TAMIYA 2024 TCS Racing Car Instructions

July 23, 2024

TAMIYA 2024 TCS Racing Car

Product Information


  • Product Name: Tamiya Racing Car Kit
  • Model Number: TCS2024
  • Manufacturer: Tamiya

Product Usage Instructions

Hobbyists of all ages are eligible to take part in TCS races. Professional and factory-sponsored individuals are not allowed.

  • Expert: High degree of dexterous R/C driving ability.
  • Advanced: Proficient R/C driving ability.
  • Intermediate: Adequate R/C driving ability.
  • Novice: Preliminary stages of R/C driving ability or new to the hobby.

General Rules Applying to All Vehicles

Ensure compliance with class-specific rules for any exceptions or restrictions.

  • All Tamiya chassis platforms must be assembled per the factory instruction manual.
  • Use only Tamiya parts on Tamiya vehicles unless specified otherwise.
  • Tamiya Hop-Up Options and spare parts are allowed if used as designed.
  • No re-engineering or alteration of the car unless using Tamiya Hop-Ups.
  • Suspension springs must retain factory paint/coating.
  • No chassis lightening by milling parts is permitted in any TCS classes.
  • Lightweight screws and adjustable turnbuckles made of specific materials are allowed in most classes.


  • Q: Can professionals participate in TCS races?
  • A: No, only hobbyists of all ages are eligible to take part in TCS races. Professionals and factory-sponsored individuals are excluded.


  • Hobbyists of all ages are eligible to take part. Professional and factory-sponsored individuals may not take part in TCS races.


  1. Hobbyists: Individuals who “purchase” all their hobby racing products.

  2. Professionals: Individuals who are employed by a hobby manufacturer, or distributor, in the hobby industry as paid R/C racers. “Factory Team” drivers (drivers who are, or have ever been, employed or supported i.e., receive FREE product, by a factory, manufacturer, or distributor as part of a factory racing team)

  3. Sponsored: Individuals that receive FREE, or DISCOUNTED product, from a hobby manufacturer, or distributor, to promote their product through social media, and other media outlets.

  4. Enforcement: TCS hosts regional sites, and Tamiya America, will do its best to exclude professionals, and sponsored individuals, from TCS events, at their discretion.
    NOTE: Hardcore hobbyist racers, who get direct discounts from any R/C product manufacturer, are only eligible to race in the Tamiya GT-1 class. The GT-1 class is for the hardcore, semi-sponsored hobbyist racer in mind.

  5. Eligibility for former TCS Champions who won a Ticket Prize to Japan:
    Individuals who have won a “Ticket to Japan” Championship ARE eligible to take part in regional TCS races, in any class, proper to their skill level. They are also eligible to win the first-place trophy/medal. However, former Champions are not eligible to win the product prizes associated with first place. Former champions MUST donate their first-place prize to the FREE general racer raffle, or to any NOVICE racer of their choice.

  6. TCS National Finals Eligibility for former TCS National Champions: All former “Ticket to Japan” winners are eligible to take part in the TCS Finals. Please read the “HOW TO QUALIFY FOR THE 2024 TCS FINALS section for details.


There are class categories for all skill levels. Make certain to read the class descriptions to see which class suits your skill level, and budget.


  1. Expert: Participants with a high degree of dexterous R/C driving ability.
  2. Advanced: Participants with proficient R/C driving ability.
  3. Intermediate: Participants with adequate R/C driving ability.
  4. Novice: Participants with preliminary stages of R/C driving ability, or new to the hobby.


Make sure to read class category-specific rules for any restrictions/exceptions from the general rules.
Vehicle Chassis

  1. All Tamiya chassis platforms must be assembled per the factory instruction manual. Altering the chassis assembly structure and design is not allowed.

  2. All Tamiya vehicles must use Tamiya parts only. No parts from other manufacturers are allowed unless specified within this document.

  3. Any Tamiya Hop-Up Option and spare part is allowed, if it’s used in the way it was designed and installed on the vehicle it was designed for.

  4. It is forbidden for the hobbyist to re-engineer, or alter the car, in any way other than with Tamiya Hop-Ups, or kit-supplied accessories.

  5. It is forbidden to re-engineer or alter the stock, or Hop-Up-Option parts.

  6. Tamiya suspension springs must keep the factory paint/coating. It is prohibited to remove the
    paint/coating from the springs.

  7. Chassis lightning, by milling parts, is prohibited, in all TCS classes.

  8. Lightweight screws, and adjustable turnbuckles that are made of aluminum, steel, or Titanium, made by other manufacturers, is allowed. (EXCEPT IN THE EURO TRUCK BOX STOCK CLASS) (Be aware! If you win the Ticket to Japan national title, all screws and turnbuckles must be TAMIYA made, when competing at the Tamiya World Championships!)

  9. The use of shims, available at most hobby stores and made available by Tamiya, to remove the slop, or play in suspension arms, steering bell-cranks, and wheel axles, is allowed in all vehicles, except in the GT-Spec Novice and Euro Truck classes. Shimming the components of the car, in a way that alters the geometry of the car, or its basic geometry design is prohibited.

  10. The use of O-rings on shock ball ends and camber/steering links is allowed. NOTE: It’s prohibited to do this in the Euro Truck BOX STOCK CLASS!

  11. Changing the camber-link positions on the car, other than the way it was intended per the instruction manual, or the “chassis setting sheet”, is prohibited.

  12. Camber links must be positioned in the existing bulkhead mounting holes. Drilling new camber link holes is prohibited.

  13. Steering tie-rod linkages, on all chassis platforms, must be attached to the steering knuckle, per the instruction manual. Drilling new holes to change “Ackerman” is not allowed. Raising and lowering the steering tie-rods with shims, on the steering knuckle itself, to change the bump steer is not allowed unless specified in the chassis manual, set-up sheet, or Hop-Up-Option instruction.

  14. You may alter the car in any way called out in the “car instruction manual”, or “chassis setting sheet”. If the “chassis setting sheet” calls out the adjustment, then it’s legal to make the change to your car.

  15. Any manufactured ball bearing may be used as a Hop-Up.

  16. All cars must use TAMIYA servo savers or Tamiya Direct Servo Horns.

  17. Internal Drive Gears: You must use the internal drive gears called out in the chassis assembly manual. The internal drive gears of ANY chassis platform may not be altered, changed, or modified unless it is done with the Tamiya Hop-Up Options designed for that specific purpose. Using different Pulley, Ring, and Pinion gears, from different chassis platforms, to create a hybrid internal drive ratio is not allowed. Furthermore, you are not allowed to file, machine, or Dremel the gear drive line to squeeze in a bigger pinion and spur gear combination.

  18. Spur & Pinion Gears: You may use any brand-make spur and pinion gear in the following classes: GT-1, GT-2, GTE, and F1. All other classes must use TAMIYA spur and pinion gears designed for the vehicles used in those classes.

  19. Any modification on a car, not called out specifically in these rules, is prohibited.

  20. If a driver finds a loophole within the rules, the exploitation will be considered illegal at the discretion of the race director.


  1. Any brand of radio system may be used.

  2. Personal My Laps/AMB-it transponders are preferred for timekeeping purposes, at Tamiya TCS events. For more information about these transponders please visit https://www.mylaps.com/timing-solutions-motorized/rc-drone/ Some host sites may have “house” loaner transponders.

  3. The use of electronic driving aids is strictly prohibited. Examples: Gyroscopes connected to steering servos that control steering input, and traction control devices connected to Electronic Speed Controls. (Item #54417 Tamiya Active Steering Assist Unit TGU-01 is not legal for any TCS event in the United States).

  4. Any class that uses a Brushless Motor must use an ESC (electronic speed control) that is ROAR-approved. The list of ROAR legal ESC’s may be found here:
    http://www.roarracing.com/approved_non_timing_escs.php NOTE: TAMIYA ESCs may be used.

  5. Electronics must be mounted in the general chassis locations outlined in the instruction manual of your car, especially STEERING SERVOS. You may move around receivers, and ESCs in alternate positions, if room in the main chassis allows. In cases where a “Shorty” battery pack is being used, where chassis space is freed up, the ESC, or Receiver may be repositioned.


  1. Any ROAR approved Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) battery may be used, for any TCS class. Check the ROAR approved Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) battery list here: http://www.roarracing.com/approved_lipo_batteries.php

  2. Sport Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries are legal, for TCS racing. These batteries do not need ROAR approval.

  3. TCS legal Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) must be 7.4/7.6 volts, 2S-2P specification.
    NOTE: Despite the ROAR approved list, Sport Packs (round HARD case Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) batteries) may be used on Tamiya models where only a round case battery will fit. This type of battery does not need to be ROAR- approved.

  4. LIPO Battery TECH rules: In the interest of safety, and fairness, all LIPO batteries will be volt-metered during TECH Inspection. LiPo batteries exceeding 8.44 volts (2S packs) will not be allowed to race on the track until they have been discharged to meet the 8.44 rule.

  5. All battery packs may not exceed 10 degrees above ambient temperature. You will not be allowed to race with “HOT” battery packs.

  6. All LiPo batteries must be charged in a LiPo sack, at all TCS events!

  7. Any type of battery connector is allowed to be installed on your battery pack.


  1. All car bodies must be painted and must be cut along the molded trim lines.
  2. Removing material beyond/above the trim line is prohibited.
  3. Leaving extra material below the trim lines of the body is prohibited.
  4. You are not allowed to create extra vent holes, for ventilation, or performance enhancement.
  5. All car bodies must use the wings that are supplied in the kit, or they may be fitted with any TAMIYA Hop-Up Option Wing Set if the body has dimple marks molded for the optional Tamiya wing sets.
  6. Mixing and matching the included ABS plastic wings, between different body styles, is prohibited.


  1. Any motor connector, or direct hard wiring to the motor, is allowed. NOTE: Except for the Euro Truck class! You must use the “bullet connectors” that are pre-installed on the motor.
  2. Bolt-on, off-brand, after-market heat sinks, that bolt around the motor circumference, are not allowed.
  3. It is forbidden to freeze the motor, before qualifying, or racing.
  4. ALL CLASSES: The use of any manufacturer’s cooling fan is legal. However, the fan must be no larger than 1.5 in. X 1.5 in., or 40mm square, and must run off the receiver, or direct from the main battery pack. It is PROHIBITED to have a secondary battery, to power the fan. TWO fans, in total, are allowed in a vehicle. This includes the speed control fan.
  5. It is forbidden to crank the physical timing, mechanically, or using rare earth magnets. This rule applies to all the classes that use the Tamiya 540-J/Mabuchi, or Torque silver-can motor.
  6. It is FORBIDDEN to “COOK” brushless motor rotors, which weaken magnet strength.
  7. All Silver-CAN Johnson 540-J, & RS-540 Torque-Tuned motors are limited to 23,500 RPM, maximum. This rule applies to classes that use items 53689-Tamiya 540-J motor, and 54358-RS-540 Torque-Tuned Motor. Measurement method: 23,500 RPM limit. Measured once, soon after the qualifying, or main race, using the Tamiya, Much More, or Peak Racing, motor checker in “step mode” (7.2V) for 22 seconds. The top 3 of each race will have their motors’ MAX RPM checked at the discretion of the race director. The car cannot be taken back to the pits when selected for motor rules conformity. If the motors’ MAX RPM exceeds the set limits, penalties such as disqualification of times will be given. Please note: The motor will be hot after running and will thus have 200-300 higher RPM. Adjust your break-in methods accordingly to conform to the rules, and measurement method!!
  8. Brushless motor classes: See class category-specific rules for the legal motors that may be used for your entry.
  9. Brushless motor rules: Tuning Rotors are legal in classes where a specific “spec” motor is not used. However, the tuning rotor must be readily available by the manufacturer that makes the motor. Hybrid construction motors are not allowed. Mod rotors, or mod tuning rotors are not legal for TCS. In addition, you may not create a hybrid motor using one manufacturer rotor, or stack, and another manufacturer CAN. The motor used must be built per the specification of the manufacturer.
  10. REEDY FT (Fixed Timing) Spec Brushless Motor rules: It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to shave, mill, machine, or replace, the screws that hold the motor together. Anything that makes these screws thinner is completely prohibited. NOTE: Sneaky Racers do this trick because it advances the motor timing, thereby making the motor faster. This trick is prohibited!

GT-1, GT-2, GT Pro-SPEC and GT-E Motor Turn Matrix

TCS Event 2024 GT-1 motor GT-2 & GT-E, PRO Spec motor
NORA Carpet Racers 17.5 REEDY FT 21.5 REEDY FT
180 Raceway, MD 17.5 REEDY FT 21.5 REEDY FT
HobbyTown/Hobby Plex, NE 17.5 REEDY FT 21.5 REEDY FT GT2 & 17.5 REEDY FT GTE
Larry’s Performance RC, MI 17.5 REEDY FT 21.5 REEDY FT
RC Madness, CT 17.5 REEDY FT 21.5 REEDY FT
The Lap Factory 13.5 REEDY FT (GT-2-17.5 REEDY FT) (Pro Spec, GTE 21.5 R FT)
Revelation Raceway, CA 13.5 REEDY FT (GT-2-17.5 REEDY FT) (Pro Spec, GTE

21.5 R FT)
Mid-South Hobbies| 17.5 REEDY FT| 21.5 REEDY FT
Big Dog RC, PA| 17.5 REEDY FT| 21.5 REEDY FT
Broadway Hobbies/Galaxy RC

Racers, WA

| 17.5 REEDY FT| 21.5 REEDY FT
Brownies Hobbies @ Jackson


| 17.5 REEDY FT| 21.5 REEDY FT
TCS Nationals| 13.5 REEDY FT| (GT-2-17.5 REEDY FT) (Pro Spec, GTE 21.5 R FT)


  1. Tire conditioners are allowed but may be restricted to certain TCS venues. (Select TCS host sites do not allow additives due to ventilation issues)
  2. Tires may not enter the TECH inspection area in a wet condition.
  3. Tire warmers are not allowed in the tech inspection area. They may be used after the car has passed technical inspection, or before entering the tech inspection area.
  4. It is not allowed to drill extra wheel vent holes, to alter the performance and grip level of the tire. Enlarging the existing vent hole is also prohibited. Exception: In the F-1 rubber class, when using items 1031 and 1032 (high grip rubber tires), on Tamiya wheels that don’t have any holes, (e.g., Tamiya foam wheels), it is permitted to drill one hole. Note: The hole may not exceed 2mm in diameter.
  5. Any tire insert may be used in classes that have OPEN Tamiya tire rules.
  6. Spec pre-mounted rubber tire classes may not remove the installed insert.
  7. It’s prohibited to apply super glue on the horizontal surface of the tire, to alter traction characteristics. Exceptions: In the Euro Truck and M-Chassis class, you are allowed to glue up to the first horizontal groove/tread of the tire, from the outside edge only.
  8. Running rubber tires with no inserts is allowed, and legal in open tire classes.
  9. Asphalt Surface Races: GT-2, GT-1, GT-Pro Spec & GT-E classes: House Spec Tire Rules. See Matrix Below for Specific Location House Tires used.
  10. Carpet Surfaces Races: GT-2, GT-1, GT-Pro Spec & GT-E classes: See Matrix Below for Specific Location House Tires used.
  11. M-Chassis, Euro Truck, and GT Novice must use the specified Tamiya branded tires called out in the class-specific rules. See class-specific rules.
  12. F-1 class: This class may use the host site “HOUSE” tire of choice.
TCS Event 2024 GT-1, 2, E & Pro Spec: Spec Tire to use
NORA Carpet Racers Gravity USGT Spec
180 Raceway, MD Gravity RC G-Spec Type C, GT Wheel
HobbyTown/Hobby Plex, NE Tamiya Type C2 #54952
Larry’s Performance RC, MI Sweep “True Blue” 32
RC Madness, CT Sweep TC D36D-GT Spec Treaded
The Lap Factory GT1/2:RIDE USGT GTE/Pro Spec: RIDE 2426 Slick Tire
Revelation Raceway, CA Sweep 36 Roar/Reedy
Mid-South Hobbies Yokomo Sorex Pre-Glued 36-Tamiya B3
Big Dog RC, PA Rush VR3 36x
Broadway Hobbies/Galaxy RC Racers, WA Rush VR3 36x (Spoke version)
Brownies Hobbies @ Jackson RC, NJ Gravity USGT pre-glued GRC124GTW
TCS Nationals TBD


The concourse event allows racers to display their artistic and creative talent. “Best of Show” participants are encouraged to display an enhanced level of detail in all aspects of their vehicle’s appearance. The event is a judged competition by vehicle type.

  1. TCS Best of Show Concourse Awards applies to: F-1, M-Chassis, GT, and Euro Truck NOTE: (GT includes: GT1, GT2, GT-E, GT-Spec/Novice/Pro).
  2. The body displayed for concourse consideration must be mounted on a fully assembled Tamiya chassis.
  3. The body does not have to run in a heat race. Concourse bodies, if raced, must follow all other rules, and may not enhance the performance of the vehicle.
  4. Dioramas, or extra figures, are not allowed during concourse judging. Driver figures inside the vehicle are allowed.
  5. The wheels and tires used must be Tamiya.
  6. Appearance Modifications to the wheels are allowed.
  7. You may only enter a best-of-show entry concerning the class type that you are registered in. In other words, a racer may not enter the F1 concourse if he/she is only racing in a GT class.
  8. As judges, we look at various aspects of the finished product. Individually, we will judge your car subjectively. We will be judging on, but not limited to, itemized categories as follows:
  • Body trim-Quality of body trimming
  • Paint-How clean is the paint applied? Symmetry, clean lines, overall quality.
  • Wheel and tire details
  • Mirror & body accessory details
  • LED Light details
  • Livery- How well does the livery recreate a racecar or theme? Replica, or fictitious?
  • Interior details- Does the car have an interior, LED lights, brake/exhaust?
  • Overall presentation


  • The following pages describe CLASS regulation-specific rules. The class specifics outline exceptions and recommendations that are otherwise not noted in the General Rules section.

GT Spec Novice

The GT Spec Novice class is for beginner drivers only. This class is perfect for inexperienced drivers who have little to no experience and are just getting into R/C racing. Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert drivers are not allowed in this class category.
Recommended Skill Level: Novice Only

  1. Legal chassis platforms: TT-01, TT-01R, TT-01E, TT-01R-Type E, TT-02, TT02S, TT-02SR, TT-02R, TT-02RR, TT-02SRX (TT Series)
  2. The GT Spec Novice class may use any Tamiya Hop-Up-Option designed specifically for the platforms allowed above. Recommended: Ball Bearing set, Speed Tuned Gear Set, Aluminum motor mount, and Oil-filled dampers. These 4 Options are all you really need.
  3. Motor: You must use the kit-supplied motor. (Mabuchi/Johnson) 540-J and RS 540 torque-tuned motor (items 54358 & 53689) respectively. They come with all TT kits. See General Rules for Motor RPM limits. Article 7.7
  4. Tires: Any TAMIYA rubber tire, and wheel, may be used. 24mm, and 26mm width wheels/tires, are allowed.
  5. Legal race bodies: Any Tamiya 190mm GT, or Sports car body is allowed.
  6. Minimum weight: NONE


This class is the perfect stage to compete against experienced, and skilled drivers, but with the lower cost of Tamiya “Plastic Composite” chassis models. Professional and Sponsored individuals are not allowed to race in this class.
Recommended Skill Level: Advanced to Expert

  1. Legal chassis platforms: Any plastic composite TUB-Type chassis; XV-01, TT-01, TT-02, TA-01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 and TB-03, TB-04, and TB-05 variants.
  2. Recommended chassis platform: TA-07, TA-08, or TB-05. These three platforms are the latest that Tamiya has to offer, and the current fastest machines in the class.
  3. SPEC Motor rules: Participants in this class must use the REEDY SONIC FT fixed timing, 17.5/21.5 motors. Item #’s 293 & 297 respectively. See the TCS Location Motor Matrix to see what turn motor is used, for each event.
  4. No BOOST ESC (Electronic Speed Control) rules: Any ROAR legal, and approved, ESC may be used, capable of “Blinky-Mode”. These ESCs must not use electronic timing (boost). See General Rules for ROAR ROAR-approved “blinky” ESC list.
  5. Minimum weight: 1375 grams.
  6. Legal race bodies: Any currently available Tamiya 190mm GT, or Sports car body, is permitted.
  7. Tires: Decided by HOST regional race location. See the Spec-Tire Matrix, in the Tire/wheel section, to see what SPEC-TIRE is being used for specific events.


This is the premiere touring car class. The class features the use of any Tamiya touring car variant, driven by VERY experienced, and skilled drivers.
Recommended Skill Level: Advanced to Expert

  1. Legal chassis platforms: Any variant TRF 414-421, TB EVO 1-8, and any variant XV-01-XV-02, TA-05, TA-06, TA-07, TA-08, TB-03, TB-04, and TB-05.
  2. Recommended chassis platform: TRF419/420 series, or TA-07MS/X. These three platforms are the latest that Tamiya has to offer, and the current fastest machines in the class.
  3. Spec Motor Rules: Participants in this class must use the REEDY SONIC FT fixed timing, 13.5/17.5 motors. Item #’s 293 & 294 respectively. See the TCS Location Motor Matrix to see what turn motor is used, for each event.
  4. No BOOST ESC (Electronic Speed Control) rules: Any ROAR legal, and approved ESC may be used, capable of “Blinky-Mode”. These ESCs must not use electronic timing (boost). See General Rules for ROAR ROAR-approved “blinky” ESC list.
  5. Minimum Weight: 1375 grams
  6. Legal race bodies: Any Tamiya 190mm GT, or Sports car body, is permitted.
  7. Tires: Decided by HOST regional race location. See the Spec-Tire Matrix, in the Tire/wheel section, to see what SPEC-TIRE is being used for specific events.


M-Chassis is one of the most popular classes at TCS events. The M-Chassis class features low-cost, fun, and competitive racing with mid-sized FWD and RWD machines. Professional and Sponsored individuals are not allowed to race in this class.
Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced

  1. Legal chassis platforms: M-07, M-08 platforms only. (Older platforms may be used, but will be at a gear ratio disadvantage)
  2. Spec Motor Rules: Participants in this class must use the REEDY SONIC FT fixed timing, 21.5 motors. Item #297.
  3. No BOOST ESC (Electronic Speed Control) rules: Any ROAR legal, and approved ESC may be used, capable of “Blinky-Mode”. These ESCs must not use electronic timing (boost). See General Rules for ROAR ROAR-approved “blinky” ESC list.
  4. Minimum weight: 1300 grams.
  5. Legal race bodies: Any Tamiya M-chassis body.
  6. Tires: Two TAMIYA types of M-Chassis tires are allowed.
  • Item 54995 RC 60D Super Radial Tires/Soft 2pcs-with Any Tamiya M-chassis wheel & insert.
  • Item 54999 RC 60D Super Radial Tires/Hard 2pcs-with Any Tamiya M-chassis wheel & insert.
  • NOTE: Assembled tires with inserts may not exceed 60mm in diameter. Overstuffing is prohibited.

F1 Rubber Tire

Open-wheel racing at its best with rear-wheel-drive cars, and rubber tires.
Recommended Skill Level: Advanced to Expert

  1. Legal chassis platform: F104 Version I&II, Pro II, F104GP (must use F104 front suspension), TRF101/102/103 & TRF101W (must use any F104/101 narrow front-end)

  2. Motor Rules: Any ROAR Legal 25.5 Motor may be used.
    Must use a No BOOST ESC (Electronic Speed Control): Any ROAR legal, and approved ESC may be used, capable of “Blinky-Mode”. These ESCs must not use electronic timing (boost). See General Rules for ROAR ROAR-approved “blinky” ESC list.

  3. Tires: Tamiya F104 rubber tires, or any “HOUSE” F1 tire the host site selects.

  4. Legal race bodies: Tamiya F104 bodies only. Mixing Tamiya bodies, and Tamiya wings is NOT allowed. You must use wings that match the body set.
    A Tamiya Driver figure must be used.

  5. Minimum weight: NONE

GT PRO Spec – Porsche/Mercedes/Ford/Toyota

The GT PRO Spec class is for anyone that wants to race head-to-head with racers of any skill level, with budget-minded, and equally spaced race cars.
The class allows beginner, intermediate, and advanced drivers to compete together in an arena where driver skill level, and car preparation, decide success. This class is perfect for inexperienced drivers to move up to a higher level of competition, and still race their entry-level TT-02 machine, and great for the more advanced drivers, who want to compete in a budget class.
Recommended Minimum Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced

  1. Legal chassis platform: TT-02, TT-02R, TT-02RR kits only. Note: TT-02 Type Skits are not legal for this class, nor TT-02 Type S specific Hop-Ups.
    Any TT-02 Hop-Up Option is allowed with the 2 exceptions listed in RED: No aluminum shocks. No carbon shock towers.

  2. Shocks: The only Hop-Up Option shock allowed is the Tamiya CVA plastic shock unit. (Item 50746)

  3. Springs: You may only use the kit supplied, 5 coils, chrome spring, or 7 coils, chrome spring in the CVA shock unit set, and item 53440 RC On-Road Spring Set (Hard). These springs are blue, red, yellow, and white, in the package for easy identification.

  4. Spur Gears allowed: Tamiya TT-02 stock and TT-02 Tamiya speed-tuned spur gears are allowed. TT-02 Gears: Stock-70T, Speed-Tuned-68T, and 64T.

  5. Pinion Gears allowed: Pinion gear ratio options shown in the TT-02 kit and the speed-tuned gear set motor mount chart. Finding ways to exceed the maximum gear ratio, shown in the manual charts, is not allowed. Maximum gear ratio from the speed-tuned gear set: 5.74:1 (64T Spur-29T Pinion)

  6. Tires: Decided by HOST regional race location. See the Spec-Tire Matrix, in the Tire/wheel section, to see what SPEC-TIRE is being used for specific events.

  7. Must use a No BOOST ESC (Electronic Speed Control): Any ROAR legal, and approved ESC capable of “Blinky-Mode” may be used. These ESCs must not use electronic timing (boost). See General Rules for ROAR ROAR-approved “blinky” ESC list.

  8. SPEC Motor rules: Participants in this class must use the 21.5 REEDY SONIC FT fixed timing motor. Item # 297.

  9. Body: The GT Pro Spec body choices are: Porsche 911 GT3 Cup VIP 2007 (Item 51336), 911 GT3 (992) (Item 51705) Mercedes-AMG GT3 (Item 51590) Ford Mustang GT4 (Item 51614, 47444-LIGHTWEIGHT Version) FORD GT MK. II (item 51664) and au TOM’S GR Supra (Item 51678)

  10. Wings: You may use the stock wing from the body set, or you may use the Hop-Up-Option wing; item 53604 RC Racing Wing Set. This is the only optional wing allowed. Note: Tamiya Aluminum Hop-Up-Option wing mounts are permitted. Items: 54773 RC Aluminum Wing Stay 2, and 54510 RC Aluminum Wing Stay

  11. Wheel hubs: 4mm, 5mm, and 6mm wheel hex hubs only. TT-02 kits include 9mm plastic hex hubs. They are not allowed.

  12. Minimum weight: 1400 grams.

  13. Recommended Hop-Up-Options: Various Hop-Up Options may be used, but you only really need to consider the following 7:

  • Ball Bearing set: (item 54476) highly recommended.
  • Speed Tuned Gear Set: (item 54500) highly recommended.
  • Aluminum motor mount: (item 54558) highly recommended.
  • Plastic Oil-filled dampers: (items 50746-highly recommended, 53619, 50519).
  • Aluminum Prop-shaft: (item 54501)
  • TT02 Alum Propeller Joint (item 54502)
  • Steering Turn Buckle set: (item 53662).
  • Toe-In Rear-Uprights (TT-02 item 54549/2.5 degree & 54733/3.0 degree)
  • RC On-Road Spring Set (Hard) (item 53440)
  • Oil Gear Differential Unit (item 54875) or Oil Gear Differential Unit (item 22049)
  • Adjustable Upper Arm Set (item 54874)

Euro Semi-Truck GT

This is a pure box stock class open to any skill-level hobbyist.
Recommended Minimum Skill level: Novice, Intermediate to Advanced

  1. Legal kits: Item 58632 Team Hahn Racing MAN TGS, 58642 Team Reinert Racing MAN TGS, 58661 Buggyra Racing Fat Fox, and 58683 Tankpool24 Mercedes Actros
  2. The kit must be built EXACTLY per the instruction manual.
  3. The ONLY Hop-Op Options allowed are Ball Bearings (ANY BRAND), and any Tamiya servo saver.
  4. Must use the stock pinion and spur gear. (61 Tooth Spur, 19 Tooth Pinion)
  5. Must use the kit supplied Tamiya TBLE-02S/TBLE-04S ESC/THW-1060 Brushed Motor ESC (2-3S) Hobbywing OEM-Same as QUICRUN 1060 BRUSHED ESC (2-3S).
  6. Must use the kit supplied motor (item 54358 RS-540 Torque-Tuned Motor)
  7. The battery connector on ESC may be changed to DEANS type or XT-60.
  8. The Motor Bullet Connectors may not be removed.
  9. The ESC & Motor wires may not be shortened or removed!
  10. All polycarbonate body parts must be used.
  11. All screws in the kit must be used. You may not omit screws to change the handling of the truck. NOTE: The plastic motor cover directly over the motor does not need to be used.
  12. Minimum weight: NONE. Also, NO weights, of ANY KIND, may be put on the truck for ballast.
  13. Adding FOAM material to the kit foam bumper is allowed. You may also use item 54819 Urethane Bumper XL in place of the stock-size bumper.
  14. Tires: Must use kit-type tires, and wheels. Note: TIRE INSERTS OF ANY KIND ARE NOT PERMITTED.
  15. Any grease or lube may be used to lubricate gears or moving parts.
  16. Any Tamiya Hi-Torque Servo Saver is allowed.
  17. It’s permitted to mix & match front/rear wheels on the truck for durability.
  18. Batteries: Any stick-pack type, hard round case LiPo, NiCD, or Ni-MH is allowed. Examples: Reedy Wolf-Pack, or Peak Racing, and Powermax batteries.


This is a brand-new class celebrating race cars on the forefront of electric power, and hybrid technology. Recommended Minimum Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced

  1. Legal chassis platform: TC-01
  2. SPEC Motor rules: Participants in this class must use the REEDY SONIC FT fixed timing 17.5/21.5 motors. Item #’s 293 & 297 respectively. See the TCS Location Motor Matrix to see what turn motor is used for each event.
  3. No BOOST ESC (Electronic Speed Control) rules: Any ROAR legal, and approved ESC may be used capable of “Blinky-Mode”. These ESCs must not use electronic timing (boost). See General Rules for ROAR ROAR-approved “blinky” ESC list.
  4. Minimum weight: 1500 grams.
  5. Legal race bodies: FIA Formula E & Toyota Gazoo Racing TS050 Hybrid, and Mercedes CLK-GTR.
  6. Tires: See Spec-Tire Matrix in the Tire/wheel section to see what tire is legal for each regional race location.


  1. There must be at least 5 participants, in each respective class, for the class to be run.
  2. 5-minute qualifying heats.
  3. 6-minute main events. (Region, and Time-dependent)
  4. Two qualifying heat rounds. (Weather and time allowing)
  5. IFMAR qualifying format. All cars run on individual clocks.
  6. The best laps/time decide the main event qualifying order.
  7. Regional TCS events run single “A-Mains” for one-day events.
  8. Regional TCS events run TRIPLE “A” mains for two-day events.
  9. Lower Main “Bump-Ups” are left to the discretion of the regional host site.
  10. All Main races are heads-up starts.


  1. Prizes and awards are given to the top 3 in the “A” Main of each class. (Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals, plus product prizes)
  2. 1st place winners receive a Tamiya RC kit. 2nd place and 3rd place receive “Hop-Up” option prizes.
  3. The winners of “Best of Show” (Award for the best-looking vehicle) receive an R/C body set plus a TCS Coin of Best of Show Achievement.
  4. Every TCS participant qualifies to receive one FREE raffle ticket.


After the end of each TCS season, there is a TCS Championship Final. There are various race class categories in which participants compete for a National Championship title. Three of these class categories have a grand prize at stake. A “Ticket-to-Japan”, a paid travel expense prize that’s awarded to 1st place championship winners. Furthermore, these 3 class winners move on to the Tamiya World Championships, where they compete for a Tamiya World Title. The World Championships are held every October/November at Tamiya’s headquarters, found in Shizuoka, Japan.

  1. To take part in the TCS Finals, all participants competing in a Tamiya World Championship class must be legal citizens and permanent residents of the United States of America. All other regions are excluded currently.

  2. To enter a “Ticket to Japan” class, you must have competed in that class during the earlier, or current regional racing season. (2022-2024 Seasons)

  3. For all other classes, TCS racers finishing in the top ten, in any class, automatically qualify for the Tamiya TCS Finals. Racers who did not finish in the top ten are given priority as “walk-ins” on a first-come basis. Unqualified racers, and walk-ins, may not enter a trip-winning class, in which they have never taken part in, previously. You must have taken part in the 2022, 2023, or 2024 season to be eligible to compete at the TCS 2024 Finals in a “Ticket to Japan” class.

  4. EXCEPTIONS include GT SPEC Novice, Euro Truck, F1, GT-E, and GT1. If you are new to TCS, you may enter GT Spec Novice, Euro Truck, GT1, and F-1.

  5. TICKET TO JAPAN CLASSES: The 2024 TCS Finals “Ticket to Japan” classes are:
    GT-2, M-Chassis, and GT-PRO SPEC! (Could change depending on participation conditions)

  6. NEW RULES GOVERNING FORMER TCS “TICKET TO JAPAN WINNERS: *Former TCS champions, who have won a “Ticket to Japan”, are eligible to compete at the TCS Finals with the following stipulations: A. If you choose to enter a “Ticket to Japan” class again, it must be in a class that you have NEVER won a “Ticket to Japan”. EXAMPLE: If you are a TCS M-Chassis Champion, which went to Japan, you may only enter GT-2, or GT-PRO SPEC for the 2024 event. If you won the GT-1 “Ticket to Japan”, you may enter M-Chassis, GT PRO SPEC, or GT-2 B. Former “Ticket to Japan” champions may enter any class that is not a “Ticket to Japan” class. Example: The F1, EURO TRUCK, GT-E, and GT-1 classes may be entered for a NATIONAL title.

Former TCS Champions eligibility, and prize details

  1. Former TCS “Ticket to Japan” winners must sit out competing in another “Ticket to Japan” class for 2 years before competing again in a “Ticket to Japan” class. Example: 2023 “Ticket to Japan” winners are eligible to compete again in 2026). 2023 “Ticket to Japan” winners are free to race in any other non “Ticket to Japan” class during the 2-year wait period.
  2. Former “Ticket to Japan” champions MUST compete in a 2024 TCS regional race to be eligible for the 2024 TCS Finals.
  3. Tamiya America covers airfare and accommodations to the Tamiya World Championships, for all trip-winning classes. This includes meal tickets vouchers provided by Tamiya Inc. to dine at the host hotel. Meals outside of the hotel are not covered by Tamiya.

Tamiya 2024 World Championship Notice & Information

  1. The Tamiya World Championships will be held in November 16-17, 2024.
  2. TCS Finals champions, who win the trip to Japan, must have a valid U.S. passport, and any other travel documents needed, 8 weeks before the Tamiya World Event. Signed waivers, racer information, and questionnaires must be given to the TCS director 6 weeks before the trip.
  3. Due to translation timelines, and last-minute changes, the 2024 rules and regulations may not be given to the TCS trip winners until 3 weeks before the event.
  4. Trip winners must buy spec batteries, spec tires, and motors, either from Tamiya America, or Tamiya Japan. These items must be used for the Tamiya World Championship race.
  5. TCS Champions receive a special promo code to the https://www.tamiyausa.com website. The code will allow you to buy spares or option parts at a discount price. It is a one-time offer in preparation for the Tamiya World Championships.
  6. Notice to “Ticket to Japan” National Champion winners: A parent or legal guardian must accompany a TCS “Ticket to Japan” winner, who is under the age of 18, or legally dependent. Tamiya America Inc. does not cover airfare, transportation, lodging, and food for the legal parent, or guardian. Tamiya America will supply an estimated cost to the parent/guardian, for approval before booking travel. Final costs will be billed to the parent/guardian after all invoices are collected from the trip. Due to the coordination, and scheduling, during the Tamiya World Championships, added friends, and/or family are not allowed to go with winners to Japan.
  7. In the event that a “Ticket to Japan” winner is unable to attend the Tamiya World Championships, for any reason beyond the control of Tamiya America Inc., an alternate will NOT substitute. The class champion is considered a “Past Champion” in all future TCS events and must compete accordingly as such.

Changes from the 2023 Regulations

  • Added new MINIMUM WEIGHT to the GT Pro Spec class. 1400 grams.
  • Added Mercedes CLK-GTR body to the GT-E class.

2024 addendums

  • Version: 2024 updated 7/16/24


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