MUSICAL FIDELITY M2si Integrated Amplifier Instruction Manual

August 20, 2024

MUSICAL FIDELITY M2si Integrated Amplifier


  • Q: How do I clean the Musical Fidelity M2si integrated amplifier?
    • A: Before cleaning, ensure to switch off the power and unplug the unit. Use a moist cloth to clean the cabinet and remote control, avoiding solvents.
  • Q: How can I dispose of the product?
    • A: The product must not be disposed of as normal household waste. Contact local authorities for proper recycling facilities.

Instructions for use

  • Thank you for purchasing the Musical Fidelity M2si integrated amplifier.
  • The M2si uses our tried and tested ultra-low distortion power amplifier circuitry, which has enough current reserve to drive even the most demanding speakers with ease.
  • A very low noise and distortion, high-quality preamplifier completes the integrated amplifier giving a perfect sound from a compact-looking full-size unit.
  • The M2si will aesthetically match with present and future ‘M’ series products. Such a combination will yield one of the best high-fidelity systems available at any price.
  • Used properly and carefully, it should give many years of outstanding musical reproduction.
  • Dust regularly with a soft duster or soft brush, but be careful when using cleaning or polishing agents – they may harm the surface finish.
  • If there are any questions about the audio system, please consult the dealer who is there to help and advise.


IMPORTANT! (U.K. only)

  • This unit is supplied in the U.K. with mains lead fitted with a moulded 13 amp plug. If, for any reason, it is necessary to remove the plug, please remove the fuse holder and dispose of the plug safely, out of reach of children.

It must not be plugged into a main outlet.

  • The wires in the mains lead supplied with this appliance are colored by the following code:
    • Green and yellow ……………………….. Earth
    • Blue ………………………………………… Neutral
    • Brown ………………………………………….. Live
  • WARNING – This appliance MUST be earthed

As the colors of the wires of the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the colored markings identifying the terminals in the plug, proceed as follows:

  • The wire which is colored green-and-yellow must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter E or colored green or green-and-yellow, or by the earth symbol:
  • The wire which is colored brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or colored red.
  • The wire which is colored blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or colored black.
  • If connecting to a BS1363 plug, a 13 amp fuse must be used.


Installation, Precautions & User Information

This new M2si is designed and built to provide trouble-free performance, but as with all electronic devices it is necessary to observe a few precautions:

  • Heed all warnings shown on the back of the product.
  • Only connect the M2si to a mains outlet having the same voltage as marked at the back of the unit.
  • Always ensure that when disconnecting and reconnecting your audio equipment the mains supply is switched off.
  • Position the main’s lead and signal interconnects where they are not likely to be walked on or trapped by items placed on them.
  • Do not use near water, or place water-filled containers on the M2si, for example, a flower vase or potted plants. If water does spill inside, immediately pull out the mains plug from the wall socket and inform your dealer, who should then check the unit before further use. Entry of liquid into the M2si is dangerous and may cause electric shock or fire hazard.
  • Do not place the unit near direct heat sources such as radiators, direct sunlight, or other equipment.
  • Do not remove any covers or try to gain access to the inside. There are no internal adjustments or fuses you can replace yourself. Refer all service work to an authorized Musical Fidelity agent.
  • Note: Unauthorised opening of the equipment will invalidate any warranty claim.
  • Dust regularly with a soft cloth or soft brush but be careful when using cleaning or polishing agents – they may harm the surface finish.
  • The electronics in modern hi-fi equipment is complex and may, therefore, be adversely affected or damaged by lightning. For the protection of the audio system during electrical storms, remove the main plugs.
  • If after-sales service is required, to help the dealer identify the M2si please quote the serial number located on the rear panel of the unit.


    • The crossed-out wheeled bin label that appears on the back panel of the product indicates that the product must not be disposed of as normal household waste.
    • To prevent possible harm to the environment please separate the product from other waste to ensure that it can be recycled in an environmentally safe manner.
    • Please contact the local government office or retailer for available collection facilities.



  • Congratulations on the purchase of the new M2si integrated amplifier. Great attention has been paid to internal layout, isolating each circuit section to prevent possible interaction.
  • The unit features a finely tuned and tweaked preamplifier, for smooth sound coupled with low noise and virtually no distortion.
  • The power amplifier consists of two top-quality power amplifiers for the absolute best in separation and imaging.
  • Generously rated, they are enough to drive even the most demanding loudspeakers with ease. Low distortion and very quiet they will deliver all music types exactly as the artist originally intended.
  • The resultant performance achieved by this unit is among the best in the world. It has an excellent signal-to-noise ratio, low distortion, wide bandwidth, and dynamic range, with extraordinary resolution and fine detail.


  • Before cleaning the unit, switch off the power at the mains switch and remove the mains plug from the wall socket.
  • Clean the cabinet and remote control unit using a moist cloth. Using solvents, white spirits, or thinners is not advised, as they could damage the surface finish.


  • Position the M2si on a stable, horizontal surface where there is no risk of it being knocked, or subjected to vibration such as from loudspeakers.

Important note:

  • In normal operation, the unit dissipates a small quantity of power at all times, and it must be adequately ventilated. The top and bottom are perforated to allow the smooth flow of heat through the unit.
  • It is therefore not recommended that the unit is enclosed in a cabinet or placed where the ventilation holes are impeded as this could result in excessive heat build-up.
  • The M2si must be protected from humidity – if the unit is moved from a cold place to a warm room, leave the unit for an hour or so to allow sufficient time for the moisture to evaporate.

Power Connections

  • The M2si is supplied with a standard IEC mains cable which plugs into the IEC socket at the back of the unit (see page 7)

Audio Connections

  • RCA Inputs: Connect all RCA single-ended sources to relevant analog inputs (see page 7 for more information). Use good quality fully connected (signal and ground) coaxial phono cables for all RCA signal connections.
  • Outputs: Connect loudspeakers to the terminals on the back panel marked as LEFT and RIGHT SPEAKER outputs
  • The TAPE output allows a loop through analog signals, for example, to pass on to the recorder or monitor. It is also the ideal output to connect our headphone amps into.
  • The PRE-OUT output allows analogue signals controlled by the volume, to pass on to a second amplifier. This is useful for bi-amping.


  1. ON/OFF Button
  2. CD, TUNER, AUX1/HT, AUX2, AUX3, TAPE input selector buttons
  3. VOLUME control
  4. IR RECEIVER lens
  5. LOUDSPEAKER OUTPUTS right and left
  6. HT/AUX selector for AUX1/HT input
  7. CD, TUNER, AUX1/HT, AUX2, AUX3, TAPE input RCA sockets
  8. PRE, TAPE output RCA sockets


  • The universal remote control shown below enables functions from this and related units to be operated from a convenient distance.
  • Equivalent buttons on the remote control have the same functions as those on the front panel of the unit. Other functions are only available by remote control.
  • As the handset uses an invisible infrared light beam, the front edge must be pointed directly towards the receiver window at the front of the player, without visual obstruction between them.
  • If the range of the remote control greatly decreases, replace the batteries with new ones. Do not mix old and new batteries – two are required, size AAA, LR03, or SUM-4.
  • Please dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations.

Amplifier section

  • CD – selects CD input (on amplifier)
  • TUNER – selects TUNER input
  • AUX1/HT – selects AUX/HT input
  • AUX2 – selects AUX2 input
  • AUX3 – selects AUX3 input
  • TAPE – selects TAPE input

CD player section

  • TIME – displays track time/time remaining
  • 0-9 Buttons – Used to select track numbers
  • CHECK – check pre-programmed tracks
  • PROGRAM – programs selection and order of tracks
  • INTRO – plays the first 10 seconds of each track
  • REPEAT – repeats whole disk or selected tracks
  • SEARCH – fast forward/backward through track
  • STOP – Stop playing/Eject CD
  • MUTE – mutes speaker outputs (until pressed again).
  • VOLUME ▲ – increases volume
  • VOLUME ▼ – reduces volume
  • DISPLAY – dims display
  • CLEAR – clears selected pre-programmed track
  • A/B sets repeat start/end to repeat section of track
  • SHUFFLE – plays back tracks in random order
  • TRACK – next/previous track
  • PAUSE/PLAY – stop/start CD playback


  • Once all connections are made, switch on the unit, using the POWER button in front of the unit. The MUTE LED will light.
  • Speaker outputs are muted for about 6 seconds, so no sound will be heard from the speakers. Once the 6 seconds is up the MUTE LED goes out, indicating the unit is settled, and ready for use.


  • The volume should be adjusted for normal listening levels. This is done by turning the volume up/down knob on the front panel.
  • Adjusting the volume can also be achieved by pressing the volume up/down buttons on the remote control handset. (see page 8)

Mute (Remote Control only)

  • The sound from the speakers may be muted by use of the MUTE button on the remote. Press once, and MUTE
  • LED will light, indicating a muted state. No sound will be heard from the speakers.
  • To return to listening; simply press the MUTE button again so the MUTE LED is no longer lit.


  • To use the CD input, connect CD player outputs to the CD input RCA sockets (see page 7).
  • Select CD input by pressing the CD button so the CD LED lights.
  • Pressing the corresponding button on the remote handset has the same effect (see page 8).


  • To use the tuner input, connect tuner outputs to the TUNER input RCA sockets (see page 7).
  • Select TUNER input by pressing the TUNER button so TUNER LED lights.
  • Pressing the corresponding button on the remote handset has the same effect (see page 8).


  • To use the AUX1/HT input as a standard input, move the AUX/HT switch on the back panel to the AUX position. Connect source outputs to the AUX1 input RCA sockets.
  • Select AUX1/HT input by pressing the AUX1/HT button so AUX1/HT LED lights.
  • Pressing the corresponding button on the remote handset has the same effect.
  • To use the AUX1/HT input as a Home Theatre input, move the AUX/HT switch to the HT position.
  • This input is now unaffected by the volume control, allowing volume control on an external Home Theatre processor to be used directly. Connect Home theatre or other source outputs to the AUX1/HT input RCA sockets.
  • Select AUX1/HT input by pressing the AUX1/HT button so AUX1/HT LED lights.
  • IMPORTANT: Take great care when using the input in HT mode. Ensure that the volume control is turned right down on the HT processor when first setting up.
  • The HT mode is designed for sources that require their volume control to be used. Connecting sources in HT mode with no volume control could result in damage to hearing and/or speakers due to uncontrolled loud sounds.


  • To use the AUX2 input, connect source outputs to the AUX2 input RCA sockets (see page 7).
  • Select AUX2 input by pressing the AUX2 button so AUX2 LED lights.
  • Pressing the corresponding button on the remote handset has the same effect (see page 8).


  • To use the AUX3 input, connect source outputs to the AUX3 input RCA sockets (see page 7).
  • Select AUX3 input by pressing the AUX3 button so AUX3 LED lights.
  • Pressing the corresponding button on the remote handset has the same effect (see page 8).


  • To use the TAPE input, connect the external source to the TAPE input (see page 7).
  • Select TAPE input by pressing the TAPE button so TAPE LED lights.
  • Pressing the corresponding button on the remote handset has the same effect (see page 8).


Basic problem-solving with an amplifier is similar to troubleshooting other electrical or electronic equipment. Always check the most obvious possible causes first, such as the following examples:

Problem Probable Cause Remedy
No power when POWER The mains power plug is not fully inserted into the
rear Plug in securely.
the button is pressed. socket.
No sound The mute function is still active. Press the MUTE button on the

remote control to cancel.
 | Wrong connections between input sources and| Check audio input lead connections.
 | the unit| Check speaker cables.
 | Speakers not connected, or incorrectly wired|
Sound cut| Loose connection| Check speaker and input connections.
 | Output overload or short circuit| Switch unit off. Check speaker connections for shorting
 |  | strands or wires. When all has been double-checked
 |  | reduce volume and switch unit back on.
 |  | N.B. Take great care when bi-wiring or bi-amping that
 |  | speaker bass and treble linking straps are removed; see
 |  | speaker manual for more information.
Sound  is  not  precise,| Speakers are connected out of phase, i.e.,| Ensure speakers are connected with same polarity at
lacking in bass and stereo image.| connections to one speaker (+ and –) are reversed.| amplifier and speaker ends.
Hum.| The audio connector plug not fully pushed in| Insert plug securely.
 | Cable Fault| Check cable is connected at both ends.
 | Unsuitable                                                cable| N.B.  Some esoteric  cables  have  internal  wiring
 | (e.g. cable grounds not connected)| intentionally disconnected/modified. For best results on
 |  | all inputs analog AND digital, please use good quality
 |  | screened coax; signal and screens are both separately connected at both ends.
No audio output, or too| Incorrect or missing connections| Check connections and make sure they are secure.
low-level output.|  |
Remote control does not| The amplifier’sPOWER switch is set to off.| Set the switch to on.

If none of these actions affect a cure, please contact the dealer or an authorized Musical Fidelity service agent. Remember; never open the case of the M2si, as this will invalidate the guarantee.



  • Power 72 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms (18dBW) 22
  • Voltage Volts RMS, 20Hz to 20 kHz; onset of clipping 62 Volts peak to peak
  • Current 25 Amps peak to peak
  • Damping factor 36
  • Output devices 1 pair per channel

Line input

  • THD+N < 0.014 % typical, 20Hz to 20 kHz
  • Signal / noise ratio > 96dB ‘A’-weighted
  • Input impedance 40 k Ohms
  • Frequency response +0, –0.1dB, 10Hz to 20 kHz


  • Line level inputs 6 pairs line level RCA connectors
  • Line level outputs 1 pair line level RCA connectors, constant level TAPE outputs 1 pair line level RCA connectors, preamp outputs e.g. bi-amping
  • Speaker outputs 2 pairs of 4mm banana plug/binding posts

Power requirement

  • Mains voltages 115/230VAC 50/60Hz (factory pre-set)  100VAC 50/60Hz (alternative)
  • Consumption 320 Watts maximum


  • Unit only unboxed 9.2 kg (20¼ lbs)
  • In shipping carton 13 kg (30⅔ lbs)


  • Wide 440 mm (17⅓”)
  • High, including feet 100 mm (4”)
  • Deep (front to back) including terminals 400 mm (15¾”)

Standard accessories

  • IEC type mains lead (10-Amp type)
  • Remote control
  • Batteries, LR03 or AAA, manganese alkaline type – 2 off

Musical Fidelity reserves the right to make improvements that may result in specification or feature changes without notice.


M2si Manual Issue 03 9th December 2016 Power updated.

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