Sol-Ark 15K-2P-N Stackable All In One Inverter System Instruction Manual

July 29, 2024

15K-2P-N Stackable All In One Inverter System



  • Product: Low Voltage 48V Residential Hybrid Inverters
  • Manufacturer: Sol-Ark
  • Communication Protocols: Modbus RS485, CAN Bus

Product Usage Instructions:

General Hardware Configuration:

The Sol-Ark inverters achieve battery communications through a
single RJ-45 port labeled Battery CANBus. This port combines the
Modbus and CAN bus pin configurations.

Sol-Ark 15K-2P-N:

The 15K-2P-N inverter communicates with batteries through the
Battery CANBus port. The pin configurations for Modbus and CAN bus
communication are as follows:

Battery CAN Bus Port Pin Modbus CAN Bus
1 RS-485 A+
2 RS-485 B-
4 CAN Hi
5 CAN Lo
7 RS485 A+
8 RS485 B-

Sol-Ark 12K / 8K / 5K (Outdoor):

The Outdoor-Rated inverters achieve battery communications
through the Battery CANBus port. The pin configurations for Modbus
and CAN bus communication are similar to the 15K model.


Question: What batteries are compatible with these


Answer: Compatible batteries include FORTRESS eFlex 5.4 (kWh),
FORTRESS eVault & eVault MAX 18.5 (kWh), and HOMEGRID

Question: How can I ensure reliable Modbus RS-485


Answer: Update to the latest firmware version with Com v143F or
higher for improved Modbus RS-485 communication reliability.


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

This document is a Bat t ery Int egrat ion Guide t hat offers general informat ion on configuring various lit hium bat t eries t o operat e seamlessly w it h Sol-Ark hybrid invert er product s. Please not e t hat in-dept h configurat ions, st ep by st ep inst ruct ions, t roubleshoot ing and verificat ion of operat ional paramet ers ext end beyond t he scope of t his document . As such, users are st rongly advised t o refer t o t he comprehensive t echnical document at ion provided by t he bat t ery manufact urer for det ailed specificat ions and recommended set t ings for opt imal performance and safet y. Furt hermore, due t o t he evolving nat ure of bat t ery t echnologies, new feat ures, requirement s, or compat ibilit y considerat ions may arise. Users should st ay informed about t he lat est development s and recommendat ions from bot h Sol-Ark and t he bat t ery manufact urer. While t his document serves as a valuable resource, it should supplement rat her t han replace diligent reference t o manufact urer document at ion and, if necessary, consult at ion w it h qualified t echnical specialist s t o ensure t he seamless int egrat ion and opt imal performance of energy st orage syst ems w it h Sol-Ark hybrid invert ers.
This guide is only for Low -Volt age Hybrid Invert ers.
For support , cont act : (USA) +1 972-575-8875 ext . (2)


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

Table of Cont ent s
General Hardw are Configurat ion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Sol-Ark 15K-2P-N ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Sol-Ark 12K / 8K / 5K (Out door) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Sol-Ark 12K Legacy (Indoor) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Sol-Ark 8K Legacy (Indoor) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 CAN Bus Bat t ery Screen ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 M odbus/ RS-485 Bat t ery Screen …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Compat ible Bat t eries …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
1. BLUE PLANET ENERGY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 1.1 Blue Ion/ eGauge …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 1.2 Blue Ion/ Namaka ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
2. BRIGGS& STRATTON AmpliPhi ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 3. Deka-Durat ion-DD5300 (low volt age e.g. 48vdc mode) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 4. Discover ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 5. Dyness ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 6. EndurEnergy ESP-5100 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 7. FORTRESS POWER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
7.1 FORTRESS eFlex 5.4 (kWh) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 7.2 FORTRESS eVault & eVault M AX 18.5 (kWh) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
8. HOMEGRID Stack’d …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
9. Incell / Polarium …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19 10. KILOVAULT HAB …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20 11. NuEnergy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
11.1 NuEnergy Lit hium …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21 11.2 NuEnergy Lit hium- Pow er Base M 50 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22 12. POWERSYNC 51.2V Lit hium …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23 13. PYLONTECH US3000C ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24 14. Pyt es E-BOX-48100R …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 15. RENOGY AURA …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 16. SACRED SUN LFP ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 17. SOK …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 18. STORZ POWER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29 19. UZ ENERGY Pow er Lit e (L051100-B) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30 20. Volt hium Energy ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
This document covers bat t ery int egrat ion w it h Sol-Ark’s low -volt age hybrid invert ers. For M odbus RS-485 communicat ion reliabilit y, updat e t o t he lat est firmw are version, w it h Com m v143F or great er.

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


General Hardw are Configurat ion
Sol-Ark 15K-2P-N
The Sol-Ark 15K-2P-N invert er achieves bat t ery communicat ions t hrough a single RJ-45 port labeled “Battery CANBus”. This port combines t he M odbus and CAN bus pin configurations shown below. Both “Modbus RS485” and “Battery CANBus” ports are capable of Modbus communication. The follow ing figure show s t he communicat ion board inside t he w iring area of t he 15K invert er. Please not e t hat only t he “Battery CANBus” port is used for
bat t ery communicat ions. The pin configurat ions for M odbus and CAN bus communicat ion of t his RJ-45 are show n in t he t able below . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

15K-2P-N comm board and “Battery CANBus” communication port


Battery CAN Bus Port


M odbus



RS-485 A+


RS-485 B-










RS485 A+


RS485 B-


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

Sol-Ark 12K / 8K / 5K (Out door)

The Sol-Ark Out door-Rat ed invert er (12K-2P, 8K-2P and 8K-2P) achieve bat t ery communicat ions t hrough a single RJ-45 port labeled “Battery CANBus”. This port combines t he M odbus and CAN bus pin configurat ions show n below . Bot h “Modbus RS485” and “Battery CANBus” port s are capable of M odbus
communicat ion.
The follow ing figure show s t he communicat ion board inside t he w iring area of t he 12K / 8K / 5K invert ers. Please not e t hat only t he “Battery CANBus” port
is used for bat t ery communicat ions. The pin configurat ions for M odbus and CAN bus communicat ion of t his RJ-45 are show n in t he t able below .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

12K / 8K / 5K comm board and “Battery CANBus” communication port


Battery CAN Bus Port


M odbus



RS-485 B-


RS-485 A+










RS485 A+


RS485 B-

The outdoor-rated systems and Sol-Ark 15K inverters have a “Modbus RS-485” port, which is not for battery communications.

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


Sol-Ark 12K Legacy (Indoor)

The Sol-Ark 12K Indoor can communicat e t hrough t w o RJ-45 port s labeled “CAN” and “RS-485”. Bat t ery communicat ion is est ablished t hrough CAN bus or M odbus communication protocols through the “CAN” and “RS-458” ports respectively The follow ing figure show s t he communicat ion board inside t he w iring area of t he 12K Indoor invert er. Not e t hat bot h t he “CAN” and “RS-485” port s can be
used for bat t ery communicat ions depending on t he required prot ocol. The pin configurat ions for M odbus and CAN bus communicat ions are show n in t he t able below .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

12K Indoor comm board and battery “CAN” & “RS-458” communication ports





(CAN Bus)

(M odbus)


RS-485 B-


RS-485 A+










RS485 A+


RS485 B-


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

Sol-Ark 8K Legacy (Indoor)

The Sol-Ark 8K Indoor can communicat e t hrough t w o RJ-45 port s labeled “RJ45_485” and “RJ45_CAN”. Bat t ery communicat ion is est ablished t hrough CAN bus or Modbus communication protocols through the “RJ45_485” and “RJ45_CAN” ports respectively
The follow ing figure show s t he communicat ion board inside t he w iring area of t he 8K Indoor invert er. Not e t hat bot h t he “RJ45_485” and “RJ45_CAN” port s
can be used for bat t ery communicat ions depending on t he required prot ocol. The pin configurat ions for M odbus and CAN bus communicat ions are show n in t he t able below

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8K Indoor comm board and bat t ery “RJ45_485” & “RJ45_CAN” communicat ion port s





(M odbus)

(CAN Bus)


RS-485 B-


RS-485 A+










RS485 A+


RS485 B-

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


CAN Bus Bat t ery Screen
The image below depict s t he “LI Batt Info” screen when communications are enabled for CAN Bus batteries (“BMS Lithium Batt 00”).

10. 11.

1. Bat t ery Volt age: Real-t ime volt age measured bet w een t he bat t ery t erminals.
2. Battery Voltage: Real-time current flowing into or out of battery’s + terminal. (negative / positive sign respectively).
3. Bat t ery Temp: Real-t ime t emperat ure measured at t he BM S. 4. SOC: St at e of charge remaining in t he bat t ery according t o t he BM S. 5. SOH: St at e of healt h of t he bat t ery according t o t he BM S. 6. Bat t ery Charge Volt age: The invert er should charge t he bat t ery t o t he maximum volt age. 7. Charge Current Limit : M aximum allow able current int o t he bat t ery. 8. Discharge Current Limit : M aximum allow able current out of t he bat t ery. 9. Nominal_Cap: Amp-hour design capacit y of t he bat t ery (not used on all bat t eries). 10. Alarms: Displays any alarm codes from t he bat t ery (manufact urer specific). 11. Force Charge Request : Command sent by t he BM S t elling t he invert er t o charge t he bat t ery from any available pow er source regardless of invert er
settings. Not shown in the above image but would be located below the “Alarms” field.

M odbus/ RS-485 Bat t ery Screen
As of M ar 16, 2023, Sol-Ark recommends t hat if est ablishing communicat ion via M odbus RS485, make sure t o have t he invert er firmw are upgraded
t o t he lat est available version, w it h Com m v143F or higher and t he lat est primary and follow er M CU versions.

The image below depict s t he “LI Batt Info” screen when communicat ing via Modbus/RS-485 (All other “BMS Lithium Batt” modes).

1. Bat t ery Volt age: Real-t ime volt age measured bet w een t he bat t ery t erminals.
2. Battery Voltage: Real-time current flowing into or out of battery’s + terminal. (negative / positive sign respectively).
3. Bat t ery Temp: Real-t ime t emperat ure measured at t he BM S. 4. SOC: St at e of charge remaining in t he bat t ery according t o t he BM S. 5. Tot al Capacit y: Tot al Amp-Hour capacit y connect ed t o t he invert er. Not present for all bat t eries. 6. Bat t ery Charge Volt age: The invert er should charge t he bat t ery t o t he maximum volt age. 7. Bat t ery Empt y Volt age: M inimum volt age t he invert er should discharge t he bat t ery t o . 8. Charge Current Limit : M aximum allow able current int o t he bat t ery. 9. Discharge Current Limit : M aximum allow able current out of t he bat t ery. 10. Alarms: Displays any alarm codes from t he bat t ery (manufact urer specific). 11. Bat t ery Dat a Chart : This t able displays individual informat ion from each connect ed bat t ery up t o a maximum of 12 bat t eries. Not all manufact urers
ut ilize t his feat ure.


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

Line one (1) is never populat ed for any manufact urer. The first bat t ery is alw ays displayed on line t w o (2).

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


Compat ible Bat t eries

The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Blueplanet bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Bluplanet and eGauge for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit the manufacturer’s website and consult t he relevant document at ion below.

1.1 Blue Ion/ eGauge

BluePlanet document at ion

eGauge document at ion

The Sol-Ark w ill need an eGauge monit oring device, an eGauge USB-485 convert er, and a w ired int ernet connect ion t o est ablish communicat ions w it h t he Blue Ion bat t ery.
You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect t he Blue Ion t o your w ired int ernet connect ion using t he RJ45 port on t he back of t he unit . 2. Connect t he eGauge t o a pow er source. 3. Connect t he eGauge t o your w ired int ernet connect ion using t he RJ45 port on t he unit . 4. Follow t he inst ruct ions from eGauge t o set up t he device w it h your Blue Ion bat t ery. 5. Connect t he USB-485 t o t he eGauge.
6. Set up the USB-485 using eGauge’s online instructions.
7. Enable M odbus RTU on t he eGauge.
8. Connect “D+” on the USB-485 to either pin two (2) or pin seven (7). 9. Connect “D-” to either pin one (1) or pin eight (8).
10. GND t o eit her pin t hree (3) (indoor unit s only) or pin six (6) (indoor and out door unit s).
eGauge needs t o configure your device specifically for use w it h t he Sol- Ark. Please verify t his by get t ing in t ouch w it h eGauge support
11. Plug the RJ45 cable into the “RS-485” (indoor models) or “Battery CAN Bus” (outdoor models) port on the inverter.
12. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
13. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “03.” 14. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

1.2 Blue Ion/ Namaka
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Blueplanet bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Bluplanet and Namaka for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit the manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
BluePlanet document at ion
The Sol-Ark w ill need a Namaka monit oring device and a w ired int ernet connect ion t o communicat e w it h t he Blue Ion bat t ery.
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all Blue Ion cabinets using their “RS-485 Modbus RTU” ports and standard RJ45 ethernet cable. 2. Connect the daisy-chained cabinets to the Namaka’s “BMU” port using a standard RJ45 ethernet cable.
3. Connect t he et hernet port on t he Namaka t o an act ive, w ired int ernet connect ion using a st andard RJ45 et hernet cable. a. Some Namaka unit s may be configured for Wireless or no int ernet connect ion. Cont act Blue Ion for furt her informat ion.
4. Connect t he 12V pow er connect ion from t he Namaka t o t he nearest Blue Ion BM U.
5. Connect the “BMS” port on the Namaka to the inverter’s “Battery CAN Bus” port (outdoor units only) or to the “CAN” port (indoor units only).
6. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
7. Power on the Namaka by flipping the DC breaker in the unit’s enclosure. 8. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 9. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Briggs& St rat t on bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Briggs& Stratton for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit the manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Briggs& St rat t on int egrat ion guide
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all bat t eries using t he included RJ45 cables, using t he t w o port s nearest t o each ot her t o bridge t he bat t eries t oget her (GREEN in t he pict ure below ).
2. Use t he included 120 Ohm t erminat ors on bot h ends of t he result ing chain. 3. Use eit her t he bat t ery from t he beginning or t he end of t he chain. Connect an RJ45 cable from t he separat e RJ45 port (RED in t he pict ure below )
to the “CAN” or “Battery CAN Bus” port on the inverter.
4. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
5. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00.” 6. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

3. Deka-Durat ion-DD5300 (low volt age e.g. 48vdc mode)
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Deka bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Deka for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Deka document at ion
Please ensure t hat you are not w iring t o t he High Volt age connect ion t erminals of t he Deka-DD5300 bat t ery. Please refer t o t he Inst allat ion & Operat ion (I& O) manual of t he bat t ery manufact urer and verify t he proper communicat ions configurat ion of
CAN bus connect ions and dip sw it ch set t ings:
A cust om cable is required t o est ablish communicat ions w it h Deka-DD5300 bat t eries.
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Creat e a cust om cable t hat connect s bat t ery pins 1, 2, and 3 ONLY (w hit e-orange, solid orange, and w hit e-green). 2. Pin 3 (w hit e-green) should connect t o pin 6 on t he invert er. 3. Pin 1 (w hit e-orange) should connect t o pin 4 on t he invert er. Pin 2 (solid orange) should connect t o pin 5 on t he invert er.
On indoor unit s, connect pin 3 (w hit e-green) t o pin 2 on t he invert er inst ead of pin 6. 4. Connect the cable to the “CAN-A” port on the Deka-DD5300 and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN” port for indoor-only units) on the Sol-
The cable is NOT reversible; t herefore, keep t rack of w hich end of t he cust om cable connect s t o t he bat t ery and t he Sol-Ark.
5. Turn on t he mechanical POWER SWITCH t o enable t he BM S on all bat t ery modules. 6. Press and hold t he RUN BUTTON for 2 seconds only on t he M ASTER bat t ery module, and allow ot her modules t o t urn t hemselves on
aut omat ically. Aft er a successful st art up of t he bat t ery modules, t he LED st at us indicat or should t urn solid green. 7. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
8. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00.” 9. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications.


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


4. Discover
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Discover bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Discover for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Discover document at ion
You w ill need t he Discover Lynk device t o adapt t he battery’s AEBus t o CAN Bus for use w it h t he Sol-Ark. The Lynk w ill need the proper adapter for the Sol-Ark’s pin configuration (Part number 950-0016-SLRK). Communicat ions w it h t his bat t ery w ill require a cust om cable (out door-rat ed unit s only)
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Insert t he included RJ45 split t ers int o t he AEBus port of each Discover Bat t ery. 2. Connect and link each bat t ery t o t he next in a chain using RJ45. 3. Connect eit her end of t he chain of t he bat t eries t o t he AEBus RJ45 port on t he Lynk. 4. Connect t he 12V pow er supply t o one of t he bat t eries and plug it int o t he ot her end of t he chain using an RJ45 cable.
5. Connect the Edge Card’s RJ45 port to the CAN Bus port of the Sol-Ark.
6. For out door-rat ed unit s only, creat e a cust om RJ45 cable t hat connect s pins four (4) (solid blue) and five (5) (w hit e-blue) t hrough t o t he same pins on t he invert er and connect s pin t w o (2) (solid orange) on t he LYNK side t o pin six (6) on t he invert er.
7. You may use an off-the-shelf ethernet cable for indoor-rated units ­ no custom cable is needed.
8. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
9. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00.” 10. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss.




Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

5. Dyness
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Dyness bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Dyness for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Dyness document at ion
Communicat ions w it h t his bat t ery w ill require a cust om cable (out door-rat ed unit s only)
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Ensure correct bat t ery int erconnect ion and connect t o t he invert er as specified in Dyness’ user manual.
2. For out door-rat ed syst ems only, creat e a cust om RJ45 cable t hat connect s pin t w o (2) on t he bat t ery t o pin six (6) on t he invert er. 3. Connect one of t he bat t eries t o t he invert er via t he CAN Bus port .
4. Set the switch in position three (3) on the DIP selection switches to the “ON” position for the battery connected to the inverter.
5. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
6. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00.” 7. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss.



Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


6. EndurEnergy ESP-5100
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for EndurEnergy bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by EndurEnergy for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
EndurEnergy document at ion
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all EndurEnergy ESP-5100 bat t eries t oget her wit h t he provided RJ45 cable using “M/S” ports. (Can use up to 8 batteries in 48V low
volt age configurat ion) 2. Set all t he dip sw it ches according t o t he bat t ery manual and double-check all dip sw it ches on all bat t eries in t he bat t ery bank.
3. Connect a standard CAT5/6 cable to the “Inverter” port on the ESP-5100 Master battery, and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN” port for
indoor-only unit s) on t he Sol-Ark. 4. Program t he invert er w it h t he appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings according t o t he specific bat t ery manual and cable arrangement .
5. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 6. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications.




Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Fort ress Pow er bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Fortress Pow er for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit the manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

7.1 FORTRESS eFlex 5.4 (kWh)

Fort ress eFlex document at ion

You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.
Sol-Ark and Fort ress recommend CAN mode (Jan 2023) OR if you only have a cable for M odbus RS485, ask for an
invert er firmw are updat e t o Com m v143F, w hich adds communicat ion reliabilit y
Comm Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions: M odbus RS485 or CAN mode
1. Connect all bat t eries using t he included RJ45 cables. 2. Use t he included 120 Ohm t erminat ion resist or on eit her end of t he result ing chain. Select one of t w o opt ions in t he next st ep. 3. Opt ion1: To est ablish CAN comm, creat e a cust om cable st art ing w it h a CAT5 RJ45 cable w here only 4. pins 4 (solid blue CANHigh), 5 (w hit e-blue CANLow ), and 6 (solid green GND) remain connect ed in t heir original posit ions, as show n in t he pinout s
pict ure below at RIGHT. 5. Opt ion2: OR for M odbus RTU RS-485 creat e a cust om CAT5 RJ45 cable w here only 6. pins 6 (solid green gnd), 7 (w hit e-brow n RS485+), and 8 (solid brow n RS485-) remain connect ed in t heir original posit ions, as show n in t he pict ure
below at left pinout s. 7. Using a CAT5/ CAT6, also know n as et hernet cable, t hat is know n t o w ork is more accessible and less prone t o error. Cut open t he cable and cut t he
unnecessary w ires.
If you are crimping new connect ors t o creat e a cable, be careful not t o over-t ight en t he crimping t ool, as t his can recess t he connect ors and lead t o poor or int ermit t ent connect ion.
8. Plug one end of the cable into the battery’s CAN / RS485 port and the 9. ot her end (CAN mode): t o inverter’s CAN/”Battery CAN Bus” port . OR (RS485 mode): t o inverter’s “RS-485” port (indoor models) or out door: bat t ery
CAN Bus port 10. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings. See manual.
11. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “04” for RS485 or “00” for CAN mode. 12. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault and stop battery current on the loss of battery communications.

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001







7.2 FORTRESS eVault & eVault M AX 18.5 (kWh)
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Fort ress Pow er bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Fortress Pow er for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit the manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

Fort ress eVault document at ion

You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.
Sol-Ark and Fort ress recommend CAN mode (Jan 2023) OR if you only have a cable for M odbus RS485, ask for an invert er firmw are updat e t o COM M v143F, w hich adds communicat ion reliabilit y

Comm Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. If using multiple batteries, designate one as the leader and the others as followers per Fortress’ instructions. If using a single battery, skip to Step
2. Connect multiple batteries by ethernet cable (RJ45 CAT5/CAT6 cable) as in Fortress’ setup instructions.
3. Creat e a cust om cable connect ing bat t ery side pins 1, 2, and 3 ONLY (CAN mode) or 3, 5, and 6 ONLY (M odbus RS-485):
If using CAN mode, Pin 1 (w hit e-orange) should connect t o Pin 4 (CAN H), Pin 2 (orange) should connect t o Pin 5 (CAN L), and Pin 6
should be t he same on t he invert er end.
If using M odbus mode, Pin 3 (w hit e-green) can connect t o pin 2 or pin 7 (RS485+) on t he invert er end, and Pin 5 (w hit e-blue) can be connect ed t o eit her pin 1 or 8 (RS485-) on t he invert er end. Connect t his cable bet w een t he Fort ress eVault’s CAN port (CAN mode) or RS485 port (Modbus mode) and the “Battery CANBus” port (Outdoor units) or the “CAN” (CAN mode) or “RS-485” port (Modbus mode,
Indoor unit s).
4. Program invert er w it h appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings for t his bat t ery. Program eVault M AX or eVault as if you are operat ing in open loop.
See invert er manual Fort ress Bat t ery eVault 18.5 set t ings.
5. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00” (CAN mode) or “04” (Modbus mode). 6. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications

1. eVault M AX RS-485

2. eVault M AX CAN M ODE

3. eVault Classic RS-485


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

eVault M AX PORT


eVault Classic PORT


8. HOM EGRID Stack’d

The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Homegrid bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Homegrid for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Homegrid Stack’d documentation

You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Set the DIP switches on each battery according to the manufacturer’s manual. 2. Connect all top modules (if in parallel) together with RJ45 cable between their “Link A” and “Link B” ports. It does not matter which port is
connect ed t o w hich. 3. Creat e a cust om cable t hat connect s pins 6, 7, and 8 ONLY (solid-orange, w hit e-green, and solid-blue) t o t he bat t ery. 4. Pin 6 (solid-green) needs t o connect t o pin 6 on t he invert er. 5. Pin 7 (w hit e-brow n) needs t o connect t o pin 4 on t he invert er. 6. Pin 8 (solid-brow n) needs t o connect t o pin 5 on t he invert er.
On indoor unit s, pin 6 (solid-green) needs t o connect t o pin 2 on t he invert er. 7. Connect the cable between the master battery’s top module and the inverter’s “Battery CANBus” (Outdoor models) or “CAN” (Indoor models)
8. Power on the battery units by turning on each module, followed by that stack’s top module.
9. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
10. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set this value to “00”. 11. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss.
12. If communicat ion st ill needs t o be est ablished, cont act HomeGrid t o ensure t hat t he unit is on t he lat est firmw are and configured for communicat ion w it h Sol-Ark invert ers

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001




9. Incell / Polarium

The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Polarium/ Incell bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Polarium/ Incell for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit the manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

Polarium/ Incell document at ion
The Polarium Connect Bridge is required t o communicat e w it h Polarium/ Incell 100/ 200 Ah bat t ery banks. You w ill need t o make a cust om cable for t his set up. Use Invert er Comm >=143F.

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
Connect all bat t ery dat a port s using t he included RJ45 cable, using t he included t erminat or on t he remaining port of eit her t he first or last bat t ery in t he chain.
1. Connect t he RJ45 cable at t ached t o t he Connect Bridge (pict ured below ) t o t he last open port on eit her t he first or last bat t ery in t he chain. Insert t he included t erminat or int o t he left most port on t he front of t he Connect Bridge.
2. Connect t he pow er leads from t he Connect Bridge t o t he bat t ery t erminals. 3. Turn on t he breaker of each bat t ery in t he chain and pow er on one bat t ery (it does not mat t er w hich) by holding t he pow er but t on on t he right
side of t he unit for about 5 seconds.
4. Using the Polarium Connect phone app (unreleased as of 8/2/2021), find and connect to the device labeled “Connect Bridge” within one minute
of t he connect bridge pow ering up.
Scan t he QR code on t he front of t he Connect Bridge for t he phone app t o connect . If you are connected, the “Incell” green led indicator on the front of the unit will stop flashing. If you miss t he one-minut e connect w indow , you must pow er dow n t he bat t eries ent irely by flipping each breaker and holding t he
pow er but t on dow n for each one. Pow er t he bat t eries back on and t ry again.
5. Under the “About Device” tab, ensure that the unit runs firmware version 0.3.8 or higher. 6. Under the “Configuration” tab, ensure that “Integrated Control” is enabled.
If it is not enabled, then enable it and reboot the connect bridge using the “Reboot” button under the “About Device” tab.
7. Creat e a cust om cable such t hat Pin 1 (w hit e-orange) on one end is connect ed t o pin 5,


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

Pin 2 (solid orange) on one end is connect ed t o pin 4, and Pin 6 (solid green) on one end is connect ed t o Pin 6 (gnd). 8. Connect t he end w it h pins 4, 5, and 6 used t o t he middle port on t he Connect Bridge, and
plug the other end with pins 1, 2, and 6 used to inverter port “Battery CAN Bus” (for outdoor units) or to the inverter port “RS-485” (for indoor units). 9. On the inverter settings, enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “03”.


The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for KiloVault bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by KiloVault for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
KiloVault document at ion
A cust om cable is necessary for HAB V3 or older models. Use Invert er Comm


Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Ensure t hat t he bat t eries are running t he lat est firmw are from KiloVault and t hat t he Sol-Ark communicat ion profile is select ed.
If you need clarificat ion, cont act KiloVault t o verify.
2. Set t he DIP sw it ches follow ing t he KiloVault manual.
If only using a single battery, all DIP switches should be “OFF.” If using more t han one bat t ery, t he bat t ery connect ed t o t he invert er should have only DIP sw it ch one (1) turned “ON.” Set DIP sw it ches
of all subsequent bat t eries according t o w hat number t hey are in t he chain (t he DIP sw it ches represent t he binary number of t he bat t ery).
A t heoret ical maximum of 15 bat t eries can be communicat ing in parallel at t he same t ime. M ore t han one unit is st ill unt est ed but
should w ork.
3. (HAB V3 or older only) Create a custom cable such that the “Inverter RS485B” wire connects to pin 1 (white- orange) and “Inverter RS485A”
connect s t o pin 2 (solid orange).

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


4. Connect the custom 6-pin connector to the KiloVault’s custom port and connect the custom RJ45 cable to the “Battery CAN Bus” (outdoor units) or “RS-485” (indoor units) port on the inverter.
5. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
6. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “05”. 7. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications (This may happen more frequently
since t he KiloVault HAB bat t eries do not feat ure ground connect ions).

11. NuEnergy

The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for NuEnergy bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by NuEnergy for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

NuEnergy document at ion

11.1 NuEnergy Lit hium

You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Creat e a cust om cable connect ing pins 2, 3, and 4 ONLY (solid orange, w hit e-green, and solid blue) t o t he bat t ery. 2. Pin t w o (2) (solid orange) should connect t o pin six (6) on t he invert er. 3. Pin t hree (3) (w hit e-green) should connect t o pin five (5) on t he invert er. Pin four (4) (solid blue) should connect t o pin four (4) on t he invert er.
On indoor unit s, leave pin t w o (2) (solid orange) connect ed t o pin t w o (2) on t he invert er inst ead of pin six (6). 4. Connect t he cable t o t he “CAN” port on t he NuEnergy cabinet and t he “Battery CAN Bus” port (or t he “CAN” port for indoor-only unit s) on t he Sol-
The cable is NOT reversible; t herefore, keep t rack of w hich end of t he cust om cable connect s t o t he bat t ery and t he Sol-Ark. 5. Turn on the battery. Start by flipping the “ON” switch for every battery. Then, press the circular button at the top of the inside of the unit.
6. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
7. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00.” 8. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001



11.2 NuEnergy Lit hium- Pow er Base M 50
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for NuEnergy bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by NuEnergy for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
NuEnergy document at ion

You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Creat e a cust om cable t hat connect s pins 6, 7, and 8 ONLY (solid green, w hit e-brow n, and solid brow n) t o t he bat t ery. 2. Pin six (6) (solid green) should connect t o pin six (6) on t he invert er. 3. Pin seven (7) (w hit e-brow n) should connect t o pin five (5) on t he invert er. Pin eight (8) (solid brow n) should connect t o pin four (4) on t he
inver t er .
On indoor unit s, connect pin six (6) (solid green) t o pin t w o (2) on t he invert er inst ead of pin six (6). 4. Connect the cable to the “CAN” port on the NuEnergy and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN” port for indoor-only units) on the Sol-Ark.
The cable is NOT reversible; t herefore, keep t rack of w hich end of t he cust om cable connect s t o t he bat t ery and t he Sol-Ark.
5. Turn on t he bat t ery by pressing t he pow er sw it ch and holding it for 3 seconds. Then a display w ill light up, and t he syst em w ill st art t o sw it ch on all t he bat t ery syst ems.
6. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
7. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00.” 8. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001




12. POWERSYNC 51.2V Lit hium
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Pow erSync bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Pow erSync for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Pow erSync document at ion

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Set t he DIP sw it ches on t he bat t ery per t he manual and your bat t ery configurat ion.
2. Connect all bat t eries w it h t he included short RJ45 cables, connect ing each bat t ery via t heir RS485 port s.
3. CAN mode cable: Using a st andard RJ45 connect or-based CAT5/ CAT6 Et hernet cable (all leads st raight t hrough), connect the master battery’s “CAN” port to the inverter’s “Battery CAN Bus” port (or to the inverter’s “CAN” port for indoor-only units).
4. Turn on the batteries using the breaker labeled “Master Switch.”
5. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
6. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00.” 7. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss.


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001




The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Pylont ech bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Pylontech for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

Pylont ech document at ion You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all bat t eries w it h t he RJ45 cable from Link Port 1 t o Link Port 0. The first bat t ery w it h Link Port 0 empt y w ould be t he mast er bat t ery. (Can use up t o 16 bat t eries w it h 1 mast er bat t ery and 15 slave bat t eries)
2. Set t he ADD sw it ch according t o t he bat t ery manual if more t han one st ring of bat t eries is in t he bat t ery bank. 3. Creat e a cust om cable t hat connect s pins 4, 5, and 6 ONLY (solid-blue, w hit e-blue, and solid-green) t o t he bat t ery. 4. Pin four (4) (solid-blue) needs t o connect t o pin four (4) on t he invert er. 5. Pin five (5) (w hit e-blue) needs t o connect t o pin five (5) on t he invert er. 6. Pin six (6) (solid- green) needs t o connect t o pin six (6) on t he invert er.
On indoor unit s, pin six (6) (solid-green) needs t o connect t o pin t w o (2) on t he invert er. 7. Connect the cable to the “A/CAN” port on the Pylontech master battery and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN” port for indoor-only units)
on t he Sol-Ark.
The cable is NOT reversible for indoor unit s; t herefore, keep t rack of w hich end of t he cust om cable connect s t o t he bat t ery and t he
Sol-Ark. 8. Program t he invert er w it h t he appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings according t o t he specific bat t ery manual.
9. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 10. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications (Pylontech recommend leaving the
“BMS_Err_Stop” on to protect their batteries.

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001



14. Pyt es E-BOX-48100R
The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Pyt es bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Pytes for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Pyt es document at ion
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all bat t eries w it h t he provided RJ45 cable from Link Port 1 t o Link Port 0. The first bat t ery w it h Link Port 0 empt y w ould be t he host bat t ery. (Can use up t o 16 bat t eries w it h 1 mast er bat t ery and 15 slave bat t eries)
2. Set t he ADD sw it ch according t o t he bat t ery manual.
3. Connect the cable to the “CAN” port on the PYTES E-BOX host battery and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN” port for indoor-only units)
on t he Sol-Ark. 4. Program t he invert er w it h t he appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings according t o t he specific bat t ery manual and cable arrangement .
5. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 6. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications (PYTES recommends leaving the
“BMS_Err_Stop” on to protect their batteries better).


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001



The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for RENOGY bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by RENOGY for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
RENOGY document at ion
Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Follow t he inst ruct ions for inst allat ion and w iring in t he bat t ery manual.
2. Connect a standard CAT5/6 cable to the “485/CAN” port on the control box of the battery cluster and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN”
port for indoor-only unit s) on t he Sol-Ark. 3. Program t he invert er w it h t he appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings according t o t he specific bat t ery manual.
4. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 5. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss.

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001





The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Sacred Sun bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Sacred Sun for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
Sacred Sun document at ion

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Use t he DIP sw it ches on t he bat t eries such t hat t he bat t ery connect ed t o t he invert er is set as ID 1, and each unit behind it increases t he follow er ID t o set DIP sw it ches.
Each DIP sw it ch (1-4) represent s a bit in t he follow er ID value.
For example: 13 (decimal) =1101 binary = [1: ON, 2: ON, 3: OFF, 4:ON].
Decimal count ing from 0 t o 15 in binary format as a 4-bit nibble (half byt e):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 dec 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 binary


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

2. Connect all bat t eries w it h t he RJ45 cable such t hat t hey are all in parallel. 3. Creat e a cust om RS485 mode cable t hat
Only uses bat t ery pins 1 and 2 (w hit e-orange, solid orange). 4. Bat t ery end Pin 1 (w hit e-orange) can be connect ed t o invert er pin 1 or pin 8.
Bat t ery end Pin 2 (solid orange) can be connect ed t o invert er pin 2 or pin 7.
5. Connect t his cable bet ween t he bat t ery set as follower 1 and the inverter’s port “Battery CANBus” (Outdoor models) or invert er port “RS-485”
(on Indoor models). 6. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
7. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “01.” 8. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” for the system to fault on the loss of battery communications (This may happen more frequently since the
Sacred Sun bat t eries do not feat ure ground connect ions).



17. SOK

The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for SOK bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by SOK for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

SOK document at ion

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all bat t eries t oget her wit h t he provided RJ45 cables using the “RS485B/ RS485C” ports. Either port can be used for each battery. Up to 15
bat t eries can be connect ed in parallel. 2. Set t he DIP sw it ches such t hat t he bat t ery communicat ing w it h t he invert er is set as ID 1, and each unit behind it increases t he follow er ID by 1
from left t o right .
Each DIP sw it ch (1-4) represent s a bit in t he follow er ID value. For example: 13 (decimal) =1101 binary = [1: ON, 2: OFF, 3: ON, 4: ON].
Decimal count ing from 0 t o 15 in binary format as a 4-bit nibble (half byt e):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 dec 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 binary

3. Connect a st andard CAT5/ 6 cable bet w een t he “CAN” port on t he M ast er bat t ery and t he “Battery CAN Bus” port (or t he “CAN” port for indoor-
only unit s) on t he Sol-Ark. 4. Turn on t he breakers of t he bat t eries and invert er.
5. Use a thin tool to press in the “RST” button in any of the batteries to turn all of them on. You can now turn on the inverter if it is not on already.

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


6. Program t he invert er w it h t he appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings according t o t he specific bat t ery manual and cable arrangement .
7. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 8. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on loss of battery communications.




The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for St orz Pow er bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Storz Pow er for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

St orz Pow er document at ion

M ake a cust om cable as below or obt ain it from St orz Pow er. Communicat ions inst allat ion and set up inst ruct ions are updat ed for new er bat t ery models on t he St orz Pow er w ebsit e
Comm Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Use t he DIP sw it ches on t he bat t eries such t hat t he bat t ery connect ed t o t he invert er is set as follow er 1 (0001), and each unit behind it shall increase t he follow er ID by one t o be assigned. Each DIP sw it ch (1-4) represent s a binary digit (bit ) in t he follow er ID w it h a value of 1 or 0.
Decimal count ing from 0 t o 15 in binary format as a 4-bit nibble (half byt e):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 dec 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 binary
For example: t o set t he DIP sw it ch t o decimal 13 = 1101 binary: [1: ON, 2: ON, 3: OFF, 4:ON]

2. 3. 30

Connect all bat t eries w it h t he RJ45 cable such t hat t hey are all in parallel. Creat e a cust om cable t hat connect s bat t ery pins 1 & 2 only (w hit e-orange & solid orange).

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

4. Bat t ery comm pin 1 (w hit e-orange) can be connect ed t o invert er pin 1 or 8 (RS485-).
5. Bat t ery comm pin 2 (solid orange) can be connect ed t o invert er pin 2 or 7 (RS485+).
6. Connect t his cable bet ween t he bat t ery (set as follower 1) and t he inverter’s port “Battery CANBus” (Out door models) or port “RS-485” (on Indoor
models). Eit her w ay, t his is M odbus RTU RS485 mode.
7. Program t he invert er w it h t his bat t ery’s appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings.
8. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “01.” 9. (Opt ional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you w ish for t he syst em t o fault on t he loss of bat t ery communicat ions (This may happen more frequent ly
since t he St orz Pow er bat t eries do not feat ure ground connect ions (invert er port pin 6 is a gnd).



19. UZ ENERGY Pow er Lit e (L051100-B)

The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for UZ bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by UZ for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit t he manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.
UZ document at ion

You w ill need a cust om RJ45 cable for t his set up.

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all batteries with the provided RJ45 cable using the “RS485” ports. (Can use up to 16 batteries with 1 master battery and 15 slave
bat t eries) 2. Set t he ADD sw it ch according t o t he bat t ery manual and double check ADD sw it ch set t ings before t urning on t he bat t ery bank. 3. Creat e a cust om cable t hat connect s pins 1, 5, and 6 ONLY (w hit e-orange, w hit e-blue, and solid-green) t o t he bat t ery. 4. Pin one (1) (w hit e-orange) needs t o connect t o pin four (4) on t he invert er. 5. Pin five (5) (w hit e-blue) need t o connect t o pin five (5) on t he invert er. 6. Pin eight (8) (solid-brow n) need t o connect t o pin six (6) on t he invert er.
On indoor unit s, pin eight (8) (solid-brow n) need t o connect t o pin t w o (2) on t he invert er.

Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


7. Connect the cable to the “CAN/RS485” port on the UZ Energy Power Lite master battery and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN” port for
indoor-only unit s) on t he Sol-Ark.
The cable is NOT reversible; t herefore, keep t rack of w hich end of t he cust om cable connect s t o t he bat t ery and t he Sol-Ark.
8. Program t he invert er w it h t he appropriat e capacit y and charge/ discharge set t ings according t o t he specific bat t ery manual and cable
arrangement .
9. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 10. (Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish the system could fault on battery communications loss.



20. Volt hium Energy

The provided informat ion serves as general set up inst ruct ions for Volt hium Energy bat t eries and Sol-Ark invert ers. Users are st rongly advised t o consult the comprehensive technical documentation provided by Volthium Energy for specificat ions and set t ings t o ensure opt imal performance and safet y. Visit the manufacturer’s website and consult the relevant documentation below.

Volt hium Energy document at ion

Communicat ions Inst allat ion and Set up Inst ruct ions
1. Connect all batteries together with the provided RJ45 cables using the “Battery-Comm” ports. Either port can be used for each battery. Up to 15
bat t eries can be connect ed in parallel. 2. Set t he DIP sw it ches such t hat t he bat t ery communicat ing w it h t he invert er is set as ID 1, and each unit behind it increases t he follow er ID by 1.
NOTE: Skip ID 2 (0010).
Each DIP sw it ch (1-4) represent s a bit in t he follow er ID value, from right t o left . For example: 13 (decimal) =1101 binary = [1: UP, 2: UP,
3: DOWN, 4: UP].

Decimal count ing from 0 t o 15 in binary format as a 4-bit nibble (half byt e):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 dec 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 binary

3. Connect a standard CAT5/6 cable between the “CAN” port on the Master battery and the “Battery CAN Bus” port (or the “CAN” port for indoor-
only unit s) on t he Sol-Ark.


Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001

4. Turn on t he pow er but t ons of t he bat t eries.
5. Turn on t he breakers of t he bat t eries and invert er.
6. Use a thin tool to press in the “RST” button in any of the batteries to turn all of them on. You can now turn on the inverter if it is not on already.
7. Program t he invert er w it h t he appropriat e charge/ discharge set t ings according t o t he specific bat t ery manual and cable arrangement .
8. Enable “BMS Lithium Batt” and set its value to “00”. 9. Optional) Turn on “BMS_Err_Stop” if you wish for the system to fault on loss of battery communications



Copyright © 2024 Sol-Ark LLC | SK140-0026-001


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