MIDLAND G18 PRO PMR446 Transceiver Instructions

June 6, 2024

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MIDLAND G18 PRO PMR446 Transceiver

Programming software (optional)

Thanks to Midland Programming software PRG-G15, it is possible to increase the performance of your radio or to reduce its functionality by enabling or disabling some features (CTCSS, TOT, VOX, ROGER BEEP, SQUELCH, VOICE, RRM channel…)
For further information, please consult the Programming software manual.
Any attempt to change frequencies or output power of the radio invalidates the approval.

What’s in the box

  • 1 G18 PRO transceiver
  • 1 belt clip
  • 1 wall adaptor
  • 1 Li-ion da 1600mAh rechargeable battery pack
  • 1 fast desktop charger

Main features

  • Extended  frequency band: 446.00625 – 446.19375MHz
  • 16 New PMR446 channels
  • 99 PMR446 channels: 16 + 83 pre-programmed
  • IP 67 Certified
  • 50 CTCSS tones+105 DCS Codes
  • RRM channel (only for Italy)
  • Scrambler
  • FM Radio and Compander (programmables with PRG-G15)
  • Scan, Monitor and Vox functions
  • Vocal announcement


The maximum range depends on terrain conditions and is obtained during use in an open space.
The only limitation to the maximum possible range is environmental factors such as blockage caused by trees, buildings, or other obstructions. Inside a car or a metallic construction, the range can be reduced. Normally the coverage in the city, with buildings or other obstructions is about 1 or 2 Km. In open space but with obstructions like trees, leaves or houses the maximum possible range is about 4-6 Km. In open space, without obstructions and insight, like for example in mountains, the coverage can be more than 12 Km.

Suggestions and warnings

Your G18 PRO was designed to fulfill any warranty obligations and to enjoy this product for many years. As for all the electronic devices, we recommend you follow these suggestions:

  • Do not attempt to open the unit. Non-expert handling of the unit may damage it and annul the warranty.
  • When using a regulated power supply, take note of the power voltage, which must be between 6V and 8V to avoid damages.
  • High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, and warp or melt certain plastics. Do not store the radio in dirty areas.
  • If it appears that the Radio diffuses a peculiar smell or smoke, please shut off its power immediately and take off the charger or battery from the radio.

Main controls and parts of the radio

LCD DisplayMIDLAND G18 PRO PMR446 Transceiver 1

  1.  Keypad lock
  2.  Selected CTCSS tone or DCS code
  3.  Number of the menu/channel indicator
  4.  Battery status indicator
  5. Channel in use
  6. Priority scan mode
  7.  VOX function activated
  8.  Low power indicator
  9.  Function key activated
  10.  Indicator of RX and tx signal strength
  11.  Channel temporarily not scanned


MIDLAND G18 PRO PMR446 Transceiver 2 MIDLAND
G18 PRO PMR446 Transceiver 3**

  1. Antenna
  2.  Encoder: rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise to select the different settings.
  3.  Power/volume knob: turn clockwise to power on and increase the volume level. Turn counter-clockwise to decrease the volume level and power off.
  4. Speaker
  5.  Built-in microphone
  6.  Led indicator: RED: TX; GREEN: RX.
  7. Emergency button (it can be activated through the programming software)
  8. PTT: push this button to transmit, release it to receive.
  9. Function key 1: Short pressure: Monitor function activation (PF3).
  10. Function key 2: Long pressure: SCAN function activation (PF4).
  11. External Speaker/Mic Jack (Motorola type): allows the connection with external devices such as headsets, microphones.
  12.  Multi-function key ‘FUN’: it allows to activate secondary functions.
  13. LCD Display
  14.  Multi-function keys MENU – ENT – VFO/MR

Battery recharge

G18 PRO is equipped for using a 7,4V Li-ion rechargeable battery pack, which can be recharged by connecting the socket of the AC/DC wall adaptor to a mains power socket and inserting the jack of the wall adaptor into the desktop charger plug. It takes 4 hours to fully recharge the radio. The led of the desktop charger indicates the status of the recharge: Red = charging, Green = full charge
For maximum battery life, we recommend you charge the battery pack when the G18 PRO is off and the battery pack is fully discharged.
Using a different battery charger other than the one specified can cause damage to your device or may even cause explosions and personal injuries. The Battery power-saving feature enables a reduction in consumption of up to 50% and saves battery life. If it has been set, it automatically activates when the transceiver does not receive any signal for more than 5 seconds. Power saving can be disabled only through the Programming software.


Power on/off and volume adjustment
Rotate the PWR/VOL clockwise to turn the radio on. Rotate the control clockwise /counter-clockwise to adjust the volume level as you prefer. To turn the radio off, rotate the control counter-clockwise till hearing a mechanical “click”.
Transmission and reception
To communicate, all radios in your group must be set to the same channel. Briefly press Function key 1 to enable the Monitor feature in order to make sure that the frequency is not busy, then press the PTT button.
Release the PTT key to receive.
Only one user at a time can talk during radio communications. Therefore, it is important not to transmit when you are receiving communication and use the transmission mode sparingly to allow other users to talk. Transmission consumes a significant amount of energy and should therefore be used sparingly to prolong the battery life. If you are unable to contact a station that you have no problems in receiving, the station may be using CTCSS tones or DCS codes.
The Monitor feature is for excluding (opening) the Squelch, in order to listen to signals that are too weak to keep the Squelch permanently opened. Press briefly the Function key 1 to enable such function.
Roger Beep (end transmission tone)
When the PTT button is released, the radio will beep to confirm to other users that you’ve finished your transmission and that they can start talking. vRoger Beep is disabled by default and can be activated through the programming software.

Alarm function (Emergency)
By pressing the Emergency button, the radio will switch to Alarm Emergency mode. G18 PRO will switch to the transmission for 30 seconds by generating a sound alarm, then for further 30 seconds will remain in tx to allow the user to communicate his status. In the end, the radio will switch to reception. If needed, the Emergency call can be repeated.
Note: this function can be activated through the optional programming software.
MENU functions
Here below is a list of the default functions that you will find in the menu of this radio. First of all, you have to push the MENU button to enter and find the desired function.
This function is enabled by pushing the Function key 2 for 3 seconds; you will see the channels scanning on the display of the radio. Whenever any signal is detected, the scanning will stop on a busy channel. As soon as the signal is no longer detected, the scan will start after 5 seconds. If you press the PTT, the radio will transmit on the latest busy channel; after about 5 seconds that you released the PTT, the scanning will be active.
PRI (Priority Scan)
When you activate this function, the radio will alternately scan the standard chan-nels and the priority ones. The priority channel can be selected only with the programming software. The default priority channel is CH1.
The VOX feature enables hands-free conversations without using PTT: just speak in the direction of the microphone and the communication will be automatically activated. The VOX sensitivity can be adjusted in 10 different levels (0,1,2,3…9) through the Menu or programming software: OFF means that the VOX is turned off, level 1 is set by default and has the lowest VOX sensitivity, 9 is the highest one.
To activate the VOX levels, follow these steps:

  • Press the MENU button;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob until the display shows “VOX”;
  •  Press the ENT key;
  •  Turn again the Encoder knob and select the desired VOX level: 1= low sensitivity; 9= highest sensitivity.
  • Confirm your selection with the ENT key.

POW – Setting the transmission power

G18 PRO has 2 power levels. To select the desired level:

  • Press the MENU button;
  • Rotate the Encoder knob till the display shows “POW”;
  • Press ENT;
  • Rotate the encoder knob and select the desired power level;
  • Press ENT to confirm. If you selected the low power, the display will show “LOW”

By default, both low and high power are set at 500mW.


The Squelch function suppresses noises on free channels and allows to receive even weak signals. G18 PRO has 10 (0-9) different Squelch levels that can be set by programming software or Menu: 0 means that the Squelch is turned off; from level 1 to level 9 you will have different levels of noise reduction. The higher is the level, the louder will be the Squelch. By default, the Squelch level is set on level 5. To select the Squelch level:

  •  Press the MENU button;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob until “SQL” is displayed;
  • Press the ENT button;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob and select the desired Squelch level (the levels available are 10);
  • Confirm your selection with ENT.
    Make sure you do not set an excessively high squelch level because in this case, you may not be able to receive weaker signals. On the other hand, an excessively low Squelch value could enable the Squelch even when no signals are present. Squelch must always be adjusted when no signals are present.


The scrambler is designed to protect communications. This feature prevents parties from other networks from hearing and understanding voice communications. To enable/disable the scrambler:

  • Press the MENU button;
  • Turn the Encoder knob until “SCRM” is displayed;
  • Push ENT to enter the function;
  • Turn the Encoder knob to activate/deactivate the SCRAMBLER: “ON” (to activate it), or “OFF” (to deactivate it);
  •  Confirm your selection with ENT.
    When the scrambler is enabled, it is not possible to clearly receive communications. Therefore, before enabling it, it is necessary to make sure that all the radios you wish to communicate with have enabled this feature, otherwise, you won’t be able to talk with them. The scrambler of the transceiver does not fully guarantee the safety of communications.

Led – Backlight

To enable/disable the LCD backlight

  • Press the MENU button;

  • Turn the Encoder knob until “LED” is displayed;

  • Push ENT to enter the function;

  •  Turn the Encoder knob to activate/deactivate the Backlight.
    There are 3 available options: “ON”, “OFF” and “AUTO”.

    • AUTO: the display backlight activates when you press any key and lasts a few seconds.
    • OFF: backlight off.
    • ON: backlight always on. Attention: in this mode the power save is off, therefore the battery consumption will increase.
  • Confirm your selection with ENT.

Keypad Beep on/off

Every time a button is pressed, you will hear a Beep tone. The keypad beep tone is activated by default. To disable the beeps, follow this procedure:

  • Press the MENU button;
  • Turn the Encoder knob until “BEEP” is displayed;
  • Push ENT to enter the function;
  • Turn the Encoder knob to activate/deactivate the Beep tones: “ON” (to activate it), or “OFF” (to deactivate it);
  • Confirm your selection with ENT.

Keypad lock (KEYBO)

It is possible to choose between two types of Lock Mode:

  •  Press the MENU button;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob until “KEYBO” is displayed;
  • Push ENT to enter the function;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob and choose between “MANUAL” or ”AUTO”.
  • Confirm your selection with ENT.
    As previously mentioned, there are two ways to lock the keypad:
    “MANUAL”: to lock the keypad, simply press FUN and ENT keys for 3 seconds. will be displayed.
    “AUTO”: the keypad will be automatically locked after 20 seconds. To unlock the radio, press FUN and ENT keys.

TOT- Funzione TX timeout timer

G18 PRO can be programmed with a transmission timer that temporarily blocks transmissions if the radio has been used beyond the maximum time permitted. The radio is forced in reception mode if it continues transmitting after the preset timer threshold has been reached. To restart the transmission, release the PTT key. To enable this function:

  •  Press the MENU button;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob until “TOT” is displayed;
  • Push ENT to enter the function;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob and set a timer from 30 to 270 seconds.
  •  Confirm your selection with ENT.

SCAN mode settings

  • Press MENU and then rotate the Encoder knob.

  • The display will show “SCANS”.

  • Press ENTER and then rotate the Encoder knob to choose the type of Scan (TO/CO/SE).

  • Confirm your selection with ENT.

  • TO – Time-operated Scan
    Whenever a signal is detected, the radio will suspend the scan for 5 seconds, and then will continue to scan even if the signal is still present.

  • CO: Carrier-operated Scan

    • Whenever a signal is detected, the radio will stop scanning. It will resume scanning once the signal will disappear.
  • SE: Search Scan

    • The radio will stop scanning and exit the Scan mode once detected a signal.
    • It is possible to exclude some channels from the scan list. Follow these steps:
  1. select the channel to exclude from the scan list
  2. keep pressed ENT for 4 seconds
  3. the display will show
  4. to add the channel into the scan list again, follow the same procedure.

VOICE function

With this function, you activate a voice that informs you about any operation/selection you are doing. To activate it, follow these steps:

  •  Press the MENU button;
  • Turn the Encoder knob until “VOICE” is displayed;
  •  Push ENT to enter the function;
  • Turn the Encoder knob to activate/deactivate the function: “ON” (to activate it), or “OFF” (to deactivate it);
  • Confirm your selection with ENT.


The CTCSS tones can be added to the channels for creating new private channels. They are similar to access codes and enable the radio to communicate only with the users that are tuned on the same channel and have set the same code. For each channel, you can set up to 50 CTCSS tones and 105 DCS codes.
To select a CTCSS tone

  •  Press the MENU button;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob till “C-CDC”(in TX and RX); “R-CDC”(only in RX) or “T-CDC” (only in TX) appears on the display;
  •  Push ENT to enter the function;
  •  Turn the Encoder knob and select the desired CTCSS tone
  •  To confirm, press the ENT button.
    The setting of a CTCSS tone disables all DCS codes because these functions cannot be used simultaneously.

If you want to use and select a DCS code, instead of a CTCSS tone, follow these steps

  •  Press the MENU button;
  • Turn the Encoder knob till: “C-CDC”(in TX and RX); “R-CDC”(only in RX) or “T-CDC” (only in TX) appears on the display;
  • Push ENT to enter the function;
  •  Press the Function key 1;
  • Turn the Encoder knob and select the desired DCS code;
  • Confirm the selection by pressing the ENT button.
    The setting of a DCS code disables all CTCSS tones because these functions cannot be used simultaneously.

Name – Nome
It is possible to choose and set a name that will appear on the display instead of the channel number.

Technical specifications

MIDLAND G18 PRO PMR446 Transceiver

WARNING: Direct plug-in ac/dc power supply must be used for disconnecting the transceiver from the mains; the desktop charger must be positioned close to the unit and easily accessible.


MIDLAND G18 PRO PMR446 Transceiver

Prodotto o importato da MIDLAND EUROPE S.r.l. Via R.Sevardi 7 – 42124 Reggio Emilia – Italia
Prima dell’uso leggere attentamente le istruzioni. Produced or imported by: MIDLAND EUROPE S.r.l. Via R.Sevardi 7 – 42124 Reggio Emilia – Italy
Imported by: ALAN-NEVADA UK
Unit 1 Fitzherbert Spur Farlington Portsmouth Hants P06 1TT – United Kingdom www.nevada.co.uk
Read the instructions carefully before installation and use.
Vertrieb durch: ALAN ELECTRONICS GmbH
Daimlerstraße 1g – D-63303 Dreieich – Deutschland
Vor Benutzung Bedienungsanleitung beachten.
Importado por: MIDLAND IBERIA, SA.
C/Cobalt, 48 – 08940 Cornellà De Llobregat, Barcelona – España
Antes de utilizar, lea atentamente el manual de uso.
Importé par:
ALAN FRANCE S.A.R.L. 10 impasse Phytagore, 13127 Vitrolles – France
Avant l’utilisation, lire les instructions.


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