PETZL Grigri+ Belay Devices and Descenders Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

PETZL Grigri+ Belay Devices and Descenders Instruction Manual
PETZL Grigri+ Belay Devices and Descenders


Activities involving the use of this equipment are inherently dangerous. You are responsible for your own actions and decisions.

Before using this equipment, you must:

  • Read and understand all Instructions for Use.
  • Get specific training in its proper use.
  • Become acquainted with its capabilities and limitations.
  • Understand and accept the risks involved.


These instructions explain how to correctly use your equipment. Only certain techniques and uses are described.
The warning symbols inform you of some potential dangers related to the use of your equipment, but it is impossible to describe them all. Check for updates and additional information.
You are responsible for heeding each warning and using your equipment correctly. Any misuse of this equipment will create additional dangers. Contact Petzl if you have any doubts or difficulty understanding these instructions.

Field of application

Personal protective equipment (PPE) used for fall protection.
Belay device with cam-assisted blocking for rock climbing. It can be used to belay a climber on lead or top rope, and to lower the climber.
This product must not be pushed beyond its limits, nor be used for any purpose other than that for which it is designed.



Activities involving the use of this equipment are inherently dangerous. You are responsible for your own actions, decisions and safety.

Before using this equipment, you must:

  • Read and understand all Instructions for Use.
  • Get specific training in its proper use.
  • Become acquainted with its capabilities and limitations.
  • Understand and accept the risks involved.

Failure to heed any of these warnings may result in severe injury or death.

This product must only be used by competent and responsible persons, or those placed under the direct and visual control of a competent and responsible person.
You are responsible for your actions, your decisions and your safety and you assume the consequences of same. If you are not able, or not in a position to assume this responsibility, or if you do not fully understand the Instructions for Use, do not use this equipment.



  1. Moving side plate
  2. Cam
  3. Cam axle
  4. Friction plate
  5. Handle
  6. Fixed side plate,
  7. Attachment holes
  8. Selector knob
  9. Lock button.
    Principal materials: aluminum, stainless steel, nylon.

Inspection, points to verify

Inspection, points to verify

Petzl recommends a detailed inspection at least once every 12 months. Warning: your intensity of use may cause you to inspect your PPE more frequently. Record the results on your PPE inspection form: see examples at

Before each use

Verify that the product has no cracks, deformation, marks, corrosion… Check the state of wear.
Verify that the cam and release handle move freely and that the springs are working properly.
Check the condition of the cam and the friction plate.
Verify that there are no foreign objects (sand…) in the mechanism and no lubricant on the rope path.

During use

It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the product and its connections to the other equipment in the system. Make sure that all items of equipment are correctly positioned with respect to each other.
Verify that the carabiner is always loaded on the major axis, closed, locked.
Verify that the cam and the frame of the GRIGRI + are able to rotate freely at all times.



Verify that this product is compatible with the other elements of the system in your application (compatible = good functional interaction). Ropes
Compatible with 8.5 to 11 mm CE EN 892 and/or UIAA certified dynamic mantelshelf single ropes.
Warning: commercially, nominal rope diameters have a tolerance of up to ±0.2 mm.
Warning: the blocking effectiveness of the GRIGRI + may be reduced when used with a new rope. In general, blocking effectiveness and ease of giving slack can vary depending on the diameter, condition, state of wear, and surface treatment of your rope. Be vigilant and familiarize yourself with the belaying and lowering performance of your GRIGRI + each time you use a rope other than the one you normally use.
WARNING: certain ropes can be slippery and reduce the blocking effectiveness of the GRIGRI + (ropes with sheath treatments, ropes that are new, icy, wet, muddy…). Choose the rope diameter based on the intended use. Our recommendations regarding rope diameters are as follows:

8.9 ≤ Ø ≤ 10.5 mm:

The device functions optimally with these rope diameters.

10.5 < Ø ≤ 11 mm:

For well-used or large-diameter ropes, you may need to use the technique presented in section 8C more frequently to facilitate giving slack.

8.5 ≤ Ø < 8.9 mm:

Thin ropes require special precautions during use because they are more difficult for the hand to grip. They can be more difficult to control while descending or in the event of a fall. The use of thin ropes requires greater vigilance and a high level of experience with belay techniques.

Attachment carbine
You must use a locking carbine that meets current standards in your country.

Function principle and test

Function principle and test

When a climber falls, the GRIGRI + pivots on the carbine, the rope becomes taut and the cam pinches the rope to block it. Holding the brake side of the rope helps engage the cam, so it is important to always hold the brake side of the rope.
The cam (a) and the frame of the GRIGRI + (b) must be able to rotate freely at all times. The GRIGRI + must be free to rotate around the carbine.
WARNING: any blockage of the device or cam will negate the blocking action on the rope.

GRIGRI + installation

A test must be carried out before each use to ensure correct rope installation and to verify that the GRIGRI + is functioning properly.

GRIGRI + installation
GRIGRI + installation

GRIGRI + installation

5: Partner Check
GRIGRI + installation

Choosing the belay mode

Choosing the belay mode

You can use the selector knob to choose the belay mode (top-rope or lead climbing).
The top-rope belay mode facilitates taking up slack, but does not allow giving slack using the technique shown in section 8B.
Locking the knob:

The selection can be locked by using the lock button.

Belaying techniques

Before using the GRIGRI +, you must know the proper belaying techniques. The GRIGRI +’s cam-assisted blocking capability does not relieve you of the need to follow basic belaying principles: be attentive to the climber’s progress and always hold the brake side of the rope.

8A. Primary belaying position
Belaying techniques
When you belay with the GRIGRI +, keep in mind some important principles:

  • Always hold the brake side of the rope.
  • Never grip the device with your entire hand.
  • Anticipate clips by being attentive to the climber’s progress.
    Your hands should always stay in this position, except if you need to give slack quickly when the climber is clipping (see section 8C).

8B. Giving slack
Belaying techniques
To facilitate feeding the rope, focus more on pushing the rope into the device than pulling it out (rotational movement).

8C. Giving slack quickly
Belaying techniques
Belaying techniques

One technique is to simply move toward the cliff.
The other technique, for occasional and short-term use, requires different hand positioning for a very limited time.
Your hands must immediately return to the principal belaying position.
Warning: in the event of a fall, you risk clenching the cam, which negates the blocking action on the rope.
Do not keep your thumb continuously pressed on the cam.

8D. Taking up slack

8E. Stopping a fall

Tip for a dynamic belay: do a small jump, or step forward, to reduce the impact force on the climber.

Lowering a climber on a top rope

Lowering a climber on a top rope
Lowering a climber on a top rope

The be layer gradually pulls on the release handle, without letting go of the brake side of the rope. The handle helps adjust the friction, but the descent is controlled by the hand gripping the brake side of the rope.

Triggering the anti-panic mechanism

Triggering the anti-panic mechanism

Working principle

The GRIGRI + has an anti-panic handle that is especially useful in learning how to control a lower.
If the be layer pulls too hard on the handle, the anti-panic mechanism triggers to help stop the running of the rope. By holding the brake side of the rope, the brake hand helps engage the cam to stop the descent. To continue the descent, release the handle completely, then resume lowering normally.

Exceptional use
In certain cases (e.g. when reaching the ground, if there is rope drag, or with a lightweight climber), unintentional triggering of the anti-panic mechanism can occur. To facilitate completing the lower, you can pull the handle completely back. This technique is for exceptional use only.

In certain configurations (lightweight climber and/or be layer, rope drag, small-diameter rope, new rope…), the triggering of the anti-panic mechanism may be too brief to be noticed by the be layer. Even with the anti-panic handle, you must always hold the brake side of the rope.

To learn more about GRIGRI + belaying techniques, see the GRIGRI + technical advice.

Additional information

This product meets the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/425 on personal protective
equipment. The EU declaration of conformity is available at
EN 15151-1 type 8: devices for belaying and rappelling with an anti-panic blocking function.
When to retire your equipment:
WARNING: an exceptional event can lead you to retire a product after only one use, depending
on the type and intensity of usage and the environment of usage (harsh environments, marine
environments, sharp edges, extreme temperatures, chemicals…).
A product must be retired when:

  • It has been subjected to a major fall or load.
  • It fails to pass inspection. You have any doubt as to its reliability.
  • You do not know its full usage history.
  • When it becomes obsolete due to changes in legislation, standards, technique or incompatibility with other equipment…
    Destroy these products to prevent further use.


  • A. Unlimited lifetime

  • B. Acceptable temperatures

  • C. Usage precautions
    Additional Information

  • D. Cleaning

  • E. Drying

  • F. Storage/transport
    Additional Information

  • G. Maintenance

  • H. Modifications/repairs (prohibited
    outside of Petzl facilities, except replacement parts)
    Additional Information

  • I. FAQ – Contact

3-year guarantee

Against any material or manufacturing defect. Exclusions: normal wear and tear, oxidation, modifications or alterations, incorrect storage, poor maintenance, negligence, uses for which this product is not designed.

Warning symbols

Warning symbols

  1. Situation presenting an imminent risk of serious injury or death.
  2. Exposure to a potential risk of accident or injury.
  3. Important information on the functioning or performance of your product.
  4. Equipment incompatibility.

Traceability and markings

Traceability and markings

  • a. Meets PPE regulatory requirements. Notified body performing the EU type examination
  • b. Number of the notified body responsible for the production control of this PPE
  • c. Traceability: data matrix
  • d. Diameter
  • e. Serial number
  • f. Year of manufacture
  • g. Month of manufacture
  • h. Batch number
  • i. Individual identifier
  • j. Standards
  • k. Read the Instructions for Use carefully
  • l. Model identification
  • m. Hand on brake side
  • n. Climber
  • o. Top-rope mode
  • p. Lead climbing mode
  • q. Manufacturer address

This product is compliant with the Regulation 2016/425 on Personal Protective Equipment as brought into UK law and amended.

Approved body performing the UKCA type examination and the production control of this PPE:

SGS United Kingdom Ltd Inward Way Ross more Business Park Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 3EN United Kingdom
N° 0120

Authorized Representative in UK : PETZL UK Agency, Unit 3-7, Tebay Business Park, Old Tebay, Penrith, CA10 3SS, United Kingdom

Ptzl F- 38920 Crolles Cidex 105A

ISO 9001 © Petzl

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