PURUS 100 Stainless Steel Channels Installation Guide

September 3, 2024

Installation instructions
Purus stainless steel channels

100 Stainless Steel Channels

The channel should be installed in accordance with applicable industry regulations. We recommend that the installation is carried out by an authorised plumbing company.
Installing the floor channel
The floor channel must be equipped with protective plastic during casting to prevent concrete from running down into the channel and the outlet house.
Casting methods
(1) The floor channel is cast in when the floor is cast. (2) When casting the floor, leave a recess for casting in the floor channel later.
Prepared the floor channel in the same way irrespective of the casting method.
2-9 Concrete flooring
10-19 Resin flooring
20-31 Vinyl flooring and Tile flooring with clamping frame
32-43 Tile flooring and Tile Insert with gluing flange
Indicates an installation step that can cause direct failure or damage to the product if care 0isn’t taken.
Indicates an installation step illustrated and clarified by an enlarged, detailed picture.
Indicates an installation step by page reference.

Concrete flooring

Product content

  1. Channel
  2. Outlet house
  3. Grid/Grating

Installation principle

  1. Channel
  2. Concrete

Fixing and height adjustment

  1. Place the channel in the correct position.
  2. Attach the mounting feet to the base.
  3. Adjust the channel to the correct height and angle.
  4. Floor channels with dimensions greater than 400×600 mm. Apply weight to the base of the channel to avoid it being convex.

Connect the waste water pipe
(1) Cut the threaded rods. (2) Adjust the outlet.
(3) Connect the waste water pipe. (4) Connect the grounding cable to the floor channel if necessary.
(1) If you use an angle grinder when cutting, the floor channel must be protected against sparks to maintain 0the channel’s stainless steel properties. Cast the channel

(1) The tile frame and grate or chipboard should remain in the channel during casting. (2) Fill with concrete to the correct level. (3) Vibrate the concrete properly.
It is important that the concrete ends up at the right height and is even against the edge. Adjust by grinding the concrete if necessary.
Cast the channel Ensure that no concrete, putty etc. is within the channel. Mount the water trap/strainer and place the grid/grating within the channel. To prevent any odor from escaping from the sewage system.

Resin flooring

Product content

  1. Channel
  2. Outlet house
  3. Recess strip
  4. Grid/Grating

Installation principle

  1. Channel
  2. Concrete
  3. Resin floor

Fixing and height adjustment (1) Place the channel in the correct position.
(2) Attach the mounting feet to the base. (3) Adjust the channel to the correct height and angle.
(4) Floor channels with dimensions greater than 400×600 mm. Apply weight to the base of the channel to avoid it being convex.
Connect the waste water pipe
(1) Cut the threaded rods. (2) Adjust the outlet.
(3) Connect waste water pipe. (4) Connect the grounding cable to the floor channel if necessary.
(1) If you use an angle grinder when cutting, the floor channel must be protected against sparks to maintain the channel’s stainless steel properties.
Install recess strips
(1) Install the recess strips.
Cast the channel
(1) The tile frame and grate or chipboard should remain in the channel during casting. (2) Fill with concrete to the correct level. (3) Vibrate the concrete properly.
Follow the instructions from the resin supplier.
Remove recess strips
(1) Remove the recess strip and prepare for the application of the resin floor according to the supplier’s instructions.
It is important that the concrete ends up at the right height and is even against the edge. Adjust by grinding the concrete if necessary.
Apply resin flooring

(1) Apply the resin according to the supplier’s instructions. (2) Ensure that no concrete, putty etc. is within the channel.
Mount the water trap/strainer and place the grid/grating within the channel. To prevent any odor from escaping from the sewage system.

Vinyl flooring and tile flooring with clamping frame

Product content

  1. Channel
  2. Outlet house
  3. Clamping frame vinyl
  4. Grid/Grating
  5. Clamping frame tile
  6. Tile frame

Installation principle

  1. Channel
  2. Concrete
  3. Clamping frame
  4. Vinyl flooring/ membrane
  5. Adhesive
  6. Frame
  7. Tiles

Fixing and height adjustment
(1) Place the channel in the correct position.
(2) Attach the mounting feet to the base. (3) Adjust the channel to the correct height and angle.
(4) Floor channels with dimensions greater than 400×600 mm. Apply weight to the base of the channel to avoid it being convex.
Connect the waste water pipe (1) Cut the threaded rods. (2) Adjust the outlet.
(3) Connect waste water pipe. (4) Connect the grounding cable to the floor channel if necessary.
(1) If you use an angle grinder when cutting, the floor channel must be protected against sparks to maintain the channel’s stainless steel properties.
Cast the channel

(1) The tile frame and grate or chipboard should remain in the channel during casting. (2) Fill with concrete to the correct level. (3) Vibrate the concrete properly.
It is important that the concrete ends up at the right height and is even against the edge. Adjust by grinding the concrete if necessary.
Apply vinyl flooring

(1) Unscrew and lift out the grate and clamping frame. (2) Clean the flange and apply Casco Proff GP Plus or equivalent. Next, apply Casco Aqua Seal around the flange, avoiding the screw holes. Lay the vinyl according to the supplier’s instructions.
Do not use water-based sealant. (3) Hole is done by using the inner edge of the channel as a cutting template.
Mount the clamping frame
Make holes for the screws. Heat the vinyl to facilitate assembly. Screw the screws alternately diagonally so the clamping frame lies against the waterproofing membrane.
Do not use a screwdriver. Do not damage the screw holes in the clamping frame and floor channel.
Mount the grid/grating Ensure that no concrete, putty etc. is within the channel. Mount the water trap/strainer and place the grid/grating within the channel. To prevent any odor from escaping from the sewage system.
Mount the clamping frame
Make holes for the screws. Heat the vinyl to facilitate assembly. Screw the screws alternately diagonally so the clamping frame lies against the waterproofing membrane.
Do not use a screwdriver. Do not damage the screw holes in the clamping frame and floor channel.
Mount the tile frame Install the tile insert at the correct height, adapted to the tiles to be installed on the floor.
Install the tiles Install the tiles and seal the floor, then remove the protective plastic. Check the channel to ensure there is no concrete, putty, etc. in the product. Install the water trap/strainer basket and insert the grating/grid. To prevent odor from the drainage system, fill the water trap with water.

**Tile flooring and Tile Insert with gluing flange


Product content

  1. Channel
  2. Outlet house
  3. Clamping frame vinyl
  4. Grid/Grating
  5. Tile Insert frame
  6. Tile Insert grate

Installation principle

  1. Channel
  2. Concrete
  3. Tile frame/ Tile Insert
  4. Waterproofing membrane
  5.  Adhesive
  6.  Tiles

Fixing and height adjustment
(1) Place the channel in the correct position.
(2) Attach the mounting feet to the base. (3) Adjust the channel to the correct height and angle.
(4) Floor channels with dimensions greater than 400×600 mm. Apply weight to the base of the channel to avoid it being convex.
Connect the waste water pipe (1) Cut the threaded rods. (2) Adjust the outlet.
(3) Connect waste water pipe. (4) Connect the grounding cable to the floor channel if necessary.
(1) If you use an angle grinder when cutting, the floor channel must be protected against sparks to maintain the channel’s stainless steel properties.
Cast the channel

(1) The tile frame and grate or chipboard should remain in the channel during casting. (2) Fill with concrete to the correct level. (3) Vibrate the concrete properly.
It is important that the concrete ends up at the right height and is even against the edge. Adjust by grinding the concrete if necessary.
Apply waterproofing membrane

(1) Lift out the tile frame from the channel.
(2) Apply waterproofing membrane according to the supplier’s instructions. (3) Cut off any excess membrane.
Use the inside of the channel as a template and support when applying/cutting to the waterproofing membrane.
Mount the tile frame Fill the cavity in the tile frame with adhesive and place in the channel. The height of the tile frame can be adjusted with the amount of adhesive used.
Mount the tile frame Remove the protective foil. Mount the tile frame at the correct height adapted to the tile tiles to be installed on the floor.
Install the tiles
Install the tiles and seal the floor. Ensure that no concrete, putty etc. is within the channel. Mount the water trap/strainer and place the grid/grating within the channel. To prevent any odor from escaping from the sewage system.
Mount the Tile Insert box
(1) Mount the tile frame at the correct height, adapted to the tiles to be installed on the floor. (2) Install tiles in the Tile Insert grate.
The tile frame can be height-adjusted -0 +10 mm.
The height is adjusted with the amount of adhesive used. Install the tiles and seal the floor. Ensure that no concrete, putty etc. is within the channel. Mount the water trap/strainer and place the grid/grating within the channel. To prevent any odor from escaping from the sewage system.

Purus info@purusinternational.com
+46 (0) 10 41 44 9001 (44)
Purus AB – Monteringsanvisning rostfria golvrännor – 23916 – 2024-01-25


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