FTX5593B Outback 3.0 Paso 1/10 RTR 4×4 Trail Crawler Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

Outback 3 Paso


FTX Outback 3 Paso 1/10th Scale 4WD Electric Powered Ready-To-Run Off-

Road Trail Vehicle

Congratulations on your purchase of the FTX Outback 3 Paso 1/10th Trail Vehicle

This 1/10th scale model has been factory assembled and all electrics installed and set up to make it the easiest possible introduction to the sport of driving RC cars.

WARNING: Read the ENTIRE instruction manual to become familiar with the features of the product before operating.
Failure to operate the product correctly can result in damage to the product, and personal property and cause serious injury.
This is NOT a toy and must be operated with caution and common sense. Failure to operate this product in a safe and responsible manner could result in damage, injury or damage to other property.
This product is not intended for use by children without direct adult supervision.
It is essential to read and follow all the instructions and warnings in the manual, prior to assembly, set-up or use, in order to operate correctly and avoid damage or serious injury.

Safety Precautions and Warnings

  • You are responsible for operating this model such that it does not endanger yourself and others, or result in damage to the product or the property of others.
  • This model is controlled by a radio which is possibly subject to interference which can cause momentary loss of control so it is advisable to always keep a safe distance to avoid collisions or injury.
  • Age Recommendation:14 years or over. This is not a toy. This product is not intended for use by children without direct adult supervision.

Carefully follow these directions and warnings, plus those of any additional equipment associated with the use of this model, chargers, ESC and motors, radio, etc.

  • Never operate your model with low transmitter batteries.

  • Always operate your model in an open area away from cars, traffic or people.

  • Never operate the model in the street or in populated areas.

  • Always keep the vehicle in a direct line of sight, you cannot control what you cannot see!

  • Keep all chemicals, small parts, and anything electrical out of the reach of children.

  • Although splash-proof the car and electronics are not designed to be subjected to extended moisture exposure or submersion.
    To do so will result in permanent damage.

  • Avoid injury from high-speed rotating parts, gears, and axles, etc.

  • Novices should seek advice from more experienced people to operate the model correctly and meet its performance potential.

  • Exercise caution when using tools and sharp instruments.

  • Do not put fingers or any objects inside rotating and moving parts.

  • Take care when carrying out repairs or maintenance as some parts may be sharp.

  • Do NOT touch equipment such as the motor, electronic speed control, and battery, immediately after using your model because they can generate high temperatures.

  • Always turn on your transmitter before you turn on the receiver in the car. Always turn off the receiver before turning your transmitter off.

  • Keep the wheels of the model off the ground, and keep your hands away from the wheels when checking the operation of the radio equipment.

  • Prolong motor life by preventing overheating conditions. Undue motor wear can result from frequent turns, rapid change of direction forwards/backward, continuous stop/ starts, pushing/pulling objects, driving in deep sand and tall grass, or driving continuously uphill.

FTX Outback 3 Paso Trail Vehicle
Transmitter: 2.4ghz Steerwheel
Charger: USB 500mA Charger
Battery: 1500mAh 7.2V NiMh


WARNING! Do not use a power screwdriver to install screws into nylon or plastic materials. The fast locking may heat up the screws being installed may break the molded pads or strip the threads during installation.

2. Additional items needed for operation:

Check that all screws and nuts are tight before each use.

2.4GHZ Radio System

Take out the transmitter and load 4 AA-size batteries.

Battery Installation:
  1. Open the battery compartment cover.
  2. Insert 4 fully-charged AA batteries into the compartment. Make sure that the battery makes good contact with the battery compartment’s contacts.
  3. Replace the battery compartment cover.

**   NOTE**
Low battery alarm: When the battery is lower than 4.2v, the G.LED on the panel will flash slowly

Receiver overview


The receiver automatically enters the binding state once it is powered on.

  1. Press the BIND key to turn on the transmitter ( ET 1062 ) and allow it to enter its binding state. Here, G.LED flashes quickly, and the operator releases the BIND key.
  2. When the receiver is powered on and waits for 1 second, it will automatically enter the binding state if it is not connected;
  3. After the binding is successful, the LED indicator of the receiver is always on.
    Notes: (1) Set the transmitter to its binding state first, and then set the receiver to its binding state. If the binding is not completed within 10s, the indicator light of the receiver will enter its slow flashing state. (2) If re-binding is successful, all the settings of the car lights will be restored to their default values.


1. Connect related equipment:

  • Make sure the ESC is off before connection. Connect the motor with M+ and M- of ESC. Connect the steering servo to the 3Pin interface marked with “ST” of ESC (- + S connected correspondingly). Connect the battery with the positive and negative poles of ESC correspondingly.

2. Normal boot, identification throttle midpoint:

  • After connecting related equipment as step 1, turn on the radio first, and move the throttle trigger to the neutral position. Turn on the switch of ESC at last. When the battery of ESC is LiPo, the motor will emit “beep-beep” twice if uses 2s LiPo; when the battery of ESC is NiMH cells, the motor will emit “beep” only once. After about 1 second, the motor will long emit a “beep” sound, indicating self-inspection is completed, then can run it.

a. The ESC can be run after completing self-inspection (about 3 seconds) if power is on, otherwise, it cannot be operated normally.
b.lf there is no power output and the red light of ESC flashes quickly after power on, it means that the actual throttle of radio is not at the neutral position, move the throttle to the neutral position until the red light does not flash.
c.lf the rotation direction is not correct during running, exchange the two wires connecting the motor and ESC.
d.To make sure everything is ok, please turn on the radio first and finally turn on the ESC, turn off the ESC first, and finally turn off the radio.

3. Description of LED status during driving:

  • The red LED of ESC extinguishes when the throttle trigger is at the neutral position.
  • The red LED quickly flashes when moving forward; the red LED is constantly on when the throttle is at the end position of forwarding (100% throttle).
  • The red LED quickly flashes when reversing.

Note: Please refer to the relevant sections of the ET1063 manual for details about the battery type, drag brake force, and running mode of the ESC.

4. Setting Method:
There are three parameters that can be set for the ESC, which are “Running mode”, “Battery type”, and “Drag brake”, There are slide switches numbered 1 2 3 4 on the radio panel. The above parameters can be set by dialing left and right. The specific operation is as follows:
When the No. 1 slide switch is on the left, it indicates that the operation mode is set to FWD / REV / BRK.
When the No. 1 slide switch is on the right, it indicates that the operation mode is set to FWD/REV.
When the No. 2 slide switch is on the left, it indicates that the battery type is set to Lipo.
When the No. 2 slide switch is on the right, it indicates that the battery type is set to NiMH.
When No.3 and No.4 slide switch is on the left, it indicates that the drag
When the No.3 slide switch is on the left and the No.4 slide switch is on the right, it indicates that the drag brake force is set to 50%.
When the No. 3 slide switch is on the right and the No.4 slide switch is on the left, it indicates that the drag brake force is set to 75%.
When No. 3 and No.4 slide switches are on the right, it indicates that the drag brake force is set to 100%.


  1. As shown in fig.1, flip the CH3 key to the right, and the car lights turn on. As shown in fig.2, turn the steering wheel to the right, the right steering light comes on, and turn the steering wheel to the left, and the left steering light comes on. (Normal Mode )
  2. As shown in fig.3, turn the steering wheel to the right three times, and the ambient light flashes; turn another three times, the ambient light gets into the breathing mode, And turn it more three times, the ambient light turns off. ( repeat the above steps, the function continues the cycle)
  3. As shown in figure 1, press CH4 once, and the emergency light flashes slowly. Press CH4 again to turn off the emergency light. Press the CH4 key twice, and the ambient light enters the breathing mode.
  4. As shown in figure 1, push the CH3 key to the left, and the car lights turn off.


  1. Check that the battery pack in the kit and the battery in the transmitter are all full before the above actions. Check the light wire and System 3connection before power-on.
  2. Turn the steering wheel to the left three times, and activate the ambient light function. Once null, you can try to turn the steering wheel to the right three times, or use the ST.REV on the transmitter to switch the direction.
  3. All the above functions are only fit for the factory-fit of the Outback 3. For more details, please refer to the System 3 manual on page 7.
ET1097 System 3 instructions

The car light control is mainly to implement the changeover of lighting states and lighting modes by setting the transmitter. Control mode of the car light ON/OFF:

  • The car light control is divided into four-channel control and two-channel control. Switching between the two control modes can be implemented by turning on the transmitter, turning the handwheel clockwise to the maximum stroke, and turning on the power supply of the receiver.
  • When switching to four-channel control, the rightmost position of CH3 turns on the car lights, and the leftmost position turns off the car lights.
  • When switching to two-channel control, turn the handwheel quickly to its maximum stroke twice clockwise to turn on the emergency light, and turn it off by repeating the action; Turn the handwheel counterclockwise to its maximum stroke to turn on the width indicator light or breathing/flashing light, and turn it off by repeating the action.


  1. If the front and tail lights are contrary to the actual control, the control mode of the front and tail lights should be reversed. When the transmitter is turned on, turn and keep the handwheel counterclockwise to its maximum stroke, and power on the receiver to conduct the switchover; If the left and right turn signals are contrary to the actual control, it is only necessary to exchange the left and right light wires at the car light interface.
  2. If CH1 is set with channel reversal, all the above handwheel operations should be operated in the reverse direction (change clockwise for counterclockwise and change counterclockwise for clockwise).
  3. The direction CH1 and accelerator CH2 for car light control are capable of automatic neutral position identification.


  1. TURNING ON THE RECEIVER OF YOUR CAR The ESC Receiver switch is located under the bodyshell of the model. Switch on the ESC/Receiver Switch as shown in the picture.

  2. TURN ON THE RADIO CONTROLLER Switch on the power switch on the radio controller. Your radio is bound with your car automatically.




A. Pull the trigger back to accelerate, release it to decelerate.
B. To stop running your car, release the trigger to neutral.
C. Pushing the trigger forward activates reverse.


Gently pull the trigger to allow your car to run slowly.
Meantime, tune the steering trim to allow the front wheels to be aligned by pressing the left or right buttons.

Throttle Trim is used to setting the idle speed of the car, by pressing the left or right buttons.


  • When using the trim keys the G.LED will flash slowly for short presses and quickly on long presses.
  • When the adjustment value is at the midpoint, the G.LED will flash twice slowly.
  • When the adjustment value is at the end of either + or – , the trim adjustment is at its maximum, and as such G.LED will not flash.

The buttons marked “ST/DR” is for servo travel adjustment. You should adjust this to give maximum steering without straining the servo.
Adjustment range: 0-120%(the default is 100%), the step is 5%.
ST.D / R + : increase servo travel.
ST.D / R – : decrease servo travel.


  • When using the trim keys the G.LED will flash slowly on short presses and quickly on long presses.
  •  When the adjustment reaches the end point the G.LED will no longer flash.

This function is used to adjust each channel’s direction of movement in relation to its input.
The ST.REV/TH.REV switches are the reverse buttons for CH1 and CH2. If the switch is up it indicates reverse, down indicates normal..c



  • Always store your model with the battery pack unplugged and
  • Always charge your battery away from the vehicle. The included USB charger will take approximately 5-3 hours to charge a discharged 1500mAh battery.
  • When charging the Red LED will be solid.
  • When the battery is fully charged the Green LED will be solid.
  • The battery will become warm to touch when charged, but not hot.
  • If the battery is hot, stop charging immediately. Disconnect the battery from the charger as soon as the charger LED turns green.


  • Always allow the battery to cool after use, before recharging.
  • Always inspect the battery before charging.
  • Any bare wires, split heat shrink or leakage is a sure sign of abuse.
  • Never attempt to charge dead or damaged batteries.
  • Do not disassemble the battery or cut the connector wires.
  • If the battery connector gets hot enough to melt there is most likely a serious problem with your model, driveline, battery wires or speed controller. Find and correct the problem before installing another charged battery pack.
  • NEVER charge the battery unattended in case of overcharging, you need to be able to monitor the battery during charging.
  • Charge away from flammable objects and on a non-flammable surface in case the battery becomes too hot.

Getting Started
Switch on the transmitter. Hold the vehicle clear of the ground, connect the battery pack and switch on the receiver. Bind the Transmitter and receiver if required.
Test the transmitter to check control of the vehicle with wheels off the ground.
Start driving slowly and if the vehicle does not go straight, adjust the steering trim dial on Transmitter. For the very first run use the throttle gently, to gradually bed in the motor brushes and help the driver become accustomed to the vehicle’s behavior and controls.

Although the electronics are waterproof the rest of the car can be subjected to damage if running in excessively wet or submerged conditions.

After Run.
Switch off the receiver power, switch off the transmitter and lower the aerial.
Disconnect the battery and remove it from the vehicle, allowing it to cool before recharging. If you have a second charged battery all ready to use, still allow the vehicle to cool slightly before continuing.

Regular maintenance.
Frequently check the whole vehicle for loose or missing fixings. Use thread lock on any replacement screws into metal threads.
Frequently check rotating parts are free from grass, string, etc. which might bind their motion and overstress the motor or speed controller. Remove the wheels occasionally and check behind the mounting hex for obstructions or anything that might have been wrapped around the axle and caused extra drag.
Shock absorbers will wear prematurely if used in dirty dusty conditions. Replace oil and seals as required to keep a smooth dampening action.

Due to the nature of this product and potential use, FTX warrants it to be free of material and workmanship defects when new. FTX will at its sole discretion repair or replace defective components free of charge within 30 days from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover wear and tear, crash or impact damage, modifications, component water damage failure to perform maintenance or damage from improper use. Proof of purchase date will be required to action any warranty claims. In no case shall FTX’s liability exceed the original cost of the purchased kit.

Troubleshooting guide.

Battery damaged/not charged
Motor dirty or brushes worn Drivetrain binding| Motor dirty or brushes worn
Bind in drive train
Battery running low on power| Over-geared
Binding transmission.
Seized axle bearing.
Motor binding| Gears damaged.
Gears loose on the shaft.
Driveshaft broke or missing.| Transmitter batteries low
Vehicle Battery Low.
Transmitter switched off
Transmitter/receiver aerial not extended.
ESC switched off or battery not connected.
Loose connectors/wires.

Instructions for disposal.

Environmental Protection Notes & WEEE
The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol shown here, which may be found on the product itself, in the operating instructions or on the packaging, is in accordance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. Individual markings indicate which materials can be recycled and re-used. You can make an important contribution to the protection of our common environment by re-using the product, recycling the basic materials or recycling redundant equipment in other ways.
When this product comes to the end of its useful life, you must not dispose of it in ordinary domestic waste. Many electrical items that we throw away can be repaired or recycled. Recycling items helps to save natural resources and also reduces the environmental and health impacts that are linked with sending electrical goods to landfills. The correct method of disposal is to take it to your local collection point for recycling electrical and electronic equipment. You can go to recycle-more.co.uk for details of locations.

Alternatively, FTX can offer our customers free take-back of their WEEE on a like-for-like basis when they buy a new Electrical or Electronic product from us. For example, if a customer bought a new radio system from us or a dealer, we would accept their old radio and prevent it from going into a landfill site by disposing of it safely. Customers must return their old WEEE item to us within 28 days of purchasing their new item.
Remove batteries from your device and dispose of them at your local collection point for batteries. If you don’t know the location of your nearest disposal center, please enquire at your local council office.

CML Distribution, Saxon House, Saxon Business Park, Bromsgrove, B60 4AD.
Hanbury Road,



Upgradable Optionals

Outback 3 Paso

FTX is an exclusive brand of CML Distribution, Saxon House, Saxon Business Park,
Banbury Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 4AD England.
E-mail: info@ftx-rc.com


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