aqua DPSLWE01 Dual Pressure Sensor User Manual

June 6, 2024

aqua DPSLWE01 Dual Pressure Sensor

Product Description

The Aqua-Scope water pressure sensor allows monitoring water pressure using one or two sensors connected by cable. Depending on the wireless network available the data will be communicated either to a WIFI or a LoRaWAN network. The wired water sensor(s) are connected to the liquid using a standardized 1/4 inch threading.
Installation and communication

After power-up the device will connect to a LORAWAN network using the LoRaWAN JOIN process. If no JOIN Response was received from the network within 10 seconds, it is assumes that no LoRaWAN network is available or he device is not registered yet with the network. The WIFI setup mode is entered as fall- back. Regardless of a successful connection to a WIFI network the device will always try to connect to a LoRaWAN network on power-up again.

Pairing with the LoRaWAN Network

The device supports LoRaWAN Class A and OTAA activation. Setting configuration parameter #21 = 1 allows changing to Class C. Reboot of the device is needed after the configuration value was set. Operating the device requires sufficient LoRaWAN coverage from your LoRaWAN provider of choice. Your LoRaWAN service must register the new device before the OTAA operation. LoRaWAN OTAA requires three device-specific keys for this process:

  • Device-EUI (unique key to identify this device)
  • Application-EUI (unique key to identify the service of this device)
  • App-Key (unique secret key to secure network connection setup)

You find all three keys printed out as label printed out inside the package. Furthermore, you find a QR-code with the Device-EUI right in the device. Using the service you can download the complete set of keys plus additional device information. Please contact support@aqua- to receive your access credentials for this service. During pairing the LED will blink red/yellow. Once connected successfully the LED will glow green indicating normal operation.

TTN Integration

The Things Network (TTN) is a free community based LORAWAN network with global reach. If there is a TTN Gateway near your home you can use the water sensor without any further hardware If no – may be this is a good reason to join the community with your own gateway.

After the registration of the device with TTN please use the “HTTP Integration” to forward all data to ‚‘. Convenient access for test purposes is possible using‚‘. The link ‚ https://io‘ allows downloading the scripts for change, inspection and further use on own server and integrate the data into your own application.
Please note that the mentioned scripts can only be used for devices from Aqua- Scope. Device EUIs from other manufacturers will not be processed.

WIFI Setup

Download the App “Aqua-Scope” from your App store and register yourself as new account with email and password. You may want to use the QR codes above for a convenient access to the store. Follow the instructions on the app. For all subsequent setups of Aqua-Scope Water Monitor please choose the option “Setup new Monitor” in the Configuration menu of your mobile app.
If you don’t want to use the Aqua-Scope Mobile App you can also setup the device using any standard web browser. Please refer to the manual section “Web Browser Setup” for details.
Web Browser Setup

Users and Installation Manual: Dual Pressure Sensor (DPSLWE01) The device can be configured using any standard web browser on a PC ora mobile phone (MSIE, Crome, Safari, Firefox, …). Here are the steps:

  1. Open the website to access the web version of the Aqua-Scope App.
  2. If not done before, register a new account using your email address.
  3. Turn on your device. It must be in factory reset state indicated by green/red blinking LED. If the LED is not blinking red/green, reset the device!
  4. Connect your PC or your mobile phone to the WIFI SSID “Scope” provided by the device when in factory default mode. There is no WIFI password required.
  5. As soon as you are connected to WIFI network „Scope” open the web page using your web browser on the very device. The web page will list all WIFI networks in proximity. Pick the network you want to connect to. Enter the WIFI password for this network. (If you dont know the WIFI Password, check the internet router. its usually printed there.)
  6.  Enter the email address used in step 2 and submit all data.
  7. If the LED start blinking slowly green the setup was successful. Otherwise repeat the process.


The main device will automatically detect if one of two pressure sensors are connected. The pressure of the one or two sensor elements is measured 500 times a second. The sensor values are communicated to the network regularly or when major changes in pressure value happened. The device will regularly report a set of values. The report interval is 15 minutes on default but can be defined in configuration parameter # 29.
The following values are reported:

  • Last pressure right before reporting
  • Average pressure since last reporting
  • Lowest pressure since last reporting
  • Highest pressure since last reporting

Beside regular reporting it is possible to send out a pressure report immediately when a certain upper or lower threshold is hit. The thresholds can be defined in milli Bar.

  • Upper threshold for Sensor 1
  • Lower threshold for Sensor 1
  • Upper threshold for Sensor 2
  • Lower threshold for Sensor 2
  • Deviation of measured pressure against the average for Sensor 1
  • Deviation of measured pressure against the average for Sensor 2

LoRaWAN Payload Description

General Structure
The payload protocol uses simple single byte commands followed by a command- specific number of additional bytes. The payload can daisy-chain multiple commands.
Packets Uplink (from Sensor to Server)

Version Report 0x03 – HW – SW_MSB – SW_BYTE2 – SW_BYTE3 – SW_LSB (6 Bytes)
This command reports the version of the device. It is sent unsolicited as first command during boot up and as reply to downlink command ‘Version Get’. HW is a single byte indicating the version of the hardware, the 32-Bit SW value is the version of the firmware representing the compile date.
Example: 0x03 0x05 0x00 0x03 0x10 0xdd => Device Hardware Version 5, Firmware 200925 (firmware was created on 25th of September 2020)

Configuration Report: 0x04 – IDX – VAL_LSB – VAL_MSB (4 Byte)
This command reports a configuration parameter of the device: IDX is the number of the configuration parameter. The 16 Bit VAL is the parameter itself. Configuration parameters are always 16 Bit Values. The table below describes the configuration parameters and its values.

Sensor Report: 0x06 – ID – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (4 Bytes)
This command reports sensor values. The ID indicates the sensor type and defines the format of the 16-Bit VAL

  • 0x10: Actual Pressure Value Sensor 1 in mBar
  • 0x15: Average Pressure Value Sensor 1 in mBar
  • 0x16: Minimum Pressure Value Sensor 1 in mBar
  • 0x17: Maximum Pressure Value Sensor 1 in mBar
  • 0x20: Actual Pressure Value Sensor 2 in mBar
  • 0x25: Average Pressure Value Sensor 2 in mBar
  • 0x26: Minimum Pressure Value Sensor 2 in mBar
  • 0x27: Maximum Pressure Value Sensor 2 in mBar

Packets Downlink (from Server to Sensor)
System Commands 0x01 – CMD (2 Byte)
This command sends a system command to the devices. CMD defines the type of command:

  • CMD = 0x01: System restart
  • CMD = 0x02: System Reset – back to factory default
  • CMD = 0x03: Start Pipe-Check. The behavior of the Pipe-Check can be defined in configuration parameters.

This command calls for a Version Report sent upstream

Configuration Set 0x04 – IDX – VAL_LSB – VAL_MSB (4 Byte)
This command allows to set configuration parameters of the device: IDX is the number of the configuration parameter. The 16 Bit VAL is the parameter itself. Configuration parameters are always 16 Bit Values. The table below describes the configuration parameters and its values.

Configuration Get 0x14 – IDX (2 Byte)
This command allows to read the configuration value IDX. The device will respond with an upstream command Configuration Report

Reset to Factory Default
The factory default is indicated by a green/red blinking LED. To return to factory default push the button right after the initial buzzer beep (but not earlier!) and keep it pushed for 5 seconds. 4 short beeps will help you count. After 5 seconds you will see three short green LED pulses with a low-frequency sound. Now release the button! The recessed round part on the middle of the device is the touch button.
This process will delete all device and network settings.

LoRaWan Payload Commands
LoRaWAN commands can be daisy chained into the payload up to the defined maximum payload size of 51 bytes. This mean that for all commands sent to defined number of bytes in the payload is required to avoid misinterpretation of command and/or command values in the receiver side. All uplink and downlink commands use FPort=1.

Uplink Command Version Report: 0x03 – HW – SW_MSB – SW_BYTE2 – SW_BYTE3 – SW_LSB (6 Byte)
This command reports the version of the device. It is sent unsolicited as first command during boot-up and as replying command to downlink command Version Get. HW is a single byte indicating the version of the hardware, the 32-Bit SW value is the version of the firmware representing the compile date. Example: 0x03 0x05 0x00 0x03 0x10 0xdd => Device Hardware Version 5, Firmware 200925 (firmware was created on 25th of September 2020)

Uplink Command Configuration Report: 0x04 – IDX – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (4 Byte)
This command reports a configuration parameter of the device: IDX is the number of the configuration parameter. The 16 Bit VAL is the parameter itself. Configuration parameters are always 16 Bit Values. The table below describes the configuration parameters and its values.

Uplink Command Sensor Report: 0x06 – ID – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (4 Byte)
This command reports sensor values. The ID indicates the sensor type and defines the format of the 16-Bit VAL. Possible sensor types are:

  • 0x01: Temperature: VAL is temperature in 1/10 Degree Celsius. Example: 0x06 0x01 0x20 0x20 => Temperature 0x00CD = 205 = 20.5 C.
  • 0x03: Uptime: VAL is the number of minutes after last boot
  • 0x10: Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x11: Water Consumption: VAL is water consumption in Liters since last report
  • 0x15: Average Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x16: Minimum Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x17: Maximum Water Pressure (1) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x20: Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x25: Average Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x26: Minimum Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.
  • 0x27: Maximum Water Pressure (sensor 2) : VAL is unsigned water pressure in mBar. Example: 0x10 0x011 0x0D 0x48 => Pressure 0x0D48 = 3400 = 3.4 Bar.

Downlink Command System Commands: 0x01 – CMD (2 Byte)
This command sends a system command to the devices. CMD defines the type of command:

  • CMD = 0x01: System restart
  • CMD = 0x02: System Reset – back to factory default
  • CMD = 0x03: Start Pipe-Check. The behavior of the Pipe-Check can be defined in configuration parameters.

Downlink Command Version Get: 0x03 – (1 Byte)
This command calls for a Version Report sent upstream

Downlink Command Configuration Set: 0x04 – IDX – VAL_MSB – VAL_LSB (4 Byte)
This command allows setting configuration parameters of the device: IDX is the number of the configuration parameter. The 16 Bit VAL is the parameter itself. Configuration parameters are always 16 Bit Values. The table below describes the configuration parameters and its values.

Downlink Command Configuration Get: 0x14 – IDX (2 Byte)
This command allows reading the configuration value IDX. The device will respond with an upstream command Configuration Report

Configuration Parameters

  • All Configuration Parameters are 2 Byte values that can be set and read out using LoRaWAN ‘config get’ and ‘config set’ commands.
    Parameter 29 (0x29): Reporting Interval (Default: 0x0384 = dec 900)
    This parameter defines the interval in seconds the device automatically reports sensor values and heartbeat as an uplink message.

  • Parameter 41 (0x41): Min Threshold Sensor 1 (Default: 0x7530 = dec 30000)
    In case the pressure measured by sensor 1 falls below this threshold an unsolicited report is sent out

  • Parameter 42 (0x42): Max Threshold Sensor 1 (Default: 0x0000 = dec 0)
    In case the pressure measured by sensor 1 raises above this threshold an unsolicited report is sent out

  • Parameter 43 (0x43): Min Threshold Sensor 2 (Default: 0x7530 = dec 30000)
    In case the pressure measured by sensor 2 falls below this threshold an unsolicited report is sent out Parameter

  • 44 (0x44): Max Threshold Sensor 2 (Default: 0x0000 = dec 0)
    In case the pressure measured by sensor 2 raises above this threshold an unsolicited report is sent out Parameter

  • 45 (0x45): Deviation Threshold Sensor 1 (Default: 0x005a = dec 90)
    If one measured value on sensor 1 differs from average more then this value an unsolicited report is sent out

  • Parameter 46 (0x46): Deviation Threshold Sensor 2 (Default: 0x005a = dec 90)
    If one measured value on sensor 2 differs from average more then this value an unsolicited report is sent out

  • Information related to Drinking Water Directive EU 98/83/EC
    Certain parts of the device are exposed to drinking water and therefore subject to the European Drinking Water Directive. The used material CW509L which is in the list of approved of materials of the German Environment Agency (UBA) in the version from May 14th, 2020 under section

Technical Data

  • Power Supply: External USB Power Plug 5 V/ 1A
  • Processor: ESP32-WROOM_32E (Xtensa Dual Core 32 Bit, 240 MHz, 520 KB RAM)
  • Wireless Connection:
    • WIFI ESP Built-in 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n, bitrate in ‘n’ mode up to 150Mbps
    • Lora: SX1261, EU868 MHz, SF 7-12, TX16 dBm, RX: – 147 dBm @ 300 bps, Class A
  • ADC: ADS112C04, 4 channel, 16 bit, 1000 sample/s
  • Water Pressure Sensor:
    • Range : 0 … 1000 kPa (10 bar)
    • Overload: 150 % of maximum
    • pressure
    • Connection: G ¼ “
    • female Precision:
  • Dimensions (Main Device): Diameter = 66mm, Height = 20 mm
  • Weight (Main Device): 50 gr
  • Water Proof: Main Device: IP 20, Pressure Sensors: IP 65
  • User Interface: 3 color LED, single touchless button Environmental Conditions:
    • Shipment and Storage: -65 °C … 100 °C Operation: – 10 °C … 50 °C
    • Rel. Humidity: 0…90 %

Support and Contact

Should you encounter any problem, please give us the opportunity to address it before returning this product. Please check our website and particularly the support section for answers and help. You can also send a message to [email protected].

While the information in this manual has been compiled with great care, it may not be deemed an assurance of product characteristics. Aqua-Scope shall be liable only to the degree specified in the terms of sale and delivery. The reproduction and distribution of the documentation and software supplied with this product and the use of its contents is subject to written authorization from Aqua-Scope. We reserve the right to make any alterations that arise as the result of technical development.

Declaration of Conformity
Aqua-Scope Technology OÜ, Sakala 7-2, 10141 Tallinn, Republic of Estonia, declares that this radio emitting device works on the following frequences:

Disposal Guidelines
Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted municipal waste, use separate collection facilities. Contact your local government for information regarding the collection systems available. If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substances can leak into the groundwater and get into the food chain, damaging health and well-being.

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