imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup Instruction Manual

June 7, 2024
imperii electronics

imperii RR FIERRO SmartBand Waterproof 3D Burn - LOGO TE.03.0259.01

imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup - Smartwatch

1 Quickstart

1.1 Warning
Please consult your doctor before starting a new sports term. Smart bracelets can monitor real-time dynamic heart rates, but it can’t be used for any medical purpose.
1.2 Equipment requirements
Support Android 5.1, 10S8.0 Bluetooth 4.0, and above.
1.3 Charge
Please charge the device first, so that the bracelet power sufficient, Point the charging point on the back of the bracelet at the charging point, place it on the charging base, You can recharge. The charging time is about 2 hours. To ensure that the charging contact is good, please ensure that the metal contacts are not dirty, oxidizing, and impurities. When charging, the screen will display the charging symbol. If the device is not used for a long time, please be sure to replenish it every 3 months.

imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup - Charging

2. Bracelet APP download

2.1 Boot
Long press the touch symbol for 3 seconds and the bracelet will boot.
2.2 Shutdown
Press and hold the touch area for more than 3 seconds at the shutdown screen, select “YES” or “NO” and select “YES”. Press and hold the touch ring to turn the phone off. Select NO to return to the main screen.
2.3 Download and install APP
Please search “JYou” APP in the mobile software store and install or use a mobile phone to scan the QR code on the right to install APP.
J you require mobile devices to use IOS 8.0 and above systems or Android 5.1 and above

google play iOS

3. Bracelet function interface

3.1 Bracelet parts schematic

imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup - display
Touch function:
Power off state: long-press the touch symbol and bracelet boot;
Power-on the state: Click the touch symbol and switch the main screen menu interface. The interface is shown as follows.

imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup - touch fouction

3.2 Introduction of raise bright screen interface function
When the bracelet is first paired with APP, it will synchronize the time, date, and quantity of the phone and display the symbol of the success of the Bluetooth connection.
The main interface can be switched to another menu interface for 3 seconds with the touch key. and there are three kinds of interfaces in total.
3.3 Record, calorie and distance
The stepped interface can display the step. Wear the Smart bracelet on the wrist. When the user walks and the arm swings, the bracelet will automatically record the number of steps, walking distance, and calories consumption, and other data.
3.4 Training
Long press the touch key for three seconds to enter the sport mode. This mode can record exercise time, heart rate, and a number of steps. Click to pause and long-press the touch key for three seconds to exit.
3.5 Heart rate monitoring
3.5.1 Touch the touch area to switch to the heart rate monitoring interface. Bracelets support real-time dynamic monitoring of heart rate to understand their own health data. In heart rate monitoring, the duration of the bracelet will be reduced.
3.5.2 Please wear the bracelet correctly on your wrist around 2CM inside the ulna joint as shown: on the right.
3.5.3 When the heart rate is measured, the heart rate sensor is close to the skin and is in good contact. If the wear is too loose and the light of the sensor is exposed, the measured value will be inaccurate. Please do not look at the green light of the sensor. It may cause discomfort in the eyes.
3.5.4 Although the product is used for real-time and dynamic detection of heart rate, it is necessary to keep the body stopped and sit down when detecting heart rate, otherwise, it will prolong the time of heart rate measurement or can’t measure the data. The real-time dynamic heart rate data can be viewed when the data is measured and then you can go to exercise.
3.5.5 If there is a big difference between the measured data, please take a rest to measure again. The average of 5 times of continuous measurement will be more accurate.
3.5.6 This product is a real-time dynamic heart rate measurement, so the heart rate varies in the state of speaking, eating, drinking, and so on. Please be practical.
3.5.7 Make sure there is no dirt on the bottom of the heart rate sensor during measurement. Skin color, hair density, tattoos, and scars may affect the test result.
3.5.8 The heart rate measuring device is based on the principle of PPG measurement, so the accuracy of data may appear errors depending on the physiological factors that affect the light absorption and reflection (blood circulation, blood pressure, skin condition, blood vessel location, and density, etc.). If the measurement is inaccurate for the abnormally high or low data, please measure it again.
3.5.9 The bracelet may get hot when you wear it for a long time. If you feel not well, please take it off and then wear it until the device gets cool.
3.5.10 Cold weather will affect your measurements. Please measure it in warm conditions.

3.6 Information
Switch to the information interface. Click the touch area for 3 seconds to enter the information content, single-touch will switch to the next content. The content contains the information sent by the call and chat software. The information can be stored 7 at most. After the number of messages reaches seven, the previously displayed messages are replaced one by one.
5.7 More features
3.7.1 Stopwatch
Long press into the stopwatch function, start timing. Touch again to stop timing and long-press the touch key to exit.

3.7.2 Find a cell phone
Switch to find the phone interface. Shake the wristband and ring tones will be simultaneously ringing.

3.7.3 MAC
MAC address, used to indicate the hardware address of the wristband, is the unique identifier of the wristband. MAC address can’t be modified. When using a cell phone to find a bracelet, just look at the last 4 digits of the MAC to find the corresponding bracelet. The role is to quickly identify the bracelet and connect the phone.

3.7.4 Shutdown
Press and hold the touch area for more than 3 seconds at the shutdown screen, select “YES” or “NO” and select “YES”. Press and hold the touch ring to turn the phone off. Select “NO* to return to the main screen.

3.7.5 Reset
Long press the touch key for 5 seconds. It will begin to clear all the information on the bracelet and return to the default factory settings.

4. Phone connection bracelet

Please follow the steps below:

4.1 Download App. Before using, please install J You software.
4.2 Registered users. For the first time, the App will first enter the landing interface and click the registration icon in the upper right corner of the landing interface to enter the registration interface. Enter the account, mailbox, password, and other information, click on the registration. Please login with the registered account.  Only when the account is landed, all the information of the movement can be recorded and saved. It is suggested not to enter freely. It is recommended to use your own real information so that the password can be retrieved when you forget the password later.
4.3 When Android and IOS bind to the device, first click the settings button on the lower right part of the page to enter the setup page, then click the top binding device to enter the binding device page and click the search button icon at the top of the page to search the device. When the device is found, click the device in the list to connect with the device’s MAC address. After the binding is successful, there will be an already bound device in the “currently bound device”column. The screenshot of the interface is as follows:
imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup - setting Note : if the Los is connected to a hand loop, a Bluetooth pairing request will be popped out. Click “pair” and the handset can be connected to the phone normally.
4.4. setting. Click the message prompt, enter the notification center, find y aad the JYou device message notification, and choose to open it. If the phone is restarted and received no message push, please reopen this switch.

5. Backstage lock

In addition to manually removing the background program manually, the IOS system does not require a specific set of lock-in backstage. Because the Android system mechanism will automatically clean up the process, you need to lock the APP backstage manually. Because of the different brands of different settings, the following is to refer to a brand of mobile phone software to set up. As follows:
5.1 Open APP and click the middle one to return to the main interface.
5.2 Click the button to call up the task in the near future task management interface (usually it’s the menu button, also there is a long press button to call up the desktop), which runs as a background application management interface.
5.3 Hold the locked APP application icon and lock it down. At this time the application icon will have a lock sign in the upper right corner of the icon to indicate the success of the lock. Or after pulling down, clicking on the lock task in the upper left corner indicates the success of the lock.
5.4 After locking, it is impossible to clean up the application with a back- end one – key cleaning function, and it represent APP has been locked successfully.

6. APP function introduction

6.1 Open APP. First, go into my state and click on the icons on the interface to see the current values of the movements and the sleep data.
6.2 Sleep tracking. This interface is used to see the detailed data and icon statistics of your historical sleep. Click on the switch arrow above to switch to different dates to view historical records. During sleep, each person’s sleep time and the turn of the body’s wrist after sleep will directly affect the monitoring of the sleep time.
6.3 Motion tracking. This interface is used to view the detailed data and icon statistics of your historical movement. Click the switch arrow above to switch to a  different date to view the history. The data include total step, total distance, total calorie, heart rate data (only the product with heart rate). As shown in the following picture:

imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup - app fouction

6.4 Statistics. You can view the history of exercise steps and sleep records of the corresponding icon charts on a monthly or weekly basis.
6.5 Function settings. Set the various functional parameters of the device. As shown on the right picture:
imperii RR FIERRO SmartWatch Nearjup - app fouction2
6.6 More functional settings. Please click “my status” interface, “question” on the right, and choose “browser open”. There will be a detailed description in it.

7. Other functions

7.1 Notification
Including call notification, SMS, QQ, WeChat, Facebook, Twitter, What’s APP, and other news push (For example: open the incoming call notification in the App setting. When the mobile phone receives the incoming call, the smart bracelet will vibrate brightly and display the caller contact).

7.2 “Donatdisturb” mode
Turn on the Do not disturb mode, device vibration reminder, and message push reminder function, but the alarm vibration. The function will still work.

7.3 Sedentary reminder
Set the sedentary time interval (minutes), click Finish, then open sedentary reminder mode. When the sedentary time arrives, the bracelet will be bright, the screen will vibration and the reminding icon will flick.

7.4Alarm reminder
In the APP “JYOU”, Click “Settings – Device Alarm’ to enter the alarm setting reminder and set the alarm time. When the time comes, the bracelet will prompt: the alarm icon will swing and vibrate.

7.5 Bluetooth camera
In the APP *JYOU”, Click “Settings -Photograph” to enter the camera mode, the camera icon will be displayed on the Smart bracelet. Click the camera icon, you can remote control the camera.

7.6 Call rejected
When the phone calls, the incoming message will be sent to the handset synchronously. If you don’t want to answer it, you can hang it by clicking on the touch
of the hand ring.

7.7 Unbinding Equipment
Click on the binding device. Android can disconnect with the mobile phone only by clicking on the selected device model. When IOS is disconnected, you also need to set – — Bluetooth, click on the right Bluetooth and choose to ignore the device.

8. Common question

Q: Does the smart bracelet have radiation? Will long wear be harmful to the body?
A: This product uses low-power Bluetooth technology and the radiation value is much lower than the Bluetooth headset and less than one-thousandth of the phone signal strength. After more than ten years of research and census, the World Health Organization has found that Bluetooth signals will not have any impact on the human body, Please use them with confidence.
Q: What can Ido if | can’t find the smart bracelets Bluetooth name?
A: First, please check whether the Smart bracelet has electricity (touch the touch key screen to see if it is lit); Next, please close the handset to the mobile phone.  The closer the better. If the above operation still does not work, please try to switch a cell phone to Bluetooth or restart the phone.
Q: Is there sometimes be no Bluetooth connection of the smart bracelet?
A: 1. Due to the signal interference of the Bluetooth wireless connection, the connection time may not be equal. If you can’t connect for a long time, please make sure the operation is done under the condition of no magnetic field or no multi-Bluetooth device.
2. Some mobile phones’ Bluetooth service restart, occasionally abnormal, leading to connection problems.
3. Usually re-switch the phone Bluetooth or restart the phone, you can establish a normal connection.
Q: How to synchronize the data? How to solve the problem of failing to sync data?
A: 1, When you open the App will automatically sync. You can also pull down the message list in the main interface of App to synchronize.
2.If the app prompted sync data fails, try the following methods: First, You can slide down to refresh the data. Secondly, Please close the App and re- enter. If not,  please switch the Bluetooth of the mobile phone or restart the mobile phone. (Before restarting the phone can also try to clear the Bluetooth shared information  in the phone settings)
Note : IOS users please look at the “xxxxxx” device in the cell phone settings table. Click “ignore this device”, then restart the switch on the mobile phone  Bluetooth or restart the phone.
Q: Do | need always connected to the phone Bluetooth?
A: The steps, sleep, alarm clock, these three functions do not need to have been connected to the phone. If you exercise only need to bring a bracelet. After the exercise is completed, the bracelet and the cellphone are connected to view the data synchronously. Alarm Clock: Write the bracelet when the APP is set, use the alarm after the setting is successful. You do not need to keep the Bluetooth connection to the phone. Call notification, message push, finding bracelets need to open the phone Bluetooth and keep the APP and phone connected.
Q: |setupa call notification but why does the bracelet not vibrate when there is an incoming call?
A: First of all, please confirm whether the phone Bluetooth is open and connected with the bracelet; Second, the Android and IOS system please check whether the operation of the bracelet APP (background running is OK.)
Tip : A kay to clean up memory and some housekeeper software may clean up the process or intercept. please add the App whitelist.
Q: Why | have set up the notification permission of Facebook, Twitter in the app, but still can’t receive the notification remind of the smart bracelet?
A: Facebook, Twitter software information to be reminded to meet the following conditions:
1. Please make sure the cell phone is not in a dormant state and the background process of Facebook, Twitter can’t be closed. And the Computer and mobile phone can’t be online at the same time;
2. The bracelet is always connected to the phone, and the Bluetooth needs to be on all the time.
3. phone needs to open the rights management and be set to allow a background pop-up interface.
Tip : when the phone comes to information, the top menu bar will pop up the message. If the representative set has been successful, the message will be pushed to the bracelet.

Q: Why the heart rate monitor function can’t work?
A: When measuring heart rate, pay attention to keep people in a quiescent state, and keep the bottom of the bracelet close to the arm without obvious seams. Do not shake the arm during measurement.
Q: Why is the Bluetooth connection icon flickering all the time?
A: ISO users will encounter this problem. The main role is to prompt the user that APP does not connect the smart bracelet and there will be no message push phenomenon. Open the APP connection hand ring, and the Bluetooth icon can be displayed normally.
Q: What are the factors that affect the test results of heart rate?
A: The non-standard way to wear will affect the measurement of heart rate signals. such as light leakage caused by incomplete fit, arm swing and slight movement of the bracelet on the skin, etc. Wearing a Bracelet too tight, arms raising and fist which will affect the blood circulation may also affect the heart rate signal. The correct way to measure the arms is to put the arms flat, relax and keep it still. And keep the smart bracelet close to the arm.
Note : in the right case, individual differences in skin color, hair, tattoos, and scars may also affect the heart rate signal.

Q: Why | can’t charge the smart bracelet?
A: 1. Please confirm the direction of the bracelet is inserted correctly.
2. When the smart bracelet power is lower than 3.4V, there will be a period of battery recovery charge time.
Note : usually after plugging in the charger for 2-3 minutes, it can enter the normal charging state.
Q: How to switch the language of the bracelet?
A: Bracelet supports Chinese and English language display. The language will be automatically synchronized with the phone system language. If you want to change language, connect “JYou” app synchronization data, and the language of the bracelet will be synchronized with the phone language. For example, the phone is Chinese, the bracelet shows Chinese after synchronization; the phone language is English, then the bracelet will display English after synchronization.
Note : the bracelet changing the language and the phone switch language must be restarted to be synchronized update.
Q: The ring time is inaccurate
A: When the ring has no electricity and the power is recharged, the time of the ring may be error. Please connect the mobile phone, the handset will automatically synchronize the time of the cell phone calibration.

9. Parts introduction

  • Smart bracelet Packaging User manual * Charging clip

Importado por:
Pol. Ind. Neisa Sur
Avd. Marconi, Bloque 1, Nave 13
28021 Madrid
Made in PRC

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