Pahlen MA60-16S Mini Master Electronic Control Unit User Manual

June 15, 2024

Pahlen MA60-16S Mini Master Electronic Control Unit

Product Description

MiniMaster is an electronic control unit for pH and/or chlorine level measurement and control in a swimming pool. The pH water value is measured with pH electrode, and chlorine level with a free chlorine or redox electrode. MiniMaster is connected to a piece of external dosing equipment for dispensing acid or base (pH) and chlorine. In case of abnormal values, the control unit sends the signal to the dosing devices to dispense chemicals into the pool system until the correct level is reached. The package includes a Control unit (1) with water measuring fittings, PE hose 2 x 4 m, external prefilter, and hose connections. An electrode kit is delivered separately: including electrodes, and a cleaning medium, and a pH electrode kit includes pH 7,3 buffer solution.

Technical data

2. Technical data| MiniMaster chlorine

Item no. 416600

| MiniMaster pH

Item no. 416610

| MiniMaster pH + chlorine

Item no. 416620

| MiniMaster pH + Redox

Item no. 416630

Power consumption – excl. dosing equipment| 2W| 2W| 4W| 4W
Power consumption – dosing equipment (max)| 100W| 100W| 2x100W| 2x100W
Ground current| 1 A
Voltage| 220-240V 1~N 50/60Hz
Temperature range| 0 till +45°C
Protection class| IP44
Measured L x B x H| 310 x 85 x 500 mm
Weight| 2 kg

Water chemistry

Mini Master continuously measures and displays pool water pH and chlorine levels. In a private swimming pool, pool water volume is circulated by a circulation pump. The total pool water volume should be turned around at least 3 times a day. Less frequent turn-around times bring the risk of uneven distribution of the pool disinfectants. Dosing swimming pool chemicals into the pool water can produce different measurement and regulation effects. Dosing chlorine chemicals affects the pool water pH. High/low pH values can result in misleading chlorine measurements.
In order to maintain a balanced water quality, it is important to follow our recommended values for the pool water, as you can see below. Values different from the recommended values can result in misleading chlorine and pH contents.
At dosing the pool water, or if it has been previously dosed with organic chlorine (e.g. tablet/puck form), the pool water most certainly contains a chlorine stabilizing agent – isocyanuric acid. The agent is responsible for lowering the signal for free chlorine and redox electrodes to regulate the chlorine value. We recommend, therefore, to dilute the pool water with fresh water or completely replace all pool water in order to completely eliminate the agent. If there isn´t an opportunity to reduce the agent content, you find the recommended values for free chlorine, combined with isocyanuric acid below.
A pool that is started for the season or a newly-filled pool (with municipal water or water from your own well) should be circulated, tempered, and processed manually with chlorine and pH stabilizers AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK before Mini Master can be calibrated in automatic mode.
Mini Master has two options for measuring the pool water chlorine content – free chlorine or redox electrodes: Free chlorine electrode measures excess chlorine (not yet affected by the pool water agents).
A Redox electrode measures the chlorine effect (disinfectant power of the pool water).
Pool water chemistry can be complicated, but if our recommended values are followed and the owner regularly carries out the electrode maintenance and cleaning of all pool filters, MiniMaster can maintain optimal pool water quality. We recommend using a digital photometric testing instrument and a regular reference measurement of the pool water
combined with calibration of a Minimaster.
Recommended values for water quality at automatic measuring and dosing

Free chlorine – isocyanuric acid content 0 mg/l (ppm) 0.3–1.5 mg/l (ppm)
Free chlorine – isocyanuric acid content max 50 mg/l (ppm): 1.0–3.0 mg/l

Combined chlorine:| max 0.5 mg/l (ppm)
pH-value:| 7.2–7.4
Alkalinity:| 60–120 mg/l (ppm)
Salinity (chloride content) : – at measuring with free chlorine electrode| max 800 mg/l (ppm) = 0,08%
Calcium hardness:| 100–300 mg/l (ppm)
Water temperature:| max +/-2ºC skilled

For more details on the pool chemicals and maintenance see Pool Guide on our website


The power supply to the Mini Master must be terminated when the pool circulation stops. Otherwise, there is a risk that water runs back into the system (depending on the system design or the level differences between the pool and the engine room).
At backwashing and cleaning of the sand filters, water measuring to MiniMaster should be always shut down.
To minimize the risk of corrosion, all dosing units should be placed after all other equipment. The dosing points for liquid acid and chlorine should be as far apart as possible in the circulatory system, but at least 500 mm from each other, and CHLORINE DOSING ALWAYS LAST, see Fig. 2.

Handling of chemical agents

Liquid chlorine and liquid acid are harsh chemicals with basic respective acidic properties. They SHOULD NOT BE mixed with each other, since this may cause severe chemical reactions. Different chemical containers must be placed well apart from each other and stay in their own vessel in order to accommodate the entire chemical container volume. When handling those chemicals, use protective equipment, like gloves, apron, and goggles.





  1. Skimmer
  2. Main drain
  3. Inlet
  4. JetSwim
  5. Light
  6. Pool circulation pump
  7. Filter
  8. Heat exchanger
  9. Check valve
  10. Circulation pump heat
  11. Heat source
  12. Drain
  13. Check valve (optional)
  14. MiniMaster
  15. Prefilter MiniMaster
  16. Chlorine dosing
  17. Chlorine
  18. Acid/alkali dosing
  19. Acid/alkali

MiniMaster should be mounted against a fixed vertical wall or the like. The installation area should be indoors or under a protective roof. MiniMaster should be placed so that it is easy to access and read values, to be able to perform service/ maintenance works, take water, and clean prefilter. Mini Master is delivered with a complete set of prefilter, hose, and connection fittings (with ¼” thread) for water measuring.
We recommend installing drilling brackets on the pipelines at connection points for water measuring to and from MiniMaster and chlorine/acid dosing points. You can order the intended pipe-size drilling brackets from Pahlén.

  1. Firmly screw MiniMaster against the wall.

  2. Assemble prefilter, see MA60-23 instruction.
    NOTE! The filter lid has an arrow marking for the flow direction.

  3. Install prefilter as appropriate, near Mini Master.

  4. Release bracket (E), folding modules forward, see Fig 3.

  5. Install the supplied connections for Mini Master modules inlet and outlet, see Fig. 4. NOTE! Tighten the incoming water connection accurately.

  6. Cut the supplied hose to suitable lengths and connect them without sharp bends between the MiniMaster and the prefilter.
    NOTE! At installing the hose in the hose connectors of the plug type: Make a straight cut in the hose with a sharp knife, push the hose end for about 10 mm into the connector, and pull the hose back in order to ensure firm locking.

  7. Inlet A: Install a drilling bracket for the sand filter on the pool circulation pumps, and pressure side (see Fig. 2)

  8. Outlet B: Install a drilling bracket after the overflow outlet on the pool circulation pump suction side (see B Fig. 2)

  9. . Cut the supplied hose to two suitable lengths, mounting the hose coupling to the respective drilling bracket. Use the thread sealant when connecting the bushing 1/4” -1/2 “ to the drilling bracket/cable pipe.

  10. Connect one hose to the prefilter and inlet A.

  11. Connect one hose to the prefilter and inlet B. Alternative placement of outlet B:
    Lead the hose directly into the overflow outlet (C, Fig. 2), surge tank, or drain outlet.

  12. NOTE! If dosing pumps are used for liquid chlorine and acid/base, the dosing points should be placed AFTER other heating and/or disinfection equipment with AT LEAST 500 mm between them.
    The chlorine dosing device is always placed last.


Installation el

Electric installations must be always performed by a qualified electrician. Pipes installation must be completed before electrical installations. Pahlén recommends fixed installation with a 2-pole operation switch and RCD. Loosen four cover screws. The controller housing can be easily hooked into the open position in order to facilitate installation work, see Fig. 5. NOTE! Make sure that the band cable from the circuit board to the cover is not trapped.


PCB – controller for chlorine, redox and/or pH
Plug in power cable and any dosing equipment onto every controller according to the following diagram. The circuit board multipole connectors (on the right) can be dismounted in order to provide easy access to the screw terminals for each cable connection. Other circuit board contactors have already been installed at the factory.


  • AC IN
    Main power to unit connection.

  • Relay connection

    • Dosing equipment connection, 230VAC. Max 1A
    • RN: Zero/neutral
    • (common for dosing equipment).
    • R+: Phase for chlorine or pH-increasing
    • agent dosing equipment.
    • R-: Phase for chlorine or pH-decreasing
  • OC+ / OC- :

    • ”Open collector” transistor output for dosing equipment, 5V max.
  • pH / Rx:

    • Cable connection to BNC connector for pH or Redox electrode.
  • PB100:

    • Cable connection to BNC connector for free chlorine electrode.
  • GND: Connecting the ground sleeve (Only at free chlorine measurement).

8. Start Installation of electrodes

The electrode kit is delivered separately and contains what is needed for each MiniMaster type. Any kit contains one or two electrodes, operation and maintenance instructions, a measuring cylinder and an electrode cleaning agent. pH units also contain a pH 7.3 buffer solution. Check that you have obtained the right electrode kit on delivery:

Type MiniMaster Elektrodkit
Free chlorine Item no. 416600 Item no. 416601
pH Item no. 416610 Item no. 416611
pH – free chlorine Item no. 416620 Item no. 416621
pH – Redox Item no. 416630 Item no. 416631

Carefully read the information provided with the electrodes to be installed, see “Electrodes, operation and maintenance” (MA60-06). Every electrode is supplied with a container filled with storage solution that can be saved for electrode future storage, e.g. if Mini Master shuts down for a long period. Electrodes are highly sensitive measuring instruments and should be handled accordingly. Never touch electrode ends with hands/fingers. They must be kept in a liquid medium (electrode storage solution, pool water or tap water). A longer dry period can destroy the electrode or shorten its service life. An electrode must be kept free of oil, grease, and other contaminants. An electrode must not be subject to pressure.

  1. Rinse electrodes and their ends with clean tap water. Wipe the electrode ends with a clean, damp, lint-free cloth.
  2. Install it into the corresponding marked module (Free chlorine, Redox, pH).
  3. Connect the electrode BNC connector to the corresponding labeled controller.


Make sure that the pool water values are within the recommended limits (see section 3 “Water chemistry”). Use photometric measuring instruments and adjust the value manually, if necessary, with the required chemicals. Note that reactions can take different amounts of time in the pool, depending on the volume and turn-around times.


  1. Turn power to Mini Master on (controllers will perform a start-up sequence for a few seconds).
  2. Open all taps for water measuring.
  3. Press Flow (J) button on any of the control units. (This needs to be done on the left controller when there are two of them
  4. Adjust the flow with flow screw (L) until LED No. 1 has 4 lights. Make sure the flow goes through modules (displayed in window (M)) and flows freely through hoses.
  5. If the drain hose is mounted onto the pump suction side (or B Fig. 2 ), ball valve L2 (Fig. 7) should open by 25-50 % to avoid vacuum in electrode modules. Check and if necessary adjust the flow again.
  6. Any of the two controller LEDs will either blink or glow steadily: Blinking LED = standby mode (only measuring). Steady light = automatic mode (measuring and dosing). Press (H) button to switch to standby (only for measuring) on both controllers.
  7. Let water flow through the modules for at least 30 minutes to achieve the electrode’s stabilization and eliminate air.

Observe recommended water values (section 3 “Water chemistry”) if you want to create conditions for optimal measurement and control. pH-unit can be calibrated against buffer solution pH 7.3, and pH-value can be measured by photometric measuring instruments.

pH value – Balancing and calibration (pH electrode) Calibration with buffer solution pH 7.3:

  1. Turn off measured water. Release bracket (E) and fold out the modules. Loosen the electrode BNC connector from the controller (see Fig. 5) before the pH electrode is unscrewed from the module. Connect the BNC connector back to the controller.
  2. Tap as much buffer solution into the measuring cylinder, so that it covers at least 2 cm of electrode end. Let it stay for at least 30 seconds. NOTE! Use buffer solution as recommended, and it can not be reused.
  3. Calibrate pH unit by simultaneously pressing (J) and (K) buttons and holding them down for at least 2 seconds. To confirm that calibration is in progress, the LED blinks fast (appr. 5 times/sec) and in the end LED blinks slowly.
  4. The unit is now calibrated – green LED blinks to indicate the set measurement value. This value is stored in the device memory.
  5. Put back the electrode into the Mini Master module by loosening the BNC connector, screwing the electrode into the module, and then connecting the BNC connector again.
  6. Open measured water taps and check the flow.
  7. Activate automatic mode by pressing (H) button. LED current measured value (pH) is now steady, and Mini Master, if necessary, will control pH dosage:
  8. If the current value is HIGHER THAN THE SET POINT, LED lights to the right of OK, Mini Master signals to the connected dosing equipment to adjust pH in the pool.
  9. If the current value is LOWER THAN THE SET POINT, LED lights to the left of OK. pH value needs to be balanced manually in the pool with pH-raising agents.
  10. Concentrated dosing can initially cause big swings in the measured values (depending on the pool size and turnover rate). Let fluctuations subside and carefully check that pH is stabilized after appr. 5 hours.
  11. Take measured water from the drain tap (F, Fig. 4) and check pH with photometric measurement instruments.

Calibrating with photometric reference measurement instruments:

  1. Take measured water from the drain tap (F, Fig. 4). Check the pool’s pH by using photometric measurement instruments.
  2. Balance pH to 7.2-7.4 by dosing acid (at high pH) or base (at low pH ) manually, by putting agents directly into the pool.
  3. Concentrated dosing can initially cause big swings in the measured values (depending on the pool size and turnover rate). Let fluctuations subside and carefully check that pH is stabilized after appr. 5 hours.
  4. Calibrate pH unit by simultaneously pressing (I) and (J) buttons and holding them down for at least 2 seconds. To confirm that calibration is in progress, LED blinks fast (appr. 5 times/sec) and in the end LED blinks slowly.
  5. The unit is now calibrated, and green LED blinks indicating the set measurement value. This value is stored in the device memory.
  6. Activate automatic mode by pressing (H) button. LED for the current measured value (pH) is now steady and Mini Master controls the signal to the connected dosing equipment to regulate pH in the pool.

Free chlorine – Balancing and calibration (free chlorine or Redox electrode)

It is very important that pH is calibrated and maintained at a stable level. It is a precondition for being able to obtain the right free chlorine measurement. At putting into operation a new electrode, let it sit in the fittings for at least 1 hour before calibration begins.

  1. Take measured water from the drain tap (F, Fig. 4). Check the pool pH by using photometric measurement instruments.
  2. Balance free chlorine value to the required level by dosing chlorine manually by putting agents directly into the pool.
  3. Concentrated dosing can initially cause big swings in the measured values (depending on the pool size and turnover rate). Let fluctuations subside and carefully check that pH is stabilized after appr. 5 hours.
  4. Calibrate pH unit by simultaneously pressing (J) and (K) buttons and hold them down for at least 2 seconds.
  5. To confirm that calibration is in progress, the LED blinks fast (appr. 5 times/sec) and in the end LED blinks slowly.
  6. The unit is now calibrated, and green LED blinks indicating the set measurement value. This value is now stored in the device memory.
  7. Activate automatic mode by pressing the (H) button. LED for the current measured value (pH) is now steady, and Mini Master, if necessary, will control free chlorine value by the connected dosing instruments:

Forced dosing

The unit can, if necessary, start a limited dosing.

  1. The unit must be in automatic mode (LEDs on continuously).
  2. Press K button and hold it for at least 5 seconds.
  3. Dosing starts and is confirmed by LEDs’ circular frequency (LED 1-7) lights for 2 minutes in case of chlorine and redox, 30 seconds in case of pH.
  4. To interrupt the dosing cycle, press (H) button until the circular frequency stops and the LED begins to blink (standby mode).


The pool measured value is displayed with none of the seven colored LEDs on. Green LED (OK) indicates Mini Master’s calibrated set value.

  • Yellow/red LED shows deviation from the calibrated value according to the table below.


  • At high pH value (LEDs 5–7): Relay R- outlet is activated for dosing acid, pH-lowering chemicals.
  • At high pH value (LEDs 1–3): Relay R+ outlet is activated for dosing chlorine.
  • At using pH-raising agents, it is needed to continuously balance pH value, see section 14: “Changing the system settings” for activating relay outlet R+ at low pH (LEDs 1–3).
**Most common LED signals*** Meaning
Two red LEDs blink at an even rate For too high or too low flow – dosing

shuts off.
LED light is steady.| Automatic mode: Measuring is in progress, dosing mode is activated.
Blinking LED| Standby mode: Measuring is in progress, dosing mode is NOT activated.
Circular LEDs 1–7| Forced dosing is in progress


H On/Off – activating/deactivating dosing function
J Flow – pressed button displays current flow through Mini Master fittings.
J+K Calibration
K Forced dosing – button pressed for 5 seconds activates forced chlorine

dosing for 2 minutes, for 30 seconds – pH

(indicated by circular LEDs). If you need to interrupt the ongoing forced dosing press (H) button.


  • At backwashing the pool sand filters, close the first shut-off valves (L1 and L2) on the prefilter, to and from MiniMaster.

  • Control the flow by pressing (J) button – adjust it to correct values with a set screw (L) in order to start the module.

  • The chlorine and pH reference measurements should be performed 1-2 times a month with digital photometric measurement instruments. Take measured water from the prefilter measured water outlet.
    In case of deviation from the calibrated value – check and balance the water levels (see section 3 “Water chemistry”) and/or clean and calibrate electrodes accordingly.

  • Plug threads and O-rings should be lubricated at least once a year with Silicone grease or the like containing PTFE (petroleum-free grease).

  • Check hoses, connections, and chemical levels regularly.

Should be cleaned regularly (see MA60-06 instruction “Electrodes, operation and maintenance”) at least once a month.

  1. Turn off dosing (on/off H button) – LED blinks.
  2. Turn off water flow by closing ball valves (L1 and L2).
  3. Release (E) bracket folding the modules forward, see Fig 2.
  4. Loosen the electrode BNC connector (see Fig. 5 ) from the controller.
  5. Unscrew electrode and lift it up.
  6. Clean and rinse the electrode. Reinstall the electrode into the module and connect the BNC connector.
  7. Open ball valves (L1 and L2).
  8. Let the water go up through the fittings for one hour in order to stabilize the electrodes.
  9. Perform chlorine and pH reference measurements. Check that the values match the Mini Masters diode display. In case of deviations, balance pH and chlorine to the desired values and recalibrate.
  10. Enable dosing (on/off H button) – LED light’s steady.

Check the prefilter regularly and clean if necessary. Replace the filter cartridge as required.

  1. Turn off dosing (on/off H button) – LED blinks.
  2. Turn off water flow by closing ball valves (L1 and L2).
  3. Unscrew filter cage where the filter cartridge sits.
  4. Replace or rinse clean the filter with plain water. Use a soft brush if necessary.
  5. Reinstall filter. Open ball valves (L1 and L2).
  6. Enable dosing (on/off H button) – LED light’s steady.

Adjustment screws
Adjustment screw (L) and measured water tap (F) should be cleaned as required so that they are not jammed at filling the pool.

  1. Turn off dosing (on/off H button) – LED blinks.
  2. Turn off water flow by closing ball valves (L1 and L2).
  3. Unscrew the adjustment screw, rinse, and dry.
  4. Lubricate the o-ring and plug thread with a silicone grease. Reinstall them. Open ball valves (L1 and L2).
  5. Enable dosing (on/off H button) – LED light’s steady.

Winter storage
At freezing risk, the modules and pre-filter should be drained of water, bottom plugs removed, electrodes removed and put for storage at a warm uniform temperature in its shipping container filled with tap water.

Operation information and troubleshooting

Diode signals



Error type Action
The controller/dosing equipment will not start •   If the controller is being

blocked over a closed circulation pump, the unit will not start
Steady/low flow in fittings| Check/clean prefilter. Check valves and hoses for measured water
Not possible to calibrate the unit.| •   Low/high measured water flow (only chlorine unit)

– check filter/measured water flow.

•   Make sure that the pool remains within recommended water values.

See section 3 “Water chemistry”.

•   Unreasonable measurement values; free chlorine values <0.3ppm resp.


– Check chlorine level with photometric instruments.

•   High cyanuric acid level in the pool water

–  check with photometric instruments Dilute pool water with tap water or increase the set value for free chlorine.

•   Electrode- or connection fault

–  check connections, clean the electrodes or replace them.

See section 16 “Electric diagnostics”.

High and low values during operation

– unstable calibration value.

| •   Too high or too low set flow dosing values. Adjust dosing based on pool volume

and turnaround rates.

•   Check that the water flows evenly through the fittings.

•   Check electrodes and connections condition.

•   Check that there is negative pressure in the measuring cells/fittings, see Section 8 “Start-up”, par. 5.

•   Make sure that the pool remains within recommended water values.

See section 3 “Water chemistry”.

Changing the system settings  Time-Out – exceeded dosing time

Time-Out is factory installed, a built-in security soft function. It sets H a limitation for continuous dosing time when closes dosing and starts the alarm after 90 minutes of uninterrupted dosing. This is done to prevent excessive dosing, which may occur, for example, due to leakage or measurement error. If dosing equipment needs more than 90 minutes of dosing to achieve accurate values, the Time-Out function can be deactivated, see below. NOTE! If Time-Out is disabled for a long time, unlimited amounts of chemicals will be dosed into the pool or leak out into the engine room in case of error. Always check hoses, connections, and chemical levels regularly and make sure Time-Out is activated.

How to check the device settings: (turn off the power, wait for around 3 sec.), turn on the power to the unit. In appr. 2 seconds, the start-up sequence will start again, LEDs ( 1-7 ) will light in a sequence, and set mode will be displayed as LED blinking.

Time-Out activation (only chlorine unit )

  1. Turn off the power to Mini Master.
  2. Turn on power.
  3. Press the H button when LED 1 goes up, and release when LED 2 goes up (every LED blinks 2 times/sec.).
  4. Press H button when LED 6 goes up, and release when LED 7 goes up.
  5. When the start-up sequence is complete, a set mode is confirmed by blinking LEDs (3, 4, and 6).
  6. To activate the Time-Out function again, repeat steps from step 1. When the start-up sequence is complete, a set mode is confirmed by blinking LEDs (3, 4, and 5).

Changing acid or base (pH unit ) dosing settings

The pH dosing function – pH content lowering agents (acid) is factory set in a pH unit. When power is supplied to Mini Master, the start-up sequence begins in appr. 2 seconds, and LEDs 1–7 sequence lights up. You can see the set mode. If you want to increase the pH dosing base, make the following adjustment. NOTE! This applies only to pH units, and pH calibration must be done before the change starts. How to check the device settings: (turn off the power, wait for around 3 sec.), turn on the power to the unit. In appr. 2 seconds, the start-up sequence will start again, LEDs ( 1-7 ) will light in a sequence, and set mode will be displayed as LED blinking.

Conversion to Alcali dosing (only pH unit)

  1. Turn off the power to Mini Master.
  2. Turn on power.
  3. Press the H button when LED 1 goes up, and release when LED 2 goes up (every blink 2 times/sec.).
  4. Press the H button when LED 6 goes up, and release when LED 7 goes up.
  5. When the start-up sequence is complete, a set mode is confirmed by blinking LEDs (2, 4, and 5). While the display is active, press and hold the H button for at least 5 seconds until the LED blinks fast. The setting is now blocked.
  6. To change the acid dosing setting, repeat the steps from step 1. When the start-up sequence is complete, a set mode is confirmed by blinking LEDs (2, 4, and 6) = acid dosing activated.

Electric diagnostics

At troubleshooting in electrodes and calibration.


Reservation for possible misprints. Pahlén AB has the right to make changes in the “MiniMaster” specification or in this manual without notifications. Color deviations may occur due to technical reasons.



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