YESWELDER CUT-45DS Air Plasma Cutter User Manual

June 5, 2024

CUT-45DS Air Plasma Cutter
User Manual
YESWELDER CUT 45DS Air Plasma Cutter

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Protect yourself and others from injury — read. follow. and save these important safety precautions and operating instructions.

Symbol Usage

DANGER! – Indicates a hazardous situation. It not avoided, will result In death or serious injury. The possible hazards are shown in the adjoining symbols or explained in the text.
Indicates a hazardous situation. if not avoided. could result In death or serious injury. The possible hazards are shown in the adjoining symbols or explained in the text. NOTICE – Indicates statements not related to personal injury.

indicates special instructions.

This group of symbols means Warning! Watch Out! ELECTRIC SHOCK. MOVING PARTS, and HOT PARTS hazards. Consult symbols and related instructions below for necessary actions to avoid the hazards.

Plasma Arc Cutting Hazards

The symbols shown below are used throughout this manual to call attention to and identify possible hazards. When you see the symbol, watch out, and follow the related instructions to avoid the hazard. The safety information given below is only a summary of the more complete safety information found in the Safety Standards listed In Sections 1-5. Read and follow all Safety Standards.
only qualified persons should install, operate, maintain, and repair this unit.
During operation, keep everybody, especially children, away.
CUTTING can cause fire or explosion.
Hot metal and sparks blow cut from the cutting arc. The flying sparks and hot metal, hot workpiece. and hot equipment can cause fires and bums. Check and be sure the wee is safe before doing anycoley.

  • Remove all flammable& within 35 ft (10.7 m) of the cutting arc. If this is not possible. tightly cover them with approved covers.
  • Do not cut where flying sparks can strike flammable material.
  • Protect yourself and others from flying sparks and metal.
  • All sparks and hot materials from cutting can easily go through small cracks and openings to adjacent areas.
  • watch for fire, and keep Anike extinguisher nearby.
  • Be aware that cutting on a ceding, floor, or bulkhead. or partition can cause fire on the hidden side
  • Do not an on containers that have held combustibles, or on closed containers Such as tanks, drums, or OPes mien they are properly prepared according to AWS F4.1 and AWS A6.0 (see Safety Standards).
  • Connect work cable to the work as close to the cutting wee as practical to prevent cutting anent from traveling long, possibly unknown paths and musing eleCtriC shock. sparks, and fire hazards.
  • Do not use a plasma cutter to thaw frozen pipes.
  • Never as containers with potentially flammable materials inside -they must be emptied and properly cleaned first.
  • Do not cut where the atmosphere may contain aammade dust, gas, or liquid vapors (such as gasoline).
  • Do not as pressurized cylinders, pipes, or vessels.
  • Weer body protection is made from durable, flame-relevant material (leather( heavy cotton, wool). Body protection includes oil-free clothing such as leather gloves and heavy shit. cuffless trousers. high sheet and a COO.
  • Do not locate the unit on or over combustible surfaces,
  • Remove any combustibles, such as a butane lighter or matches. from your person before doing the arty cutting.
  • After completion of work. inspect the area to ensure it Is free of sparks. glowing embers, and flames.
  • Use only correct fuses or circuit breakers. Do not oversize or bypass them.
  • Follow requirements in OSHA 1910.252 (a) (2) (v) and NFPA 51B for hot work and have a The watcher and extinguisher nearby.

Touching live electrical parts can cause fatal shocks or severe burns. The torch and work circuit is electrically live whenever the output is on The input power circuit and machine internal circuits are also We when power is on. Plasma arc cutting requires higher voltages than welting to sten and maintain the roc (200 to 400 volts do are cannon). but may also use torches designed with safety interlock systems that turn off the machine when the shield cup is loosened or the rf tip touches the electrode inside the nozzle. Incorrectly installed or inhaled grounded equipment IS a hazard.

  • Do not touch live electrical parts.
  • Wear dry, hole-free insulating gloves and body protection.
  • Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulating mats or covers by enough to prevent any physical contact with the work or ground.
  • Do not touch torch parts if in contact with the work or ground.
  • Tum off power before checking. cleanly or changing torch pans.
  • Disconnect input power before installing or servicing this equipment. Lockoublagout input power according to OSHA CFR 1910.147 (see Safety Standards).
  • Properlyinstall wound, and operate this equipment according to Os Owner’s Manual and national, slate, and local codes.
  • Check and be sure that input power cord ground woo is property connected to wound terminal in disconnect Cox or that cord plug Is connected to a properly grounded receptacle outlet – always verify the supply ground.
  • When making input ccmatOns. attach proper grounding conductor hat.
  • Keep Cards dry, treeot Oil and grease, and protected from hot metal and sparks.
  • Frequently inspect the input power cord and ground conductor for dam-age or bare wiring – replace immediately if damaged – bare Wring and kill
  • Tum of all equipment when not in use.
  • Do not use worn. damaged, undersized, or repaired cables.
  • Do not wrap torch cable around your body.
  • Ground the workplace to a good electrical (earth) ground if requred by codes.
  • Use only well. maintained equipment. Repair or replace damaged parts at once.
  • Wear a safety harness it works above floor level.
  • Keep all panels and covers securely in place.
  • Do not bypass or by defeat the safety interlock systems.
  • Use only tOrCh10:0 specified in the Owner’s Manual.
  • Keep away from the torch tip and pilot arc when bigger is pressed.
  • Game work cable with good metal-to-metal contact to the workpiece (not a piece that will lei away) or worldly as near the out as practical.
  • Insulate the work clamp when not connected to the workpiece to prevent contact with any metal object.

SIGNIFICANT DC VOLTAGE exists in inverter power sources AFTER the removal of input power.

  • Turn Off the unit, disconnect input power, check the voltage on maul packers, and be sure it is near zero (0) volts before touching any pans. Check capacitors according to instructions in the Maintenance Section of the Owner’s Manual or Technical Manual before touching any pans.


  • On inverter power sources, fated pans can explode or cause other pans to explode when power is applied. Always wear a face shield and long sleeves when servicing inverters.

Sparks and hot metal blow out from the cutting arc. Chipping and grinding cause flying metal

  • Wear an approved face shield or safety goggles with side shields.
  • Wear proper body protection to protect the skin.
  • Wear flame-resistant ear plugs or earmuffs to prevent sparks from entering the ears.

ARC RAYS can burn eyes and skin.
Arc rays from the cutting process produce intense visible and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared) rays that can burn eyes and skin.

  • Wear face protection (helmet or shield) with a proper shade of fitter tenses to protect your face and eyes from arc rays and sparks when cutting g watch. ANSI Z49.1 (see Safety Standards) suggests a No. 9 shade (with No. 8 as a minimum) for all cutting currents less than 300 amperes. 249.1 adds that lighter filter shades may be used when the aro is hidden by the workplace. As this is normally the case with low current cutting, the shades suggested in Table 1 are provided for the operator’s convenience.
  • Wear approved safety glasses with side shields under your helmet or shield.
  • Use protective screens or barriers to protect others from flash games and sparks: warn others not to watch the arc.
  • Wear body protection made from disabled, flame-resistant material (leather, heavy cotton, wool). Body protection includes oil-free clothing such as leather gloves. heavy shirt. these trousers, high shoes, and a cap.

YESWELDER CUT 45DS Air Plasma Cutter - icon 6

NOISE can damage hearing.
Prolonged noise from some cutting applications can damage hearing if levels exceed limits specified by 0511A (see Safely Standards).

  • Use approved earplugs or earmuffs if the noise level is high.
  • Warn others nearby about noise hazards.

FUMES AND GASES can be hazardous
Cutting produces fumes and gases. Breathing these fumes and gases can be hazardous to your health.

  • Keep your head out of the fumes. Do not breathe the fumes.
  • If inside. ventilate the area and use local forced ventilation at the arc to remove cutting fumes and gases. The recommended way to determine adequate ventilation is to sample for the composition and quantity of fumes and gases to enact) personnel is exposed.
  • If ventilation is poor, wear an approved at-supplied respirator.
  • Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and the manufacturer’s instructions for adhesives. coatings. cleaners. consumables, coolants. degreasers. fluxes. and metals.
  • Work in a confined space only il it is well ventilated, or while wearing an air-supplied respirator. Fumes from cutting and oxygen depletion can alter air quality causing injury or death. Be sure the breathing air is safe.
  • Do not cut in locations near degreasing. cleaning. or spraying operations. The heat and rays of the arc can react with vapors to form highly toxic and irritating gases.
  • Do not cut on coated metals. such as galvanized. lead. or cadmium-plated steel. unless the coating is removed from the cutting area, the area is well ventilated. and vile wearing an air-supplied respirator. The coatings and any metals containing these elements can give off toxic fumes when cut.
  • Do not cut containers with toxic or reactive materials inside or containers that have held toxic or reactive materials – they must be emptied and properly cleaned first.

PLASMA ARC can injure.
The heat (torn the plasma arc can cause serious burns. The force of the arc adds greatly to the burn hazard. The intensely hot and powerful arc can quickly out through gloves and tissue.

  • Keep away from the torch tip.
  • Do not grip material near the cutting path.
  • The pilot aro can cause burns – keep away from torch tip when trig-ger is pressed.
  • Wear body protection made from durable, flame-resistant material (leather, heavy cotton, wool). Body Protection includes oil-free clothing such as leather gloves. heavy shirt. cultists trousers, high ShOes. and a cap.
  • Point the torch away from your body and toward work when pressing the torch trigger – the pilot arc comes on immediately.
  • Turn off the power source and disconnect input power before disassembling torch or changing torch parts.
  • Use only torch(es) specified In the Owner’s Manual.

CYLINDERS can explode If damaged.
Compressed gas cylinders contain gas under high pressure. If damaged, a cylinder can explode. Since gas cylinders are normally part of metalworking pro-OCISSes. be sure to treat them carefully.

  • Protect compressed gas cylinders from excessive heat, mechani-cal shocks, physical damage, slag, open flame, sparks, and arcs.
  • Install and settee cylinders in an upright position by chaining them to a stationary support or equipment cylinder rack to prevent falling or tipping.
  • Keep cylinders away from any Gutting or other electrical circuits.
  • Never allow electrical contact between a plasma arc torch and a cylinder.
  • Never cut on a pressurized cylinder – an explosion will result.
  • Use only correct compressed gas cylinders. regulators, hoses, and fittings designed for the specific application: maintain them and associated parts in good condition.
  • Tum faces away from valve outlet when opening order valve. Do not stand in from of or behind the regulator when opening the valve.
  • Keep protective cap in place over valve except when the cylinder is In use or connected for use.
  • Use the right equipment, correct procedures, and a sufficient number of persons to klt and move cylinders.
  • Read and follow instructions on compressed gas cylinders. associated equipment, and Compressed Gas Association (CGA) pub/cation P-1 listed in Safety Standards.
Additional Symbols For Installation, Operation, And Maintenance

HOT PARTS can bum.

  • Do not touch hot parts barehanded.
  • Allow cooling period before working on equipment.
  • To handle hot parts, use proper tools and/or wear heavy, insulated welding gloves and clothing to prevent bums.

MOVING PARTS can Injure.

  • Keep away from moving parts such as fans.
  • Keep all doors. panels. covers, and guards dosed and securely in place.
  • Have only qualified persons remove doors, panels, and covers. or guards for maintenance and troubleshooting as necessary.
  • Reinstall doors, and panels. covers, or guards when maintenance is finished and before reconnecting input power.


  • Read and follow labels and the Owner’s Manual carefully before Installing, operating. or servicing the unit. Read the safety information at the beginning of the manual and in each section.
  • Use only genuine replacement parts from the manufacturer.
  • Forlorn, maintenance and service according to the Owner’s Manuals, industry standards, and national, state, and local codes.

FLYING METAL or DIRT can Injure the eyes.

  • Wear safety glasses with side shields or wear face shied.

ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS (EMF) can affect Implanted Medical Devices.

  • Wearers of Pacemakers and other Implanted Medical Devices should keep away.
  • Implanted Medical Device wearers should consult their doctor and the device manufacturer before going near aro welding. spot welding, gouging, plasma arc cutting, or induction heating operations.


  • Allow cooling period; follow rated duty cycle.
  • Reduce amperage (thickness) or reduce the duty cycle before starting to cut again.


  • When cutting aluminum underwater or with the water touching the underside of the aluminum. free hydrogen gas may collect under the workpiece.
  • See your cutting engineer and water table instructions for help.


  •  Do not use a plasma cutter to charge batteries or jump-start vehicles unless it has a battery charging feature designed for this purpose.


  • Use lifting eye to lift unit only. NOT running gear. gas cylinders. or any other accessories.
  • Use equipment of adequate capacity to If the unit
  • If using lift forks to move the unit. be sure forks are long enough to extend beyond opposite sides of the unit.
  • Keep equipment (cables and cords) away from moving vehicles when working from an aerial location.
  • Follow the guidelines In the Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation (Publication No. 94-110) when manually lifting heavy parts or equipment.


  • Do not locate the unit. over, or near combustible surfaces.
  • Do not install the unit near flammables.
  • Do not overload building wiring – be sure the power supply system is properly sized rated, and protected to handle the unit.

STATIC (ESD) can damage PC boards.

  • Put on grounded wrist strap BEFORE handling boards or parts.
  • Use proper static-proof bags and boxes to store, move, or ship PC boards.

H.F. RADIATION can cause interference.

  • High frequency (H.F.) can interfere with radio navigation, safety services, computers, and communications equipment.
  • Have only qualified persons familiar with electronic equipment perform this installation.
  • The user is responsible for having a qualified electrician promptly correct any interference problem resulting from the installation.
  • If notified by the FCC about interference, stop using the equipment at once.
  • Have the installation regularly checked and maintained.
  • Keep high-frequency source doors and panels tightly shut, keep spark gaps at the correct setting, and use grounding and shielding to minimize the possibility of interference.

ARC CUTTING can cause Interference.

  • Electromagnetic energy can interfere with sensitive electronic equipment such as computers and computer-driven equipment such as robots.
  • To reduce possible interference, keep cables as shod as possible. close together, and down low, such as on the floor.
  • Locate cutting operation 100 meters from any sensitive electronic equipment.
  • Be sure this cutting power source is installed and grounded according to this manual.
  • If interference still occurs, the user must take extra measures such as moving the machine and using shielded cables. ‘Aix’hne filters, or shielding the work area.


CUT-45DS are made by international most advantaged invert technical. 50Hz/60Hz frequency is inverted to high frequency (frequency is over 100KHz) by IGBT, then step down voltage and rectification current, an inverter power supply generates powerful DC welding cur-rent through PWM technical. Because inverter technical of a switch power is used, dimen-sions and weight of the main transformer have reduced substantially and efficiency has increased 30%. Piloting arc system can strike arc easily with the principle of high frequency oscillating. It has functions that it can supply gas ahead and turn off gas delayed.
YESWELDER cutting machine has characteristics as follows:

  1. Stabilizing.
  2. Reliability.
  3. Lightness.
  4. Save energy and no noise.
  5. High cutting speed.
  6. Cutting smoothly and no polish demands.

The cutting machine can be used widely; it is suitable for cutting stainless steel, alloy steel, mild steel, copper, and other color metal materials.
Welcome to use products of our Company and make suggestions, we will try our best to perfect our products and service.


Main Technical Data

| CUT-45DS
Power voltage| 1 Phase 110V| 1 Phase 220V
Rated input power| 4.5KVA
No-load voltage| 220V| 220V
Rated output current| 10-.20A| 20-45A
Rated output voltage| 88V| 98V
Gas Supply| Clean, dry, oil-free air
Recommended gas inlet flow rate/pressure| 3.6 scfm 0 65 psi
Duty cycle 0 40°C(104°F)| 60%
Input power cable length| 6ft (1.8m)
Net Weight| 11.4Ib (5.2kg)
Dimensions| 390x155x300(mm)
Accessories| Plasma Torch (13ft); Plasma Consumables (installed on the torch head): Air Filter/ Regulator; Ground Clamp & Cable; Connections, (like Air Hose etc.); User Manual.

Cutting Speed
Material Thickness Current Recommended Cut Speeds
Mild Steel inches mm Amps
1/8 3. 45 218
1/4 6. 45 64
3/8 10. 45 36
1/2 13. 45 22
5/8 16. 45 13
Stainless Steel 1/8 3. 45
1/4 6. 45 52
3/8 10. 45 30
1/2 13. 45 18
Aluminum 1/8 3. 45
1/4 6. 45 78
3/8 10. 45 34

Recommended cut speed Is approximately 80% of the maximum.
Aluminum and Stainless Steel cut speeds at these thicknesses may be reduced by as much as 20%.


YESWELDER CUT 45DS Air Plasma Cutter - control and


YESWELDER CUT 45DS Air Plasma Cutter - connecting



Input Cable Connection
  1. Every machine has been disposed of a power cable which must be connected to a coordinated voltage class in compliance according to the input voltage of the cutting machine.
  2. Make sure the power cable is connected to the power switch reliably and prevents oxidizing. Make sure power voltage is inside the waved range.
  3. Install the Air & Oil Filter(Figure. 3)
Connecting the Cables to Machine(Figure. 2)
  1. Make sure the tube of pressed air is connected to the copper connector by a high-pressure rubber tube firmly.
  2. Make sure the copper screw of another end of a torch is connected to electrify the integration terminal then tighten them clockwise relation (prevent from leaking gas) . Mobile plug of another end of grounding cable pincer is connected to the positive terminal of the front panel then tighten it.


  1. Check if the cutting machine is grounded reliably according to standards.
  2. Check if all connectors is connected firmly.
  3. Check if the power voltage is correct.


  1. Make sure the machine on/off switch is in the off position. Plug the power cord plug into the outlet.
  2. Connect air compressor with air regulator/filter.
  3. Connect the ground clamp to your workpiece. Caution: Rust or paint on the workpiece could create an open circuit; therefore, the contact point should be cleaned thoroughly to ensure a good connection between the clamp and workpiece.
  4. Turn on the power switch. The cooling fan should start to operate and the LED should come on. The front panel should show the machine’s electrical current volume, and you can adjust it by turning the nob below the display.
  5. Adjust the air pressure on your air compressor to 60 – 65 psi for the machine.
  6. Bring the torch tip into direct contact with your workpiece edge or, for thicker cutting, over a pre-drilled pilot hole. Press the button on the torch to start cutting.
  7. Ensure that the cutting current is appropriate and adequate for the machine based on the rated thickness of the cutter.
    Note: Below is the consumable assembly on the torch head. on the torch head.


Operation Environment
  1. The cutting machine can perform in an environment where conditions are particularly harsh and with outside temperatures between -10 and +40 degrees centigrade with a dampness level of max 80%.
  2. Avoid using in the sunshine and dropping environment.
  3. Keep the machine dry and avoid water in the machine.
  4. Do not use the cutting machine in an environment where the condition is polluted with a high concentration of dust or corrosive gas in the air.
  1. The working area MUST be adequately ventilated.
  2. No over-load! Your machine can be damaged by overloading.
  3. No over-voltage! Internal circuitry can be damaged by over-voltage.
  4. An internal heat-variable component is initialized if the machine exceeds duty cycles. The cutting machine will stop working immediately, and an internal red diode will be lighted.

Note: The user does not need to break the circuit; the fan will continue working in order to cool the machine. Once the temperature Is reduced to the allowable range, the machine can be operated again.

 Notes for Torch
  1. Make sure copper tip must not connect to workpiece directly when the user is cutting. The torch should be inclined and it is 1 mm from the inter-hole of the copper tip to the workpiece in order to protect the copper tip.
  2. As an arc-supporting cutting machine, if the arc-supporting frequency is down or there is no arc-supporting, the user may be gets rid of oxidized film of inter-electrode by abrasive paper. Then the machine will be operated normally.



  1. Remove dust by compressed air regularly. If the cutting machine is placed in an environment where the condition is polluted with smoke and dust, the cutting machine must be removed dust every day.
  2. Pressure is adequate to cut in order to protect little components.
  3. Check the electrified connectors and make sure the connectors are connected firmly (especially connect and insert components) and tighten the connectors.
  4. Avoid water into the machine and the machine becomes damp, or the machine must be dried in time and measured insulation by the meter. After there is no problem, the machine can be operated.
  5. If the machine will not be used for a long time, it should be put in its own packing box and stored in a dry environment.


Faults Resolvable Methods

1. Switch indicator is on, the fan is not working- and the control knob is out of work.| 1. Overvoltage protection is working.
The closed machine then open it again after several minutes.
2. Switch indicator is lit and the fan is working. However, press the control knob of the torch, there is no HF arc-striking sound and the electromagnetic valve is not working.| 1. Check if the torch is open circuit.
2. Check if the control knob of the torch is dam-aged.
3. Part of the assistant power of the top board is damaged and there is no DC 24v output.
3. Switch indicator is lit and the fan is working. However, press the control knob of the torch, there is no HF arc-striking sound and the interred diode is lit.| 1. Check if the IGBT of the top board is damaged (driver mold is damaged).
2. Rising transformer of the bottom board is damaged.
3. Control mold is damaged.
4. Switch indicator is lit and the fan and electromagnetic valve are working. However, there is no sound of HF arc-striking and the interred diode is not| There is some trouble in a part of arc striking, such as:
1.1t is too far between the discharge tip or there is adhesion in the discharge tip.
2. Primary coil of the arc-striking transformer is damaged or has poor contact.
3. Check if four times voltage rectifier diode is stricken.
4. Check if HF electric capacity 102/10KV is leaking. The relay is damaged.
5. Other of the machine is normal, but the arc is not stricken when it is operating.| 1. Input voltage is too low.
2. Pressure of air compressor is too high or too low.
Faults| Resolvable Methods
1. Open the air switch, the fan does not work and there is nothing in the indicator .knob of the torch is out of work,| 1. Part of the assistant power of the control panel is damaged and there is no DC 24v out-put.
2. Open the air switch, the fan is working. Press the knob of the torch, the electromagnetic valve is working, there is no sound of HF arc-striking and the red diode is lit.| 1. Circuit of the torch is broken. 2. Knob of the torch is damaged. 3. Part of the assistant power is damaged and there is no DC 24v output.
3. Open the air switch Jan and the indicator is working. Press the knob of the torch, the electromagnetic valve is starting, there is no sound of HF arc- striking and the red diode is not lit.| There is some fault in part of arc- striking, such as:
1.1t is too tar between discharge tip or
there is adhesion in discharge tip. 2. Primary coil of the arc-striking transformer
is damaged or has poor contact.
3. Check if four times voltage rectifier diode is stricken.
4. Check if HF electric capacity 102/10KV is leaking.
5.8elay is damaged.
4. As arc-supporting cutter such as CUT- 45DS. if it can not support arc or support arc weakly.| 1. Wipe the electrode with an abrasive cloth. 2. Magnify arc-striking tip suitably.

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