Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual

June 5, 2024

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual Satel
INT-VG Voice Module User Manual

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The INT-VG module is used to control the INTEGRA / VERSA alarm system by telephone. The voice menu makes it easier for the callers to operate the system using the telephone keypad. The module can also play back voice messages for notification purposes.
The device can operate as the INT-VG voice module (full functionality) or the CA-64 SM voice synthesizer (handling of notification messages only). The INT- VG voice module is supported by control panels with firmware version:

  • INTEGRA: 1.10 or newer,
  • VERSA: 1.02 or newer.

The CA-64 SM synthesizer is supported by all versions of the INTEGRA and VERSA control panels.
This manual applies to the module with electronics version 1.3.

1. Features

  • Voice menu for easy operation of the control panel by telephone (DTMF)
  • Option to define own names for different system components (partitions, zones, outputs, etc.).
  • Nearly 13 minutes for messages to be used in the voice menu.
  • More than 4 minutes for 16 messages for telephone notification (the message may take up to 16 seconds).
  • Control of the security system by means of macro commands to trigger a number of different functions in the control panel.
  • Managing voice messages and defining macro commands by means of the free VG-Soft program. Option to record messages for notification with a built-in microphone.

2. Electronics board

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual - Electronics

  1. DIP-switches. They are used, among other things, to set the module address (see “Setting the DIP-switches” p. 4).

  2. wires to the PIN5 type plug used for connecting the module to a dedicated socket on the control panel electronics board (socket to connect a voice synthesizer).

  3. terminals for connecting the module to the control panel communication bus:
    CLK – clock;
    DTA – data.

  4. USB mini-B socket for connecting the module to a computer and programming.

  5. SYSTEM LED indicating communication with the control panel:
    – LED is flashing ­ exchanging data with the control panel;
    – LED is ON ­ no communication with the control panel.

  6. connector used in the production process.

  7. headset socket for audio monitoring of the notification messages.

  8. headset socket for listening-in to telephone line.

  9. LEDs to provide information on voice messages:
    – M3, M2, M1, M0 ­ present the number of recorded / played back message in binary  format (see Table 1);
    – REC ­ ON when the message is being recorded;
    – PLAY ­ ON when the message is being played back.
    Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual - Table 1

  10. buttons for manual control of the module:
    – REC ­ recording the message;
    – PLAY ­ playing back the message;
    – MSG. NO ­ selecting the message number. microphone.

2.1 Setting the DIP-switches

Switches 1-5
The DIP-switches from 1 to 5 are used to set the address. The switches have numbers assigned to them. In the OFF position, the value is 0. The numbers assigned to the switches in ON position are presented in the table 2. The sum of these numbers is the address set. The module must have an individual address set in it, i.e. the address must be different from that in the other devices connected to the control panel bus. Figure 2 shows examples of the address setting. The address 23 [17h] must be set in the module connected to the VERSA control panel.

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual - Table 2

Switch 6
Position of the switch 6 is irrelevant.
Switch 7
Use the switch 7 to select the operating mode of the device:
OFF -­ INT-VG -­ full functionality,
ON -­ CA-64 SM -­ handling of notification messages only. The INT-VG module is supported by the INTEGRA control panels with firmware version 1.10 (or newer) and the VERSA control panels with firmware version 1.02 (or newer). The CA-64 SM synthesizer is supported by the INTEGRA and VERSA control panels with any firmware version.
Only one module operating as INT-VG can be connected to the control panel.
If you need more than 16 notification messages, the second module connected to the control panel must operate as CA-64 SM. The following control panels can notify of events by means of 32 voice messages: INTEGRA 128, INTEGRA 128 Plus and INTEGRA 256 Plus.

Switch 8
The switch 8 is used to enable / disable the recording of messages by means of built-in microphone:
OFF ­- recording disabled;
ON -­ recording enabled.

3. Installation and start-up

Disconnect power before making any electrical connections.

  1. Secure the module in the control panel enclosure.
  2. Connect the CLK and DTA terminals to the corresponding terminals of the control panel communication bus. Use an unshielded non-twisted cable.
  3. Connect the PIN5 plug to the dedicated socket on the control panel electronics board.
  4. Use the DIP-switches to set the module address and select the operating mode.
  5. Power on the alarm system.
  6. Start the identification function in the control panel (see the control panel installer manual).

4. Configuring

You can configure the module settings using:

  • DLOADX program:
    – INTEGRA system: → “Structure” window →“Hardware” tab →“Expansion modules” branch →[module name],
    – VERSA system: →“VERSA – Structure” window →“ Hardware ” tab →“Expansion modules” branch →[module name].

  • LCD keypad:
    – INTEGRA system: ▶ “Service mode” ▶“Structure” ▶“Hardware” ▶“Expanders” ▶“Settings” ▶[module name].
    – VERSA system: ▶“Service mode” ▶“2.Hardware” ▶“1.Kpds. & expr.” ▶“2. Settings” ▶[module name].

Use the VG-Soft program to prepare the voice messages to be used in the voice menu and for notification purposes (see “VG-Soft program” p. 7). In the VG- Soft program you can also create macro commands for easier operation of the alarm system from the voice menu.

4.1 Description of settings

The settings are described based on the DLOADX program. You will not be able to enter the content of voice messages in the LCD keypad.
Name -­ individual name of the device (up to 16 characters).
Content of voice messages -­ content of voice messages used for notification purposes.
No auto-reset after 3 tamp. -­ if this option is enabled, each tamper will trigger alarm. If this option is disabled, the tampers following after three uncleared alarms will not trigger alarm (this prevents multiple logging of the same events). The option is available in the INTEGRA system.
Tamper signalled in part. ­- the partition in which alarm will be triggered in the event of disconnecting the module from the control panel.

5. Recording the notification messages

  1. Set the DIP-switch 8 into the ON position.
  2. Press the MSG. NO to select the number of message you want to record. The message number is presented by the M3-M0 LEDs (see Table 1).
  3. Press the REC button (the REC LED will go on) and dictate the message content into the microphone. The recording level for microphone is set automatically. The recording will automatically end after 16 seconds (the REC LED will go out).

It is recommended that the switch 8 be set into OFF position when the recording is over.

6. Monitoring the recorded notification messages

  1. Connect the headset to the socket which enables monitoring of the messages.
  2. Press the MSG. NO to select the number of the message you want to play back. The message number is presented by the M3-M0 LEDs (see Table 1).
  3. Press the PLAY button (the PLAY LED will go on). The message will be played back.

7. Connecting the computer to the module

Connect the computer to the module if you want to:

  • use the VG-Soft program to create voice messages and macro commands,
  • update the module firmware (you will find the latest firmware version at

To make the connection, use a mini-B USB cable. When the module is connected to the computer, the Windows system will automatically detect that a new device has been connected and will install system drivers for the USB HID device.

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual - Connecting the computer to the

8. VG-Soft program

Required VG-Soft firmware version: 1.10 2020-06-08 (or newer). Download the program from You can use it to:

  • prepare the content of voice messages to be used in the voice menu and for notification purposes,
  • synthesize the content of voice messages (a software voice synthesizer must be installed on the computer),
  • prepare macro commands to be available to users in the voice menu.
8.1 Description of the VG-Soft program

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual - Description of the VG-Soft

8.1.1 Buttons

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual - Buttons

8.1.2 Message tree structure

Satel INT-VG Voice Module User Manual - Message tree

8.1.3 “Messages” tab

In this area, information and buttons related to the voice menu messages are displayed. Play ­ click to play back the message. Next to the button, information on the message
duration is presented (this does not apply to the default messages).
You will only be able to play back the messages if they are synthesized. For default messages, you must synthesize the messages in the “Menu” group.
Default ­ if this field is selected, the default content of the message is used (it cannot be edited). The default message does not have to be synthesized. It consists of messages in the “Menu” group which must be synthesized.
User ­ if this field is selected, the content of the message can be edited. The message must be synthesized.
The content of messages in the “Menu” group cannot be edited. Synthesize ­ click to synthesize the message.
Notification message
In this area, information and buttons related to the voice notification messages are displayed. Play ­ click to play back the message (after you synthesized it or uploaded an audio file).
Next to the button, information on the message duration is presented.
The voice notification messages may take up to 16 seconds.
Erase ­ click to delete the message. Synthesize ­ click to synthesize the message. wav/mp3 ­ click to upload an audio file to be played back as a voice message. You can indicate a WAV or MP3 file (it will be converted).

Voice ­ software voice synthesizer to be used for synthesizing messages. If you want to change it to another, click on the field to display the list of synthesizers installed in the system, then click on the one that you want to use.

You can download the Microsoft Speech Platform 11 from Installation of the following files is required: SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi (x86 i.e. 32-bit version), MSSpeech_TTS_xx-XX_yyyy.msi (where xx-XX is language, and yyyy is voice). test ­ click to open the window in which you can test the selected software voice synthesizer. Synthesize missing ­ click to synthesize the missing messages. Synthesize all ­ click to synthesize all messages.

Memory Usage
In this area, statistics related to the voice menu messages are displayed.
Messages number ­ the number of user messages and messages included in the “Menu” group.
Messages time ­ duration of synthesized messages. Time Remaining ­ remaining time for messages. Unused time ­ unused time in module memory (as a result of editing the previously
synthesized messages, when the new messages are becoming shorter, intervals can appear between the messages).
Reallocate ­ button available when there is unused time in module memory. Click to rearrange the messages and eliminate the unwanted gaps.

8.1.4 “Macros” tab

You can define 16 macro commands that will be available in the voice menu. The macro command is a sequence of actions to be performed by the control panel. Instead of performing several operations (e.g. in order to arm the selected partitions in a particular mode) the user can run a macro command, and the control panel will execute the functions assigned to the macro command.

You can select the number of macro command you want to edit. The name is presented, if it was entered when editing the message (the user message is used, instead of the default message).
Active ­ if the option is enabled, the macro command is available in the voice menu.

Outputs ON -­
click on to select the outputs that are to be activated after running the macro command.

Outputs OFF -­ click on  to select the outputs that are to be deactivated after running the macro command.

In the INTEGRA control panels, the users can control the “24: MONO switch”, “25: BI switch”, “105: Shutter up”, “106: Shutter down” or “Remote switch” type outputs.

In the VERSA control panels, the users can control the “15: Controlled” type outputs.


Disarm – click on to select the partitions which are to be disarmed after running the macro command.
Arm (full) – click on to select the partitions which are to be fully armed after running the macro command.
Arm (“Stay” mode) – click on to select the partitions which are to be armed without interior after running the macro command. This function applies to the INTEGRA control panels.
Arm (“Stay” & ”No Entry Delays” mode) – click on to select the partitions which are to be armed without interior and without entry delay after running the macro command.
This function applies to the INTEGRA control panels.
Arm (night) – click on to select the partitions which are to be set to the night arm mode after running the macro command. This function applies to the VERSA control panels.
Arm (day) – click on to select the partitions which are to be set to the day arm mode after running the macro command. This function applies to the VERSA control panels.
Inhibit – click on to select the zones which are to be inhibited after running the macro command.
Isolate – click on to select the zones which are to be isolated after running the macro command.
Unbiases – click on to select the zones which are to be unbiased after running the macro command.

8.1.5 “Names: INT-VG / Control panel” tab

In each tab, the adjacent columns present names and notification messages used in the INT-VG module and the control panel. The data from control panel are presented, if one of the following conditions is met:

  • VG-Soft program was started using the button available in the DLOADX program,
  • the file with control panel data has been imported to the VG-Soft program.
    Double click on to copy name / message from the control panel to the voice module.

Importing the control panel data file

  1. Click “File” “Import” “DLOADX data file”. A dialog window will be displayed.
  2. Indicate location of the file containing control panel data (file with .XCX extension ­ you can export the file from the DLOADX program by clicking “File” “Export/Import” “Export file”).
  3. Click on the “Open” button. The control panel data will be imported.
8.1.6 Status bar

The following information is presented on the status bar:

  • firmware version of the INT-VG voice module,
  • identifier of the INT-VG module (assigned by the VG-Soft program),
  • identifier of the data file (assigned by the VG-Soft program).
8.2 Running the VG-Soft program for the first time
  1. Connect the USB port of the module to the computer port.

  2. Start the VG-Soft program.

  3. You will be asked whether to connect to the voice module. Click “Yes”.
    When the program has connected to the module, the module will stop communicating with the control panel (the panel will report lack of the module).

  4. You will be asked whether to read the module data. Click “Yes”. The program will read data from the module.

  5. If you do not want to use the default names in the voice menu (messages in the “Names” group), enter your own names or copy the names from the control panel (“Names: INT-VG / Control panel” tab).

  6. If the control panel is to use voice messages for notification, enter the content of these messages (if you have already entered them in the DLOADX program, go to the “Names: INT-VG / Control panel” tab to copy them) or upload WAV or MP3 audio files.

  7. In the “Voice” field (“Messages” tab), select the software voice synthesizer to be used for synthesizing the messages.

  8. Click on “Synthesize all”.

  9. If macro commands are to be available in the voice menu, prepare them in the “Macros” tab.

  10. Click on to write data to the voice module.

8.3 Restoring the voice module default settings
  1. Start the VG-Soft program.
  2. Connect to the voice module.
  3. Click “Configuration” “Factory default settings”.

9. Operating the alarm control panel by means of voice menu

You can operate the alarm system by using a touch-tone (DTMF) telephone. Depending on the control panel type, the interactive voice menu will be accessible to: ­
– VERSA ­ the users having the “INT-VG access” right; ­
– INTEGRA ­ the users having the telephone code (except where the access is gained automatically after acknowledgement of voice messaging ­ see the user manual for INTEGRA control panels).

The installer can make the option of operating the system by phone conditional on the partition state (the operation being only possible when the selected partitions are armed).

9.1 Starting operation
  1. Call the telephone number of the control panel. After the call is received, you will hear three short beeps.
    If the control panel answers only after the second call, hang up after the number of rings which has been set by the installer. Call again within three minutes. Only then will the control panel answer the call.

  2. Using the telephone keypad, enter the code (for the VERSA control panels, press the # key after entering the code). If you hear 4 short beeps followed by 1 long beep, you have got access to the voice menu. If you hear 3 long beeps, your code does not authorize you to get access. If you hear 2 long beeps, your code is invalid.
    After a wrong code is entered three times, the control panel will hang up and for the next 90 seconds it will be impossible to establish connection with the control panel.

  3. The module will play back the voice menu messages. They will inform you, among other things, which keys to use to access more functions.

9.2 Ending operation

You can end the operation in two ways: ­
– press in turn the 0 # keys ­ the control panel will disconnect;
-­ hang up ­ the control panel will terminate the connection after approximately 1 minute.

10. Specifications

Supply voltage …. 12 VDC ±15%
Maximum current consumption ….35 mA
Standby current consumption …27 mA
Environmental class according to EN50130-5 …. II
Operating temperature range…….-10…+55 °C
Maximum humidity ….93±3%
Dimensions of electronics board ….. 57 x 80 mm
Weight…… 32 g


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