netvox R313CB Wireless Window Sensor with Glass Break Detector User Manual

August 8, 2024

netvox R313CB Wireless Window Sensor with Glass Break Detector

Copyright©Netvox Technology Co., Ltd.
This document contains proprietary technical information which is the property of NETVOX Technology. It shall be maintained in strict confidence and shall not be disclosed to other parties, in whole or in part, without written permission of NETVOX Technology. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.


R313CB is a switch detection device which is the Class A device of Netvox based on LoRaWANTM protocol. It is compatible with the LoRaWAN protocol. When the doors and windows are abnormally opened or the glass of the doors and windows are broken, R313CB will send a message to the gateway. It can be installed on the door or window with two glass sliding sashes. The reed switch and the magnet of the main body are respectively installed on both sides of the window sashes. The external reed switch and the magnet can be installed on both sides of another window sashes, and the glass sensor can be pasted on the glass. When the window or door is opened, R313CB will send an alarm message to the gateway. When the door or window is closed, it will send a message that the state is normal. When the glass is broken, R313CB will send an alarm message to the gateway, and then the data which is sent after breakage is based on the current state. If it is open, the data is an alarm state. If it is closed, the data is a normal state.

LoRa Wireless Technology
LoRa is a wireless communication technology dedicated to long distance and low power consumption. Compared with other communication methods, LoRa spread spectrum modulation method greatly increases to expand the communication distance. Widely used in long-distance, low-data wireless communications. For example, automatic meter reading, building automation equipment, wireless security systems and industrial monitoring. Main features include small size, low power consumption, transmission distance, anti-interference ability and so on.

LoRaWAN uses LoRa technology to define end-to-end standard specifications to ensure interoperability between devices and gateways from different manufacturers.



  • 2 sections of 3V CR2450 button batteries
  • Compatible with LoRaWAN Class A
  • SX1276 wireless communication module
  • Frequency hopping spread spectrum technology
  • Configuring parameters and reading data via the third-party software platforms, and set alarms via SMS text and email (optional)
  • Applicable to the third-party platforms: Actility/ ThingPark/ TTN/ MyDevices/ Cayenne
  • Low power consumption, supports longer battery life
  • Note : Please visit for more information about battery lifespan.

Set up Instruction


Power on

| Insert batteries. (users may need a flat blade screwdriver to open);

Insert two sections of 3V CR2450 button batteries and close the battery cover.)

Turn on| Press any function key until green and red indicator flashes once.

Turn off

(Reset to original setting)

| Press simultaneously and hold two function keys for 5 seconds, and then the green indicator will flash continuously. After release function keys, the green indicator flashes 20 times and the device

will turn off automatically.

Power off| Remove Batteries


| (1)  Remove and insert the battery; the device memorizes previous on/off state by default.

(2)  On/off interval is suggested to be about 10 seconds to avoid the interference of capacitor inductance and other energy storage components.

(3)  Press any function key and insert batteries at the same time; it will enter engineer testing mode.

Network Joining

Never join the network

| Turn on the device to search the network to join. The green indicator stays on for 5 seconds: success

The green indicator remains off: fail

Had joined the network (Not in the original setting)

| Turn on the device to search the previous network to join. The green indicator stays on for 5 seconds: success

The green indicator remains off: fail

Fail to join the network

| Please check device verification on gateway or consulting your platform server provider if the

device fails to join the network.

Function Key

Press and hold for 5 seconds

| Restore to the original setting / Turn off

The green indicator flashes 20 times: success The green indicator remains off: fail

Press once

| The device is in the network: the green indicator flashes once and sends a report

The device is not in the network: the green indicator remains off

Sleeping Mode

The device is turned on and join in the network

| Sleeping period: Min Interval.

When the reportchange exceeds the default or the state of the device changes: send a data report according to Min Interval.

Data Report

After power on, the device will immediately send a version packet report and a data report including reed switch status, glass break status and voltage. The device sends data according to the default configuration before any other configuring.

Default setting:

  • Report MaxTime: 0x0E10 (3600s)
  • Report MinTime: 0x0E10 (3600s)
  • BatteryVoltageChange: 0x01 (0.1V)
  • Last Message Resend time:0x00 (no resend)

Triggering the reed switch:
When the reed switch detects the state changing, the report will be sent immediately.

  • The status1: Close: 0 (off) Open: 1(on)
  • The main body and the external sensor share an I/O status1; therefore, when either the main body or the external sensor is in the open state, the report status will be 1.
  • The report status will be 0 only when both the main body and the external sensor are closed.
  • Triggering the glass sensor: When the glass break sensor detects the state changing, the report will be sent immediately.
  • The status2: No trigger: 0 Trigger: 1


  1. The cycle of the device sending the data report is according to the default.
  2. The interval between two reports must be the MinTime.
  3. The device reported data parsing please refer to Netvox LoraWAN Application Command document and Netvox Lora Command Resolver

Data report configuration and sending period are as following:

Min Interval (Unit: second)| Max Interval (Unit: second)|

Reportable Change

| Current Change ≥ Reportable Change| Current Change <

Reportable Change

Any number between 1~65535| Any number between 1~65535|

Can not be 0

| Report per Min Interval| Report per Max Interval

Example of Report DataCmd

FPort: 0x06

Bytes 1 1 1 Var(Fix=8 Bytes)
  Version DeviceType ReportType NetvoxPayLoadData
  • Version – 1 byte –0x01——the Version of NetvoxLoRaWAN Application Command Version
  • DeviceType – 1 byte – Device Type of Device
  • The device type is listed in Netvox LoRaWAN Application Devicetype doc
  • Report Type – 1 byte –the presentation of the NetvoxPayLoadData,according the devicetype
  • NetvoxPay Load Data – Fixed bytes (Fixed =8bytes)


  1. Battery Voltage:
    The voltage value is bit 0 – bit 6, bit 7=0 is normal voltage, and bit 7=1 is low voltage. Battery=0x98, binary=1001 1000, if bit 7= 1, it means low voltage. The actual voltage is 0001 1000 = 0x18 = 24, 24*0.1v =2.4v

  2. Version Packet:
    When Report Type=0x00 is the version packet, such as 0156000A03202203290000, the firmware version is 2022.03.29.


| Device Type| Report Type| NetvoxPayLoadData
R313CB| 0x56| 0x01| Battery (1Byte, unit: 0.1V)| Status1 (1Byte

0: off; 1: on)

| Status2 (1Byte 0: off; 1: on)| Reserved (5Bytes, fixed 0x00)

Example 1 of Uplink: 0156019801010000000000

  • 1st byte (01): Version
  • 2nd byte (56): DeviceType 0x56 - R313CB
  • 3rd byte (01): ReportType
  • 4th byte (98): Battery-2.4V, 98 (Hex) = 24 (Dec), 24* 0.1V = 2.4V
  • 5th byte (01): Status1-on
  • 6th byte (01): Status2-on
  • 7th -11th byte (0000000000): Reserved

Example of ConfigureCmd


Bytes 1 1 Var(Fix =9 Bytes)
  CmdID DeviceType NetvoxPayLoadData
  • CmdID– 1 byte
  • DeviceType– 1 byte – Device Type of Device
  • NetvoxPayLoadData– var bytes (Max=9bytes)




| Cmd


| Device












| MinTime

(2bytes Unit:s)

| MaxTime

(2bytes Unit:s)

| BatteryChange

(1byte Unit:0.1v)

| Reserved

(4Bytes, Fixed 0x00)





| Status


| Reserved

(8Bytes, Fixed 0x00)





| Reserved

(9Bytes, Fixed 0x00)





| MinTime

(2bytes Unit: s)

| MaxTime

(2bytes Unit: s)

| BatteryChange

(1byte Unit:0.1v)

| Reserved

(4Bytes, Fixed 0x00)

  1. Configure device parameter MinTime = 1min, MaxTime = 1min, BatteryChange = 0.1v
    • Downlink: 0156003C003C0100000000
    • Device return:
    • 8156000000000000000000 (configuration success)
    • 8156010000000000000000 (configuration failure)
  2. Read R313CB device parameter
    • Downlink: 0256000000000000000000
    • Device return: 8256003C003C0100000000 (device current parameter)

Description| Device| Cmd ID| Device Type| NetvoxPayLoadData

SetLastMessage ResendtimeReq


ALL (0xFF)

only used in contactswitch devicetype





| Resendtime

(1Byte, Unit:1s, range:3-254s), when 0 or 255 no resend, default is no resend


Reserved (8Bytes, Fixed 0x00)






Status (0x00_success)


Reserved (8Bytes,Fixed 0x00)






Reserved (9Bytes, Fixed 0x00)

GetLastMessage ResendtimeRsp



| Resendtime

(1Byte, Unit:1s, range:3-254s), when 0 or 255 no resend, default is no resend


Reserved (8Bytes,Fixed 0x00)

  • Resendtime = 0x00 or 0xFF, No additional data will be sent
  • Resendtime = 0x03 to 0xFE, The device will send data after triggering, and then supplement the last status data after 3-254s.
  • When the device is triggered quickly, additional data can be sent.
  • Resendtime=0, When the reed switch is closed immediately after magnetic opening, it will only receive reed switch status =1
  • Resendtime=3, Close the reed switch as soon as it is opened, and you will receive reed switch status =1, it will be received after 3 seconds reed switch status =0 (3)
  • Configure the device to resend data within 5s after sending the packet.
  • Downlink: 1FFF050000000000000000
  • Device return:
    • 9FFF000000000000000000 (configuration success)
    • 9FFF010000000000000000 (configuration failure) (4)
  • Read R313CB device parameter
  • Downlink: 1EFF000000000000000000
  • Device return: 9EFF050000000000000000 (device current parameter)

Example for MinTime/MaxTime logic
Example#1 based on MinTime = 1 Hour, MaxTime= 1 Hour, Reportable Change i.e. BatteryVoltageChange=0.1V

Note : MaxTime=MinTime. Data will only be report according to MaxTime (MinTime) duration regardless Battery VoltageChange value.

Example#2 based on MinTime = 15 Minutes, MaxTime= 1 Hour, Reportable Change i.e. BatteryVoltageChange= 0.1V.

Example#3 based on MinTime = 15 Minutes, MaxTime= 1 Hour, Reportable Change i.e. BatteryVoltageChange= 0.1V


  1. The device only wakes up and performs data sampling according to MinTime Interval. When it is in sleeping mode, it does not collect data.
  2. The collected data is compared with the last reported data. If the variation of the data is greater than the value of ReportableChange, the device will report according to Min Time interval. If the data variation is not greater than the last reported data, the device will report according to Max Time interval.
  3. We do not recommend setting the MinTime Interval value too low. If the MinTime Interval is too low, the device will wake up frequently and the battery will be drained soon.
  4. When the device sends a report, no matter the data changes, button is pushed or Max Time interval comes, another cycle of MinTime / MaxTime calculation starts.


Remove the 3M release paper on the back of the device and attach the device to the smooth wall (please do not stick it to the rough wall to avoid falling off after a longtime usage).


  • The distance between the magnet and the reed switch must be less than 2cm.
  • Wipe the wall surface before installation to avoid dust on the wall surface that affect the effect of the paste.
  • Do not install the device in a metal shielded box or other electrical equipment around it to avoid affecting the wireless transmission of the device.

The sensor (R313CB) can be applied to the following scenes:

  • Office building
  • School
  • Shopping mall
  • Villa
    The occasions with glass windows or glass doors.
  1. If R313CB with the glass sensor detects that the window is opened (the magnet is separated from the main body) or closed (the magnet and the main body are closed), the data will be sent immediately.

  2. If the glass breaking vibration triggers the glass sensor, the data will be sent immediately.

  3. If it detects the battery voltage exceeding the variation value at MinTime, the data will be sent immediately.

  4. Even if the window status does not change or the no broken glass is detected, the data will be sent regularly according to the Max Time.

    • When either the main body or the external sensor is in the open state, the report status 1 will be 1. The report status 1 will be 0 only when both of the main body and the external sensor are closed.
    • When the glass break detector is triggered, the report status 2 will be 1.

Important Maintenance Instructions

Kindly pay attention to the following to achieve the best maintenance of the product:

  • Keep the device dry. Rain, moisture, or any liquid might contain minerals and thus corrode electronic circuits. If the device gets wet, please dry it completely.
  • Do not use or store the device in a dusty or dirty environment. It might damage its detachable parts and electronic components.
  • Do not store the device under extremely hot conditions. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, destroy batteries, and deform or melt some plastic parts.
  • Do not store the device in places that are too cold. Otherwise, when the temperature rises, moisture that forms inside the device will damage the board.
  • Do not throw, knock, or shake the device. Rough handling of equipment can destroy internal circuit boards and delicate structures.
  • Do not clean the device with strong chemicals, detergents, or strong detergents.
  • Do not apply the device with paint. Smudges might block the device and affect the operation.
  • Do not throw the battery into the fire, or the battery will explode. Damaged batteries may also explode.
  • All of the above applies to your device, battery, and accessories. If any device is not operating properly, please take it to the nearest authorized service facility for repair.


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