KAON KSTB2020 Set-Top Box and Remote User Manual

June 6, 2024

KAON KSTB2020 Set-Top Box and Remote User Manual
KAON KSTB2020 Set-Top Box and Remote


Power the TV, Set-Top Box, and Audio Equipment

The TV and/or Set-Top Box may be powered on using the power button on either your TV remote, or the KURV remote. If the KURV remote has been paired to control TV, Set-Top Box, and audio sound bars, press the main power button to turn everything on all at once.


To view live TV using your provider’s pre-installed app, signing in using your credentials provided by your operator is required.

© Blonder Tongue Laboratories, Inc., ISO 9001:2015 Certified. All rights reserved, specifications are subject to change without notice.

The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Dolby Audio, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.


Menu Button on Remote

To navigate the Pay TV app press the menu button to show menu components. Guide, Shows, Movies, and Search are also available via remote short cut keys.

The menu will be displayed as shown below:

  1. Guide:
    Displays Electronic Program Guide
    data detailing present and upcoming
    shows on each channel.

  2. Shows:
    Displays the shows which may be
    viewed in the operators ON Demand
    TV Shows catalog.

  3. Movies:
    Displays the movies which may be
    viewed in the operators ON Demand
    Movies catalog.

  4. User Profile In Use:
    Display the following: (profile icon will vary based upon user selection)

    • Shows/movies already recorded as well as those scheduled to be recorded for that user.
    • Displays the time used for DVR recordings as well as time allotment remaining for that user
    • Displays Settings icon for that user which allows controls for the following:
    • Who’s Watching
    • Parental Controls
    • Manage Profile
    • Help
    • Terms of Service
    • About Nielsen Management
    • Sign Out
  5. Search:
    Displays the voice or text Google search

Recently Watched Screen

While in the main menu, arrow down on the remote to display the last ten
Shows/Movies watched. The selected item will show a picture of what is on that channel at the present time.

Guide Screen

Select Guide while in the Operator app menu to display screen below:

Guide Navigation

The KURV remote navigation buttons below are used in general for Left/Right or Up/Down navigation within the menu.

  • Press the Up/Down buttons to scroll up or down within the Guide Menu to display channel programs and time slots.
  • Press the Right button to scroll right within the Guide Menu to display upcoming shows on a selected channel.
  • Press the Left button to scroll left within the Guide Menu to replay previously shown programs on a selected channel, or filter for specific content such as genre and upcoming times.

OK Button Functionality

When pressing the OK/Select key for an extended time, on either the KURV 1.0 or KURV 2.0 remote controls, the Operator in app search screen appears on the TV.

The KURV 1.0 SEARCH remote control is only capable of a manual text search using the keyboard. Arrow right to the Search Box and press OK to display the on screen keyboard to type out search string.

The KURV 2.0 VOICE remote control is capable of searching by talking into the remote. When activated, speak into the remote.

Shows Screen

Select Guide while in the Operator app menu to display screen below:

In this menu subsection, you can use the KURV remote navigation buttons to scroll through the available On Demand shows.

Movies Screen

In this menu subsection, you can use the KURV remote navigation buttons to scroll through the available On Demand movies.

Profile/Recordings Screen

In this menu subsection, you can use the KURV remote navigation buttons to scroll through the profile of the selected user.

This screen will also display the shows/movies that have been recorded, and shows/movies that are schedule to be recorded.

  1. Recorded:
    Select this sub menu to display Shows/Movies that have been recorded by the selected user.
    Select any Show or Movie will allow the user to play, delete or read information about this recording.

  2. Scheduled:
    Select this sub menu to display Shows/Movies that will be recorded by the selected user.
    Recordings may be set up to trigger individual Shows/Movies, or Show Series as required.
    Select any scheduled item to cancel, or review Show/Movie information, or extend recording time beyond its normally schedule run time.

  3. DVR Cloud Storage Time Used / Time Left:
    The upper right corner of this screen displays the number of hours of recordings that have been stored, as well as the storage allotment left available.

Settings Screen

In the Settings Screen, the user can select a number of options to create Parental Controls pin code, Manage profiles, seek help, and view Term of
Service information.

Parental Controls Screen

This sub-menu allows the user to set or reset a PIN code required to view
material with predefine rating, such as TV-MA, R NC-17

Restrict Mature Content is OFF by default and must be set by the user.

Manage Profile Screen

The Manage Profiles Screen allows the user to Add, Edit, or Remove profiles as needed.

Miscellaneous Settings

This sub-menu allows the user to display Operator App build and version number. Contact information for the Operator is also provided.

Terms of Service:
This sub-menu displays detailed information about the operator’s terms of service.

Sign Out:
This sub-menu allows the user to Sign Out of the Operator’s app. The user
credentials are required to sign back in.

Search Screen

Press the Search button on the KURV remote to run a Google search.

The user may then use the Navigation buttons on the remote to enter the text for search terms.

Once text has been entered, navigate to and select the search button in the Drop Down menu on the screen.

Google Search Results

Search results will include the YouTube, TV Shows, and Movies available within the Google Play environment that are relevant to the search term.

The same results may be achieved on Voice Remotes by holding the search button on the remote and speaking the search terms.

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