Panasonic 5qd6vni7fsm Microwave Oven User Guide

August 31, 2024

5qd6vni7fsm Microwave Oven


Product Information


  • Product Name: KAIROS Software Option Touch Control Panel
  • Firmware Version: V1.6.2
  • Model Number: W1023XX1034-DS-YI
  • Language: English

Product Usage Instructions

Network Security

When using the KAIROS system connected to a network, it is
essential to consider the following security risks:

  • Leakage or theft of information
  • Unauthorized operation by malicious individuals
  • Interference with or stoppage of the system by malicious

To mitigate these risks, follow these precautions:

  1. Use the system in a network secured by a firewall.

  2. Ensure the system is free from computer viruses and malicious

  3. Protect your network against unauthorized access by
    implementing user authentication.

  4. Close all web browsers after accessing the system as an

  5. Change the administrator password regularly.

Usage Restrictions

For optimal performance, it is recommended to connect the
system, controller, and any computers to the same network segment.
Avoid connecting devices from different segments to prevent
unexpected events based on network device settings.


Q: What firmware version does the KAIROS Software Option Touch

Control Panel support?

A: The KAIROS Software Option Touch Control Panel supports
firmware version V1.6.2.

Q: How can I ensure network security when using the KAIROS


A: To enhance network security, follow the precautions listed in
the product manual, such as using a firewall, updating antivirus
programs, implementing user authentication, and changing the
administrator password regularly.


IT/IP Platform
Operating Guide
For KAIROS Software Option “Touch Control Panel”
Updated: Feb.29.2024 Kairos firmware version V1.6.2 supported

W1023XX1034 -DS-YI


Change History

Oct 20.2023 Feb.29.2024

Kairos firmware version V1.5.0 supported. Touch Control Panel version V1.5.0 Kairos firmware version V1.6.2 supported. Touch Control Panel version V1.6.2

Trademarks and registered trademarks
f Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
f NDI® is a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc. f Ross, Ross Talk, and XPression, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ross Video Limited. f Other names of companies and products contained in this document may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright and license
f Distributing, copying, disassembling, reverse compiling, reverse engineering, and also exporting in violation of export laws of the software provided with this unit are expressly prohibited.
How to read this document
rIllustrations and screen displays featured in this document
f This document’s illustrations and screen displays may differ from how they actually appear.
rReference pages
f Reference pages in this document are indicated by (page 00).

Network security
As the KAIROS system intended to be used while connected to a network, the following security risks exist.
Leakage or theft of information through the system Unauthorized operation of the system by persons with malicious intent Interference with or stoppage of the system by persons with malicious intent It is your responsibility to take precautions, such as those described below, to protect yourself against the above network security risks. Panasonic does not accept any responsibility for damage of this type.
Use the system in a network secured by a firewall, etc. Make sure that the system is not infected by computer viruses or other malicious programs (using
a regularly updated antivirus program, anti-spyware program, etc.). Protect your network against unauthorized access by restricting users to those who log in with an
authorized user name and password. After accessing the system as an administrator, be sure to close all web browsers. Change the administrator password periodically. To avoid passwords that can be guessed easily by third parties, set a password of at least 8
characters in length, including at least 3 different types of characters, such as upper case, lower case, numbers, and symbols. Restrict access to the system by authenticating the users, for example, to prevent setting information stored on the system from leaking over the network. Do not install the system in locations where the system, cables, and other parts can be easily damaged or destroyed by persons with malicious intent. Avoid connections that use public lines. The staff of our company and our affiliated companies will never ask for the password directly from the customer.
Note: Notes on user authentication User authentication on the system can be performed via basic authentication. If basic authentication
is used without the use of a dedicated authentication device, password leaks may occur.
Usage restrictions We recommend connecting the system, controller, and any computes to the same network segment.
Events based on settings inherent to the network devices, for example, may occur in connections that include different segments, so be sure to perform checks prior to operation.

Table of Contents
1 Overview………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 1.1 General ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 1.2 Key Features ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
1.2.1 Programmable Tiles……………………………………………………………………………………. 6 1.2.2 Additional programmable “Function” buttons………………………………………………….. 7 1.2.3 Programmable User Profiles………………………………………………………………………… 8 1.3 How to get started …………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 2 Software Installation & License …………………………………………………………………….. 10 2.1 Software Installation: ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10 2.2 License: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 2.2.1 Licenses Required for KAIROS: …………………………………………………………………. 10 2.2.2 Confirm Installed Licenses (Kairos Core) …………………………………………………….. 12 2.2.3 Confirm Software Version: …………………………………………………………………………. 13 3 GUI Operations (Graphical User Interface) …………………………………………………….. 15 3.1 Touch Control Menu Tray……………………………………………………………………………….. 15 3.2 Touch Control Example ………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 3.3 Change Layout ­ Edit Mode ……………………………………………………………………………. 20 3.4 Programming Multiviewer Tiles ……………………………………………………………………….. 22 3.5 Touch Control Profiles ……………………………………………………………………………………. 25

1 Overview
1.1 General
“Touch Control Panel” is a new optional software for Kairos supported by Kairos Software version V1.5.0. The software runs on Windows-OS and enables use of Multiviewer layouts as well as Stream-1 or Stream-2 outputs, and applies various controls inside and/or outside selected stream signals such as Macros, Snapshots, Crosspoint control, etc. to be used via a connected Touchscreen or by Mouse. This could eliminate the use of a physical Control Panel depending on the Production outline. When using a Multiviewer layout inside Touch Control Panel, every tile within the layout provides up to 2 individual as well as selectable controls. On top of this, Touch Control Panel also provides additional 92 programmable buttons within the Touchscreen outside the streaming area. Per Production, the User can select out of 8 individual profiles, even when “On-Air.”
1.2 Key Features
1.2.1 Programmable Tiles



MV-1 Default Production layout, showing PGM & PVW from the Scene called “Main” and IP-Inputs 1-15.

Corresponding Touch Control layout for MV-1 with “Edit Mode” enabled within Touch Control Menu tray.

Edit Mode On/Off.





Select a single programmable button, executed when touching the tile anywhere in the active area.

Selection for 2 programmable buttons. The execution area is split in half for individual left & right actions.

Clicking on a programmable button opens a selection dialog for “Set Action” or “Set Bus.” “Set Action” will open a list with all available Macros, Snapshots, Transition controls, and TMC’s (Tape Motion Controls) for Clip, Ram, and Audio Players. “Set Bus” will start a dialog where all existing Buses are listed to select from (within the actual running Production). Pick an available Bus for the selected Input Source represented on the selected Multiviewer-Tile.

When finished with the setup of a single Tile, the “Apply to All” button in the upper left corner can be used to copy the setup from the actual selected Tile to all other displayed Tiles within “Touch Control Panel.”


1.2.2 Additional programmable “Function” buttons
When “Edit Mode” is active and the selected “Change Layout” mode (“Bottom Right” in this case) is revealed as in Picture below, 92 additional programmable buttons can be accessed. Also, Profile selection (1-8) and “Enter file transfer password” operations can be entered here.

The blue framed areas display additional horizontal and vertical programmable buttons. While “Edit Mode” is active, select “Change Layout” from the “Touch Control Panel” menu tray and pick “Bottom Right.” Now, click on the rounded icon in the lower right corner (picture to reveal the above displayed layout (picture Depending on the last selection under “Change Layout” (picture in the Touch Control menu tray, a small rounded icon appears in the designated corners of the Touch Control main control page (see pictures ­ These icons can also be used to make a “Change Layout” operation without using the drop-down menu. Hide these additional horizontal and vertical programmable buttons again by using the left mouse- click on the “Crosshair” button in the lower right corner within Picture

Selecting “Change Layout” from the Menu tray (see picture
Top Left delegation
Top Right delegation
Bottom Left delegation
Bottom Right delegation








1.2.3 Programmable User Profiles
While the KAIROS Multiviewer layouts are handling the programmable Actions/Buses within the Multiviewer tiles, Touch Control is adding the User Profiles 1-8 with 92 additional programmable buttons each. The Multiviewer layouts as well as the Touch Control User Profiles are saved/recalled per production. In case more Multiviewer tiles and/or the number of additional programmable buttons are needed, keep in mind that the Multiviewer layouts (1-12) as well as the User Profiles (1-8) can be changed/recalled at any time, even during a running production.

Note: The Touch Control Panel User Profile settings and the Kairos Control User Profile settings are independent of each other.

The “orange” framed section on the last page within the lower right corner of Picture enables selecting out of 8 different user programmable Profiles. Also, the “Enter file transfer password” operation can be executed from here when necessary (e.g. set Source Settings or displaying thumbnails of Still, Ram Player, and Clip Player). (See blue arrow markers.)


Picture Picture



1.3 How to get started
1. Once Kairos Core (Main Frame) is powered up, the Multi-Viewer outputs can be seen and configurated using KAIROS Creator GUI or using the physically connected Multiviewer monitors. Therefore, running at least 1 instance of KAIROS Creator is mandatory for the Multiviewer layout configuration and creating the Production in general.
2. Connect LAN1 of Kairos Core (Main Frame) and Kairos Creator (GUI PC) in the same network. Open the Kairos Creator and connect to Kairos Core with an appropriate IP address setting. Also, open the Touch Control Panel (on the same GUI PC or on a separate PC) and connect to the Kairos Core with an appropriate IP address setting. Default IP address of Kairos Core LAN1: The “MIXER” ­ “Control” menu is displayed on the Kairos Creator.
The “Touch Control Panel” GUI is displayed on the connected PC showing the default MV-1 layout.

1Gbit Ethernet

Kairos Core (Main Frame)

Kairos Creator (GUI PC)

Kairos Creator &
Touch Control (GUI PC/2nd GUI)

2 Software Installation & License
2.1 Software Installation:
Using Kairos devices requires a membership registration to PASS. PASS is a website that provides support for Panasonic professional video product owners.
Please visit the following site for more details about software download and installation.
2.2 License:
2.2.1 Licenses Required for KAIROS:

Every connected Kairos Creator, Touch Control Panel, and every participating Kairos Core requires a valid License file in order to function properly within the system.
The Kairos Creator (GUI Software for PC) needs: · AT-SFC10 (Software Key for Kairos Creator)
The Touch Control Panel (GUI Software for PC) needs: · AT-SFTC10 (Software Key for Touch Control Panel)

The licenses for Kairos Core (Main Frame) are divided into separate parts which include several available License packages so far:
· AT-SF001 (4K Support) · AT-SF002 (I/O expansion) · AT-SF003 (Canvas Output) · AT-SF005 (Audio Mixer) · AT-SFE01 (Ross Talk) · AT-SFE03 (NMOS)
The optional Kairos Control (AT-KC10C1 or AT-KC10C2) does not need a license.


With no license, Kairos Creator displays the following:
System ID is a specific ID for the PC. Note: The “System-ID” is needed in order to create a valid “License-Key.” For license installation, please refer to the following site: With no license, Touch Control Panel displays the following:
System ID is a specific ID for the PC. Note: The “System-ID” is needed in order to create a valid “License-Key.” For license installation, please refer to the following site:

2.2.2 Confirm Installed Licenses (Kairos Core)
Once the “Kairos Creator” App is running, the “Help” menu in the top right corner enables selection of “Install license” which is used for the connected Kairos Core.


Please refer to the following site for license installation:


The installed license files are listed here.

Note: Starting with KAIROS Core KC200/KC2000-Series, there are various licenses already included in the basic package.


2.2.3 Confirm Software Version:
Once the “Kairos Creator” App is running, the “Help” menu in the top right corner enables selection of “About….”

Software version of Kairos Creator.

Software version of Kairos Core.

Note: Starting with SW-Version 1.4.0, the

“kairos-creator-setup.exe” for Windows allows

applications beside “KairosCreator”-GUI, to





“KairosAudioMixer”-tab, “KairosPainter”-tab,

and the entire “KairosMedia”-tab, which do not

require any license-key. This allows multiple

users parallel access to those specific menus

over various workstations. To install/update

these items, a separate “SoftwareUpdater-GUI”

program can be installed. This eliminates the

need of “KairosCreator” installation for any

install/update operation to start with.


When the “Touch Control Panel” App is running, the Touch Control menu tray enables selection of “About” in the upper right corner.

Software version of Touch Control Panel.

Software version of Kairos Core.


3 GUI Operations (Graphical User Interface)
3.1 Touch Control Menu Tray

Swipe Menu Tray On/Off

Stream MV-1 selected

Picture 3.1.1
Swiping the blue rounded knob turns the Touch Control menu tray On/Off (please compare with the swiped off menu tray on page 9 picture At this point, Touch Control is monitoring the Default MV-1 production layout. From here, other Multiviewers 1-4 as well as “Stream Aux1” or “Stream Aux2” can be selected.
Picture 3.1.2
Touch control menu tray items are: “Close”: Will terminate the Touch Control application. “Connect”: Clicking the Connect button will open the dialog to enter the IP-address for a Kairos core to connect to.

Picture 3.1.3

Picture 3.1.4

When “Disconnected,” the drop-down menu can be used to show a

list of the last established connections. You can also type in a new IP-

Address to connect to.

Picture 3.1.5

“Fullscreen”: Will automatically adapt the screen size of the display where Touch Control software is executed and maps the application to maximum screen size.

“Change Layout”: See section “1.2.2 Additional programmable “Function” buttons” on page 7 in this manual.


“Show Actions”: Superimposes the selected function(s) per

Multiviewer tile towards the top of the image.

Picture 3.1.6

In this case, for the tile where Input-5 is monitored, the left side of the tile will execute a “Cut” Input-5 straight to PGM, and the right side will preset Input-5 to the PVW screen.

Picture 3.1.7

“Audio”: Will enable/disable the Audio-Stream from the selected MV1-4 or Stream Aux1-2 within Touch Control.

“Edit Mode”: See section “1.2.1 Programmable Tiles” on page 6 in this manual.

“Touch”: Will enable/disable all Touch/Mouse operations from the Touch Control application except the Menu tray functions.

Picture 3.1.8
“MV1-4” & “Stream Aux1/2”: Selection buttons to pick the signal to be used within Touch Control in order to map the available controls for “Actions” and/or “Buses.”
Picture 3.1.9
“About”: Pressing the “i”-button labeled “About” will display an information page regarding the connected Hardware, Software Version, and System-ID. Apart from “Close” (window), there’s no active control within this page (for more details see page 14 in this manual).
Picture 3.1.10


3.2 Touch Control Example
Picture 3.2.1
This example shows the “Scene” called “Main.” The top left is “Main”-PGM and the top right is “Main”PVW. The first 4 items in the next 2 rows show Inputs 1-8. The last row shows, from left to right, ClipPlayer-1 & 2, GFX1 (Painter-1), and the “Scene” called “Main+GFX” which permanently keys the GFX1 over the “Scene” called “Main.” Right above the analog clock is a placeholder item called “FxReplay.” Underneath the Clocks and GPU elements, the “Scene” called “2Box” is located. Right below are 3 more placeholders labeled “Left,” “Split,” and “Right.” These tiles also show the “Scene” called “2Box” and are used only for that purpose to provide 3 more programmable controls in order to run the “2Box” effect. The same principal is used for the items underneath, where the “Scene” called “OTS Left” is allocated. The tiles right below also show “OTS Left,” adding 2 more controls for “Front” and “Back,” in order to run the “OverTheShoulder” effect. The 2 labels “PVW-1” and “PVW-2” are names for a single tile using a Color Matte with the same “Grey” color as the MV- Background Color.
Picture 3.2.2
Note: In order to see the programmable buttons overlay, a Multiviewer tile needs to be at least in 10% size. Otherwise, the overlay will be ignored. So, starting in 10% size for editing and reducing the size hereafter will still execute the programmed functions when “Edit Mode” is turned off.

In this case, the edit-button overlays for “FxReplay, Left, Split, Right, Front & Back” are ignored because the individual tile-size per element is below 10%.
The blue framed tiles in Picture 3.2.2 are common since they are all using the same style of controls. Clicking on the left half of an image will “Cut” the signal straight to “Main”-PGM. Clicking the right half instead will preselect the signal on “Main”-PVW first. Both selections use Macros, because as a side effect, switching a signal to PGM will also select the “Left” source for the “Scene” called “2Box” and also the source for the “Scene” named “OTS.” Selecting the source to “Main”-PVW will also set the right box source within the “2Box” effect. See section “3.5 Touch Control Profiles” picture 3.5.1 on page 25 in this manual to overwrite these controls.
The orange surrounded elements all control very specific tasks such as Macros, Snapshots, Transitions, etc. Here, we are looking at the available Transitions within the “Scene” called “Main:”
There are various Transitions prepared for the “Main Scene” such as “BgdMix” which will execute a BGD-only Transition. “GFX-1” will dissolve On/Off the Painter Ch.-1. The Transition “Replay BGD” will execute a “User”-Transition called “Energy” on the Background only. The same “User”-Transition applied to the Background-Layer and the Layer labeled “CG-1” will be operated with the Transition “Replay GFX.” Finally, there is the FadeToBlack (FTB) Transition ­ if needed.
Picture 3.2.3
The controls in these 2 tiles (Global Macros) are affecting the graphic elements deriving from Painter Channel-1:

Left action: Increase score

Right action: Increase score

Start Game Clock

Stop Game Clock

Picture 3.2.4

Picture 3.2.5

These 2 tiles are affecting Graphics and Transition (Global Macros) elements inside “Main Scene”:

Auto Transition On/Off GFX-1

Reset Score & Game Clock

“CUT” Transition with Look Ahead

“Auto” Transition with Look Ahead

Picture 3.2.8 Picture 3.2.9

Picture 3.2.6
Force LAH-PVW to Background only.
Force LAH-PVW to Background + GFX1.

Picture 3.2.10

Picture 3.2.7
“BGD” executing Transition “Replay BGD.” “BGD” executing Transition “Replay GFX.”

Picture 3.2.11

Picture 3.2.12

Picture 3.2.13

The tiles “Left, Split & Right” also monitor the Scene called “2Box,” providing each a single “Action” only.

They are executing/recalling their individual Scene-Snapshot positions (see picture 3.2.14) whereby

“Left/Right” is running from their individual “Split”-position to “Fullscreen” and vice-versa. The names

were created by setting the individual tile “Label position” (Tile Advanced settings) to “Hidden” and

inserting a “New Label” text per tile.

Picture 3.2.14

Picture 3.2.15

Picture 3.2.16

The tiles “Front & Back” also monitor the Scene called “OTS Left,” providing a single “Action” each. They each execute/recall their individual Scene-Snapshot positions (see picture 3.2.17). Here, “Front” is running from the specific “OTS Left”-position to “Fullscreen” and vice-versa. Again, the names were created by setting the individual tile “Label position” (Tile Advanced settings) to “Hidden” and inserting a “New Label” text per tile.

Picture 3.2.17
The tile named “FxReplay,” right above the analog clock, derived from a renamed and adjusted Color Matte and is using 2 “Action” elements (see the end of previous page picture 3.2.10). For the “PVW1 & 2” elements, the Color Matte “Grey” is used with another 2 “Action” elements and executes “Global Macros” to force the described “LAH-PVW” (LookAhead-Preview) behavior. The Color Matte “Grey” is the same as the Multiviewer-1 Background Color in order to highlight only the 2 “New Label” textelements using their dark-grey and transparent Background color.

Picture 3.2.18
Note: These controls are all executed within the Multiviewer layout. Apart from the saved/recalled “Production”-file, these controls are also handled within the Multiviewer Presets 1-12!

3.3 Change Layout ­ Edit Mode
For more details regarding “Change Layout,” see section “1.2.2 Additional programmable “Function” buttons” on page 7 in this Manual. Starting here with “Edit Mode – On,” the layout is set to “Bottom Right” and the empty “Profile 4” is selected.
Bottom Right

Picture 3.3.1
The blue framed box shows the resized and previously explained “Touch Control Panel” programmable tiles area. The orange bordered areas show additional programmable buttons which are not related to Multiviewer tiles. In this example, the empty “Profile 4” is selected, located in the green bordered area in the lower right corner, which makes – depending on the setting in “Change Layout” – the appearance slightly different:

Top Left
Picture 3.3.2
Bottom Left
Picture 3.3.4

Top Right
Picture 3.3.3
Bottom Right
Picture 3.3.5

Since “Edit Mode” is active and “Change Layout” from the menu tray has selected “Bottom Right,” click the rounded icon in the lower right corner to reveal the displayed layout (picture 3.3.1). Depending on the last selection under “Change Layout” in the Touch Control menu tray, a small rounded icon appears in the designated corners of the Touch Control main control page (see also pictures ­ on page 7 in this manual). These icons can also be used to make a “Change Layout” operation without using the drop-down menu. Hide these additional horizontal and vertical programmable buttons again by using a left mouse-click on the “Crosshair” button appearing in Pictures 3.3.2 ­ 3.3.5 marked with a yellow circle.



Picture 3.3.6
Left mouse-clicking the “Crosshair” button in any corner of the Touch Control GUI and moving it slightly will show all available destinations for “Change Layout” operations, indicated with a rounded line in their designated corners. While left mouse-clicking and holding, the “Crosshair” button can be dragged to another marked destination and dropped there. This is mimicking the “Change Layout” dropdown menu operation using the mouse/touchscreen only.


3.4 Programming Multiviewer Tiles
Programming Multiviewer-Tiles while in “Edit Mode” (picture 3.3.1) or any of the additional programmable “Profile 1-8” buttons (picture 3.4.2) is the same and starts with:

Start programming a Multiviewer-Tile.
Picture 3.4.1
Select “Set Action…” within a Multiviewer-Tile:

Start programming any of the additional Profile 1-8 buttons.

Picture 3.4.2

Picture 3.4.3

Picture 3.4.4

Now Touch Control is browsing the loaded Production and shows the available elements. In Picture 3.4.3, the “Templates” directory with the Scene named “2Box” is selected showing a list of all existing

“Actions” such as all Transition types, Scene Macros, and Snapshots. Apart from that, all other TMC’s

(TapeMotionCommands) from the internal devices (picture 3.4.4) can be triggered. On top of the

monitored items (picture 3.4.3 & 3.4.4), Global Macros with all belonging subdirectories can be found

and used for “Set Action…” commands.

Select “Set Bus…” within a Multiviewer-Tile:

Picture 3.4.5

Picture 3.4.6

In this case, the selected Multiviewer-Tile is already pre-defining the Source. Touch Control is now

browsing the loaded Production regarding all available Input – and Output buses. Picture 3.4.5 is

browsing the Scene-Directory with the selected “SourceA” (PGM-Bus, “SourceB ”=PST-Bus) from

“Background” out of “Layers” from the Scene named “Main.” In Picture 3.4.6, the “AUX” output list is

monitored for all configured Output types such as IP, SDI, NDI, and Stream outputs. Here, the selection


has to be made for “Source” (Video) or “Audio source.” When a Multiviewer is in focus, there’s only 1 “Audio source” per Multiviewer 1-4 head and only 1 “source” selectable (Video) per tile within the selected Multiviewer directory.
Note: The crosspoint which is already used as an input source for the particular Multiviewer-Tile before the “Set Bus…” dialog was started will be used as a source for the selected bus.
Select “Set Action Button” on any of the additional programmable buttons of the Touch Control Profiles (1-8) to take the same action as described on the previous page “Set Action…” within a Multiviewer-Tile.
To start the “Add Crosspoint Button” dialog for the additional programmable buttons instead, 2 steps are required:
Picture 3.4.7
Step-1: “– select bus –”

Picture 3.4.8
In the first step, Touch Control is browsing the loaded Production regarding all available buses where video and/or audio source selection is possible. Picture 3.4.9 is browsing the SceneDirectory with “SourceA” in focus (“SourceA ”=PGM-Bus, “SourceB” stands for PST-Bus). This selection derives from the Scene named “Main” where “Background” is selected within the “Layers”-directory. “AUX & Multiviewer 1-4” also allows to select an audio source. By confirming this selection with “Ok,” it becomes the selected bus for the next step “– select source –” (picture 3.4.10).
Step-2: “– select source –”

Picture 3.4.9

Picture 3.4.10
In the second step of the “Add Crosspoint Button” dialog named “– select source –,” Touch Control will browse the loaded Production and locate all available Video and Audio sources (picture 3.4.11 on next page) to select from. One audio source is available per Multiviewer 1-4 and one audio source per AuxBus.

Step-2 is browsing all available sources from “Scenes, Inputs, FxInputs, RamPlayers (Channel 1-8), Clips (loaded Ram Clips), Clip Players (Channel 1&2), Stills (loaded Stills), Color Mattes, Gfx (Painter Channel 1&2),” and “Internals (Black, White, ColorBar, ColorCircle, MV1-4).”
Picture 3.4.11
After confirming the selection with “Ok,” the result will be prompted in a final window: “Bus” = “Scenes/Main/Layers/Background/sourceA” “Source” = “IP1”

Picture 3.4.12
Opening the “Source” selection again simply allows selection of another source instead. Open the “Bus” selection again at this stage while a “Source” has been selected already and dialog starts from scratch with Step1: “– select bus –” again. When finished with the “Bus & Source” selection, press “Ok” to confirm. “Cancel” will abort this dialog without any changes.

Picture 3.4.13

While in Edit Mode and the dialog for an “additional programmable Function button” is complete, there will be “3 dots” appearing in the upper left corner of the icon and a “minus” symbol in the upper right corner
(see picture 3.4.13). Clicking on “properties” (3 dots) on any of the finished icons will open the pop-up window that enables selection of “Change Crosspoint” (which will start the dialog “Add Crosspoint Button” next to the picture 3.4.7 on page 23), “Change Text” dialog, or the “Change Color” selection window on the selected icon. The “minus” symbol will delete the button and the icon will appear as again.


3.5 Touch Control Profiles
Profiles (1-8) within Touch Control allows to define various control-sets and select them “on the fly” during production. The additional programmable buttons appear when clicking the rounded button in one of the screen corners defined via the “Change Layout” function in the Touch Control Menu tray (for more details, see section “1.2.2 Additional programmable “Function” buttons”). The Touch Control Profiles are saved and recalled with the KAIROS Production file. Here are some examples:
Selecting “Profile 1” (Layout=Bottom Right):

Action Buttons to control the Crosspoints for the Scene “2Box” Left & Right. Action Buttons to control the Crosspoints for the Scene “OTS Left” box source. In this case, “Profile-1” is adding crosspoint controls for the Scene “2Box” and “OTS Left.”

Picture 3.5.1

Selecting “Profile 2” (Layout=Bottom Right):

Simulating PGM/PST Bus control from “Main”
All relavant Transition controls within “Main”
Fade to Black and
Fade from Black in
“Main” Scene.

Picture 3.5.2
“Profile-2” provides PGM/PST crosspoint controls for the Scene called “Main.” Additionally, all relevant Transitions-controls are accessible. Also, the “Fade to Black” and “Fade from Black” Transitions were added.

“Profile 3” (Layout=Bottom Right) combines “Profile 1” and “Profile 2” into a single control page:
Picture 3.5.3
Picture 3.5.4
When in the Touch Control Menu tray, the functions “Edit Mode” and “Fullscreen”-mode are disabled, and the area where the “Additional programmable Function buttons” are located becomes too small to represent them all at once. Therefore, the mouse/touchscreen can be used to scroll these designated group of buttons horizontally/vertically. Note: When in “Edit Mode” and the additional “Function” buttons are visible (revealed), the individual buttons can be re-arranged by left mouse clicking as well as dragging and dropping them to a new destination. Note: The color of each action button is displayed with the color settings set in Kairos Creator. Action Buttons to control the Crosspoints for the Scene will display the layer color, all existing action buttons, such as transitions, Scene Macros, and Snapshots will display the user-set color.

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