SMARTTEH LPC-2.A05 Longo Programmable Controller Analog Input Output Module User Manual

July 12, 2024

LPC-2.A05 Longo Programmable Controller Analog Input Output Module


Product Information


Model: Longo Programmable Controller LPC-2.A05
Analog Input Output Module

Version: 2

Manufacturer: SMARTEH d.o.o.

Address: Poljubinj 114, 5220 Tolmin,

Contact: Tel.: +386(0)5 388 44 00, E-mail:


Product Usage Instructions

1. Installation and Setup

Ensure compliance with electrical standards and regulations for
the operating country.

Authorized personnel should work on the 100-240V AC network.

Protect devices/modules from moisture, dirt, and damage during
transport, storage, and operation.

Mount the module on a standard DIN EN50022-35 rail.

2. Features

  • 8 analog inputs: voltage input, current input, thermistor

  • 8 analog inputs/outputs: voltage output, current output,
    thermistor, PWM output

  • Jumper selectable type of input/output

  • Signal LED

  • Supplied from the main module

  • Small dimensions for space-saving

3. Operation

The LPC-2.A05 module can be controlled from the main PLC module
(e.g., LPC-2.MC9) or via Modbus RTU Slave main module (e.g.,

3.1 Operation Description

To measure the thermistor’s temperature, set the appropriate
reference voltage for the analog output (VAO) and measure the
voltage at the input (VAI). Refer to the module output schematic
for details.

The series resistance value (RS) is 3950 ohms, and the maximum
voltage analog input is 1.00V.

The output reference voltage is set based on the selected
thermistor type and desired temperature.


Q: Can the LPC-2.A05 module be used with other PLC


A: Yes, the LPC-2.A05 module can be controlled from the main PLC
module like LPC-2.MC9 or via the Modbus RTU Slave main module like

Q: How many analog inputs/outputs does the LPC-2.A05 module


A: The LPC-2.A05 module has 8 analog inputs and 8 analog


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05 Analog Input Output module
Version 2
SMARTEH d.o.o. / Poljubinj 114 / 5220 Tolmin / Slovenia / Tel.: +386(0)5 388 44 00 / e-mail: /

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
Written by SMARTEH d.o.o. Copyright © 2024, SMARTEH d.o.o. User Manual Document Version: 2 June, 2024

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
STANDARDS AND PROVISIONS: Standards, recommendations, regulations and provisions of the country in which the devices will operate, must be considered while planning and setting up electrical devices. Work on 100 .. 240 V AC network is allowed for authorized personnel only.
DANGER WARNINGS: Devices or modules must be protected from moisture, dirt and damage during transport, storing and operation.
WARRANTY CONDITIONS: For all modules LONGO LPC-2 ­ if no modifications are performed upon and are correctly connected by authorized personnel ­ in consideration of maximum allowed connecting power, warranty of 24 months is valid from the date of sale to the end buyer, but not more than 36 months after delivery from Smarteh. In case of claims within warranty time, which are based on material malfunctions the producer offers free replacement. The method of return of malfunctioned module, together with description, can be arranged with our authorized representative. Warranty does not include damage due to transport or because of unconsidered corresponding regulations of the country, where the module is installed. This device must be connected properly by the provided connection scheme in this manual. Misconnections may result in device damage, fire or personal injury. Hazardous voltage in the device can cause electric shock and may result in personal injury or death. NEVER SERVICE THIS PRODUCT YOURSELF! This device must not be installed in the systems critical for life (e.g. medical devices, aircrafts, etc.).
If the device is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the degree of protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) must be collected separately!
LONGO LPC-2 complies to the following standards: · EMC: EN 61000-6-3:2007 + A1:2011, EN 61000-6-1:2007, EN 61000-
3-2:2006 + A1:2009 + A2: 2009, EN 61000-3-3:2013 · LVD: IEC 61010-1:2010 (3rd Ed.), IEC 61010-2-201:2013 (1st Ed.)
Smarteh d.o.o. operates a policy of continuous development. Therefore we reserve the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this manual without any prior notice.
MANUFACTURER: SMARTEH d.o.o. Poljubinj 114 5220 Tolmin Slovenia

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
1 ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………………………..1 2 DESCRIPTION………………………………………………………………………..2 3 FEATURES……………………………………………………………………………3 4 OPERATION………………………………………………………………………….4
4.1 Operation description………………………………………………………..4 4.2 SmartehIDE Parameters………………………………………………………6 5 INSTALLATION……………………………………………………………………..10 5.1 Connection scheme…………………………………………………………10 5.2 Mounting instructions……………………………………………………….13 6 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS……………………………………………………….15 7 MODULE LABELING…………………………………………………………………16 8 CHANGES ………………………………………………………………………….17 9 NOTES………………………………………………………………………………18

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05



Direct Current Receive Transmit Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter Pulse Width Modulation Negative Temperature Coeficient Input/Output Analog Input Analog Output


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
The LPC-2.A05 is a universal analog module offering a variety of analog input and output options. Each input channel can be individually configured for the following: analog voltage input, analog current input, or thermistor input dedicated for temperature measurement using thermistors (NTC, Pt100, Pt1000, etc.). Input/Output channels offer even greater flexibility, allowing configuration as: analog voltage output, analog current output, thermistor input, or PWM output, which generates a digital pulse signal with a variable duty cycle (e.g. motor control or dimming LEDs). Functionality for each channel is selected by according physical jumper on the PCB and by the configuration register. LPC-2.A05 is controlled and powered from the main module (e.g. LPC-2.MU1, LPC-2.MC9) via the Right internal bus.

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
Figure 1: LPC-2.A05 module
Table 1: Technical data
8 analog inputs: voltage input, current input, thermistor 8 analog inputs/outputs: voltage output, current output, thermistor, PWM output Jumper selectable type of input/output Signal LED Supplied from the main module Small dimensions and standard DIN EN50022-35 rail mounting

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

LPC-2.A05 module can be controlled from the main PLC module (e.g. LPC-2.MC9). Module parameters can be read or written via Smarteh IDE software. LPC-2.A05 module can also be controlled by the Modbus RTU Slave main module (e.g. LPC-2.MU1).

4.1 Operation description

Types of inputs I1..I8 according to the jumper position

Thermistor input ­ jumper position 1-2

To measure the thermistor’s temperature, set the appropriate reference voltage for the analog

output (VAO) and measure the voltage at the input (VAI), refer to Figure 2 for the module output schematic. The series resistance value (RS) is 3950 ohms and maximum voltage analog input is 1,00 V. Based on these data, the connected thermistor’s resistance (RTH) can be calculated. The

output reference voltage is set based on the selected thermistor type and desired temperature

range. This ensures the input voltage stays below 1.0 V while maintaining sufficient resolution. The

recommended reference voltage values for accurate measurement of the given thermistors across

their entire temperature range are listed below.

Equation for resistance of thermistor on I1 .. I8:






Current analog input ­ jumper position 2-3
The input current value is calculated from the raw analog input voltage reading “Ix – Analog input”, using the following equation.

Current analog input on I1 .. I8:


VAI 50


Voltage analog input ­ jumper position 3-4 The input voltage value is calculated from the raw analog input voltage reading “Ix – Analog input”, using the following equation.
Voltage analog input on I1 .. I8: VIN= VAI × 11 [mV]

Types of inputs/outputs IO1..IO8 according to the jumper position
Current analog output or PWM signal output ­ jumper position 1-2 The type of output is selected by “Configuration register”. The output current value or PWM duty cycle value is set by specifying variables “IOx ­ Analog/PWM output”.


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

Voltage analog output ­ jumper position 2-3 The output voltage value is set by specifying variables “IOx – Analog/PWM output”.

Thermistor input ­ jumper position 3-4
To measure the thermistor’s temperature, set the appropriate reference voltage for the analog output (VAO) and measure the voltage at the input (VAI), refer to Figure 2 for the module output schematic. The series resistance value (RS) is 3900 ohms and maximum voltage analog input is 1,00 V. Based on these data, the connected thermistor’s resistance can be calculated. The output reference voltage is set based on the selected thermistor type and desired temperature range. This ensures the input voltage stays below 1.0 V while maintaining sufficient resolution. The recommended reference voltage values for accurate measurement of the given thermistors across their entire temperature range are listed below.

Equation for resistance of thermistor on IO1 .. IO8:






NTC 10k Temperature range: -50°C .. 125°C Recommended set reference voltage = 1.00 V
Pt100 Temperature range: -200°C .. 800°C Recommended set reference voltage = 10.00 V
Pt1000 Temperature range: -50°C .. 250°C Recommended set reference voltage = 3.00 V

Temperature range: -50°C .. 800°C Recommended set reference voltage = 2.00 V

Figure 2: Thermistor connection scheme


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

4.2 SmartehIDE Parameters


I1 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_1]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I2 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_2]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I3 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_3]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I4 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_4]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I5 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_5]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I6 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_6]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I7 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_7]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I8 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_8]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO1 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_9]: Analog input raw voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO2 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_10]: Analog input raw voltage value. Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

IO3 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_11]: Analog input raw voltage value. Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO4 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_12]: Analog input raw voltage value. Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO5 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_13]: Analog input raw voltage value. Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO6 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_14]: Analog input raw voltage value. Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO7 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_15]: Analog input raw voltage value. Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO8 – Analog input [A05_x_ai_analog_input_16]: Analog input raw voltage value. Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV


I1 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_1]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I2 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_2]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I3 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_3]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I4 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_4]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I5 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_5]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

I6 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_6]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I7 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_7]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

I8 ­ Reference output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_8]: Reference output voltage value.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV

IO1 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_1]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %

IO2 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_2]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

0Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %

IO3 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_3]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %

IO4 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_4]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

IO5 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_5]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %

IO6 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_6]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %

IO7 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_7]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %

IO8 ­ Analog/PWM output [A05_x_ao_reference_output_8]: Analog output voltage or current value or PWM duty cycle.

Type: UINT

Raw to engineering data:

0 .. 10000 0 .. 10000 mV 0 .. 10000 0 .. 20.00 mA 0 .. 10000 0 .. 100.00 %

Configuration register [A05_x_ao_configuration_reg]: The output type of IOx is selectable through this register.
Type: UINT
Raw to engineering data: xxxxxxx0 (bin) IO1 set as analog output xxxxxxx1 (bin) IO1 set as PWM output xxxxxx0x (bin) IO2 set as analog output xxxxxx1x (bin) IO2 set as PWM output xxxxx0xx (bin) IO3 set as analog output xxxxx1xx (bin) IO3 set as PWM output xxxx0xxx (bin) IO4 set as analog output xxxx1xxx (bin) IO4 set as PWM output xxx0xxxx (bin) IO5 set as analog output xxx1xxxx (bin) IO5 set as PWM output xx0xxxxx (bin) IO6 set as analog output xx1xxxxx (bin) IO6 set as PWM output x0xxxxxx (bin) IO7 set as analog output x1xxxxxx (bin) IO7 set as PWM output 0xxxxxxx (bin) IO8 set as analog output 1xxxxxxx (bin) IO8 set as PWM output


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
5.1 Connection scheme
Figure 3: Connection scheme

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

Table 2: Analog IN

Corresponding jumper


Jumper A1


Jumper A2


Jumper A3


Jumper A4


Jumper A5


Jumper A6


Jumper A7


Jumper A8

Input type according to jumper position

jumper pos. 1-2

jumper pos. 2-3

jumper pos. 3-4

Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC

Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50
Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50
Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50
Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50
Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50
Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50
Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50
Current analog input 0 .. 20 mA Rin = 50

Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k
Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k
Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k
Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k
Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k
Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k
Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k
Voltage analog input 0 .. 10 V
Rin = 110 k

Table 3: Analog IN/OUT

Input/output type according to jumper position

Corresponding jumper

jumper pos. 1-2

jumper pos. 2-3

jumper pos. 3-4


Jumper B1

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz

Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V

Pt100, Pt1000, NTC


Jumper B2

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz

Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V

Pt100, Pt1000, NTC


Jumper B3

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz

Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V

Pt100, Pt1000, NTC


Jumper B4

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz

Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V

Pt100, Pt1000, NTC


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

Table 3: Analog IN/OUT


Jumper B5

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz


Jumper B6

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz


Jumper B7

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz


Jumper B8

Current analog output 0 .. 20 mA, PWM output 200 Hz

Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V
Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V
Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V
Voltage analog output 0 .. 10 V

Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC Pt100, Pt1000, NTC

Table 4: K2
Internal BUS

Data & DC power supply Connection to I/O module

Table 5: K3
Internal BUS

Data & DC power supply Connection to I/O module

Table 6: LED

Communication and power supply status

ON: Power on and communication OK Blink: Communication error OFF: power off


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
5.2 Mounting instructions
Figure 4: Housing dimensions

9 0 9 5 3 6



Dimensions in millimeters.
All connections, module attachments and assembling must be done while module is not connected to the main power supply.

Mounting instructions: 1. Switch OFF main power supply. 2. Mount LPC-2.A05 module to the provided place inside an electrical panel (DIN EN50022-35 rail mounting). 3. Mount other LPC-2 modules (if required). Mount each module to the DIN rail first, then attach modules together through K1 and K2 connectors. 4. Connect input and output wires according to the connection scheme in Figure 2. 5. Switch ON main power supply.
Dismount in reverse order. For mounting/dismounting modules to/from DIN rail a free space of at least one module must be left on the DIN rail. NOTE: LPC-2 main module should be powered separately from other electrical appliances connected to LPC-2 system. Signal wires must be installed separately from power and high voltage wires in accordance with general industry electrical installation standard.


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
Figure 5: Minimum clearances
The clearances above must be considered before module mounting.

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05


Table 7: Technical specifications

Power supply Max. power consumption Connection type
Max. input current Max. output current Analog input measuring error of the full scale value Analog output accuracy of the full scale value Load resistance for analog outputs Analog input range Analog output range Max. transition time per channel ADC resolution Resistance of resistor Rs for I1..I8 Resistance of resistor Rs for IO1..IO8 Maximum analog input voltage for thermistor measurement Pt100, Pt1000 temperature measurement accuracy -20..250°C Pt100, Pt1000 temperature measurement accuracy on full range NTC 10k temperature measurement accuracy -40..125°C PWM output frequency PWM output accuracy Dimensions (L x W x H) Weight Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Maximum altitude Mounting position Transport and storage temperature Pollution degree Overvoltage category Electrical equipment Protection class

From the main module via internal bus

5.2 W

screw type connector for stranded wire 0.75 to 1.5 mm2

analog input / output type



1 mA per input

20 mA per input

20 mA per output

20 mA per output

< ± 1 %

< ± 2 %

± 2 %
R > 500 0 .. 10 V 0 .. 10 V 1 s 12 bit 3950 3900
1,00 V

± 2 %
R < 500 0 .. 20 mA 0 .. 20 mA

± 1 °C

± 2°C

± 1 °C
200 Hz ±3 % 90 x 53 x 60 mm 100 g 0 to 50 °C max. 95 %, no condensation 2000 m vertical -20 to 60 °C 2 II Class II (double insulation) IP 30


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05
Figure 6: Label
Label (sample):
Label description: 1. XXX-N.ZZZ – full product name. XXX-N – Product family ZZZ – product 2. P/N: AAABBBCCDDDEEE – part number. AAA – general code for product family, BBB – short product name, CCDDD – sequence code, · CC – year of code opening, · DDD – derivation code, EEE ­ version code (reserved for future HW and/or SW firmware upgrades). 3. S/N: SSS-RR-YYXXXXXXXXX – serial number. SSS ­ short product name, RR ­ user code (test procedure, e.g. Smarteh person xxx), YY ­ year, XXXXXXXXX ­ current stack number. 4. D/C: WW/YY – date code. · WW ­ week and · YY ­ year of production.
Optional 1. MAC 2. Symbols 3. WAMP 4. Other

Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

The following table describes all the changes to the document.

17.06.24 30.05.24

V. Description


Figures 1 and 3 updated.


The initial version, issued as LPC-2.A05 module UserManual.


Longo programmable controller LPC-2.A05

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