SAMSUNG Hw-S700d Powered 3.1 Channel Sound Bar And Wireless Subwoofer System User Guide

July 1, 2024

Hw-S700d Powered 3.1 Channel Sound Bar And Wireless Subwoofer System


Product Specifications:

  • Model: HW-S580D / HW-S570D

  • Manufacturer: Samsung

  • AC Voltage: Rated voltage marked with this symbol is AC

  • DC Voltage: Rated voltage marked with this symbol is DC

Product Usage Instructions:

Safety Information:

For your safety, please read and follow these important safety

  1. Read all operating instructions carefully before using the

  2. Keep the instructions for future reference.

  3. Heed all warnings provided.

  4. Follow all instructions listed in the manual.

  5. Avoid using the apparatus near water.

  6. Clean the product only with a dry cloth.

  7. Avoid blocking any ventilation openings on the device.

  8. Install the product according to the manufacturer’s

  9. Avoid placing the product near heat sources like radiators,
    stoves, or amplifiers that produce heat.

  10. Do not tamper with the safety features of the power plug.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: How can I access the user guide for this

A: You can access the user guide by scanning
the QR code on the left side of the product or by downloading it in
document format from Samsung’s website.

Q: What should I do in case of a safety warning symbol
on the product?

A: If you encounter any safety warning symbol
on the product, refer to the manual for an explanation of the
symbol and follow the safety precautions provided.

Q: How do I clean the product?

A: Use a dry cloth to clean the product. Avoid
using liquids or placing objects filled with liquids on the
apparatus to prevent damage.


Simple User Guide
AH81-17428A-01 NNSSPPBBII001572A-01
HW-S580D / HW-S570D
You can acceesss the Usseerr guide on Samsung”s on-line customer support center bbyyscanning the QR code on the leefft. To see the manual on your PPCC or mobiilleedevice, download the manual iinn document format from Samsung”s website. (http::////

QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Samsung Service Center Ir

Web Site

1-800-SSAAMSUNNG (726-7864)

© 2024 Samsung Electroonics Co., Ltd. All rights reeservveedd.

Samsung EElleeccttrroonniiccss America, IInncc.. 85AChallengerRoadRidgefieldPark,

· The following also applies to the Wireless Subwoofer (PS-WS800D / PPSS–WWSS880011DD / PPSS–WWSS770055DD / PPSS–WWSS770066DD))..




This symbol indicateess that hhiigghhvoltage iiss pprreesseenntt iinnside.. IItt iiss dangerous to makee any kkiinndd of contact with any iinntteerrnal ppaarrtt of this pprroodduucctt..
This symbol indiiccaatteessthat this pprroodduucctt hhaass iinncludeedd iimmppoorrttaannt liteerrature concerning operatioonn and maiinnteennance.
Class IIIIpprroodduucctt : This symbol indicateess that aa safety connection to eleecctrical earrth (ground) is noot requiirreedd.. IIff this symbol is noot pprreesseenntt on a proodduucctt with a powwer cord, the pprroodduucct MMUUSSTThhaavvee aa rreliablee connection to pprrootteeccttiivvee earrth (ground).


AC voltage : RRateeddvoltage marrkeeddwith thiis symbol is AC voltage.
DCC voltage : Rated voltage marked with thiiss symbol iis DCC voltage.
Caution. Consult IInnssttrruuctions for uusse : Thiis symbol iinnssttrruccttss the uusser to consult the uusser manuaall for further safety rrelateedd iinnformatioonn..

WARNING · Toreducetheriskoffireorelectricshock,donotexpose
thiis appliance to raiin or mooiisstuurree.. · Too pprreevveenntt iinnjjuurry,, this appaarratus muusst bbee securely
attachedtothefloor/wallinaccordancewiththe iinnsstallatioonn iinnsstructioonns. · This pprroodduucctt contains chemicals kknnoowwnn to the State of California to cause cancer and bbiirrtthh defects or other rreepprroodduuccttiivvee hhaarrmm..
CAUTION · DDoonoot expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing.
UDonotputobjectsfilledwithliquids,suchasvases,on the apparatus.
· Too turn this appaarratus offf completely, you musst ppuullllthe ppoowweerrpplluugg out of the wall socket. Consequently, the ppoowweerrpplluugg muusst bbee easily and readiillyyaccessible at all times.

Important Safety Instructions

RRead these operating instructions carefully bbeeffoorree using

the unit. Follow all the safety instructions listed beloww..

KKeep these operating instructions hhaannddyyfor future


1. RRead these instructions.

2. KKeep these IInstructions.

3. HHeed all warnings.

4. FFollow all instructions.

5. DDo nnoott use this apparatus neeaarrwater.

6. Clean only with dry cloth.

77. DDo nnoott bblloocckk any ventilation openings.

IInstall in accordance with the maannuufaaccttuurreerr”s


8. DDo nnoott install nneeaar any hheeaatt sources such as raddiiaattoorrss,,

hheeat rreeggisteerrs, stoves, or other apparatus (including


9. DDo nnoott defeat the safety puurrpossee of the ppoollaarriizzeeddor

grounding-type pplluugg.

A polarrizedd plluugg hhaass two bbllaaddeesswith one wider than the

other. A grounding type pplluugg hhaas two bbllaaddeess and aa third

grounding proonngg.. The wide bblladdee or the third pprroonngg are


into your outlet, consult an electrician for rreplacementt

of the obsolete outlet.

10. PProtect the ppoowwer cord from bbeeiinnggwalked on or ppiinncchheedd

ppaarrttiiccuullaarly at pplluuggs, convenience rreecceepptaacclleess, and the

ppooiinnttwhere they exit from the apparatus.

11. Onlyuseattachments/accessoriesspecifiedbythe


12. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod,


manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.
When aa cart is used, use caution when movving the cart/apparatus combination

.. ·

to avoid innjjuurryyfrom tip-over.

13. UUnnpplug this apparatus during lliigghtning storms or when

unusedd for long perioddss of time.

14. Referallservicingtoqualifiedservicepersonnel.

Seervicing is rreeqquuiirreeddwhen the apparatus hhaass bbeeeen

damaged in any way, such as powweerr–ssuuppppllyycord or

pplluugg is damaged, lliquid hhaass bbeeeenn spilled or objects

hhaavvee fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus hhaass bbeeeenn

exposed to rraaiinn or moisture, does noott operate noorrmally,,

or hhaas bbeeeenn dropped.

1. EEnsure that the AC poowweerrsupply in your hhoouussee complies withthepowerrequirementslistedontheidentification sticker locatedd on the bboottttoomm of your prodduuct. Install your pprodduucctt horizonnttaallllyy,, on aa suitable bbaassee (furniture), with enough space around it for ventilation (3-~4 inches). MMaakkee sure the ventilation slots are nnoott covered. UDonotplacetheunitonamplifiersorotherequipment which mayy bbeeccoomme hhoott.. This unit is designed for continuous use.
To fully turn off the unit, disconnect the AC pplluugg from the wall outlet. UUnnplug the unit if you intend to leavve it uunused for a longg ppeerrioodd of time.

2. DDuring thunderstorms, disconnect the AC plluugg from the wall outlet. Voltage peakkss due to llightning could damage the unit.
3. DDo nnoott expose the unit to direct sunlight or other hheeaatt sources. This could lead to overheating and cause the unit to malfunction.
4. PProtect the pproodduucctt from moisture (i.e. vases), and excessheat(e.g.a fireplace)orequipmentcreating strongmagneticorelectricfields.Unplugthepower cable from the AC wall socket if the unit malfunctions. Your pprroodduuct is nnoot intended for industrial use. IIt is for ppeerrsonal use only. Condensation maayy occur if your pproodduucctt hhaas bbeeeenn stored in cold temperatures. IIf transporting the unit during the winter, wait approximately 2 hhoouurrss until the unit hhaas rreaacchheeddroom temperature bbeeffoorree using.
5. Fire or explosion may occur, resulting iinn damage to the remote ccontrol or personal iinnjury. ·· DDo nnoott apply shock to the rreemote control. · BBe careful nnoot to let foreign substances such as metal, liquid, or dust come in contact with the charging terminal of the rreemmoottee control. · When the rreemmoote control is damaged or you smell smoke or bbuurrnniinngg fumes, immediatteellyystop operation and then repair it at the Samsung service center. · DDo nnoott arbitrarily disassemble the rremoottee control. ·· BBe careful nnoot to let infants or ppeettss suck or bbiittee the rreemmoote control. FFire or explosion may occur, rreessuullttiinngg in damage to the rreemmoote control or ppeerrsonnaall innjjury.
FCC NOTE (for U.S.A):
FCC Supplier”s Declaration of Conformity
Responsible Party– U.S. Contact Information: Samsung EElectronics America, IInc. 85 Challenger Road. RidgefieldPark,NâJ07660 PPhone: 17-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864)
FCC Compliance Statement : This device complies with PPart 15 of the FFCC RRules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may nnoot cause hhaarrmmfful iinntteerrference, and (2) this device must accept any iinntteerrference rreecceeiivved, includiinngg interference that may cause undesired operation.
FCC Caution : · Anychangesormodificationsnotexpresslyapproved
bbyythe ppaarrttyyrreessponnssibbllee for compliance could void the user”s authority to operate this equipment. · ThisproductsatisfiesFACACregulationswhenshielded cables and connectors are used to connect the unit to other equipment. To prevvent electromagnetic interference with electric appliances, such as radios and televisions, use shielded cables and connectors for connections.

Class B FCC Statement
This equipment hhaass beeenn tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class BB digital device, ppuurrsuaanntt to PPaarrt 15 of the FFCC Ruuleess.. These limits are designed to pprroovviiddee rreaassoonnaabble pprooteecctioon against hhaarrmmffuull interference in aa rreessiiddenntiaall installation. This equipment generates, uses and can rraaddiate rraaddioo frequency energy and, if nnoott installed and used in accordance with the iinnstructions, may cause hhaarrmmffuull interference to rraaddioo communications. However, there is noo guarantee that interference will nnot occur in aa ppaarrticcuullaarrinstallation. IIff this equipment does cause hhaarrmmffuull interference to rraaddioo or television recceeppttiioonn,, which can bbee ddetermined bbyyturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one of the following meaassures: ·· RReoorrieenntinngg or relocaattiinnggthe receiving antenna. · IIncreasing the separation betweeeenn the equipment and
rreceiver. · Connecting the equipment to an outlet that is on aa
different circuit than the rraaddioo or TV. · Consulting the dealer or an experienced rraaddiioo//TTVV
technician for hheellpp..
FCC RadiationnEExxposure Statement : This equipment complies with FFCC radiatioonn exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
equipment should bbee installed and operated so there is at least 8 inches (20 cm) betweeeenn the rraaddiatoorrand your bbody.. This device and its antenna(s) must nnoott bbee co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or
CAALIFOORRNNIIAA USA ONLYY (Applicable for nneetworkinngg models only.)
This PPeerrchlorate warning applies only to pprrimmaarryy CR(Manganese Diooxxiiddee)) LLithium coin cells in the pprroodduucctt sold or distributed ONLLYY in California USA “”Perchlorate MMaterial – special hhaannddllinngg may apply, See www.dtsc.””
WARNING: Cancer and RReepprroodduuctivee Harm –
Samsung prroodduucts and reecyclinngg · DDiissppoossee unwanted electronics through an approved
recycler.Tofindthenearestrecyclinglocation,gotoour,1-800SAAMMSUNG · WARNING!Neverdisposeofbatteriesina firebecause they may explode. DDoo noott dissemble, crush, punccttuurree,, hheeaatt,, bbuurrnnor rreeuussee bbaatttteerriieess.. FFor more informatioonn, visit or call 1-800-822-8837.
Alternatively, visit: rreeccyycclliinngg or call 1-800-SAMSUNG.



· Soundbar MMain Unit ·· Soundbar RReemmoottee
Control · Subwoofer · PPower Cord X 2
(Subwoofer,, Soundbar) ·· ACC/DC Adapter

· HHDMI to MMicro HHDMI Cable
· Wall Mount Guide
· HHolder-Screw X 2 · Screw (M5S X LL55) X 4 · Screw Anchor X 4 · BBracket- Wall MMount X 2

NNOTE · FFor more information about the ppoowweerrsupply and
ppoowweerrconsumption, rreeffeerrto the label attached to the pprroodduucctt. (Label: BBottom of the Soundbar MMain Unit) · Too ppuurchhaassee additional components or optional cables, contact a Samsung Service Center or Samsung
Customer Care..


Top Panel of the Soundbar




O 0 (Multi Funncctiioonn)) Button
IInn standby mode, preessss the (Multi Fuunnccttiioonn)) bbuuttoonn to turn on the Soundbar.
O PPress the (Multi Funncctiioonn)) bbutton to change the
0 (Mic Onn//OOffff)) Button
PPress the bbuttoonn to turn the microphone on or off. When the microphone is off, the LLED indicator will llight reedd.. 11 LEEDD innddiiccaator TheøLkEUDÃIndicatorflashes,glows,orchangescolor depending on the Soundbar”s current mode or status.
<!> (Power) Button
Turns the powweerron and off. ct] (Source) Button
PPress the ct] (Source) bbuttoonn to change the iinnput source.
·· Too switch to BBluetooth PPairing state in “”Bluetooth””
mode, preessss and hhoolldd the 0 (Mic Onn//OOffff)) or
ct] (Source) bbuuttoonn on the top of the Soundbar for more than 5 seconds.

Rear Panel of the Soundbar






DC 19V


DC 19V

11 SERVICE Connect a UUSB storage device to uppgradee the pprroodduct”s software.
2 HDMI (eARC) Connect to the HDMI jack on aa TV.
3 DC 19V Connect the AC/DC ppooweerradapter. (Power Supply IInn))


Connecting the power and units

Rear of Subwoofer




Blue Blinks

DC 19V

DC 19V

Connecting using an HDMI to Micro HDMI Cable


HDMI to Micro HDMI Cable

Rear of the Soundbar

NOTE ·· When ussiinngg an HDMI to MMicro HHDMI cable, take caution
nnoott to breeaakk the cable terminal.
· When the TV sound is nnoott output, ppressss the O (Multi
Function) //(Source) bbuuttttoon at the top of the Soundbar or the (Source) butttoon on the rreemmoote control to select the “‘TTV ARC”” moode.. · Therecommendedcableisan²H UDMÃI cablecertifiedby
Using the Q-Symphony Function
When the Soundbar connects to a Samsung TV that supports the Q-Symphony function, you can ppllaayythe sound simultaneously through the Soundbbaar and the TV. If you use the Q-Symphony functioon, the surround sound played on the TV allows you to enjoy a rricher,, mmoore three-dimensional surround sound effect. When the Soundbar is connected, “”Q-symphony”” meennuu appears on the TV. (The mmeessssaaggee displayed mmaayydiffer with the TV mooddeell..)) (Settings (@)AllSettings (@ )SoundSound Output)

Rear of the Soundbar Main Unit
·· The LLINK LLED indicaatoor stops bblliinnkking and glows a solid bbluueewhen a connection is established bbeettwweeeenn the Soundbar and the Wireless Subwoofer.


Connecting via Bluetooth
Top of the Soundbar



5 sec



RRefer to the instructions beloowwif this produuccttdoes nnoott function prooppeerlyy.. IIf the prooblleemmyou are experiencing is nnoott listeedd bbeelloowwor iff the instructions beloowwdo nnoott hheellpp,, turn off the produucctt,, disconnect the power cord, and contact Samsung Elleeccttrroonniiccssatl1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800726-7864).
Soundbar does not turn on. · Check whether the ppoower cord of the Soundbbaarris
correctly insserted intoo the outlet.
If the subwoofer does nnoot connect automatically 1. Turn off the Soundbbaarrmainn.. 2. PPress and hold ID SET on the rreeaar of the subwoofer for
at lleeaasstt 5 seconds.

· Search for the BBluetooth device on your TV or mmoobilee device.

Blue Blinks

Cyan Blinks X3


Connection is complete

Rear of Subwoofer HW-S80*D

5 sec “Blinking blue fast”

Ready to connect via Bluetooth.

· IIff asked for aa PPIN code when connecting a Bluetooth device, enter

<0000>. Connecting via Wi-Fi (Wireless Network) · To connect a Soundbaarrto a mobilee device via a wireless nneetwwoorkk (Wi- Fi), the SmartThings app is rreeqquuiirreedd.. 1\. Connect your mmoobillee device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) to the Wi-Fi nneettwwoorrkk the TV is connected to. 2\. Inssttaalllland laauunncchh the SmartThinggss app on your mmoobilee device (smartphone, tablet, etc.). 3\. Follloowwthe instructions in the app screen on the mmoobile device to connect the Soundbbaarrto your Wi-Fi nneettwwoorrkk..

Rear of Subwoofer 5 sec

“Blinking blue fast”

3. PPress the Up buttttoonnon the rreemmoottee control for 5 seconds.

I -‘>


,..5 sec

LLED inddiicattoor

Red Green __Bl_u__e_Bl,in__ks____
[o o::::
.o o]

4. Check if the LINK LED is solid blue (connection complete). ·· The LINK LLED indicatoor stops bblliinnkkiinngg and glows aa solid bblluueewhen a connection is established bbeettwweeeennthe Soundbar and the Wireless Subwoofer.

Soundbarwworks erraticallyy. ·· After rreemmoovviinngg the power cordd, inssert it again.
· Try aagain after iinniittiiallizing the pprroodduct.
· IIf there is nnoo siiggnnal, the Soundbbarrautomaticallyyturns off after aa certain ppeerriioodd of time. Turn on the power..

If the remote control does not wwoorrkk.. · PPooint the rreemmoottee directly at the sounnddbar.. ·· HHWW–SS880DD: rreecchhaarrggee the rreemmoottee contrrooll. · HHWW–SS770DD: RReplace the bbatttteerriieesswith nneewwones.

The Soundbar indicator turns solid red. (HW-S80*D
moddeell onllyy)) · The mmiiccrroopphhoonnee is turnneed off.
Turn on the mmiicrroopphhoonnee..


Red On

) [

Red Off


_lo _o_v· o ol -lo–o -oy_o__ol


MMiicc Off

MMiicc On

Sound is not output from the soundbar. ·· The volume of the Soundbbar is too loowwor mmuutteedd.
Adjust the volume.
· When any external device ((SSTTBB,,BBlluueettooootthhdevice, mmoobbillee device, etc.) is connnneecctteedd, adjust the volume of the external device.
· FFor sounndd output of the TV, select Soundbar. ((SSaammsunngg TV: Hommee (((ii))MenuSettings (@) All Settings ((@)SoundSoundOutputSelect Soundbar)

· RReemmoove the cable from the Soundbar anndd then rreeccoonnnneecctt it.

Sound is not output from the subwwooooffeerr.. · Check whether the LLED on the rreeaarrof the Subwoofer
lliigghhts in bblluuee. Reconnneecctt it when the bblluuee LED bbllinnkkss or the rreedd LLED liigghhts.
If the TV iiss not connected via HHDDMMII (eARC) · Check whether the HHDDMMII cable is correctly connneecctteedd
to the ARC terminal.
· Connectionn mmaayynnoottbbee ppoossssiibbllee due to the connnneecctteedd external device ((sseett–ttooppbox,, game conssoollee, etc.). DDiireecttllyyconnneectt the Soundbbar..
· HHDDMMII-CEECC mmaayynnoottbbee acttiivaatteedd on the TV. Turn on the CEC on the TV mmeennuu.. ((SSaammsunngg TV: HHommee (((ii)) MenuSettings (@)AllSettings (@) AConnectionkExternalUDeviceManager Anynet+ ((HHDDMMI-I-CCEECC))ON)

Soundbaarrwiillllnot connect via Bluetooth. ·· When connneecttiinngg aa nneewwdevice, switch to “”BT PPAAIIRRIINNGG””
for connneeccttiion. ((PPrreessssthe* PAIR button on the rreemmoottee
controol or prreessssthe 0 (Mic On/Offff)) //;:!](Source)
bbuttoonn on the bbooddy for at leeastt 5 seconds.)
· Reconnneecctt it after rreemmoovviinngg the BBlluueettooootthhspeeaker llistt on the device to connneectt. ((SSaammssuunnggTV: HHomme (((ii))
MenuSettings (@)AllSettings (@)Sound
SoundOutput 9BluetoothSpeakerøList)

Sound drops out wwhheennconnected via Bluetooth. ·· Some devices can cause rraaddiioo interference if they are
llooccaatteed too close to the Soundbbar..e. g. mmiicrroowwaavveess,, wireless routers, etc. ·· If your device that is connneecctteedd via BBlluueettooootthhmmoovveess too far away from the soundbar, it mmaayycause the sounndd to drop out. Move the device closer to the sounnddbbarr.. ·· If a ppart of your bboody is in contacttwith the BBlluueettooootthh transceeiver or the pprroodductt is installleedd on mmeetal furniture, the sounndd mmaayydrop out. Check the installaattiionn environmentt anndd conndditions for use.
Soundbar will not connect to Wi-Fi.
· Make sure the wireless rroouutteerris turned on anndd then reecoonnnneeccttthe wireless roouter after rreebboooottiinngg..
· The sounddbar will nnoottconnneectt if the wireless ssiignal is too weak. Try mmoovviinngg the router closer to the sounnddbbar,, or eliminating any obstacles that are bbeettwweeen the sounddbbarrand the router, if ppoossssiibbllee..
The soundbar does not turn on automatically wwiitthhthe TV. ·· When you turn off the Soundbar while watchhiinngg TV,
ppoowweer synchronniizzaattiioonnwith the TV is disabled. FFirst turn off the TV.

· Fiigguurreessand iilllustrations in this User Maannual are providdeddfor reeffeerreenncceeonly and mmay differ from actual prodduucctt appearance.
· An administration fee mmaayybee charged if either: a. An engineer is called out to your hhoomme at your rreeqquueesstt and there is nno defect in the pproodduucctt.. b. You bbrriing the unit to a rreeppaaiirrcenter and there is nno defect in the pproodduucctt..
· You will bbee advised of the amount of the administration fee bbeefooree any work is done or a hhoommeevisit is mmaaddee..
·· If you hhaavvee a pprooblem with this pprodduuct, we strongly reeccoommmmeennddyou rreeaaddthe appropriate section of this maannuual, visit the SSuupport ppage for your prodduucctt at www., or call Samsung PProodduucctt SSuuppport (1-800726-7864)tofindananswerbeforeyoucontacta service center for aa rreeppair..
Mooddeel Name:: HHWW–SS8800DD
Weight:: 3.1 lbs (1.4 kkg)
DDimensions (W x H x D) : 45..7 x 1..5 x 1.6 inches / (1160.0 x 38.0 x 39.9 mm)
AMPLIFIER Raatted Output power : 130 W
Subwoofer PPSS–WWSS880000DD (HW-S800D), PSS–WWS8011DD (HW-S801D)
· Weight:: 14.11 lbs (6.4 kkgg)) · Dimensions (Wxx H x D)::
9.4 x 9.5 x 9.4 inches / (238.0 x 2400..8 x 238.0 mmmm)) · AMPLIFIER RRaatteed Output poowwer : 200 W
Mooddeel Name:: HHWW–SS770
Weight:: 2.2 lbs (1 kkg)
Dimensions (W x H x D) : 35.0 x 1.5 x 1.6 inches / (890.0 x 38.0 x 39.9 mmm)
AMPLIFIER Raatted Output power : 90 W
Subwoofer PPSS–WWSS77055DD (HW-S700D), PPSS–WWSS770066DD (HW-S701D)
· Weight:: 1133..2 lbs (6 kkg)) · Dimensions (Wxx H x D)::
8.1 xx13.9 xx1l1l.9 inches / (205.0 x 353.0 x 302.0 mm) · AMPLIFIER RRaatteed Output poowwer : 160 W

Operating Temperature Raannggee : +50 °Fto+104 °F(+10 °A(to+40 °A() Operatiinngg HHuumiddiitty RRaannggee : 10 % to 80 %, nnoon-condensing
Storage Temperature RRaanngge : -4 °Fto+113 °F(-20 °A(to+45 °A() Storage HHuumiddiittyyRRaanngge : 5 % to 95 %, non-condensingg
Supported play formats DDoollbbyy5.1lch / Dolby DDiiggiittaall PPluus// DDoollbyyTRUE HHDD// DDoollby ATMOS// DDTTSS 5..1lch / LLPCM 8ch

NOTE ·· Samsung EEleeccttrroonniiccss Coo., Ltd rreesseerrvveessthe rriigghhttto
changethespecificationswithoutnotice. ·· Weight and dimensions are approxximate.
Precaution : The Soundbar will rreessttart automatically if you turn on/turn off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

To deactivate Wi-Fi connection:
PPrreessss and hhoolddthe CH LEVEL buttoon on the reemmoottee control of the Soundbar for mmooree than 30 seconds to turn on or off the Wi-Fi connection.

To deactivate BBluetooth connection:

PPrreessss and hhoolddthe TONE CONTROL buttoon on the rreemmoottee

control of the Soundbar for mmooree than 30 seconds to turn

on or off the BBluetooth connection.

[ENERGY STAR] kENkERGYSTARqualifiedmodelonly ·· YourSamsungproductiskENkERGYSTARqualifiedin
its factory default setting. Change to certain features, settings and functionality in this prodduucctt can change the ppower ccoonsumption, ppossiblyybbeeyyoonnddthe limits requiredforkENkERGYSTARqualification. · Envviirroonnmmeennttaall PPrrootteeccttiioonn Agency and Deppartmeenntt of Energgyy.. ENERGGYY STAAR is a joint prograamm of the Government agencies, designed to pproommoottee energy efficientproductsandpractices. RRefer to for mmooree information of the EENNERGGYY STAAR Prooggrraamm..
kENkERGYSTARqualifiedmodelonly(Theothermodels) · As an ENERGGYY STAAR Partner,, Samsung hhaas
determined that this pproodduucctt or prodduucctt mmoddeells meeeettss the EENNEERRGGYY SSTTAAR guideline for energy efficiency.

This SAMSUNG bbrraanndd pprodduucctt, as supplied and distributed bbyySAMSUNG and delivered nnew,, inn the original carton to the original consumer ppurchaser,, iisswarranted bbyySAMSUNNGG against manufaacturing defects iinn materials and workmanship for aa limited warranty pperiodd of:
One (1) Year Parts and Labor (90 Days Parts and Labor for Commercial Use)
This limited warranty begiinnsson the date of delivery to the original consumer ppurchaser,, and iis valid only on pproodduucctts purchhaasseedd and usedd iinnthe United States. To receiivveewarranty service, the purchaasseerrmust contact SAMSUNG for pprroobblem determination and service pproocceedduurreess..Warranty service can only bbe pperrfoorrmeedd bbyya SAMSUNNGG authorized service center. The original dated biillll of sale and/or pprrooooff of ddeelivery mmust bbee ppresenntteedd upon rreeqquest to SAMSUNG or SAMSUNG”s authorized service center. Transportation of the pprodduucctt to and from the service center is the rreessponsiibbiilliittyyof the purchaser.. SAMSUNG will repaiirror reepplaccee this pprodduucctt, at our option and at nnoo charge as stipulated hheereiinn,, with nneewwor rreecoonnddiittiioonneedd partsorproductsiffoundtobedefectiveduringthelimitedwarrantyperiodspecifiedabove. All rreepplaced ppaarrts and pprroodduucctts bbeeccoommeethe pprrooppeerrty of SAMSUNG and must bbee rreettuurrnneeddto SAMSUNG. RReplacement ppaarrttss and prodduuccttssassume the rremaiinniinngg original warranty, or nniinneettyy (90) days, whichever iis longer. SAMSUNG”s oobligations with rreessppect to software pprroodduuccts ddiissttributed by SAMSUNG under the SAMSUNG bbrraannddnnaamme are set forth iinnthe applicable end user license agreement. NNoonn–SSAAMMSSUUNNGG hhaarrddwwaarree and software pprroodduuccttss,, iiff proviiddeedd,, are on an “”AS IIS””basiiss.. NNoonn–SSAAMMSUUNNGG mannuuffaaccttuurreerrs, suppliers, ppuubblliisshheerrss,, and service pprovviiddeerrss may pprovviiddeetheir own warranties. This limiited warranty covers manufacturing defects iinnmateriaalls and workmanship encountered iinn nnoorrmmaall,, and except to the extent otherwise expressly pproviiddeeddfor iinn this statement, noncoommmmeerrcciiaalluse of this pprodduucctt,, and shall nnoott apply to the following, includdiinngg,, bbuutt nnoott limited to: damage which occurs iinnshipmenntt; delivery and iinnssttaallllaattiioonn;; applications and uses forwhichthisproductwasnotintended;alteredproductorserialnumbers;cosmeticdamageorexteriorfinish;accidents, abuse,neglect,fire,water,lightningorotheractsofnature;useofproducts,equipment,systems,utilities,services,parts, supplies, accessories, applications, iinnssttaalllatiioonnss,, repaaiirrss,, external wiring or connectoorrss nnoott supplied and authorized byy SAMSUNG,orwhichdamagethisproductorresultinserviceproblems;incorrectelectricallinevoltage,fluctuationsand surges; ccustomer adjustments and failure to follow oopperating iinnssttrructiioonnss,, cleaning, maintenance and environmental iinnssttructionnss that are covered and pprreessccriibed iinnthe iinnssttrruction bookk;; prodduucctt rreemmoovvaall or rreeiinnssttaallllatiioonn;; rreecceepptiioonn proobblleemmss and distortion rreellaatteeddto noiissee,, echo, interrfeerreenncceeor other signal transmission and delivery pprroobblleemmss.. SAMSUNNGG does nnoott warrant uniinntteerrrruptedd or error-free operationn of the pprroodduucctt.. THERE ARE NNOO EEXXPPRRESSSWARRANNTTIIEESS OTHER THAN THOSE LLIISSTTEEDD AND DDEESSCCRRIBEEDD ABOVE, AND NNOOWARRANNTTIIEESS WHEETTHHEERR EEXXPPRRESS OR IIMPLIED,, IINNCCLLUUDDIING, BBUUTTNNOOTTLLIIMMITEEDD TO, ANY IIMMPPLLIED WARRANNTTIIEESS OF MMEERRCHANTAABBIILLIITTYY OR FFIITTNNEESSSSFFOORRA PPAARRTTIICCUULLAARR PPUURRPOSEE,, SHALL APPLY AFTER THE EEXXPPRESSSWARRANTY PPEERRIIOODS STATTED ABOVE, AND NNOO OTHER EEXXPPRRESS WARRANTY OR GUARANTY GIVEN BYY ANY PPEERRSON, FFIIRRMM OR CORPORATION WITH RRESPECCTTTO THIS PPRRODUCCTTSHALL BBEE BBIINNDDIINNGG ON SAMSUNG. SAMSUNG SHALL NNOT BBEE LLIIAABBLLEEFFOORR LLOOSS OF REVENUE OOR PPRROFITSS,, FFAAIILLUURREETO RREALIZE SAVINGS OR OTHER BENEFFIITTSS,, OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAALLOR CONSEQUENTIIAALLDAMMAGGEESS CAUSED BBY THE USE, MMISUUSSEE OR INABBIILLIITTYY TO UUSE THIS PPRROODDUUCT, REGARDLESS OF THE LLEEGGAALLTHEORY ON WHICH THE CLAIM IISS BBAASSEEDD,, AND EVEENNIIF SAMSUNG HHAASS BEEEENNADVISED OF THE POSSSSIIBBIILLIITTYY OF SUCH DDAAMAGEESS.. NNOORR SHALL RRECOVEERY OF ANY KKIINNDD AGAINST SAMSUNG BEE GREATER IINNAMOUNT THAN THE PPUURRCHASEE PPRRICCEE OF THE PPRROODUCT SOLD BBYY SAMSUNG AND CAUSING THE ALLEGED DDAAMMAGGEE..WITHOUT LLIIMMITTIINNGG THE FFOORREEGGOOIINNGG,, PPUURRCCHASSEERR ASSUMES AøLøLRÃISçKANUDøLÃIA9BÃIøLÃITYFORøLOSS,UDAMAGkEORÃINâJURYTOPURAC²HASkERANUDPURAC²HASkER’SPROPkERTYANUDTOOT²HkERS AND THEIR PRROPERRTTYY ARISING OUT OF THE USE, MMISUUSSEE OR IINNAABBIILITY TO UUSEE THIS PPRRODUUCCTTSOLD BYY SAMSUNG NOTT CAUSED DDIIRREECTLY BYY THE NEEGGLLIIGGEENNCCEE OF SAMSUNG. THIS LLIIMMITTEEDDWARRANTY SHALL NNOTTEEXXTTEENNDD TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL PPUURRCHASEERR OF THIS PPRRODUCT,, IISS NNOONNTTRRANSFFEERRABLEEAND STATTES YOUR EEXXCCLLUUSSIIVVEERREMEDY. Some states do nnoott allow limitations on hhoowwlong an iimmppllied warranty llaasts, or the exclusion or llimiitation of iinncciiddeennttal or consequentialdamages,sotheabovelimitationsorexclusionsmaynotapplytoyou.Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegal rriigghhtts, and you may also hhaavve other rriigghhtts which vary from state to state. To obtain warranty service, pplleeaase contact SAMSUNNGG customer care center. ThebenefitsofthisøLimitedWarrantyextendonlytotheoriginalpurchaserofSamsungproductsfromanauthorized Samsung reseller. THIS LLIIMMITEEDD WARRANTY SHALL NNOTTAPPLY TO ANY SAMSUNG PPRRODUCTS PPUURRCHASED FFRROOMM UNAUUTTHHOORRIZED RESELLEERRS OR RRETAILERS, EEXXCCEEPPT IIN STATTES WHERE SUCH RRESTTRRICTION MAY BBEE PRROHIIBBITEED.. FFoorraa list of Samsung authorized rreettaiilleerrss,, pplleeaasse go to: hhttttp:///


Il I I I I I 11 1111 1 11111 1111 11 1 1 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111 AH81-177443377AA–000

@ @ 0
® @
8 8





+ 6


CC)) (Power)
~ (Source)

Press tto turn tthhee sounddbaaron or off..
00 00 e O 00
· On :: CCyan Blinnkkss XX1l · OOffff:: RRed Blinks X3
PPress tto select aa sourccee connecteed to thhee Soundbar..
e SSwitcch tthhee SSoouunnddbbaarrto Bluetooth pairinngg mooddee..
00 00 e O 00
· PPaaiiringg:: RedRed GrenGreen Blue Blinks · CCoonnnecction is compplleettee:: Cyan BBlinks X3

0 0
~ (Mute)

(j],·>)) RReady to connecct via Bluetoooth. Directioonal buttoon (Up//Down//Left//Right)
(PPllaayy// Pause) buttoon
00 00 00 00 e
· Blinkkss XX RReeppeeaattly


By pressingg thhee butttoon, you cann select thhee desireedd
audioo mooddee..
e 00 00 e O 00
· White Blinkkss X1l

(c::]J >·>l) SSurond urround GameGame StandrStandard Addaapptive SoundSound DTTS Virtuual::X

i 1

Press thhee butttoonn to displlaay inffoormmaattiioonn about tthhee current functiioonn.. When connecteeddttoo Dolbby Atmmooss®,, tthhee LED indicator bliinnkkss cyann 3 ttiimmeess..


·· o o o o Volume Up::Whitee moovveess —– —– :-:-~ 1: ttoo right X1l

o o o o e· Volume Downn :: Whittee


moovveessttoo lleeft X1l


Push tthhee butttoonn up or down tto adjust tthhee lleevelof

WWOOOOFFEERR thhee woofer (bass)..


By pressingg thee butttoonn,, youu cann adjust thhee voluummee of tthhee each speaker..
00 00 e O 00
· White BBlinkkss X1l

@ @ (Sound

((]]>1>>)) CCeennterLLevel
By pressing thhee butttoonn,, youu cann set tthhee audio fuuncctiioonn.. The desireed settiinnggss can be adjusteed usinggtthhee Up//Downn buttonss.. Each ttiimmee tthhee moddee changgeess,, tthhee MMuulltiiccolor LED blinnkkss inn whiittee..
e 00 00 e O 00
· Whitee Blinnkkss XX1l

(c::jJ>·>>ll SpaceFit SoundSound Active Voice AmpliferAmplifier Voice enhacmtenhancement Night MMode ode Syncc Virtual Virtual


By pressinnggthhee butttoonn,, youu cann adjust thhee voluummee of tthhee treblee or bass soundd.. The defirreedd itteemm cann be adjusteed usinngg thhee Up//Down butttoonnss..
00 00 ee O 00
· Whitee BBlinks XX1l

(]],>J) TreblTreble Bass



Insstallatiioon Precautions

· Inssttaalll on aa verticcal wall onlyy.

· Do not install in aa pllaaccee witthh higghhteemperaturee or humidittyy..

· VVeerriiffyy wwhheetthheerrtthhee wwaallll iiss ssttrroonngg eennoouugghh ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt tthhee

pprroodduuct”ss wweeiigghhtt.. IIff nnoott,, rreeiinnffoorrccee tthhee wwaallll oorr cchhoooosse aannootthherr

installaatiioon point..

· CCoonnnecct cableess froom thhee unit too external deviccees beforee you

install the Soundbaroon the walll..

· Make suure the uunnit iss tuurrnneedd offf and unplluuggggeedd beforee you

iinnssttaallll iitt.. OOtthheerrwwiissee,, iitt mmaayy ccaauussee aann eelleeccttrriicc sshhoocckk..

[;;,,. .._





m (MS XL55)


. + 2 inches (5 cm) + ormore

Rear of Sound bar Right end of Soundbar

SStandard Insstallatiioon Requirementtss by Wall Type
I I I 11 1 11111I1I1111I1 I11II11I1II1 IIII I -….—-……………- “‘ — – — – — – – – – – – – – ———— – —— —— —– — – – – — – – ————— – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — 111111111111111
I ~ D D AH81-115541188AA–00

Wall mount Dry Wall bracket


– Stud – MDF = Medium
Density Fiberboard – PW = Plywood

65 mm (2.5″)

– Stud – MDF = Medium
Density Fiberboard – PW = Plywood

50 mm (2.0″) 10 mm (0.4″)

65 mm (2.5″)





25mm (1.0″)








E nglish WWall mount bracket

PPaorrttuugg uis
SSuuportee de monttaaggeemm naa pareeddee
F ran~ls Fixatiioonn pour le supppoorrt mural
SSoporte del monttaajjee de pareedd

fNtiOtOiI Englissh
Dry Waall

PParedee de gesso
Frraa n~ls CCloissonn seche Esppafltol Pared seca

l titOI English
MDDFF== Mediuumm Density Fiberbbooaarrdd
PWW= Plywoodd

= MDDFF= Plaaccaa
de fiibbrraass de madeirraa de mediiaa densidaaddee (Medium Denssity Fiberbbooaarrdd))
MD= Madeirraa compeennssaaddaa
Frraa n~llss
MDDFF== panneeau
de ffiibbrreess aa densite
CP == contreepllaaqquuee
E spaftol Listoonn
MDDFF== Taablero de fiibbrraass de densidaad meediiaa
PW= Madeerraa conttrraacchhaappaaddaa

Adequaately tthhiicck concrete

CCoonnccreto de espessuraa adequaaddaa
FFrraan~iiss Beton suffissamment epais
Hormigg66n llo suficientemente grueso


”’ ”


: I




SStandarrdd Inssttallattiioonn Requirementtss by Wall Type
&Lt. Check the wall tyyppee beforree installliinngg.
G(D) Always consult an expert for installiinng on a
drywall,, Sheetrock,, or gypsum board.. Insstallattiioonn Reqquirements
· Be sure tto check tthhe llooccatiioonn of woodeen studss in tthhe wall beforee drillliinngg holleess and installing screwss..
· Minimum wooodd stud sizee:: 511 x110022mmm(2 x 44 i1n). Drilllholleess (3 mm/11/188tthhinnwidee))first beforree installiinng screwwss..
· Screw holleess must be drilllleed inn thhee center of stuuddss.
· SStudss can sppllit when youu atttaacchh tthhe product tto tthhe wall mount if thhee hollees were not made in tthhe center of eachh stud.
&Lt. Samsung iss not responsiblee for problleemmsstthat
occur if the installlattiioon guide iss notfoolllloowweedd.

21 .ff.DI a:t ll H 2
Lt. !!121 – lt<t! jl3t>4IR.
~I j;I AAll ~’lt-EE.AAlI ~gg7f72rt~2t.Q.JQoff1A5t1>41IRfl… jl2
· t;!1 ~ L4t¥¥717%I%(S(TSUTDU)D.Q)QQ.Jfj ~Ij;I. ~’tE!E.AAII ~ltC<tZ! ,!~ ‘;!1’c:!’:1i:12.g:zgjg. LLtfAA~ 1,flj:l5l&HI-P?AM11IR£l…
· iiij±±. L4t¥¥771I%%((SSTTUD) SIZZEE:: 511 x102 mmm (2 xx 4 in))
t;!l’c:!’1:i:21.g:zgjg. LLjt,AAtf-~1 .H’Ja ~OOIIii 112.I 2.1 ,,11~((33 mmm))~
~0O1j-?AAlillRfl.. · LLttAAft .,:i;i~gg L4t¥!7?-17%I.Q..QJf %8~¥¥-O0!il1 ~0O1JoO0rtnWLILCIJQ-..
·· ,,11~~ ~XXII ??JJ::ii:1l. tl:lttrs£!. 2:i:!:.gzj Al L4t¥¥77rt ~Y22..If-~ ‘”??
&&, ~II77r10-0lI~EOO!IIJ ~ee ~2 Dle’?IM AAll wW~a3rtee gg.;xxijIlee
‘laztAArtOof!lIA1i ~Ii:!* XxIXxI ?Jl~;lL’LICIQJ-.


Fraa n~liss


Requisitoess padrao de instaallaa~ao poortiippo de parede Conditions d’insstallatiioonn standardd enn foonnccttiioonn du Requisitooss de iinnsstaallaacci6nn estandarsseeggu(nm el tiippoo

&Lt. G(D)

Veerifiquue o ttiippo de paredee antees de innssttaallaarr..
CCoonnssuulte sempre umm especcialistaa paraa instalar em parede de gesso, Sheetrock aou pllaaccaa de

tyyppee demmuur
aa &Lt. Verifiieezz lee ttyype demmur avant de proocceder l!’installaattiioonn.

de pared
&Lt. Revise el ttiippo de pareedd antteess de llaa instaallaaccii66n.. G(D) Siempre consulte conn un experto cuando


G(D) CCoonssuulteezz ttoouujjoouurrss un expert pour [(‘installatiioon

realiiccee unaa innssttaallaacci66n en pared seca,

Requisitooss da installaa~c;aoo

sur une cloisson seche, une pllaaqquuee de plattrree ou

ttaabllaarrrroocca o panel de yeso..

· Veerifiqquuee aa localliizzaa~i;ao das viggaass de madeiraa na

unn pannneeaauu de gypse.

pareeddee anteess de instalar os paraaffuussooss.. · TTaamanho minimmaa da vigaa de madeiraa: 511 x

CCoonndditions d’insstallattiioonn
a · Veeilleezz areperer [!’emplacement des montaanttss

Requisitooss de laa installaaccii66nn
· Asegurese de verificcar llaa ubiiccaacci66nn de lloass liissttoonneess de madeerraa de la pareedd antteess de

110022 mm.. Primeirroo,, faazerooss oriffifcciiooss (3 mm)

en boiiss dans lemmuravant d’insserer lleess viss..

instalar llooss toorniillllooss…


antteess de instalar oas paraaffuussooss.

· TTaaiille minimmaallee dess monttaanttss en bois::

· Os oriffifcciiooss paraa paraaffuussoosstteerrnn de ser feittooss no

511 x110022mmm (2 x 4 pouucceess)).. Perfoorreezz dess ttrroouuss

· TTaammaifio minniimoadel lliisstt66nn de mrnadera: 511 x 110022mmm (2 x 4 inn)) Realicce agujerooss (3 mm))

centro das viggaass..

(de 33 mm)) avant d’inserer lees viss.

anteess de instalar loass ttoorniillllooss..

·· Se oas oriffiicciioos nao foreemm feittooss no centro de cada viggaa de madeirraa,, a madeirraa podee se

· Les ttrroouus pour lleess viss doivent etre percceess au centrree des monttaannttss..

· Los agujerooss paraa looss tornillllooss deben reealliizzaarrssee en el centro del lliisstt66nn..

quebrar ao fixaro produtoo ao suporte parraa

· Si vous n”aveezz perccee aucun ttrroou pour installer

· Sii nosse hacenn agujeerrooss,, llaa maaddeerraa se puedee

monttaaggeemm em pareeddee..

l”appareill,, le boiss peut fenddree..

abrir al instalar el producttoo..

&Lt. ASamsungg nao se reesponsabilliizzaa por
proobblleemmaasscausadoss pelaa nao uttiililzizaa~i;ao do
guiaa de innssttaalala~i;aaoo..


Samsung n’est paass responsablee des proobblleemmeess &&, qui pourraient survenireenn cas de non-rreespect

Samsung nosse hace reesponsablee de Llaos problleemmaass deriivvaaddooss de no haber seguido llaa

du guide d’installattiioonn.

guifaa de instaallaaccii66nn..

0 0
((AAo BBo)


AA TYPEE :: 590 mmm BB TYPEE :: 550 mmm

0 0
((BBo AAo)


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