victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and Charger User Manual

June 5, 2024
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victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and
MultiPlus 2kVA 230V

Safety Instructions

Please familiarize yourself with the safety features and instructions by first reading the documentation supplied with this product before using the equipment. This product has been designed and tested in accordance with international standards. The equipment must be used exclusively for the purpose for which it was designed.
The product is used in conjunction with a permanent energy source (battery). Input and/or output terminals may still be dangerously energized, even when the equipment is switched off. Always switch off the AC supply and the battery before carrying out maintenance or servicing the product.
The product has no internal user-serviceable components. Do not remove the front plate or operate the product if any panels have been removed. All servicing must be undertaken by qualified personnel.
Never use the product where there is a risk of gas or dust explosions. Consult the battery manufacturer’s information to ascertain that the product is intended for use in conjunction with the battery. Always comply with the battery manufacturer’s safety instructions.
Never try to charge non-rechargeable – or frozen batteries.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance
Do not lift heavy loads without assistance.

Read the installation instructions in the installation manual before installing the equipment.
This is a Safety Class I product (supplied with a protective grounding terminal). Uninterruptible protective grounding must be provided at the AC input and/or output terminals. Alternatively, the grounding point located externally on the product may be used. Whenever it is likely that the grounding protection has been damaged, the product must be turned off and secured against unintended operation; please contact qualified service staff.
Ensure that the DC and AC input cables are fused or fitted with circuit breakers.
Ensure that the equipment is used under the correct ambient conditions. Never operate the product in a wet or dusty environment. Ensure there is adequate free space for ventilation around the product and check that the ventilation vents are not blocked.
Ensure that the required system voltage does not exceed the product’s capacity.

Transport and Storage
Ensure that the mains’ power and battery leads have been disconnected before storing or transporting the product.
No liability can be accepted for any transport damage if the equipment is shipped in non-original packaging.
Store the product in a dry environment; the storage temperature must be between -40°C and 70°C.
Consult the battery manufacturer’s manual in respect of transport, storage, charging, recharging, and disposal of the battery.



The MultiPlus gets its name from the multiple functions it can perform. It is a powerful true sine wave inverter, a sophisticated battery charger that features adaptive charge technology, and a high-speed AC transfer switch in a single enclosure. Besides these primary functions, however, the MultiPlus has several advanced features that provide a range of new applications as outlined below.

Uninterrupted AC power
In the event of a grid failure, or shore or generator power being disconnected, the inverter within the MultiPlus is automatically activated and takes over supply to the connected loads. This happens so fast (less than 20 milliseconds) that computers and other electronic equipment will continue to operate without disruption.
Parallel and 3-phase operation capability
Up to 6 inverters can operate in parallel to achieve higher power output.
Operation in a 3-phase configuration is also possible.
PowerControl – Dealing with a limited generator or shoreside power
With a Multi Control Panel, a maximum generator or shore current can be set. The MultiPlus will then take account of other AC loads and use whatever is extra for charging, thus preventing the generator or shore supply from being overloaded.
PowerAssist – Boosting the capacity of shore or generator power
This feature takes the principle of PowerControl to a further dimension allowing the MultiPlus Compact to supplement the capacity of the alternative source. Where peak power is so often required only for a limited period, it is possible to reduce the size of the generator needed or conversely enable more to be achieved from the typically limited shore connection. When the load reduces, the spare power is used to recharge the battery.
Programmable relay
The MultiPlus is equipped with a programmable relay that by default is set as an alarm relay. The relay can be programmed for all kinds of other applications, however, for example as a starter relay for a generator.

Battery charger

Adaptive 4-stage charging characteristics: bulk – absorption – float – storage
The microprocessor-driven adaptive battery management system can be adjusted for various types of batteries. The adaptive function automatically adapts the charging process to battery use.
The right amount of charge: variable absorption time
In the event of slight battery discharge, absorption is kept short to prevent overcharging and excessive gas formation. After deep discharging, the absorption time is automatically extended in order to fully charge the battery.
Preventing damage due to excessive gassing: the Battery Safe mode
If in order to quickly charge a battery, a high charge current in combination with a high absorption voltage has been chosen, damage due to excessive gassing will be prevented by automatically limiting the rate of voltage increase once the gassing voltage has been reached.
Less maintenance and aging when the battery is not in use: the Storage mode
The Storage mode kicks in whenever the battery has not been subjected to discharge for 24 hours. In the storage mode, float voltage is reduced to 2,2V/cell (13,2V for 12V battery) to minimize gassing and corrosion of the positive plates. Once a week the voltage is raised back to the absorption level to ‘equalize’ the battery. This feature prevents stratification of the electrolyte and sulphation, a major cause of early battery failure.
Two DC outputs for charging two batteries
The main DC terminal can supply the full output current. The second output, intended for charging a starter battery, is limited to 1A and has a slightly lower output voltage.
The increasing service life of the battery: temperature compensation
The temperature sensor (supplied with the product) serves to reduce charging voltage when the battery temperature rises. This is particularly important for maintenance-free batteries, which could otherwise dry out by overcharging.
More on batteries and charging
Our book ‘Energy Unlimited’ offers further information on batteries and battery charging and is available free of charge on our website (see → Support & Downloads’ → General Technical Information). For more information on
adaptive charging, please also refer to the General Technical Information on our website.

Self-consumption – solar energy storage systems

When the MultiPlus is used in a configuration in which it will feedback energy to the grid it is required to enable grid code compliance by selecting the grid code country setting with the VEConfigure tool.
Once set, a password will be required to disable grid code compliance or change grid code-related parameters.
If the local grid code is not supported by the MultiPlus an external certified interface device should be used to connect the MultiPlus to the grid.
Special note for Australian customers: IEC62109.1 certification and CEC approval for off-grid use does NOT imply approval for grid-interactive installations. Additional certification to IEC 62109.2 and AS 4777.2.2015 is required before grid-interactive systems can be implemented. Please check the Clean Energy Council website for current approvals.


On/Off/Charger-only Switch

When switched to ‘on’, the product is fully functional. The inverter will come into operation and the LED ‘inverter on’ will light up.
An AC voltage connected to the ‘AC in’ terminal will be switched through to the ‘AC out’ terminal, if within specifications. The inverter will switch off, the ‘Charger’ LED will light up and the charger commences charging. If the voltage at the ‘AC-in’ terminal is not within specifications, the inverter will switch on.
When the switch is switched to ‘charger only’, only the battery charger of the MultiPlus will operate (if the mains voltage is present). In this mode input also is switched through to the ‘AC out’ terminal.
When only the charger function is required, ensure that the switch is switched to ‘charger only’. This prevents the inverter from being switched on if the mains voltage is lost, thus preventing the batteries from running flat.

Remote control

The remote control is possible with a switch or with a Multi-Control panel. The Multi-Control panel has a simple rotary knob with which the maximum current of the AC input can be set: see PowerControl in Section 2.

LED Indications

LED off
LED flashes
LED illuminated


| On/Off/Charger-only switch = On
The inverter is switched on and supplies power to the load.
| On/Off/Charger-only switch = Charger only
The inverter is switched on and supplies power to the load.
Pre-alarm: overload, or battery voltage low, or inverter temperature high
| On/Off/Charger-only switch = On
The inverter is switched off due to one of the following alarms: overload, or battery voltage low, inverter temperature high, or DC ripple voltage too high.
| On/Off/Charger-only switch = On
The AC input voltage is switched through and the charger operates in float mode.
| On/Off/Charger-only switch = On. PowerControl and PowerAssist:
The AC input is switched through and the charge current is zero.
The inverter is switched on and, in the case of PowerAssist, assists the AC input by supplying additional power to the load (see section 2.1).
| On/Off/Charger-only switch = On. Energy Storage System (ESS):
The AC input voltage is switched through. The inverter is switched on and supplies power to the load, or excess power to the mains.

Charger only

| On/Off/Charger-only switch = Charger only
The AC input voltage is switched through and the charger operates in bulk or absorption mode.
| On/Off/Charger-only switch = Charger only
The AC input is switched through and the charger operates in float or storage mode.

The MultiPlus will shut down if four abnormal events occur within 30 seconds. The MultiPlus can be reset by switching to Off and then to On.


****This product should be installed by a qualified electrician.


**** The product must be installed in a dry and well-ventilated area, as close as possible to the batteries. There should be a clear space of at least 10cm around the appliance for cooling.

  1. Excessively high ambient temperature will result in the following:
    • Reduced service life
    • Reduced charging current.
    • Reduced peak capacity, or shutdown of the inverter.

  2. Never mount the product directly above the batteries.

For mounting see G
**** For safety purposes, this product should be installed in a heat- resistant environment. Prevent the presence of e.g. chemicals, synthetic components, curtains or other textiles, etc., in the immediate vicinity.

Connection of the Battery cables

NO internal DC Fuses.
In order to fully utilize the full capacity of the product, batteries with sufficient capacity and battery cables with sufficient cross-section should be used. See the table below:

| 12/2000/80| 24/2000/50| 48/2000/25
Recommended battery capacity (Ah)| 350-1000| 200–500| 100-250
Recommended DC fuse| 300A| 200A| 100A
Recommended cross section (mm2)
per + and – connection terminal| | |
0 – 5 m| 70mm-2| 35 mm2| 25 mm2
5 – 10 m| 95mm2| 70 mm2| 50mm2

Remark: Internal resistance is an important factor when working with low- capacity batteries. Please consult your supplier or the relevant sections of our book ‘Energy Unlimited’, downloadable from our website.

Proceed as follows to connect the battery cables:

**** Use a torque wrench with an insulated box spanner in order to avoid shorting the battery.
Recommended torque: 12 Nm (M8 nut)
Avoid shorting the battery cables.

  • Undo the two screws at the bottom of the enclosure and remove the service panel.
  • Connect the battery cables: see Appendix A.
  • Tighten the nuts well for minimal contact resistance.

All servicing must be undertaken by qualified personnel.

Connection of the AC cabling

This is a Safety Class I product (supplied with a protective grounding terminal). Uninterruptible protective grounding must be provided at the AC input and/or output terminals and/or chassis grounding point located externally on the product.

The MultiPlus is provided with a ground relay (relay H, see appendix B) that automatically connects the Neutral output to the chassis if no external AC supply is available. If an external AC supply is provided, the ground relay H will open before the input safety relay closes. This ensures the correct operation of an earth leakage circuit breaker that is connected to the output.

  • In a fixed installation, uninterruptable grounding can be secured by means of the grounding wire of the AC input. Otherwise, the casing must be grounded.
  • In a mobile installation, interrupting the shore connection will simultaneously disconnect the grounding connection. In that case, the casing must be connected to the chassis (of the vehicle) or to the hull or grounding plate (of the boat).
  • In the case of a boat, a direct connection to the shore ground is not recommended because of potential galvanic corrosion. The solution to this is using an isolation transformer.

The mains input & output terminal connector can be found on the bottom of the MultiPlus, see appendix A. The shore or mains cable must be connected to the connector with a three-wire cable. Use a three-wire cable with a flexible core and a cross-section of at least 6 mm². Recommended torque: 1,6 Nm

Procedure (see appendix A) Do not invert neutral and phase when connecting the AC.
The inverter does incorporate a mains frequency isolating transformer. This precludes the possibility of DC current at any AC port.
Therefore type A RCDs can be used.

  • AC-in
    The AC input cable can be connected to the terminal block ‘AC–in’.
    From right to left: “N” (neutral), “PE” (earth), and “L” (phase)
    The AC input must be protected by a fuse or magnetic circuit breaker rated at 32A, and the cable cross-section must be sized accordingly. If the input AC supply is rated at a lower value, the fuse or magnetic circuit breaker should be downsized accordingly.

  • AC-out
    The AC output cable can be connected directly to the terminal block ‘AC-out’.
    From left to right: “N” (neutral), “PE” (earth), and “L” (phase)
    With its PowerAssist feature, the MultiPlus can add up to 2kVA (that is 2000 / 230 = 9A) to the output during periods of peak power requirement. Together with a maximum input current of 32A, this means that the output can supply up to 32 + 9 = 41 A.
    An earth leakage circuit breaker and a fuse or circuit breaker rated to support the expected load must be included in series with the output, and the cable cross-section must be sized accordingly.

Optional Connections

A number of optional connections are possible:
Undo the four screws at the front of the enclosure and remove the front panel.

Second Battery

The Multi has a connection (+) for charging a starter battery. For connection see appendix A.
Trickle charge output is protected by automatic overcurrent & overload protection (trip current 1A Imax= 5,5A)

Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor supplied with the product may be used for temperature- compensated charging. The sensor is insulated and must be mounted on the battery minus pole. Default output voltages for Float and Absorption are at 25°C. In adjust mode temperature compensation is disabled.

Remote Control

The product can be remotely controlled in two ways:

  • With an external on/off switch (Remove Link “Remote Switch connector H”)
  • With a Multi Control Panel

Please see section 5.4 for appropriate DIP switch settings.

Programmable relay

The MultiPlus is equipped with a multi-functional relay that by default is programmed as an alarm relay. The relay can be programmed for all kinds of other applications, however, for example, to start a generator (VEConfigure software needed).

Parallel Connection (see appendix C)

The MultiPlus can be connected in parallel with several identical devices. To this end, a connection is established between the devices by means of standard RJ45 UTP cables. The system (one or more MultiPlus units plus an optional control panel) will require subsequent configuration (see Section 5).

In the event of connecting MultiPlus units in parallel, the following requirements must be met:

  • A maximum of six units are connected in parallel.
  • Only identical devices may be connected in parallel.
  • The DC connection cables to the devices must be of equal length and cross-section.
  • If a positive and a negative DC distribution point is used, the cross-section of the connection between the batteries and the DC distribution point must at least equal the sum of the required cross-sections of the connections between the distribution point and the MultiPlus units.
  • Place the MultiPlus units close to each other, but allow at least 10 cm for ventilation purposes under, above, and beside the units.
  • A battery-temperature sensor need only be connected to one unit in the system. If the temperature of several batteries is to be measured, you can also connect the sensors of other MultiPlus units in the system (with a maximum of one sensor per MultiPlus). Temperature compensation during battery charging responds to the sensor indicating the highest temperature.
  • Only one remote can be connected to the system.
Three-phase operation (see appendix D)

The MultiPlus can also be used in a 3-phase wye (Y) configuration. To this end, a connection between the devices is made by means of standard RJ45 UTP cables (the same as for parallel operation). The system (MultiPlus units plus an optional control panel) will require subsequent configuration (see Section 5).
Pre-requisites: see Section 4.4.5.


****| Settings may only be changed by a qualified engineer.
Carefully read the instructions before changes are made.
Batteries should be placed in a dry and well-ventilated area during charging.

Standard settings: ready for use

On delivery, the MultiPlus is set to standard factory values. In general, these settings are suitable for single-unit operations.

| Possibly, the standard battery charging voltage is not suitable for your batteries! Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation or to your battery supplier!

Standard MultiPlus factory settings

Inverter frequency 50 Hz
Input frequency range 45 – 65 Hz
Input voltage range 180 – 265 VAC
Inverter voltage 230 VAC
Stand-alone / parallel / 3-phase stand-alone
Search mode off
Ground relay on
Charger on/ off on
Battery charge algorithm four-stage adaptive with BatterySafe mode
Charge current 100% of the maximum charge current
Battery type Victron Gel Deep Discharge (also suitable for Victron AGM Deep

Automatic equalization charging| off
Absorption voltage| 14.4 / 28.8 / 57,6V
Absorption time| up to 8 hours (depending on bulk time)
Float voltage| 13.8 / 27.6 / 55,2V
Storage voltage| 13.2 / 26.4 / 52,8V (not adjustable)
Repeated absorption time| 1 hour
Absorption repeat interval| 7 days
Bulk protection| off
AC input current limit| 12A (= adjustable current limit for PowerControl and PowerAssist functions)
UPS feature| on
Dynamic current limiter| off
WeakAC| off
BoostFactor| 2
Programmable relay| alarm function

Explanation of settings

Settings that are not self-explanatory are described briefly below. For further information, please refer to the help files in the
software configuration programs (see Section 5.3).

Inverter frequency
Output frequency if no AC is present at the input.
Adjustability: 50Hz; 60Hz

Input frequency range
Input frequency range accepted by the MultiPlus. The MultiPlus synchronizes within this range with the AC input frequency. The output frequency is then equal to the input frequency.
Adjustability: 45 – 65Hz; 45 – 55Hz; 55 – 65Hz

Input voltage range
Voltage range accepted by the MultiPlus. The MultiPlus synchronises within this range with the AC input voltage. The output voltage is then equal to the input voltage.
Lower limit: 180 – 230V
Upper limit: 230 – 270V

Inverter voltage
Output voltage of the MultiPlus in battery operation.
Adjustability: 210 – 245V

Stand-alone/parallel operation/2-3 phase setting
Using several devices, it is possible to: increase total inverter power (several devices in parallel) and create a 3-phase system.
The standard product settings are for standalone operation. For parallel, or three phase operation see section 4.4.5 and 4.4.6.

Search mode
If search mode is ‘on’, the power consumption in no-load operation is decreased by approx. 70%. In this mode the MultiPlus, when operating in inverter mode, is switched off in case of no load or very low load, and switches on every two seconds for a short period. If the output current exceeds a set level, the inverter will continue to operate. If not, the inverter will shut down again.
Search Mode can be set with a DIP switch.
Search Mode ‘shut down’ and ‘remain on’ load levels can be set with VEConfigure.
The standard settings are:
Shut down: 30 Watt (linear load)
Turn on: 60 Watt (linear load)

AES (Automatic Economy Switch)
Instead of the search mode, the AES mode can also be chosen (with help of VEConfigure only).
If this setting is turned ‘on’, the power consumption in no-load operation and with low loads is decreased by approx. 20%, by slightly ‘narrowing’ the sinusoidal voltage.

Ground relay (see appendix B)
With this relay (H), the neutral conductor of the AC output is grounded to the chassis when the back-feed safety relay is open.
This ensures the correct operation of earth leakage circuit breakers in the output.
If a non-grounded output is required during inverter operation, this function must be turned off. (Use VEConfigure)
The standard setting is ‘Four-stage adaptive with BatterySafe mode’. See Section 2 for a description.
This is the recommended charge curve. See the help files in the software configuration programs for other features.

Battery type
The standard setting is the most suitable for Victron Gel Deep Discharge, Gel Exide A200, and tubular plate stationary batteries (OPzS). This setting can also be used for many other batteries: e.g. Victron AGM Deep Discharge and other AGM batteries, and many types of flat-plate flooded batteries. Four charging voltages can be set with DIP switches.

Automatic equalisation charging
This setting is intended for tubular plate traction batteries. During absorption the voltage limit increases to 2,83V/cell (34V for a 24V battery) once the charge current has tapered down to less than 10% of the set maximum current.

Absorption time
The absortion time depends on the bulk time (adaptive charge curve), so that the battery is optimally charged. If the ‘fixed’ charging characteristic is selected, the absorption time is fixed. For most batteries, a maximum absorption time of eight hours is suitable. If an extra high absorption voltage is selected for rapid charging (only possible for open, flooded batteries!), four hours is preferable. With DIP switches, a time of eight or four hours can be set. The adaptive charge curve determines the maximum absorption time.

Storage voltage, Repeated Absorption Time, Absorption Repeat Interval
See Section 2.

Bulk Protection
Default setting: off. When this setting is ‘on’, the bulk charging time is limited to 10 hours. A longer charging time could indicate a system error (e.g. a battery cell short-circuit).

AC input current limit
These are the current limit settings at which PowerControl and PowerAssist come into operation. The factory setting is 16A.
See Section 2, the book ‘Energy Unlimited’, or the many descriptions of this unique feature on our website

Remark: lowest allowable current setting for PowerAssist: 2,7A.
(2,7A per unit in case of parallel operation)

UPS feature
If this setting is ‘on’ and AC on the input fails, the MultiPlus switches to inverter operation practically without interruption. The MultiPlus can therefore be used as an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for sensitive equipment such as computers or communication systems. The output voltage of some small generator sets is too unstable and distorted for using this setting – the MultiPlus would continually switch to inverter operation. For this reason, the setting can be turned off. The MultiPlus will then respond less quickly to AC input voltage deviations. The switchover time to inverter operation is consequently slightly longer, but most equipment (most computers, clocks, or household equipment) is not adversely impacted. Recommendation: Turn the UPS feature off if the MultiPlus fails to synchronize, or continually switches back to inverter operation.
In general, the UPS setting can be left ‘on’ if the MultiPlus is connected to a generator with a ‘synchronous AVR regulated alternator’.
The UPS mode may have to be set to ‘off’ if the MultiPlus is connected to a generator with a ‘synchronous capacitor regulated alternator’ or an asynchronous alternator.

Dynamic current limiter
Intended for generators, the AC voltage is generated by means of a static inverter (so-called ‘inverter’ generators). In these generators, rpm is down- controlled if the load is low: this reduces noise, fuel consumption, and pollution. A disadvantage is that the output voltage will drop severely or even completely fail in the event of a sudden load increase.
More load can only be supplied after the engine is up to speed.
If this setting is ‘on’, the MultiPlus will reduce the charge current until the set current limit is reached. This allows the generator engine to get up to speed.
This setting is also often used for ‘classic’ generators that respond slowly to sudden load variation.

Strong distortion of the input voltage can result in the charger hardly operating or not operating at all. If WeakAC is set, the charger will also accept a strongly distorted voltage, at the cost of greater distortion of the input current.
Recommendation: Turn WeakAC on if the charger is hardly charging or not charging at all (which is quite rare!). Also, turn on the dynamic current limiter simultaneously and reduce the maximum charging current to prevent overloading the generator if necessary.

Change this setting only after consulting with Victron Energy or with an engineer trained by Victron Energy!

Programmable relay
By default, the programmable relay is set as an alarm relay, i.e. the relay will de-energize in the event of an alarm or a pre-alarm
(inverter almost too hot, ripple on the input almost too high, battery voltage almost too low).

VEConfigure software
With VEConfigure software the relay can also be programmed for other purposes, for example, to provide a generator starting signal.

Configuration of the MultiPlus

The following hardware is required:
An MK3-USB (VE.Bus to USB) interface.
Alternatively, the Interface MK2.2b (VE.Bus to RS232) can be used (RJ45 UTP cable needed).

VE.Bus Quick Configure Setup

VE. Bus Quick Configure Setup is a software program with which systems with a maximum of three MultiPlusses (parallel or three-phase operation) can be configured in a simple manner. The software can be downloaded free of charge at

VE.Bus System Configurator

For configuring advanced applications and/or systems with four or more MultiPlusses, VE. Bus System Configurator software must be used. The software can be downloaded free of charge at

Configuration with DIP switches

Some settings can be changed with DIP switches.
a) Turn the MultiPlus on, preferably without load and without AC voltage on the input. The MultiPlus will then operate in inverter mode.
b) Set the DIP switches as required.
c) Store the settings by toggling DIP switch 3 one time.

DIP switch 1 to 3

These DIP switches can be used to set:

  • Battery charge voltage and Absorption time
  • Search mode

Ds1-ds2: Setting the charge algorithm (For more system settings use VEConfigure)

Ds1-ds2| Absorption


| Float voltage| Storage


| Absorption

Time (hours)

| Suitable for
(default)| 14.4
57.6| 13.8
55.2| 13.2
52.8| 8| Gel Victron Deep Discharge
Gel Exide A200
AGM Victron Deep Discharge
Ds2=off| 14.1
56.4| 13.8
55.2| 13.2
52.8| 8| Gel Victron Long Life (OPzV)
Gel Exide A600 (OPzV)
Gel MK battery
Li-ion (LiFePO4)
Ds2=on| 14.7
58.8| 13.8
55.2| 13.2
52.8| 5| AGM Victron Deep Discharge
Tubular plate or
OPzS batteries in semi-float mode AGM spiral cell
Ds2=on| 15.0
60.0| 13.8
55.2| 13.2
52.8| 6| Tubular plate or OPzS batteries in cyclic mode

DS3 double function.
Ds3: Search Mode and store off = off on = on
Store the settings by toggling DIP switch 3 one time.

Exemplary settings

Example 1 is the factory setting (since factory settings are entered by the computer, all DIP switches of a new product are set to ‘off’).

Store the settings by toggling DIP switch 3 one time.
The LEDs ‘charger’ and ‘alarm’ will flash to indicate acceptance of the settings.


The MultiPlus does not require specific maintenance. It will suffice to check all connections once a year. Avoid moisture and oil/soot/vapor, and keep the device clean.

Trouble Shooting Table

Proceed as follows for quick detection of common faults.
DC loads must be disconnected from the batteries and the AC loads must be disconnected from the inverter before the inverter and/or battery charger is tested.
Consult your Victron Energy dealer if the fault cannot be resolved.

Problem Cause Solution
The inverter fails to operate when switched on The battery voltage is too
high or too low Ensure that the battery voltage is within the correct value.
The inverter fails to operate The processor in no function-mode Disconnect

mains voltage. Switch the front switch off, and wait 4 seconds.
Switch front switch on.
The alarm LED flashes| Pre-alarm alt. 1. The DC input voltage is low| Charge the battery or check the battery connections.
The alarm LED flashes| Pre-alarm alt. 2. The ambient temperature is too high| Place the inverter in a cool and well-ventilated room, or reduce the load.
The alarm LED flashes| Pre-alarm alt. 3. The load on the inverter is higher than the nominal load| Reduce the load.
The alarm LED flashes| Pre-alarm alt. 4. Voltage ripple on the DC input exceeds 1.25Vrms| Check the battery cables and terminals.

Check the battery capacity; increase if necessary.

The alarm LED flashes intermittently| Pre-alarm alt. 5. Low battery voltage and excessive load| Charge the batteries, reduce the load or install batteries with a higher capacity. Use shorter and/or thicker battery cables.
The alarm LED is on| The inverter did cut out following a pre-alarm| Check the table for the appropriate course of action.
The charger is not functioning| The AC input voltage or frequency is out of range| Ensure that the input voltage is between 185Vac and 265Vac and that the frequency matches the setting.
The battery is not being charged fully| Incorrect charging current| Set the charging current at between 0.1 and 0.2x battery capacity.
A defective battery connection| Check the battery terminals.
The absorption voltage has been set to an incorrect value| Adjust the absorption voltage to the correct value.
The float voltage has been set to an incorrect value| Adjust the float voltage to the correct value.
The internal DC fuse is defective| The inverter is damaged.
The battery is overcharged| The absorption voltage has been set to an incorrect value| Adjust the absorption voltage to the correct value.
The float voltage has been set to an incorrect value| Adjust the float voltage to the correct value.
A defective battery| Replace the battery.
The battery is too small| Reduce the charging current or use a battery with a higher capacity.
The battery is too hot| Connect a temperature sensor.
Battery charge current drops to 0 when the absorption voltage is reached| Alt. 1: Battery overtemperature (> 50°C)| • Allow the battery to cool down
• Place battery in a cool environment
• Check for shorted cells
| Alt 2: Battery temperature sensor faulty| Unplug the battery temperature sensor from the MultiPlus.
Reset the MultiPlus by switching it off, then wait for 4 seconds and switch it on again.
If the MultiPlus now charges normally, the battery temperature sensor is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Technical Data

| MultiPlus 12/2000/80
MultiPlus 24/2000/50
MultiPlus 48/2000/25
PowerControl / PowerAssist| Yes
Transfer switch| 32A
Input voltage range| 9,5 – 17V
19 – 33V
38– 66V
Output| Output voltage: 230VAC ± 2%
Frequency: 50Hz ± 0,1% (1)
Cont. output power at 25°C (3)| 2000VA
Cont. output power at 25°C| 1600W
Cont. output power at 40°C| 1400W
Cont. output power at 65°C| 1000W
Peak power| 3500W
Maximum efficiency in %| 93/94/95
Zero-load power| 10/11/11W
Zero-load power search mode| 3/4/4W
AC Input| Input voltage range: 187-265 VAC
Input frequency: 45 – 65 Hz
Charge voltage ‘absorption’| 14,4/28,8/57,6V
Charge voltage ‘float’| 13,8/27,6/55,2V
Storage mode| 13,2/26,4/52,8V
Charge current house battery (4)| 80/50/25A
Charge current starter battery| 1 A (12V and 24V models only)
Battery temperature sensor| Yes
Programmable relay (5)| Yes
Protection (2)| a – g
Common Characteristics| Operating temp. range: -40 to +65°C (fan assisted cooling)
Humidity (non-condensing): max 95%
Common Characteristics| Material & Colour: Steel/ABS (blue RAL 5012) Protection category: IP 21
Battery-connection| M8 bolts
230V AC-connection| Screw terminals 13 mm² (6 AWG)
Weight| 15,2kg
Dimensions (h x w x d)| 506 x 234 x 146 mm
Safety| EN-IEC 60335-1, EN-IEC 60335-2-29, EN 62109-1
Emission / Immunity| EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2, EN-IEC 61000-3-2, EN-IEC 61000-3-3
IEC 61000-6-1, IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-3
Road vehicles| ECE R10-4

  1. Can be adjusted to 60Hz and to 240V
  2. Protection
    a. Output short circuit
    b. Overload
    c. Battery voltage too high
    d. Battery voltage too low
    e. Temperature too high
    f. 230VAC on inverter output
    g. Input voltage ripple too high
  3. Non-linear load, crest factor 3:1
  4. At 25°C ambient
  5. Programmable relay which can be set for: general alarm, DC under voltage or generator start/stop signal function
    AC rating: 230V/4A
    DC rating: 4A up to 35VDC, 1A up to 60VDC


Appendix A: an overview of connections

victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and Charger - overview

| EN
A| DIP switch Remove cover
B| On/off/charger only switch
C| VE.BUS Communications port
D| Temperature sensor
E| Alarm contact
F| Batterie Minus
G| Starter battery plus
H| Remote control
I| Mains IN
J| Mains/converter OUT
K| Battery plus
L| Earth connection

Appendix B: installation information

| EN
D| Input
E| Output
F| The ground in– and an output connected to chassis
G| Backfeed safety relay
H| Ground relay (closed when backfeed is open)
J| Bidirectional converter
K| Chassis on input/output ground terminals should be permanently connected to ground

Appendix C: parallel connection

victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and Charger - parallel

Appendix D: three-phase connection

victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and Charger - three
phase connection

Appendix E: charge algorithm

victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and Charger - charge

4-stage charging:
Bulk: Entered when charger is started. Constant current is applied until the gassing voltage is reached (14.4V resp. 28.8V, temperature compensated).
Battery Safe: If, in order to quickly charge a battery, a high charge current in combination with a high absorption voltage has been chosen, the Multi will prevent damage due to excessive gassing by automatically limiting the rate of voltage increase once the gassing voltage has been reached. The Battery Safe period is part of the calculated absorption time.
Absorption: A constant voltage period to fully charge the battery. The absorption time is equal to 20x bulk time or the set maximum absorption time, whichever comes first.
Float: Float voltage is applied to keep the battery fully charged and to protect it against self-discharge.
Storage: After one day of Float charge the charger switches to storage. This is 13,2V resp. 26,4V (for 12V and 24V charger).
This will limit water loss to a minimum. After an adjustable time (default = 7 days) the charger will enter Repeated Absorption for an adjustable time (default = 1 hour).

Appendix F: temperature compensation

victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and Charger -
temperature compensation

Default output voltages for Float and Absorption are at 25°C.
Reduced Float voltage follows Float voltage and Raised Absorption voltage follows Absorption voltage.
In adjust, mode temperature compensation does not apply.

Appendix G: dimensions

victron energy MultiPlus 2kVA 230V Combined Inverter and Charger -

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