ALBRECHT AE 6290 CB Radio Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024



Important information

Please read these instructions carefully before installing and operating your AE 6290 radio.
Please use only the original microphone on the CB radio, otherwise the proper functioning of the VOX hands-free function can not be guaranteed.
The VOX sensitivity is preset for use in moderately loud vehicles. If your vehicle is very silent you can increase the VOX sensitivity, and the VOX function will trigger with softer speaking.
For optimal results mount the microphone 45 – 70 cm away and directly facing the driver.

Delivery content

ALBRECHT AE 6290 CB Radio-1

  1. AE 6290 CB radio
  2. Handheld microphone with Up/Down keys
  3. Power supply cable with fuse
  4. Mounting bracket with screws
  5. Microphone holder
  6. Manual

Controls and connections

No. Description Function
1 EMG Emergency channel 9/19

(freely programable)

2| MIC| RJ-45 microphone jack
3| VOX| VOX hands-free function
4| SQ / ASQ| Settings squelch / automatic squelch
5| ▲ / ▼| UP / DOWN – navigation in menus
6| VOL| Volume
7| MENU| Main menu for all settings
8| TX LED| red light during transmission
9| A / F| AM / FM switch
10| RX LED| green light during reception
11| ANT| PL connector for antenna
12| DC IN| power supply
13| EXT SP| connection for external speaker

ALBRECHT AE 6290 CB Radio-2

ALBRECHT AE 6290 CB Radio-3

Installing the device

When installing your radio in the vehicle, make sure you do not damage any wiring or other vehicle components that may be hidden in the place of installation.

Installing the antenna
For the ultimate performance of your CB radio, it is crucial that you use a high quality antenna.

  • Only use antennas that are suitable for the frequency range of 26.565 – 27.405 MHz.
  • Connect the antenna to the antenna socket on the rear of the device using the included antenna cable with a PL259 plug.
  • For the best range, mount the antenna as high as possible to ensure unobstructed transmission in all directions.
  • Operation of standard CB radio mobile antennas requires a good conductive connection to the metal mounting surface.
  • There are special “no ground plane” (NGP) antennas for camping vehicles or trucks with plastic superstructures. However, they do not work directly on metal surfaces.
  • Do not use the radio to transmit messages without a connected antenna as the radio can be damaged or destroyed.

4.2. 4.2. 12 V / 24 V DC power supply12 V / 24 V DC power supply
The The AE 6290 radio can be connected to a 12 V or 24 V vehicleAE 6290 radio can be connected to a 12 V or 24 V vehicle power source without reconfiguration.power source without reconfiguration.


Turning on and adjusting volume
To turn on the radio, turn the VOL knob to the right. To increase the volume, turn the volume knob further clockwise.

How to change country settings
The AE 6290 radio supports all current European CB radio standards. The factory default setting is ‘EU’.

Procedure for switching the country setting:

  • Turn off the radio
  • Press and hold the MENU button then turn on the radio
  • Release the MENU button
  • Now use the UP/DN buttons to select one of the country settings “dE, In, EU, CE, U, PL, I2”
  • Turn the radio off and then on again to confirm your selection. The radio uses the selected country setting from now on

Attention: Each user is responsible to select the correct and allowed CB standard.

Overview of country settings

You can switch the country setting at any time as described above. The country setting remains active until you select a different one.

Selecting the transmission channel

  • Use the Up or Down button (UP/DN) on the radio to select channels. The current channel is displayed.
  • Press and hold down the corresponding button to continuously switch channels up or down.

The AE 6290 radio has 3 squelch options:

  • Automatic squelch (ASQ)
  • Manual squelch (SQ)
  • Tone squelch (CTCSS/DCS)

Each suppresses the channel noise by muting the speaker.
Squelch only unmutes the speaker for the received signal to be heard if certain criteria are met.

Automatic squelch (ASQ)

Automatic squelch continuously evaluates the noise level. If a signal is received, it decreases and the ASQ unmutes the speaker.
To turn ASQ on, press and hold the ASQ button on the radio. The active function is shown by the AQ symbol in the display.

Press ASQ again shortly until ASQ.SET appears. You can now set the ASQ in 9 levels, level 1 is the most sensitive.

Advantage: the highest sensitivity and thus the greatest range.

Disadvantage: can be disturbed by interferences such as sunspot activity, other electronic devices, etc., so that the speaker is activated even if no signal is received. In this case, manual squelch or tone squelch should be used.

Manual squelch
To set the manual squelch, press the SQ button shortly.

SQL.SET will appear in the display.
By adjusting the squelch control, the channel noise is faded out.
The higher the SQ is set, the stronger the received signal must be to open the squelch. Usually, the squelch is set to just barely mute the speaker.
Advantage: Manual squelch can be set so that only close range stations can be heard.
Disadvantage: Manual setting is required. If the squelch is mistakenly set too high, it decreases the reception sensitivity and thus the range.

CTCSS/DCS tone squelch

In addition to manual and automatic squelch, the AE 6290 radio also supports CTCSS/
DCS tones. CTCSS/DCS adds an inaudible tone to the transmission. Once activated, the squelch opens only if a signal with the same tone is received from a remote station. CTCSS can be set separately for each channel and is only available in FM.

The active CTCSS/DCS function is indicated by the CTC or DCS symbol on the display.

  • Select a channel with the channel selector
  • Select CDT.SET in the main menu (through MENU button)
  • Select CT or DT
  • Select a CTCSS / DCS tone with Up/Down buttons
  • There are 38 CTCSS and 104 DCS tones to choose from
  • Press MENU again to confi rm the selection

Advantage: Enables selective reception of certain stations within a channel.
Disadvantage: All remote stations must also be equipped with CTCSS/DCS. Lower reception sensitivity and thus lower range.

AM/FM mode selector
AM or FM modulation can be selected by pressing the AM/FM button.

The current setting is displayed on the LCD screen.

If a channel from 41 to 80 (only available in region mode dE) is set, the device switches to FM mode regardless of the setting on the lower channels.
When you switch back to channels 1 to 40, the AM mode is restored, if it was previously selected.
The bar graph on the display shows the signal strength (S values) in 12 levels during reception.

Emergnecy channel 9/19
The EMG button is used to switch through CH 9, CH 19 and back to the previously selected “normal” channel. Simply press the button repeatedly.
However, you can also individually assign your own „favorite“ channels to the EMG button. To do this, go to the main menu and select EMG.1 or EMG.2. Now select a desired channel with the ▲/▼ keys and confirm your selection with the MENU key.

Key Lock
Press and hold the MENU button for 2 seconds to activate the key lock. A key symbol appears in the display. Press the button again for 2 seconds to unlock all the keys.

5.9. VOX function
Briefl y press the VOX button to switch the VOX function on or off. When the VOX function is activated, the radio automatically switches to transmission as soon as it detects speech. You no longer need to pick up the microphone to transmit messages.

The active VOX function is indicated by the symbol on the display.

VOX sensitivity
The VOX Level is used to select the volume level above which an automatic VOX transmission is activated.
Go to the main menu and select VOX.L to set sensitivity:

1 = low sensitivity, VOX only reacts to very high volume levels
9 = high sensitivity, VOX already reacts to very low volume levels

The default value is level 6.

VOX delay
Go to the main menu an select VOX.T to select the delay time with the UP/DN keys.
The VOX delay function sets the time after which the automatic transmission mode is disabled if no speech is detected:

Stufe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Zeit (Sek) 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5

There are 9 configurable delay levels. The default value is level 4.

The S-meter shows the current signal strength. The strength is indicated by the symbol in the lower left of the display.
The more bars are displayed, the stronger the signal.

Scan mode
Your AE 6290 radio has an automatic channel search that can be used to view all channels one after the other.

  • Long press ▲ Up or ▼ Down button for 5 seconds

  • Scanning stops every time a signal is received and you can listen in on the conversation.
    If no action is taken, scanning will continue a) after communication on the channels has ended or b) after approximately 5 seconds of observation time, if communication takes longer.

  • You can exit the scan mode at any time by pressing the EMG or PTT key.
    Talkback function
    With the talkback functions you can hear your own modulationfor verification via the speaker of the AE 6290.
    Press and hold the PTT transmit key and select the talkback level with the ▲ / ▼ keys.

Resetting to factory settings
To reset the device to its factory settings, proceed as follows:

  • Go to the main menu and select RESET

  • If RESET is blinking in the display, press and hold the
    MENU button until the blinking stops

  • The radio is now reset to factory settings

Repeater/Relay function
With the new repeater function of the AE 6290 you can achieve almost twice the range compared to normal CB radio operation.
The radio transmits on one channel (TX1) and receives radio messages on a second channel (RX2). The AE 6290 automatically switches back and forth between the two channels.
For example, set channel 40 as the repeater receiving channel and channel 41 as the repeater transmitter channel. The radio displays channel 40 in receiving mode and waits for incoming radio transmissions. If you now press the PTT transmit button, the radio automatically switches to transmit channel 41. When you release the PTT button again, the radio returns to receive channel 40.
To activate the function, go to the main menu (MENU) and select ON under RPT.SET.
Now select the item RPT.RX in the main menu to set the receiving channel (transmitter channel of the relay) in repeater mode.
Under the menu item RPT.TX you can set the transmitting channel of the AE6290 (receiving channel of the relay).
Some relays use two different CTCSS/DCS tones instead to separate the transmit and receive directions. Use the menu items CDT-RX and CDT-TX for this.

Main menu

Press the MENU key to enter the main menu. Use the ▲/▼ keys to move through the menu. Press the MENU key again to enter the submenus.

No. Display Def- ault Function
1 KEY.BP ON Key tones on/off
2 MIC.SET 06 Microphone gain selectable in 9 levels
3 MIC.TP EL Microphone type: electret / dynamic
4 VOX.L 03 VOX sensitivity: 9 levels
5 VOX.T 04 VOX delay: 9 levels
6 SQL.SET 08 Squelch adjustable in 34 levels
7 ASQ.SET 06 Automatic squelch: 9 levels
8 SCA.TYPE SQ Scan type time: stops for 10sec. if signal Squelch: stops as

long as signal lasts
9| HI.CUT| OF| Treble cut: high frequencies are filtered out
10| TAL.BACK| OF| Talkback: 9 volume levels
11| NBL.ANK| OF| Noise blanker on/off
12| RF.AUTO| ON| Automatic RF-Gain: on/off
13| RF.GAIN| 48| RF-Gain in 16 levels (3,6,9,.. 48)
14| ROG.BP| OF| Roger Beep tone: OFF or level 1-5






| Background color in the display: RE-red, GR-green, BL-blue, CY-cyan, YE- yellow, PU-purple, WH-white
16| BRIGHT| 06| Brightness in 6 levels selectable
17| TOT.SET| 02| Time-Out-Timer: 1-10 minutes
18| RPT.RX| 40| Receiving channel in repeater mode (transmitting channel of the relay)
19| RPT.TX| 41| Transmitting channel in repeater mode

(receiving channel of the relay)

20| RPT.SET| OF| Repeater mode: on/off
21| EMG1| 9| Emergency channel 1 selectable
22| EMG2| 19| Emergency channel 2 selectable
23| CDT-RX| OF| Set CTCSS/DCS tone for receive mode
24| CDT-TX| OF| Set CTCSS/DCS Tone for transmission mode
25| CD-RT| OF| Set CTCSS/DCS tone for transmit and

receive mode simultaneously

26| RESET|  | Reset to factory settings

External speaker
It is advisable to connect an external speaker depending on the ambient noise. Typical, commercial radio speakers with 4-8 ohms impedance and a minimum power of 2-4 W can be used.
Up to a 3 metre long cable can be used. For speakers that will be used in a vehicle, make sure that a two-pin 3.5 mm jack is used and that none of the speaker connections are attached to the vehicle frame.


Transmission frequencies

| dE: 26,565 – 27,405 MHz

In: 26,965 – 27,275 MHz

EU: 26,965 – 27,405 MHz

CE: 26,965 – 27,405 MHz

U: 27,60125 – 27,99125 MHz

PL: 26,960 – 27,400 MHz

I2: 26,855 – 27,265 MHz

Input voltage| 12/24 V
Transmission power| 4 Watt AM/FM
Operation temperature| -20°C to +50°C
Current consumption| 3 A max.
Antenna connector| UHF, SO-239
Dimensions| 124x101x36mm
Weight| 428g

CTCSS tone frequency table

No. Freq. (Hz) No. Freq. (Hz)
Of CTCSS off 19 127.3
01 67.0 20 131.8
02 71.9 21 136.5
03 74.4 22 141.3
04 77.0 23 146.2
05 79.7 24 151.4
06 82.5 25 156.7
07 85.4 26 162.2
08 88.5 27 167.9
09 91.5 28 173.8
10 94.8 29 179.9
11 97.4 30 186.2
12 100.0 31 192.8
13 103.5 32 203.5
14 107.2 33 210.7
15 110.9 34 218.1
16 114.8 35 225.7
17 118.8 36 233.6
18 123.0 37 241.8
    38 250.3

Warranty and information on recycling

We are legally obligated to enclose for each device information on disposal and warranty, as well as an EU declaration of conformity with the instructions for use in different countries.
You will find this information on the following pages.
2-year warranty from the date of purchase
The manufacturer/dealer provides a two-year warranty from the date of purchase for this product. This warranty covers all failures that occur due to defective components or faulty functions within the warranty period, except for wear and tear such as empty batteries, scratches on the screen, housing and antenna defects, as well as defects due to external effects such as corrosion, overvoltage due to improper external power supply or use of unsuitable accessories. Defects caused by improper use are also excluded from the warranty.
In the event of a warranty claim, please contact your dealer.
The dealer will repair or replace the device or pass it on to an authorised service centre.
You can also contact our service partner directly. Please enclose your proof of purchase with the device and describethe malfunction as accurately as possible.

CE declaration of conformity
Standards and directives
Alan Electronics GmbH hereby declares that the model AE 6290 radio complies with regulation 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity can be found at the following Internet address:

EEAG and Recycling
European laws prohibit the disposal of old or defective electrical or electronic equipment via household waste. To dispose of the device, return it to a collection point in your municipality for recycling.
This system is fi nanced by the industry and ensures environmentally friendly disposal and recycling of valuable raw materials.

Service address
Technical hotline (for devices sold in Germany)
Alan Electronics GmbH
Daimlerstraße 1g
D-63303 Dreieich
Call our service hotline +49 (0) 6103/9481 – 66 (normal rates on the German landline network) or send us an e-mail:

Print errors excepted.

2021 Alan Electronics GmbH
Daimlerstraße 1g – 63303 Dreieich – Germany


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