SWARM M138 Evaluation Kit User Guide
- June 5, 2024
Table of Contents
M138 Evaluation Kit
User Guide
Follow along with our QuickStart Video:
What’s Included:
Registering Your Swarm M138
Create your Hive account and sign in: https://bumblebee.hive.swarm.space/hive/ui/sign-up
After signing up, a registration email will be sent to you.
Navigate to Register Device:
Click Start Scanning to scan your Swarm M138 Modem QR Code:
The Swarm Modem registration code is the QR code on the M138 sticker.
If you are unable to use the browser-based scanner, you can also use your camera app to scan the Swarm M138 Modem QR code, and enter the auth code in the Hive manually.
See the example below:
Powering On The Kit
Eval Kit Assembly
RSSI LED Indicator
The Eval Kit provides an LED indicator of the background noise RSSI. An RSSI
value of <-95dBm is ideal for successful transmission.
The OLED also displays the actual background noise RSSI value.
To lower your noise RSSI, isolate the Eval kit in an area with low RF
interference (outside, in a more remote location is ideal).
Noise RSSI [dBm] | Background Noise Level |
>-90 | Bad (Unlikely to work) |
-93 | Marginal |
-97 | OK |
-100 | Good |
<-105 | Great |
Transmission – Custom
There are multiple possible methods to send messages through the Eval Kit:
GPS Pinger| The GPS Pinger feature will automatically queue messages
containing the Eval Kit’s GPS location, speed, solar input, battery charge
level, and more.
By default, the pinger is set to queue a message every 60 minutes. This can be
configured between 15-720 minutes, or disabled by the User (see user command
This method does not require WiFi to be enabled.
Email Web App| When connected to the Eval Kit access point in Access Point
(AP) mode, the Email Web App can be accessed at the web address
Users can queue messages on the Eval Kit of up to 192 bytes using the web App.
When transmitted by the Kit, the message will be sent to the
specified “To: (email)” address.
This method requires WiFi to be enabled.
Telnet| In Access Point (AP) Mode, users connect to the Eval Kit AP (default
name swarm-XXXX with password 12345678) and communicate to address
to queue messages and send other commands.
In Station (STA) Mode, users specify the network to connect the Eval Kit to,
connect to that network on another device, and communicate with the Kit using
the new displayed IP address.
This method requires WiFi to be enabled.
USB-C| Users can connect a USB-C cable from their device to the Eval Kit to
communicate over a serial connection.
To enable USB-C Data, the J7 SERIAL CTRL jumper (#2) must be moved from
Once connected, Users can queue messages and send commands directly to the
Swarm M138 Modem in the Eval Kit.
The USB-C source will also charge the batteries in the Eval Kit.
This method does not require WiFi to be enabled.
Message Transmission
GPS Pinger
The Eval Kit will automatically queue messages (default 60 min interval)
containing your GPS location, speed, solar input, battery charge level, and
information while powered on.
You can now place your kit outdoors with a clear view of the sky (with
minimal obstructions), and observe the RSSI indicator LED on the board. If
leaving the Kit for an extended period of time, orient the solar panel to face
the Equator.
When the LED indicator shows GREEN, your kit has an optimal background
noise RSSI level for successful transmission.
The Eval Kit will have the best transmission results outdoors and -5 km away
from cities (where RF noise is common).
Pinger – Hive Map Feature
The Swarm Map Beta is an included service in the Swarm Hive to monitor device
health and track the location of your devices. The most recent recorded GPS
point (taken from your Eval Kit pinger messages) is displayed on the map.
Map functionality can be expanded to include any of Swarm’s modems (using
firmware version v1.1.0 or newer) by sending messages using APPID: 65535
through the Swarm Network in a JSON-structured message:
The Swarm Map Beta is an included service in the Swarm Hive to monitor device
health and track the location of your devices. The most recent recorded GPS
point (taken from your Eval Kit pinger messages) is displayed on the map.
Map functionality can be expanded to include any of Swarm’s modems (using
firmware version v1.1.0 or newer) by sending messages using APPID: 65535
through the Swarm Network in a JSON-structured message:
ln: | Longitude |
si: | Solar current (A) |
bi: | Battery current (A) |
SV: | Solar voltage (V) |
lt: | Latitude |
by: | Battery voltage (V) |
d: | Date and time as Epoch seconds (ex: 1625771690 = Thursday, July 8, 2021 |
12:14:50 PM GMT-07:00 DST)
n:| Number of messages that have been sent since the last power-up
a:| Altitude (m)
s:| Speed (km/h)
c:| Course (degrees)
r:| Last RSSI value (dBm)
ti:| Modem current (A)
This GPS location report is accurate up to 4 decimal places in Decimal Degrees, around 11 meters.
Email Web App
Ensure the Kit is powered on, and the OLED display shows AP:
Using your PC or cell phone, access your WiFi network preferences:
a. Locate and connect to the swarm-XXXX network in your device’s network preferences.
i. A notification of “Connected without internet” or similar is expected.
b. Enter default password 12345678.
c. Note that you can change the SSID and password – see Feather Commands section -
Once connected, access the user messaging app by scanning the QR code below or by navigating to in your device’s web browser. You will see a messaging UI appear with the Swarm logo – this may take a minute to load.
Once the web messaging app has loaded, you can fill out the 4 required fields to send an email message of up to 192 bytes through your Swarm Eval Kit.
a. When the M138 Modem has queued the message, you’ll see a fading
‘Message Sent!’
i. Messages are kept on the Modem for 48 hours by default (configurable).
b. The “Message Statuses” box will show ‘Message Sent’ once you’ve successfully uplinked your message to a Swarm satellite.
i. Messages will send in the order that they are queued.
ii. Continue through the guide for more information on successfully transmitting on the network.
Access Point (AP) Mode
Using your PC or cell phone, access your WiFi network preferences:
a. Locate and connect to the swarm-xxxx network in your device’s network preferences.
i. A notification of “Connected without internet” or similar is expected.
b. Enter default password 12345678.
c. Note that you can change the SSID and password – see Feather Commands section -
Using a Telnet-enabled tool, connect to the default address using port 23 to communicate with the Eval Kit.
Example Tools below:
You can now simply queue a message on the Eval Kit by using the $TD (Transmit Data) command. Determine what you would like to send as your first message (within quotes), and calculate the checksum for the message.
For example:
- Command: $TD
- Message string (in quotes): “Hello World!”
- Message checksum: *31
The full command to the Swarm modem will then be: $TD “Hello World!”*31
If the message is accepted, a $TD OK response will be received, and the message will be queued for transmission, and stored in the Swarm modem memory. See section 7 of the Swarm M138 Modem Product Manual for more details and other commands.
Station (STA) Mode
Users can change the Eval Kit to Station (STA) mode, to connect to a common
access point such as a home WiFi network.
You’ll need to send commands via a Serial or Telnet terminal while connected
to the Eval Kit to change to STA mode.
Open a Serial or Telnet connection from your device to the Kit
a. If connected via USB-C, use the serial terminal (Putty/ZOC)
*Note: Ensure the Feather/USB serial connection jumper is configured for the type of connection being made.
Click here for reference to the jumper configuration.
For serial, use baud rate 115200, config 8-N-1, with flow control None
b. If connected wirelessly, use Telnet to the Feather IP address
i. You can use ZOC for this on Windows/macOS -
Send the following commands to the feather:
a. @set SSID YourSSID
i. Response: Successfully set SSID to YourSSID
b. @set PW YourSSIDPassword
i. Response: Successfully set PW to YourSSIDPassword
c. @set mode sta
i. Response: Successfully set mode to sta
d. @reset
i. Response: No response, Feather will reboot and a new IP address will be displayed
ii. ST: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx will now be displayed on OLED screen. -
Switch your computer or phone WiFi connection to YourSSID
Re-connect via Telnet using the new displayed IP address
You’re now ready to send commands to the Eval kit in STA mode!
i. See the Swarm M138 Modem Product Manual for various command options.
USB Connection
With a USB-C cable connected from a host device (laptop) to the Eval Kit USB-C Port, users can communicate directly with the Swarm Modem while charging the Eval Kit batteries.
To enable this, power off the Eval Kit, and move the SERIAL CTRL Jumper J7 (#2) to the right position, from FEATHER to USB (see bottom image).
Power on the Eval Kit once again – note that the Feather will not be accessible in this mode, and the OLED display will not be active.
Using a Serial Monitor tool (such as ZOC), connect to the Swarm Modem using the identified USB/COM port, baud rate 115200, config 8-N-1, with Flow Control None.
You can now send commands and receive responses to/from the Swarm Modem. See the Swarm M138 Modem Product Manual for more details.
Swarm Pass Checker
Using the Swarm Satellite Pass Checker Tool, enter your location to see the next available satellite passes overhead.
Find an upcoming pass of at least 10 minutes, during which time you will attempt to transmit your queued messages to the Swarm Network. Higher elevation passes are generally better for transmission success.
- Enter your address or postal code in the search bar
- Find a suitable pass window, based on the local time and pass duration
- Place the Kit outdoors with a view of the sky, and wait for transmission!
Accessing Data in the Hive
When your device has successfully transmitted through the Swarm Network, you will see your messages displayed in the Swarm Hive.
If you are monitoring the Swarm Modem’s log with a Telnet or Serial connection, the Swarm Modem will report when a message has been transmitted to a Swarm Satellite with the $TD SENT report.
Unsent messages will remain in the Swarm Modem’s queue for 48 hours by default before they expire.
Using your credentials, log into the Swarm Hive to view your message dashboard, account information, and device settings.
The delay for the message to transmit from the Satellite to the Hive during this early access phase could take up to 1 hour.
To pull and interact with your data in the Swarm Hive, visit our REST API integration guide.
You can also access our Swagger UI documentation page from Hive — > API Docs
Kit Interactivity
FeatherS2 Commands
Command | Functionality | Example |
@set mode <ap, sta> | Set Eval Kit wifi mode to access point or station mode. | |
Default: ap | @set mode sta | |
@set wifi <enabled, disabled> | Enable or disable wifi functionality and |
neopixels. It will change the mode and then immediately reset the feather.
Default: enabled| @set wifi disabled
@set SSID \<ssid>| Set the SSID to create when in ap mode, or to connect to
in station mode.
Default: swarm-xxxx (from MAC address)| @set SSID EvalKitAP
@set ssid MyHomeWifi
@set PW \<password>| Set the password to create when in AP mode, or to
connect to in STA mode.
Default: 12345678| @set PW EvalKitPW
@set PW MyHomePW
@set interval \<minutes>| Set the interval for the GPS pinger feature.
0 will disable the GPS pinger.
The acceptable range is 15 to 720 minutes.
Default: 60min| @set interval 120
@show| Print the wifi mode, SSID, password, and interval to be committed.|
@show <battery, 3v3, solar>| Print the battery, 3v3, and solar voltage and
current.| @show solar
@reset| Restart the feather (commits changes).| @reset
@factory| Reset the NVM to its default state and restart the feather.
You must @reset for changes to take effect.| @factory
OLED Buttons
Three buttons on the OLED installed in the Eval Kit provide the user with various functions described below:
Button | Functionality | Description |
A | Wifi Enable/Disable | You can disable the WiFi in order to limit the |
current draw for extended battery life. This also disables the colored RSSI
indicator. A button press is followed by a feather reset. No telnet
functionality exists while WiFi is disabled.
B| None| This Pin is internally tied to the RSSI indicator pin and is
not configurable
C| GPS Pinger Enable/Disable| this button will disable or enable the GPS
Reset| Resets Feather/OLED| Pressing this button will reset the feather
Reset + A| Factory Reset| To reset the feather to factory default, press
and release Reset and then hold A for 15 seconds. Handy combo!
Default Jumper Configuration
The image below shows the default jumper configuration for the Eval Kit.
Note that the Serial Jumper J7 (#2) can be switched to allow for Feather/USB serial access to the Swarm Modem.
External Power
Your Eval Kit can be powered from an external power source or USB-C if the
user is not wanting to run off of the provided solar panel.
This can be useful for low light conditions or extended uninterrupted testing.
An additional pass-through is available in the Eval Kit enclosure cable gland.
Removing the solar panel leads from the green screw terminal block, and
replace with a DC power supply.
This input will charge the Eval Kit batteries and is optimized for an 18V-24V
The OLED display will then report the INA3221 reading of the external power input as “SOL: xx xx”
Please send us your comments/questions regarding the Eval Kit directly by email at techsupport@swarm.space.
Below are some additional helpful resources for using your Eval Kit:
Swarm Resources | External Resources |
❏ Swarm Getting-Started Github | ❏ FeatherS2 FAQ |
❏ Swarm Getting-Started Wiki | ❏ Updating FeatherS2 Bootloader |
❏ Troubleshooting RSSI | ❏ CircuitPython Overview |
❏ Troubleshooting Antenna | |
❏ Swarm Developer Tools | |
❏ Swarm M138 Modem Product Manual |
FCC Statement of Compliance
Swarm Technologies, Inc.
435 N. Whisman Rd.
Ste 100
Mountain View, CA 94043
Model: EVAL03
Contains FCC ID: 2AVE9-M138
Contains IC: 25817-M138
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 Canada
Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
Read User Manual Online (PDF format) >>