CleanSpace PAF-0034 Powered Respirator System Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

CleanSpace PAF-0034 Powered Respirator System

Components in the CleanSpace2™ System

CleanSpace2™ is a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) which uses filters to remove air borne contaminants that are potentially harmful to the wearer. The following parts are required to use the CleanSpace2™ System.

  1. CleanSpace2™ Power Unit – including charger, particulate filter, flow test cap, harness, neck pads
  2. user manual and carry bag

Important Safety Information

Use this Respirator strictly in accordance with all instructions in this user manual. Never modify or alter this product.

  • Do not remove the Respirator until you have left the contaminated area.
  • Only suitable for use by clean-shaven personnel. Facial hair under the seal reduces protection.
  • This Respirator DOES NOT PROTECT YOUR EYES. In conditions that may damage or irritate eyes, use protective eyewear.
  • Only use your Respirator with the parts and accessories listed in the Data Sheet Section of this user manual.
  • Do not use the Respirator unless it is powered and running normally.
  • Do not use CleanSpace2™ Respirator while it is being charged via the AC adaptor.
  • Do not use in airborne contaminant concentrations above those specified in your National regulations
  • Do not use for Respiratory protection against unknown atmospheric contaminants or when concentrations of contaminants are unknown or immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).
  • Do not use in oxygen deficient or oxygen enriched atmospheres. Do not use in flammable or explosive environments.
  • Only for use by trained personnel.
  • Filters need to be regularly changed. The frequency of change depends on use and the concentration of contaminants in the atmosphere.
  • Do not use for escape purposes. National regulations may impose specific limitations on the use of filters depending on the filter class and the facemask used.

At very high work rates the pressure in the mask may become negative at peak inhalation. This is true of most Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR). In this case either adjust the equipment or consider an alternative form of respiratory protection.

  • Respiratory warning lights and sounds activate for low battery or blocked filter
  • Any part of the Respirator is damaged
  • Air flow into the mask decreases or stops
  • Breathing becomes difficult or increased resistance occurs
  • You feel dizzy or your airway is irritated
  • You can taste or smell contaminants

Your CleanSpace2™ Respirator is suitable for use in the following atmospheric conditions:

  • Temperature: -10°C to 45°C
  • Relative humidity: 10% to 95% non-condensing

The CleanSpace2™ Respirator will stop functioning if its internal temperature rises above 60°C. If the Respirator has been used in an area that has caused it to become contaminated with a substance requiring special decontamination procedures it should be placed in a suitable container and sealed until it can be decontaminated. The Respirator should be discarded and replaced at least every 3 years after commencement of use, or 5 years after manufacture, whichever comes earlier. Do not disassemble the CleanSpace2™ Respirator case. There are no user serviceable parts inside. Failure to follow all instructions on the use of this product, and/or failure to use the CleanSpace2™ Respirator during times of exposure, may lead to adverse effects on the wearer’s health and may render the warranty void.

Operating Instructions

The CleanSpace2™ Respirator has three (3) operating Modes: “On”, “Standby” and “Off” Mode.

  1. Standby Mode: is when the green battery indicator lights are on, the motor is not running and there is no airflow to the mask. The Respirator will automatically switch to “Standby Mode” within ten (10) seconds of the user taking off the Respirator. If the CleanSpace2™ Respirator is in “Off Mode” it will switch to “Standby Mode” when the Power button is pressed.
  2. On Mode: is when the Respirator is being worn, the motor is running and there is air flow to the mask. The motor will start (called On Mode) when the Respirator detects a change in pressure in the mask triggered by your breathing. In On Mode you should hear the motor running and feel the airflow on your face.
  3. Off Mode: is when the green battery indicator lights are off and the motor is not running and there is no air flow to the mask. The Respirator automatically switches into Off Mode three (3) minutes after the Respirator has been removed from the user’s face and the sensors detect that there is no “breathing”.
    To conserve battery life, the CleanSpace2™ Respirator is designed to automatically switch from On Mode to Standby then to Off Mode when not being worn. Important: The CleanSpace2™ switches into “On Mode” when the Respirator is in “Standby Mode” and the wearer starts to breathe. The Respirator can only switch into “On Mode” from “Standby Mode”.

The CleanSpace2™ Respirator is equipped with an indicator of battery charge. There are three (3) battery indicator lights. If all three (3) lights are lit up the Respirator is fully charged and typically has six (6) hours of operating time. The Respirator should be fully charged before use. The CleanSpace2™ will function with one or two (2) green battery lights illuminated. If two (2) battery indicator lights are on, the Respirator has between 25% and 75% charge and will typically operate for between 2 and 4 hours. If only one (1) battery indicator light is on, the battery has less than 20% charge and we recommend that you charge the Respirator before use or use the CleanSpace2™ Endurance Pack for additional operating time.

All CleanSpace2™ Respirators have a Filter Warning Alarm, which is triggered when the particulate or combination filter is blocked. If the Filter Warning Alarm sounds (several beeps) and the Filter Warning Alarm light comes on, you should move out of the contaminated area, remove the Respirator and change the filter (See the section in this user manual for instructions on how to change the CleanSpace2™ filters)

This button is used to check that the respirator is able to deliver its minimum designed flow. Pressing it once, when the CleanSpace Respirator is in Standby Mode (not ON Mode), starts the flow test which lasts about 5 seconds. See Section 4 for instructions on running the flow test.

The CleanSpace2™ Respirator has a pressure sensor zero calibration function to ensure accurate positive pressure regulation inside the mask. When there is a variation in the ambient temperature of greater than 20°C between uses (for example, a variation from -10°C to 10° C), the CleanSpace2™ Respirator’s pressure sensor should be zero calibrated before use.
This can be done in two (2) ways:

  1. Auto-Zero Calibration To auto-zero calibrate the pressure sensor, switch the Respirator into Standby Mode for at least 20 seconds before use.
  2. Manual-Zero Calibration Switch the Respirator into Standby Mode. A manual-zero calibration can be performed by pressing the Power Button and Comfort Airflow Button at the same time. The Buttons should be held until both the Blue and Red lights are on, after which the Buttons should be released. The lights will stay on for a few seconds while the Respirator recalibrates. The calibration is completed when the blue and red lights switch off.

Fitting and Removing CleanSpace2™

Check the CleanSpace2™ Respirator is complete and undamaged. If there are any damaged or defective parts, the Respirator should not be used.
Note: The CleanSpace2™Power Unit does not come with a mask. The mask assembly is sold separately and is available in three (3) sizes (small, medium and large). You will need to purchase and fit a CleanSpace™ mask assembly before using the CleanSpace2™ System.

Before use, follow the procedures below:

  • Unclip and release the filter cover to check there is a filter in place.
  • Check that the battery is charged by pressing the power button. We recommend that a minimum of 2 green lights be lit before use. At this level of charge, the Respirator has between 25% and 75% charge and will typically operate for between 2 and 4 hours. If the battery needs charging, charge the Respirator for at least 2 hours before use.
  • Check the mask to ensure that there are no cracks, tears or dirt; check the mask is not distorted.
  • Remove the exhalation valve cover and check the exhalation valve thoroughly for cracks, tears and dirt. Remove any dirt, hairs or anything that could affect the seal of the valve against its seat. Replace the valve if cracked or torn. Replace the valve cap.
  • If being used, check the harness is intact and has good elasticity.

Flow Rate Test
CleanSpace2 can be tested to check its flow performance against the Manufacturer’s Minimum Design Flow (MMDF) of 120 litre/minute. We recommend that this test is run before each use.

To carry out a Flow Rate Test:

  1. Fit the yellow Calibration Flow Test Cap to the left bellow
  2. Press and release the Flow Test button.
  3. CleanSpace2 automatically runs the Flow Test.
  4. After 2 seconds CleanSpace2 reports the result using the LEDs on the keypad, as follows:
  5. Remove the yellow Calibration Flow Test Cap

Note: The LEDs during the Flow Test will remain lit for 10 seconds, after which CleanSpace2 and the LEDs will switch off

Check that the mask and the Power Unit are correctly assembled and are in the correct orientation. The nose piece of the mask and the key pad of the power unit should both be aligned. Familiarise yourself with the key pad and the three (3) modes of operation (see Section on Operating Functions).
To connect the mask to the Power Unit, locate the black clips on the end of arms of the mask and the corresponding black clips on the bellows of the Power Unit. To connect, clip one side of the mask and bellows into place. Familiarise yourself with the bellows adjustment buttons and check the adjustment on the bellow is at its loosest and that both bellows are fully extended. Familiarise yourself with the mask release buttons on either side of the bellows. Leave the other mask arm and bellow free until you are fitting the Respirator.

Attaching the harness (optional)
To connect the harness, locate the two (2) straps on the side and one at the back. Hook the clips on the two side strap contact points on the Power Unit and mask. On the harness, two (2) clips are attached at the sides of the mask, and the velcro attachment attaches between the neck pad and the centre inside of the Power Unit.

3 LEDs: Filter good and battery good (>180 l/min)
2 LEDs: Filter ok and battery good
1 LED: Filter needs changing soon or battery needs charging
3 LEDs and red filter LED FLASH: System air flow is too low (<120 l/min) to

operate. Do not use CleanSpace2 until a new filter has been fitted and / or battery charged. If the System airflow is too low, reset the respirator by pressing the Power button to reset the LEDs to OFF and then fully charge the battery and / or replace the filter. Repeat the flow test. If CleanSpace2™ fails the test again, contact CleanSpace Technology and do not use until it has been evaluated

To fit the Respirator, follow the procedure below:

  • Check that the Respirator is in Standby Mode with the battery indicator lights on and the motor not running.
  • Ensure one side of the mask is unclipped and place the Power Unit at the back of your neck.
  • Place the mask on your face, by putting your chin into the bottom of the mask and positioning the mask over your nose and mouth.
  • Clip the loose mask arm to the Power Unit at the bellow to secure the Respirator around your neck. Adjust and tighten the mask by placing one hand on the mask, the other hand on the back of the Power Unit and gently push together. You should hear several clicks as the adjustment clips tighten. The mask should form a close seal on your face but should not feel tight.
  • Breathe normally. The CleanSpace2™ will respond to your breathing and start the motor, automatically switching from Standby Mode to On Mode. Note: The air flow (On Mode) is triggered when you breathe. The airflow starts on the second (2nd) breath. In On Mode, when the airflow has started, you should hear the motor and fan, and feel air on your face. If a harness is fitted, check the position of the harness on your head and ensure it is comfortable, supporting the respirator adequately and not interfering with the mask seal. If the harness needs adjusting for comfort, adjust the length of the front and/or rear straps.

Adjusting the Respirator
The Respirator should be tightened to achieve a close seal and a comfortable and a secure fit on your face.
There are three ways to adjust the Respirator for fit:

  1. Adjust the length of the bellows on the Power Unit. To tighten, push the mask and Respirator toward each other. You should hear a “click, click” as the adjustments tighten. To loosen the arms, push the adjustment buttons on both sides and pull the mask out from the Power Unit.
  2. Use the different sized neck pads (thin and thick). For example, to create a tighter fit use the thick neck pad; for a looser fit, use the thin neck pad.
  3. Use a different sized mask (small, medium and large). The CleanSpace2™ Respirator can be used with a small, medium or large silicone mask. The correct mask should be selected and fitted before use.

Face Fit Check
The CleanSpace2™ Respirator can be fit checked by using the Portacount fit test adaptor, by consulting a respiratory safety specialist.
When the CleanSpace2™ Respirator is being worn (following the procedure in “Fitting the CleanSpace2™) and the mask is fitted correctly, your exhaled air should flow out through the mask exhalation valve. If air is escaping out around the mask seal, (e.g. into your eyes), adjust the mask appropriately until this is eliminated or minimised. If you are unable to get an acceptable seal you may need a different size of mask or seek further assistance with a respiratory safety specialist who can help you fit the Respirator.
The Respirator should not be worn in the contaminated area if the wearer cannot achieve a proper fit.
Removing the Respirator
To remove the Respirator, find the release clip on one side of the bellows and press to release the mask from the Power Unit which will allow you to remove the Respirator. Note: The Respirator motor will automatically switch off and go into Standby Mode in approximately 5-10 seconds when no breath is detected. In Standby Mode, if after three (3) minutes no breath is detected, the Respirator will automatically go into Off Mode. In Off Mode, all the battery indicator lights will be off and the motor is will not be triggered by the wearer’s breathing.

Changing the Filters in CleanSpace2™


  1. Before using CleanSpace2™ you should ensure that you are using the correct filter type for the environment you are working in. The CleanSpace2™ Power Unit is supplied with a particulate filter.
  2. Before changing the filter on the Respirator, move out of the contaminated area and remove the Respirator. Used filters should be disposed of responsibly and treated as non-recyclable hazardous waste ( dependent on the contaminant being filtered). Filters need to be regularly changed. The frequency of change depends on use and concentration of contaminants in the atmosphere.

We recommend changing the pre-filter daily. Prior to opening the filter cover and removing the pre-filter, clean the outside of the Respirator with CleanSpace™ Cleaning Wipes or a damp cloth to prevent potential contamination of the inside of the Power Unit. To unlock the filter cover lift the pin located on the end of the filter cover.The filter cover should easily swing open exposing the used CleanSpace2™ pre-filter. Remove the used pre-filter and replace with a new pre-filter, taking care not to disturb the particulate filter. Swing the filter cover back into its closed position and press the pin down until clicked back into place.
The particulate filter should be changed when the CleanSpace2™ filter alarm alerts the wearer that the particulate filter is blocked. To unlock the filter cover lift the pin located on the end of the filter cover. The filter cover should easily swing open exposing the used CleanSpace™ filter. Remove the used filter (and pre-filter, if applicable) and replace with a new CleanSpace™ particulate filter and pre-filter. Swing the filter cover back into closed position and press the pin down until clicked back into place.Only CleanSpace™ filters and pre-filters should be used with the CleanSpace2™ Respirator.
The CleanSpace™ filters are NOT reusable and should NOT be cleaned. Do not use compressed air or any other method to clean the CleanSpace filters. Cleaning the filters affects the filtering efficiency and reduces the protection factor. The markings on these filters in relation to EN12942 must not be confused with markings on filters related to any other standard.

CleanSpace2™ Battery Information


The CleanSpace2™ Respirator has a 11.1V nominal internal lithium ion polymer battery. CleanSpace2™ chargers and power leads should always be used to charge the CleanSpace2™ batteries or you will invalidate your warranty.

  • To charge the internal battery, turn the Respirator upside down, and locate the charging port.
  • Lift off the flexible polymer charging port cover. Slide the charger cable connector into the charging port. Ensure the charger is plugged into a power socket.
  • Charging is complete when the Power Unit shows three (3) green solid lights. A fully charged internal battery typically gives you 6 hours of operating time.
  • When the Respirator is fully charged, disconnect the charger cable from the Power Unit charging port. IMPORTANT Ensure you replace the charging port cover to prevent dirt and contaminants getting into the port.
  • Note: The CleanSpace2™ Power Unit can be charged at temperatures between 0°C – 35°C.

All CleanSpace2™ respirators have a low battery alarm, which is triggered when the battery has approximately 5 minutes life remaining.
If the battery alarm sounds (one beep), leave the contaminated area immediately, re-charge the battery or attach a charged CleanSpace2™ Endurance Pack.

The CleanSpace2™ Respirator has an internal lithium ion (Li-ion) polymer battery. Lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries have the highest energy density of all battery types, and are widely used today in portable electronic devices across many different industries. The commonly available Li-ion polymer batteries are similar to Li-ion batteries, except they are packaged in a soft polymer film as opposed to the metal case commonly used for Li-ion cells. The soft packaging allows the cells to expand slightly under extreme heat, making them safer in fault conditions. CleanSpace2™ Respirators use quality Li-ion polymer batteries and are designed to be viable over a minimum of 500 complete charge and discharge cycles while still maintaining at least 70% of their specified full capacity.

To maintain the integrity of the internal battery, the Respirator should be stored under the following conditions when not being used:

  • Long term storage (> 3 months) 18°C to 28°C @ 30-50% RH
  • Medium term storage (< 90 days) -10°C to 35°C
  • Short term storage (< 30 days) -10°C to 45°C

For added safety, all CleanSpace2™ internal batteries and CleanSpace2™ Endurance Packs have a built-in Protection Circuit Module (PCM) to ensure the batteries are protected against over-charge and over-discharge. The following precautions must be followed during use:

  • Avoid mechanical shocks or impacts from any sharp or hard objects
  • Do not use or place the Respirator or Endurance Packs in extreme heat, such as in direct sunlight, near heat sources, etc. The battery will be damaged if its temperature goes above +100°C.

Note: The CleanSpace2™ will stop functioning if its internal temperature rises above +60°C or below -10°C

  • Do not dispose of the Respirator or Endurance Packs in fire
  • Do not use CleanSpace2™ Respirator in heavy rain, or allow it to get wet or immersed in liquid
  • Do not disassemble the Power Unit case, there are no user serviceable parts inside
  • Do not use the CleanSpace2™ Respirator if there are any signs of severe mechanical damage

Cleaning CleanSpace2™

We recommended that you clean your Respirator after every use. The mask, Power Unit, neck pad and harness need to be cleaned separately. Disassemble the mask, neck pad and harness from the Power Unit before cleaning. CleanSpace2™ cleaning wipes are recommended as a simple and effective method of cleaning the CleanSpace2™ Power Unit and masks.
There are three (3) methods for cleaning the CleanSpace™ mask. Before washing the mask, remove the valve cap covering the exhalation valve leaf. To remove the valve cap, find the small inlet located under the lower, inside edge of the valve (see diagram). Use your finger nail to unclip and push up the valve cap. The valve cap is easily fitted back by placing the cap with the clip aligned to the inlet on the valve seating and pushing down. The valve cap will gently snap back into place.

  1. CleanSpace2™ Non-Alcohol Wipes for face piece
    • CleanSpace2™ Cleaning Wipes are impregnated with benzalkonium chloride, a bactericidal solution ideally suited for silicone face pieces.
    • To clean the exhalation valve, remove the valve cap (using the instructions above), gently wipe the leaf edge. Replace the valve cap before use.
  2. Hand wash in warm soapy water
    • Wash the mask thoroughly with a mild detergent in warm water (<50°C)
    • A soft brush or sponge can be used to remove any stubborn dirt or grit
    • To clean the exhalation valve, gently wash the warm water solution through the valve and use a sponge to gently clean the valve surface
    • Rinse the mask and valve well in warm running water. IMPORTANT: If the mask is not rinsed thoroughly, residue from cleaning solution may irritate the wearer’s skin or cause the valve to stick. Replace the Valve cap before use.
  3. Dishwasher
    The mask can be cleaned in a standard dishwasher on the top shelf, face up to prevent water pooling in the mask. Remove the valve cap (using the instructions above). Use dishwasher detergent on a normal cycle.

Drying the mask
After cleaning, allow the mask to air dry in a clean environment, face up to prevent water pooling. Note: Do not dry the mask by exposing directly to heat i.e. hair dryers or heaters. The mask can also be hand-dried with a clean, lint-free cloth. IMPORTANT: Cleaning can cause the exhalation valve leaf to stick. Before use, check that the exhalation valve leaf operates freely by gently lifting the valve. Replace the valve cap before use.
Cleaning the Power Unit
WARNING: The Power Unit contains a battery, electronic parts and a motor. The Power Unit should NEVER be submerged in water or washed in running water. To clean the Power Unit, follow the instructions below:

  • After removing the mask, remove the neck pad. Leave the filter in place to prevent any dust or liquids from getting into the Power Unit.
  • Use a gentle brush to remove any dirt, grit or fibres from the Velcro attached to the Power Unit.
  • Using CleanSpace2™ Cleaning Wipes, wipe down the outside of the casing. The Power Unit can also be cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • Allow the Power Unit to air dry in a clean environment. The Power Unit can also be hand-dried with a clean lint-free cloth. Note: Do not dry the Power Unit by exposing directly to heat (i.e. hair dryers or heaters) or compressed air.

Cleaning the harness and neck pads
The harness and neck pads can be washed in warm soapy water or machine washed. After cleaning, allow the harness and neck pads to air dry in a clean environment.
Note: Do not dry the harness or neck pads by exposing directly to heat i.e. hair dryers or heaters. For information on trouble shooting and FAQs please go to the website.

Data Sheet

The CleanSpace2™ Respirator is an innovative, breath responsive, powered air purifying respirator, designed to provide comfortable respiratory protection at work and at home.

Welding, Woodworking, Manufacturing, Smelting, Construction, Recycling Plants, Emergency Services, Mining, Agriculture, Processing Plants, Grinding, DIY, etc.

Key Features

  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Intelligent breath responsive protection
  • Improved mobility and compatibility with other PPE
  • High quality and reliability
  • Endurance Pack to extend operating time
  • Hygienic and soft face piece
  • Battery and filter warnings to support continuous protection


  • Maximum air flow: – 200L/min
  • Weight (Power unit): – 485g; Weight (Mask) – 115g
  • Audible Alarm :– 75dB(A) – at ear
  • Motor life: – 10 years; Battery life – 3 years or 500 cycles
  • Automatic Switch: -Off – 3 minutes after idle
  • Internal battery duration :– Min 4.5 hours (typically >6 hours)
  • AC Adaptor charger : Input range 100 – 240V
  • Output range: 13.5V ± 5%


  • CleanSpace2™ is an air filtering, fan assisted positive pressure mask and is designed to be worn in environments where there is sufficient oxygen to breathe safely. Do not use the CleanSpace2™ in IDLH, or in Oxygen enriched or deficient atmospheres, to protect against gases/vapours that cannot be filtered.
  • CleanSpace2™ can operate between temperatures -10°C to 45°C. The Respirator battery can be charged between 0°C to 35°C.

Before first use : CleanSpace2™ should be stored in its original packaging, out of direct sunlight, in a clean, dry environment (30% – 50% RH), -10°C to 35°C.
After first use : CleanSpace2™ should be stored out of direct sunlight, in a clean, dry environment (30% – 50% RH) and away from chemicals and abrasive substances, -10°C to 35°C.

Product Warranty

This product has been manufactured using quality parts and processes.
CleanSpace Technology Pty Ltd warrants that the product is free from defective workmanship and parts for a period of two (2) years from the date of original purchase provided the product has been used, cleaned and maintained in accordance with these instructions and CleanSpace Technology’s recommendations. This warranty does not include consumable parts, such as filters and face masks, which must be replaced regularly by the user. Consumable parts are warranted up to the point of use, provided they have been stored correctly and are within their expiry date.
This warranty does not cover:

  • Where the product has been used for industrial purposes outside the recommendations of CleanSpace Technology Pty Ltd;
  • Where damage has been caused by misuse, neglect, accident, or excessive wear and tear.

Any claim under this warranty must be made within two (2) years of the date of purchase of the product. All warranty claims must be made by returning the defective product to your supplier together with the proof of purchase. The purchaser is responsible for all freight. In the event that any part of the product is found by CleanSpace Technology to be defective, CleanSpace Technology will either repair or at its discretion replace the faulty part.
This warranty is given by:
CleanSpace Technology Pty Ltd
(ABN 24 146 453 554),
Unit 5 , 39 Herbert Street,
St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia
T. +612 8436 4000
This warranty is provided in addition to other rights and remedies you have under law. You are entitled to replacement or refund for a major failure. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Whilst CleanSpace Technology has made every effort to ensure that the details and information given in both our printed and online publications are accurate at the time of issue, full technical specifications are not necessarily included. Furthermore CleanSpace Technology has a policy of continuous improvement and the right is reserved to alter details and information as the need arises. Accordingly the Customer should check any details and information they wish to rely on with CleanSpace Technology at the time of purchase. CleanSpace Technology cannot accept liability in respect of any errors or omissions herein contained or for any loss or damage malfunction or consequential loss arising from reliance upon our publication.
The Customer will be responsible for any risk to health or safety from goods in the Customer’s possession and/or control. The Customer’s attention is drawn to the fact that statutory regulations and recognised codes of practice exist covering the use and handling of some goods (including safety products). The Customer must ensure that persons who use the goods receive adequate training and safety literature.
©2019 CleanSpace Technology Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
No page or part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owner shown above. CleanSpace Technology reserves the right to correct typographical errors. All information is correct at the time of going to print.
Notified Body:
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