SPINTSO S1 Pro Referee Watch User Manual

June 5, 2024

SPINTSO S1 Pro Referee Watch


Overview and Abbreviations



The following items are included:

  • Spintso referee watches S1 PRO.
  • USB charging cable.
  • Quick start manual & information sheet.

Peel off
Before using your new watch, please remove the screen protector and the thin transparent plastic film that covers the heart rate sensor.

Press and hold Button A until the bar on the screen rises to maximum. Then release the button. Spintso logo arcs shall appear for a moment and when the clock face appears the watch is ready.


Connect the included charging cable between your watch and a standard USB-A charging port. Make sure the pogo pins on the charging clip align properly to the watch charging interface. If wet, the watch exterior shall be wiped dry before charging.
The watch will briefly light the display and indicate charging when charging power is applied.
Charging time is up to two hours and is complete when the display shows a fully charged battery. Press button A to see current charging status.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-2

Connect to app

SMARTPhone installation
Search for “Spintso watch” on the App Store for iPhone, or on Google Play for Android. Install Spintso App on your phone.

Connect watch
Check that Bluetooth is enabled on your phone and on your watch. Phone: Normally a Blue Bluetooth symbol.
Watch: White flight mode symbol. (Default)
Open the Spintso watch app on your phone and select the “WATCH” tab. Then select “ADD SPINTSO WATCH”. Wait until your Spintso watch appear in the list below and then select S1 PRO. Finally con-firm the new pairing by selection on your watch.
The Spintso App may ask you to update the watch software. If battery status is greater than 50% you can select yes to update.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-

General handling

Screen wake-up
Screen is activated by either pressing button A, or by turning the wrist. The screen fades and deactivates automatically after a configurable time. During fading, the screen can be tapped to keep the screen active.

Change clock-face
Changing clock-face is made when the watch show your current clock-face. Press on the touch-screen until three small dots appear. Swipe to the right or to the left to change between the different clock faces. Select the clock face you prefer by pressing the screen until the three dots disappear.SPINTSO-S1

Navigation from home screen


Swipe down to go to settings.
Return to home screen by swiping up, or by pressing button A

Return to home screen by swiping right/left, or by pressing button A

FunctionsSPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-7 Return to home screen by swiping right, or by pressing button A

Select Power-Off in Settings or press and hold button A for 16 seconds to turn off the watch.

Referee functions

Available referee functions are Referee watch, Interval training watch, Stop- watch, and Activity record. A function is selected by tapping on the applicable bubble.

Referee watch
PRO 1 and Pro 2 are the traditional match clock and works similar to our previous watches. Youth is a new match clock where goals and penalties can be registered. All matches are set individually to prepare for three different kind of matches.

Match settings
Touch the screen to select Match settings. Then select PRO 1, PRO 2 or Youth.
PERIODS: Set between 1 and 9 periods. Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.
PERIOD TIME: Set individual period time between 00:00 and 99:59. (mm:ss). Press button B, or swipe to the left to set the time of the next period. Confirm all period time settings by pressing button A or cancel all period time setting by swiping to the right.
BREAK TIME: Set individual break time between 00:00 and 99:59. (mm:ss).
Press button B, or swipe to the left to set the time of the next break. Confirm all break time settings by pressing button A or cancel all break time settings by swiping to the right.
INDICATION: Select VIBRATION by touching the screen. Set vibration strength between 1 and 5, or off. Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.
START/STOP: This option defines how to start, pause, and restart the match with button A. Select SHORT PRESS, LONG PRESS or DOUBLE PRESS by touching the screen.
SHORT PRESS: Button A activates immediately.
LONG PRESS: Button A activates after being pressed down for 1,5 sec. (Prevents from accidental button press).
DOUBLE PRESS: Button A activates immediately at the second press. (Prevents from accidental button press, but the time is controlled faster compared to LONG PRESS).

Additional Youth Settings
TEAM COLOUR: Select between 11 colours for the home team and guest team. Confirm each team by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.
PENALTY TIME: Set penalty time to between 00:00 and 99:59. (mm:ss). Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.

Touch the screen to select applicable match. PRO 1, PRO 2 or Youth.

Match indications
The watch indicates all events by vibration.
SHORT vibration: 1,0 sec long. Activated at start of period and when enter/exit Youth menu. MEDIUM vibration: 2,0 sec long. Activated when stopping the period time and when Youth penalty time is zero. LONG vibration: 5 sec long. Activated at end of Period and at end of Break time. REMINDER vibration: three vibrations, repeated every 10 sec. Activated after period time is stopped (Paused) during a period.

Match clocks and display indicatorSPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-

Current time: Shows the real-time. 12/24h format is decided by the setting in your phone.
Period time: Shows the remaining period playing time.
Period number (P): Shows the current playing period.
GPS & Battery indicator: GPS ready is indicated by green symbol. GPS not ready is indicated by crossed red symbol. Current battery status is indicated by the degree of fill-out of the battery symbol.
Additional Time (+): Shows for how long the current period have been paused.
Break time (B): Shows the remaining time until the next period shall start. Only visible during break.
Counting-up time (TOT): Shows the continuous time that have passed since the current period started and it continues to count up during break time. When the next period is started, the counting-up time is set to the sum of all previous playing periods and continues to count up.
Penalty counter (PT): Shows the oldest currently active penalty. Maximum number of penalties during a game is nine.
Penalty Timer: Shows the remaining time until a player is allowed back onto the field. If additional penalties are active at the same time, the newer penalty will appear after the old has ended and disappeared.
Team score counter: Shows the number of goals that have been registered for each team. The maxi-mum number of goals is limited to 99.
Team color: Shows the color of the home and guest teams.

Match preparations
Charging: Make sure that your watch has enough battery power to last through the match(es). Note that the watch draws more power than normal during a match due to always-on display and GPS tracking. Preferably make sure that your watch is fully charged at the beginning of the match day.
Set-up: Make sure all match settings are correctly set before the game start. Note that you need to set each period time and break time separately if your game has for example 2 periods/breaks or more.
GPS: GPS needs to be connected if you want your movement to be recorded. If your watch has not been connected to GPS for a long time, the time to connect can belong. 0,5-2 minutes. To make the watch connect to GPS quicker, update the watch with AGPS through the Spintso watch APP and make a brief GPS connection at a convenient time. This can be done up to a couple of hours before the match. Standing in an open area makes connecting to GPS go much faster.
In a city with houses all around, connecting to GPS may take a very long time if connecting for the first time. After GPS have once connected, movement recording in a city works very well.

General match handling
Applicable matches can preferably be selected at warm-up before the match. Then the GPS will have plenty of time to connect, and the watch will be 100% ready when starting the match. (Match can be started even if GPS is not locked).
The following actions are taken after selecting a match (PRO 1, PRO 2 or YOUTH).

  • a. Screen remains always on.
  • b. Touch screen is disabled
  • c. Bluetooth is deactivated
  • d. All notifications and the alarm clock are disabled.
  • e. GPS start try to connect. When GPS has connected the GPS symbol change from red to green.
  • f. Number of playing periods, First playing Period time and first break time is presented.
  • g. All-match clock functions are controlled by button A.
  • h. Vibration feedback for button press and match events are enabled.

Pro 1 / Pro 2 match handling

  • Match is started by pressing button A. How the button activates depends on the Short-press, long press or double-press setting.
    For the PRO match clock, we recommend trying the double-press button activation. It provides both fast and secure control of the match clock.

  • If the match clock is started too early by mistake, you can reset the current playing period. This is done by pressing and holding button A for 6 seconds. After 3 seconds you will receive a blinking message that the period is about to be reset.

  • During playing period, the period time can be paused by pressing on button A. Additional time start to count up, and the watch will vibrate every 10 seconds to remind the referee that the period time is paused. Press on button A again to resume the period time. The additional time then pauses.

  • End of period is indicated by a five-second vibration, and the break time starts to count down.

  • End of break time is indicated by a five-second vibration.

  • Start the new period by pressing button A. The new playing period is always started
    manually, and it can be started before or after the break time have reached zero.

  • To exit the match clock, press and hold button A for 6 seconds. After 3 seconds you will receive a blinking message that you are about to exit the match. You can only exit the match after the match have ended, or after a playing period have been reset.

PRO match example 2×45, Break Time 15
All start/stop/restart actions are made by pressing button A.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-

  • PRO Match is selected. The settings for the match are displayed. The number of match periods, and the time for the first period and the first break.
  • Match is started. The Period time start counting down, and the Total time start to count up. Break time disappears. Period nr. 1 is displayed.
  • Match time is stopped. The Period time is now stopped. Additional Time start to count up. Total time continues counting up.
  • Match time is restarted. The Period Time start to continue count down, and the Additional Time stop counting up. Total time continues counting up.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-12
  • Post end of match. Total time continues counting up. Button A is pressed 6 sec to manually exit the match. “EXIT MATCH” blink the last 3 seconds to inform that you are about to exit the match.
  • Match is finished. The Period time has ended, and the break time remains not visible. Total time continues counting up.
  • 2nd period is started. The Period time start counting down, and the Total time start to count up from 45:00. Break time (00:00) disappears, and Additional time is reset. Period nr. 2 is displayed.
  • Break time between peri-ods automatically starts. The Period time has ended, and the break time has started to count down. Total time continues counting up.

Youth match handling

  • Match is started by pressing button A. How the button activates depends on the Short-press, long press or double-press setting.
    For the Youth match clock, we recommend trying short-press button activation. It provides the most practical control of the match clock, and the Youth event menu.

  • If the match clock is started too early by mistake, you can reset the current playing period. This is done by pressing and holding button A for 6 seconds. After 3 seconds you will receive a blinking message that the period is about to be reset.

  • After the match has started, the Youth event menu can be accessed by pressing down button A. Enter, exit and stepping through the Event menu is confirmed by short indications. Youth menu and options are described separately.

  • End of period is indicated by a five-second vibration, and the break time starts to count down.

  • End of break time is indicated by a five-second vibration.

  • Start the new period by pressing button A and select Kick-off in the youth event menu. The new playing period is always started manually, and it can be started before or after the break time have reached zero.

  • To exit the match clock, press and hold button A for 6 seconds. After 3 seconds you will receive a blinking message that you are about to exit the match. You can only exit the match after the match have ended, or after a playing period have been reset.

Youth event menu
The Youth event menu options are slightly different depending on which stage the match is at.

Menu navigation

  • After the match have started, you can access the menu by pressing button A. The first item in the list is highlighted and ready for activation.
  • Step through the menu by repeatedly pressing button A. The currently selected item is highlighted after release of the button.
  • To activate the highlighted item, press and hold button A for 2 seconds. Release the button after you have received the vibration confirmation.
  • Exit from the menu happens automatically after five seconds if not continuing to press the button. The currently highlighted item is then not activated.
  • The menu is designed for quick activations. If you remember the different menu item positions, you don’t even need to look at the display. For example:
    • Register goal home: Press and release, press and hold, wait for vibration, release.
    • Register goal guest: Press and release twice, press and hold, wait for vibration, release.
    • Pause match: Press and release three times, press and hold, wait for vibration, release.
    • And so on.

Menu items

  • Kick-off: Starts period 2 to 9.
  • Goal Home: One goal is added to the Home goal counter.
  • Goal Guest: One goal is added to the Guest goal counter.
  • Pause match: Period clock and active penalty timers are paused. Vibrations are activated every 10 seconds to remind that the match clock is paused.
  • Cont. match: Period clock and active penalty timers are resumed.
  • Penalty: Penalty count down timer is activated. Additional penalty timers (Maximum nine) can also be activated but are hidden until the oldest timer has reached zero. The watch will vibrate when the penalty timer reaches zero. A penalty time that has not reached zero before the end of a period will be paused and resumed at start of the next period. Each penalty is assigned a unique number (1-9).
  • Undo last: Cancels the latest action. (Goal or Penalty)

Youth match example 3×20, Break Time 10SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-

  • Youth match selected. The settings for the match are displayed. The number of match periods, Penalty time, and the time for the first period and the first break.

  • Match is started by pressing the button. The Period time start counting down. Penalty time and Break time disappear. Period nr. 1 is displayed.

  • Goal Guest is regis-tered.
    Youth quick menu is ac-cessed, and Goal Guest is selected. Kick-off option is hidden and not active. The Period time continue counting down in the background.

  • Watch returns to referee watch. Guest is increased by one. The Period Time continue to count down.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-15

  • Watch return to referee watch. Period Time and Penalty time PT1 has stopped counting down.

  • Match is Paused. Youth quick menu is accessed and Pause Match is selected

  • Watch return to referee watch. Penalty time PT1 start to count down. The Period Time contin-ue to count down.

  • Penalty is registered. Youth quick menu is accessed, and Penalty is selected. The Period time continue counting down in the background.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-16

  • Match is continued. Youth quick menu is accessed, and Cont. Match is selected

  • Watch return to referee watch. Period Time and Penalty time PT1 start to continue counting down.

  • Period beak time start. The Period time has ended, and the break time has automatically started to count down. (Penalty time PT1 was indicated by vibration and removed after reaching 00:00.)

  • 2nd period is started by mistake too early. Period time start count-ing down. Break time disappear. Period nr. 2 is displayed.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-17

  • Match end. Button is pressed >6 sec to man-ually exit the match.
    “EXIT MATCH” blink the last 3 seconds to inform that you are about to exit the match.

  • 2nd period is started. The Period time start counting down. Break time disappear.

  • 2nd period ready. Current Period nr., full period time and the next break time are displayed. Goal scores remain unchanged. Peri-od time is stopped.

  • 2nd period is reset. Button is pressed >6 sec to reset the period. “RESET PERIOD” blink the last 3 seconds to inform that the period is about to be reset.

Interval training watch
The interval training watch feature assists the referee in preparing for the mandatory fitness test. For example: In Sweden div. 4, the football referees run 75 meters and walk 25 meters under 17 seconds / 20 seconds. repeated 44 times.

Interval settings
Select settings on the screen by tapping on the interval settings circle.
PERIODS: Set between 1 and 99 periods. Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.
ACTIVE TRAINING: Set the active training time (Running period) between 00:00 and 99:59. (mm:ss). Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.

ACTIVE RESTING: Set the active resting time (Walking period) between 00:00 and 99:59. (mm:ss). Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.
RESTING TIME: Set the resting time (Time before starting the next training activity) between 00:00 and 99:59. (mm:ss). Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.
INDICATION: Select VIBRATION by touching the screen. Set vibration strength between 1 and 5, or off. Confirm by pressing button A or cancel by swiping to the right.
SCREEN ON: Select always ON or active for 60 seconds. (Wake-up by turning your wrist)
Interval training
Select training on the screen by tapping on the TRAINING circle.
Training indications
The watch indicates all events by vibration. Start of training is indicated by a 1 second vibration
End of active training and resting time period is indicated by a 5 second vibration. Pausing training is indicated by a 2 second vibration Resume of training is indicated by a 1 second vibration.

Interval training displaySPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-

Current time: Shows the real-time. 12/24h format is decided by the setting in your phone.
Training mode: Shows current training mode. Active training, active resting or resting time.
Period number (P): Shows the current training period. Each period consists of one active training and one active resting session.
Training time: Shows the remaining training time for each training session.
Total training time (TOT): Shows the total training time and counts up during training.
GPS & Battery indicator: GPS ready is indicated by green symbol. GPS not ready is indicated by crossed through red symbol. Current battery status is indicated by the degree of fill-out of the battery symbol.
Live health data: Shows the current heart rate, speed, and number of steps.

Interval training display
If you want to have GPS tracking active during the training, select interval training on your watch at least 2 minutes in advance. Then the GPS will have plenty of time to connect. (If the watch has recent-ly been connected to GPS, the connection time is normally less than 30 seconds.)
The following actions are taken after selecting interval training.

  • Touch screen is disabled
  • GPS start try to connect. When GPS is connected the GPS symbol change from red to green.
  • Number of training periods, first training session time and total training time is presented.
  • Start, pause and resume training are controlled by button A.
  • Vibration feedback for button press and training events are enabled.

Start the training by pressing button A.
During training, the interval training clock can be paused and restarted by pressing button A.
To exit the interval training, press and hold button A for 6 seconds. After 3 seconds you will receive a blinking message that you are about to exit the training.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-21

  • Interval training selected. The settings for the training are displayed. The number of training periods, active training time, and the total training time. Watch starts to lock to GPS if applicable. Health functions are activated but show zero.
  • Interval training is started. The active training time start counting down, and the Total training time start to count up. Training period nr. P01 is displayed. Health data is continuously updated and stored in memory.
  • Active resting is started. The Active resting time automatically start counting down, and the Total training time continues to count up.
  • Resting is started. The Resting time automatically start counting down to zero after all training periods have finished.
  • Exit training. Button is pressed >6 sec to exit the training. “EXIT TRAINING” blink the last 3 seconds to inform that training mode is about to end.


SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-23Current time: Shows the real-time. 12/24h format is decided by the setting in your phone.
Stopwatch timer: Show either total time or lap-time.
Lap counter:
Shows either TOT 00 or LAP 01-99. TOT shows the total time and LAP shows the individual lap times.
GPS & Battery indicator: GPS ready is indicated by green symbol. GPS not ready is indicated by crossed through red symbol. Current battery status is indicated by the degree of fill-out of the battery symbol.
Live health data: Shows the current heart rate, speed, and number of steps.

Stopwatch handling
If you want to have GPS tracking active during the training, select the stopwatch on your watch at least 2 minutes in advance. Then the GPS will have plenty of time to connect. (If the watch has recently been connected to GPS, the connection time is normally less than 30 seconds.)
The following actions are taken after selecting interval training.

  • Touch screen is disabled while counting.
  • GPS start try to connect. When GPS is connected the GPS symbol change from red to green.
  • Start, register new lap, and stop training are controlled by button A.
  • Vibration feedback for button press and training events are enabled

Start the stopwatch by pressing button A.
When the stopwatch is running, new laps are registered by pressing button A.
Stopping the time is done by pressing button A for 2 seconds until you receive the second vibration confirmation.
Lap times can only be checked after the time have stopped. This is done by swiping left/right on the screen.
To exit the stopwatch, press and hold button A for 6 seconds. After 3 seconds you will receive a blink-ing message that you are about to exit the training.

Stopwatch exampleSPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-24

  • Stop-watch selected. Stop- watch timer show 00:00:00.00, and Lap counter show TOT 00 Health data is presented.
  • Stop-watch start. Stop-watch time start to count up.
  • Register new lap. Stop-watch timer show the lap time during 5 sec. and Lap counter show LAP 01
  • Stop-watch stop. When button is pressed down the watch first register a new lap and then show the total time.
  • Exit Stop-watch. Button is pressed >6 sec to exit the stop- watch. “EXIT STOP-WATCH” blink the last 3 seconds to inform that Stop-watch mode is about to end.
  • Browsing lap times. Different lap times, and the total time is presented by swiping left/right on the screen.

Activity record

All health data and event logs from the Spintso matches and training are stored in the activity record.

  • Matches have red color and training have a yellow color.

  • The maximum number of stored recordings on the watch is 12. The oldest recording will be removed from the list if the list is full.

  • Swipe up or down to browse between the recordings.
    Tap on the screen to select the activity recording you want to look at.

  • Cancel and go back by swiping to the right or by pressing button A.

The match record includes health statistics for the complete match including breaks, each single period and for all periods together. It also includes an event log that tracks all match events controlled by the watch.
Tap on the screen to select option.

The following health data is recorded.

  • Measuring time
  • Distance
  • Average heart rate
  • Maximum heart rate o Number of steps
  • Calorie burn
  • Average speed.
  • GPS trace. (Only presented in the APP)

Swipe up or down to browse the health data.

Event log
With the event log you can get the exact time and period when an event happened during the match.
In PRO matches you will also get the time of the counting-up timer. In Youth matches you will instead get the period time.
Up to 99 events can be stored in one match. Events that are stored in PRO matches are for example.


Additional events that are stored in YOUTH matches are for example.

  • PENALTY 01, PENALTY 02 …
    Swipe up or down to browse the events.

The training record includes health statistics for the Spintso training programs.
The following health data is recorded.

  • Measuring time
  • Distance
  • Average heart rate
  • Maximum heart rate
  • Number of steps
  • Calorie burn
  • Average speed.
  • GPS trace. (Only presented in the APP)SPINTSO-S1-Pro-Referee-Watch-30


The following training programs are included: Running, Walking, Cycling, Climbing, Treadmill, Spinning, Yoga, Basketball, Football and Badminton.
In sports you can also select “RECORD” to view your health data recordings from earlier training activities.

  • Live health data is presented during training. Swipe the health data area on the screen left and right to browse between different health data.
  • Press button A to paus the training. During paus, you can select to either resume training, or exit the training.

Measures your current heart rate and presents the result on the watch screen.
In the APP you can set how often, and when you would like for the watch to automatically measure your heart rate. These measurements are only presented in the APP. Measuring the heart rate often will improve the statistics, but it will also increase the battery consumption.

Blood Pressure
Measures the current blood pressure and presents this on the watch screen. The result is also synchronized to the APP and stored. Blood Pressure can only be activated manually.

Here you can browse, view, and delete notifications that have been sent to your watch. In the APP you can enable and disable notifications. You can also set exactly which notifications that shall be forwarded.

  • The watch also supports rejecting and accepting incoming calls.

View, enable and disable wake-up alarms.

  • Alarms can only be edited in the APP.
  • Maximum of five alarms can be set. Single or repeating alarms are supported.
  • Alarm that has not been canceled at activation will activate again after 10 minutes.

Alarm that has activated during a Spintso mode match will activate after the match.

Displays the current weather, and also the weather for the next couple of days.

Set the time by tapping the plus/minus symbols. Then press the play symbol to start the timer. When the time reach zero, the alarm goes off. Exit the timer by swiping to the right or by pressing the A button. If the timer is running, tap the stop symbol first.


Screen brightness can be set in five steps

The watch support English plus one extra language. The optional language is selected on the APP. Optional languages when writing this manual are: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

Power off
Option to turn the watch off.

Factory mode
Option to erase all data on the watch and set parameters to default.

Displays the Device name, MAC-address, and firmware version.

Short-cuts from home screen

Swipe Down
Swipe down to access the quick settings. Change a setting by tapping the icon.

Flight mode
Disables Bluetooth.
Turns vibration on/off. This setting does not affect the vibration in the referee functions.
Do not disturb
Disables vibration and notifications. This setting does not affect the wake-up alarm and the vibration in the referee functions.
Screen brightness can be set in five steps
Short-cut to watch settings.

App features

In the APP you can access three tabs. Watch, Home and My Profile.

Watch TAB
In watch tab you can access the following features.
ADD SPINTSO WATCH. Tap to start searching for your Spintso smart watch.
DIAL. Configure your personal dial.
MESSAGE PUSH. Enable/Disable or select which notifications that shall be forwarded to your watch.
INCOMING CALLS. Choose if incoming calls shall show up on the watch
ANTI LOST. Enable/Disable anti list function. The watch vibrate when loosing the Bluetooth connection with your phone.
DO NOT DISTURB. Enable/Disable do not disturb function.
WAKE-UP ALARM. Set up to five alarms that activates on your watch.
SEDINTARINESS. Set the time period and how often sedentariness shall activate on your watch.
UNIT OF MEASURE. Metric or Imperial can be selected.
CHOCK. Selection of the vibration repetition. Not applicable for referee functions.
BACKLIGHT. Option to set for how long the watch screen shall be active after wake-up. Not applicable for referee functions.
TURN THE WRIST. Enable / Disable or set the time for when the watch shall activate the screen when turning the wrist.
CAMERA. Take a picture from your phone when tapping on your watch.
LANGUAGE. Select your preferred language on your watch.
FIRMWARE UPGRADE. If a newer software is available for your watch, it can be updated. Make sure the watch and phone battery is at least 50% before loading new SW.
AGPS UPDATE. Option to have the watch connect to satellites quicker.
DISCONNECT. Disconnects your watch from the phone.SPINTSO-S1-Pro-

Home TAB
In the home tab you receive an overview of all your health data.

  • Daily number of steps, calories burn and distance.
  • Training and match records. The records include for example number of steps, distance, calories burn, medium heart rate, max heart rate distance and GPS trace.
  • Match records includes health statistics in three categories. For the entire match including breaks, only during playing periods, and for each single period. The match records also includes an event log where all events controlled by the watch are displayed.
  • Heart rate. Statistics per day, week and month can be selected.
  • Blood pressure. Note that blood pressure measurements must be initiated manually on the watch. Upload of the measurement to the APP is automatic and statistics can be viewed per day, week or month.
  • Sleep monitoring. Statistics of Deep sleep, light sleep, and awake time during the night. Statistics shows per day, week or month.
  • Weight. Edit and stores your weight.

My profile TAB
In the my profile tab you can edit health goals and change your personal settings.

  • Tap the circle at the top to edit your profile and adding a picture.
  • Select Support or FAQ if you need assistance.
  • Font repair. Only activate if your font is faulty.
  • UI repair. Only activate if the graphics looks faulty on your watch.
  • Settings. Here you can for example select to synchronise your heart rate readings with Google Fit or Apple Health.
  • Permission settings. Here you can set the phone permissions to enable all watch and APP features.
  • About. Displays the current APP version and provides a link to our privacy policy.

Watch Properties S1 PRO

  • Operational time during normal use: 10-15 days.
  • Operational time during match (Always on display and GPS): 5h.
  • Charging time 0-100%: Approx. 2h
  • Weight including armband: 60 grams
  • Watch outer diameter: 50 mm
  • Standard 22mm armband fitting.
  • Display: 240×240 pixels, 1,28-inch touchscreen.
  • Bluetooth: 5.0, Range 8-10m.
  • Built-in GPS.
  • Climatic environment: IP65
  • Complies with the following standards/directives: CE, RoHS, UKCA, FCC and Giteki.

Warranty & contact

Product warranty: 2-year limited warranty counting from end customer initial purchase date.
SPINTSO AB, Artillerigatan 42 114 45 Stockholm Sweden E-mail: info@spintso.se, Phone: +46 (0) 243 190 90, Web: www.spintso.com.

Health data measurements
Please note that the watch readings of the health sensors shall not be used for any medi-cal purpose. The thin protective plastic film on the heart-rate sensor shall be removed before making measurements.

All qualification markings can be found on the back side of the watch.

EU Compliance
The EU declaration of conformity can be provid-ed on request. Please e-mail info@spintso.com

European Union, Disposal information
After this product has reached end of life, it shall be taken cared of properly. Please dispose the product to the recycling facility assigned by your authorities.

UK Declaration of Conformity can be provided on request. Please e-mail info@spintso.com

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. FCC ID: 2AKUO-S1PRO

Giteki (Japan)
Certificate of compliance can be provided on request. Please e-mail info@spintso.com Certi-fication id number: R 210-169490

Spintso general terms and conditions can be found at https://www.spintso.com /general-terms-and-conditions


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