that can be mounted vertically or horizontally.


We recommend the following pumps for optimal performance:

  • Grundfos UPM4: Suitable for 5 & 8kW models
    with a 60W motor and 7.5m nominal head.

  • Grundfos UPM4XL: Suitable for 12kW models with
    a 60W motor and 9m nominal head.

  • Wilo Yonos PICO 25/1-8 180 long: Ideal as a
    secondary pump for moving water in the heating system when using a
    buffer vessel or header.

Product Usage Instructions

Installing Buffer Vessel or Volumiser

  1. Choose the appropriate size of buffer vessel or volumiser based
    on your heat pump model.

  2. Mount the buffer vessel or volumiser according to the provided
    instructions either vertically or horizontally.

  3. Ensure proper connection between the primary and secondary
    circuits for flow separation.

Using Pumps

  1. Install the recommended Grundfos UPM4 or UPM4XL pump as the
    primary pump for optimal flow rate.

  2. Add the Wilo Yonos PICO as a secondary pump if using a buffer
    vessel or header in the system.

  3. Adjust pump settings to optimize performance based on system

Maintaining the System

  1. Regularly check and clean the Intaklean filter/strainer to
    prevent clogging and ensure efficient operation.

  2. Inspect the pump valves, isolation valves, and insulated hoses
    for any leaks or damages periodically.

  3. Monitor the flow sensor and heat pump feet for proper
    functioning and alignment.


Q: What is the minimum circulating water content required for

Samsung heat pumps?

A: The minimum circulating water content is 30 litres for 5 and
8kW models, and 50 litres for 12, 14, and 16kW models.

Q: Do I need a secondary pump in my system?

A: Secondary pumps are only required when there is a buffer
vessel or header in the system to move water around the heating
system efficiently.

Quick Start
for Samsung heat pumps
Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Hot water cylinder

Mechanical Schematic
Buffer Vessel

3-port valve

Buffer vessel

Secondary pump




Pump valve


Sealed system

Flush-fill valve

Primary pump

Pump valve

Isolation valve

Insulated flexible hoses

Samsung heat pump

Flow sensor

Intaklean filter/strainer

Heat pump feet

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Hot water cylinder

Mechanical Schematic

3-port valve




25 litre volumiser (optional)


Auto-bypass valve (option)

Sealed system

Flush-fill valve

Primary pump

Pump valve

Isolation valve

Insulated flexible hoses


Samsung heat pump

Flow sensor

Intaklean filter/strainer

Heat pump feet

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Buffers and Volumisers

The minimum circulating water content of the system is 30 litres for Samsung 5 and 8kW heat pumps and 50 litres for the 12, 14 and 16kW models. To make it simple to always meet these requirements we can sell you a kit with either a buffer vessel or volumiser.

Buffer Vessel
A buffer vessel adds extra volume to the system and introduces flow separation
between primary and secondary circuits.
We recommend a 25 litre buffer vessel for the 8kW or below heat pumps and a 50 litre buffer vessel for those rated 12kW or higher.
Larger buffer vessels are available if required.

A volumiser adds volume to the circuit to when doing a direct system without seapration.
We can supply a 25 litre volumiser that can be mounted vertically or horizontally.

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

With Samsung heat pump we sell Grudnfos OEM pumps as the primary pumps. These pumps take an external speed control signal from the Samsung board to optimise pump flow-rate for heat pump performance.

Grundfos UPM4
5 & 8kW The Grundfos UPM4 pumps we sell have a 60W motor and 7.5m nominal head. When you’re using a buffer they are good for 5 and 8kW heat pumps. They will be powerful enough for some direct systems, but you need to carry out some calculations to be sure.

Grundfos UPM4XL
12kW The Grundfos UPM4L pumps we sell have a 60W motor and 9m nominal head. When you’re using a buffer they are good for 5 and 8kW heat pumps and often for 12kW heat pumps with shorter pipe runs. They will be powerful enough for some direct systems with volumisers and bypass valves, but you need to carry out some calculations to be sure.

Wilo Yonos PICO 25/1-8 180 long
Secondary Pump The Wilo Yonos PICO has a 60W motor. It is perfect as a secondary pump for moving water around your heating system.
Secondary pumps are only required when there is a buffer vessel or header.

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Additional Components

Flow Sensor
The Samsung flow sensor comes in the Samsung control kit box with connecting pieces. The required flow direction is indicated on the sensor. It must be on a pipe that has the same flow as the heat pump but can be on the flow or return. It must be installed in accordance with the diagram below. The cable also connects with the cable pointing in the direction of flow.
Flow Sensor layout and orientation

IntaKlean heat pump filter
An IntaKlean is a filtration system which keeps the heat pump safe from any debris. It is a combined magnetic filter and strainer and connects using 28mm compresion connections on the isolation valves provided. The intention is that you install them as close as possible to the heat pump on the return pipe.
This can also be replaced with a strainer or filter ball valve if you want a cheaper install or you prefer to use a brass mag filter.
Sealed system kit
For convenience we offer 18 litre compact sealed system kit with . This is normally much more volume than you would really need for most system. If you have a very large system it is worth checking the expansion vessel sizing.
The sealed system kit comes with a pressure gauge, safety relief valve and filling loop.

280mm >140mm

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

3-port valve
We like to send you a Mut Meccanica 3-port valve. We select these for their very low pressure drop and to give you a 2-pole auxillary switch. You wire the live and neutral from the board as indicated on the wiring diagram, you can wire the live via the high limit stat on the cylinder if you are doing a hybrid installation. Port A is for the cylinder, port B is for the heating.
Red and blue valves
A red and blue valve are normally installed for isolation of the heat pump. The colour denotes whether it is the flow or return.

Flush-fill valve
We supply a flush-fill valve in the kit to make it easier to flush, fill and drain the system, it needs to be installed on the primary pipework. Actually ideally it’s best not to flush through the heat pump though – make a U-loop of pipe to put in the system in place of the heat pump or install a flushing bypass before the heat pump isolation valves.
Pump Valves
These are attached either side of a pump and used to plumb it into the system, 1 pair for each pump. They have a union to connect them to the pump.

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Main Power Diagram
Breaker for heat pump: 5kW – 16A 8kW – 25A 12, 14, 16kW – 32A

Breaker for control board: 16A

Local 3-pole isolator: 5, 8kW – 25A (min) 12, 14, 16kW – 32A (min)

Local 20A double-pole switch

Samsung heat pump

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Wiring Diagram
For Samsung MIM-CN/EN and additional components
These cables must be shielded. e.g. 1mm² CY cable

LCD stat F3, F4
heat pump F1, F2

B1 B3 B5 B7 B9 B11 B13 B15 B17 B19 B21 B23 B25 B27 B2 B4 B6 B8 B10 B12 B14 B16 B18 B20 B22 B24 B26 B28

incoming power A1, A2
immersion heater A3, A4

secondary pump B7, B8

3-port valve B15, B17

primary pump speed control top, bottom
(ignore the black cable)
primary pump power B1, B6

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Wiring Diagram
for optional secondary pump on MIM-CN/EN

secondary pump

B1 B3 B5 B7 B9 B11 B13 B15 B17 B19 B21 B23 B25 B27 B2 B4 B6 B8 B10 B12 B14 B16 B18 B20 B22 B24 B26 B28
3-port aux switch B8, WAGO
(ignore the grey cable)

secondary pump On the previous page the wiring diagram shows the secondary pump wired directly on to B7 and B8. If you do this the secondary pump runs any time the heat pump is running – in heating mode and in hot water mode.
What’s good about that is: in heating season it continues to circulate the hot water from the buffer when the heat pump is doing a hot water run. it’s simple to wire and robust.
What’s bad about that is: in summer the secondary pump runs during each hot water cycle and this uses a few pounds worth of electricity each year. if the aux switch breaks, the secondary pump stops running.
You can wire the secondary pump up via the auxiliary switch in the 3-port valve as show on this page and then the secondary pump will only run when the heat pump is on and in heating mode. YOU MUST STILL WIRE THE LIVE AND NEUTRAL TO THE 3-PORT VALVE MOTOR (B15, B17)

Midsummer Energy Ltd, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 6AZ Email: | Telephone: 01223 851535

Set the time
Where you go to set the time on the controller is: User Mode then Wired remote controller then you can set the Current Time.

Accessing service mode
To get into service mode for testing and setting up the heat pump you need to press and hold up and down for 5 seconds. The controller will then ask you to enter the PIN which is 0 2 0 2

Check the flow-rate
Enter Service Mode, go to Indoor Zone Option then Indoor Zone Status Information and it will show a value for flow sensor in litres per minute.

Samsung Thermostat
The heat pump control is a bit more clever when you use the Samsung controller as the thermostat. This is the ideal option if you can find a route for the cable to a sensible thermostat location.
To use the Samsung LCD controller as the thermostat enter service mode and go to:
Indoor Zone Option
and set
Standard Temperature to Indoor
Now the controller is set up to act as the thermostat with the temperature setting via the Samsung LCD.

External Thermostat
If you need to use an external, 3rd party thermostat with a Samsung heat pump this needs to be wired up as shown below. Permanent live is B20, switched live is B22.
Then set the heat pump to use it as the signal to heat or not by setting FSV 2091 – External Thermostat Application #1 (Floor) to Use(Signal ON/OFF) or WL Interlink OFF(Water Pump3).

Hot water settings (FSV)
3011 – Domestic Hot Water Tank – Use(Hysteresis Thermo ON/OFF state) 3025 – Max DHW Operation Time – you want to give your heat pump a decent chance of heating the water up in one go here, but not let the house get cold while you do it. If it’s a well insulated house you can set this time fairly long, if it’s a poorly insulated house you can set it shorter. 90 minutes is a reasonable starting point for most cases. 3032 – Delay time – This is how long the heat pump tries to do the hot water using the heat pump before it kicks in the immersion heater to help. You don’t really want this to happen often so set this to 60 minutes. 3042 – This is the day that the legionella cycle happens. Best idea is to set it mid-week probably Tuesday or Wednesday. 3043 – Legionella start time – Set this to a time where the water should already be hot anyway to minimise the energy used for this cycle, maybe 4am. 3044 – Target temp – This is how hot the heat pump goes in legionella cycle – 60°C is a good setpoint normally. If the occupants are older you might want to go for 65°C to be extra safe.

Heating – Weather Compensation
Samsung’s name for weather compensation is “water law”. You need to set up the water law before the heat pump will perform weather compensation properly. On a Samsung you set a warm weather point and a cold weather point and then the unit interpolates between them to provide the flow temperature asked for.

To do this you need to enter service mode, “Field Setting Value” and input the settings.

20** Water Law

201* Outdoor Temp. for Water Law (Heat)

Low = 20°C

High = -3°C

202* Water Out Temp. for WL1 Heat (WL1-Floor)

Low target value 25°C

High target value 45°C

Note: the two numbers inside the green boxes are the design condition, in this case shown as flow temp of 45°C at air temp of -3°C but you should use the temperatures you have designed to.



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