qubitelectronix Cascade Installation Guide

June 7, 2024


qubitelectronix Cascade - cascade


Cascade is a ratcheting envelope generator, VCA, and sound source all within a compact form factor. The unique interactions of its feature set open up new worlds of rhythmic patching and modulation. Easily create ratcheting sequences, bouncy-ball modulation, and pumping compression, all within a single module.
At its core is a powerful envelope generator, which is normalized to a high fidelity 2164 based VCA. You can patch in external audio to the VCA, or take advantage of 4 internal audio algorithms: white noise, 808 drums, and sine tones. Cascade will open up your system in ways that make you wonder how you ever lived without it.


To install, locate 10HP of space in your Eurorack case and confirm the positive 12 volts and negative 12 volts sides of the power distribution lines. Plug the connector into the power distribution board of your case, keeping in mind that the red band corresponds to negative 12 volts. In most systems, the negative 12  volt supply line is at the bottom. The power cable should be connected to the module with the red band facing the bottom of the module


With Cascade’s onboard Analog VCA, shaping your sound is as quick as sending your sound through Cascade via the VCA In and Out, and a Gate into the Trigger Input. Below is an example patch using Ratcheting AD Mode to achieve a simple staccato sequence.

  • note : similar results are achievable with alternate modules alongside Cascade.

qubitelectronix Cascade - FIRST PATCH


Attack / Decay Envelope with Ratchetable Repeats

qubitelectronix Cascade - RATCHETING AD


Attack / Decay

qubitelectronix Cascade - ENVELOPE


Attack / Decay Envelope with Gate Configured Sustain

qubitelectronix Cascade - ENVELOPE 2


Attack / Decay / Sustain / Release Envelope

qubitelectronix Cascade - ENVELOPE 3


Envelope Generator with Audio Detection

qubitelectronix Cascade - FOLLOWER


Compressor with Virtual Sidechain

qubitelectronix Cascade - COMPRESSOR


qubitelectronix Cascade - FUNCTIONS



qubitelectronix Cascade - BOUNCY BALL

Emulate the effect of a bouncing ball by adjusting Gravity and Repeats in AD mode.
Modules: Cascade, Sound Source (Chord)
Cascade Settings:
– Mode: AD (Green LED)
– Edit Functions: Apmlitude and Time Gravity (Gold Trig LED)
– Attack: 0%
– Decay: ~45%
– Curve: ~70%
– Repeats: x16
– Level: 100%
– Offset: 0%
Don’t want to use a sound source? Send out Cascade’s VCA which normals to 1 of 4 sound sources you can choose by using the SHIFT MODE command.  Cascade will shape the sound to the bounciness amount you desire.


qubitelectronix Cascade - HI-HATS

Create bangin trap hats with Cascade’s onboard Hi-Hat sound source and the Ratcheting AD Envelope.
Modules: Cascade, Gate and CV source (Bloom)
– Mode: Ratcheting AD (Blue LED)
– Edit Functions: Hi-Hat Sound Source (SHIFT MODE to Green LED)
– Attack: 0%
– Decay: ~45%
– Curve: ~70%
– Repeats: 0%
– Level: 100%
– Offset: 0%
Send Gate signal to the Trig input on Cascade. CV is sent to Repeats to increase/decrease the number of ratchets. TO get a consistent ratcheting experience, send a clock signal into the Trig input. For more experimental trap hats, send a gated sequence into Trig. Cascade’s ratchet algorithm will adjust the repeats speed based on the dis- tance between the triggers, creating an “auto ratchet” effect without modulating the repeats via the knob or CV. Add a random voltage source like Chance to Repeats and Decay and your hats can be as tamed or wild as you see fit!


qubitelectronix Cascade - WAVES

Sound Baths await with this serene ocean waves patch using Cascade’s White Noise and sweeping envelopes.
Modules: Cascade, Gate and CV source (Chance), Effects processing (Data Bender, Prism)
– Mode: Ratcheting AD (Blue LED)
– Edit Functions: White Noise Sound Source (SHIFT MODE to Blue LED)
– Attack: ~75%
– Decay: ~75%
– Curve: ~40%
– Repeats: 0%
– Level: 50%
– Offset: 10%
Cascade is set to White Noise and using a slow attack and decay to simulate the rolling waves crashing onto the shore. The sound is then sent out to Data Bender for textural layering in Micro Mode, while adding a lower register pitch to echo distant waves. Prism follows Data Bender for additional filtering, allowing to float above the sea or duck dive into the abyss. Gate and CV is sent out from Chance to emulate the rolling tides, and varying intensities of wave crash by modulating Cascade’s Attack.


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