DAIKIN DPS Commercial Packaged Rooftop Systems User Guide

July 25, 2024

DAIKIN DPS Commercial Packaged Rooftop Systems


  • Model: DPS
  • Part Number : OM1164-4
  • Date: March 2024

The following is a quick start guide for your new super-efficient Daikin Applied Rebel rooftop unit. Follow these step-by-step procedures for getting the rooftop unit started most efficiently. Read IM 1125 and OM 1141 before operating the unit and adhere to procedures/hazard identifications within the manuals. IM 1125’s warranty registration form includes initial start-up, fan, mechanical cooling, and heating start-up procedures that must be followed with this quick start guide. NOTE: Refrigerant pressures, subcooling, and superheating can be checked from the MicroTech® unit controller. Refrigerant gauges are not required when doing start-up. Schrader fittings are for evacuation and charging purposes only except if there is a problem that would require confirmation of transducer readings.

Operational, Installation, and Maintenance Resources (read before operation)

  • Rebel Unit Installation Manual …………..IM 1125
  • Rebel Unit Controller Discharge Air Control (VAV or CAV) …………………….. OM 1141
  • MicroTech® Unit Controller Options ………..IM 1244
  • BACnet® & LonWorks® Integration ……….ED 15112
  • Daikin Applied System Manager …………. IM 1253

Unit Inspection (performed before operation)

  1. Visually inspect the unit for damage outside and inside the unit. Note any damage. Claims for freight damage must be filed by the consignee.
  2. Confirm unit location meets ventilation and service clearance recommendations as stated in IM 1125 “Unit Clearances”.
  3. Confirm unit condensate drain has been installed per IM 1125 “Unit Piping – Condensate Drain Connection”.
  4. On VAV units, confirm that the duct static pressure sensor tubing and/or building static pressure tubing has been installed per IM 1125 “Installing Duct Static Pressure Taps”.
  5. Confirm the discharge air sensor in the supply duct.
  6. Confirm all field wiring is complete.

NOTE: Remove power when making field connections. Damage to the controller could result in making connections with the power applied.

©2024 Daikin Applied, Minneapolis, MN. All rights reserved throughout the world. This document contains the most current product information as of this printing. Daikin Applied Americas Inc. has the right to change the information, design, and construction of the product represented within the document without prior notice. For the most up-to-date product information, please go to www.DaikinApplied.com.

™® MicroTech, SiteLine, and Daikin Applied are trademarks or registered trademarks of Daikin Applied Americas Inc. The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies: BACnet from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.; Echelon, LonWorks, LonMark, and LonTalk from Echelon Corporation; Modbus from Schneider Electric; and Windows from Microsoft Corporation.

Main Power Supply


Confirm that the electrical power wiring lugs are tight. Check for proper voltage as per submittal and the wiring diagram included with the unit.
NOTE: Incoming power is not to exceed a voltage imbalance of 2%.

Using A Phase Sequencing Tester Confirm Power Source Or Sources If Multiple, Are All Phased Correctly For Clockwise Rotation.


Various menu functions are accessible or inaccessible, depending on the access level of the user, and the password they enter, if any.
There are four access levels, including no password, Level 2, Level 4, and Level 6, with Level 2 having the highest level of access. Without entering a password, the user has access only to basic status menu items. Entering the Level 6 password (5321) allows access to the Alarm Lists Menu, Quick

Menu, and the View/Set Unit Menus group. Entering the Level 4 password (2526) allows similar access as Level 6 with the addition of the Commission Unit Menu, Manual Control, and Service Menu groups. Entering the Level 2 password (6363) allows similar access as Level 4 with the addition of the Unit Configuration Menu.

The main password page is displayed when the keypad/display is first accessed the Home Key is pressed, the Back Key is pressed multiple times, or if the keypad/display has been idle longer than the Password Timeout (default 10 minutes). The main password page provides access to enter a password, access the Quick Menu, view the current Unit State, access the alarm lists, or view information about the unit. Alarms can be acknowledged without entering a password.

Temperature Controls Set Up / DAT Control with Space Temp

For Rebel units 3 to 15 tons confirm that the space sensor is installed and connected to terminal block #2 at terminals 120, 121, and 132 and that the wire shield ground is connected to terminal 132G. For Rebel units, 16 to 28-ton terminal designations are 210, 211, and 212 power is terminal 200. Please refer to page 7 of this document for information regarding correct wiring connections for field-installed space sensors.

STEP 5: Navigate to the Commission Unit menu, enter, and scroll down to “Htg/Clg ChgOvr Set Up” and enter. If you want the unit to control the space sensor select under “Control Temp Source” select “Space”. If you want the space sensor to be in control of the thermostat settings to control the unit, scroll down to “Use Tstat Spt”, change the default value of no to yes, then scroll up to “Apply Tstat Chg” and change the “No” to Yes and enter. The control will cycle off to make the necessary changes to the programming.

NOTE: If there is no space sensor you cannot select space as your control temperature source.
When DAT is selected as the control type in the configuration menu you may select the control temp source as Space Temperature, Return Temperature, Outdoor Air Temperature, Mixed Air Temperature, or None. The control temperature source is the temperature sensor that will decide to call for heat or cooling. If the Thermostat was not selected to control you could proceed to step 6, navigate to the “View Set Unit” menu, then scroll down to cooling and enter. Set your occupied and unoccupied set points as well as the DAT in the cooling menu then proceed to the heating menu and enter the set points for heating.

NOTE: It is a good practice to have a three to four-degree spread between the cooling and heating setpoints.

Item Display Name Default Setting Range Password Level

Ctrl Temp Src=



| RAT|


Use Tstat Spt=| No| No, Yes| 4

Cooling Commissioning

Navigate to the “View/Set Unit/ Cooling Menu” and scroll down to Occ Clg Spt (Occupied cooling setpoint) change this setpoint to what the customer wants to see at the control temp source location.
For example, if you want a 72°F space temp and space is the choice for the control temperature source you would set the Occ Clg Spt to 72°F. When the space temp reached 73°F (set point plus half the dead band one degree) cooling would be enabled. Under these settings whenever the cooling is activated the unit will strive to deliver 55°F when in cooling. If there is not a large load on the space the DAT can be adjusted to limit short cycling, ranges of all three setpoints are shown to the right. When the space temperature reaches 71°F (setpoint minus half the dead band one degree) the cooling cycle will be terminated.

Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level
Occ Htg Spt=| 72.0°F| 0.0–100.0°F| 6
Unocc Htg Spt=| 85.0°F| 40.0–100.0°F| 6
DAT Htg Spt=| 55.0°F| 40.0–140.0°F| 6

Heating Commissioning

Navigate to the “View/Set Unit/ Heating Menu” and scroll down to Occ Htg Spt (Occupied heating setpoint) change this setpoint to what the customer wants to see at the control temp source location.

Example: If you want a 72°F space temp and space temperature is the choice for the control temperature source you would set the Occ Htg Spt to 70°F. When the space drops to 69°F (setpoint plus half the dead band), heating would be enabled. Under these settings whenever the heating is activated the unit will strive to deliver 85°F when in heating. If there is not a large load on the space the DAT can be adjusted to limit short cycling, ranges of all three setpoints are shown to the right. When the space temperature reaches 71°F (setpoint plus half the dead band) the heating cycle will be terminated.
If the set points given in the above examples are entered and the default dead band is 2°F the unit would enter a fan-only state between 71°F and 73°F.

NOTE: The occupied heating set point must be equal to or less than the occupied cooling set point. If a conflict occurs from values entered via the keypad, thermostat or network the occupied heating set point is automatically adjusted down to the cooling set point.

Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level
Occ Htg Spt=| 68.0°F| 0.0–100.0°F| 6
Unocc Htg Spt=| 55.0°F| 40.0–100.0°F| 6
MWU Spt=| 70.0°F| 40.0–100.0°F| 6
DAT Htg Spt=| 85.0°F| 40.0–140.0°F| 6

Minimum Outdoor Air Damper Position

Navigate to the “View/Set Unit>Min OA Damper” menu. Select Vent Lmt= (ventilation limit) and adjust the ventilation limit to the jobsite conditions. The ventilation limit is the required outdoor airflow when fan operation is at full speed. The balancing contractor will need to advise what the percent open the damper should be to take in the required ventilation outdoor air. Ventilation limits are typically determined by the engineer of design and local codes. Ranges of adjustment are shown to the right. Select LoFlo V Lmt= (also known as “low flow ventilation limit”) and set the damper position when the supply fan is running at low speed. When the supply fan slows down the outdoor air damper must open further to maintain the correct amount of ventilation air. The damper position at fan low speed must also be verified by the balancing contractor.

Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level
Min OA Pos=| —| 0–100%| 6
Vent Limit=| 20%| 0–100%| 6
LoFlo V Lmt=| 30%| 0–100%| 6
DCV Limit=| 10%| 0–100%| 6

Economizer Commissioning

Navigate to the Commission Unit>Econo Set-up menu. Economizer operation has a change-over temperature just like the cooling and heating mode. Select Chgover Temp= (also known as “change-over temperature”) to change the default value (“70.0°F”) to jobsite conditions. The changeover temperature is a dry- bulb temperature at which economizer operation is allowed. The default value of 70.0°F allows free cooling economizer operation when the outdoor temperature is below 70.0°F.

The unit may also be equipped with comparative enthalpy control. If this optional control method is furnished on your rooftop unit, the MicroTech unit controller will compare the return air enthalpy, as well as the outdoor air enthalpy, to determine if the outdoor air enthalpy is suitable for free cooling. This enthalpy comparison is allowed only when the outdoor air temperature is below the Chgover Temp= setpoint value entered above.

Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level
Clg Stage Time| 5min| 5–60min| 4
Chgover Temp| 70.0°F| 0.0–100.0°F| 6

Supply Fan Commissioning


  • Navigate to the Commission Unit/SAF Set-Up, scroll down to SAF Ctrl (supply air fan control) select what type of control is desired according to the job site.

  • The default is DSP (duct static pressure) which allows the supply fan to seek and maintain the duct static pressure set point.

  • Spd/ Net (speed Net) is another choice this selection typically is used with a building management system which will write a speed command to the controller.
    1Zn VAV will raise or lower the fan speed in relationship to the temperature set point, the closer to the setpoint the temperature will allow the fan to slow down, and the farther from the setpoint the faster the fan will operate.

  • CO2 selection controls the speed of the fan about the CO2 ppm in the space varying the fan speed between a user adjustable range. CFM selection will control the fan speed as selected by minimum and maximum CFM set points.
    NOTE: If 1ZVAV is selected one must scroll down further into the SAF Set- up menu and enter information for min and max heating and cooling speeds recommendations would be:

    • Cooling minimum 60%, Maximum 90/100%.
    • Heating minimum 60%, Maximum 90/100%.

If CO2 was selected visit the CO2 control section under the SAF Setup menu, and verify the default settings for the PPM are what is needed for the job site.

Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level

SAF Ctrl=

| ****


| DSP| ****



Optional Return/Exhaust Fan Commissioning


Your Daikin Applied unit may be equipped with a power exhaust or return fan. Check the configuration menu to see how this fan was intended to be controlled. In the configuration menu spot 16 would give you the correct fan type and spot 17 would give the control method.
Navigate to the Commission Unit menu, enter, and scroll down to the RF/EF Set- Up menu. The exhaust fans can be controlled by building pressure or as a percentage of supply fan speed, or percent of outside air damper opening, or Speed Net option (communications from the BMS.) The intended control method should be selected in this menu.

  • Tracking, the Return or exhaust fan will track the supply fan as a percentage of speed. (5% to 100%).
  • BldgP (Building static pressure) requires input from a static pressure transducer and will adjust the fan speed about the static pressure set point.
  • Spd/Net is typically used when a building management system is in place and writing a speed to the controller for the fan.
  • OA Damper will operate the exhaust fan ON or OFF about the outside damper position. An adjustable setting of 40% is the default, If the damper position is above this setting it turns the exhaust fan ON.

Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level

RF/EF Ctrl=



| None|


Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level
RF/EF Speed=| —| 0–100%| 6
Speed Cmd=| —| 0–100%| 6
Bldg Press=| —| -0.25–0.25in| 6
BldgSP Spt=| 0.05in| -0.25–0.25in| 6

Optional Dehumidification Control Commissioning


Your Daikin Applied unit may include the option of operating dehumidification control when the humidity or dewpoint in the space is above the setpoint value.
To set up dehumidification control, navigate to the View/Set Unit menu and scroll down to Dehumidification. The default value is “None”. Change to either Relative Humidity or Dew Point to determine the method you will be using to control the dehumidification system.
Further down in the menu please enter the desired setpoint in the appropriate spot depending on if it is humidity or dewpoint.

NOTE : You will need to verify there is a humidity sensor or enthalpy sensor wired up to the controller.
Check the wiring diagram for the proper terminals for proper connection points.

NOTE : If you have gas heating available you may be able to use the gas heating for re-heat during dehumidification.

This is possible if:

  • Configuration position 28 is set to ModHG (2).
  • Configuration position 10 is set to 3,4,5,7 or 8.
  • To enable this process navigate to the commission unit menu, enter and scroll down to Dehum set-up, enter and scroll down to Backup RH Enable, and select “Yes”.
  • For the gas burner to assist in getting the discharge air temperature up to the re-heat setpoint, the re-heat must be on and at 100% for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Item Display Name| Default Setting| Range| Password Level




| None|


Rel Hum
RH Setpoint| 50%| 0–100%| 6

Start-up of the Supply and Return Fans for Air Balancing
It is typical that the fans are startedbeforeo the functional startup of the unit. The VFDs in the unit are shipped with parametersabouto the proper operation of the fans during normal operation. If these parameters are changed by air balance personnel or others just trying to get the fans to operate this could cause extra time for the startup technician. If fan operation is required there are some easy steps to accomplish this without altering drive parameters.

  • Enter level 4 or 6 password, 2526 / 6363.
  • Scroll down to Manual Control, and enter.
  • Change the Manual control from Normal to Manual.
  • Scroll down on the step and change the Supply fan from OFF to ON.
  • Scroll down one more step and change the SAF SPD Cmd from 0% to a percent you want the fan to run from 0 to 100%.

You would follow the same procedure to activate the return or exhaust fans.
When finished running fans simply go to the top of the Manual Control menu and change the Manual control back to Normal The Unit will now shut down and be ready to accept an operational run command.


After all the set points and operational information have been entered, the unit is now ready to be started up. Confirm all doors are closed, filters are installed, traps are installed and no personnel are around moving parts before proceeding. Unit power should have been on for a minimum of 24 hours before start-up of the refrigerant system.

From the main menu after you have put in your password scroll down to, Occ Mode (occupied mode) and select one of the following modes:

  • Occupied, the Unit will start and run until it is commanded OFF 24/7.
  • Unoccupied, the Unit will remain off but in the ready state for operation.
  • The auto unit will respond to a command from the BMS or a contact closure to the main control or the internal schedule.

Then scroll up one spot to Ctrl mode (control mode) and select one of the options:

  • Heat only if you want the unit to run and supply heating only.
  • Cool only, if you want the unit to run and supply cooling only.
  • Fan only, if you want the fan to run only.
  • Heat Cool, if you want the unit to run providing air and heating and cooling dependent on setpoints.
  • Auto, if you want the unit to provide heating or cooling as determined by the building management system.

When the unit begins to start, it will perform a 180-second “Start-Up” procedure in which the unit controller confirms all temperature sensors are functional. Next, the fan will start and perform a 180-second recirculation mode in which the unit begins moving air around the occupied space for an adequate representation of the space conditions at the space temperature sensor. After the recirculation mode, the unit will perform the heating/cooling mode of operation if the “control” temperature is above/below the occupied setpoint values entered in Steps 6 & 7. If the “control” temperature is at the setpoint, then the unit will operate in the “fan only” state of operation.

Terminal Block Locations

Figure 1: Typical Terminal Block (TB2) Locations on Unit Control Panel


DPS 003-015 Sensor Wiring

CAUTION: Miswiring field-installed accessories or sensors can damage the controller. Do not deviate from the prescribed wiring directions in this document.

Space Sensors with Setpoint and Tenant Override

Figure 2: Sensor Image (PN 113117801)

Table 1: PN 113117801 Terminal Locations

Space Sensor with Tenant Override

Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor

DPS 016-028 Sensor Wiring


  • Miswiring field-installed accessories or sensors can damage the controller.
  • Do not deviate from the prescribed wiring directions in this document.

Space Sensors with Setpoint and Tenant Override

Space Sensor with Tenant Override

Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Electrical Diagrams

Daikin Applied Training and Development
Now that you have invested in modern, efficient Daikin Applied equipment, its care should be a high priority. For training information on all Daikin Applied HVAC products, please visit us at www.DaikinApplied.com and click on Training, or call 540-248-9646 and ask for the Training Department.


All Daikin Applied equipment is sold under its standard terms and conditions of sale, including Limited Product Warranty. Consult your local Daikin Applied Representative for warranty details. To find your local Daikin Applied Representative, go to www.DaikinApplied.com.

Aftermarket Services

©2024 Daikin Applied | (800) 432–1342 | www.DaikinApplied.com

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What should I do if I encounter issues with the unit operation?
    • A: If you encounter any issues with the unit operation, please refer to the troubleshooting section of the user manual for guidance. If the issue persists, contact customer support for further assistance.

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