TRACTOR SUPPLY Co The Invoice and ASN Error Transaction User Guide

June 7, 2024

The Invoice and ASN Error Transaction

The Invoice and ASN Error App is where TSC trading partners and their EDI partners can view data errors preventing successful posting of invoice or Store/Distribution Center ASN transactions to the TSC SAP financial system.
If the transaction fails in EDI due to an invalid EDI format, a 997 is returned with error information to the vendor or 3rd party. EDI failures are not listed on the portal since these transactions do not get passed to a TSC internal system

Processing Overview

Process Flow Steps

  1. The Vendor submits an EDI Document to TSC EDI
  2. TSC EDI checks the syntax of the vendor
  3. If a syntax error is found a 997 document is returned to the vendor with the syntax error and the flow stops without passing the transaction to a TSC Internal
  4. If a syntax error is not found a 997 document is returned to the vendor with a successful The vendor document is passed to the appropriate TSC Internal System.
  5. The TSC Internal System checks the vendor document for data
  6. If a data error is found, then an error document is created and passed to the Vendor Transaction The Vendor EDI Transaction is not passed for continued processing.
  7. The vendor can view the error on the Vendor Transaction
  8. If no error is found, then the document is passed to the appropriate system for
  9. Invoice documents are passed to accounts
  10. Accounts Payable displays the invoice on the AP If your invoice is displayed on the AP Portal, then your invoice has successfully passed syntax and data checks.
  11. The vendor can view the payment status of their invoice on the AP
  12. DC ASNs are passed to the appropriate TSC Store/DC vendors do not have to send an ASN if the shipment is direct to store.

Any invoice error can be corrected and resent, but ASNs errors cannot. If a vendor corrects and resends an ASN, they will get charged again for sending a duplicate ASN after already being charged for an ASN error upon receipt. Use the ASN error information to correct and prevent the error from reoccurring with future ASN submissions.

__Not shown on this chart in Step 3, if the data error is caused by a TSC internal issue an email is sent to the appropriate team in TSC for resolution. That team has 48 hours to resolve the issue. Once resolved the document will continue the flow at Step 3 by rechecking the document for errors

Invoice and ASN Error Application

Even though an Invoice or ASN may not fail EDI syntax checks, the document may fail due to data issues when posting to SAP. If you do not see your invoice on the AP Portal and you have received a successful EDI 997 acknowledgement, then either the document needs more time to process through the SAP application or the document has failed posting to SAP because of a data issue.
This portal allows our trading partners to view data errors identified by SAP. Most errors also include a recommended action to correct the error. Invoice errors are expected to be corrected and resent to TSC. ASN errors are alerts to take corrective action to remove this error from future ASN submissions. The failed ASN should not be resent to the portal as that would create a duplicate with a resulting charge.
After logging into the vendor transaction portal, your home application is automatically launched, and you will see a series of tabs listed across the top of the page.

In the red box at the top and to the right the application name (Transaction Portal) and the name of the currently logged in user is displayed.
If you have access to other applications, selecting the caret to the right of the application name allows you to switch between applications.
The Dashboard tab is the default tab opened when you first login or open the application.
Use the Search Function to find content such as a PO Number, Invoice Number, or Shipment ID.
Hovering the cursor over the user name opens a dialog box from which you can select to log out of the portal. After 15 minutes of inactivity your account is logged out automatically.
All invoices for both Store/DC and DTC orders are sent to the TSC Financial System SAP.
Store/DC ASNs are sent to SAP and DTC ASNs are sent to the TSC Order Management System (OMS).
The errors generated for the this application are only from SAP so will include all invoicing and only ASN errors generated for Store/DC orders. ASNs submitted for DTC orders are not currently included in this application


This is the home page containing important links to Tractor Supply Company vendor information, including other TSC Vendor Portals and documentation.

Vendor Center is the only dashboard view available for both 3rd Party Providers and Vendors. This view also allows access to the TRANSACTION ERRORS tab at the top of the screen.
Use the Vendor Center Navigation links to access other portals and vendor information sites at TSC. Use the EDI Documents link to find Mapping Guidelines for all EDI documents used at TSC


Use this tab to view, print, or export a list of errors identified by SAP.

Transaction Error Views

There are four views on this tab listed in the column on the right of the tab. Each view contains the same data elements. Each view filters the data to allow viewing, printing, or exporting of specific subsets of the data.

View Filter Criteria
Admin All Records Lists all errors identified by SAP for Invoices and ASNs

(Converts date created into Days from


All| Lists all errors identified by SAP for Invoices and ASNs (Date and time the SAP error was


ASN| Lists only ASN Errors
Invoice| Lists only Invoice Errors

Print or Export from TRANSACTION ERRORS Views

To print or export select a view and click on the caret to the right of the view name.

Transaction Errors View

Errors are listed in descending order by Date (including time). The Date is the date and time the error was identified by SAP. Clicking on a column name, activates a caret next to the column name and sorts the data by that column in ascending order. Clicking on the care reverses the sort in descending order. After navigating away from this page, any sorting you have chosen is lost and returns to the default sort by Days Late in descending order.
Use the search function to find an error using any datapoints in the listed columns. Enter the invoice number, shipping id, or purchase order number you wish to locate.
Moving your cursor over the error highlights the row. Clicking on the highlighted row opens the error detail view for the highlighted error.

Two transaction Types are included.

  • Invoice: For invoices, the SAP error identification process stops processing once it finds an error and sends the error information for If more than one error exists on an invoice, each additional error is identified during resubmission. This process repeats until all errors are corrected and the invoice processes successfully in SAP.
  • SDC ASN: For SDC ASN, all errors are identified at once during processing and all errors sent to the These errors should be corrected to prevent them from reoccurring on future ASN submissions. Do not resubmit the errored ASN to TSC as you will be charged for sending a duplicate.

The Invoice/ASN errors are limited to errors identified by SAP. Syntax errors encountered in EDI are returned to the vendor in a 997 and do not display on the portal.

Error Detail Page

Clicking on the error from the list page opens the details page. This page displays the detailed error message from SAP. Use this information to identify the error in your transaction that requires correction. For Invoice errors, make the correction in your system and resubmit the transaction to TSC. For ASN errors, the item most likely has already arrived at its destination and the ASN cannot be resubmitted. Use this information to correct the error for future ASN submissions.

Use the TRANSACTION ERROR DETAILS tab to view the error. The Error Message and the Error Resolution Action recommended to resolve the error are included. For SDC ASNs there could be multiple errors listed. Please correct all errors requiring vendor correction and resubmit your documents to TSC.
Use the ASSOCIATED PURCHASE ORDER tab to view the EDI 850 Purchase Order document originally sent by TSC. Use the ASSOCIATED INVOICE tab to view the EDI 810 document you submitted that contains the error.
Use the Associated PO CHANGE tab to view any PO changes that were sent by TSC they may have not been reflected in your invoice. Clicking on the Transaction Errors tab returns you to the error list view .
You cannot edit your EDI transaction or resubmit your transaction from the portal. You must edit in your system and resubmit the transaction to TSC.

Error Display Management

Errors are associated to one of two error sources:

  1. Vendor Errors are due to a data issue that must be corrected by the vendor before the transaction will post to SAP. The vendor is expected to correct the issue and resubmit the transaction to
  2. Internal TSC Errors are TSC data errors preventing the transaction from posting to SAP that must be corrected by TSC The appropriate team within TSC is contacted for resolution and are expected to be resolved within 48 hours. Once the error has been resolved the invoice is resubmitted or reprocessed by TSC. No vendor action is required

Invoice Errors

For Invoices, SAP only sends Vendor Errors to the portal. Internal errors are only sent to the appropriate TSC team to correct and are not visible on the portal. Once the vendor has corrected the error on the invoice, then invoice may be resubmitted to TSC. Resubmittng an Invoice requires 2 hours to process within SAP to check for errors and send any error found to the portal. SAP does not update the portal for successfully processed transactions. This includes successfully resubmitted invoices after an error has been corrected. The Portal follows the rules listed below for removing errors from the portal.

Invoice Resubmitted by Vendor Successfully Processed

The portal checks for newer invoices received via EDI from the vendor for the same purchase order at a minimum of every 2 hours and, if found, removes the old error from the portal. If you have resubmitted a corrected invoice, check the Transactions Errors Tab in the portal. Clicking on the tab header refreshes the error list. You must allow for 15 minutes of processing time for SAP to recheck the invoice for errors. If the Date is older than the newly submitted transaction after allowing time for processing, then you can assume the new transaction posted without error and the old error will be removed from the portal within 2 hours.

Invoice Resubmitted by Vendor Unsuccessfully Processed

If a new error is identified during resubmission, the old error is purged from the portal while posting the new error. The portal will only display the most recent error identified. The error information will be refreshed on the portal with a new Date after the requisite 15 minutes of SAP processing time to recheck the invoice for errors. This indicates that the resubmitted transaction either did not correct the error or a new error was identified.

Invoice Resubmitted by TSC Successfully Processed

Internal errors resolved and resubmitted internally by TSC are not visible via the portal. Internal errors are expected to be corrected within 48 hours. These invoices, delayed due to internal errors, will post to the AP Portal after correction

ASN Errors

Store/DC ASNs are sent to SAP and DTC ASNs are sent to OMS (Order Management System). The errors returned to the portal are only from SAP. DTC ASN errors posting to OMS are currently not included on the portal will be addressed in a future release.

For Store/DC ASN errors, SAP processes differently since ASN transactions do not require resubmission. SAP scans the ASN for all errors and returns all errors to the portal. This includes both vendor and internal TSC errors. TSC Internal errors do not require any action by the vendor to resolve the issue. They are simply listed for visibility and are expected be corrected by TSC resources within 48 hours. Vendor ASN errors are informational only and are expected to be corrected for any future ASN submissions to prevent the error from reoccurring on other orders. Resubmitting an already submitted ASN will result in a duplicate and a duplicate charge to your account.

ASN errors are purged every 14 days from the portal.

EDI Failures
Failures in EDI are not displayed on the portal. These errors are identified in the EDI 997 document returned from TSC. Invoices and ASNs that fail in EDI are expected to be resubmitted once corrected as these documents were never sent to SAP.


EDI 997   AP Portal Vendor Transaction   Portal Troubleshooting
Indicates Unsuccessful N/A N/A If the 997 indicates unsuccessful

processing, then the transaction was never sent to other systems in TSC. Correct the error(s) listed on the 997 and resubmit.
Indicates Successful| Displays on Portal| N/A| If the 997 indicates successful processing, then check the AP Portal. If on the AP Portal, then the invoice successfully processed through the TSC internal system.
Indicates Successful| Does not display| Displays on Portal| If the 997 indicates successful and an error displays on the Portal, then review the error, make necessary corrections, based on the recommended action, and resubmit the invoice to TSC. Errors are posted to the portal every 15 minutes by the TSC internal system so there is only a short delay between submission and error posting to the portal. If you need assistance with the recommended action, please contact [email protected]. For SDC ASN, if the error is internal, the error has been assigned to the appropriate TSC team for resolution. No action is required by the vendor. Internal errors are expected to be resolved within 48 hours.
Indicates Successful| Does not display| Does not Display| The AP portal requires a minimum of 24 to 48

hours to post after submission and errors are automatically removed from the Vendor Transaction Portal after 14 days. If there has been more than 48 hours, but less than 14 days since submission, and the invoice is still not on the AP Portal, then contact [email protected] for assistance. If greater than 14 days since submission then contact [email protected] to research.

Invoice Error List

Error No Error Vendor Action



Unable to find article on PO




Article is not found on PO




Allowance/charge not allowed

| This invoice includes non-product related charges or allowances. Please remove these charges from the invoice and re-submit for PO related product only.



Invalid PO (<> 7 digits or not numeric)

| The PO number referenced on the invoice is not a valid PO issued by TSC. Please review and correct PO number and resubmit invoice. Note that TSC POs must be 10 digits and include no

special/alpha characters (7 digits for special orders).



The terms of payment are incorrect

| The payment terms on the invoice do not match the payment terms from the PO. Please review and adjust terms on invoice to match PO and resubmit invoice. If invoice continues to reject, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
ZI006| Site location missing from N104 element| Store/site number is missing from invoice. This is a mandatory field. Please correct and resubmit.



Site is not a valid location

| Store/site number is not a valid TSC location. There could be invalid location, special characters, too many characters or spaces included in this field causing it to reject. Please correct and resubmit.



Terms do not exist for inv.

| The payment terms on the invoice do not match the payment terms from the PO. Please review and adjust terms on invoice to match PO and resubmit invoice. If invoice continues to reject, please contact [email protected] for assistance.



PO does not exist

| The PO number referenced on the invoice is not a valid PO issued by TSC. Please review and correct PO number and resubmit invoice.



PO Invalid for Vendor




The sum of invoice line items is zero

| The line item cost on the invoice total is for zero dollars. Product cost should be included with extended values for any product that was shipped. Please correct and resubmit invoice.


| The total of the invoice in TDS01 is zero| The invoice does not include a grand total, or the total does not equal the sum of the individual line items. Please correct and submit invoice.



Payment terms missing from the ITD segment

| The payment terms on the invoice do not match the payment terms from the PO. Please review and adjust terms on invoice to match PO and resubmit invoice. If invoice continues to reject, please contact [email protected] for assistance.



Invoice contains no line items

| There are no individual line items being billed on this invoice. Invoice should include line(s) with article, cost, quantity, and extended value for any product on the PO. Please correct and resubmit invoice.



Inv. date is blank/invalid

| The invoice date field is either not populated or does not match the required format. Format must be yyyy/mm/dd. Please correct and resubmit invoice.


| Invoice total in TDS01 does not match the invoice line items totals| The invoice total does not equal the sum of the individual line items. The merch amount and gross amount do not match. Please correct and resubmit invoice.
Error No| Error| Vendor Action



Doc number is blank

| The invoice number field is not populated. Please include invoice number and resubmit invoice.



Amt.: Duplicate invoice

| This is a duplicate invoice. Please review your account to confirm that TSC has previously paid. You can also view on the Apex Vendor Portal or contact [email protected] for confirmation of invoice pay date.



Negative value for cost isn’t allowed

| This is for a credit memo to be issued to TSC. At this time, we do not allow for EDI transmission of credit memos. Please submit the credit memo manually via email to [email protected] in pdf format.
ZI021| The site segment N1 is missing from the invoice| Store/site number is missing from invoice. This is a mandatory field. Please correct and resubmit.
Z1030| Items on PO have been marked for deletion|
ZI034| Item: Line item quantity > 12 Char| The line item quantity field is greater than 12 characters. Please correct quantity on invoice and resubmit invoice.



Item: Line item quantity contains comma

| Commas are a special character not allowed in the line item quantity field. Please remove from quantity format field and resubmit invoice.
ZI036| Item: Line item price > 12 Char| The line item price field is greater than 12 characters. Please correct quantity on invoice and resubmit invoice.



Item: Line item price is zero

| There are no individual line items being billed on this invoice. Invoice should include line(s) with article, cost, quantity and extended value for any product on the PO. Please correct and resubmit invoice.



Item: -ve value for quantity not allowed

| This is for a credit memo or credit line item on overall invoice to be issued to TSC. At this time, we do not allow for EDI transmission of credit memos. Please remove the credit line item from the invoice and submit the credit memo manually via email to [email protected] in pdf format.


| Item: Line item price contains comma| Commas are a special character not allowed in the line item price field. Please remove from price field format and resubmit invoice.

ASN Error List

Message ID

| Error





Vendor Action

ME| 190| Inbound delivery not defined in confirmation control key|




| Article not found in Po/No Line item found in PO| The ASN failed because one or more SKUs on the 856 transmission did not match the original 850 or any subsequent 860s.




| No valid unit of measurement can be determined for ISO code| Please review your item mapping to validate that the UOM submitted on the 856 matches what we sent you on the 850.




| An error has occurred during unit of measure conversion| Please review your item mapping to validate that the UOM submitted on the 856 matches

what we sent you on the 850.

ZZ| 5| Line item on PO is deleted, but vendor included on the transmission|
HUFUNCTIONS| 134| Error while generating packaging data|
HUSELECT| 4| Handling unit &1 already in existence|
VL| 243| Field empty|
HUFUNCTIONS| 34| Is not in interval that is provided for this pack material type|
HUFUNCTIONS| 315| Handling unit identifier is not unique|
HUGENERAL| 56| Item was not found – process cancelled|
ME| 186| Document, item, already being processed|
HUGENERAL| 83| Packing quantity zero was not processed|
ME| 185| Document already being processed|
VLA| 202| Delivery quantity may not be less than the GR posted quantity|
HUFUNCTIONS| 311| Delivery item with reference item does not exist|
HUSELECT| 5| There is already a handling unit posted for

GR without stock

HUGENERAL| 55| Quantity specification for HU item change is missing – Process cancelled|
ME| 407| Item has been deleted from document|
ME| 187| You have no authorization for document|
MC| 601| Object requested is currently locked by user|


The REPORT tab allows you to select and run any reports listed.

Currently the only report available is the Invoice Error Message Details report.
Clicking on the report runs the report and sends the results to screen. From there you can Print the report to Excel, convert to HTML, or Export to a CSV file.

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