oticon Genie 2 2021.2 Easy Hearing Aid Fitting Softare Instructions

June 6, 2024

Oticon Genie 2 2021.2 Easy Hearing Aid Fitting Software


The following instructions for use are valid for
Oticon Genie 2 2021.2.
Genie 2 is a fitting software used for Oticon More™, Oticon Opn S™, Oticon Opn™, Oticon Xceed,
Oticon Opn Play™, Oticon Xceed Play, Oticon Ruby,
and Oticon Siya hearing instrument families.
If you have additional questions about the use of Genie 2, contact your local distributor.
A printed version of this booklet can be obtained through your local distributor.

Intended use

Intended use| The fitting software is intended for fitting and updating of hearing solutions. The fitting software can facilitate access to real-ear measurement equipment.
Indications for use| There are no indications for use (diagnoses) for the fitting software itself.
Intended user| The fitting software solution is intended to be used by Hearing Care Professionals (HCP) who in this document are referred to as, but are not limited to, Hearing Aid Professionals

(HAP), audiologists, ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctors, and Hearing Aid Dispensers (HAD).*

The user of the fitting software shall be a hearing care professional who is appropriately trained, and has proven competency in professionally assessing hearing, selecting, fitting and delivering hearing instruments

and rehabilitation care to persons with hearing loss. The training of the hearing care professional is in accordance with their specific educational background following national or regional regulations.

*The job title may vary from country to country.

User environment| Clinical setting.
Contraindications| No contraindications.
Clinical benefits| See clinical benefits of the hearing aid.

Intended use of Tinnitus SoundSupport™

Tinnitus SoundSupport is a tool intended to generate sounds to provide temporary relief for patients suffering from tinnitus as part of a tinnitus management program.
Tinnitus SoundSupport is not intended for users below
18 years of age.
Tinnitus SoundSupport is targeted to licensed hearing care professionals (audiologists, hearing instrument specialists, or otolaryngologists) who are familiar with the evaluation and treatment of tinnitus and hearing loss.
Fitting of Tinnitus SoundSupport must be done by a hearing care professional participating in a tinnitus management program.

First installation

The Genie 2 fitting software installation is provided on a DVD/USB drive that contains the installation file.
The installation program starts automatically when you insert the Genie 2 DVD/USB into the drive/port.
Otherwise, open Windows Explorer, browse to the relevant drive and double- click the Setup.exe file. When you run the installer, follow the installation instructions on the screen.

Genie updater
The Genie updater is installed together with Genie 2. When the installation is complete, a small icon appears on your Windows taskbar.
The icon indicates if there is an update for Genie 2. You can also change the settings on how often the software checks for updates.
You can open Genie updater from the Windows taskbar or the Windows Start Menu.

Upgrading from older versions of Genie
If you are running an older version of Genie (2019.2 or earlier), you must first update it to version 2020.1, and then you are able to install any newer version.
If you already have a previous version of Genie 2 installed, client sessions will still be visible.

System requirements

The following are the recommended minimum system requirements to install and use Genie 2:
Hardware requirements:

  •  CPU: Intel Core i5, 4 cores, 3.2 GHz or faster
  •  8 GB RAM or more
  •  8 GB free hard drive space
  •  Hard drive: 256 GB Solid State Drive (SSD)
  • Screen resolution: minimum 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • DVD drive for DVD installation
  • USB 2.0 port for USB installation and programming devices
  • Keyboard and mouse
  •  Stereo or 5.1 surround sound card (recommended)

Operating System requirements

  •  Windows 7 SP1 (32/64 bit)
  • Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit)
  • Windows 10 Anniversary Update, or later (32/64 bit)

Optional tools

  • Noah 4 audiology software
    Noah-compatible management systems must be HIMSA certified.

  •  An Internet browser to access the Oticon website

  •  Adobe™ Acrobat Reader™ software

  • It is recommended that you protect your system by installing anti-virus protection software

Stand-alone Genie 2 database
When you run Genie 2 without the Noah database module, (stand-alone mode) a Client module is automatically installed, and an additional Client step appears.
In the Client module, you can enter or edit client data, such as name, date of birth, address, and audiogram. Client data is then automatically saved in the Genie 2 database and used for any subsequent fittings.

Genie 2 overview

This is an overview of the functionality, features, and tools in Genie 2. You can use it to learn about the typical steps and tools used for fitting.
The procedures contained in this booklet help you with the most essential steps, such as connecting the instrument, performing a fitting, and saving your changes.
For further information about any of the features in Genie 2, refer to the built-in help guide. To access the help guide within Genie 2, go to the Help menu and then click Help on Genie 2.
To display contextual help documentation, press the F1 key or the “?” symbol on the top right hand corner of the screen.
The Organiser steps – horizontal navigation
The organizer, which is divided into five parts, helps you navigate through the entire fitting process by structuring the fitting flow into a series of steps.

  •  Client: Appears when you run Genie 2 without the Noah database module (stand-alone mode). It lets you enter a client’s demographic data.
  • Welcome: Let’s connect the hearing instruments to Genie 2 or run a simulation without having hearing instruments connected.
  • Selection: This Lets you select an instrument family, style, and features.
  • Fitting: Lets you verify, adjust, and fine-tune the settings of instruments.
  • End Fitting: This Lets you verify and set individual user operational settings for buttons, indicators, and accessories to finalise the fitting session with the client. You can save settings, session information on the database and hearing instrument, and exit Genie 2.

The Task Pane – vertical navigation
In each organiser step there is a task pane, located on the left-hand side of the screen. The task pane gives you access to tools and links that are relevant to where you are in the fitting process.
Welcome step
After you add the client in the Noah database, the next step in the fitting flow is the Welcome step.
However, if you select an already existing fitting, you are taken to the Fitting step.
You can have Genie 2 connect to the hearing instruments or you can choose simulation mode to help you check possible configurations of a hearing instrument, or to see how tools look and work.
To connect hearing instruments in Genie 2

  1. Connect hearing instruments to one of the programming devices, either with cables or wirelessly.
    Oticon More hearing instruments can only be connected to Genie 2 using Noahlink Wireless.

  2. On the toolbar, click CONNECT. Connected hearing instruments are listed in a dialog box. If no hearing instruments are detected, an error message appears.
    If you use wireless programming, you must assign the hearing instruments to the left and right side, or confirm the side selection. If you have not selected acoustics, you are prompted to do so depending on the type of hearing instrument.
    At this point you can proceed with a new fitting or transfer settings from selected source instruments.

To simulate an instrument being connected to Genie 2
In the Welcome step, in the bottom pane, click SIMULATE. You are then taken to the Selection step, where you can manually choose the instrument(s) you would like to simulate, including family, style, and features.

Transfer Settings
This tool lets you transfer settings from a fitting session to a new selection of hearing instruments, even if the instrument is from a different family.
The Transfer Settings tool starts automatically when new hearing instruments that are different from the current session are connected or selected.
To manually open Transfer Settings, in the menu bar, click Tools and then click Transfer Settings.
Programs and settings that are not available in the target instrument are not transferred, and settings that cannot be transferred correctly are set to default or prescribed.
The tool transfers standard insertion gain from the source hearing instrument as closely as possible, given the limitations of the target hearing instrument, and adjusts it to the new acoustic setup.
After transferring settings, you can print a report that describes which settings were transferred.

If you want to generate a report, be aware that you must do this before ending the session, as the report is not available after closing the session with the client.

Selection step
In the Selection step you can select family, styles, features, and fitting level. This step also includes the Connection status section.
The Select instruments screen is the entry screen for the Selection step. You can connect hearing instruments or continue in simulation mode.
In the Connection status section, the colour of the Connection Bar indicates whether the instrument is:

  •  Connected – GREEN
  •  Not connected – GREY

In the Selection step, the following are the available tools in the Task pane.

  • Personalization
    Helps you customise the fitting for a client’s specific listening needs. It is recommended that you use it in the first fitting session or when the client’s experience level changes.
    Be aware that your selections in the Personalisation tool only influence the prescription for certain families of instruments, for example Oticon Opn, Oticon Opn S and Oticon More.

  • Acoustics
    Helps you select acoustic coupling to the ear, for example, earpiece, tubing, and vent. Genie 2 applies gain according to the acoustical parameters and the options displayed depend on the instrument style.
    If you do not select any acoustics, you are prompted to verify the default before you leave the Selection step. This tool is also available in the Fitting step.

  • Audiometric Data
    The Audiometric Data tab consists of three tools and helps you verify and update audiometric parameters to ensure correct gain prescription. This is mainly relevant when fitting hearing instruments for infants and children.

  • Audiogram
    Use this tool to specify the measurement method,
    the transducer, and measurement unit used for the audiogram.

  • RECD (Real Ear to Coupler Difference)
    The RECD tool is used to simulate Real Ear Measurement (REM) by coupler measurement and is useful when fitting children and clients who are difficult to test. When you perform a RECD measurement, the degree of cooperation and amount of time required from the client is greatly reduced compared to other REM measurements. You can import an RECD measurement from Noah or enter it manually.

  • REUG (Real Ear Unaided Gain)
    The REUG tool measures the individual ear canal
    and makes the fitting more precise according to the individual ear canal of each client. You can import REUG measurements from Noah, or enter them manually.

  • Firmware Tools
    Helps you update the firmware of hearing instruments and accessories.

  • Instrument Updater
    You can find firmware version information, what is new in the update, and information about the update process. Depending on the hearing instrument family,
    the firmware update can be performed wirelessly.

  • Accessory Updater
    You can find serial number information for your accesories, current firmware version, available firmware version, and status.

  • Fitting step
    In this step, in the Fine-tuning screen, you can adjust the gain and use a broad range of tools that you can find in the task pane.
    If you have to adjust gain, consider using the Adaptation Manager before you adjust individual controls or fine-tune individual frequency bands.
    The Adaptation Manager can help the client gradually adjust to the full response of an instrument, and lets you make an easy adjustment of the overall gain.
    In the Fitting step, you can find the following tools in the Task pane:

  • Fine-tuning
    Lets you adjust the gain controls at different output levels and the Adaptation Manager steps.

  • Feedback Analyser
    Let’s you analyze the feedback path and apply feedback margins to the instruments.

  • REM
    When you use the REM tool, the fitting software automatically sets the hearing instruments in measurement mode for use with your Real Ear Measurement equipment.
    Adaptation Manager is set to level 3, and you can select feature settings for measuring with either speech or a noise signal.

  • REM AutoFit
    Lets you automatically and manually fit your client’s hear-ing instruments to the prescribed target using a compati-ble REM system.

  • MoreSound Intelligence™
    Clarifies the sound and effectively suppresses noise when needed, and makes meaningful sounds stand out from the background. This feature is available in the Oticon More family of instruments.

  • OpenSound Navigator
    Processes sound in simple to complex listening environ-ments. The feature is available in the Oticon Opn, Opn S, Opn Play as well as Oticon Xceed and Xceed Play instruments.

  • Support in Noise
    Adjusts noise reduction and directionality in Oticon instruments. This feature is available in the Oticon Siya and Oticon Ruby instruments.

  • Program Manager
    Lets you add, change, and delete programs.
    You can configure up to four programs in an instrument.

  • Acoustics
    For more information, read the Selection step’s Tools section.

  • More Tools

  • Fitting Assistant
    A three-step guided questionnaire that lists common complaints from clients, and suggests recommended solutions by helping you fine-tune the hearing instruments.

  • Automatic Adaptation Manager
    A three-step process to help the client gradually adjust to the full response of an instrument.
    There is also a manual Adaptation Manager
    which can be adjusted during follow-up visits.

  • Automatics
    Helps you control the automatic features such
    as Transient Noise Management, Spatial Noise Management, Binaural Broadband, Silencer control, and Feedback management.

  • Tinnitus
    Enable and adjust Tinnitus SoundSupport
    (For further information read the Tinnitus SoundSupport section in this booklet).

  • Speech Rescue / Speech Rescue LX™
    Helps you to enable and adjust frequency lowering.

  • Data Logging
    Provides statistics regarding the use of the hearing instruments for a particular client.

  • In-situ Audiometry
    With this tool you can measure the client’s hearing by using the hearing instruments as transducers.

  • In-situ Audiometry tool
    The In-situ Audiometry tool lets you find the client’s hearing thresholds using the hearing instruments as transducers.
    This means the fitting can be fine-tuned to better match the individual ear canal, taking into account the instrument and the acoustic coupling.
    Ensure that the client’s instrument is connected to Genie 2 before you open the tool.
    To perform a remote In-situ Audiometry, see the
    Oticon RemoteCare section in this guide.
    To open the In-situ Audiometry tool

  • In the Fitting step, in the task pane, in the More Tools section, click In-situ Audiometry.
    Background noise level – Measure background noise using the microphones in the hearing instruments

  • To measure background noise levels, in the In-situ Audiometry tool, in the center of the screen, click the Measure background noise button .
    Click the button again to deactivate it.
    The Background noise level meter is GREEN if
    the environment is quiet enough to perform In-situ Audiometry. The Background noise level meter turns ORANGE when background noise levels exceed 45 dB.

You cannot perform In-situ Audiometry while the background noise level meter is active.
Tone controls – To change the level and frequency presented

  1.  In the In-situ Audiometry tool, in the audiogram graph, the conventional audiogram is represented as a gray curve. On your keyboard, press the up or down arrow keys to increase or decrease the level of the signal that is presented.
    Alternatively, with your mouse, turn the scroll wheel to increase or decrease the level of the signal.

  2.  On your keyboard, press the right or left arrow keys to switch between frequencies. Alternatively, with your mouse, click the graph to select frequency, and turn the scroll wheel accordingly.

  • Talk over – To communicate with the client or give instructions during In-situ Audiometry
    To activate Talk over, in the In-situ Audiometry tool, in the center of the screen, click the Talk over button . Click the button again to deactivate it.
    The Talk over button is turned OFF by default. The amplification for Talk over is based on the conventional audiogram. If there is no audiogram, there will be no amplification.

  • Play tone – To play a tone in the hearing instrument
    In the middle pane, click the Play Tone button. The tone is played in the hearing instrument and continues as long as you hold the mouse key.
    To change the tone type, in the bottom left pane, under Tone type, select Continuous or Pulsed.

  • Audiogram use – To choose the type of audiogram
    To change the type of audiogram used, in the bottom right pane, under Audiogram use, select Use conventional audiogram or Use in-situ audiogram for the measured side(s).

Tinnitus SoundSupport

The Tinnitus SoundSupport feature is a tool that generates sounds for use in a Tinnitus management program, to help clients suffering from Tinnitus.
You can select and modify sounds to suit the client’s preference. The tool is available in all programs except Phone and Telecoil.
To turn Tinnitus SoundSupport ON or OFF

  1.  In the Fitting step, on the Task pane, under the More tools group, click Tinnitus.
  2.  In the bottom pane, on the right-hand side of the screen, click the ON or OFF button respectively.
    Ensure that your hearing instrument is connected and that it supports Tinnitus SoundSupport. If you do not see the Tinnitus option in the Task pane, it is possible your instrument does not support it.

End Fitting step

The End Fitting step is the final step in the fitting process.
This step helps you connect the accessories to instruments, see all the information about the current fitting, complete your programming of the instrument, as well as save the settings and exit Genie 2.
The following tools are available in the Task pane:

  •  Save and Exit: Shows you a summary of the connected hearing instruments’ features and settings, and lets you save and exit Genie 2.
  • Buttons and Indicators: Helps you define button opera-tion, volume control, beep setting, and LED patterns.
  • Batteries: Shows current battery level, battery health, and instructions on how to replace the battery. This is only visible if you are fitting an instrument with a rechargeable battery.
  •  Accessories: You can manage accessories such as smart-phones, ConnectClip, TV Adapter, EduMic, Remote Control, and DAI/FM.
  • Generate Report: Print, save or email a selection of reports according to your needs and the client’s needs.

To save settings and end fitting session

  1. In the End Fitting step, click the Save and Exit button.
    If you are running Genie 2 in stand-alone mode, click the Save and Go to Client Step button.
    You are now presented with the options to save in Noah or in the stand-alone database. Clear the checkboxes to discard all changes since you last saved.
    You cannot discard changes if there is a conflict between the hearing instrument settings and Genie 2 settings.
    Optionally, if you want to add a session comment, in the Save settings dialog box, in the Session comment field, enter your comment or note. The comment appears in the Noah and Genie 2 stand-alone session lists.

  2. When you are finished, click OK.
    Battery protection mode
    The battery protection mode setting preserves battery life for rechargeable hearing instruments. You can use this setting when you send an instrument for service or for storing hearing instruments for later use. To access the Battery protection mode tool, in the top menu click Tools and then click Battery protection mode.
    Battery protection mode is available for the Oticon More™ family of instruments.

Oticon RemoteCare™

Oticon RemoteCare enables you to communicate with a client and make real-time adjustments to a client’s hearing instrument(s) remotely.
Be aware that if you cannot upload your changes remotely, a physical visit is necessary.
Oticon RemoteCare can be used when a valid audiogram is on record, and the audiogram has not changed. It is also possible to perform a remote In-situ Audiometry during remote fitting.
In extraordinary circumstances, you may not be able to perform a hearing evaluation in person. If this occurs, it is recommended that you use an approved remote diagnostic device.
For further information, contact your local distributor.
Additional system requirements for the hearing care professional

  •  Internet Explorer 11
  • Internal webcam or external camera device
  • Microphone and speakers or headset
  •  A RemoteCare account. To sign up for an account, contact your local Oticon representative.
  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection suitable for both sound and video streaming, with a recommended minimum speed of 1 Mbps (upload/download). Check with your internet provider System requirements for the client
  •  Oticon More™, Oticon Opn S™, Oticon Opn Play™, Oticon Opn™, Oticon Xceed, Oticon Xceed Play, Oticon Ruby, or Oticon Siya hearing instruments – paired to a client’s smartphone/tablet.
  •  A compatible Apple or Android phone/tablet. To check for compatibility, visit www.oticon.global/compatibility.
  • A stable internet connection suitable for both sound and video streaming with a recommended minimum speed of 1 Mbps (upload/download).
  • An email account, or Apple, Google or Facebook credentials.

Launch Oticon RemoteCare
To use RemoteCare, you must first create an account and then launch RemoteCare directly from within Genie 2.


The hearing care professional is responsible for obtaining the licence needed to use Oticon RemoteCare with clients. Oticon does not take any responsibility.

Create account
To create an account, open the Oticon RemoteCare invitation email sent by your local representative and follow the instructions.
To run RemoteCare

  1. In Genie 2, in the Task Pane, in the lower left-hand side, click the RemoteCare button .
  2.  In the RemoteCare dialog box, in the Email address field, enter your email address, and in the Password field, enter your password.
  3. Click Sign in.
  4.  In the Tinnitus SoundSupport dialog box, select the checkbox stating that Tinnitus SoundSupport is not intended for fitting during a RemoteCare session.
  5.  Click Continue.
  6.  In the Select Camera and Microphone dialog box, in the Select camera and Select microphone drop-down lists, select the camera and microphone you would like to use.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. In the Connect to your client dialog box that appears, in the field provided, enter the email address of the client you want to connect to, and click Continue.

It is only possible to start a visit when the client has started the visit first, and is waiting for the hearing care professional to join the session.

  1.  To establish communication with the client, in the Waiting Room dialog box, click the Start a visit button.
  2. To connect to the hearing instruments remotely, in the communicator window, click the CONNECT button.
  3.  If the fitting software recognised the instrument, in the Wireless Connection Status dialog box, you can see the detected instruments.
  4. Click OK.

RemoteCare communicator
The RemoteCare communicator is the interface used to communicate with the client. It allows for text messaging and communication via audio and video between you and the client.
The following icons describe the communicator window and what happens when you click the icons:

To perform a fitting, upload settings, and save

  1.  In the Fitting step, if needed, adjust the hearing instruments as you normally would. Be aware that not all options are available during a remote fitting session.

  2. When you are finished changing the settings of the instruments, you must upload the new settings to your instrument. To do this, in the RemoteCare communicator window, click the Upload button.
    It is recommended to click the Upload button after every change made to the hearing instrument, to ensure the client receives the changes in real-time, and to act as a safeguard in the event of a sudden lost connection.

  3.  To save and end the session, go to the End Fitting step and click the Save and exit button. If you are using Genie 2 in stand-alone mode, this button is called Save and go to Client step. Clicking the Save and exit button ends the RemoteCare session with the client.

Remote In-situ Audiometry

Oticon RemoteCare allows for remote In-situ Audiometry to be performed, to fine-tune the gain of your client’s hearing instruments.
To perform In-situ Audiometry, you will be prompted to first upload the settings from Genie 2 to your client’s hearing instruments.
Before you conduct In-situ Audiometry, ensure that you add an audiogram in Noah or in the Client step.
Be aware that presenting stimulus or tones in reverse mode is not available in remote In-situ Audiometry.

To obtain accurate remote In-situ Audiometry results:

  •  Ensure your client is in an environment with little or no noise, and understands that background noise may impact results.
  • To compensate for possible delays in connection, play tones for at least two seconds. Also, consider longer than normal pauses — preferably more than two seconds —between the tones presented to the client.
  •  Ensure you turn OFF your microphone to avoid any unwanted noise, as it could impact results.
  • Instruct your client to wear the hearing instruments correctly and as advised in the first fitting.

For further information regarding In-situ Audiometry, see the In-situ Audiometry tool section in this guide.

Before performing remote In-situ Audiometry, inform the client that if the internet connection is lost during the procedure, the client must remove and restart the hearing instruments if they are muted or still playing sound.


For your personal safety and to ensure correct usage, you should familiarise yourself fully with the following general warnings before using your fitting software. Contact your local distributor if you experience unexpected operations or serious incidents with the fitting software during use or because of its use. Serious incidents should also be reported to the national authorities.

  • General safety information
    For safety reasons, it is important that you read the Intended Use of the fitting software in the Introduction section of this booklet. If you are fitting a hearing aid with Tinnitus SoundSupport, please familiarize yourself with the risks related to the fitting level of the Tinnitus SoundSupport feature, and the recommended wearing times.
    The developed SPL in the ears of children can be substantially higher than in average adults. RECD measured to correct target of fitted OSPL90 is recommended.

  • Connection
    It is important that you do not lose the wired or wireless connection to the hearing instrument or let communication errors interrupt the fitting flow.

  • Choking hazards
    For safety reasons, caution must be taken when fitting children younger than 36 months. Children younger than 36 months must always use a tamper-resistant battery drawer.
    For safety reasons, always use ear moulds when fitting children younger than 36 months.

  • Firmware
    During a firmware update, ensure that the user is not wearing the hearing instrument(s) due to the updated instrument being reset to factory settings after the update.
    Moreover, do not give the instrument back to the user before restoring user settings, and ensure that the serial number of the connected instrument corresponds to the serial number registered in the office automation system for the relevant user.
    It is also important that you are aware of the firmware version of the hearing instrument before and after an update, and that the firmware version of the programming device is compatible with the firmware version of the fitting software. Avoid interruptions or connection failure to the hearing aid or connectivity device during a firmware update.

  • REM System
    Pay attention to any error messages from the REM system caused by incorrect or unintended data sent to the REM system.

  • Tinnitus
    For safety reasons, always caution the user about limiting the use of the Tinnitus SoundSupport feature to ensure safe listening levels. Be aware of the high sound-pressure level generated by the Tinnitus SoundSupport feature. Note the recommended limits to the wearing time of the Tinnitus SoundSupport feature as shown in the fitting software. In the print report and the Instruction for Use for the hearing aid, always enter the maximum wearing time per day.
    Tinnitus SoundSupport is not intended for users below 18 years of age.

  • Power instrument
    Special care should be exercised in selecting, fitting and using a hearing aid where maximum sound pressure capability exceeds 132 dB SPL
    (IEC 60318-4) as there may be a risk of impairing the remaining hearing of the hearing instrument user.

  • Transfer Settings
    Ensure that while transferring settings, the user does not wear the hearing instruments.

  • In-situ Audiometry
    Do not use In-situ Audiometry for diagnostic purposes.
    Also, before you conduct the In-Situ audiometry, ensure that you add an audiogram in Noah or in the Client step in Genie 2. Before you conduct In-situ Audiometry, ensure you remove any REM AutoFit results, and carry out the Audiometry in a quiet area.

  • Disclaimer
    The manufacturer does not take responsibility for the consequences of using this fitting software outside its intended use or warnings.

Technical information

The following are definitions that may appear in the Instructions for use for Oticon Genie 2

Description of symbols used in this booklet


Text marked with a warning symbol must be read before using the device.


The device is produced by the manufacturer whose name and address are stated next to the symbol. Indicates the medical device manufacturer, as defined in EU Regulation 2017/745.

CE mark

The device complies with all required EU regulations and directives.

The four digit number indicates the identification of the notified body.

Medical Device

The device is a medical device.

Electronic waste (WEEE)

Recycle hearing aids, accessories or batteries according to local regulations.

Hearing aid users can also return electronic waste to their hearing care professional for disposal. Electronic equipment covered by Directive 2012/19/EU on waste and electrical equipment (WEEE).

Global Trade Item Number

GTIN A globally unique 14-digit number used to identify medical device products including medical device software.

Declaration of Conformity is available from the headquarters.
Oticon A/S
Kongebakken 9
DK-2765 Smørum

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